Tirana. Reborn capital of Albania

I was a little surprised when I saw that nature Albania quite a bit different from our latitudes. Perhaps it differs only by palm trees that are sometimes found here. In the country, a rather small percentage of people speak English, because of this, it sometimes arise difficulties. The biggest advantage Albania There are prices, here you can have a good lunch for a relatively small amount.

Location Albania

Albania is located in the western part Balkan Peninsulain the spiring Otranto. Capital - Tirana. Straight western neighbor Albania, Italy, is about 80 km. Most of Albania has Mountain terrain. About three quarters of its territory consists of mountains and hills with a height of more than 200 meters above sea level, the rest consists of coastal and alluvial plains. North Albanian Alps Enclose the northern part of the country. With vertices reaching 2700 meters, this is the highest point of the country. In Albania many lakes, most important of which are the lake Scuntaries (known in Albania as Lake Shkoder) in northwest and lake Ohrid and Presslocated along the eastern border. The longest river in Albania - Drin (about 280 km). Other main rivers:

  • Sem;
  • Schukombini;
  • Viosa.

Albania It has one of the most homogeneous populations in Europe. The largest minorities are whane (Roma), Greeks focused mainly in the south-east, and Macedonians living along the Eastern Border.

The coastline is a great place to relax, with her clean, turquoise seas and numerous towns, such as Xamile, Verra and Sarandawhich is in the southernmost Albania. Please note that the coastline extending to the north of the Wear to the Montenegrin border, flat and contains many sandy beaches. This is a center of mass tourism in Albania. You can also visit sea cities such as Shengjin and Durres.

South of the Verra settled Albanian Rivierawhich consists of rocky or gravel shores with impressive turquoise waters. In the area, mostly villages and family hotels are located.

Llogara Pass - This is a mountain pass located at the beginning of Riviera, not far from national Park Llogara.From which a stunning view of the Riviera is located on top - a great place for photos.

For those who are interested in world history, historical tours around the cities Byrinti, Gyro, Berat, will not leave you disappointed.

Republic of Albania REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA) - A small state, which is located in the southeastern part of Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula is washed by the waters of the Ionical and Adriatic Seas. The neighbors in the northeast are Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo, in the south-east - Greece, and is separated from Italy in the west of the Strait of Otranto. The relief is mostly mountains and hills that alternate with deep valleys. There are several lakes in the country. By occupied area Albania Located in 139th place in the world. The independence of the country was proclaimed on November 28, 1912. During the first half of the twentieth century Albania Constantly was in the occupation. A completely free state was after the completion of World War II.

Republic of Albania

1. Capital

The most populated city of the country, the largest political and economic center. Located at the foot of the Mountain Diti, the cable car maintains here and there is one national parks immediately Albania. Diti is one of the most popular and favorite locations in the townspeople, in which they spend the weekend with the whole family.

was founded by Turks in 1613 and was called Tehoreran, and in 1920 she became capital of Albania. Population Tirana It is about 380 thousand people. The country has been isolated enough long period, but now you can visit this wonderful city without any problems and find out his story.

2. Flag

The flag of Albania shows:

Red cloth and double-headed black eagle in the center of the flag.

The value and a little story of the flag of Albania:

National flag of Albania He was adopted on April 7, 1992, and the coat of arms was inflicted on him on May 22, 1993. The red flag symbolizes the blood of Albanian patriots, which was spilled in the fight against Turkish invaders. According to one of the versions, the two-headed eagle in the center of the flag is the origin of Albanians, as the descendants of the eagle, on the other, the eagle was borrowed from the coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire. Double-headed black eagle on a red background was a banner of the struggle against the Turks.

3. Coat of arms

Coat of arms of Albania Presents an image black double-headed eagle Located by shield red Over which the Skanderbeg helmet is depicted. George Skandardbeg, whose helmet is located on herbe Albaniais the national hero Albania. Skandardbeg struggled for union and independence Albaniaand reflected the invasions of the Turks.

4. Hymn.

listen to Anthem Albania
watch and listen anthem Albania

5. Currency

Albania currency. State currency Albania is an - Albanian Lek (currency sign - L., bank code: All.) . Name Lek. Comes from abbreviations by Alexander the Great (Alb. Leka i Madh). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bill is quite interesting and sympathetic. In circulation there are banknotes with a par 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 league of different execution (you can meet the banknotes of three different issues that are based on appearance), and coins in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 league. Albanian Lek Consists of 100 kinders.

Course Albanian Lekato ruble or other any currency can be viewed on the currency converter:

Albanian Lekit has such an appearance:

Albania coins

Banknotes Albania

6. 10 largest cities of Albania:

  1. Tirana (Capital)
  2. Elbasan
  3. Durres
  4. Shkoder.
  5. VLOO
  6. Korch
  7. Fiuri
  8. Kuchow
  9. Saranda
  10. Berat

7. Geography

Albania Square: 28,748 km 2, one of the smallest countries in Europe.

Albania Located in the West of the Balkan Peninsula. In the south-east and south bordered by Greece (the length of the common border - 282 km), in the east - with Macedonia (151 km.), In the north and northwest - with Kosovo (115 km.) And Montenegro (172 km.) . Washed by the waters of the Adriatic and Ionian seas (coastline - 362 km.). Strait of Otranto, 75 km width., Dresses Albania from Italy.

Geography of Albania It is characterized by two large regions: the region where the mountains and highlands dominate (North, East, and South) dominate, this region is 70% of the country's total territory; and the western region where coastal lowland and plains dominate, in these regions there are almost all the agricultural land of the country, and is the most populated part Albania. More than a third of the territory Albania It is covered with forests and swamps, meadows occupy another third, and only one fifth used for agricultural land.

8. How to get to Albania?

9. What to see what

The main attraction of Albania It is its climate and natural conditions. Albania I collected a lot of exciting natural objects that manyat travelers - the country's landscape is rich in rocky peaks and picturesque mountains, dense forest, beautiful beaches, washed by the azure-blue water of the Adriatic.

In addition to the beaches of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Albania It has at its disposal a lot of historical attractions. Within the territory of Albania Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empire left their mark. And many artifacts of those distant times are very well preserved and can be visited today.

And as not strange, but Albania Together with its sights practically not studied by foreign tourists.

But small list of attractionson which attention should be paid when drawing up an excursion plan for Albania:

  • Amphitheater Durres
  • Big Park
  • Great Mosque
  • Byzantine Forum and Rotonda Durres
  • Resurrection Cathedral
  • Mount Dite
  • Ancient Apollonia
  • Durres Castle and Venetian Tower
  • Tirana Castle
  • Historical Museum in the city of Vlaire
  • Rosaf Fortress
  • Mosque of the GyroStra
  • Mosque Muradie
  • Mons Bridge
  • Museum of medieval art
  • Museum-Reserve Byrint
  • National Marine Park "Karaburun-Sazan"
  • Ruins of synagogues
  • Lead Mosque
  • Citadel and Weapon Museum

10. And what is the weather here?

Climate Albania. Most of the territory Albania Located in the subtropical climatic zone, Mediterranean climate, moderate. Characteristic feature climate Albania The coastal zone is dry and hot summer and soft warm winter. The average temperature B. the capital of Albania Tirana In mid-July - 25 ° C, in August, hotter - from 17 ° C to 31 ° C. In winter, the temperature varies from + 2 ° C to + 25 ° C. Mountain areas of the country are inherent continental climate. In the north of winter, very cold and snowy, and in summer a large amount of precipitation falls. Resort season in Albania It lasts from May to September, sometimes it can last another month.

11. Population

Albania's population. Albania - One of the most unclosed European countries. Population make up 2.89 million person. Albanians make up 95% of the country's total population. In addition to them, about 50 thousand Greeks (3%), 20 thousand Macedonians, 8 thousand Chernogort residents, as well as representatives of other nations - Bulgarians, Serbs, Tsygan, and others live in the country.

What do you need to dress?

What kind of clothes need to capture with you going in Albania? When choosing clothes for Trips to AlbaniaAt all should not be focused on the erroneous opinion that because of religious features, it is forbidden to wear some types of clothing in the country. There is a similar tendency, however, it does not apply to tourists, therefore take clothes and shoes familiar to you and do not bother about the choice of the outfit. For hiking excursions it will be the most convenient shoes, warm things will not be superfluous in the evening, windbreaker and umbrella will help from bad weather. A compact set of clothing for the season will not depend on the weather whims.

12. What about to eat?

National cuisine Albania. Due to its location and neighborhood with a large number of countries albanian national cuisine I learned about the truly diverse and tasty. Also a significant impact on the kitchen was rendered without a small 4th century Ottoman domination. Great popularity in national Kitchen Albania Seafood dishes are used, for example, to say sea bass with tomatoes, which inherited from the ancient Roman and Greek chefs. In local restaurants you can enjoy brodetto from crabs or various types risotto.

To prepare a large number of dishes albanian cuisine Use boiled and canned corn. Corn flour is the basis of the national dish. The restaurants serve many dishes from both fresh and stewed vegetables. From dairy products Popular sheep milk. Sheep in highlands Albania Divided a long time ago. Milk is part of many dishes, it prepares many varieties of cheese.

Popularity among drinks Albanian cuisine won " bosua"- Sweet drink based on sugar, water, corn and wheat flour, and cold drink" tarator»Based on kefir, cucumbers and olive oil.

13. Shopaholikov note

Rumors that in Albania Lovers Shopping Will be bored. However, this is not the case, there are many branded shops and outlets in which you can buy exclusive goods much cheaper than in the main capitals of fashion. And all thanks to the "neighbor" - Italy. A large number of sewing factories and production is located in the cities Albaniawho label their belongings "Made in Italy".

Albania One of the few countries in which it is very profitable to make purchases. And the country is known for its wonderful masters, which manually manufacture stunning decor items from different materials (wood, wool, bone, etc.). In any corner of the republic, you will find many souvenir shops with exclusive goods: statuette, silks, yarn or dishes.

14. Rules of approximate behavior

Features of behavior in Albania. In public places try to do without outfits that contain shorts, open dresses or short skirts. And remember that in Albania Kivok head denotes NOT, and winding head from side to side - YES.

15. Holidays

National holidays and non-working days in Albania:
  • 1 - 2 January - New Year
  • January 7 - Orthodox Christmas
  • january - February - Great Bayram
  • January 11 - Day of the Republic of Albania
  • one day in March - Kurban Bayram
  • april - Good Friday and Easter
  • May 1 - Labor holiday (Labor Day)
  • October 19 - Mother Teresa Day
  • November - Small Bayram
  • November 28 - Flag Day Albania
  • November 29 - the Day of Liberation Albania
  • December 25 - Christmas

16. Flora and Fauna

Nature Albania - One of the most colorful and varied in Europe. It is characterized by a mountain relief, a thick forest, high rocky peaks, the picturesque coasts are washed by the Adriatic and Ionian Sea, which can compete with the best European Mediterranean resorts.

Vegetable world. In mountainous areas Albania Geological conditions are unfavorable for the formation of fertile soils. Soil and ground masses, demolished from mountains, create malfavorable conditions for agriculture. Low hills are mainly covered by the thickets of xerophytic shrubs - McWis. They gradually replace with deciduous forests, in which oaks are dominated in the middle yarus of the mountains. Among other trees are common birch, chestnut and pine.

Animal world. In Albania Many wild animals have survived, but they are concentrated in places of plateau and mountains, where in sufficient amounts of surface waters. Such predators like brown bears, wolves, jakery, lynx, forest cats, and ternary, like wild boar, roar and deer, at one time encountered throughout the country, are currently pushed into more hard-to-reach mountain areas. In the lowlands dwells a lot of wild birds, such as pelicans and herons. Among the reptiles there are a lot of snakes, tags, viper, lizards, and can also be stumbled upon gecko and turtles.

Albania It has at its disposal 6 national parks, 24 nature reserves and monuments of nature.

17. Religion

  • Muslim Sunni (70%)
  • christians:
  • greek Orthodox Church - 20%
  • catholics - 10%
  • and representatives of other denominations.

Albania - The only European country that has a Muslim majority.

18. Medicine

Medicine Albania. The level of medicine in the country is significantly inferior, compared with its European "neighbors". Health care is poorly developed, in many parts of the country there is a constant shortage of medical preparations, the level of training of local doctors can be characterized as low, the existing medical equipment is very outdated or failed.

Official medicine in Albania For the entire population of the country - free. For guests and arriving in the middle of tourists, only the first medical care is free, for all other services rendered will be charged. Paid medicine in Albania Stably gains momentum, but Albania has taken a course of a radical restructuring of health care.

19. "Dangerous for life"

Dangerwho may clutch you in Albania:

Albania - pretty Calm country, and stay in it does not require special security measures. In crowded places and follow the bag and wallet. In general, Albanian society is quite conservative: respect the opinion of the older generation and try not to enter into a dispute on the themes of religion or politics. Flowing water is not hazardous to health, but drinking still recommend bottled.

So there are not many dangers in this country, but here are some of them:

  • the gathering of landslides
  • gathering stonepads
  • wild animals

20. Souvenirs

Here is a small list the most common souvenirwhich tourists usually bring from Albania:

  • wine glasses with plates, magnets, crafts with the image of the coat of arms
  • crafts from marble or decorative plates
  • silverware
  • bunker-shaped ashtray
  • wooden kitchen utensils
  • albanian National Clothing
  • carpets
  • lighters and red flags depicting the national coat of arms of the country
  • the famous beer Korch
  • cognac Skedenberg.
  • local vodka - Rakia
  • spices and olives

21. "Nor nailing rod" or customs regulations

Duty to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams are allowed to import to Albania. tobacco, up to 1 l. Strong alcoholic beverages and up to 2 liters. Wines, up to 250 ml. toilet water and up to 50 ml. perfume. Import and exports of the local currency are prohibited. Import of foreign currency is not limited, exports are permitted within $ 5 thousand.

Strictly-setting is prohibited by the import of firearms and ammunition, pornographic materials and drugs. Special permission is necessary for the export of precious metals, antiques, national costumes that have artistic value, historical books and works of art. Export of antiquities, including stones from archaeological excavations, is prohibited.

22. Language

Albanian language in Albania is the official language.

And what about sockets?

Voltage in the electrical network Albania: 220 Volt, frequency 50 Hz. Outlet Type: Type C, type F

23. Phone Code Albania:

Code of the country: +355
Geographical domain name of the first level: .al

Dear reader! If you were in this country or you have something to tell interesting about Albania . Write! After all, your lines can be useful and educational for visitors of our site. "On the planet step by step"and for all lovers travel.

The capital of Albania - Tirana. The state of Albania, with a total area of \u200b\u200b28.74 thousand sq. Km, is located in the Western, washed by the Adriatic and Ionic seas, parts of the Balkan Peninsula. It has 36 districts. Roads in the east of its borders with Macedonia, in the south - with Greece, and in the north - with Croatia and Serbia.

Population of Albania

The population of the country is 3.3 million. Basic - longing and geags (96%), Greeks (3%), Macedonians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Gypsies, Chernogores.

Nature Albania

Nature here is a picturesque, Mediterranean, so Albania is famous for its golden beaches and mountain slopes with brown vegetation.

Climatically, Albania conditions

The climate in Albania is subtropical, which means that there is a cool winter with high humidity and dry summer with consistently high temperatures. Among the tourists, Albania is popular in summer, but even at any other period, rest here is comfortable.

Albania language

The language is represented by two major dialects of Albanian - Gegyi and Tosksky.

Kitchen Albania

The kitchen is characterized by mixing the culinary traditions of the East and the West, since both geographically and historically, Albania is at the junction of cultures, absorbing the national preferences of their neighbors. In general, these are familiar products, spices and dishes for Europeans.

Religion Albania

Albania is the only European country in which the majority make up the Muslim population (70%), mainly the Sunnis. Representatives of the Greek-Orthodox Church here about 20%, Catholics - about 10%.

Social and political system of Albania

At the head of the Democratic Republic of Albania is the president. The government submits the Prime Minister. The main state legislative body is a unicameral national assembly.

Economy Albania

The main population of the country is occupied in the agricultural industry. Chemical, oil, woodworking, mining industry are actively developing. Albania has something to offer tourists, so the development of this sphere is in every way state.

National currency Albania

The monetary unit of Albania - Lek (has an ALL code).

Holidays Albania

In Albania, holidays are not fundamentally different from the generally accepted secular European and religious Muslim holidays. Among the state is interested in the day of the teacher, who Albanians celebrate on March 7. It is not so much a tribute to the profession, how much is accepted in honor of the commemoration of the opening in 1887 the first school in which the study was conducted at the National Albanian language. Independence Day on November 28 smoothly flows on the day of liberation on November 29. Historical events themselves, in honor of which holidays are accepted, shares almost 80 years.

The main resorts of Albania

The most popular resorts of the country and there are its main historical pearls, replete with amazing monuments of antiquity. Tirana, Apollonia, Berad, Byrinti, Vlör, Gyrocera, Durres, Corca, Kuza, Borders, Saranders, Shkoder are located on the list of resorts, especially those visited by tourists. They are loved by many not only thanks to the wonderful Mediterranean climate. Here guests are provided with the most comfortable conditions for cognitive tourism and seafood.

Sights of Albania

What is happening for centuries, the mixing of such different cultures led to the fact that the streets and alley of Albanian cities look bizarre and even fabulously. Next to the pompous structures of the socialist period, Muslim minarets can be seen, and the excellent monuments and columns of the time of antique Greece can be seen. Many in Albania of Orthodox churches and temples, Ruins of the times of ancient Greece, and such cities, like a garbathher, Shkoder, Berat called cities museums: so many architectural monuments here.

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Republic of Albania - State in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Strait Otranto separates Albania from Italy. In the north and east, it borders with Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, in the south-east - with Greece.

Most of the country has a mountain and sublime relief, with deep, fertile valleys. There are several large lakes in the country.

Albania Airport

Tirana Mother Tresen Airport (Tirana Mother Teresa International Airport)

Albania hotels 1 - 5 stars

Weather Albania

Subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summer and cool, wet winter. The average temperature of July - from +24 from to +28 s, January - +4 s in the north and to +7 s in the south, the temperature is highly dependent on the height above sea level.

The precipitate (600-800 mm. Per year) falls predominantly in the fall and spring. In mountainous areas, the climate is colder (frost to -20 s), the annual amounts of precipitation increase from 900-1200 mm. Eastern, up to 2000-2600 mm. And more on the windward western slopes of the mountains. At the heights of more than 1000 meters in the mountainous areas, snow cover is held for several months.

The best time to visit the country is September. The warm season lasts from May to September (July is the warmer month, up to +38 c), but even in April and October weather conditions can be fairly favorable.

Albania language

State language: Albanian

There are two groups of Albanian dialects - Hegesky in the north and turkey in the south. The basis of the official language of Albania is the Turkish dialect on which the majority of the country's population says.

Many residents understand Greek, Italian and some Slavic languages.

Albania's currency

International title: All

One lec is 100 kinders. In circulation there are banknotes with rates of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 lec various modifications, as well as coins in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 leeks. There are equal banknotes of three different issues that differ from each other in appearance.

US dollars and euros have free walking along with national currency.

Customs restrictions

Import and export of foreign currency is not legally limited, the currency in the amount of over $ 2500 should be declared at the entrance. The removal of the previously imported foreign currency during the year is allowed during the year, the national is no more than 3000 lek.

Strictly prohibited the import of weapons, pornographic materials and drugs, although the customs authorities often "look through the fingers" to violate these rules. "

Export of antiquities, including stones from archaeological excavations, is prohibited. Allowed free export of copies of the ancient works that are sold everywhere.

Voltage in the network


All tip (10%) and other additional payments are best to leave after service, in case it is acceptable in quality. But also to deprive the service personnel of Tipov - many of them work for a meager salary, receiving the main income from Tipov.

In restaurants, tips are usually given directly into the hands of the waiter after payment of the account, and not left on the table. In a taxi is the easiest way to just round the amount in the big face.


Historical and geographic features, the convenience of the coastline, a fertile climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples had a significant impact on the wealth and diversity of Albanian cuisine. So, in a great honor of the Albanians, fish and seafood dishes, many of which are required by their appearance of ancient Greece, an ancient Rome.

Many dishes were brought by Byzantines, Venetians, Arabs. As in neighboring Italy, here you can taste risotto or barrudetto from crabs. From Yugoslav cuisine, Albanians borrowed such dishes as Cevapchichi, Razhnichi, Pilaz, many types of Musaki.

Thanks to the warm climate in Albania, corn is grown in large quantities, which is used both in boiled and canned form to prepare a wide variety of dishes. In addition, the corn get flour for the National Dish "Target".

In the high-mountainous areas of Albania have long been breeding sheep. Food is used not only meat, but also sheep milk with healing properties. It is broken, added to various dishes, the famous grades of cheese are prepared from it.

Unfortunately, after World War II, the people of Albania were not lucky with the totalitarian communist communist regime established there, which had common features with the communist regime in North Korea, which led to the economic lag and impoverish the population. But when the consequences of these difficulties will be finally overcome, combined with Kosovo Albania will become one of the best resorts in the world.

Work hours of institutions

Banks work from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00.

National Features of Albania. Traditions

Albanians are one of the few peoples of the world who have a habit of confirming said not by the nod of the head, but the swing from side to the side. Negative gesture, respectively, looks like our "yes", that is, the nods of the head. In the capital and major cities, it is no longer common, but in the provinces you can encounter such behavior everywhere, which often leads to many misunderstandings between the locals and tourists.

There are such countries that many have heard, but there are little exact information about them. However, from this state data is no less interesting for us. Among the list of such countries, where Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria is located, etc., you can choose a percranny place to relax.

Albania is a small country, located not so far from us, as it could seem. It attracts with its originality and lack of total popularization. It pleases that at least small parts of the civilized world map remain attractive from the cognitive part.

In our article, we will look at where Albania is located, we give those geographic data that will be interesting and useful if there is an intention to spend your vacation there.

Geographical position

Let's start with the fact that a small European state, located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. With a more global consideration, this is the south-eastern part of Europe. Also help more brightly imagine where Albania is located, photo maps of Europe.

With its borders, the state from the East and North side is adjacent to Montenegro and Serbia. In the east, Albania is Macedonia, and in the south and south-east - Greece.

Western outskirts of the country are sea shores. So, Albania is washed in the West, and a little south - ionic. Aloud, the coastline of the state is 472 km.

Through the sheds called Otranto is Italy. The width of this strait is 75 km.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 28 thousand km. sq. Looking at the map, we will see that Albania is stretched from north to south. The length in this direction is 345 km. From the West to the East, it extends to the distance from 145 (the widest part) to 80 (the narrowest part) of the KM.

A bit of history

So, we already know exactly where Albania is located. It continues to interest us, so we will touch on the main historical data.

The first nations that settled the territory of the country are Illyrians. Researchers-Greeks in the second century N. e. called them Albanians, and this was the prerequisite for the current name. At the same time, the locals themselves called themselves otherwise - arbers, and the country, respectively, "Arber".

Conquest and preserved originality

The territory of Albania was repeatedly conquered by the neighboring countries, and remote. There were both Romans and Turks and Slavs. However, after the numerous emphasis, the indigenous people managed to preserve its ethnic identity.

The most important forced reasonable change is the adoption of Muslim in times when conquerors dominated in Albania, namely the Turks. Today, this religion remains predominant.

An independent state of Albania has become before the First World War. First she was a republic, then moved to the monarchy. After these stages, political management changed several times. Now, as you know, the republican system is newly established here.

Natural features

We are already known and where Albania is located, and important stages of the country's history. But there are also luxurious natural wealth. We'll talk about the peculiarities of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory.

According to the prevailing forms of the relief of Albania - a mountainous country. The rest is alluvial and swampy plains. Within the country, four physico-geographical areas are waging, three of which are mountainous.

From the north-west to the southeast, mountains stretch: North-Albanian Alps (the most difficult area of \u200b\u200bthe country, referred to as local damn), mining areas of a more relaxed relief (for example, Mountain Plateau of Mirdita).

Along the coastal part of Albania are uninformed plain areas. But they are not exceptionally smooth surfaces: their relief is disturbed by mountain ridges and hills. Local climatic conditions continue to actively influence the formation of the country's coastline.

The highest point of the country, mountain coast, is located in the eastern part bordering Yugoslavia. The height above the sea level of its vertex is 2764 m. This area belongs to the Dryna River area.

The country of the country contributes to the development of agriculture. The soils of the plain part are suitable for crop production, cattle breeding spread in all areas.


So, we learned where the country of Albania is located. The region of its placement on the map is that in the southeastern part of Europe. The peculiarity of this state is a long history that makes up from a set of conquests. At the same time, the local population managed to preserve its tradition recognizable Balkan identity. The global change was touched only by faith - after the seizure of territories of the Turks, Muslim became prevailing.

A good location (wide access to the sea, economically advantageous neighboring) makes Albania the country is promising. Beautiful nature pleases tourists, and favorable climatic conditions support local agriculture.

I would like to hope that after reading the article, there will be no questions regarding the basic information about the wonderful called Albania. Where this state is located, you can easily clarify by studying the map of Europe.