Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, Crimea. Vorontsov Palace Vorontsov Palace History of creation

The presence of someone has a huge state always raises questions. But there were still people that there are big money (different ways received) are able to spend not only to be delicious, indispensable. Yes, representatives of the richest Russian nobility gods were serfs. But they were the patrons of the arts and sciences, and left the descendants paid by their millions of masterpieces of architecture. Such as the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimea.

Where is the Vorontsov Palace on the map

Looking at the map of Crimea, it becomes clear that the palace-park ensemble is located on the territory of Big Yalta, in a small, but colorful village of Alupka, because of which the palace is often referred to as Alupkin. Its territorial location is the center of the resort village, on the Black Sea coast.

History of Alupkinsky Palace

Crimea and England

The genus of the Counts of Vorontsov is known in Russian history. His representatives occupied the most important state posts. The family was also one of the richest in the country and could afford to implement any, the most incredible fantasies.

Representative of this kind, M.S. Vorontsov, was a brave officer, a participant in the war of 1812. He was also his native nephew of the famous Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova, which already meant that her upbringing and education was good. More than other graphs liked the English tradition - such as he, in the XIX century called the angles.

In the mid-20s of the XIX century, this nobleman was appointed to the Crimea - Governor of Novorossia and Bessarabia. Encouraging, the governor looked at himself a good estate near - near the small Tatar village Alupka. In 1828, they began to build a residence on his order - a real palace with a scope.

As Angle, Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov wished to see in his home the features of the English architecture. Therefore, he rejected the initial project E. Bobo and T. Harrison in a classic style and turned to E. Blora, architect Walter Scott and the British royal family. Of course, the master brought to the mind of the Buckingham Palace, it was also suitable for Russian graph.

Blor has never been to the Crimea. But he received comprehensive data from the country from the Customer, as well as the materials of their predecessors. And Miracle Miracle - designed a masterpiece building, in which several epochs of England's history with an oriental flavor were naturally connected.

Incredible construction

Then everything became more wonderful. The main building stone for the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe great Englishman became the Crimean diabase - the breed is strong even too. It is very difficult to process. In the conditions of the Russian Empire of 1830 (just immediate construction work began then) did not assume labor mechanization.

The main working force on the construction of steel ardor peasants from numerous owner's estates (mainly from under Moscow and Vladimir). People Vorontsov tried to take away the maximum number of people with specialties - Kamenotesov and Kamnezes. Focused on the fact of the participation of candidates in the construction and decoration of rich stone churches. These masters worked in the Crimea with the superhard material in fact bare hands - treated stone with axes and chisels! It is not surprising that the time of construction took a lot.

However, the Blora project had one advantage - the palace was as it were, a complex of various styles buildings. So they built it in parts, and not all at once. In 1830-1831. The table housing was erected. In 1831-1837 It was added to it central housing. In 1838-1844 They built all the towers, oriental fluels, the guest wing, the main courtyard was made. At the same time in 1841-1842. A billiard room was constructed near the dining room. Later, the library was completed - in 1846

At the same time, individual elements of the construction demonstrated different stages of the development of English architecture. "Time line" ran from west to east: the west of the element was located, the more ancient style it represented.

Then the governor began to shut up near the Palace Park, which would have encouraging soldiers for earthworks. In 1848, the palace ensemble was also complemented by a terrace and a staircase decorated with sculptures of Lviv. But this M.S. Vorontsov no longer saw - in 1844 he was appointed to serve in the Caucasus.

Noble Nest

Next, the whole thing almost died and all because the eldest son M.S. Vorontsova did not bother to provide his grandchildren. CM. Vorontsov, Son of the Governor, lived in the palace with his wife and gradually engaged in the completion of the construction and finishing of his own ownership. However, he died, not to be heirs. And his widow to live in the Crimea did not want and drove abroad, taking with him from the Crimean estate a lot of artistic values.

Because of this, the palace almost came to the launch, because in it for a long time no one lived. But then the estate went to the relatives of the governor through the line of Vorontsov-Dashkov and Shuvalov. These nobles turned out to be entrepreneurial people - set up in the territory of the country's estates for renting. This happened in 1904. But in 1917, a revolution was killed, raising the old nobility nests.

With the establishment of Soviet power in the Crimea, the estate was nationalized. And already on February 22, 1921, the telegraph handed the Personal Region of Lenin on the peninsula: to take all possible measures to preserve the values \u200b\u200bfrom the Palaces of the Crimean Knight. And the order was completed. Already in the middle of the same 1921, the palace was opened to visit as a museum.

Saved value

It should be noted that the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea has been perfectly preserved, and it looks almost the same as during the last owners of the counts. But it was not easy for him.

After the invasion of the country in 1941, the Gitlerovtsians were loosely robbed by local. They were lucky to Germany all that was not pied, and what was - broke and also took away. To evacuate most of the Crimean Museums, the Soviet command did not have time, and the Vorontsov Palace was in their number. The conquerors were taken away from there a mass of valuable things and threatened the destruction of the building.

But the palace stood, and a significant part of his collections was also preserved. This became possible due to the dedication of the scientist S.G. Schekoldin. The Nazis appointed his museum director, which meant that he had to transfer them the most valuable exhibits. But Schekoldin hid a part of the collections, supplied invaders in unreliable information, and also prevented the explosion of the building during the retreat of the fascists.

It was Stepan Grigorievich that made a complete invention of exported exhibits on a completely wild at that time the amount of 5 million rubles (thanks to which some of them later managed to find and return).

The very bad part of this whole story is that the defender of the museum collections later also served several years "for collaborationism". True, Schekoldina was still lucky - from the places of conclusion he came out relatively quickly, relatively healthy and then she was still engaged in his loved one, looking for missing value from the Museum (he died in 2002, at the 98th year of life).

In 1945, the Vorontsov Palace was in such good condition that it was used to accommodate participants. The English architecture predetermined the choice of guest for the estate - they became the British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.

Here was the first meeting of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition within the conference (hereinafter, all the events for the sake of the sake were transferred to B). Next, for several years, the castle was used as a departmental cottage for employees of the NKVD, and in 1955 again became a museum, which is today.

Architecture and decoration of the palace

Mixing styles and peoples

As already mentioned, in general, the architecture of the Vorontsov Palace represents the English style. And this is like the story of a foggy albion in miniature, as the structure combines the features of different eras - from Wilhelm the conqueror to the tudor dynasty.

But in the eyelid in England (and in other European countries, too), in connection with the expansion of the colonial expansion, a fashion arose to the East. Pseudoindian and pseudo-associate elements appeared in literature, clothing, interior; The architecture also did not pass them. And in the building of the Vorontsov Palace E. Bhor, an incomprehensible way managed to harmoniously unite the modern ideas about the East with the traditions of medieval England.

The western facade of the palace is a real castle of medieval baron-robber (see, the work on V. Scott was affected by the Royal Architect!). This is an excellent example of the skillful use of a neo-neutic style. Almost the same era represents the so-called Shuvalovsky passage - an access road, resembling the fortress gallery. In the courtyard was applied to an uneven "ribbon" stone, which also suggests the thought of Middle Ages.

The north facade shows a completely different style and other time interval. This is the beginning of the new time, the Tudor XVI century - straight lines, large high windows and smoke pipes.

The southern facade manages to make a harmonious integer with other parts of the palace and at the same time represent the Moorish style - with the east of the puff. The architect is particularly interesting in which the architect somehow managed to unite the motifs of the roses of the tudors and the eastern lotus, and also added a saying from the Quran, without fearing to harm this English idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole structure. E. Bhormen managed to add Moorish notes and old England - so, purely English appearance of the northern facade crowned the scent roofing elements, and long pipes are made similar to oriental minarets.

Although the palace actually consists of 5 buildings, they are all successfully linked to the ensemble and are perceived as a whole. Not only is the architect, who never saw the Crimea, managed to successfully enter his creation in the landscape. He took into account not only the technically important features of the terrain, but also his aesthetics (according to the sketches transferred to him). As a result, the silhouette of the palace seems to repeat the Abris Plateau, against which it is located.

Cottage with comfort

In the representation of the Governor Vorontsov and his heirs, the Palace in Crimea was not an official residence, where the parade secular hospitality should be demonstrated, and something like cottages. Here was the summer family, as well as to visit the owners of relatives and close friends. Nevertheless, the Count of Bukhal in the construction of 9 million rubles (wild money on the standards of the XIX century!), And his heirs were further investigated to the interior arrangement.

The palace inside was preserved very well, so you can make sure - even at the cottage, representatives of the family of Vorontsov preferred to live and beautifully, and comfortably. In total, this "summer house" 150 rooms located with English rigor - doors in the door. Another English detail - in each room there is a fireplace (although it is not so necessary in the Crimea as in England).

Each room in the palace is finished in its own style and has a name its own. There is a blue living room, a stente room, a Chinese office and the like thematic premises. A large palace living room as it is copying the main hall of the feudal castle - dark colors, solid oak and family painting reign.

The blue living room is not only withstanding in this color, but also finished with an unusual stucco, depicting 3 thousand embossed flowers, each of which is not similar to others. Cite at the time of Count Vorontsov was considered fashionable and fairly expensive material, and now it is successfully used in the interiors. And the walls of the Chinese Cabinet decorate inlaid from rice straws (and they are well preserved).

There is a palace and greenhouse, referred to as in the tradition of the time of the winter garden. By analogy with the summer garden of St. Petersburg, it is decorated with beautiful statues.

The column owners took care of not only the beauty, but also about the practicality of their dwelling. In the Vorontsov Palace, one of the first in internal water pipes was held (with an uninterrupted supply of hot water!) And the channelization is normal according to modern ideas. In 1914, the electric light passed here.

All works were performed qualitatively, and this is not the last reason for the excellent safety of the interiors. Art parquets and wall panels remained the same as in the days of the Novorossiysk governor. There are a lot of old furniture, utensils, adorning baubles. The artistic collection was stronged the strongest, since the Nazis was taken to Germany more than 500 paintings from. And only a minor part of the stolen managed to find and return.

Photo inside Vorontsov Palace

Star screen

Thanks to its excellent safety and noticeable "appearance", the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka enjoys constant popularity from the masters of the camera. His photo decorate all sorts of calendars and advertising posters, and the indoor premises and the adjacent park territory became places of filming many of those who loved the audience.

The most famous tapes taken here are 1961. In this popular movie Vorontsovsky Palace "played" a rich mansion of the Gray family. 30 years later, he was "retrained" in the interior of the American Millionaire estate during the shooting (the view of the estate of Francis Morgan was removed from the outside).

The complex also appears in the "heavenly swallows", "Gamlet", "ten black women", "ordinary miracle" (not the most famous version from M. Zakharov, and earlier, from E. Garina). Of the more "innovative" tapes, the Palace had to participate in the creation of "Assa" and the Ukrainian tape "Safo" (on an amateur, but at one time the movie has done this noise).

List the entire filmography of the Vorontsov Palace completely difficult - the filmmakers used it often. The reason, among other things, lies in his architectural manifold - choosing the rockers correctly, it was possible to shoot literally anything.

Vorontsov Palace - visit and excursions

Despite the solely museum status of the complex, it is impossible to say that to visit the Vorontsov Palace is so easy. The reason is not desire to hide something from tourists, but in the need to observe a rather hard security mode.

FREE and completely independently inspect the palace only outside. Login to free. In Alupka, many holidaymakers through it are walking, combining two naughty times. Reviews of many tourists argue that there is enough external inspection to get a strong impression.

Interior premises are visited for money and with a guide. But here there is a difficulty: Vorontsov Palace - in fact, not one museum, but a few. It constantly organizes temporary exhibitions of the most diverse content. Accordingly, there are many excursion programs, and the work schedule of various department may vary.

Experienced tourists recommend to cope on a tour of the work schedule (it may vary for permanent exposures, especially depending on the season), the presence of temporary exhibitions and existing benefits.

You can also receive information on official sites. Even easier - sign up for an excursion through the Bureau (Vorontsovsky Palace is a mandatory element of the route "Parks and", one of the most sought-after tourboards throughout the peninsula), there are still aware of the features of the work of the objects visited.

Data on the cost of the excursion in the palace takes not one page, because the tourist can choose a visit to only one of the exposure, several of them or a sightseeing tour throughout the complex. The price range may vary at times.

By the way about prices - they will not call them low, but also the costs of maintaining in the proper condition of such a large and expensive complex. In addition, a complex system of benefits on payment and rights to a free visit (in particular, and young people under 16) operates in the Vorontsov Palace.

But the beneficiaries should remember that they will receive their discount or a free ticket only if there is a document confirming their status (for example, a birth certificate or award certificate). Some categories of beneficiaries are required to pay for excursion service, but they won't call it high.

The basis of the exposition is several main palace halls, which makes it possible to familiarize themselves with the history of the Russian nobility, and specifically the kind of Vorontsov and its prominent representatives. There are also many original things that belonged to the owners of the estates and their relatives.

A separate exposition in one of the flibels tells about the relatives of the Vorontsovsky - the formation of the counts of Shuvalov. In the museum you can get information about people, not so influential as multimilliona graphs. In particular, in the economic frague, the premises of the Palace Kitchen (with original dining room dishes and all cooks) and the apartment of the County Butler.

Among the permanent exhibitions there is also a collection of avant-garde painting, a collection of art porcelain and faience (Russian and foreign production), and artistic works with the image of flowers. Temporary exhibitions replace each other, as a result of which unexpected things appear in the palace, such as the collection of fans.

Museum technically advanced. Such technical innovations are widely used as audio guides in different languages \u200b\u200band virtual exhibitions.

Whether the children of preschool age are not worthwhile, it may not seem to see them tedious and boring (although such visits are not prohibited, and for preschoolers do not need to pay at all). But middle-aged schoolchildren visiting the palace is even very recommended - and there will be better taste, and the level of knowledge on history will increase.

The address: Russia, Republic of Crimea, Alupka, sh. Palace, 18.
Date of construction: 1840
Architect: Furats PI
Coordinates: 57 ° 19 "07.5" N 43 ° 06 "40.4" E


Short story

The chic palace called Vorontsov in honor of Count Vorontsova M.S. is a unique structure that has become an embodiment of the era of romanticism. It is located on the Peninsula of the Crimea in the city of Alupka.

The beginning of his construction dates back to 1828, when the Governor General of the Vorontsov, responsible for the Novorossiysk Territory, chose the construction site of the future of the main building and drove the pegs on it. However, the palace appeared not quickly - on his construction took as many as 20 years.

Initially, the project of the future Vorontsov Palace was developed in the style of a strict classic, and the famous Italian architect named Francesco Bobo and his colleague from England Thomas Harrison worked on him.

1829 became the beginning of the embodiment of their joint project into life, and as all the preparatory work ended, the foundation was immediately laid and the first masonry was made. However, a unpleasant surprise was happening soon - the architect Harrison was died in the midst of the preparation of work drawings.

In order for the construction to go to your guy, Boffo needed a new partner. Eduard Blor became them - a young architect working on the romantic direction of English architecture.

Stone Staircase with Whiteramor Sculptures Lviv

Why did Count Vorontsov chose him and decided to make changes to the project of the future palace in the Crimean Alupka? The fact is that in those years he was in England, and his local architecture and new fashion trends for the construction of buildings were impressed. Therefore, the Count revised the previously developed project and entrusted the new architect to adjust it so that the result of the work was a real castle, combining the rigor of the English architecture and the luxury inherent in the Indian palaces.

And since 1832, construction work on the construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea is already under the updated project, but without distortion of previously traveled stages. The fulfillment of all works was entrusted to the best craftsmen - Kamenotesov, layouts, stone carvers and wood, artists, furniture makers and other workers, with all the responsibility of the orders trusted. As a result, the construction of the palace cost Vorontsov at 9 million rubles.

From left to right: front dining room, winter garden

Layout of the Vorontsov Palace

The entire palace complex, erected by order of Vorontsov, is represented by several solid corps designated as:

  • central;
  • table;
  • guest;
  • library;
  • economic.

The body designed to receive guests was subsequently called Shuvalovsky, since in his right part there was a room of the daughter Vorontsov, which became after the marriage of Countess Shuvalova.

North facade of the main building

Oddly enough, the construction of the palace began with the construction of a table corps, and for these works I left for 4 years (from 1830 to 1834). For the construction of the central corps, 6 years left - 1831 - 1837 years. From 1841 to 1842, work was carried out on the construction of a billiard room, complemented the building of the dining room. On the construction of a guest building, all towers, household buildings, outbreaks, and the design of the front courtyard also took a lot of time (these were 1838 - 1844). And finally, the library building was joined to the palace complex, built from 1842 to 1846.

The decoration of the central staircase was the sculpture of Lviv, the manufacture of which was entrusted to the Italian master Giovanni Bonnani. And the entire luxurious palace ensemble with a lion terrace was completed, that is, many figures of Lviv.

Right - Clock Tower

Features of the architecture of the Vorontsov Palace

The Vorontsov Palace, who became the decoration of Alupka in the middle of the XIX century, was a kind of innovation, which violated some architectural and construction principles. The buildings of the Palace Ensembles in those days were taken to be located in a strict geometric group, but the architect Blorie retreated from this rule and all the facilities included in the Vorontsov Palace, distributed on the ground so that they stood in the direction from West to the East, as if in accordance With the movement of the mountains. Such an approach allowed all buildings to harmoniously fit into the local landscape - Vorontsovsky Palace Complex found its place in the Crimean expanses.

Moving from the housing to the body, you can visually track the stages of the development of the architecture of the Middle Ages, starting with its earliest forms and ending with the traditions of the XVI century.

Shuvalovsky corps

However, emphasis in the development of projects of all structures was still done in English style. What is so attractive Vorontsov castle in the Crimea? Its feature is an appearance, resembling a castle-fortress from the ancients VIII - XI centuries. Finding into the courtyard of economic buildings, they involuntarily bump into the deaf walls and get into closed spaces, and when trying to get to the central body, it is surrounded by guard towers of a round form. Further, the overall impression of inaccessibility complement the narrow windows-braces and high walls of rough masonry. But unexpectedly appears an openwork suspension bridge made of cast iron, and makes a festive note in this harsh composition. And so, as the architecture of the next eras is eliminated from the architecture of the Western entrance.

Towers of western entrance

After moving around the openwork bridge and getting rid of the feeling of closetness, it is possible to be in the front courtyard, which overlooks the mountain of Ai-Petri. But this is not just a kind - this is a kind of picture, because the landscape is limited to the architectural frame, submitted by the clock tower, the East Flygel and the retaining wall with the fountain.

The architecture of the main building of the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimea is interesting. Its walls are nominated from the plane at different levels, as required by the English style of Tordor. The central portion is decorated with a parade entrance and is decorated with protrusions of erkers and side risals. The roofs of the towers are the bulbous dome. The northern facade of the building is decorated with narrow semi-colonels-polyhedra, whose crowns are Pinakli (decorative tops).


Graceful pinakli and teeth, dome and flue pipes, decorated with imparting floral shapes, smooth the rudeness of the stone texture of the walls and their massive bag.

Considering the carved decorations from the stone, which is decorated by the Vorontsov Palace, it is worth noting their pronounced similarity with some elements of Western and Eastern architecture. Thus, the real connoisseurs of architecture immediately notice the Gothic smoke pipes and minarets of the mosque, and it is such a compatible incompatibility that makes the palace complex special. Especially acute this similarity is felt as it moves to the southern facade of the housing, called the main thing. In the rays of the Sun, its outlines seem unusual, bizarre.

From left to right: Parade dining room, winter garden, main case

But the main motive for the design of the palace is the arches of the most diverse form - they are also gentle, and calemen, and horseshoe, and fit. And you can see them everywhere, ranging from balconies balcony and ending with the decoration of the portal of the southern entrance to the Vorontsov Palace. In addition, the architectural ensemble, built by order of the Governor general, has its own "highlight" - this is 6 identical lines in Arabic, indicating that the winner is only Allah. You can see the inscription in a niche decorated with a Tudor flower and an Indian lotus.

Description of the park surrounding the Vorontsov Palace

During the years of construction, the palace was conducted on the bookmark of the surrounding park. But if two dozen years left for the construction of the Vorontsov Palace, then work on the creation of the park does not cease to this day. In the area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares, a wide variety of plants, fresh from all over the world, are harmonious.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the openwork bridge

In general, the court park is divided into the upper and lower. The upper park is decorated with several glades - chestnut, contrasting, solar. And each of them is notable for its trees (Italian pine, East Platan, Tis Berry, Cedar Himalayan, Araucaria Chilean, or Monkey Wood, etc.). In addition, on the territory of the upper park there is a swan lake, on which these beautiful birds really live, top and mirror lake and a waterfall.

In the lower park, surrounded by the beautiful and rarest representatives of the flora stands a small tea house, which at one time enjoyed the Vorontsov family for holidays on the seafront. Then this place was often covered with salutes and fireworks.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the Western Gate

Being here, you can really feel the atmosphere of the holiday, because the architect has chosen a place for the construction of a house here. Surrounded by many unique plants, it creates sensations of stay in a fairy tale, since the entire territory of the lower park has an enchanting mood. And the lower part of the Vorontsov Park in the Crimea in the Italian style of the regular park is decorated.

Using a complex of the Vorontsov Palace in different years

Since 1990, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka became a palace-park museum-reserve. Several interesting expositions are located in nine parade halls. Thanks to their content, everyone can familiarize themselves with the text of the county family living in the palace until the October Revolution, and the nature of the interiors of the Palace.

Exit from the yard

But in 1990, the opening of the Vorontsov Palace as a museum was secondary - for the first time its building was used as a museum in 1921.

But with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941, valuable museum exhibits could not be saved, and the building itself was repeatedly subjected to the threat of destruction. However, thanks to the efforts of one of the employees of the Museum of Schekoldina S.G. The Vorontsov Palace Museum still survived. Of course, many artistic values \u200b\u200bwere lost during the war years, but after her ending, some paintings still managed to find and return to the museum.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is a stunning palace on the beauty, surrounded by a charming park, located at the foot of Mount Ai Petri. On the south coast of Crimea a huge number of attractions, but in Alupka is always full of tourist groups. Something is special and attractive in this place. The English castle of Count Vorontsov, drowning in the greenery in the Crimea, does not leave anyone indifferent, and forces it again and come back there.

The palace in Alupka is the former cottage, the summer residence of the prominent political figure of the 19th century, the former governor of Novorossia Mikhail Vorontsov. The love of Russian policy to all English was clear - the father of Count Vorontsov was the ambassador of the Russian Empire in England, so all the childhood Mikhail has passed in London. After the nationalization, the former residence became a museum.

On excursions in the Crimean Vorontsov Palace, I was twice: the first time in April, the second time in August. At every time of the year, the palace and the territory that fit to it looked amazingly. To visit the palace, it is best to choose April or September, the season is not to push it here.

In order to approach the main entrance to the palace, you need to go through the narrow corridor of the palace walls (Shuvalovsky passage). In the summer it is rather cool here, since the shadow is almost always here. When you come here for the first time, you do not expect to see a real English lock in the Crimea. Passing along the narrow harsh pass, the heart freezes waiting for something unusual. And very soon curiosity will be rewarded with interest.

After the path through the corridor from powerful walls passed, tourists fall on a small area in front of the palace. Before giving the castle, built in English style, and the same architect Edward Blair, who was the author of the Buckingham Palace in London.

The first thing you pay attention is the unusual material of the wall of the castle and walls. Later, with the words of the guide, we learned that this is a very solid and rare stone of volcanic origin - diabases. The palace was built by more than 6 thousand fortress peasants Vorontsov, as well as craftsmen-bricklayers specially brought from the Moscow and Vladimir regions. To create an unusual surface, each stone was processed manually! Work must be said skillful and very painstaking. Vorontsov built this castle on his own money, for himself, for conscience.

In the yard, we waited until the excursion group was formed and, looking upwards, seeded by the sun-cores of Ai-Petri teeth illuminated by the solar rays - peculiar pointed rocks, located at the very top of the mountain. This is one of the best landscapes of the Crimea!

On an excursion to the Vorontsov Palace, you can get freely, they are held daily. Each group is accompanied by a guide, the excursion takes place in Russian. Listening to the guide was very interesting, from her mouth heard many curious information about the history of the palace.

A few minutes later we crossed the threshold and felt like in an old English castle. The palace has many architectural features: on the one hand (Northern), the building reminds English Castle, and from the southern facade - the Moorish mosque. In addition, the castle is so skillfully inscribed in the mountain landscape that the impression is created as if the nature itself created and placed here.

There are more than 150 rooms in the castle, but for the excursion there are about 9 parade chambers.

This palace belonged to three generations of Vorontsov, so the elements of the interior changed a little, because every owner wanted to make something his own, modern.

At the beginning we fell into the front desk. Special attention attracted a small bowl, which reminded something of a miniature fountain. As it turned out, this bowl served to cool the drinks.

Each room of the Vorontsov Palace has its own unique style and flavor. It was very nice to be in the blue room, she liked the most. Here the walls are blue, there are flowers from modeling and golden furniture.

Very interesting dining room decorated in English style.

In the office

By visiting several other rooms, we went out in a winter garden, where we saw the variety of types of tropical plants and elegant figurines.

Winter Garden

From the winter garden leads to a terrace overlooking the sea. When we pleased there, you saw a beautiful sunset of the sun, which on the background of the sea horizon looked very romantic.

View of the sea from the terrace of Alupkinsky Palace

On the way to the sea there is a staircase, on both sides of which the sculptures of Lviv from Carrarsky marble work of the Italian master are installed. There are also features here. At the very top of the terraces, lions are awake, at the bottom of the terraces of sleeping lions.

Lions, Palace Terrace in Alupka

Sleeping lions, Alupka

The Vorontsov Palace is surrounded by a magnificent park with a multitude of unusual plants from subtropics and not only. Going around him in the summer, when everything blooms and pleases the eye - one pleasure.

Alupkinsky Park is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The top of the park is more "wilderly", while the bottom is the well-kept classic park in English style.

In the park you can see a copy of the Bakhchisarai fountain.

Copy of Bakhchisarai fountain

In the "wild" part of the park hide numerous waterfalls, lakes, swan, trees of an unusual form.

In Alupkinsky Park, there are both attractions, such as "Big" and "Small Chaos". - Huge journey of rocks diabases.

Big Chaos

Swan Lake in Alupkinsky Park.

I recommend that after the excursion, take a walk on this garden, relax in the shade of the summer heat and, of course, make a lot of beautiful photos. This park is also called Alupkinsky Park, it can be seen about 200 species of various plants: exotic plants, various shrubs, acclimatized plants from other continents.

View from Vorontsov Park

Vorontsov Park

The park landscape is presented in the form of an amphitheater, at the bottom of which there is an exhibition park pavilion "Tea House". We failed to visit it, because it was closed on the restoration.

Prices for visiting the palace

The cost of an adult ticket is 70 hryvnia (8.75 dollars), for children - 35 hryvnia (4.38 dollars), a photodemaker - 10 hryvnia (1.25 dollars).

How to get to Vorontsov Palace

You can visit the Vorontsov Palace, coming to Alupka at the following address: ul. Palace Highway, 10. On the car, you can get along the South Coast Highway, this track passes along the sea through the entire South Coast of the Crimea. If you go through this highway to the Vorontsov Palace on the part of Sevastopol, then there will be a turn right in Alupka, and if from the side of Yalta, then to the left.

From Yalta from the bus station you can get chapter 27, 26, 107, 42.

A passing buses are coming from Sevastopol: "Sevastopol - Mishor", "Sevastopol - Yalta".

From simphoropol: Buses "Simferopol - Simeiz", "Simferopol - Castropol".

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Hotels Alupup

Many romantic stories are connected with the Vorontsov Palace, which could well become the basis for a dozen ladies' novels. I will say more - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was involved in the love intrigue. But everything is in order.

The palace in Alupka is so harmoniously inscribed in the surrounding landscape, repeating its Mauritan turrets and gothic facades of the outlines located in the immediate vicinity of the mountain ridge of Ai-Petri, which seems like this entire architectural and natural ensemble was always here.

General Governor of Novorossia Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov began construction of a representative residence in the Crimea in 1824. In addition to Alupka in the south of Crimea Vorontsov belonged to Massandra (Massandrovsky Palace I showed here), Ai-Danil and Gurzuf. But it was Alupkin's estate, the Count decided to turn into a summer residence.

Simultaneously with the construction of the palace began laying the road from Simferopol to the southern coast of the Crimea.

In the world, Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov walked by Engoman, so there is nothing surprising that the creation of a project of the palace he entrusted the court architect of the English Queen Edward Blora. It was he who designed the Buckingham Palace in London. It is noteworthy that in twenty years of construction, Bhor never came to look at his brainchild. He led his assistant and student William Gunt, thanks to which some amendments were made to the drawings in accordance with the peculiarities of the area.

Behind the stone for the construction did not go far - they were taken directly from under the legs of the Crimean volcanic breed. Doctor (diabases): the central, table, guest, library and economic building of the palace complex are complicated from the rover. By the way, the Crimean Roomite paved the Red Square in Moscow.

The Vorontsov Palace is designed in the style of late English Gothic (style of the tudor epoch), but with elements of Eastern architecture, which is why from different angles it looks like a medieval castle, as the residence of the Moometan ruler.

The reason for such an unexpected combination of styles in the appearance of the palace lies in the individuals of the architect and the customer. Edward Blor was well acquainted with the architecture of the British colony - with the architecture of India. Therefore, it was not difficult for him to combine the style of tyudors with variations on the topic of Indian architecture of the Great Mughal. Probably, in his representation, such a mixture must correspond to the Crimea, given that a long time of the peninsula was Muslim. In addition, the romantic directions prevailed in the architectural fashion, which was to taste and Count Vorontsov.

Portrait of Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov Brushes Lawrence, 1823

From the western side is the main entrance to the palace complex. This part of the Vorontsov Palace resembles a medieval castle with round watchdog towers, narrow braces and deaf serfs.

Here we see Shuvalovsky Corps and Shuvalovsky Passion Travel. Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova's daughter, having married, became Countess Shuvalova, and its apartment was located in the right corps.

Shuvalovsky passage between two coastal fasteners similar to serfs from gray diabase blocks, with round gear towers and narrow rocky windows forced to believe that we are in the medieval castle.

Shuvalovsky passage

Separate gates lead to the economic courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is growing Platan, planted during the construction of the palace. Here is the museum office, where instead of a paper ticket will be given a metal token.

Bypassing economic buildings, we get to the front courtyard in front of the northern facade of the palace facing the windows to Ai-Petri and the upper park.

Interior facade of the palace

According to experts, in the architecture of the northern facade with its vertical protractions, miniature decorative turrets and large windows, the elements of the Gothic of the sixteenth century and the Architecture of the Renaissance of the Renaissance are harmoniously.

The palace is located two parquets with marble fountains in the center of each. In the shady pergole, the fountain of the Selsibil was covered from the flowering glycine - a copy of the "Fountain of Tears" from the Khansky Palaces in Bakhchisaraye, the Pushkin's suspension.

Nearby, at the left wing of the palace - the White Paper Fountain "Source Amur".

We wage the palace on the east side to look at the South Facade facing the sea, made based on Indian architecture.

A white-blue sedder with two arched window tiers is decorated with a double gear-shaped arched arch and is covered with a stucco alabaster ornament made in an east tradition. At the level of the second floor, three balconies with openwork lattices are arranged on its decorative frieze and the embossed Arabic inscription - the six-time-repeated gloriousness of the prophet: "And there is no winner, except for Allah." In the depths of the exceder there is a wide fitted door, leading to the Blue Living Room, where we will go a little later.

On the left and to the right of the exceder, two symmetric wings of the open terrace of the second floor, resting on cast-iron columns with capitals in the form of lotus buds. To the west of the Escedera, there is a winter garden, a dining room behind it, and further the southern facade of the Shuvalovsky corps.

The wide staircase with three pairs of Lviv is descended from Escedes to the sea. At the entrance to the Palace of Lions be awake, standing on guard, on the middle platform the stairs wake up or fall asleep, and those closer to the sea, sleep peacefully, putting a face on the paws. The lion's terrace is completed with the exits in the lower park, to the rock of Aivazovsky and a tea house on the seashore.

Fountain "Bowl" in the lower park

The southern terrace is a favorite place to photograph in beautiful poses and beautiful outfits.

From here, paths are diverged in the Nizhny Vorontsov Park.

After inspecting the palace facade, it is interesting to look at the county chambers. Immediately found out that the second floor and mezzanine for inspection is closed: there was a time when excursions rose into the rooms of the second floor, but the ceiling overlaps suffered from this. In the end, the Museum decided to leave only nine rooms of the first floor available for tourists.

Like many other Crimean palaces, after the revolution of 1917, Vorontsovsky castle was nationalized, but not turned into a health care, but became the museum of the noble life. Perhaps this is a happy circumstance played a last role in the preservation of palace interiors. During the Great Patriotic War, the palace was looted, but not destroyed. From 1945 to 1955, there was a state cottage. Finally, 1956, the museum was reopened.

Entering the palace from the north side, you get into the corridor, where the dressing room used to be. Now in sea oak cabinets, fully closing one of the walls of the floor to the ceiling, the books of the Alupkin library of Count Vorontsova, which was a famous bibliophile, are stored.

Another wall is decorated with vintage engravings depicting the construction of a palace and Alupkin landscapes.

Landscape Carlo Bossoli "Palace of Prince Vorontsova in Alupka"

Through the corridor we enter the main office of the owner of the palace.

The central place on the western wall of the cabinet occupies the portrait of the Count Vorontsov of the work of Louise Dssay. Mikhail Semenovich was one of the most famous heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. The portraits of the heroes of Borodino Lion Alexandrovich Naryshkin and Fyodor Semenovich Uvarov's famous portraitist George Dow are located nearby.

Cabinet walls are placed painted wallpaper, which were specially ordered in England. Massive wooden doors are supplemented with oak panels on the walls and a stucco ceiling under the tree.

The wall has an antique bookcase of the black tree in the style of Bhul, bought by the owner of the palace. In the wardrobe finish used the turtle shell and complex carved inlaid from bronze.

Next to the bookcase, a round table, English chairs and armchairs with gothic carving were comfortable. Such a placement of furniture gives the Cabinet atmosphere, which has not only to business conversations, but friendly meetings.

Another reminder of the Englishman Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova is a window in the form of Erker. This element commonly encountered in the English architecture, visually increases the cabinet space and gives more light. Erker placed the indoor green cloth and two chairs. Sitting in a chair, you can admire the top park, and in clear weather and the vertices of ah-petri.

From the office we fall into the stem room. It is called the Sitseva because the walls of the room are really tightened by the Citz.

On the walls, the original tissue, the only flaw of which is the burnt color. Initially, the sitherium was a raspberry shade with small lines of blue, which was combined with a fireplace from the pink Ural marble and chandelp in the form of a basket. Pinkish blue glare pendants on the chandelier echoed with the color of the seats on the walls.

Through the sorts room we pass into the Chinese office of the hostess at home Elizabeth Xherevna Vorontsova, whose portrait of George Dow brush can be seen on the right wall from the entrance.

The room is decorated in a fashionable then oriental style, but without any certain bindings to China, India or the countries of the East. Oak panels, high fittings and doors leading to the southern terrace, to the sea, unexpectedly, but successfully combined with stray silk and beaded rice mats on the walls and wooden carved parts in the interior.

The ceiling in the room is not wooden, as it may seem, and stucco. The Russian peasant Roman Furtunov skillfully made a ceiling of plaster, imitating a tree thread.

The window has a round table from Karelian birch. Nearby, for the porter - a small corner locker donated by Vorontsov Empress Alexander Fedorovna, wife Nicholas I, as a sign of gratitude for the hospitality provided to them.

And some lyrical deviations. From school bench, many are known that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was passionate about the wife of the Novorossiysk Governor General. It is believed that it was Elizabeth Vorontsova Pushkin who dedicated poems "burned letter", "a rainy day of wonder ...", "the desire of glory", "Talisman", "Keep me, my talisman ...". In addition, according to the number of Pushkin portrait pictures of Vorontsova, its image is superior to everyone else - in total there are 17 portraits.

There were rumors that it was Pushkin who was the father of one of the daughters Elizabeth Xherevna. However, researchers in the poet biography there are grounds to assume that Pushkin was only a cover for the novel Elizabeth Xherevyevna with her relative and friend Pushkin Alexander Raevsky. In any case, you can say thanks to Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, who "contributed" to the change of South Poet reference to the link to Mikhailovskoye. Because it was there Alexander Sergeevich wrote not only the novel "Yevgeny Onegin", but also other poetic works that became pride of Russian literature. And by the way, the same researchers argue that Vorontsov himself had an extramarital daughter with the best friend of his wife by Olga Stanislavovaya Naryshkina. Portraits of Olga Stanislavovna and her daughters were always kept among the personal belongings of Vorontsov and even stood on the desktop of the parade office.

But we will not linger in the Chinese office, but let's go further - in the front lobby.

Parade lobby is located in the center of the Palace. From the south and north to it, two small tambours are symmetrically adjacent, and from the West and East there are rooms and recreation rooms. North Tambour, like the Northern Facade of the Palace, is made in English style. As opposed to English, the southern tambour decorate carpets with the image of the Persian Shaha Fath-Ali.

Following the traditions of an English style, the architect connected the lobby with the shakers of the second floor with stairs, but hid them behind the wall, which is why at first glance and you will not understand how the owners fell from the first floor to their bedrooms.

On the walls of the lobby, portraits of eminent ancestors of the owners of the residence, so that from the threshold entering the palace had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe knowledge of the genus and the origin of the hosts of the house. Parents of Elizabeth Xherevna Vorontsova are watching from the walls - Countess Alexander Vasilyevna Branitskaya and her spouse, the Crown Hetman Poland Xavieri Branitsky. The largest cloth is the main portrait of Empress Catherine II brushes rokotov.

From the lobby we proceed to the eastern palace wing, which begins with a blue living room. It is impossible not to notice the contrast between the neighboring parade lobby and this sun-flooded room. Sleeper blue walls and ceiling are covered with a stucco pattern of leaves and colors. Like a ceiling in a Chinese office, a skillful living room stucco is made by Roman Furtunov and his assistants.

The living room is divided into the southern and northern parts by drawn wooden curtains, which are almost imperceptible in folded. In the southern part there was a "auditorium", where the furniture headset was located, transported to Alupka at the end of the XIX century from the Odessa Palace. The interior is complemented by a carved fireplace from white carrarsky marble and huge vases - crater painted in blue tones.

For music evenings and theatrical performances in the northern part of the blue living room, a piano was installed. In 1863, one of the founders of the Russian realistic theater Mikhail Semenovich Shpkin came here. In 1898, Fyodor Shalyapin was singing in the Vorontsov Palace under the accompaniment of Sergey Rakhmaninov.

From the blue living room, Vorontsov's guests went out in a winter garden. In the XIX century, almost every European palace was his winter garden, which was used for reading and relaxing.

Winter garden serves as a transition from the central body in the table. Initially, it was a loggia that was subsequently glazed by constructing a large lantern for better illumination. Winter Garden Walls Ficus Rensus. Fountain and marble sculptures are surrounded by araucaria, a segregative, aidal palm trees and monsters.

A row of marble busts is located in a glazed wall, among which the sculptural portraits of representatives of the Vorontsov family - Semenovich Vorontsov family, Mikhail Semenovich himself and his wife Elizabeth Xarievna. Next to the marble bust of Catherine II of the work of Johann Esterreic. They say, for excessive realism of her image in stone an aging empress not only did not pay for work, but also sent a sculptor from Russia during the day.

Bypassing the winter garden, not forgetting to admire the view of the southern terrace and the sea opening out of the windows, we get into the next room - the front desk. This is the biggest and pompous part of the palace.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe dining room is about 150 sq.m., the height of the ceiling is 8 m. With Vorontsov, it was covered with dozens of candelabres and chandeliers. A huge table consisting of four shifted parts with polished table tops of a mahogany, rises on the stands with animal paws and takes a significant part of the room. The window has a massive servant on the same lion's paws, as well as tables, and under a servant - a bath in an Egyptian style for cooling the wine, which was filled with brushed ice.

In the center of the northern wall, the front canteen between the fireplaces is a fountain, a niche of which is decorated with Maolikov Panel with a picture of fantastic birds and dragons. Over the fountain - carved wooden balcony for musicians.

From the east to the dining room adjoins the billiard room. About the proximity of this room to the dining room resemble the two large still life of the brush of the Flemish artist Peter Snaier "Storeroom vegetables" and "pantry with fish" opposite to each other.

Vorontsov, like many other aristocrats, collect pictures. Especially at that time, the canvas of the painters of Holland, Flanders, Italy of the XVI-XVIII centuries were valued.

This is the last available for inspection room of the forties of Vorontsov. Now we can stroll through the upper park.

Work on the creation of the park, started even a little earlier than the construction of the palace, in 1820, was assigned to the chief gardener of the southern coast of Crimea Carlo Antonovich Kabahu. When bookmark the Park, the abundance of mining sources was taken into account, which were used to create artificial lakes, numerous cascades and small waterfalls. In this part of the park, the murmur of water is indispensable.

Most of the tracks of the upper park leads to lakes and a large chaos - a huge stone rolling of natural origin.

The largest of the lakes Park is swan. The gardener deliberately gave him the wrong form to create the illusion of its natural, and not artificial origin. With the Vorontsovsky bottom of the lake, the semi-precious "cocktabelic pebbles" - Jashma, carnelians, chalacedones, who were abundant in Koktebel.

Next to the Swan Lake is a trout pond and even further - a mirror. On a mirror pond, water seems fixed, why trees and the sky are reflected on his stroit as in the mirror.

To the east of the lakes in the landscape part of the park there are four picturesque glads - plane, solar, contrasting, where the cedar of Himalayan and tees begged in the lawn, and chestnut.

Above ponds along the path through the grotto hall, between skillfully placed fragments of the rocks, the path goes to a large and small chaos. Millions of years ago, frozen magma as a result of earthquakes and landslides turned into an axampy of huge fragments. The creators of the park left intact stone blocks, only removed small fragments and put the top of the pines. So it turned out the famous "Alupkin Chaos".

On this interrupt a walk through the Vorontsov Park, so that it is why to return here again.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Crimea) is a unique monument of architecture and history, located at the foot of the mountain of Ai-Petri. Next to the palace is still ...

Vorontsov Palace in Alupka: history of creation, photo, description, architect

From MasterWeb.

01.06.2018 20:00

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Crimea) is a unique monument of architecture and history, located at the foot of the mountain of Ai-Petri. Near the palace there is another object, a monument of park-garden art, which was created over the years. The history of the creation of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, the Park next to him and interesting facts associated with this place will be told in this essay.

Construction history. Start

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka was built for two decades - from 1828 to 1848. It was intended for Governor-General Count Vorontsova M. S. as a summer residence. The author of the Palace project was the famous architect from England Edward Blor. E. Blor himself did not come to Alupka and produced design calculations at home, but he was well known all the nuances relating to the local relief.

In addition, the foundation, as well as the first masonry of the portal niche in the central package, was already ready. This was due to the fact that the Palace initially was supposed to be erected according to another project, the authors of which were T. Harrison and F. Bobo.

All works on the construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka were the usual serfs from the Moscow and Vladimir provinces. For the construction, real masters, offacarious skilled stone and kamenotees were involved. They had extensive experience in the field of embossed finish, acquired in the construction of white-named cathedrals. Absolutely all work was carried out manually, the most simplest tools.

Continuation of construction

After the architect of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, E. Bhor, finished work on the project, the workers began to build a building. From 1830 to 1834, the construction of the hull was launched, in which the dining room was located. From 1831 to 1837, the most important was the central building. From 1841 to 1842, the billiard room was built attached to the dining room. In 1838-1844, Oriental Flegenes were built, the guest building, as well as all the Palace Towers and the Pentagon of Hozcords. The latest library case was erected (from 1842 to 1846), at the same time ended the finish of the front yard.

The largest volume of earthworks was carried out in the period from 1840 to 1848. Soldiers of a separate sapper battalion created park terraces near the southern palace facade. In the summer of 1848, on the central staircase, which leads to the main entrance, the workers established the sculptures of Lviv. These figures were created by the Italian Master D. Bonnani, a famous sculptor of that time. Installing these figures not only gave the name of the terrace (lion), but also completed the construction, finishing and design of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka.

Palace architecture

The Palace of Count Vorontsov was built in comparison with classicism, absolutely under the new construction and architectural principles. An important and one of the main architectural features was the fact that it was located respectively the relief of the mountains. Thanks to this innovation, the building is extremely organically combined with its surrounding landscape. This amazing combination helped to gain a unique artistic image of the whole complex.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka was built in the spirit of the English canons of architecture, both in the decoration and in the building itself there are eclectics. For example, it is possible to see elements of different eras - from early periods of architecture to the XVI-XVII centuries. Elements take their origin from the Western gate - the closer to the extreme point of the palace, the more later architectural style will open your view.

Neomavritarian style is perfectly combined with English Gothic. For example, chimneys made in the Gothic style resemble minarets. The southern entrance of the palace is made in oriental magnificent. The arch in the form of a horseshoe, a bunk arch, arab style carving, which is intertwined with a drawing of a tudor flower (English rose), are harmoniously combined with the Arabic rivy, made on the frieze of gold.

Palace interior

The interiors of the palace have been preserved almost in pristine form. It is worth noting that each room has an individual finish that creates a unique image of the room. The description of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka and its interiors will take a long time, but briefly say about them.

The lobby immediately returns to Russia of the XIX century. His walls are decorated with large portraits of Catherine II, as well as family members of the graph. The room has a fireplace made in English, on the floor, parquet from valuable wood, walls and ceiling are also decorated with wood.

Parade Cabinet

The front office of the graph is very spacious, but very discreet in the design and finishing. In the room there are many portraits of combat generals who were his associates in the war of 1812. The office is trimmed with wood and cloth, there is also a fireplace here. The furniture is very exquisite, she was ordered from the best masters of Europe of the time.

In the office successfully combines various styles, such as Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque. From the windows of the Cabinet offers a magnificent view of the mountain of ah-petri. Count Vorontsov loved this office and spent a lot of time working with documents.

Sentse reception and chinese office

The photo inside the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka show all the beauty of the halls, including the stente reception. The walls of this cozy room are tightened with a cloth painted in warm tones with a beautiful pattern. Initially, it was the Cabinet in the raspberry tones of E. K. Vorontsova, but later it was converted. Parquet in this room is made of different wood species that have different colors. On the walls - portraits and landscapes, and the cabinet itself is furnished with the furniture of Italian masters.

The Chinese office is sustained in soft orange colors and trimmed with wood and cloth. Furniture and elements of the interior, however, not Chinese, but English, so the Chinese study can be called conditionally. In this room there are several portraits, a fireplace in the style of Baroque, as well as an exquisite parquet in the tone of the walls.

Blue living room and boudois

Blue (artistic) living room amazes with its beauty. However, initially this hall was called Turkish and was designed in eastern tones. The composition of the blue living room perfectly complements the stucco ornament of snow-white color on the azure ceiling and walls. In the hall there is a fireplace of white stone, made in the Renaissance style. The living room is furnished with magnificent white furniture, inlaid gold and covered with yellow silk. Furniture complements large elegant vases of blue and white piano, also encrusted with gold gold.

The Boudois has a small size, but in it, as in the previous hall, the classic style reigns. The light color of the walls is harmony with parquet, and comfortable upholstered furniture immediately talks about the purpose of the room. On the walls there are portraits of family members and mirrors in beautiful carved scraps.

Parade dining

Looking at the photo of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, we will see the complex of buildings, one of which is the dining room case. This room has 150 m2 areas and eight meter ceilings. Dining room made in the style of Tudor Gothic. A carved wooden ceiling successfully transfers the shape of overlaps in the gothic design.

Thread Style, Figure and Ceiling Color Absolutely repeat the performance of wall panels, screwed door openings and window bindings. All pompousness and grandeur parade dining room emphasizes furniture. Four large tables are shifted together, their countertops are made of mahogany. The legs of the tables are made of oak and cut out in the form of animal paws.

There are more than 20 chairs from the trees of noble breeds, with vegetable carvings and upholstery from French fabric. In the dining room there are large fireplaces made in English style. The walls have servers and tables for servicing guests.

Immediately, in the dining room, there is a small fountain, recessed in a niche. It is decorated with white and blue tiles, as well as painting. Over the fountain there is a wooden balcony on which musicians were placed to play for guests.

Palace Park

Vorontsov Palace and Park in Alupka were built at the same time, but it took a large amount of time. Talented gardener and botanist from Germany K. A. Kebach worked on the creation of this masterpiece of park-garden art from the end of 1824 to mid-1851. The Palace Park is included in the museum exposition part, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 361,913 m2. It is a monument of state importance affecting its beauty.

The creator of the park was able to collect plants from all over the world and ensure that they peacefully adjacent. The park itself is divided into the lower and upper parts. On the top there are sunny, chestnut and contrasting glade. Each of them grow various types of plants and trees (Platan East, Italian pine, berry tees, Chilean Araucaria, Himalayan cedar, etc.). In addition, there is a swan lake here with these beautiful birds, as well as a waterfall and two lakes - mirror and top. At the bottom of the park there is a small tea house, surrounded by beautiful trees and plants.

History of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka

The palace belonged to three generations of the Family of Vorontsov, but after the October Revolution, he was nationalized. In 1921, the palace and the park open as a museum. In 1941, after the start of the Great Patriotic War, the exhibits in the museum were evacuated did not have time, as from other Crimean museums.

Two times the museum could be destroyed, but this miraculously did not happen, but the fascists managed to take a large number of valuable exhibits. The keeper of the Museum of the S. G. Shhekoldin after the war presented an inventory, which followed that the damage was about five million rubles (at that time a colossal amount).

The Vorontsov Palace became the residence of Prime Minister Britain W. Churchill during the Yalta Conference, which was held in early February 1945.

After the war for 10 years, the palace was used as a state cottage, and since 1956 he returned the status of the museum and discovered for visitors. In 1990, the complex was assigned the status of a palace and park museum-reserve.

Sculptures of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka

In one of the halls of the palace, a winter garden was created. It contains a huge number of exotic tropical plants delivered from South America and from Oceania Islands. In the center of this garden, a neat fountain of white marble was created, and the sculpture was placed throughout the hall.

The composition is created from well-known copies of the sculptures of the ancient times and the Renaissance era. Among them are statues: bathing Aphrodite, Apollo Belvedere, sculptures "Girl", "First Steps" and Muse of Astronomy - Uranius. The stone is processed as ideal that the statues seem very realistic.

On the other side of the winter garden there is a composition from busts of famous people of the time and family members. For example, Catherine II, Graph Vorontsova, his spouse and father. All sculptures are harmoniously combined both with the interior of the hall and with beautiful plants.

Wealth Exhibits

In the photo, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is striking with its monumentality, elegance and architectural aesthetics. In addition to his beauty, this palace will surprise the visitor with its exhibits that are exhibited in the guest building in the halls of the main building and in the tea house. Here it will be possible to familiarize themselves with the canvas of famous painters and the objects of the decoration of the time.

In the exposition of the museum, about 27,000 exhibits are presented only in the main foundation, as well as the rich library of Count Vorontsov, which has more than 10,000 foliants. In addition, it will be possible to see a rich variety of plants, as well as enjoy the views of the Park itself and Mounta Petri.

Once in the Crimea, be sure to go to Alupka and visit the Vorontsov Palace. The impressions of the trip will form you, leaving pleasant memories of this excursion for life.

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