Where Romanov lived. Palace Embankment Palace Embankment Story

Palace Embankment - almost the same rove in St. Petersburg. In 1705, at the then still marsh river banks built a house of one of the creators of the Army Fleet, Admiral General Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin. Later, Anna Ioannovna was settled in this house. As the embankment itself, originally called the top, the mansion was wooden. On him, during the active development period, the so-called "red line" was determined for the street.

In 1712, the wedding chambers of Peter I were erected, nearby the houses of the emperor were gradually grew nearby. Four years later, the personal residence of the king was erected here - Winter Palace Peter (today preserved only partially and is located in the building of the Hermitage Theater). And in 1710-1714 in the summer garden, the construction of the same name Palace on the project Domenico Trezini, the founder of the European school in domestic architecture was taken. This building came to us in almost unchanged and now is a branch of the Russian Museum.

The central quarters gradually turned into the kingdom of "Stone Chambers", but only in the middle of the XVIII century, when the river was installed in the shallow water of the river and additionally strengthened the land of the land, the construction of an updated embankment was possible. It was with the Palace that the history of the stone streets of the city began, it was the first to be ridiculed into granite slabs in accordance with the design of the architect Yuri Felten. At the same time, the first moor ladders appeared. After the construction of the Winter Palace on the project Bartolomeo Rastrelli behind the embankment, its modern name was secured.

However, half a century later appearance The streets were not at all the parade - piles of building materials, intended for the construction of the General Staff, were piled between the barns and the sheds. By order of Nicholas I, another architect with Italian roots, Karl Rossi, developed a reconstruction project. The descent to the Neva was decorated with bronze sculptures of lions and vases from polished Porphira. The latter became a gift to the Russian emperor from King Sweden Charles XIV. In 1873, both were transferred to the Admiralty embankment, where there are still.

Since its inception, the street was different names: cash or stone line, upper or millions of embankment, the embankment of the Ninthian January. Since 1944, the name of the Palace Embankment was officially enshrined.

Attractions Palace Embankment

Palace embankment included in the list Cultural heritage Russian Federation. Due to the fact that the building continued not one decade continued, it is impossible to say that the buildings that stand here are made in a single architectural style, each era had its own dominant. Initially, the tone was asked in the spirit of Petrovsky Baroque Summer and Winter Residences of the First Russian Emperor. Then came the turn of the monumental rococo. The heritage of these styles guests can be seen in the facades of the Winter Palace and Great Hermitage. But in the original form, most of the monuments of the XVIII century were not preserved and were either completely demolished, like a wooden opera house, on the site of which the Betsky mansion is now located, or significantly redone in the following years, as the Palace of Cantemir, the efforts of several architects turned into the House of Gromov.

But there are many samples of classicism on the palace embankment and today there are still a lot of: the Hermitage Theater, the Winter Palace of Peter I, the Marble Palace is the first St. Petersburg building, fully lined with natural stone, Saltykov's house with partially preserved interiors, already mentioned above the Betsky House, small Hermitage.

The Gromova Mansion and the Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace represent architectural eclectics, since with numerous alterations initiated by the heirs or new owners, architects largely retained the features of the initial buildings. A separate line is worth mentioning the former palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, where the house of scientists is now located. He in the second half XIX century He was designed by the first chairman of the St. Petersburg Society of Architects Alexander Rezanov in the style of Florentine Palazzo.

Interestingly, with all the inhomogeneity of the buildings, the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg looks harmonious and architecturally holistic.

How to get

On the palace embankment there are marigions for motorboats. Nearby are stopped on the route several buses and trolley buses. The nearest metro station is Admiralteyskaya, but during the warm season will not be difficult to walk from the Stations "Nevsky Prospect" and "Seating Yard".

Photo 07.21.2011:

Photo May 2015:

Palace embankment - One of the most famous streets. Stretches along the left bank of the Neva River from before. It is a continuation, and after it begins.

On the Palace Embankment there are many architectural monuments and attractions:

  • house number 2 - Palace of Prince Oldenburg
  • house number 4 - Count Saltykov House
  • house number 8 - Kantemir Palace
  • house number 10 - Gagarin Mansion
  • house number 12 - Saltykova House
  • house number 16 - Ushakov Mansion
  • house number 18 - Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace
  • house number 20 - House Moshkov
  • house number 22 - Mansion Chertkova
  • house number 24 - Trofimova Mansion
  • house №26 - Palace of Grand Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • house №28 - Spare House of the Palace of the Grand Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Upper Lebiagia Most.
  • Sculpture "First Horseman"
  • Monument to Emperor Alexander III

Palace embankment (According to the materials of the book "St. Petersburg and suburbs: a guide to cultural and historical monuments / Yu.G. Ivanov, O.Yu. Ivanova, R.A. Halhatov. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2010. - 336 C.: IL. - ( Memorial places Russia) "):

In 1763, after the end of the construction of the next, the creation of a granite embankment began. For four years, under the leadership of Master T. Nonosov, the palace was posted from the granite blocks of capital (now Palace) embankment with a length of 1.6 km. Over the retaining wall set with a minor bias, the rounded cornice of the sidewalk slightly hangs. Parapet is made of massive blocks with rounded edges. Rhythmically repeated seven semicircular stairs, Hermitagous equestrian descent, as well as humpback stone bridges through the origins of the Red Channel, and the Fontanka completed the creation of architectural and artistic appearance of the city's promenade. The palace embankment stretching on the left bank of the Neva, the palace embankment stood without overhaul for almost two centuries and served as a model to create other St. Petersburg embankments.

The appearance of the embankment form outstanding in its artistic meaning of the building, and as well as former palaces And mansions for nobility. From here there is a wonderful view of the wide open spaces of the Neva, and.

Palace embankment (According to the book "Historical Quarters of St. Petersburg / A.G. Vladimirovich, A.D. Erofeev. - M.: AST, 2014. - 544 s."):

This name is familiar and expensive to every St. Petersburg. Today it is even difficult to imagine that the embankment could wear any other names except. Meanwhile, it first appeared in 1776, when there was already current, the architectural miracle Francesco Bartolomeo (or, as he was called in Russian, Bartholomew Varfolomeyevich) Rastrelli.

Initially, since 1737, the embankment was called cash line, which was characteristic of the front, facial streets of the city. On April 20, 1738, Empress Anna John on the proposal of the commission about the St. Petersburg structure assigns it the name of the upper embankment street. It was due to the fact that the street was higher in the course of the Neva relative to the bottom embankment of the street (modern).

The name was used until the middle of the XVIII century. In parallel, there were options: the upper embankment line, the embankment of the top stone line, the upper embankment of the River River Line, the Nesu River Navel line is either just the embankment line, the Embankment Street, Nevskaya Embankment or the Upper Quay.

But this is not all names. In the second half of the XVIII century, the definition of "Millionna" was glued to the embankment - by parallel to it. Accordingly, the embankment was a millpopian embankment, a millionth embankment of a line, a million or large millionth embankment. The last two options were used in parallel with the palace embankment until the middle of the 1790s.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the embankment called a large and large palace, and the name of the Palace Embankment was used until 1822. After that, the embankment finally secured the current name. For 101 year. For on October 6, 1923, she was renamed in the embankment of the Ninthian January (1905). And the year was taken to the brackets, so it was often descended when using this name.

Palace embankment on wikisklad

The embankment houses the buildings of the State Hermitage, the Russian Museum, etc.

Communication with the City Street Room

Main highways


Water communications


Ground public transport Only crosses the embankment without passing through it itself.

On the embankment there are pier serving water species Transportation:

Public transport crossing the embankment:

  • Stop "Palace Embankment" At the palace bridge:
  • Stop "Suvorov Square" At Trinity Bridge:

Construction history

Formation of coastline

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the swampy coast of the Neva has not yet been reinforced, the building was carried out in the depths of the plots, thus the embankment took place in about the middle of the quarter between the current millionth street and the modern embankment of the Neva and was called Upper Quay. However, in 1716, it is shifted to the north due to expansion of land plots: beat piles According to the shallow water of the river and arranged a new existing and now the embankment.

In April 1707, a decree was issued, strictly regulated the discharge of development sites, depending on the official and property position of the petitioners. The same decree established the size of land plots. All of them are a narrow side (from 5 to 12 sages) went ashore of the Neva and were intended only for persons relevant to the Admiralty department.

Architectural ensemble

Stone Parapedes

In 1761, Ekaterina II are born ambitious ambitious ideas of the capital renewal. The tasks of the city planning order began to advance, the Commission on the Stone Structure of St. Petersburg and Moscow is established, the chief architect of which Yuri Felten became established. Among the first measures to transform Petersburg and there was a replacement of a wooden embankment of the Neva by a stone parapet with marinas stairs. In July 1762, a decree followed:

The decisive role in the implementation of this plan belonged to Felten. Working work on the construction of granite embankment continued until 1780. Right soil strengthened piahnoy Boykoyu, places made the ground. Fit stairs were supposed to make straight ledge, but in the final version they acquired oval outlines. " All over the coast and marins, although the balustrade was appointed with iron lattices, but ... for strength made of sea darning panels" From the same stone laid out " a pedestrian». « From this pedestrian to homes from under old road The weak land is removed, and instead of a real depth, the foundation and particular power facilities are fixed" Along the entire embankment, lights were placed on metal pillars. Then the old winter palace has a stone " bridge with arch and balustrad " The bridge over the fountain was conceived only at the coast, and in the middle of a wooden, with a lifting device, but for the sake of strength to be built " all stone with arches", The one that has survived to the present day.


Famous residents

  • Representatives of the rustic dynasty of the Romanovs - the Summer Palace of Peter I, the Winter Palace of Peter I, the Winter Palace, Grand-Room Palaces.
  • I. I. Bezzka - House 2
  • I. A. Krylov (1791-1796) - House 2
  • Prince Peter Oldenburg - House 2
  • C. Yu. Witte - House 30
  • Tarla, Evgeny Viktorovich (01.1933 - 1955) - house 30, square. four
  • Jacomo Kurengy - House 32
  • Joseph Orbelli - House 32
  • K. E. Makovsky - House 30 (House of F. Mengden)

For the main part of the Alexandrovsk column (granite monolith weighing 600 tons), mined in the 1830-1832 in the Puterlak quarry was used a special pier on the palace embankment. Transportation issues were engaged in a ship engineer Colonel Glasin, who designed and built a special bot, called "Saint Nicholas", with a lifting capacity of up to 1100 tons. To perform unloading works, a special marina was built. The unloading was made on a wooden platform at the end of the mole, which coincided in height with a board of the vessel. He headed the work on the extraction and delivery of the contractor, the merchant son V. A. Yakovlev, who was responsible in the entire part of the operation from the beginning to the moment of unloading monolith ashore.

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  • Gorbachevich K. S., Hablo E. P. Why are so named? On the origin of the titles of streets, squares, islands, rivers and bridges of Leningrad. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - L.: Lenazdat, 1985. - P. 106-107. - 511 p.
  • Gorbachevich K. S., Hablo E. P. Why are so named? On the origin of the titles of streets, squares, islands, rivers and bridges of St. Petersburg. - 4th ed., Pererab. - St. Petersburg. : Norint, 1996. - P. 71-72. - 359 p. - ISBN 5-7711-0002-1.
  • City names today and yesterday: Petersburg toponymics / Sost. S. V. Alekseeva, A. G. Vladimirovich, A. D. Erofeev, etc. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - St. Petersburg. : Lick, 1997. - P. 40. - 288 p. - (Three centuries of Northern Palmyra). - ISBN 5-86038-023-2.

The palace embankment was originally called the upper embankment. It was built in the depths of the plots, because at the beginning of the XVIII century, the swampy banks of the Neva had not yet been strengthened. She passed in the middle of the quarter between the Millionnaya Street and the Embankment Neva. In connection with the expansion of land plots, already in 1716, she was shifted to the north. In the shallow water of the river broke the pile and arranged the embankment reached to this day.
In April 1707, the decree comes out, according to which the strict regulation of the removal of land plots begins. The first priority was the service and property position of the petitioners. In the same decree, the size of land plots was established. The narrow side of each put on the side of the banks of the Neva. Separations were intended only to persons relevant to the Admiralty Office.
Building a modern palace embankment. That on the left bank of the Neva, began from the first years of the existence of St. Petersburg. In 1705, the first house appeared here, which belonged to General Admiral F.M. Apraksin, in 1707 rebuilt Kikina Chambers. Already by the mid 1710s, work was carried out to strengthen coastline Neva on the plot of palace embankment. The shores were strengthened with wooden walls, pier appeared along the embankment. Thus, it was possible to move away the river bed at least eighty meters. In the thirties of the XVIII century, a winter house for Empress Anna Johnna was built instead of Apraksin's house. From the second half of the XVIII century, the embankment is called millions.
To the sixties, the millionth embankment was changed into granite, semicircular descents appeared here. But since the construction work of the architect Ignatio Rossi was performed poorly, later the embankment had to rebuild on the project Yu.M. Felten. As a result, the coast of the Neva "moved away" by another twenty-meter.
The embankment was the postal courtyard (on the site of modern Marble Palace) Because of which it was often called postal. In the sixties of the XVIII century, the Hermitage Bridge and the Upper-Swan Bridge, which connected the palace embankment with the Cutuzov embankment.
By the end of the XVIII century, a mass of interesting buildings appears on the territory of the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg. These are the Hermitage buildings, and the Hermitage Theater, and the Marble Palace, and the Saltykov House, and many others. In the 19th century, the Palaces of Novo-Mikhailovsky and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, the official corps of the Marmara Palace were built here.
After 1917, the embankment became the embankment of January 9th.
The Palace Embankment connects to the Vasilyevsky Island by the recruiting palace bridge, which appeared here at the beginning of the 20th century. The embankment with the Petrograd side is connected by the Trinity Bridge, erected here at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries.

- "Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg". "Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg." Colored lithography F. Perso. 1841. Palace embankment (until the end of the XVIII century. Upper embankment, the first upper embankment, in 1923-44 the embankment of the ninth of January), ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

Palace embankment - (until the end of the XVIII century. Upper embankment, the first upper embankment, in 1923 44 the embankment of the Ninth and January), on the left bank of the Neva, between Kutuzov and Admiralteskaya Naberezhnye, crosses the Suvorov Square, connected by the palace bridge with ... ...

Palace Embankment (St. Petersburg) - Coordinates: 59 ° 56'29.45 "p. sh. 30 ° 18'48.26 "in. d. / 59.941514 ° C. sh. 30.31340 ... Wikipedia

Embankment River Fontanka - St. Petersburg general information Central City district, Admiraltesky ... Wikipedia

Palace Square (St. Petersburg) - Palace Square St. Petersburg General information City district Central former names Big meadow, pl. Uritsky Needle Metro Station "Nevsky Prospect" View of the square. Palace ... Wikipedia

Palace Square - (in 1923 44 Square Uritsky, in honor of M. S. Uritsky), between the Admiralty Avenue and Halturin Street. Central Square of Leningrad, a place of demonstrations, solemn parades, rallies. Buildings, drawing up D. p., Make up ... ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

Palace Square (Values) - Palace Square: Palace Square main Square In St. Petersburg, Palace Square (Peterhof) Palace Square (Berlin) Palace Square (Kazan) See also Palace Street Palace Embankment Palace Travel ... Wikipedia

Palace Square - Palace Square is the main front door St. Petersburg, one of the most wonderful architectural ensembles World. In its creation, visible representatives of Russian architecture took part. Here in 1754 1762 for the project ... ... Why are so named?

Palace Square - This term has other meanings, see Palace Square (Values). Coordinates: 59 ° 56'21 "p. sh. 30 ° 18'57 "in. d. / 59.939167 ° С. sh. 30.315833 ° C. ... Wikipedia

Embankment Roshal - Admiralty Embankment General information District of the city Admiralteysky former names of Roshal's embankment The length of 414 m "View of the Neva from the Winter Palace." A. K. Beggrov, 1881 ... Wikipedia


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