Square Lake Superior. Top (lake)

It is the largest and deepest of great and belong to the right to be called the largest freshwater lake in the world. The northeast of the lake is located in Canada, and the Western and southern part of the lake in the United States. Lake is located At an altitude of 183 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is 613 kilometers, the greatest width of the lake reaches 256 kilometers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 82,000 square kilometers, the greatest depth of the lake reaches 393 meters. The lakes of the lake has a tectonic origin, the northern shores of the lake are covered with rocks reaching the height of 400 meters. In turn, the southern shores of the lake Low lying and sandy. In Michigan, the coast of the lake is located deposits of copper and iron ore. The Saint Meris river flows from the lake for 112 kilometers and connects the upper lake with. Water in the lake is cold and transparent, in the central part of the lake, even in the middle of the summer, the water temperature does not exceed 4 degrees of heat. The central part of the lake does not freeze due to the raging autumn and winter storms, in turn, the coastal zone of the lake is covered by the beginning of December ice and is freed from ice by April. The upper lake is part of a large water path through great lakes, which takes place for 8 months of navigation in a year, about 22,000 vessels.

The total weight of the cargo transported is about 130 million tons. The water of the lake is rich in fish, among which trout and sturgeon are mined in an industrial way. On the shores of the lake there are large ports in Canada. This is Fort William and Port Arthur, in the United States Ashland, Marquette. In Ojibvy, the lake is called Gichigami and translates as "big water". In the 17th century, during the study of the lake by the French, it was called "The Highest Lake", because he was located above the Lake Huron, and later the name was adopted by the British.

A large salt lake is located in the United States, northwest in Utah, at an altitude of 1280 meters above sea level, its area ranges from 2500 to 6,000 square kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 4.5 - 7.5 meters, the greatest depth reaches 15 meters. The rivers like Bar, Jordan, Wieber and many others fall into the lake. The predecessor of the lake is [...]


Name Area (km 2)

Asia 43608000.

Africa 30335000

North America 24300000.

South America 17611000

Antarctica 13340000.

Europe 10498000.

Australia 8923000.

The largest islands

Name Area (km 2)

Greenland 2715600.

New Guinea 789950.

Borneo 751100.

Madagascar 586376.

Sumatra 424760.

Honshu, Japan 227920

United Kingdom 218896.

The largest lakes

Name Location area (km2 )

Caspian Eurasia 424200.


Top US / Canada 82414

Victoria Tanzania / Uganda 69215

Huron USA / Canada 59596

Michigan USA 58016.

Aral Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan 40500


Tananian Tanzania / Congo 32764

Baikal Russia 31500.

Great Canada 31328.


The longest rivers

Name Location Location (km)

Nile Northeastern 6671


Amazon South America 6640

Yangtze China 6276.

Mississippi USA 6019.

Ob-Irtysh Asia 5411

Yenisei Angara Russia 4989

Juanhe China 4830.

(Yellow River)

Amur Shilka - East Asia 4416


Lena Russia 4400.

Congo Central Africa 438

Seas and oceans

Name Area (km 2)

Pacific Ocean 166241000.

Atlantic 82217000.


Indian 73600000.


Northern Arctic 12257000.


Mediterranean Sea 2505000.

South China Sea 2318000

Caribbean Sea 1943000.

Bering Sea 2269000.

Mexican Bay 1554000.

The highest mountains

Name Location Height (M)

Everest Nepal-Tibetan border 8848

CHODY Pakistani-Chinese 8611

The border

Kanchenjung Nepalo-Sik border 8598

Makalu Nepalo-Tibetan border 8470

Cho OI Nepal-Tibetan border 8201

Dhaulagiri Nepal 8172.

Manaslo Nepal 8163.

Nanga Parbat Pakistan 8126

Anapure Nepal 8076.

Gasherbruum Pakistani-Chinese 8068

The border


Wind power

Number of Bofor

KM / C.

Description of wind

Observed signs of wind

Less than 1.


Smoke rises vertically.

Silent wind

Smoke refers in the direction of the wind, the weather is not moving.


Light breeze

Wind blowing is felt on the face, foliage Slavet, the fluger turns.


Soft breeze

Leaves and small trees pegs, small flags tremble in the wind.


Moderate breeze

Dust and garbage rises, peasants of tree branches.


Fresh breeze

Small trees are swinging.


Strong breeze

Large branches are swinging, telephone interference appears, it is difficult to use an umbrella.


Moderate storm

It's hard to go against the wind. Large trees are swinging.



Small branches on the trees break, it is very difficult to go.


Heavy storm

Big branches on the trees break, some buildings are damaged.



Trees break down with the root, buildings are badly damaged.


Strong storm

Strong damage to trees and buildings.

118 or more


Extensive widespread destruction.

Measuring earthquakes




You can only install with seismograph.


Only some residents of the upper floors notice.


Remind by passing transport. Hanging chandeliers can swing.


Windows and dishes rattling. It seems that heavy truck crashed into the building.


Nothing almost all. Sleeping wake up, minor items are moving and liquid is spilled.


Many people are frightened and run out. Moves heavy furniture. The pictures fall from the walls.


Cracks appear in the walls. Bricks and tiles fall from buildings, it is difficult to stay on the legs.


Encouraged unintelligent buildings and pipes at houses.


Russed strong houses. Metro lines are destroyed. Cracks appear on the surface of the earth.


Owls occur. Railway tracks are boxed. The rivers leave the shores.


Most buildings collapsed. There are large cracks in the ground. Bridges are destroyed.


The surface of the earth fluctuates. Complete destruction occurs.

8.2 I.



mogsa hardness




Talc is very easy to scratching the nail

Gypsum can be scratched with nail

Calcite is very easy to scratch with a knife or copper coin

Fluorite is easily scratched with a knife

Apatite can be slightly scratched with a knife

Ortoklase can not scratch a knife. Slightly scratches glass

Quartz Easily scratching glass

Beryl or Topaz very easily scratching glass

Corundum cuts glass

Diamond is very easy cutting glass. Scratches corundum

Ecological dates of the calendar

Calendar of International Environmental Shares


Related and conducted, but unconfigured UN, environmental dates


hazards of natural disasters.

Memorable dates of Russia

April 15 - June 5 - All-Russian days of protection against environmental danger.

  1. and catastrophes (the date is associated with an accident in 1986 on

Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

Primary geography course (Grade 6)

Plan Characteristics Mountains.

1. Geographical location.

  1. The direction of the mountain ranges, the steepness of the slopes.
  2. The length of the ridges (km).
  3. Prevailing height.
  4. The greatest height (coordinates of the vertices).
  5. Age, origin.

Plan Challenge Plains.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Borders of the plain.
  3. Planation.
  4. Bias
  5. Length from west to east and from north to south.

Ocean characteristic plan.

1. Geographical location.

2. Area, place, among other oceans.

3. Features of the Relief of the bottom.

4. Prevailing and greatest depths.

5. Ocean flows.

6. Transport seabed.

Plan characteristic of the sea.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Interior or outdoor.
  3. The outline of the shores and the square.
  4. Islands and peninsula.
  5. The greatest and prevailing depth.

Plan of the characteristic of the river.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Where it begins (source).
  3. Direction of flow.
  4. Where flows (mouth).
  5. Dependence of the direction and nature of the flow

From relief.

Plan characteristics of the lake.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. How formed.
  3. The greatest depth.
  4. Salinity.
  5. Soyberry or faceless.
  6. The nature of the shores.

Weather Challenge Plan.

  1. Name of the month, season of the year.
  2. Sun height over the horizon.
  3. Duration of the day.
  4. Average temperature.
  5. Dominant winds.
  6. The number and types of precipitation.
  7. Characteristic types of precipitation.

Physical geography of continents and oceans.

7th grade

Plan Card Characteristics.

  1. Types of map coverage.
  2. Types of cards on scale.
  3. Types of content cards.
  4. Map assignment.

Plan descriptions of the geographical position of the mainland.

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland and its place among other continents.
  2. The location of the mainland relative to the equator, tropics, zero (180th) meridians.
  3. The extreme points of the mainland, coordinates, the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from the north to the south and from the west to the east.
  4. The nature of the outline of the shores.
  5. Oceans, wash mainland.
  6. Location relative to other continents.

Plan the characteristic of the relief of the territory.

  1. The overall nature of the surface. Common laws.
  2. The location of the form of relief on the surface under study.

Plan Characteristics of the Forms of Relief.

  1. Location on the mainland.
  2. Approximate area and its comparison with the mainland area.
  3. The greatest, smallest and prevailing heights.
  4. Origin (processes)

Climate Challenge Plan

1. Geographical location.

2. Climate type (climatic belt and area).

3. Climate-forming factors.

4. Middle temperatures of January and July, temperature maxima and minima.

5. The amount of precipitation and their distribution during the year.

6. The dominant winds (by seasons).

Plan characteristic climatodiagram

  1. Location (mainland, part of it).
  2. Annual temperature course. Average temperatures of January and July. Annual temperature amplitude.
  3. The amount of precipitation. Distribution of precipitation by months.
  4. Characteristic climate type (climatic belt and area).

Plan of the characteristic of the river.

  1. Location on the mainland relative to other form of relief.
  2. The location of the source.
  3. Direction of flow.
  4. In what area flows.
  5. The nature of the flow (flat or mountain).
  6. Declarations of runoff at the time of the year.
  7. Functions of the river.
  8. The location of the mouth.
  9. The nature of the use of man.

10. Ecological problems.

Plan characteristic of the natural zone.

  1. Geographical position, borders.
  2. Relief.
  3. Climate.
  4. Inland waters.
  5. The soil.
  6. Vegetation.
  7. Animal world.

Plan the characteristic of the mainland population

  1. Peoples inhabiting this territory.
  2. The distribution of the population for the mainland (tightly populated areas and less populated territories, reasons).
  3. Average density (in general for mainland and in separate regions).

Plan Characteristics of the country

  1. Geographical position, border, border states, capital.
  2. Features of the relief (the overall nature of the surface, minerals).
  3. Climatic conditions (climatic belts, middle temperatures of January and July, annual rainfall).
  4. Internal waters (large rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.).
  5. Natural zones and their features (soil, vegetation, animal world).
  6. Population (main races, peoples) and their economic activity.

Plan characteristics of the geographical position of the ocean.

  1. Location relative to hemispheres, equator, tropics, zero and 180th meridians.
  2. Washed continents.
  3. Bordering oceans (straits).
  4. Location in climatic belts.

Plan characteristic of the sea.

  1. To the pool, what ocean applies.
  2. What parts of the mainland is washes.
  3. Features of the coastline.
  4. Depth of the sea, salinity.
  5. Frozenness.
  6. Fishery.

Georafia of Russia (8-9 grade)

Plan characteristics of the natural and territorial complex (PTK)

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Geological structure and minerals.
  3. Relief.
  4. Climate (climatic belts and regions, middle temperatures of January and July, the amplitude of temperature, the average annual precipitation, the humidification coefficient, the annual temperature sum above +10about c, the possibility of natural conditions for agricultural use of the territory).
  5. The soil.
  6. Vegetation.
  7. Animal world.
  8. Ecological problems.

Plan characteristics of natural resources.

  1. Common stocks and concentration (per unit area).
  2. Quality, composition.
  3. Conditions of location (depth, power of layers).
  4. Combination with other mineral types, the possibility of their sharing.
  5. Oral territory.
  6. Transport opportunities.
  7. Conclusion about rational use, taking into account the impact on the environment.
  1. Number. Natural and mechanical composition.
  2. National composition.
  3. Density, features of population location.
  4. Features of the settlement of urban and rural population, the largest urban agglomerations.

Plan characteristics of labor resources.

  1. Number.
  2. Age composition.
  3. Placing labor resources.
  4. Professional skills.
  5. Distribution of labor resources between the production and non-production sector; Production branches.
  6. The conclusion about the impact of labor resources on the development of modern economy, the development of folk crafts.

Plan Characteristics of the fuel base.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Transport opportunities.
  3. The stock and quality of raw materials.
  4. Terms of location (reservoir power, ground depth, production method).
  5. Production cost.
  6. Mining, comparison by year, the possibility of further growth.
  7. environmental problems and ways to solve them.
  8. The value of the fuel base for the country's farm. Possible areas of consumption.

Plan characteristics of the metallurgical base.

  1. Geographical position.
  2. Production relations for raw materials, fuel, finished products.
  3. Cost of metal.
  4. The largest centers, types of combines.
  5. Development prospects.

Plan Characteristics industry industry.

  1. The value of the industry in the national economy.
  2. Sectoral composition.
  3. Features and economic features and economic prerequisites for the development of the industry (energy, water, water consumption, production costs).
  4. Inter-sectoral and intra-separable branches.
  5. Principles of placement and factors that determine them.
  6. Areas and accommodation centers.
  7. Prospects for the development and placement of the industry

Plan Characteristics of the Industry of Agriculture

  1. Sectoral composition.
  2. Agroclimatic indicators (climatic, soil, vegetative).
  3. Distribution areas.
  4. Environmental problems associated with the industry and ways to solve them.
  5. Prospects for the development and placement of the industry.

Plan characteristics of the transport highway.

  1. Type of highway (railway, water, aviation, pipeline, etc.)
  2. Direction connected by its territory.
  3. Length.
  4. Natural conditions. Influencing the highway.
  5. Transport hubs.
  6. Composition and direction of cargo flows.
  7. environmental problems. Associated with the industry and ways to solve them.

Plan characteristics of an industrial enterprise.

  1. Economic and geographical location of the enterprise.
  2. Specialization of the enterprise, composition of its workshops, their production relationships.
  3. The cost of production (consumption of raw materials, fuel, water, labor per unit of products).
  4. Territorial production relations with other enterprises.
  5. General conclusions about the nature of production (energy-intensive, labor-intensive, etc.).
  6. The principle of placing an enterprise in this place and the prospects for its development.

Plan Characteristics of the Economic Area.

  1. The composition of the territory, the area.
  2. population and labor resources.
  3. Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources for the development of industry, agriculture, transport.
  4. Farming of the Area:

a) historical and geographical premises;

b) sectors of specialization;

c) modern development;

d) industrial assemblies and centers;

e) agricultural areas.

6. Transport, internal and external transportation.

7. The largest cities.

8. Prospects for the development of the area.

Plan characteristics of natural resources and conditions for the development of industry.

  1. Energy base, features of the placement of fuel and hydroresours.
  2. Raw base, features of the placement of ore, nonmetallic, forest resources.
  3. Natural conditions that make it difficult to build (relief, eternal Merzlot, climate, etc.).
  4. The conclusion about the types of industries that can be developed with this combination of natural conditions and resources.

Plan characteristics of the economic and geographical position of the economic district.

  1. Physico-geographical position (coordinates, river pool, large-scale relief forms).
  2. Position on the territory of the country (central, outrunning, border, etc.).
  3. Economic environment. Neighborhood with other economic districts, the influence of their level of development on the farm, the neighborhood with border foreign countries.
  4. Position in relation to raw materials, fuel, agricultural bases of state importance.
  5. Transport and geographical location of the district (River and Sea Roads).
  6. Change of economic and geographical position in time.
  7. Conclusion about the possible influence of the economic and geographical situation on the development and placement of the farm district.

Plan characteristics of natural resources and conditions for agriculture.

  1. Terminal conditions (flatness, oxide, exposure of slopes).
  2. Agroclimatic conditions (the duration of the growing season, the sum of the active temperatures of the year, the amount of precipitation, the coefficient of moisture).
  3. Types of soil.
  4. Features of vegetation cover.
  5. Required land reclamation and environmental activities.
  6. Conclusion about the possibility of developing industry economy (agriculture and animal husbandry).

Plan characteristics of the industrial node.

  1. Economic and geographical position.
  2. The composition of cities and villages of urban type of industrial node.
  3. Natural resources for the development of industry.
  4. Labor resources.
  5. Auxiliary sectors of the national economy.
  6. Territorial and production relations for raw materials, fuel, energy, finished products.
  7. Conclusions about the reasons and the emergence of the industrial assembly and the prospects for its development.

Plan characteristics of the territorial and industrial complex.

  1. Economic and geographical position.
  2. Natural conditions and resources (developed and promising).
  3. Energy production cycles, their development stages.
  4. Development prospects.
  5. Environmental problems associated with the industry and ways to solve them.

Plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the territory.

  1. Economic and geographical position.
  2. Labor resources.
  3. The overall characteristics of the development and the current state of the economy.
  4. Evaluation of natural resources and conditions of industrial production.
  5. Evaluation of natural conditions for the development of agriculture, the agricultural industry, the main agricultural areas.
  6. Evaluation of natural conditions for the development of transport. Composition and direction of cargo flows.
  7. Environmental problems associated with the industry and ways to solve them.
  8. Development prospects.
  9. General conclusions. The place of this area in the general system of farming.


Grade 10

Plan characteristics of the country.

  1. Economic and geographical position.
  2. Population.
  3. Economy.
  4. Industry.
  5. Agriculture.
  6. Transport.
  7. External economic ties.

Plan characteristics of the country's economic and geographical position.

  1. Economic and political assessment of borders.
  2. The position of the country in relation to the transport routes of international significance.
  3. Position in relation to physico-geographical objects with economic importance.
  4. The change in the economic and geographical position in time (due to the change in the socio-economic system, the composition of the territory, the development of means of transport and other factors).

Plan characteristics of the population.

  1. Number and natural increase.
  2. Migration.
  3. Accommodation, population density.
  4. The ratio of urban and rural population.
  5. Age-Poland.
  6. Employment structure.
  7. Class composition.
  8. National composition.
  9. Religious composition.

Plan characteristics of the economy.

  1. The place of the country in the international geographical division of labor.
  2. Production relations and shape of ownership.
  3. Level and pace of economic development.
  4. Structure of the economy.
  5. Accommodation.

Industrial characteristics plan.

  1. Economic assessment of natural resources for industry development (stocks, quality, mining and geological conditions of minerals, water, forest resources, resource accommodation regarding economic centers):

A) fuel and energy sources; b) raw materials for black metallurgy; c) raw materials for non-ferrous metallurgy; d) fossil raw materials for the chemical industry; e) General conclusion: As provided by a country with natural resources for the development of industry (export and import of natural resources).

  1. Dominant forms of ownership.
  2. Structure of industry.
  3. Placement of the most important industries; Main industrial centers, nodes, areas and their specialization.

Plan characteristic of agriculture.

  1. Evaluation of natural resources for agriculture:

A) the provision of plants moisture;

b) the provision of plants with warmth;

c) differences in temperature indicators, moisturizing, heat in the country:

  • climate type;
  • natural zones and soils;
  • basic natural differences in the territory;
  • adverse weather events and possible economic events for their overcoming.
  1. Agricultural relationship. Their impact on the agrotechnical level of agriculture.
  2. The structure of agriculture.
  3. Placing the main sectors of agriculture.
  4. Agricultural areas.

Plan of transport characteristics.

  1. Economic assessment of natural conditions.
  2. Level of transportation. The importance of individual transport branches in the country's economy.
  3. Placing the main transport routes, railway units, ports, airports.

Plan characteristics of external economic relations.

  1. The main forms of external economic relations.
  2. The composition of exports and imports, the main directions of foreign trade.

Characteristic village.

  1. Name of the settlement.
  2. Geographical position and magnitude.
  3. The history of emergence and development.
  4. The place of the village in the S / C settlement system, the Sovkogoz, the Center for the economy, the center of the scientific (experienced) station, the family settlement, etc.
  5. Topology.
  6. Planning and firm type.
  7. population.
  8. Economy. Planning and building.
  9. Culture and life.

10.Roda conditions of the settlement and its closest environment.

11. External relations of the population.

The largest freshwater area is located in North America. This is a lake top. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror is 82.4 thousand square meters. km. Through the volume of fresh water, the water giant occupies 3 place on the planet, yielding only Baikal and Tanganic on this indicator. It contains 11.6 thousand cubic meters. km of water. The average depth of the American giant is 147 meters, and the maximum is 406 meters.

Lake Top (Canadian Beach)

Lake is located on the border of the United States and Canada. In the north it is the lands of the Canadian province of Ontario, which occupies the eastern regions of a huge country. From the west, reservoir "sign" the land of Minnesota. In the southwestern tip of the lake is located Wisconsin. And the entire southern coast relates to the state of Michigan. The length of the coastline is 4387 km.

Freshwater length is 560 km. The maximum width reaches 260 km. Located in a reservoir at an altitude of 182 meters above sea level. The coastline is strongly cut by the bays and bays. Along the northern coast, rocks and cliffs are drawn. But on the south coast the plain landscape prevails. The shore in many places is sandy and serves as a place of rest for the residents of America in the summer months.

Lake top on map of North America

Includes the lake top in the top five of the Great Lakes of North America. It is not only the largest, but also the most West of all. It is in a huge reservoir that the waterway from the Atlantic Ocean is deep into the American continent. All lakes are interconnected by rivers and channels.

Our reservoir has an inseparable connection with Lake Huron across the Saint Meris River. Its length is 112 km. These are a lot of thresholds and dugs that are not suitable for shipping. The total water drop reaches 7 meters. Therefore, channels were made by way of thresholds. It takes up to 10 thousand ships per year. And this, despite the fact that from January to March, shipping is stopped due to ice. A railway bridge is also laid through Saint Meriss, which makes it easy to transport cargo.

Lake top from space

Water surface temperature The lake varies depending on the seasons. But at the depths, it is staying almost constant and is equal to 4 degrees Celsius. In a huge water stroit, there are often storms. At the same time, the wave height sometimes reaches 6 meters. Therefore, the central areas of the lake in the winter do not freeze. Loda is observed only in the coastal strip.

More than 200 rivers fall into the top. The largest of them is subject to NIPIA. In length, this water flow reaches 48 km with a width of 50 to 200 meters. The Saint Louis River also flows into the water. Her length is 192 km. She starts his way in Minnesota. You can also call such rivers as Piezhen, White, Stony, Broul. All of them do not exceed the length of 100 km, but make a certain contribution to the power of the reservoir.

There is a reservoomb islands, moreover, some of them are quite large. Isle Royal Island is the biggest. Its length reaches 72 km, and the width is 14 km. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Great Lakes, it is in magnitude ranked 2nd, yielding only the island of Manitulina on Lake Huron. Nowadays, Isle Royal is the status of the National Park. With the mainland, this piece of sushi is associated with ferries.

In the northern part of the lake is the island of Mishipikoten. Its length is 27 km, and the width comes to 10 km. This is the kingdom of wildlife, where beavers, caribou and birds feel comfortable. The state of Wisconsin belongs to a group of 22 islands, which are called the islands of the apostle. You can also call the islands of Madeline and Grand Island, which is part of the National Recreation Area of \u200b\u200bMichigan.

Vacationers on the lake (Michigan State Coast)

Near the reservoir found a place and many large cities. This is the city of Duluth (Minnesota) with a population of 87 thousand people. It is located at the most western point of the Great Lakes and is the port. But the city of Tander Bay belongs to Canada. 109 thousand people live in it. This is the largest settlement on the shores of a huge freshwater lake. The city of Markett in Michigan has 22 thousand inhabitants. This is the south bank. But in the eastern part of the coast there are two cities of Su-Saint-Marie. One of them belongs to the United States, and the second Canada. These settlements are considered cities twin.

Lake top has localized marine climate. The hills and mountains are surrounded by water, which hold moisture and fog over its surface. This is especially characteristic of autumn. Air temperature in summer and winter moderate. At the surface of the water, it varies from 0 to 13 degrees Celsius. In recent decades, the effect of the warming of the lake is observed. The temperature of its water surface has risen from 1979 by 2.5 degrees.

Concerning stories reservoir, the first people appeared in these places 10 thousand years ago. It was connected with the departure of glaciers. Directly Indian cultures settled here at the end of the I millennium. In these places, the Siou, Iroquois Tribes, Ojibva lived. After the appearance of the French, the dominant position was taken by the tribe of Ojibva, as they found support from Europeans. The reason for such friendship was trade in fur. Today, tourism is of great importance for the local population. The lake and the land adjacent to it are notable for the original exotic nature. This, of course, attract people from around the world.

Yuri Syromyatnikov

Upper Lake Superior top in the system of great lakes. Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

The upper lake, the lake in North America (USA, Canada), in the system of the Great Lakes. The area is 82.4 thousand km2 (the largest water area in the world of the world of the world), depth up to 393 m. Stoke in Lake Huron on the Saint Meris River. Ports: Duluth, Tander Bay ... Modern encyclopedia

Upper lake - upper lake, lake in North America (USA, Canada), in the system of the Great Lakes. The area is 82.4 thousand km2 (the largest water area in the world of the world of the world), depth up to 393 m. Stoke in Lake Huron on the Saint Meris River. Ports: Duluth, Tander Bay. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Lake Superior) in the USA and Canada, in the system of the Great Lakes. The largest fresh lake of the world. 82.4 thousand km & sup2, depth up to 393 m. Stock in Oz. Huron by r. Saint Meris. National Parks Isle Royal (USA), Pukaskua (Canada). Main ports: Duluth, Tander ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Lake Superior) Mednoye District in the USA, pcs. Mixigan. The group of native copper groups (is being developed by C 1845) and multist sandstones (open in 1865 are developed by C 1915) with common stocks approx. 9 million tons of copper (1979). ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

- (Lake Superior), in the USA and Canada, in the system of the Great Lakes. The largest fresh lake of the world. 82.4 thousand km2, depth up to 393 m. Stock in Lake Huron by r. Saint Meris. National Parks Isle Royal (USA), Pukaskua (Canada). Main ports: Duluth, Tander ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Lake Superior), the largest and in-depth of the Great Lakes, the largest of freshwater in the world in the world. Sowing. Vost. h. located in Canada, Zap. and south. in USA. Located at an altitude of 183 m. Pl. 82.7 thousand km², Naib. Depth 406 m, water volume 11.6 thousand ... Geographic Encyclopedia

- (Lake Superior) The largest and deepest of the Great Lakes (see Great Lakes) North America and the largest freshwater lake in the world. Its north eastern part is located in Canada, Western and South in the United States. Located at an altitude of 183 m ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Upper lake - (Superior, Lake) Superior Lake, one of the five Great Lakes of North America and the largest freshwater lake in the world; Maximum depth of 405 m; pl. 84243 sq. Cm, pl. On the Canadian side of 29888 sq. Km. On its shores are the cities of Duluth (USA) and ... Countries of the world. Vocabulary

In North America (Lake Superior), the most significant freshwater on the globe, inside with. American mainland; Length up to 600 km, NaB. Width 290 km, surface. 83600 square meters. km, height n. y m. 191 m, the greatest depth of 296 m. belongs to ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Fresh reservoir with the highest square is the upper lake. Location - North America. 82.4 thousand square kilometers occupies the area of \u200b\u200bits water mirror. The lake is located on 3 place in terms of fresh water on our planet, and it is inferior in terms of indicators only Baikal and Tanganic. The content in the lake is 11.6 thousand km 3. The depth on average - 147 m, the largest - 406 m.

Great Lakes

Where is the lake top on the map of the North American continent? It is located in the territories of the United States and Canada. The upper lake is one of the link from the chain of freshwater reservoirs, which are located in the east of North America between Canada and the United States. The system consists of five lakes: upper, guron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. And only Michigan fully belongs to the United States.

Other lakes are separated by the border. In Canada, the upper lake is located in the province of Ontario. On the West Bank of the Lake is located Minnesota. In the southwestern State of Wisconsin. The southern coast is in

The length of the coastline is 4387 km. Loose lake - 560 km. In the width reaches 260 km. The line of the shore is cut by bays and bays. On the north shore - rocks and cliffs. And the southern coast has a flat terrain.


The upper lake is considered the second largest on the glitter and, as already mentioned, the largest fresh reservoir in the world and the United States. It concludes the path from the Atlantic Ocean inside the continent. All the great lakes with each other are associated with rivers and channels. The top is inextricably linked with Lake Huron River Saint Marys, the length of which is about 112 km. It has a large number of thresholds and focus, in these places it is not suitable for shipping. It is because channels created by the thresholds. The upper lake is still reported to the Canadian lake NIPIGA through a small river.


The bowl of the lake has the appearance of tectonic origin. Due to the large number of earthquakes, deep faults appeared. The bottom of the lake leveled glaciers, completing the work started by earthquakes. As a suggestion of scientists, about 30 thousand years ago, North America in the eastern regions was covered with glaciers who came here from the north. These glaciers were inconstant. They moved to the north, leaving behind the lake bowls, they came here again. When the glaciers finally left the territory of the eastern regions of the continent, in this place there was a huge lake, which received the name of Algonquin in modern science. On the area it was very large and presumably exceeded the dimensions of the Baikal 10 times. It existed this lake for a short time. After some time, a lot of water was gone, which filled and after a few millennia, great lakes appeared at this place.


These famous lakes are considered one of the great wonders of the planet. They are unique. The lakes form a hydrographic community, and very extensive, differing from the rest of the world lakes, water volumes and the coastline configuration. They are 500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean and 700 km from the Hudson Strait. They are the largest lake system of North America, located in the upper and middle part of the basin of the River of St. Lawrence.

"Sea Road"

Great lakes are one of the main shipping routes in the east of North America. To get from the port of Duluth on the top lake to the source of the River of St. Lawrence, it is necessary to overcome the path of more than 2000 km. The upper lake is the most alpine - 183.6 meters above sea level. The water is powered and water that bear rivers.

Upper lake Single or faceless?

Let's try to figure it out in this matter. The lake is a wastewater, its drain occurs through the Saint Marys River. From December to April in the coastal areas there is an ice station. The water level falls in the lake. The sediments are also rare at this time, so there is no sufficient amount of water to maintain a level in the lake.

The minimum level is usually in March-April. Then the ambient temperature rises, and coastal snow begin to melt. The rivers are rapidly filled with water, and this leads to an increase in its level in the lake.

The largest volume of water in the top is observed in the summer, just at this time go

abundant rains. The level oscillation does not exceed 1 m, but sometimes it happens more. This is mainly not due to the flow of water, but due to the movement of the mass of air.


The upper lake is not protected by mountain ranges, so the winds that come from the mainland or from the ocean are loose freely, becoming the cause of unrest on the reservoir.

Here you can observe frequent for this place the phenomenon - seishium. Giant waves are formed on the surface of the lake, which leads to the collapse of the coast. The top lake is colder than all other great lakes. In summer, water warms no more than 12 degrees. And at the depth, it is almost constantly about 4 degrees.

Nutrition of lakes

In the lake, the top drops more than 200 rivers. Napiga is one of them, it is 48 km long, and the width is from 50 to 200 m. It is impossible not to remember the River Saint Louis, the length of which is 192 km. More rivers such as Piezhen, Broul, White, Stony. All of them are not more than 100 km long, but still contribute to the nutrition of the lake.


The top lake has the islands, some are enough - Isle Royal, it reaches 72 km, in width - 14 km. On the Great Lakes, he takes 2 place after the island of Manitulina on Lake Huron. Now Isle Royal is the status of the National Park, on which ferries from the mainland go.

In the north of the lake is the island of Mishipikoten, his length is 27 km, width - 10 km. He is the kingdom of wildlife. The 22 islands wearing the name of the island of the Apostle, belong to Wisconsin.

We also call the islands that are the national recreation area of \u200b\u200bMichigan. This is Madeline and Grand Island.


Near the lake there are many major cities, such as Duluth, Tander Bay, Marquette, Su-Saint-Marie. From this article you found out where the top lake is located. Read about the history of its occurrence. I got acquainted with interesting facts, the location of it on the map and received other information. We hope that you were interested.