Caucasian caves. Ancient construction (cave) in the North Caucasus

The end of last year was marked by the next loud megalithic history in Russia - this time the small Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo was the focus of attention. A little-known mountain village in a blink of an eye was the concentration of world sacred knowledge, the Universal Opening Center of the Chakras, the Sunny Observatory, was found here, and almost got to the Grail bowl. What caused pilgrimage here TV channels, local history and riddles researchers?

In our time, the time of large geographical discoveries on land no longer have to wait, the last bastions of "White Pains" successfully defend only the caves, waiting for their Columbus and Amundsen, but already in a special speleological projectile. Rumors about finding a certain mysterious cave in the North Caucasus began to appear in world web from September to October 2011. To understand the layering of truth and washed it at first it was extremely difficult, especially the more journalists, as if ombreing from "sensational hunger" began with unprecedented zeal to produce television programs and publications of the corresponding sense. We are all remembering about a recent story with the Ukrainian pyramids, which turned out to be overly filling the duck, so to believe that the foot of Elbrus was allegedly found "a huge artificial cave, the entry into account, but did not find the expedition of the Nazis," it was hard for it. But when the journalists who gave the messenger of untested and frankly fictional details still calmed down, in the dry residue there were facts for the explanation of which it was necessary to take the specialists "Cosmoposk".

The expedition "Cosmopoice", devoted to the inspection of the legends on "underground cities", was held in this area from June 4 to mid-July 2011, then individual members of the union visited the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave detection in August. During this time, a complex of works was carried out, including the analysis of the bumps, penetration into and mapping an underground complex. When the next "primer discovers" also wrote the scenario of the future program, in which the authorship of the opening was going to assign themselves to the "Cosmoposisk", meetings were already held with the discussion of the results of summer expeditions in the North Caucasus.

Participants of the Expedition "Cosmoposisk" at the North Caucasus (a frame from the presentation on the results of work for 2011)

In fact, the gallery who goes into the unknown discovered after a long and systematic monitoring of the terrain of Arthur Zhemukhov, a local resident who appears in the media as a climber, and as a speleologist. Popular information about the cave of historians and local history spouses Maria and Victor Kotlyarov. The discovered entrance to a unique structure is a vertical gallery, a size of 40 by 90 cm. The mine itself consists of several "knees" with transitions from one part to another. It resembles an extension or chimney of some technological cavity, hidden in the ground and belonging to unknown giants. If it turns out that a person is involved in creating a found system of underground communications, it will be the largest prehistoric construction of modern Russia.

Among the search engines, descended by the bottom of the cave, were speleologists Igor Commel and Pavel Sofyin due to whose words, as well as with the involvement of other sources (schemers, for example) were composed of the first cave plans. The uncharted hollowness in the rock continued to surprise the types of climbers and speleologists - did not see anything like that of the USSR at the immense expanses. A winding and narrow Lases through which a man could hardly shatter, he was only a "bottle of neck" and passed to a huge room, which received the unofficial name of the "Flag" from the "Cosmopup" members. The explored the size of the cave from the top to the lower platform is about 100 m. The magnitude of the "flasks" in some sources is called equal to 36th. Accurate measurements have not yet been carried out.

Despite the "wow effect" from the initial look at the overall structure of the departure of Laza, the final conclusions about its man-made nature are still early. Today, there are as arguments in favor of the fact that the walls were processed, and heavy stone blocks were used to build an underground cavity (like those of those from which the Egyptian pyramids were compiled) and arguments saying that we were just a fortunate game Nature.

The head of the Kabardino-Balkarian geological exploration expedition of Vera Davidenko argues that "the Tuf of the Zayukovsky site is a cluster of the products of the volcanic ejection - ashes, fragments of lava, volcanic glass and, to a small degree, fragments of rocks, caterazing walls of the crater. Material emission during accumulation was Hot and therefore, during the frozen, the cracks were formed separately, that is, the entire tufic array turned out to be as if broken into blocks. Therefore, the deepening found in the village of Zayukovo village is one of these cracks of the gravitational separation, for which even surfaces of contact. " Davidenko and Albert Emkuzhev, the head of office for subsoil use in Kabardino-Balkaria, really notes that the natural cavity can also use ancient people.

The megalithic nature of North Caucasian education researchers also inclined some circumstances. In many ways, the expedition "Cosmoposisk" was organized due to local legends transmitted from the mouth to the mouth of Aksakals, which argued that there are city under the ground, and therefore the myths could be based on real events that took place in time immemorial times. Speletologists descended into the cave were able to consider and photographing the joints between possible blocks with smooth corners. When Ren-TV correspondents, who shot here in the fall of the film, screamed the "solution" at the joints of the blocks and showed it to Dr. Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Mining University Alexander Pankrattenko, then after studying the samples confirmed that this is some kind of firming material. Inside the cave, perfect ventilation, dampness is practically no, it began to form only after the depressurization of the Zaleza. Victor Kotlyarov, author of more than 50 history books on history, ethnology and the orography of the Caucasus claims that she showed the photos of mines to many geologists, including foreign, and most of them are inclined to the version of its artificial origin. "At the same time, everyone was one in one: they have not yet seen this," the historian emphasizes.

A variety of versions about the purpose of the mysterious stroke is abuse: it is a burial ground for the discharge of infected animals, and a food storage bunker, the dwelling of Ariyev, a giant energy resonator, the remains of an ancient well or mine, one of the fortifications of the Red Army, cooked to reflect the German offensive by the summer of 1942 of the year, "Schron" for some reconnaissance and sabotage (partisan) groups, etc.

Vadim Chernobrov, the coordinator "Cosmopoice" leans to the version that the cave is a representative of the largest megalithites ever created by humanity. Alas, no organic residues that would allow to determine the era in which the "underground city" was used for the purpose not yet detected. No traces of a person stay inside the cave were not found. The only indirect, but not yet proven confirmation of the use of this place as a cult or sacred sanctuary has come after the expedition: local locations found something near the necropolis and an astronomical observatory. The data has already actively picked up the press, but still require careful checks and archaeological binding to specific cultures.

Vadim Chernobrov, Expedition Member of the North Caucasus

It is impossible to bypass the party and another important fact: in the press and documentaries, voiced almost as the only existing version that the German organization "Anenchian" showed a serious interest in this place, the proof of what they serve to be knocked out on the approaches to the Swastika cave with dates. The Correspondent of the Falls asked Vadim Chernobrov's question about the truth of this approval and embarrassed nearby "Seven Swastika".

"The theme of the German heritage concerns and besides the minds of literally all local researchers and local lores without exception. For them, they are not the correel thoughts that Hitler considered the Caucasus" The Middle of the Force "and the" World Management Center ". None of them believes that Hitler. It was torn to the Caucasus only because of Caucasian oil or because of some other banal target. Many are looking for traces of the presence of the Nazis here, try to solve their deep esoteric designs. Which of them and how rights - we will not judge. Maybe there really are And "Seven Swastik" (I did not see), especially since there are more fantastic versions about the research of the Germans in the Caucasus. In any case, I would not hurry to admire the history of the ancient mines, which we speak, the history of the Germans. First, The Nazis were clearly not there (in the mine there are no traces of the presence of any people nor the Germans, nor anyone else), they could not build it (neither they do not have the necessary technologies for this) to the Germans simply did not have Time, in fact, only in the fall of 1942, after which the Red Army put the cross on all their search. "

It is impossible to exclude the natural origin of the cave, "sublipped" the most ancient inhabitants of these places, for example, in the so-called "sausage cave" there is a naturally natural extract, which the people of the stone century used, inciting inside the bonfire. Answers to many questions will give only new research. The main thing is that the participants of the expeditions do not overtake among themselves, competing for the right to be the discoverers of new artifacts, which are quite probably hiding in the darkness of winding labyrinths.

  • Orazaeva L. Scientists disagree on the origin of the unique cave detected in the Kabardino-Balkaria // Caucasian node. 09/27/2011
  • The Siemovtsy did not search for a cup of Grail in the cave of Kabardino-Balkaria // Time of Kabardino-Balkaria. 09/23/2011
  • Chernysheva M. In the places of the future tourist cluster in the North Caucasus found an ancient cave of mysterious origin // ITAR-TASS. 09/20/2011.

Many of the Caucasian residents are still preserved legends about cave life.
"A long time lived a man of salts. People lived then under the earth in large caves laid out. These caves have been preserved in some places," says one of the old Ingush legends.

(P.P. Semenov "Caucasus", 1898)

Underground Cities in the Caucasus
and the Caucasus died underground civilization?
In Russia, a facility was found comparable to the famous Hoeop Pyramid.
Speleologist Arthur Zhemukhova from Kabardino-Balkaria Unusual hobby: he is looking for sacred places scattered in the mountains and gorges, according to its own methodology, taking into account the location of the stars in the constellations and containing mathematical calculations. That is how Arthur discovered the mysterious LAZ mysterious laz in the Baksansky gorge. And under it is an amazing cave, which may be part of the underground city. In September, there for the third time the expedition of the Public Research Association "Cosmopoysk" has been visited.
Without climbing skills, penetrate the cave is almost impossible. First you need to squeeze in a hole of 40 by 120 cm, then descend on the rope along a narrow vertical mine. It forms two parallel stone plates. After 9 meters - the first "knee": LAZ goes away and immediately breaks down. Already here you will cover absolute silence - no sound penetrates outside. Another 23 meters in the depth - and the new "knee". To achieve the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it will take it an hour. But, by passing the "Bottle of Gorry", you will find yourself in a huge room that researchers called "Flag".
"The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the walls in the mine of obviously artificial origin," says Vadim Chernobrov, the coordinator of the Association "Cosmopoysk". - They are composed of smooth stone blocks, carefully polished. In the Egyptian pyramids, blocks of approximately the same sizes. It is easy to calculate that every "pebbles" weighs about 200 tons. And how to spoke with them to carefully fold such a structure, completely incomprehensible. And in the fact that it is man-made, I doubt a little. "
The same opinion adheres to Victor Kotlyarov, a local historian and local history: "When we showed photos of this mine geologists, including foreign, most of them led to the version of its artificial origin. In any case, all of them were one in the fact that there was never anywhere else and have never seen. There are no analogues in the world! "
In the dungeon, the researchers discovered a "steaming" column: Megalith is attached to the wall with only one edge, which seems to be hanging in the air. Unfortunately, no traces of people or organic remains in the cave found. However, Vadim Chernobrova is not surprising. He is confident that this construction and did not think as a dwelling. He had other tasks.
From the moment the public learned about the mysterious mine in the Baksansky Gorge, there was no shortage of versions about her destination. It was assumed that this is a burial ground for the discharge of infectious animals, a bunker for storing food, the dwelling of the Ariyev, the fortifications, a snowman's lair ... Some of the researchers descended into the mine heard there to the upwards, rustles and even whisper, which, if desired, can be adopted for unknown ancient language. But no traces and remains will repeat, it was found. And this refutes all the listed hypotheses. But in the dungeon blows a draft and it is stuck with narrow aisles, which still have to rake from the dawns. Local speleologists have already acquired electrical equipment to continue work in the next summer.
The stay of man or other living beings in this construction was not possible in initially, - shares his Chernobrov guess. - You can spend such an analogy: we penetrated not in the dwelling, but on some plant.
Let's say, climbed into the factory pipe, then descended into the combustion chamber and now we are trying to understand: where are people sitting here? And they did not sit there! And should not have been. According to our version, this cave is a technical structure. She served as a certain resonator, converter of waves and radiation unknown to us. Her age is about 5 thousand years. In terms of the size and functionality of the Cave of the Baksan Gorge, comparable to the Egyptian Great Pyramid, which many scientists are also considered a wave transmitter or an energy converter. "
Most likely, researchers believe, this object before was underground. He was located on the surface, being attached to the hillside. So it is possible to explain why one of the walls of the camera is "flasks" is uneven, litter (this is a fragment of a natural cliff), and the other is smooth, polished (unknown builders erected). For several millennia, the giant structure was covered with earth, sand and rocks of rock rocks, trees rose from above. And stone blocks, once located outside the hill, were in him inside. By the way, remember all the same pyramid of Heops. She, along with the lying near Sphinx, was brought by sand while the archaeologists did not dig it and did not give the "miracle of the world" that became the usual appearance.
The Baksan Mine Cave also can also dig, although it is difficult to even imagine what funds will require it. Researchers tend to the version that the construction of an unusual form that has been preserved inside the rock could be part of a more global structure - underground caves, the legends of which in the North Caucasus are transmitted to generation from generation. There are two more inputs in the dungeon are found nearby Laza leading to the 80 meter depth. Calculations show that if they continue to break the ruins, they docile together and lead together the same mysterious cave, where you can hear a whisper similar to an unknown ancient language.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, legends are common about large people. We were told that the "incredibly large bones" came off near this hill with earthworks, however, where they are now, none of the respondents knew, "says Igor Commel, geologist. - The local population is afraid to touch the grave of the giant, and we were allowed only after we promised that they would not dig there. We only made a map and enlightened the hill geolocato - the device showed that in the depths of the hill there are unclear foreign inclusions, but it was not possible to identify them. "
In the same area among forest thickets on the mountain there are several structures similar to mushrooms. Residents of the surrounding villages and call them mushrooms: stone bases close to the square are crowned with rounded "caps", between them the gaps. Researchers these monuments (natural, man-made?) Recalled ... Ventilation mines, almost like the metro metro. And this is not good.
In the XIX century, underground cities were found in the Cappadocia Valley on the territory of modern Turkey. The largest of them, Derinkov, is open in general only half a century ago! It turns out that, if you go down in a small LAZ in the midst of the mountain plains, you can find it in a huge dungeon, go down to eight floors, - with tunnels and halls, streets and squares, wells and ventilation mines. Now there are archaeological excavations there, this wonder shows tourists. It is amazing that the cave cities of Cappadocia were not found earlier. On the other hand, this suggests that such structures can exist somewhere else. Especially where legends go about them - as in the North Caucasus.
Myths about underground cities we heard repeatedly. Once, the Aksakals admitted that there is a place in the Baksan gorge, whose name from Kabardian is translated as an old town. His allegedly built the people who lived here before them, "continues V. Chernobrov. - And this city, according to them, was both overhead and underground! We went to the elevation specified to us and in fact discovered on it the remains of the walls and foundations. And in the grief - a small hole, narrow, near the meter. Explorer-old-timel remembered that when he was small, his grandfather told him: they were lazy to the boys and penetrated the huge city, where there are squares, streets and premises, but no people. There is still an underground river there, and if you go along it, you can go to the central square, where there is some kind of monument. Something like a sacred stone in the center of the settlement. In stock The underground river I do not doubt: the river runs outside the bottom of the gorge, which follows from this elevation. However, it was not easy to walk through the "entrance" - somewhere after 30-40 m, the ruins began. In addition, Aksakala said that there is some other entrance to which their grandfathers enjoyed. Later we found another crevice leading deep into the mountain. Within two years, our expeditions cleared the ruins on the way to the dungeon. Promed to several tens of meters, accounted for a preliminary map of the moves and shit. But to penetrate deeper and get to the "main street", you need to dig and dig. "
In the meantime, the "cosmoposisk" examined the old city, the local speleologist Arthur Zhemukh, training in the mountains, drew attention to an inconspicuous recess, littered with stones and overgrown with bushes. With the mind of Nora as Nora. But from the hole strongly swayed. Arthur disassembled the dawns and found a mine under them, leaving vertically down, into the darkness. And that struck it most: the rectangular walls of the Laza were smooth and smooth, as if polished. Zhemukh immediately understood: "This is a sensation."

Posted Sat, 10/29/12016 - 10:10 by CEP

Within the spelleological field of the Big Caucasus, three provinces are distinguished: North Caucasian, East Caucasian and Gorno-Kolkhida.
The North Caucasian speleological province is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus between the upper reaches of the Pchachi River (white) and the middle flow of Ardon (the left flow of the Terek). Karst caves dedicated to Jurassic plaster and limestone are quite widespread. Currently, 142 caves are described here, including 38 caves longer than 100 m. It includes Boutkov I (length 7000 m), desoz (473 m), Bugovskaya VI (1900 m), Baghenevskaya I (1800 m), Ammonite (1669 m), Aisch (1280 m) and neuro (1235 m).

Special position is occupied by the cave Boutkova I (total length of about 7000 m), located 7 km south-east of the Novosvobodny station. It was formed in the limestones of Jurassic age. The cave represents a complex labyrinth of narrow and low moves, moving in some places in small grottoes.

Among the Caucasus caves are interesting to the Asian cave (total length of 1280 m), located on the north-western slope of the Asish-Tau Ridge, 12 km from the village of Hamushki. It was formed in Verkhneurous dolomied limestone. The cave consists of several grottoes and connecting their passages. The largest grotes reach 25 m lengths and 25 m of heights. For the bottom of the main turn flows the stream. Extensive studies are widely developed.

Air temperature is 10-12 °. The East Caucasian speleological province is located in the northeastern part of the Big Caucasus east of the Ardon River. 35 caves were investigated here. The largest of them is the local one (length 350 m), Chaldybalskaya (150 m), Kara-Budakhkent (135 m) and Usman-Laurele (100 m). The Cave of the Nizhin-Layage is located on the interflucement of the Phiogdon and Gizeldon rivers, 3 km east of the village of Tagardon, on the northern slope of Szogg Hosh Hararog. The cave was formed in limestone. The entrance reaches 1.8 m of height and 10 m length. The length of the cave is 350 m, the volume is 1500 m3.

Ancient cave

In Adygea, an ancient cave was found near the Holy Mikhailovsky monastery: in early August, the activists of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) were found when they laid a new tourist route. The entrance opened during the development of a gypsum career. "Builders, apparently, the bucket removed the arch of the cave with stalactites," says the head of the Adygei branch of the RGO Igor Oghai. Already on August 30, specialists from Krasnodar conducted georadiolocarization measurements and concluded that there was not one cave here, but a whole carcass array.

The Caucasus in recent years becomes the center of attraction for lovers to travel through natural underground spaces, the so-called "speleotorists". Many caves are concentrated here, the overwhelming majority of them have a karst origin. It is this kind of caves most common in nature.

The mechanism of their education has long been known. The aqueous streams are washed in rocks (limestone, marble, gypsum) cavity, and underground spaces with numerous levels, halls, transitions, lakes and waterfalls are formed. Increased carbon dioxide in water only speeds up this process. It is karst caves that have the greatest length and depth, often stretched on tens of kilometers.

For speleologists, interest is literally everything: the history of the formation of the caves, their structure, the inner world. Often, water forms salt deposits inside the caves, thereby forming famous stalactites and stalagmites that attract curious tourists. Some of the caves were used by ancient people as housing or served as a guy for wild beasts. Therefore, there are often revealing remains of fat or people and their livelihoods (drawings, fires, steps).

North Caucasus (and especially Abkhazia) in the speleologists around the world is at a special account. According to the legend, the founder of speleology Martel, having visited these places at the beginning of the 20th century, predicted that they would find the deepest caves of the world.

Roman Ilf and Petrov "Twelve Chairs" added popularity. It was here that Ostap Bender sold entrance tickets, and the revenue allegedly went to the strengthening of the failure - so that he did not fall too much.
The writers themselves unilently responded about this lake, calling him a "puddle". In fact, the unusual smell and turquoise color of the lake received due to sulfur, which is contained in water. It is located in an underground cave and appeared due to the effects of mineral waters.

Cave fail

Vintage daches were built around the failure - they form a small town. At home appeared at the end of the 19th century, and look very original. Among them are unusual, similar to the eastern palaces and medieval castles. Today, most of these houses are converted to the sanatorium.
By the way, the locals thanked Ilf and Petrov for the promotion of failure and installed the statue of Bender at the entrance. True, in his hands, tickets are not 5 and 10 kopecks, as indicated in the book, but fifty.

Stavropol region.
Failure - a lake and a natural cave on the southern slope of Mashuk Mountain in Pyatigorsk. The cave is a cone-shaped funnel with a height of 41 m, at the bottom of which is a karst lake of mineral water of pure blue.
Lake depth 11 m, diameter 15 m. Water temperature from 26 ° to 42 ° C. The blue color of water gives hydrogen sulfide and special bacteria. Cave Caucasia


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Anhin G.I. "Small Caucasus". M., "Physical Education and Sport", 1981.
Wikipedia website.


First of all, you need to pay attention to those caves whose visit is possible not independently or with some kind of conductor from the number of local residents, but as part of organized excursions. There are quite a lot of such caves in the Caucasus and one of them is a Asian cave, which is located near the city of Maikop. It is in the forest area and was opened in 1911, but for the general public was opened in 1987. The total length of the cave is 640 meters, but only 220 meters are equipped for excursions. This cave is multi-tiered surround galleries and incredibly beautiful halls. The entrance to the cave is a vertical well, which was formed as a result of the collapse. In the depths of the cave takes up to 37 meters. The plot provided for excursions is completely safe, convenient and well covered. Everywhere there are pedestrian walkways, fences, stairs.

All the halls are impressive with their pristine beauty, which was created exclusively by nature, without the participation of a person. Each room has its name. The Bogatyr Hall received its name because it has a height equal to three human growth. The hall called the altar actually resembles the altar, which causes astounding tourists. Stalactites and wall-mounted floors formed bizarre forms, thanks to which some rooms received the appropriate name: the "Buddha" statue of the "Apostles", "Baba Yaga".

The cave installed a special microclimate, due to which the growth of various formations does not stop over many centuries (scientists believe that this process continues for two million years). If you decide to visit this cave in the warm season, it is necessary to take warm clothes with you, since the year-round temperature inside the cave is kept at 4-7 degrees. You can take warm things in place, but for an additional fee.

Some tourists get to this cave on their own, by car, and some simply buy an excursion in one of Maikop's excursion agencies. If you go to the car, then you need to follow through Hadzokh, and near Dakhovskaya turn on the Lago-Naki plateau and go up the serpentine. On the way there are pointers, so do not get lost.

As I said, you can get into the cave only with a tussing time, you must first buy a ticket. It is best to come on weekdays, as large queues are built on holidays and weekends, in which you can spend several hours and all the pleasure of visiting the cave will be lubricated. Excursions pass every 30 minutes. It is categorically prohibited to touch stalactitams and other formations. The average duration of the excursion is 25 minutes, but there is an opportunity to stay for a longer time. Excursions spend from 9 to 18 hours.

The pricing policy is in such a way that an adult entrance ticket costs 400 rubles, and for children from 7 to 14 years old - two times less. Individual excursions will be somewhat more expensive, but there is no particular sense to buy their special meaning.

This area can be interested in not only the Asian cave, but also located near the rope park, cafe, the ability to purchase different souvenirs. If you go up a little along the path, then you can go on a chic looking site from where incredible views of the surrounding mountains are opening.

In Russia, a facility was found comparable to the famous Hoeop Pyramid.

Speleologist Arthur Zhemukhova from Kabardino-Balkaria Unusual hobby: he is looking for sacred places scattered in the mountains and gorges, according to its own methodology, taking into account the location of the stars in the constellations and containing mathematical calculations. That is how Arthur discovered the mysterious LAZ mysterious laz in the Baksansky gorge. And under it is an amazing cave, which may be part of the underground city. In September, there for the third time the expedition of the Public Research Association "Cosmopoysk" has been visited.

"Flask" with "Hall"

Without climbing skills, penetrate the cave is almost impossible. First you need to squeeze in a hole of 40 by 120 cm, then descend on the rope along a narrow vertical mine. It forms two parallel stone plates. After 9 meters - the first "knee": LAZ goes away and immediately breaks down. Already here you will cover absolute silence - no sound penetrates outside. Another 23 meters in the depth - and the new "knee". To achieve the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it will take it an hour. But, by passing the "Bottle of Gorry", you will find yourself in a huge room that researchers called "Flag".

"The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the walls in the mine of obviously artificial origin," says Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the Association "Cosmopoysk". - They are composed of smooth stone blocks, carefully polished. In the Egyptian pyramids, blocks of approximately the same sizes. It is easy to calculate that every "pebbles" weighs about 200 tons. And how to spoke with them to carefully fold such a structure, completely incomprehensible. And in the fact that it is man-made, I doubt a little. "

The same opinions are held Victor Kotlyarov, site historian and local history: "When we showed photos of this mine to geologists, including foreign, most of them led to the version of its artificial origin. In any case, all of them were one in the fact that there was never anywhere else and have never seen. There are no analogues in the world! "

In the dungeon, the researchers discovered a "steaming" column: Megalith is attached to the wall with only one edge, which seems to be hanging in the air. Unfortunately, no traces of people or organic remains in the cave found. However, Vadim Chernobrova is not surprising. He is confident that this construction and did not think as a dwelling. He had other tasks.

Dig a resonator

From the moment the public learned about the mysterious mine in the Baksansky Gorge, there was no shortage of versions about her destination. It was assumed that this is a burial ground for the discharge of infectious animals, a bunker for storing food, the dwelling of the Ariyev, the fortifications, a snowman's lair ... Some of the researchers descended into the mine heard there to the upwards, rustles and even whisper, which, if desired, can be adopted for unknown ancient language. But no traces and remains will repeat, it was found. And this refutes all the listed hypotheses. But in the dungeon blows a draft and it is stuck with narrow aisles, which still have to rake from the dawns. Local speleologists have already acquired electrical equipment to continue work in the next summer.

"The stay of a person or other living beings in this construction was not possible in initially - divided by his own guesses of Chernobrov. - You can spend such an analogy: we penetrated not in the dwelling, but on some plant.

Let's say, climbed into the factory pipe, then descended into the combustion chamber and now we are trying to understand: where are people sitting here? And they did not sit there! And should not have been. According to our version, this cave is a technical construction. She served as a certain resonator, converter of waves and radiation unknown to us. Her age is about 5 thousand years. In terms of size and functional, the Baksan Gorge Cave is comparable to the Egyptian Great Pyramid, which many scientists are also considered a wave transmitter or an energy converter. "

Most likely, researchers believe, this object before was underground. He was located on the surface, being attached to the hillside. So it is possible to explain why one of the walls of the camera is "flasks" is uneven, litter (this is a fragment of a natural cliff), and the other is smooth, polished (unknown builders erected). For several millennia, the giant structure was covered with earth, sand and rocks of rock rocks, trees rose from above. And stone blocks, once located outside the hill, were in him inside. By the way, remember all the same pyramid of Heops. She, together with the lying sphink-som, was brought by sand while the archaeologists did not dig it and did not give the "miracle of the world" the already familiar look.

The Baksan Mine Cave also can also dig, although it is difficult to even imagine what funds will require it. Researchers tend to the version that the construction of an unusual form that has been preserved inside the rock could be part of a more global structure - underground caves, the legends of which in the North Caucasus are transmitted to generation from generation. There are two more inputs in the dungeon are found nearby Laza leading to the 80 meter depth. Calculations show that if they continue to break the ruins, they docile together and lead together the same mysterious cave, where you can hear a whisper similar to an unknown ancient language.