Gran Bahia. Hotel "Grand Bahia Principle Bavaro" - the embodiment of this Caribbean Paradise! Sports and entertainment

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What is personal data

Personal data - contact information, as well as information identifying an individual left by the user on the project.

What is the consent to process personal data?

152-FZ "On Personal Data" in Art. 9 of claim 4 indicates the need to obtain the "written consent of the subject of personal data for the processing of its personal data." In the same law, it clarifies that the information provided is confidential. The activities of organizations carrying out user registration without obtaining such consent is illegal.

To get acquainted with the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation, I rested, spouse and daughter.
I rested, spouse and daughter 2.8 from 11/21/13 to 12.12.13 (21 days).
I want to immediately make a reservation that I am writing a review as a mom's 2-year-old child! I am not myself for the first time in this country, with the child this is the second vacation (really not in this country) and therefore there is an impression on holiday. And it is possible to go to this hotel with a girlfriend, together with my husband or cheerful Impressions would be different, as I would not care about a calm dream at lunch, at night, mode, food and comfort!
The flight from Moscow was flying in the afternoon, the daughter played, walked over the plane, watched cartoons (the tablet saved), while drinking-to eat, 2 hours slept, then they gave a set of games in the box and everything ... landing. Transaero Boeing 747 flew 747 with a surcharge on the 2nd floor for business there and back. The flight was detained for 2 hours, the departure was at 22 it's her time to sleep and she slept the whole flight. But changing the time zone for the child was very hard. It seems to me that the kids are easier to transfer to a year, and on the children older it was a pity to look - exhausted, swollen, pale, with not surfacing eyes, fell asleep at dinner right behind the tables. Our was the same, I could not sleep at night 3-4 days normally, that by arriving there, that by returning home. At home, only today the first night slept on December 19, and we flew 13! We decided not to torment more child and look for an alternative, or the possibility of vacation in the summer (by the specifics of the work, the husband cannot)
Upon arrival in Punta Cana. The queue was not stood, spent without a queue with a child. Ordanan was an individual transfer from the airport ... From this, it began to determine the mood in anticipation of vacation. And the vacation was long-awaited !!! The transfer and transfer did not provide. The child got off at the airport as soon as they got the stroller and we drove in a common bus. Good at least there were no many people and ride 30 minutes. But this does not apply to the hotel. The hotel was at 4 am in Moscow, in the other 20-00, respectively. Booked a room in Bavaro with a margin for 2-3 floors and with a surcharge of an improved contract number. Accommodation took 20-30 minutes. They brought the case 71 on delivery to the room. Honestly, I have not experienced such a shock for a long time. Only opened the door to the nose hit the terrible smell of mold, a huge mosquito was sitting on the floor, a bunch of dead midges, on the walls and the ceiling of the bath and under the kondem, the mold is visible. From this type of room and fatigue wanted to cry and back home! I put a sleeping daughter on the bed and from the blanket is terribly (it's not picky) stuck mold and everything seemed to be raw. And then an adjacent door opens and a girl from our plane is included, they were settled in the next room and we were separated by an adjacent door, hearing a colossal, heard what they say not loud. The husband went to the reception at the reception twice and talked that we would move at at least the night to spend the night in normal conditions. While he disassembled 3 hours, as I did not try, the baby and me were mosquitoes. At 7 am in Moscow, we were transported to the hotel's premiere, which is an order of magnitude cheaper Bavaro, rather far from the sea by 3 floor building 53. But many times better quieter and calmly this anthill Bavaro, as it turned out. Only the next day after 14 o'clock we were able to move to Bavaro to 30 housing number 311. 5 minutes walk to the sea and 5 minutes to the restaurant. With a small child, it is convenient, as the movement is mostly stroller, either on foot or on the father's neck. A couple of times we went to delivery, but so far wait, you will come faster yourself. And there is also a chance that the place will not be free.
Commentary on the previous review: "The hotel is huge and many people. But I do not understand the people who are indignant here - when you bought vouchers, did you even know that on one territory there are 4 big hotels at once? I think they knew, so what a lot more It was, that was your choice of hotel!
Read completely at\u003d870330 "
I was in a similar hotel and even more territories! Not only in this country, but also in other countries and first encountered such a situation! I read reviews about the hotel who rested with children. I repeat once again, I am resenting that when booking the hotel, all the conditions were coordinated, the marks were sent and the hotel confirmed everything, therefore I think that I could immediately offer an alternative, because for our arrival on November 21, the hotel was not yet So filled, how to say in 5 days! Well, how I could not understand why not suggest an alternative immediately, knowing that all the good numbers are busy, even if at least in the premiere (offered only after 3 hours of communication at the reception), even with a surcharge in Essirald, seeing that family with a small child We were the only ones at the reception with the baby. On the issue of communication, the husband fondly communicated in English.
Okay, vacation began like from the second day.
Room is good spacious, large bed and sofa, plasma TV, ironing board, mini bar, bathroom all in working condition - plumbing and hairdryer. We needed mostly water and beer with her husband, at the very beginning reminded a couple of times that they would have replenished the mini-bar, then the cleaner already clarified, brought or not. Photo number add. Of the minuses, I can only note the small quick-running ants, so there was nothing left on the tables and the products for the child kept in the refrigerator. When cleaning, they are treated with insects, the smell remains disgusting, if it is immediately lucky to get into the room. It helped not for a long time - in the evening of ants were already all on the spot. Cleaning for 5+, every day is independent of tip, everything is wonderful. Change towels, wash the floor, clean in the bathroom, the bed is refilled, the mini bar is replenished. The fairy tale!) Because of the child's mode, it was often left to dinner "Do not disturb" a sign. But hearing the horror, the doors of the rooms slam only with the roar, it is not possible to close, the talks are heard, the cleaners love to shift from the neighboring houses, communicating with each other. This is me pro calm rest at lunch! The child of course slept, but strained. Then they already found a calm windless place on the beach and laid in a wheelchair on day sleep. For the night, we went to bed at 21-22, often at 23 we called on the phone from the guest service with questions, the guide or electricians were knocking on the door, whether we were fine (the plate was not disturbed by ignored). And at dinner you will not sleep and there is no rest at night! And by the end of the month, generally began some kind of summer season - three days ago, the lawns fought, blown up the leaves, traveled transported garbage. Noise, bustle .. hear and did not smell!
Large green area, with beautiful green lawns, palm trees, flowers. But all spoils the constant movement of machines-deliveries, service machines and mopeds, which instead of moving around the main three roads for movement, cutting, drive 20km per hour along the pedestrian zone. Just manage to dilge from them, grabbing a child! The smell of exhaust gases is terrible! As it was after the rain, it went down the street in the shale - then bare legs washed away from black diesel fuel or fuel oil (I do not understand that from these cars dripping). The child was constantly or to carry in a wheelchair, or hold hands or pull. It's calmly not possible to go through the territory! This is a huge minus the hotel. There are three main roads - they drive the train (the child called them so), but it turns out that it is safe to walk in the lobby on the territory and run.
For kids, a small water park (there were only times there, the water is colder than in the sea) a kids club (pool with balls, cartoons, games, playground) came along with her daughter, if there was bad weather or had time before dinner). It works up to 17 hours. I watched the animation in the club: they do not care about children and do not play, the children themselves are looking for an occupation or cartoons look, eat chips with pops. I did not understand why the children often ran with wet heads - there fans and Kanda work, then saw the children's club from the water park. Russian Animators just started learning. And the children's playground for the children's club liked his daughter: slides, houses, swings, catalkens, tables and chairs and sand toys. Often came and always had children. It was fun! Your sand toys then took there. Dance after dinner on incendiary music and run by the lobby around the Christmas tree. At this, children's entertainment on the territory ends (the sea is not counting) and they were especially not needed - the daughter after dinner fell asleep. You can still look at the clarine and turtles on the road to the sea, they float in the swamp. We called this so-called a piece of the coastal zone on site. The smell of him in the heat is not pleasant. Swamp just from which many mosquitoes. The fumigator in the room worked on 21 days 24 hours a day. Only after a week, when the people and children walked terribly skiing, began to process the hotel's territory - it became much smaller and could be sleeping with a dutched balcony. The air conditioner is very noisy, turned on when they left the room. At night, it became terribly wet and stuffy, the child slept badly, and you will open the window - mosquitoes. Humidity 70%!
The hotel was crowded with the people, at that moment the real ORVI epidemic began! The whole hotel Chichal and cough - adults and children who served staff too! Open the window in the morning and instead of singing birds and wind noise someone sneezes or cough ... Everywhere in the restaurant, on the beach, the people went to the lobby on the territory of the lobby, with the noses red from snot, and then a terrible cough appeared! From the beginning I stuck my daughter, the next day the husband. Temperature 37 One day and weakness. It was not like acclimatization, since we have been there for a week and the fact that a lot of people got sick at the hotel, more like a real epidemic. I had symptoms already at the recovery of my daughter and a spouse when we were already told about the seasonal ARVI that local children had sobbed and apparently staff at the hotel brought. True, my symptoms were only 2-3 days and the people in the hotel had already been to the amendment, although in front of our departure began to meet sneezing and coughing people, the husband was still joking that it would rather be home from this Lazaret.
The beach and the pool for the first 5 days were wonderful, there are not many people, but then it took just a bunch of people and the hotel became like an anthill. After breakfast at the pool, the place is no longer found, everything is walked by towels. At the same time, we have breakfast early at 7-8 hours because of the child's mode. Sun beds by the pool on the beach as well. Sunbeds by the sea could have been found, but because of a strong wind with a child I wanted to find a place, next to the strip of the sun beds, Essirald - there the wind was less strong and with the child was comfortable. That is, the people get up at 6 am and takes sun beds. Until the last, I tried not to resort to this, but tired of a stroller and a child to run around the beach in search of a place. The last 5 days also occupied. There was an opportunity to put a child to sleep on the beach in a wheelchair and relax themselves a couple of hours. There quietly, unlike the noise and gama by the pool. The beach is normal, but the sun bed on the sun bed - I was not delighted, there were cigarettes in the sand, but this is already on the conscience of vacationers. The service personnel is cleaned and trying to maintain clean, clean the algae, decorate palm trees, watered and flattering sand, arrange the sun beds. Photo coastline The hotel consider in general deception. Waves and wind were all 21 days, so the daughter jumped on the waves in her husband's hands, but they went to small frogs in the pool near the beach. During the day, it was often a rain and after him the sand was cold and the wind for children is not a very good climate I think, and also 70% of humidity. We thought it was not lucky with the weather, and in return learned that on Tenerife, the shower and familiar bathed one day, and in Egypt 7 degrees and snow.
Power If I rested one - I would wave on everything ... I put 4 for meals 4, and 3! But here even I was not under a special impression of the floor of the green tomato and unsung raw vegetables (boiled vegetables - carrots, cauliflower and TP is impossible) The first week I am still a delicious fish, but then she just disappeared and turned into some kind of messenger shapeless And terribly salty. But the porridge at breakfast has improved the opposite, from the beginning they put cinnamon in it, the children were spoiled and mine also ate without delight, and then the cinnamon was already standing separately, and the porridge was delicious milk. Saved dry breakfasts with milk and yogurts they were very tasty, waffles, pancakes and pancakes with all sorts of jams, omelet, eggs to cool (the scrambled eggs were fried to black), croissants and snob sodes. For breakfast and lunch, I could find something for a child. Lunch is thin, poorly some kind of vegetable puree soup, which could be given to the child, the second was on some kind of stinking meat broth. Children's menu they have: terrible sausages, potatoes fries and disgusting burgers for hamburger breakfast and dinner. The vegetarian table was no longer writing about raw vegetables, which cannot be exhausted. It was a couple of times tasty eggplants and carrots. A couple of times for 21 days! For dinner, the child eaten mainly pasta with cheese and watermelon all vacation. She loves her chicken, but there she didn't take her in his mouth, I myself tried a couple of times, so myself, with some flavor, was incomprehensible, it was a couple of times the grill's chicken. Sausages are generally terrible quality, the meat of delicious stewed sometimes came out, gave her daughter. The rice is unsolved specific, my child does not eat such, a couple of times came tasty. Fruits on a troeuchka: watermelons are very tasty, pineapple too, the rest is so-so, mango disappeared on the 5th day and no longer met, bananas if you get up early to the opening for tomorrow to 7 o'clock you will be lucky! Juices for breakfast are freshly fed very diluted with water. Dinner mostly ate pasta. Ice cream delicious, desserts are so-so. Wine is much better than cocktails throughout the hotel. All the cocktails are terrible, if you give money, the likeness is far reminiscent of the truth, you will nap. Therefore, alcohol used wine in a restaurant, beer or rum purchased in the room. In the restaurant I had to constantly pay attention from what you eat and drink .. A dish in divorces, and in a pouring a glass of water or wine floats a ton of shifts (such an impression they are every glass after washing with a cotton cloth wipe and stay in a glass of villus, which you are later Drink. The child made tea in the room or took the juice in a children's thermos.
Delicious coffee only in the lobby and two more machine machines in the beach bars. Behind breakfast, the waiters will not be delicious, if you go pour yourself, it is even less pleasant. But with the child it is not particularly runting, so they drank and he and that and sometimes pinched themselves tasty in the lobby.
A week later, queues began for pasta and fruit, it was killed at all! The restaurant itself includes condo and pretty cool, many mosquitoes - took the daughter a sweater. By the end of the first week, the restaurant reminded the market, for such a large restaurant it was necessary to do two zones of nutrition, and not one, because the people walk with the plates, evading each other from the obstacles, constantly as ants along the tracks between the tables and sit There is no possibility in a calm atmosphere. And still attendant personnel in the large volume and all this reminds some more rather eaten on the market, and not a restaurant. The hum, a fuss, a knock of the dishes - they tried to quickly feed the child, something to eat themselves and leave this place.
Well done staff, quickly removes tables and escorts to a free clean table, depending on how many places you need is. Always happy to help if you suddenly need something for a child. Somehow asked for a marching carrot to pour water and sprinkle sugar - they looked at me surprise! Very love to slow down from the children's tablet for a minute and see well, wait!))) In general, the attitude of the attitude is excellent, they love the children, they are happy to communicate and the daughter, by the end of his holiday, He learned from everyone and a couple of phrases learned on Spanish. Children's chairs are in prosperity, always found themselves or brought waiters, both in the main restaurant and in bars and the beach. The lunch was often fed in bars on the beach, but the choice is less and there are no soups. From the bustle of the common restaurant once managed to escape in Italian. I advise you to immediately sign up for all possible Alyakards, as the record was a week! There was no special benefit for the child, only the tomatoes are sent, and so again the paste had to eat.
Souvenirs on site there are shops where you can buy souvenirs, inflatable toys and for sand baby. All bought on site - Rum, cigars, magnets, coffee, t-shirts, beach bags. Husband walked on the beach to the local market, but said - everything is cheaper there, but this quality is not pleasant to give this! On the beach bought two beautiful shells a large white-pink and screw "Tornado" washed for $ 20 both. The first price tag was $ 40! I was told on O. Sayona you can take every $ 5, but for me it was already the normal price) in the store at the hotel there were worse quality and for $ 30 for two pieces. I put in baggage wrapped in paper and several packages, on the advice, so that there would not smell the clothes in the suitcase. You can export. They do not check the suitcases only weighed. Give only manual sting.
The result Despite the fact that children in the territory of this hotel It was not that a lot, but ooooooochen a lot, I consider it not quite suitable for children's holiday. Although children's chairs and even strollers are offered in a large volume, but the lack of a free zone from cars, as well as exhaust gases and dirt, which makes not quite a pleasant walk through the hotel. Also a terrible children's table and a vegetarian menu for the hotel all this is a huge minus! We will not go anymore, you will not advise friends. And in general, now after such a journey, I agree with those who write - a long flight, a change of time zone, humidity, the lack of qualified honey. The specialists are all not to relax with the child! Dominican Republic, it seems to me good for two, for a funny company, for recreation adult couples on pensions. But in this hotel, heavenly pleasure you will not experience!
Thank you all for your attention, I hope my review will be useful to someone. My wife Ali was a brief, my extensive will be extensive, but he, as I, wrote him from the point of view of the parent, who brings his child to rest and dreams of a little rest after the labor half-year. Comments are not essentially ignored! Good mood to you all)

Hotel "Grand Bahia principle Bavaro" is located on the first coastline of the snow-sandy sand beach of Dominican Republic - Bavaro. He opened in 2004. The complex architecture is a typical Punta kana. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel is more than 500 thousand square meters. m. The complex "Grand Bahia principle Bavaro" includes three hotels.

Accommodation guests

The hotel has 1536 rooms located in various parts of the complex:

  • Junior Suite - in remote;
  • Junior Suite Superior - in the main one;
  • Junior Suite Club Hacienda and Golden - in two- and three-storey cottages close to the beach.

The cost of staying in Junior Suite rooms is $ 62 (the principle "All Inclusive"). Rooms of this type are available 24hr room service, concierge services, personal check-in, slippers and bathrobes in the room, as well as Internet access (the first 15 minutes per day are free). Absolutely all rooms of the complex "Grand Bahiya principle Bavaro" are equipped with air conditioning, fan, satellite TV, minibar, telephone. Guests can enjoy the jacuzzi in a spacious bathroom. There is a coffee maker. There is a balcony or terrace. For an additional fee, you can use the safe.


For the comfort of guests, the complex is divided into two main parts - "Bahia principle Bavaro" and "Bahia principle of Punta Cana". These hotels in total have eleven restaurants. Here is some of them:

  • "Buganvil". The dishes of international cuisine are served on the buffet system. Pre-order table is not required.
  • "Maiko" - Japanese cuisine. Pre-recording is required.
  • "Cafe de Paris" - French cuisine.
  • "La Orchid" - international cuisine, buffet.


Hotel "Grand Bahia principle Bavaro" offers vacationers nice to spend time in three pools. On the territory near each of them there are bars and a jacuzzi. Water purification is made without the use of chlorinated substances. One of the pools is intended solely for guests of Club Hacienda. Vacationers can use the SPA-Center services:

  • bath;
  • cosmetic services;
  • sauna;
  • massage;
  • barbershop;
  • gym;
  • aromatherapy.

It is this center that is recognized as the best in Bavaro.

Dominican Republic, "Grand Bahia Principle Bavaro": Entertainment

Here every holidaymaker will find a lesson, because the hotel offers evening and day entertainment programs, sports events for both adults and children. On the territory of the hotel there are casinos, photo sealing, mini market, business and Internet center. On the beach, vacationers can freely use sun loungers, umbrellas.


The hotel offers an extensive range of sports services. For example, visit the gym, aerobics or aqua aerobic classes, learn the tango in the dance lessons, play tennis on one of the three courts, take part in the water polo competition or volleyball on the coast. In addition, the hotel has a diving center. On the coast, vacationers can rent water bikes, catamaran or kayak or ride banana-boat. A nice and exciting journey to "Grand Bahia principle Bavaro"!

Personal Data Processing Agreement

Site rules

Text agreement

I hereby give consent to the processing of Media Travel Edverting LLC (INN 7705523242, OGRN 1127747058450, Legal Address: 115093, Moscow, 1st Shipkowsky per., D. 1) My personal data and confirm that giving such consent I act my will and in my interest. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" I agree to provide information related to my personality: My surname, name, patronymic, address of residence, position, contact phone, email address. Either, if I am a legal representative of a legal entity, I agree to provide information related to the details of a legal entity: the name, legal address, activities, name and FIO of the Executive Body. In the case of the provision of personal data of third parties, I confirm that I have received the consent of third parties, in the interests of which I act on the processing of their personal data, including: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update or change), use , distribution (including transmission), depersonal, blocking, destruction, as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data in accordance with applicable law.

Consent to the processing of personal data is given by me in order to obtain services provided by Media Travel Edverting.

I express my consent to exercise with all these personal data of the following actions: Collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update or change), use, distribution (including transmission), dewincing, blocking, destruction, as well as any exercise other actions with personal data in accordance with applicable law. Data processing can be carried out using automation tools and without using them (with automatic processing).

When processing personal data, the company "Media Travel Edverting" is not limited to the use of methods for processing.

I hereby recognize and confirm that if necessary, the company "Media Travel Edverting" LLC has the right to provide my personal data to achieve the above objectives to a third party, including when attracting third parties to providing services within these purposes. Such third parties are entitled to process personal data on the basis of this consent and to notify me about the tariffs of services, special promotions and offers of the site. Informing is carried out using telephone and / or email. I realize that the sign of the "V" or "x" sign in the field on the left and pressing the "Continue" button, or the "agree" buttons below the text of this Agreement, means my written consent to the conditions described earlier.

I agree

What is personal data

Personal data - contact information, as well as information identifying an individual left by the user on the project.

What is the consent to process personal data?

152-FZ "On Personal Data" in Art. 9 of claim 4 indicates the need to obtain the "written consent of the subject of personal data for the processing of its personal data." In the same law, it clarifies that the information provided is confidential. The activities of organizations carrying out user registration without obtaining such consent is illegal.

Get acquainted with the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 * for customer reviews - one of better hotels Dominican Republic for family holiday. According to the results of the assessment of independent agencies, he received 7 quality certificates in 2012 - 2017.

High service class, convenient location on a clean beach, good equipment for children - All this allows guests to recommend the hotel for a long stay.

Hotel Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 *: Hotel location on the map, description

The hotel is part of a group of 7 hotels in Bahia, located close to each other on the beach of Arena Gorda Dominican Republic. The beach is located in the province of Bavaro Punta Cana region closer to the east of Haiti Island, awarded the Blue UNESCO flag for purity of water and sand.

The beach has a developed infrastructure, tightly built up with hotels, shops and dots. catering, equipped with water, motor sports centers. All hotels are well organized independent or excursion leisure.

Nearby, it allows us to use the common area and move freely on foot or on the train between villas, pools and restaurants.

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 * Reviews of guests display one of the most cozy on the network, because it is on all from the coast (600 m). On the beach of Arena Gorda windy, the waves rise especially high in the afternoon. When the tourists of this hotel in the morning rush to the beach, it is already beautiful, sulfted by network staff from algae and jellyfish brought by ocean waves.

How to get to the hotel

It is enough to name the GRAND BAHIA PRINCIPE BAVARO 5 * employee of a taxi or information service of the airport and tourist at the right address, for this it is not necessary to speak in one of the international languages. The hotel is located just 20 km from Punta Airport - Kana, where the aircraft are landing with Russia.

Several options, how to get to the resort yourself:

  • Take advantage of taxi services. The average cost to Bavaro beaches - 40 USD. It is a fixed taxipark on the tariffs, private cabidors in the airport feature. Some sites offer to book a taxi in advance, then the driver will meet a passenger with a sign in the arrival hall. In other cases, you can choose a taxi in place.
  • Rent a car. This can be done online in advance or on the company's rack - the landlord at the airport itself. The price will start from 2500 rubles / day and depend on the rental period and the size of the machine.
  • Take advantage of the private "route taxi". The representative office at the airport does not have such carriers of law, however, they are still at tourists in the depths of parking for cars. Competent bargaining can reduce the price to 10-15 USD per person to any resort Bavaro.
  • Take advantage bus route far follow For tourists liking. The route Santo Domingo - Bavaro runs daily, from 7:00 to 16:00. The full flight is three hours. Punta Airport - Kana bus will reach 2 to 2.5 hours after departure. A full ticket for the entire route costs about 8 USD (400 Dominican Peso). Minus option - the final stop is approximately 4 km from Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro. However, this stop (Estacion 1 on Estados Unidos) is near the main highway (Boulevard Touristico Del Este) and you can go to the resort in a straight line.
  • Rent a scooter or motorcycle Outside the airport for single tourists lighting.

Hotel infrastructure

The hotel is designed to accommodate the "All Inclusive" system, "all inclusive" (hereinafter "AI"). This means that each area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel is fully or partially open to use without a board premium for the room.

The territory is presented:

  • villas with numbers;
  • beach;
  • two pools and children's mini-water park;
  • catering area (6 restaurants and 4 bars);
  • relaxation zone (spa complex separately for children and adults and beauty salon);
  • nightclub;
  • business zone (conference room and business center).

The hotel is equipped for servicing persons with disabilities.

Services in the hotel

Free services are parking for guests to pre-reserve space, use of ATM and currency exchange. Hotel declares that he works in English, French, Spanish and german languagesTourists will always provide internal translation services.

The arriving will additionally cost:

Views at the hotel

Junior Suite Superior (Junior Superior) only works. 744 rooms separated by several villas. Each room is adjacent to either a pool or garden.

Accommodation is possible as soon as adults and adults with children and babies, the hotel provides baby cots by prior letter.

Maximum capacity is declared as 3 adults + child or 2 adults + 2 children. Each extra room for the child is paid over the package as 50% of the cost of the number per person per day. Balconies or terraces are provided in each junior suite.

Equipment of numbers

GRAND BAHIA PRINCIPE BAVARO 5 * (guests reviews that the stated 5 stars are justified with the equipment of the rooms) offers a single category of numbers. However, the filling of the bedroom is permissible. Miscellaneous: 1 bed King-size or 2 double beds, the presence and absence of a sofa bed.

The bathroom is equipped with:

  • bathroom - jacuzzi;
  • bath textile;
  • hairdryer;
  • hygienic set for the soul;
  • magnifying mirror.

The living room is equipped with:

  • air conditioning or fan - at the request of the guest;
  • telephone;
  • coffee - tea / coffee machine;
  • clock with alarm clock;
  • ironing board and iron;
  • free safe;
  • tV new sample with antenna on satellite TV channels.

The cost of living per day with a person

When booking a room in February 2019. Direct official prices will be as follows:

Accommodation Price March 2019, EUR for 1 person per night, tariff with free cancellation up to 3 days before arrival. Price July 2019, EUR for 1 person for 1 night, tariff with free cancellation up to 3 days before arrival. Price november 2019, EUR for 1 person per night, tariff with free cancellation up to 3 days before arrival.
1 adult 160 148 156
2 adults or 1 adult + 1 child 106 99 104
3 adults 101 94 98
2 adults + 1 child or 1 adult +2 baby 89 66 86
2 adults + 2 children 80 62 78

Booking less than 3 nights is impossible, with a non-reflective tariff, the room rate per person per night decreases by 5 - 15 EUR. Booking through the Internet - aggregators and travel agencies are possible with significant discounts during the period of shares.

Nutrition concept

Tourists within "AI" use the services of the main restaurant Bouganville are a buffet and a three-time meal, including drinks (non-alcoholic, beer, local alcoholic beverages. Premium alcohol - class is paid separately). You can visit the buffet only in your hotel.

All day for guests work:

  • Beach Restaurant - Nutrition on the shore.
  • Pool Restaurant - Pool food.
  • Bars.

In addition, there are several restaurants with service on the menu (A LA Carte).

Kitchen diverse:

  • italian (CAPRICCIO);
  • japanese (Maiko);
  • the kitchen with the grill and barbecue menu (OLAS);
  • texan and Mexican (Santa Fe), the restaurant is available on the basis of the neighboring Grand Principe. Punta Cana.;
  • mediterranean kitchen (El Pescador), a restaurant is available in the next Grand Principe Punta Cana;
  • steak - House (Garden Grill), a restaurant - on the basis of the neighboring Grand Principe Punta Cana;
  • dominican (Los Corales), restaurant on the territory of Grand Bahia Turquesa.

The "AI" includes 3 flyers per week per guest. Flyers allow you to book a table for dinner in any of the menu service restaurants. Dress is valid - code on the entrance: strict and closed clothes, for men - pants and shirt. The advantage of Grand Bahia Bavaro as a network hotel is that it is possible to dull on the menu in neighboring restaurants of the same network.

The hotel offers food on a special table (kosher nutrition, an allergic table, vegetarianism), however, the possibility of each particular case administration asks to coordinate in advance before booking.

The rooms have a minibar. Daily renewal of water, beer, juices and lemonade are included in the "AI" program.

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 * (Reviews of the diet of the same type of power) pleases the guests a wide range of buffet dishes, a la carte - unique feed and recipes, mini-bars - abundance of drinks to choose from.

Hotel accommodation

Check in hotel from 15:00 and leaving until 13:00. Animal entrance to the room is prohibited, check-in is round the clock. To guarantee the reservation at any tariff of the hotel, the guest provides remote data of the bank card. When checking at the hotel, this card must be submitted and accompanied by a photo certificate.

If the tourist is a member of the MY BAHIA PRINCIPE Club (registration is possible on the official website of the Bahia network), it has the opportunity to get a row of privileges /

For example:

  • free shuttle to the airport;
  • discounts for accommodation up to 10%;
  • rooms with the most convenient or picturesque location;
  • early arrival and late check-out.

Offer will be relevant for the entire hotel network.

Entertainment and leisure for adults

Entertainment programs In different languages \u200b\u200bpass daily at day and evening. Animation with live music and local dances (Merenge, Bachata, Salsa, Zuk) is required, several times a week spend a night open show with a disco.

Bahia Principe Village nightclub dance floor in demand. Entry from 18 years, local alcohol and non-alcoholic menu are included. Nearby is a casino. On the beach, hotel coaches conduct sports lessons (aerobics, bingo).

Bars built in the resort:

  • Mai Tai. - For connoisseurs of calm Caribbean music and relaxing cocktails.
  • Karaoke Piano. - For music lovers and karaoke lovers.
  • Congas Bachata, Merengue, Discotheque - For those who want to dance local dances.

Entertainment programs Bracelet owners visit in Grand Bahia Bavaro and in the neighboring Grand Bahia Turquesa.

The client service will also help in the organization of lessons nearby:

  • golf;
  • tennis;
  • billiards;
  • riding;
  • cycling;
  • windsurfing;
  • sailing on canoe;
  • diving.

And also organizes the rental of a ship under fishing, sufari on jeeps for any distance in the region of Punta Cana.

Animation for children

For children in the hotel:

Rest on site

Components "AI" for residents:

  • gym;
  • pools;
  • scuba - Diving, 1 less free for each guest for all the time of booking.

Over the package you can use:

  • Suggestions of the center water species Sports scubaquatic. There are negotiated about the lessons on driving yachts, dives, surfing with an oars, there you can rent a catamaran for rent or ride a banana.
  • Cosmetology Cabinet.
  • Massage tables (average value of 100 USD for 50 min).
  • Sauna (on average 30 USD / hour).
  • Arrangement romantic evenings and wedding ceremonies (hairdressers and makeup artists in constant readiness in the beauty salon at Bahia SPA).
  • Booking cars and other engineers.

Attractions near the hotel

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 * is surrounded by picturesque places, judging by the reviews of tourists and information from the local tour desk.

In automotive clock availability, you can visit:

How to book a hotel room

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 *, reviews about which help with choosing a way of booking rooms, has a site only for English-speaking tourists. However, the Russian version has prepared the official website of the Bahia Principe network. He gives detailed information, there you can make a reserve.

Sometimes lucky people have time to take a discount of up to 50% for direct reservations on stocks. Booking is also possible via the Internet - aggregators with a choice best price At the time of search and through travel agencies as part of centralized tours.

Appeal to travel agency is the easiest way, there customers make a common ruble payment fee. Flight, accommodation, shuttle in place and paperwork included in the price.

If you boast the hotel yourself, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Compare direct prices (on the official website) and the price of aggregators, choose best offer.
  2. Determine the quantitative and age composition of the family / company to accommodate in one room.
  3. Select accurate travel dates.
  4. Solve the issue with the tariff. According to the irrevocable tariff, payment spikes from the payer's bank card in the next 1-2 days, and the return in case of cancellation will not be subject to the trips. On a more expensive tariff with the possibility of free cancellation of armor before checking, the funds can be frozen on the payer's account until the payment of payment at the entrance to the hotel (cash is permissible for payment).
  5. Enter these guests where the rooms will be decorated.
  6. Enter the data of the payer's bank card.
  7. Take conditions for processing personal data and tariff.
  8. Pay reservations.
  9. Print a sheet with information about the armor.

Important! Tourists with ruble bank cards (Especially on the non-reflective tariff) you need to remember about the "submarine stone" of remote payments in EUR / USD. This is a currency conversion when paying. Real translation is carried out 1-2 days after shipment to the payment order bank and the Visa or MasterCard currency rate at the transfer date.

The new currency rate can differ much from what was at the time of booking. Given the high cost of staying at the hotel, the difference in rubles can be great.

Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro 5 * - one of the most comfortable hotels in Arena Beach - Gorda, and real tourist reviews are confirmed. Here will be a rest, lovers of beaches, extreme sports, those who are interested in the life and traditions of the indigenous population.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

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