Sking village in Kabardino-Balkaria. Video: Bashkara glacier lake breakthrough caused powerful sels in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria

At night, from August 31, on September 1, Elbrus and Upper Baksan in the Kabardino-Balkaria, a powerful decele flux came up in Kabardino-Balkaria. He damaged the road Cool - Azau, 3 pedestrian bridge and gas pipeline. As a result, about 6,000 people remained without gas and car communication. Mobile communication is. About 500 tourists from 14 countries are now located in the area. 27 tourist bases in the area were cut off from civilization. While people are evacuated on helicopters.

Sel in Kabardino-Balkaria: August 2017

Sel in Kabardino-Balkaria August 2017 I got off the slopes of the Gorge of Adyl-Su and caused a way out of the banks of the Baksan River because of the breakthrough of the mountain lake.
But the video of the village in the CBD from the NTV channel.

Now there are 553 people and 82 units of technology that are engaged in the strengthening of the roadway at the departments of Sil.

Photo from the Archives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

According to unverified information, the village stream pushed 3 cars into the river. The number of victims from the village in Kabardino-Balkaria in 2017 is still specified. While the dead 1 person is considered, and 3 are missing, including the head of the rural settlement Elbrus.
A storm warning is announced in the area. Reuses are possible.
But now this terrain looks like. Shooting from the air.

Let me remind you that 7 five thousand Caucasian five-thousandths, including Elbrus, as well as many mountain lakes and waterfalls, are located at Kabardino-Balkaria, including tourists every year.

On the night of September 1, the Kabardino-Balkaria gave rise to the village streams. As a result, more than 500 people turned out to be blocked, including tourists from other countries. The consequences of the sedelism - in the Photo Gallery of RBC

Information about the sealer in the village of Elbrus and Upper Baksan in Kabardino-Balkaria entered the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 2:50 local time. As a result of the incident, more than 500 people were blocked, about 5 thousand people remained without gas supply due to damage to the gas pipeline.

The locals found themselves after leaving the banks of the Baksan River and the departure of the village streams from the slope of Adyl-Su gorge. The pouring rains blurred the federal cooler road - Azaau, as well as three pedestrian bridges. Selemic flows are also cut off five settlements in which almost 6 thousand people live.

According to RIA Novosti, as a result, there were 27 tourist bases and 49 registered turgroups, which more than 500 people, including 133 foreign tourists from 14 countries, were cut off.

Storm warning announced in the region, heavy rain and thunderstorm are predicted in the mountainous areas of Kabardino-Balkaria.

More than 30 units of equipment are brought to eliminate the consequences of the village, as well as about 150 people from the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. At the moment, 245 people work on the spot, experts strengthen the roads of the road in the gathering zone.

Previously, the streams of water and dirt were collided into the three car river, in one of which was the head of the village Elbrus Moussa Jappuyev. His searches continue. Information about the number of victims is specified.


On September 1, it was marked not only by joyful events, but, unfortunately, and sad - in Karabdino-Balkaria, Sel had a lot - this powerful mud thread brought a lot of trouble.

Blurred roads. Three bridges are demolished immediately. High pressure gas pipeline damaged. Five settlements turned out to be cut off from gas supply. The republic has created an operational headquarters for eliminating consequences.

Meanwhile, weather forecasters predict new shower. A storm warning announced in the region for the next day.

Sale descended in the village of Elbrus and Upper Baksan. The village stream in the village of Elbrus and the Upper Baksan in the Elbrus district in the south-west of the CBD came up on Friday night.

On the night of September 1, as a result of abundant precipitation, 2 kilometers of the west of the village Elbrus of the Elbrus region from the slope of Adyl-Soo gorge there was a similarity to the federal road A-158 Cool - Baksan - Elbrus.

As a result, eight sections of the roadproof with a total length of over 3 kilometers on the federal highway were damaged. The gas supply of six settlements is broken. The silem flow was demolished into the river three passenger cars, two people were saved, three more were missing.

At the time of the release of the first information about what happened was known about the dead and three, missing.

Several hundred tourists turned out to be blocked in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria due to the departure of the village streams.

As told in the press service of the Republican Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, 301 travelers were stuck in the Baksan gorge, including 113 foreign guests. All these people went hiking as part of registered groups.

In addition, 27 the turbases turned out to be cut off from the federal highway.

In addition, tourists who were not marked in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also located in the ChP area before reaching the route. The ministry employees find out their exact number.

According to the regional administration of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, several people suffered as a result of the village of Sail.

When the road collapse, several cars were demolished into the mountain river, including the car in which the head of the village of Elbrus Moussa Jappuyev could be located.

"Jappuev's car was found, she was under the stones, they can not yet get, but he is hardly alive," the agency's interlocutor said, noting that he would continue the search for missing tomorrow morning.

"Storam, whom the Booth was demolished, and a man on Volkswagen will begin to look for a man, they found the car, but there is no driver," the agency's interlocutor noted, adding a man who fallen into the water in the water, "everything is in order."

Rescuers discovered the body of the Baksan died in the floodplain of the River in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village stream in Kabardino-Balkaria, reports the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic.

"At 08 hours 40 minutes, SkrpsSo rescuers found the body of a man in the floodplain of the Baksan River 150 meters from the neutrino p.," Said in a message.

In the elimination of the consequences of emergency, 245 specialists are involved, 33 units of technology are attracted.

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More than 500 people were cut off by the village in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, said RIA Novosti source in emergency services of the region.

"The 27 tourist bases and 49 registered turgroup are cut off, as part of which more than 500 people, including 133 foreigners," the agency's source noted.

In addition to Russians, representatives of 14 countries were blocked, including the United States, Germany, China, Poland, Slovenia and Malaysia.

According to the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, the powerful selene has descended from the slopes of the Gorge of Adyl-Su. In addition, due to heavy rains, the level of water in the Baksan River, a federal road was blurred in several places - Azau's federal road and washed three pedestrian bridges. Selemic streams are also cut off five settlements in which almost six thousand people live.

As noted in the management of federal road roads "Caucasus", a section of the A-158 Cool road is closed for the movement - Baksan - Elbrus from the 63rd to the 93rd kilometer. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they asked residents to temporarily refrain from a trip to Elbrus district.

More than ten units of technology participate in the elimination of the consequences of the village of Sel. Specialists strengthen the sections of the road in the gathering area.

In the mountainous regions of Kabardino-Balkaria predict heavy rain and thunderstorms, a storm warning announced.

The head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yury Kokov said that foreign tourist groups should leave 1, 2 and 3 September. The leadership of the republic has a clear action plan in an emergency.

For the evacuation of tourists, additionally buses are reserved. In the victim from Sil, there are 49 tourist groups. With one of the registered groups of 17 tourists fails to establish communication.

"The task is to minimize the inconvenience as for residents and for vacationers," the kokov emphasized.

Show damaged the high pressure gas pipeline. Upper Baksan, Neutrinos, Thechenkoli and Elbrus remained without gas. By the end of September 1, it is planned to connect these settlements to gas supply in a temporary scheme.

The village stream traced in the river three cars. Two people are saved, the search for three continues. Among the missing head of the rural settlement Elbrus Moussa Jappuyev.

In Kabardino-Balkaria, the grouping of rescuers increases to eliminate the consequences of the village of Sil, the head of the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Igor Oder. Lifeguards from the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia are sent to Kabardino-Balkaria. The third rescue helicopter Mi-8 is directed to the region. Rescuers have been delivered by the priority to organize communication in the Emergency Region.

The head of the administration of Elbrus Musa Jappuyev disappeared in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria. His car was demolished into the river during the river, and then took the flow.

Founding with the head of the village administration local managed to jump out of the car.

The village streams from the surrounding slopes came to the village of Upper Baksan and Elbrus. Without gas supply due to damage to the 250 mm high-pressure gas pipeline, Upper Baksan, neutrinos, Tehenekli, Terekol and Elbrus were left, Interfax reported. The federal cooler road is blurred in several places, also the village streams were demolished three pedestrian bridges. Sal blocked in the mountains more than three hundred tourists. The Mi-8 helicopter will be used to search them.

Joint actions in the disaster zone discussed the Minister of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov and head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yuri Kokov. Despite the villages, the learning process in the schools of the villages on September 1 on the day of knowledge is not broken.

In the Elbrus district of Kabardino-Balkaria evacuate the inhabitants due to the departure of the village stream.

Rescuers evacuate almost 1000 inhabitants of the high-mountain town of Tyrnyauses in Kabardino-Balkaria. In the city by the floodplain of the River Gleozhan-Suu, an incessant village stream comes with an hour, TASS reports with reference to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic. The administration of the Elbrus region introduced a state of emergency.

From the message of the State Ministry of Emergency Situations of the CBD: "978 inhabitants of four apartment buildings are evacuated for preventive purposes.

For residents prepared posts temporary placement.

Breakthrough upper lake At the Bashkar glacier in the upper reaches of the Aldil-Soo gorge in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, it was the cause of a powerful village that washed away seven sections federal road Cool-Azaau and damaged gas pipeline in the Baksan Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria, reports With reference to the director of the Alpine Geophysical Institute of Mukhtar Beckkiyev.

The scientist said that the draining of water from the lower lake is almost as usual. The new breakthrough in the near future specialists do not expect. On Bashkarian lakes, there are observational posts for several years, since the danger of a breakthrough of the ice partition existed for a long time. And scientists warned about it. Why monitoring did not work, still to find out.

Tonight, in the gorge of Adil-Su, there was a powerful sel. The mudekhamentable mass was carried to the Baksan Gorge. She changed the riverbed River Baksan and destroyed seven sections of the cool-Azae road with a total length of 3.3 km. One of the fully washed areas has a length of 300 meters, the remaining 150 and 120 meters.

At the same time, the water was also washed away three cars with people. Three people are missing missing. Among them, the head of the administration of the village Elbrus Moussa Jappuyev, who first arrived at the place of emergency in order to take measures to evacuate people. In the course of the move, the collapse of the road and the car was in the flow of water. Two saved. The search for missing continues.

Six villages were left without gas supply (1 thousand 465 subscribers) - Tekrenekly, Elbrus, Neutrino, Baydaevka and Upper Baksan.

On cut off transport message The territory of Elbrusia is 7,750 inhabitants and vacationers. Including 49 registered tourist groups (301 tourists), of which 20 groups (133 people) are foreign tourists. Only 525 people, including seven children there there is electricity, drinking water and stocks of products for several days.

Those who wished to evacuate the helicopter to Tyrnyowa, then buses. Priority was given to those who had "last minute" tickets. However, after the six flights made, the weather did not allow to continue flights.

In the Elbrus and Baksan regions of Kabardino-Balkaria, from September 1, an emergency is introduced.

The head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yuri Kokov from the helicopter estimated the scale of the disaster in the victims of the lamb settlements Elbrus district. In Tyrnyause, a meeting of the operational headquarters was held to eliminate the consequences of the emergency.

The main and main task of Yuri Kokok called the establishment of people's location, an increase in the grouping of search groups, expanding the search area (along the floodplain of the Baksan River in Elbrus, Baksansky and Chegemsky districts), restoring transport links, gas supply (until the end of the day), connecting it to the first Queue Social objects, educational institutions, health care, medical and obstetric items, ensuring reserve stocks of water, food, medicines.

The order of the CBD chapter in Elbrus and Baksansky districts is emerging.