Portugal by car in 10 days. Engineering look at things

Portugal is a wonderful climate and wonderful nature, swimming in the ocean, walking along the medieval quarters of modern cities, delicious food and high-quality wine.

For dating this country, several travel options are possible: beach holidays in Algarve, a trip to the cities and fortresses in the group or independently on the car and travel-holidays on Madeira Island. In these notes will be a story about the journey through the cities of Portugal as part of the group.

The group trip has its pros and cons, compared with the individual tour by car. The main advantages are: smaller costs compared to individual, the ability to get from a good guide, a huge amount of high-quality and interesting information, not mandatory knowledge of the language. And the main minus, - the inability to be in the place you like so much time as you want. The main requirement for those who choose a group tour is discipline and tolerance. For those who choose the car best take advantage of the stories of Igor Pitovsky on www.ayda.ru. You can also recommend the reports of Julia Ilina and Anna Kozhenkova on www.ayda.ru.


It seems to me that for traveling in Portugal, the months of May-June and September-October are best suited. Then this wonderful country can be seen in all its magnificence. In addition, at this time is not too hot. Time in flight on the route Moscow - Lisbon is 3.5 hours.

If you arrive in Portugal, you must translate the clock 3 hours ago.

Passport control takes quite a long time, at least an hour, or even a half hour. Portuguese border guards are polite, but very leopard. After the trip, it is a little annoying, but perhaps this is the last thing that may cause unpleasant emotions.

The airport is 10-15 minutes drive from Lisbon. On a taxi can be reached in 5 - 6 euros. But the bus is waiting for us and delivers in 25 minutes to the city of Estoril, where we are located at the Saboia Hotel - 3 *.

The cities of Estoril and Cascaish are located along the coast and are resorts, wealthy people are sent in the degree of roast summer. You can get there from Lisbon in 30 minutes on a comfortable train, driving to Kaish de Shudre station.

In Estoril and Cascaish sandy beaches. So, if you arrived in Lisbon in the summer, then after examining the city in Estoril, you can come to swim and dine in Cascaish overlooking the ocean.

In any case, I was bought on April 29th. Feels like water temperature as in the Baltic States at the end of June.

In Estorile, surrounded by a beautiful park is located the largest casino. But the most remarkable is a walk along the sea along the embankment towards the city of Cascaish.

Cascais is one of the most popular resort towns near Lisbon with several good beaches, a large harbor for yachts and promenade for walking.

Our first excursion took place in the city of Evora, which is located 120 km. from Lisbon. The roads are beautiful, the guide tells a lot of interesting things, time flies unnoticed. Evora is a small cute city, along the streets of which it is pleasant to wander, getting into the past, then at the present. On the sights of the city's sights of the 2nd - 2nd and a half hours. The most interesting objects for inspection: the remnants of the Roman Temple of Diana, the Park with the Monument of Vasco de Gama, in which the peacocks are walking, the cathedral built in the early Gothic style and of course the chapel of the relics, the inner walls of which are posted out of several thousand skulls.

I will still speak about Portuguese cuisine, but I will note that in Evore we have shuffle the local dish - the black pig meat.

Having visited Estoril and Cascaish, we moved through the Atlantic coast and after a while they stopped at the sightseeing platform overlooking the ocean. But it was only a prelude. Then the serpentine we climbed up to the western point of Europe - Rock Mant. Kaba da Roca is located at an altitude of 140 meters above sea level. Below the rocky shore is fighting the waves and America is 5,000 km away. The crowds of tourists are hung on the cliffs, who, like me, seek to capture yourself against the background of magnificent views. Near the lighthouse there are no less than hundreds of rockers for whom Cape Roca favorite place of parties.

The next city for inspection - Sintra is the residence of the Portuguese kings. The city is 40 km from Lisbon. You can get there both by car and by train. On the inspection of Sintra, it is good for a whole day. Unfortunately, we were not all possible to see, partly from a huge number of tourists and, of course, lack of time.

The city of Sintra consists of the bottom and top. At the bottom of the gardens, where you can meet the plants of the rarest species, the state palace, narrow streets with 2 - 3-storey houses and souvenir shops, as well as small cozy cafes. And in the upper part of the city there are Palace of Foam and Mavrov Castle. From there, a magnificent panorama of Sintra and its surroundings opens. In the upper part can be reached by taxi or on foot for about an hour, having done an excellent walk.

For holidaymakers in Sintra, a special Park de Marandes has been created where, enjoying a walk, you can have a snack under the villages of the trees in special parking lots. If you are in Portugal more than two days be sure to visit the city of Sintra.


The capital of Portugal is the city of Lisbon. It requires three full-fledged days.


Lisbon was also known to the Phoenicians who called His Alice-Rabbo, which means "Magic Harbor". In the Middle Ages, the city was a powerful fortress, they were trying to master the Arabs. In 1147, the city was disgusted with Arabov Afono Enrikesh I.

After 100 years, the city becomes the capital of Portugal. In the days of the Great discoveries, Lisbon was considered the richest city in Europe; He hit the contemporaries of luxury and splendor.

However, in 1775, unprecedented earthquake for Europe. It destroyed most of the city and took about 40 thousand lives. It seemed that the beauty and glory of Lisbon was faded forever. But there was a man of amazing abilities and energy - Marquis Pombal, who managed to rebuild Lisbon and in many ways to return to him the former shine.

Lisbon is a very beautiful city! Vintage houses, narrow streets, black and white bridges. Black and white stones manually laid on a specific pattern, the whole city is paved by them, with different drawings everywhere different. With the light of the Sun, Lisbon changes, it is very difficult to perceive integer, he simply amazes with its metabolicity and contradictory, blinds the matte pastels of houses and bright red tiled roofs. Cute and narrow medieval streets can make you just in a dead end, and it can bring out in a quiet idyllic corners where Canaries sing, and the water is simmer, where you just forget about the noisy bustle of the big port city.

Conditionally in Lisbon you can select several particularly attractive zones:
Castle of St. George and Quarters of Alfam;
pl. Commerce, pl. Rossio and others.
Belensky district
Park of Nations (he is EXPO-98).

The castle of St. George - the fortress, conquered by the King Afono Enrikish at Mavrov, rises with its mighty walls over the city. The fortress is located on a hill, in the east of the city and is particularly clear from the central part of the city with Prasse Da Figueira, where the monument is established by King Johan 1.

You can get to the fortress on foot through the old, Moorish district of Lisbon Alfam, all the time climbing up the steep picturesque streets that carry us into a completely different era.

You can make a stop at the medieval cathedral, which was built on the place of the old mosque as a symbol of the victory of Christianity over the Moors.

Antique trams walk in the Alpha region - local residents and tourists go on them. The route 28, rising through the streets of Alfam, is particularly popular, between numerous churches and beautiful old houses, which are covered with colored tiles -Azuli. From the observation deck of the San George Fortress, one of the best types of Lisbon opens.

Commercial Square (Prasa Du Commercio) is a triumphant entrance to Lisbon. It was here that the very first harbor of Lisbon. In the center of the square there is a monument to the king of José and the Arch triumphaln. From here begins the central pedestrian street Rua Augusta.

Bypassing the triumphant arch and having passed along the central pedestrian street Augushta, we get to Rosiu's Square, where heretics had ever burned and arranged the corrida (the Palace of the Inquisition to the fire was on the site of today's National Drama Theater). On August Street there are boutiques, shops and cafes.

We are moving up and on the left in the course of the movement we turn to the openwork metal tower of the Santa Zhishta lift, from which a magnificent view of the city offers. Lift Santa Zhurst allows you to rise to the area by Bayru Alto. Passing just a few meters, we turn out to be at one of the state buildings that guard the guardsmen with sabers. At 18 o'clock there is a ceremony of changing the guard with the descent of the flag, trumpeter I.T.D. Curious sight.

Belensky district

The main objects of the inspection include: the monastery of Zhronimush, the tower of the Belen, the monument of discovers. Ideally, you can add the Presidential Palace, the Maritime Museum and the Kareet Museum.

Lisbon Monastery The most impressive architectural structure of Lisbon was built at the beginning of the 16th century, in honor of the opening of the path to India Vasco da Gama. It is made in all the shine of the style of "Manuelino". The spacious courtyard of the monastery, filled with the sun, decorate beautiful fountains and refined stone thread - all pillars, balconies and walls are covered with fragments from the Bible or the statues of saints. In one of the halls, a historic kaleidoscope is arranged illustrating the history of the monastery from the date of its foundation in 1500, in parallel with the history of Portugal and the World Status. In the marble pantheon of the monastery you can see the sarcophages of Vasco da Gama and Manuel I.

Monastery Zheronimush, included in the list of UNESCO monuments. In front of the monastery, gardens, leading to the monument to the discoverers, are spread. This monument is built in our days and is a tribute to contemporaries to his great past. Before the monument, the area on which the world map is engraved directly on the stones, which were opened by Portuguese, mainly at 15 - 16 centuries. Not far from the monastery, on the banks of the River Tejo, there is a Belema Tower, built in 1515 for the protection of Lisbon Harbor. Once from here, caravels left for far sailing. In honor of this event on the River Tejo, maritime regattas are arranged.

The tower is another masterpiece in the force of "Manuelino". It is difficult to imagine that this openwork white castle on the water served simultaneously watching fortress, customs and prison.

You can climb on the tower - it opens the wonderful views, especially on the 25th of April and the entire area of \u200b\u200bBelen.

On Belen Street, you can walk to the Presidential Palace, the residence of the President of the Republic and go to the former royal playpen, which hosts the Karet Museum collection.

The 15th tram runs from the Belen area to the center. At each stop there is a stand with an indication where transport should be. The most famous Museum of Lisbon is the Museum of Kalusta Gulbenkian. The collection covers exhibits, starting with Egyptian, ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Then the magnificent exhibition of Islamic art follows; Chinese and Japanese rooms and, finally, European art.

Bridge April 25, a length of 2300 meters is an outstanding achievement of modern engineering art, was built in 1966. It connects Lisbon with the opposite shore of the Tejo River. On the high bank of the river, the statue of Christ is installed on a massive pedestal - the king with open hands. He seems to be hugging and blesses the inhabitants of the city. Exactly the same statue exists in Rio de Janeiro. In 1988, another bridge was built to the World Exhibition EXPO 98 - the Vasco da Gama Bridge, which is considered the longest in Europe. His length is 17 kilometers. The end of this bridge is not visible. The bridge surreal leaves the horizon, merging with a silver-gray waterchair. Nations Park (Expo 98) are the youngest district of Lisbon.

In the center of Vasco da Gama, you can go shopping. Shops here on all tastes, from inexpensive C & A to boutiques. But basically, they come here to walk among spacious alleys, fountains, and the main thing to visit the oceanarium, in which there are 450 species of flora and fauna from different seas. The park also serves as a venue for cultural events. In modern pavilions there are various exhibitions and concerts and, finally, the park simply has to the pleasant pastime of restaurants and in the commercial zone.

A funicular passes over the entire expo territory. It offers a fascinating view of the entire expocentre, especially the Vasco da Gama bridge.

In one of the evenings in Lisbon, we visited the folk evening from FAD. FADO is traditional Portuguese music. The word itself translated means "fate." Lyrical slight sad songs are performed under the accompaniment of 12 string guitars. The main thing in FADO is not a voice, but a mental nan, so familiar to the Russian heart.

From Lisbon, we moved to the north towards the city of Kuimbra.

For some reason, we did not leave the city of Mafru, which is located 20 km from Sintra. The guidebook noted that the city lies in the cleft between the hills and its main dominant is the majestic monastery of 40000 m2. But driving on to the north, we visited the city of Obidysh. Obdysh is a medieval fortress city, built in the 12th century. It is a picturesque complex of elevated houses with red tiled roofs and narrow medieval streets surrounded by the fortress walls. On the walls you can get around the city around. Souvenirs are sold on the streets. Particularly interesting is a cherry liquor that can be purchased after tasting. At the inspection of offender it takes a half - two hours.

Then our way was lying in Alkobasu, where you can explore the monastery of the 12th century. We did not get inside, because it was 1 May and it turns out that not all state museums were discovered. It was possible to explore a very interesting museum of design with wax figures and modern collections of clothing. In principle, the alcohol is an alternative object to inspection.


In Batalia there is a monastery of Santa Maria da Victoria, - the masterpiece of Portuguese Gothic architecture, built by King Joan 1 in memory of the victory over the Spaniards in 1385. This monastery is a bright sample of Gothic architecture of Portugal with elements of "Manuelino". The courtyard on the occasion of May 1, we also failed to inspect. But the monastery is majestic and outside. For its inspection enough hour - one and a half.

At dawn

Declared in guidebooks as a fishing village. Nazare is a strategic place. Surely, if you rest in the province of Algarve located in the south, then to see Portugal, most likely it will not be possible. And in Nazare you can swim and sunbathe on the sandy beach, and if you take a car, you can go around a lot of beautiful and more interesting places. You can live in Nazare in the apartment, eat seafood in numerous beach cafes and restaurants.

We climbed into the upper part, on the rock, and looked at the chapel in honor of St. Virgin, who saved to legend the rider, who almost broke down from the rock in the pursuit of the deer. Interesting is the altar part, where you can go through (!) And inspect the Figurine of St. Virgin Mary carved according to the legend by Joseph.

On the square, colorful old-fishermen in colorful clothes are sold dried fruits. From the top of the mountain overlooking the sandy beach and the ocean.


A small town is east of Batalia. He is the world famous center of Catholic pilgrimage, where according to legend, three local children witnessed the phenomenon of the Holy Virgin Mary. The center of the city is located in the city of Sv. Virgin in Fatima, Chapel and a tree, under which the children were the Holy Deva Maria, as well as a huge area, much bigger than St. Peter in the Vatican. Service in church and organ music are broadcast on the whole area. True truths on the knees overcome the way to the temple on a special marble path. Tens of thousands of pilgrims come to Fatima come with requests and gratitude. Numerous processions are arranged here. Even if you are not religious this place is worth a visit, it will not be bored. For those who like pilgrim tourism is to go to www.fatima.org.


As we arrived in the evening, they spent the night in a decent hotel Almedina 3 *.

The main attractions of the city: University, Santa Monastery - Cruz and Portugal in Miniature. At the inspection of Kuimbra is enough of the day.

University in Kuimbre is one of the oldest in Europe. His story begins in the 12th century. The university moved to Lisbon, returned back and in 1537 it is finally justified in Kimbre. There are several museums inside the building, and a beautiful panorama of the city and the river opens from the terrace. Especially shook library. In a building with a centuries-old history, lecture classes are held.

All the life of Kimbra focuses around the university, and students still define his appearance. Many of them go in traditional black suits and black rascoats with colored ribbons. It is very similar to the fact that J. Rings when he wrote "Harry Potter" used the image of Kuimbra and her students.

Portugal in miniature is a small park, in which all major styles of Portuguese architecture are collected in a reduced form. In toy houses, you can climb or take pictures next to them. It is believed that mostly entertainment for children, but adults will receive pleasure from walking.

From Kuimbra, we went towards the city of Porto, but on the way I stopped a few more places.

At the beginning of the Portuguese "Calvary". Similar can be found in Spain and Italy. Picturesque place in which you need to climb the steps all the time. You can stop on the "stations" with images of the Calval sufferings of Christ. When the stations end, the worst rise begins, but it runs next to the fountains, and the church is crowned, where the believers rest a little rest and pray. Everything was for us on a lightweight program. Instead of the rise, we descended down.

30 km from Kuimbra is the thermal resort of Luzo with a source. And just above the magic park and the manor Busaco. It seems that this place marked with a special grace. The palace is currently 5 *. That's where to go at least for 2-3 days, if you do not regret money.

These places are still famous for the fact that in local restaurants (more innocent in the country) prepare for lunch or dinner Leitau Da Barada (milk piglet). It was served by Spumante. The taste of "spectal". You can swallow language.


This is the second largest city of Portugal, the birthplace of the famous Heinrich Majanwater. On his inspection, you need at least 2 days. The city was not destroyed by an earthquake, and there were preserved at home not only 18, but also 17 and 16th centuries. Surprisingly, in most of them people still live. The historic center with the embankment is a real medieval city. To understand the city, you need to walk along it on foot.

Clereigos Tower offers panoramic view of the city. Choking on it can be seen how to build a route correctly. Cate Cathedral resembling fortress, Episcopal Palace, a pompous building of the stock exchange, the private church of Franciscans affecting internal wealth, you can walk along the charming embankment. It takes off the view of the boats, loaded by the port and the picturesque facades of medieval houses with fluttering in the wind.

During our excursion on the embankment, a historic film was filmed. Full immersion in the 18th century. No scenery needed. If you are in the port and bring to walk along the embankment, then moving towards the funicular, look at extremely in the course of the movement (located closest to the funicular). In the basement you will be offered a wonderful sausage, which judging by advertising has been produced for 500 years and you stuff all this by the portuguese and wonderful Portuguese wine. And then, when the damn itself will not be a brother, you can take a walk along the Door River on the boat. Marshrute will lie under 7 bridges connecting port and the Guy's area, where the famous port wine storage facilities and a tasting belt are located.

Personally, it seems to me that the port is something similar to the capital of Ambore ("Chronicles of Amber" r. Zhibynaya).

Portugal - Porto - Portene. Consign, single-handed words. In our country, Portwine has bad fame. Many people remember the "Agdam", "three seven", a drink affectionately called "Port Check", bought as an alternative to vodka mainly for women in the Soviet period. The connoisseurs will recall the Crimean Portwine, which has a good taste, but still not the properly noble port, since grapes for its production should grow in a strictly controlled area.

Vinio de Porto (Porto) is used as an aperitif or a good conversation. Despite the fact that the wine is fastened to PVTEIN easily, the head after it does not hurt.

In fact, the acquaintance with the port we started in Domodedovo, acquiring a bottle for 19 euros. All that I then tried on the route, was worse for my taste. And only the tasting in the basements of Guy partially restored the "CVO status". In a nutshell, either you need to buy a drink of large years of exposure: 10, 20,30, 50 years old, or "Vintage" When a good year for a crop and Portver ages straight in a bottle. Powver can cost from 15 to 100 euros and higher. From the city of Porto we went to Himaras and Braga.


It is located 50 km north of the port and is considered the "cradle of Portugal". The first king of Afono Enrikesh was born in this city 1. In the city, the picturesque streets, the medieval castle - the fortress. On Oliver Square, the Museum of Private Collections. The most interesting to me the exhibit depicting the Holy Trinity appeared. God Father, the god of the Son and the Holy Spirit were shown not on the canvas (which is quite familiar), but in sculpture.


It seemed to us that the best thing is in Brage is the garden "Santa Barbara". Beginning of May. We only have only raised herbal. Flowers, even Fields still little. And in Santa Barbara Pink garden in the peak of flowering ...

In Moscow, we had to fly away from Lisbon. Port, Braga and Himaras extreme in the north of our journey. Returning to Lisbon, we drove into the city of Thomar.


For Thomwar, I would be ready to sacrifice Himaras and Braga, but fortunately I did not have to do. Thomar was the residence of the Templars. From France, the Templars settled in Portugal. We were just a couple of hours, you need at least four, and even better to spend the night at the old part of the city, and in the morning you rise to the fortress of the knights of the cross. The Order was one of the richest in Europe and roldiously on wealth with monarchs. You understand this when you get to the fortress. It is elegant, beautiful, huge and inside it there are monuments of world importance: a window in the style of "Manuelino" and the central hall - the temple in which the knights fell through the gate right on the horses.

We drove 1,400 km by bus, on roads with lush forest vegetation, very picturesque places of Portugal. We have not seen landfills, buildings, on the entire route did not meet smoking pipes and a single industrial enterprise. But, of course, it was not all that the beautiful country of Portugal could offer.

We were not at the Portuguese Corrida, which is different from Spanish and, which, according to the testimony of other travelers, is arranged near Lisbon in the village of Alkochet on the opposite bank of the Republic of Tree on Saturdays. We were not on safari. 120 km from Lisbon, in the western part of Alenteju, there is a badge park, where you can admire the life of wild animals: giraffes, crocodiles, tigers, as in Africa. And 15 km from Fatima there are caves of St. Antonio. In the guidebook it is said that every cave is a palace, created by nature and grounded in the earth.

There are other wonderful places, the reviews of which can be found at www.ayda.ru. And there is a reason to return to Portugal again.


Portuguese hospitable, and contact people. It is worth learn only a few phrases to show at least minimal politeness.

Bon Dia (Bon Dia) - Good morning (until 12.00)
Bon Tarde (Bon Tard) - Good afternoon (after 12.00)
Obrigado (Own) - Thank you, thank you (if a man says)
Obrigada (Own) - Thank you (if a woman says)
Fasch Favor A CONTO (Faha Favor and Conto) - Please account.
Suko Del Orange Naturale - Natural Orange Juice.

Portuguese major food specialists. Portuguese cuisine is a combination of meat and fish.

On the route we were fed to the main dishes of those provinces where we were. Sometimes it was a "unforgettable culinary impression." Sometimes it was simply tasty, and sometimes (much less often) only satisfying. But the principle has always been observed: eat and (which is surprising) I can drink much. Red and white wine to dinner (dinner), however, as the food itself, always offered in unlimited quantities. An ordinary Portuguese lunch includes: Cold snacks (sausage, olives with soft bread), first dish (usually soup soup), main dish, dessert, coffee (sometimes fruits)

And independently dishes, for example, from seafood is best tasent in establishments with "Marisqueira". ("Gambosh" - royal shrimp.)

Portuguese wine is light and rich. All wines are very high quality. Even among inexpensive table wines, there is no sour taste. But if you are afraid to make mistakes, then buy the Wines of the province of Alentezh.

Everything is written about baking and confectionery. Indeed, it is some kind of fantastic yummy. Moreover, the fresh pastries could be tried in any places on the entire route. As the pastry shop saw, so go, try Portuguese Pie. This is such a puff truncated basket of powdered sugar and ground cinnamon. In Portugal, very tasty and juicy oranges (kg costs 1 euro). Moroccan oranges are not suitable for notes. Good cheeses and very tasty bread.

Souvenirs: Portuguese wine, cork wood, ceramics with Portuguese rooster.

Privalov Andrey Vladimirovich
17/05/2006 19:43

The opinion of tourists may not coincide with the opinion of the editorial office.

Traveling by car on the Atlantic coast of Portugal Following the Western Wind of Change
In Portugal, an endless manifold for rest. You can not sleep on southern beaches or spend hours in art galleries Lisbon. You can grow the liver, floating with collectible wines, ports, muscle and green wine in the Valley of the Douro River or enjoy endless fields and simple cuisine Alenteju. You can climb the mountain Serra da Esterelawhich makes delicious sheep cheese, and then ride with her snowy vertices on skis or snowboard. But there is another excellent option: go on a journey along the western coast from Cascais to Nazare.
This route is for those who love to admire ocean waves, high cliffs, wild beaches and beacons - solemn symbols of romance and purposefulness.
Route: Cascais - Magoata - Erisaira - Santa Crush - Peniche - Nazare - Mafra - 469 km
Duration: 3 days

The journey begins in Lisbon. Stay in this city for a couple of days:

Now you can sit in the car and go through the picturesque freeway in Cascais. The freeway received the name from local residents "Margin"(from the Portuguese word margem - translates as "edge", "Book Fields" or, in this case, "shore") "Due to the fact that it passes through the edge of the water: first on the banks of the River Tejo, to the place of her sign in the Atlantic Ocean, and further, to meet interesting discoveries.


It is worth spending half an hour and inspect the rock, known as Boca Du-Inferno(can be consecrated as "mouth of hell"). It is not far from the Kashkaysh yacht club, less than a kilometer from santa Mayak. Waves burst into the hole in the sheer cliff with roar. Having embarrassed about the rock, salt water is whipped into white foam, spinning in the waterways and rushes back to the ocean. Looking at this rue of the elements, you do not understand why the rocks have not yet broken the incoming waves, why the collapsed stones did not pour out this hellish throat. There are a lot of pointers in the city on the path to this impressive creation of nature. Parking is free, and for a particularly hungry, there is a couple of restaurants and cafes.
If you follow the route, you can see the majestic lighthouse Farol Da Guia. - One of the first, built in the XVIII century on state money. Now the services of the Ministry of National Defense are located in the residents adjacent to the lighthouse, so do you manage to get to the fence and touch the warm stones of the brown-cream tower is a big question.
Further the road displays straight to ginshu Beach And it will start a mining serpentine, closing all higher. Left Lighthouse Cabo da Rock, the most western point of the continent. For travel planning, this article is useful:

Next extends Praia Das Maçãs - "Beach of Apples". According to the local legend, the name appeared due to the fact that the river flowing into the ocean, the current among the fruit gardens, often brings apples to the ocean. It is difficult to vouch for the truthfulness of this legend, because local apple groves are no longer the ones that earlier and reluctantly share with the ocean with their harvest, but I want to believe in this fairy tale, because analogy with apples is strong, juicy, ruddy, healthy - very suitable This beach. It is spacious, with a very wide sand line and a convenient entrance to the water. High hills protect against wind, waves roll ashore affectionately and slowly - in a word, almost the perfect picture for rest.


A tiny beach located far from all big and even small cities. Despite his remoteness, he enjoys warm and strong love of tourists and locals. The Portuguese adores the surfing competitions here, especially on Body-Bording (surfing, when the athlete does not fall on the board, and rolls, lying on her chest and belly). For tourists there is a wonderful making road, leading over sand dunes between low pines. On this convenient path, you can walk under email trees.
Be sure to give proper dishes in the local restaurant Dunamar Ramp Beach Magoito)Guided to a high rock: from its terrace offers a beautiful view of the ocean, dishes are worthy of the most flattering reviews, and prices are quite democratic. Here you can try and rare mollusks perceBes., and any snacks from sea shoes, and grilled fish, and finish all coffee with sweets.

One of the most picturesque and famous places on the west coast of Portugal, exists without a small 800 years. Now it is a nationwide favorite Portuguese resort. Lisbon and residents of other surrounding cities flock on weekends and holidays to sunbathe on excellent beaches. Total in Erisaire 10 official beachesfor swimming is best adapted praia dos pescadores. (in the very center of the city) and praia da Sul. (a little south of the center), as well as Foz Do Lizandro - Probably the most convenient, although it is not in the Eriseir itself. Before it is about 3 km, which by car you will pass 2-3 minutes, by bike - for 5-7, and spend on foot no more than half an hour. There is also a cafe, restaurants, and a surf school, and a huge beach, but the most interesting thing is the river in the ocean, and lovers of calm water can spend time on her shores, without coming to the ocean waves.
Lovers admire the ocean we advise you to walk in Eriseir along the beaches Algodio. and São Sebastião.And then spend the evening in one of the restaurants that Erisaira are so famous for the excellent quality of food, solid portions and quite a deocratic prices that you will not find in the capital. For example, in Ribas. (Rua Mendes, 32) - Seafood, Tik-Tapas. (RUA 5 de Outubro N.7) - Be sure to pay attention to the local lamb or EL-REI (Rua Capitão João Lopes, Nº 14) - Fish, meat, drinks, excellent service and wonderful view of a nearby ocean.
The world glory of Erisair acquired thanks to the surfing. The city received the title of World Surfing Reserve ("World Reserve Surfing"), it is considered the main Surf resort of Europe and the second in the world, giving way only by California. The main surf beaches of Eriseir for professionals is Ribeira-Da-Ilhas and Coxos., and beginners and "continuing" souls do not Foz Do Lizandro. Therefore, if you want to put up on muscular guys and flexible girls, cutting the waves on light boards - you certainly need to look at Eriseir.
If you are going to spend the night in Eriseir, keep in mind that the city is a resort, filled with people, so the room is better to booke in advance. The best hotel is 4 * Vila Gale Ericeira. But also quite a few hostels, surf camping and hotels in 2 *. For example, you can try happiness in the open just a year ago by a guest house. Blue Ocean. - It has rooms with a calculation on any wallet.

Santa Crush

Moving further to the West, we get into the absolutely amazing town of Santa Crush. There are several beautiful swimming beaches: white sand, quite calm for the ocean waves, sun and a beautiful view of vast waters and picturesque rocks. Choose any of the beaches: they smoothly switch one to another, so you can take it to this as a choice of space for your towel on a huge space of white sand. People of all surrounding cities come to relax on this beach, and this is really the right choice.
The most amazing thing is, in addition to local residents about Santa, almost no one knows. In addition to the beaches, here you can enjoy views of the picturesque rocks, the carved white tower over the promenade or minimize the local museum acting in the premises of the old water mill. Also, very close to Santa, the airfield is located for small 1-2-seater aircraft, and you can admire them with take-offs and landings.


The city of Penishi is on an outstanding Cape, so there is always windy and fresh here. Climb on a rock with a lighthouse, make a circle throughout the mice to admire the beaches. By the way, here are also many surfers, and the beach Supertubos. It has long been a venue for international competitions. It is huge, stretches for a few kilometers, and with a good wind, the waves are really folded into large pipes, inside of which skillful surfers like so much.
However, even if a person is not inclined to surfing, he should pay attention to this city. Especially if you find yourself here in February, in the period of the carnival: in the penishment, a street procession is one of the most colorful in this part of Portugal.

Admire the old fortress and a valid fishing port, and then go to the ship on the ship on the closer berlengash Island - Wild and picturesque, with a special natural world in which Portuguese scientists constantly find a nutrient medium for new discoveries. Cruise ships of companies Julius. and Nevada. as well as steam Viamar leave from the port of Penishi in the summer three times a day (at 9.30, 11.30 and at 17.30), the rest of the navigation time (from September 15 to May 15) - Only once a day, at 10.00, and returns back at 16.30 of the same day. Current cost from 18 euros in summer and 10-15 euros in the low season. If you wish, you can stay and spend the night on the island in Forte, converted to the hotel - probably, it will be a special and very unusual pastime, given the privacy of the island.

Perhaps Nazare is one of the most beautiful cities of Portugal. If he had not separated 130 km from the capital, it would have become the main tourist center of the country, and so far remains a place for knowledgeable and selected.
Inspection of the city you need to start with the so-called City - Places on a high rock, offering stunning views of the city, the beach and the limitless ocean. There is also a lighthouse of Nazare, and it is from here Surfers who fell a feat of Hawaiian Garrett McNamara, who conquered a record wave in Nazare almost 30 meters high. Then go down on the funicular, walk along the embankment, buy dried fish at the fishermen, and grandmothers with baskets - nuts, the main delicacy of Nazare.
If you want to have lunch - go to one of numerous cafes or restaurants on a huge promenade, or wrap on a small area, on which among other restaurants is located famous for its seafood dishes. O Casalinho. (Praça Sousa Oliveira, 6). And the interior, and the kitchen in it - above all silence.
Hold in Nazar for the night to watch one of the most picturesque attractions created by nature itself, as the hot sun, spike, immersed in the ocean, pouring the surface of the water and the sky with liquid red gold. Chicks shouts to mourn the past day, but even they, unreasonable, know: tomorrow the sun will rise again over Portugal, and again thousands of eyes will look at the troubled waves of the entire west coast of Portugal, from Cascais to Nazare.
If you want to spend the night in Nazare, then you should pay attention to the design hotel Magic. or eclectic Pensao-Restaurante Ribamar .

Returning to Lisbon, be sure to share its suburbs, at least Maphra. The only and main attraction in the city is huge Royal Palacebuilt at the beginning of the XVIII century. The palace was erected, literally, the whole world. Pink marble was taken out of 12 kilometers from Lamieirash, Peru Pinema, Monteleavara; 92 bells, the greatest selection in the world, was cast in Antwerp; The statues of saints are made by Italian sculptors from Carrarsky marble, and 6 bodies from the Brazilian tree on the antifones of the Palace Church are built by French military from the occupation period of the Mafra from 1792 to 1807. For a long time, restoration work was conducted over musical instruments, and on June 2, 2012, they began to play together, as well as two centuries ago. At the concert in honor of the discovery, the famous tenor Placido Domingo, as a sponsor.
The huge royal library, located immediately in the palace, by stories, will fly from harmful insects bats. And this is not all ... in the palace 1200 halls, 4,700 doors and windows, and about 160 stairs. In short, the Royal Palace of Mafra is a huge outstanding miracle that cannot be missed. The palace is open from Wednesday to Friday from 10.00 to 16:45, in winter (from November 1) Break 13.00 - 14.00.
By the way, on the way back from Portugal to Russia, we advise you to read the work of the Nobel laureate Jose Saramago "Memory of the Monastery" to refresh the memories of a wonderful journey and a magnificent palace.

My second story I want to devote to an excellent sunny country - Portugal. Traveled back with her husband in August 2014. The country is very beautiful and colorful!

I do not know when I gathered there. Because for some reason this country was not on the list of desired trips in the next few years. But so ordered the fate that my good girlfriend made a proposal of the hand and hearts of her young man - Portuguese.

My husband and I were invited to the wedding, and here everything was twisted) We began to plan a new individual journey. The general plan was like this - fly to Lisbon on the eve of the wedding, take a walk at the wedding, then go to the port on the port for five days, and then go back and settle for the remaining days (6 days) in Lisbon, pretty inspecting it and surroundings.

We flew to Lisbon we are about 10 pm. Since the suitcase was lightweight, and we were still full of strength and energy, we decided to save and drove to the hotel on the subway. Reached on the subway easily. But then the adventure began) We booked apartments in the Alphaama area - one of the most colorful areas of Lisbon. The area is really very interesting and beautiful. Of course there is inconvenient there - all the time then descents, then lifts. Such a relief is characteristic in principle for the entire Lisbon, but for this area especially. Therefore, it should be said separately here that for a trip to Portugal it is especially important to choose the right shoes - no wedges, platforms, and even more haloors. Only sports and very comfortable shoes! In another, it is not only possible to be very tired, but also to be injured, because all the roads in Lisbon are tiled, not very smooth and how much.

So) When we got to Alphaama, it was already dark. The streets in Alfam are very small and confusing, and that it is also important short enough so that even local residents do not know a lot of streets. Here our apartments were just on the street, which no one knows)) Even the difficulty was that few Portuguese speak English. But then it was helped by the fact that let them do not know English, but very positive and always ready to help. We stuck to a strolling young couple, they were local residents, as I understood, but did not know our street. And they decided to look for her together with us, we wandered along the alpha form, and they periodically asked in Patuguese passersby about our street. After moving for about 15 minutes together with our Portuguese assistants, we still found her) a couple continued to walk, and we began to solve a new quest - how to get into the apartment). While we were looking for, I called the owner (so we agreed on the e-mail), but there was no answer. I called later several times, but no one answered. And now we at night (it was already hours 12) stand under the door of our apartments and think where we spend the night. Such with us was for the first time, and we were in confusion. In Portugal at night, by the way cool, it is better to take warm things with you, in the evening the weather changes dramatically - this is all the ocean). We stood for a short time, the owner soon called back, he forgot somewhere in his messy explanation and calmed us, saying that she was going to us. Soon he arrived, we settled, and life began to)

Alfam to visit must be worth it, you can feel the real spirit of Portugal. Alfama is a faad that is coming in the evening from each cafe, extraordinary architecture, Azulju, trams that are hardly placed on the street ...

A trip to Portugal by car can be very exciting, the main thing is good to prepare and find out all nuances. This section will respond to the necessary questions and will help properly prepare for the journey.

Speed \u200b\u200blimit

Passenger cars without trailer:

  • 50 km / h in settlements;
  • 90 km / h outside the settlement;
  • 100 km / h on roads;
  • 120 KM / H on the motorway;

Gasoline in Portugal

Gasolina SEM Chumbo 95 - gasoline with octane number 95

Gasolina SEM Chumbo 98 - gasoline with octane number 98

Diesel / Gasóleo. - diesel fuel

GPL - Gas.

In addition, in Portugal many places to charge electric vehicles. And in Lisbon, they are almost on each parking lot.

The cost of gasoline in Portugal

The cost of gasoline depends on the cost of oil. In January 2016, at a low price for oil, the value of the 95th gasoline fell to 1.2 euros per liter. On Madeira and Azores, the cost of fuel is lower than on the continent.

Actual average prices for gasoline, diesel fuel and gas you can learn in

The table has prices in all European countries.

You can see that in Portugal prices for gasoline higher than in neighboring Spain and France. That is why many locals living near the Spanish border go to refer to neighbors to Spain.

Portugal road map and navigation

It makes sense to connect the Internet and use google cards. It is well calculated route and travel time. I did not have complaints, I use constantly. Map is relevant and updates does not require. Now it is possible to download Google a map in advance and use it without connecting to the Internet, but the accuracy of determining your location will be lower.

  • Reflective vest (in the absence of a fine from 60 to 300 euros);
  • Warning triangle;
  • Document certifying personality with photography;
  • Existing insurance;

The driver must have a driver's license of an international sample. The ideal option is to obtain an international driver's license.

This is not necessary, since Portugal, as the Russian Federation signed the Vienna Convention, in particular the application number 6, which concerns driver's licenses. But, maybe it is necessary to reinforce and arrange an additional international certificate? Since the new, "pink" rights disappeared into French words: "Driving license".

International driver's license

This is a book, where national driver's license is translated into different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. In principle, if you do not have it, then the usual rights will be suitable for rent and when checking documents. But they must have transcription and translation. These rights are an application and without ordinary "plastic rights" are not valid.

Get them no problem. It is enough to pay for the duty, fill out the application and bring a photo. You can sign up through the website of the State Service.

But all this for reinsurers. Most likely, the right in Portugal will need only once - when renting a car.

It is forbidden to use studded rubber.

Using seat belts necessarily for the driver and all passengers In vehicles in which the belts are provided by the design. The driver is not obliged to follow the adult passengers, since the penalty is paying for itself. In the event of transportation of children - the driver is responsible. The penalty is from 120 to 600 euros.

The use of radar detectors is prohibited. Penalty for this disorder from 500 to 2500 euros.

Rules for transportation of children in the car in Portugal

Children under 12 years old and growth below 1.35 should go to the back seat in a children's chair, corresponding to their growth and weight. Exceptions are cars not equipped with seat belts.

Actions in case of accident or vehicle breakdown

First of all, even before leaving the car, you must wear a vest and only after that set an emergency triangle.

The use of reflective vest and emergency triangle is required. This is very important, since these violations are high penalties. And they are summarized if you have not fulfilled both requirements.

You are fined and for the lack of vest and for the sign. For each of these violations, a penalty is from 120 to 600 euros, respectively, you pay from 240 to 1200 euros. Moreover, if the violation is performed on the motorway, the amount of the fine will be maximum!

Emergency numbers

Emergency number - 112

I want to pay attention to that in Portugal it is forbidden to talk on the phone while driving while driving, if you do not have a speakerphone or headset. Stop on the traffic light or before the story stop no exception.

There were cases when drivers were fined when they spoke on the phone, stopping on the side of the road. Penalty from 120 to 600 euros.

Here we lit the highlights that you need to know for traveling in Portugal by car. We wish you a good trip!

In principle, there is nothing complicated, it is necessary to see this beautiful country that supports some technical details and knowledge and forward, towards the fresh wind of the Atlantic, Sardinam, guilt and natural beauty.

As usual, this article is a simple algorithm or step-by-step instructionon which it is easy to organize travel to Portugal For myself and friends, not referring to the mediators and without leaving the pages of this site. I do not deny the need to travel agency, often it is that they make a significant part of the organization for us - for this we pay extra money. But believe me Portugalthe country, the trip to which it is better to organize independently and be alone with the most beautiful places of the Far West of the South-West of Europe.

We get a Schengen visa

We start with a Schengen visa and only then we are engaged in the rest of the details. If there are still no visas, how to get it without additional costs in the article Schengen visa. Instructions for receipt . And do not forget about insurance. In Portugal, you can fly with a Schengen visa of any country. We, for example, traveled with a Spanish visa, and the first entrance was in Portugal. There will be no questions. From June 11, 2017 ukrainian citizens do not need a Schengen visa To visit the European Union countries in the presence of a biometric passport.

We make a route in Portugal

Portugal, despite the seeming miniature, there is something to offer even a sown tourist traveler. I traveled by Vintage hilly Lisbonwith a centuries-old history that seems to be specially twisted on the narrow streets well complement the magic landscapes of the coast and beaches Algarve.

No matter what you choose - Algarve, center of the country with valley of the riverDouro. (Douro, Dora), Port. and the surrounding area is necessary to include Lisbon And devote to him at least two full days, and better three or four.

For example, independent trip for 10-14 days in Portugal Maybe such. 2-3 days B. Lisbon. Then one day is assigned to the tourist, but very with the entrance to the extreme Western point of Europe - cape Roca. Moving to south Portugal - in the province of Algarve And week beach holiday in Lagus With excursions to Cape Sao Vincente - the extreme southwestern point of Europe and the surrounding beachthen moving to the remaining time in Albufeir. and travel through the surrounding beautiful beaches of the south of the country.

It is worth remembering that Portugal - This is the country for which you need to drive by car, although there are options for the train + bus. You should not linger in one place, as there are a lot of beautiful locations - then you will regret that I did not see much. Portugal is not a classic beach holiday country - the beaches here are infinitely a lot, but they are all so different and beautiful that it is simply impossible to stop.

In detail route in Portugal You can see in the routes section:

Weather in Portugal: Lisbon and Algarve coast

Winter B. Lisbon Rainy at temperatures in the area of \u200b\u200b+12 Celsius, south Algarve "Comfortable +20 Celsius, it is impossible to swim in January in January, but walking along the coast very comfortable. Peak season Coincides with the period of vacations from Europeans and the most comfortable weather for swimming and sunburn - mid-July-August. In July-August, the highest prices and the greatest number of people - to book accommodation at this time is better in advance, good options disagree three months before the start of vacation. The water temperature in July-August - 18-22, depending on the beach. The warmer beach Algarve We were found in the city Lagusa (Lagos), wrote in detail about the rest in this place in his report.

SEPTEMBER, in winter, in the middle of autumn, in winter, in the middle of autumn is also suitable for swimming, relaxing and traveling and in the middle of autumn - low prices, in the south, comfortable weather, in Lisbon and the north can rain, but not more than in our latitudes.

We buy a flight in Portugal

We flew in Portugal from Kiev. The most convenient to get by such airlines - Lufthansa, Air France or KLM With a transfer, from 2018, Wizzair flies to Lisbon without a transplant. In my case it was a flight Kiev-Paris-Lisbon (Air France) On the way there and Lisbon-Amsterdam-Kiev (KLM) On the way home. In both cases, I consciously planned a long docking - 12 hours to be able to walk in and Amsterdam respectively. In Porto or Lisbon, it is also convenient to get from the cities of Poland, Germany or the Baltic airlines of Ryanair or Easyjet. In this case, the flight will cost no more than 100 euros in both ends.

Book accommodation in Portugal in your own opportunities

For the first trip, book hotels or apartments for 3-5 days through Booking.com - Lisbon and from 4 to 6 days on coast Algarve . I lived not far from Lagoa (Lagoa) - the place is located in the middle coast Algarve. Lagoaideal for radial pickles around the surrounding area. Many love more parties Lagos (Lagos) or Albufeira (Albufeira).

About the hotel in which we lived in town Lagoa I wrote separate feedback from the photo - We liked it very much, the ideal ratio of price-quality-quality location-goodwill owner. I recommend active travelers who like to return to comfortable conditions. Be sure to come back there again.

How to save on housing in Portugal

Economy option for familiar with family or company rent an apartment. On Bucking near 2000 apartments in Lisbon .

Book a rolled car

Many cost without a car, the matter of taste, but in my opinion in Portugal the presence of a car greatly facilitates the task of studying local beauties. If the target is to be on the beach and go to a couple of excursions from Lisbon, then you can do without auto.

The car is your transfer from the airport to the resting place and the place of storage and transportation of baggage. Parking on coast Algarve almost everywhere free, in Lisbon There will be no more than 10 euros per day. Do not choose dear underground parkings, it is better to ask the hotel about where there is an inexpensive private parking - Prepare the phrase in English and ask the address of the parking lot. Further on the navigator in a smartphone or paper card you can easily find.

Long and ineffective car rental path - go to the airport site in Lisbon, View which rolling offices there are and the method of selecting one of them. Briefly and efficiently use the car reservation service. It is also just like renting an apartment or a hotel and can be done on the site. Rentalcars.com - It is enough to choose the country and the city in which you need a car. Further choose the machine and easily and easily Just as we did.

Details about the car rental abroad can be read in the article: Rent a car abroad

Prices, budget trips to Portugal

Those who have more money than the time this item is traditionally concerned. All the rest I advise you to read.

The budget of the trip consists of the cost of the flight, the cost of housing, the cost of renting a car and nutrition costs. We consider together and remember about statistical errors, so add 10% -20% to the amount in case of unforeseen spending or shopping souvenirs.

Prices air fares to Lisbon - Well, if the flight is not expensive than 150-200 euros there, back. Can always be viewed in low prices calendar on aviasales..

Budget housing It costs 30-50 euros per day for a double room, housing is more expensive With a swimming pool - 70-100 euros per day for two.

Car rent - 30 euros per day, insurance for cars - another 10 euros per day and depends on the type of insurance, fuel - European prices, we spent about 70 euros in 10 days, passing about 700 km. To book the car, we used the site rentalcars.com - reliably plus a good price, and you are not looking for good, you know.

TOTAL It turns out about 800-1000 euros, including the flight, per person per season, winter and spring cheaper. Remember that Portugal is good at any time, including the winter months. Food. Breakfast is usually included in the hotel's cost, and lunch can cost from 7 euros to 20 euros per person, including local wine, depending on the choice of place.

Saved money is worth spending on Portuguese or light Portuguese pink wine. Do not love wine, give friends!

Agree, it is unlikely to organized and not the most saturated tour by 10 days will cost cheaper. Freedom often also has enough economical.

Useful links when planning travel

Aviasales. - Budget flights worldwide

Hotels Combined (RoomGuru) - saves up to 20% when booking hotels and apartments as it leads to a search for all popular booking sites, including Agoda, Booking.com and others, offering the best options.

Booking.com. - The usual and convenient site for finding and booking housing around the world

Airbnb.- World leader in search for apartments and travel apartments, register on the link and get a cash bonus for the first booking

Rentalcars. - site search and rental of cars in the world with the possibility of free cancellation

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