Romantic evening in Paris Belkanto on June 16. Paris for Romantics: What to do in the capital of France in love? Aphrodisiac dish: Oysters in the city of Romance

The most tempting city in the world is definitely Paris. Shady boulevards, bridges, light-flooded lanterns, exquisite cuisine and a cafe terrace with wicker chairs lined up, seducing their aura of people from around the world, regardless of the time of year or day. The score of the days is lost in the Paris streets. How best to spend your romantic day in Paris? But this day must be in your plans and we will advise you that's what ...

Morning... You will need at least nine months to consider each work of art in the Louvre, but the competent location of exhibits on thematic sections makes acquaintance with the museum more affordable. Couples in love must be followed by the mythical history of love Great Aphrodite, where one and a half hours of an exciting love travel can see the image of love torments of famous literary heroes, for example, such as Eros.

The shores of the Seine are very beautiful and make Paris still seductive. From the Louvre, I can not rush along the banks of the river on the island of Ile de la Site and Ile Saint-Louis. Then, cross the Seine by Pont De Archevêché (Archbishop Bridge), the narrow bridge in Paris, on which the couples are attached to the castles in the sign of eternal love and throw the key to the river. Follow the love lock and the key to it in advance and this romantic stroke will remain in your memory forever.

Who out of us does not like ice cream, and lovers are ready to eat it, not counting calories. Ile Saint-Louis Island is famous for BERTHILLON unmatched ice cream. Sometimes it is very difficult to choose from 70 flavors. Pear Sherbet or Salted Caramel can be enjoyed in Maison Berthillon (29-31 Rue Saint-Louis en l'île)Or in retail outlets throughout the island, such as Le Flore EN L "ILE, where you can enjoy and surprisingly delicious croissants. (42 QUAI D'Orléans).

Afternoon... Father of French romanticism lived in a building where the National Museum of Delacroix is \u200b\u200blocated today, he lived until his death in 1863. His famous works are stored in Louvre and Orset, here you will find his personal belongings, such as a bulk bed. (6 Rue de Furstenberg, closed on Tuesdays).

Walking along the Muftar Street in the Latin Quarter, filled with shopping tents and food stores, you will feel a pleasant feeling of hunger from Androuet cheese flavors, which can be bought in vacuum package to pick up home. And what is juicy almond cookies with raspberries or black currant and divine sweets mococha candy taste. Here you can also buy cute baubles for the house. (51 Rue Mouffetard).

In the Latin Quarter there is an amazing restaurant Le Coupe Chou, which is a very romantic place for candles and a grape vines, in the style of the 17th century. Ceilings, antiques and general entourage, as well as the proposed dishes, such as Burgundy meat, reflect the essence of the French village in the center of Paris. Once here loved to dinner Marlene Dietrich (9 & 11 Rue de Lanneau).

Evening... Before sunset, in a small museum-museum Musée de La Vie Romantique, at the end of the paved Lane Alley, at Hôtel Scheffer-Renan you can visit the intelligent museum dedicated to the life and creativity of Amandine's writer Aurora Lucier Dupin - (more famous as Georges Sand), Museum full of paintings and art objects (16 Rue Chaptal).

Chocolate is an art, and it can be fully felt in Marhe, in the Chocolaterie Joséphine Vannier boutique. Edible creations from chocolate including in the form of musical instruments (saxophone, piano, violins and electric guitars) and shoes (shoes on heels and other shoes) look too good to eat this beauty. On weekends here you can enjoy delicious biscuits (4 Rue du Pas de la Mule).

Complete your day in Paris we advise a romantic evening in the Bistro Le Vieux Belleville at the top of Park de Belville. The warm atmosphere of this place is filled with lyrical music Edith Piaf. This is an atmospheric place where the chanson, heart and lyrical, and this is a bistro very loved by Parisians (12 RUE DES NVIERGES).

And what city do you consider the most romantic city in the world?

About Paris is written quite a few. Or still regretted little, if it comes to non-trivial romantic places of the capital of France? About restaurants, hotels and cinemas, having visited in which you will confirm the thoughts, what is the best city for lovers, and no one else can shake your confidence?

Personally, I think the topic romantique à paris Not completely disclosed. Moreover, many people naively believe that the main thing to the capital of France is to fly, and then it's not to hide from a love mood - not to hide: Eiffel Tower, the Elysee fields and North Let's help you.

At the same time, the majority completely forgets that Paris, firstly, the metropolis, and, secondly, in the city the Great many of the so-called "mandatory attractions". Concentrate on the attentive examination of everyone at a time - forces and time to a healthy hedonism and the desperate romance simply will not be left.

And it is extremely regrettable, because the capital of France is a genuine quintessence of L'Art De Vivre, the very "art of living", which embodies the Paris style. Today I will share with you 7 ideas for a romantic weekend in Paris. No banal tips, only secret, but proven places and non-trivial leisure versions. Well, about the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris or artists on Montmartre, you are sure you know everything without me.

1. Seek in the aristocratic house of the XIX century

Of all the hotels in Paris, the title of "Romantic Secret Palace" deserves, of course, La Réserve Hotel and Spa. By the way, it is located next to the most famous Palace of Paris - Elyseysky, and it can be called secretly as a "small spool yeah": only 26 suites and 14 double rooms in the chamber hotel.

However, I don't want to call La Réserve Hotel and Spa to La Réserve Hotel and Spa, it does not stick to him, no matter how cool. Here is the "Paris House for Guests", and at the same time with this and the "Closed Club" is a completely different matter.

Founder of La Réserve Hotel and SPA - Monsieur Michel The baby set himself an extremely ambitious task: to open the aristocratic guest house in the spoiled luxury Paris, which the residents of the capital of France have not seen.

And, that is here to modest, the baby everything turned out. The first thing you notice when you get to La Réserve Hotel and SPA, the absence of any required hotel attributes. Reception racks, for example, simply no, instead - a graceful secretarial table, such can be seen in the same apartment-museum of Viktor Hugo.

Yes, and the hall here - not the hall at all, and the salon in the style of the XIX century, but with the obvious references to the era of the king Louis XV of the Beloved: If the chair, then with velvet upholstery, if the mirrors, then in the gilded frames, and fireplaces, in which are wonderfully crackling Firewood, decorated with flowers and stuck with numerous marble statuette.

By the way, furniture in La Réserve Hotel and SPA for the most part antique, and the special pride of the guest house is a library, on the shelves of which near modern editions are adjacent to the rare volumes of two hundred years ago.

By the way, some books here with a secret are touching them with your hand and it turns out that this is not a tomik of poetry, but disguised as a safe. In the other foliants, notes can be planned, their traditions La Réserve Hotel and SPA are left for their stay here.

And everywhere is lit upty candles, and soft carpets will completely muffle the steps, because the feeling that the magic wand was transferred to the aristocratic Parisian house of the second empire period, becomes completely unconditional and indisputable. And the back immediately straightens, and the movements become unhurried.

By the way, this is exactly this effect and sought Michel a baby, because, in his opinion, the luxury of the situation should not put pressure on guests, and on the contrary to contribute to the maximum relaxing of guests.

Due to what happens? All simple! After your things are in a suite or apartments (by the way, a pleasant moment, the passports of guests do not take when registering, they are scanned with a portable machine right in the room), you actually acquire the status of the tenant of this amazing house.

Moreover, a smart home, because apartments and suites in La Réserve Hotel and SPA - an exemplary example of how in a single space can be taken out recognizable elements of the decor of the Paris style of the XIX century and modern technologies. The walls of the rooms here are covered with damask silk fabrics, in bathrooms and window sills - exclusively marble carrara, and parquet on the floor - a set of Hungarian.

In this case, guests control the light, heating system and ventilation in the apartment using a tablet. With its help, you can order service to the room or choose a movie, by the way, the TV here is hidden in the back of the bed, so if you wish it, you can extract it to the light of God or remove it from the eye.

Closer to the evening you should go to the library to listen to the piano, sitting in an old chair and sipping wine or calvados, or take a walk in the garden. Breakfast can be served right in the apartment or you can order a fresh pastry, fruits and cooked eggs in a large La Réserve salon, which is adjacent to the library. No buffet, all exclusively à la carte, because breakfasts for each guest here are prepared individually, and the kitchen heads the famous chief by the Bunner.

By the way, there are two restaurants in La Réserve Hotel and Spa. The first - marked with two stars Mishlen Le Gabriel, where La Cuisine Francaise is rethought in Japanese style. The second - La Pagode de Cos is already a classic of the Bordeaux Region, which is not good: Michele Babe belongs to the vineyards in St.-Estenfe - the commune of Zhonda, and it is there that the famous wine Cos d'Estournel is being made.

By the way, specially operate in La Réserve Hotel and SPA. Suggestions for lovers, when when booking SUBE as a gift you are given a deposit of 150 euros for dinner in one of the hotel restaurants. It is worth noting, the amount is sufficient, because, for example, lunch with three changes with dishes in La Pagode de Cos costs 75 euros.
Hotel site:

2. Arrange dinner in bed in the Paris restaurant

If breakfasts in bed for you have already passed the stage, then why not arrange dinner in bed, and not at home, but in the restaurant? In Paris, this is possible! And specializes in this secret restaurant Derrière.whose name is translated as "behind". The place is located at 69 Rue des Gravilliers, in the menu - all the hits of French cuisine, but the main thing is the interior, because in addition to the ordinary tables in one of the halls of the restaurant installed and a giant double bed.

It should be reconciled on it together and tasting local specialists under the languid gaze of a naked girl - a picture with her image bangs on the hall wall. The only thing the bed must be booked in advance site restaurant: Still in the institution there is a single couch suitable for sweeping single or thin couples who want to learn, but it is already less interesting.

3. Look at the cinema where Amelie loved to walk

The cinema was opened in the distant 1928, and Jean Cocteo himself worked on his interior. By the way, here it was very loved to spend time and Salvador Dali, that, of course, no wonder, because it was in Studio 28 in 1930 a premiere of the film Luis Bunuel "Golden Age" took place, and, as you know, the famous director and the famous artist did not just be friends, But they collaborated tight.

With the era of Jazz, the cinema in terms of the interior did not change completely, and in his repertoire to this day only not an obsolete classic of American and French cinema. If you don't want to go to the rare film, just look at the bar open here, which works from 15.00 to 22.00. The place is very atmospheric: on the wall there is a group portrait of all the legends of world cinema, and around small tables - violent vegetation, therefore it seems that you are in a sort of enchanted garden.

Well, and look at the interiors in the style of the roaring twentieth expensive, they involuntarily feel like a hero of the film "Midnight in Paris", which in an unknown manner moved during Hemingway and Fitzgerald. It seems that now, for you, for the table will be given Dali and take an interest in full: "What do you think about rhino?"
Site cinema:

4. Go to the hunt for treasures in the Louvre

With a lourow in most complex relationships. It seems to be not going during a trip to Paris - even somehow is indecent, there is also "Mona Lisa", in the end! And on the other hand, a gallop in the halls - the event is extremely dubious, and then many of us in childhood, as far as the museums over the museums, they rested that art in the head, and even more so in the heart - does not climb at all. Yes, this famous queue for the entrance, and Japanese tourists who are always crowded with the unfortunate "Jokonda" so dense rows that the road to the creation of Leonardo needs to be laid out of themselves.

Calm, only calm! I have an ideal solution for you. Remember, night quests were popular in Moscow, during which people tried to find secret signs hidden in various places, quite, as the main characters of the "Angels and Devils" or "Coda Da Vinci"? So, today in the Louvre, too, you can go hunting for treasures! They are satisfied with thismuse, which invented American Daisy de Plum in Paris.

It takes place as follows. Initially, the topic is chosen, for example, "Angels", "Bestiary", "Food and Wine", "Love" or "Lady Louvre". Then the participants of the hunt are divided into teams, they get a task to find one or another symbol in certain pictures, and when it is found - photograph it, send a picture by What's App to the organizers and get the following riddle.

Wins the fastest and most awakening participant or his team. It lasts a hunt from two to four hours, the organizers say that with me you need to have only a charged mobile phone, well, the shoes should be comfortable. In a word, an excellent alternative to ordinary excursions. Goes around treasure in English, French and Spanish, and you can order it on site.:

5. Arrange a picnic in the Tuilery garden

If the weather allows - arrange a picnic in garden Tuillry (Fr. Le Jardin Des Tuileries), good, his green chairs, on whom the Elderly Parisians are chinno with books and impose young people - the same recognizable detail of a French lifestyle, like a morning meal with coffee and croissant.

An important question: "Where to buy goodty the picnic?" The correct answer is in the cozy institution Flottes and Go.. It is located opposite the Tuileries, just 10 minutes walk from the Louvre at the address 2 Rue Cambon. This place is a good mix between the shop of finished food and the classic Parisian cafe. Baguettes, sandwiches and focaches, stuffed with cheeses, salmon, zucchini and tomatoes are posted on the shelves made of light wood. Also here there are fresh salads, yogurts, ice cream with honey lavender and even soups for removal.

At the same time, all the food in Flottes and Go is organic, and in addition to natural juices in a bench, you can purchase a bottle of excellent wine for a good mood. What is especially nice, goodies here are packaged exquisitely, in the best traditions of the French style, which was so loved to copy the expensive pastry shops of the Russian Empire in the XIX century. Some local napkins are worth it!

If you are a desperate lover of sweets, and do not think your stay in Paris without tasting Macaron, then you should look at the next next door to Flottes and Go Confectionery Pierre Hermé. (Address: 4 Rue Cambon, 75001). Yes, it is not so famous in wide circles as Lyadurée, but the cult French dessert from egg whites here is made in the best possible way.

He is a gentle and, according to Parisian, it is the ideal texture that even the most persistent imiters cannot repeat the ideal texture. Especially confirators we manage to make pasta with taste of roses and raspberries, as they say, if in the world and there is a dessert with the taste of kisses, then this is he!

6. Make selfie by the wall of love

For the perfect selfie together, take a note of two important Paris locations. Place number once - all known Bridge of Arts, He is - Pont Des Arts. He appeared in the capital of France in 1804, and his loving couples and brides were chosen long ago, who are clear here: decorate the bridge with castles, for this ritual not only symbolizes the power of feelings, but also gives hope that feelings These over time will not weaken and do not hide.

If you are not surprised by love locks on the bridge, then go to the wall of love, which Calligrap Federik Baron and artist Claire Quito created in 2000. She is called LE MUR DES JE T'AIMEThe surface is lined with 611 black tiles of enameled lava, and the phrase "I love you" on it wrote 311 times in 250 languages. In addition, images of hearts are applied to the surface of the wall, and the unusual art object is located in the area of \u200b\u200bJean Roveks in the Montmartra area.

7. Walking in the Luxembourg Garden

Most of the people on the question: "What are the name of the Queen of France, who had a Medici surname?", I will confidently answer: "Catherine" and will be right, but do not forget about another physician family - Maria, the wife of King Heinrich IV Bourbon. By the way, her king of France at first loved very much, for Mary was good, but the domineering character of Her Majesty and regular scenes of jealousy, which Maria did not suit his monacula to her monacula, brought their adjustments to the relationship - they became, to put it mildly, cool .

But thanks to Mary in Paris, an incredibly beautiful appeared Luxembourg Palace and Sedo Garden. To many of Italy lovers, he can remind the Boboli gardens, and this is no accident - Maria grew up in a beautiful Florence and tried to create a mini-branch of his hometown in Paris.

In the garden you can count 106 statues, its impressive territory is divided into two parts: in English and French-style, between which the pond is. In addition to the monumental palace and fountain, the Medici attention in the Luxembourg garden deserve both the Garden of Roses, and the ancient apple tree growing here.

On weekends, street musicians and puppeteers often perform in the garden, and Parisians often come here to play chess. In a word, an ideal place to walk in the company's company or your CHER AMI in particular in the warm season.

Franco-American Couple - Owners of the Pink Flamingo (Pink Flamingo), a stylish little company that characterizes its brand "not like everything" ("Comme Les autres"), it is written on a box for pizza. In fact, this delivery of pizza you will not forget.

P.S. In this area, good boutiques, especially Rue De Marseillais.

Ride on vintage retro Citroen

Here is an excellent idea for a special day or evening in Paris: a tour in the retro Citroen CV2 cabriolet with a charming french driver in a striped vest. You can ask him to show you all the secret places of the city or some specific who would like to see. All drivers have encyclopedic knowledge of Paris and they say in several languages.

Or you can rent a scooter and ride in the Paris streets yourself. What could be better than riding your favorite in the romantic town on the Ruby-Red Vesz ...

Until the death tear us apart...

Going to the cemetery in search of romance, it will probably sound a bit strange, but again, it is Paris. Yes, it sounds creepy, but even the cemetery here looks uncontrollably romantic. Per Lachez (Père Lachaise) as a miniature city.

There is also a street with names and pointers, and the tombs look like beautiful small houses. Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Oscar Wilde, Chopin, Maria Callas and Marseille Prost - those few of the great, buried here.

Blues in the wine cellar

Blues, jazz - seductive music, which is born from the sounds of lip harmonics, electric guitar and words "Woman You Ain't No Good for Me". Sunday evening - Le Caveau des Oubliettes - exactly the seductive place where you can listen to the best live blues in Paris. The oldest jazz club resembles a pair of post-war time - nothing special, but there is a subterranean wine cellar of the 12th century, to which the crowds flow. This club is very comfortable and loved by many, come early to have time to find yourself a free place.

Explore secret waterfalls and vineyards of Paris

Visit Parc Des Buttes Chaumont (Parc Des Buttes Chaumont) - go to a small adventure down to the foot of the waterfall, explore the impressive artificial grotto, stroll through the sad suicide bridge. Within walking distance to the entrance to the park on top of the hill, a quiet village is located, hidden in the 19th district, to which a winding path leads.

From the top of the hill, a view of Montmartre will open through the entire city with a halo of sunlight, ideally focused on the Sacré Cœur Basilica (Basilique du Sacré Cœur). You will be so passionate about the view that you will not immediately notice the vineyard right with your nose - one of the last three vineyards remaining in Paris.

On Montmartre there is a more famous Clo de Montmartre vineyard (Clos de Montmartre), next to the picturesque cafe, painted in a romantic pink, with the speaker name "Pink Bud" (La Maison Rose).

Aphrodisiac dish: Oysters in the city of Romance

There are two places where you can eat oysters and not worry about freshness of the products: five-star seafood restaurant L'Ecailler du Bistrot with a very simple, but charming atmosphere (in the photo above). Located on the street of Berta (Rue Paul Bert), is one of these bizarre French bistro.

And less classic, more fashionable clamato (Clamato), which serves only seafood.

Come in the evening to 7 to have time to take a place for two. The menu is constantly changing, depending on what type of oysters and seafood is now in the season. Cafe is not cheap, but you will never get caught poorly cleaned foods.

Drink a seagull with ice in the garden of incorrigible romantics

Since 1981, a private mansion in which Delacroix, Chopin and Rossini loved to have fun, became a museum dedicated to the romantic direction in art. Now is just a paradise. Located among the greenery of trees, overlapping noise, decorated with many colors, lilac and glyciny, happily flourishes, as if all this happened in the countryside.

Old glass house, located next to the main townhouse, is used by artists as a wonderful tea salon, where lunch and the best ice tea, cooked in Egyptian style with hibiscus flowers and cinnamon, which you may ever try.

Paradise: √ Found.

Oh, and one more thing!

Love Wall (Le Mur Des Je T "AIME)

Located in the 18th County of Paris, on Montmartre, the wall is a monument of love of 40 m² of 612 of the enameled lava tiles, where on 250 languages \u200b\u200b311 times it is written "I love you", and the "red splashes" on the wall symbolize broken hearts.

Top 10 of the most romantic places in Paris!

An unforgettable portrait of Robert Duano on a couple in love, where they enjoy leisurely hugs in the center of Paris, called "Le Baiser de L'Hôtel de Ville". Many pairs imitated, embodying a similar picture, before the same lampposts. We managed to highlight a dozen of the most iconic places to get the perfect romantic picture and perpetuate a moment spent in the city of Love.

1. Le Pont De L'Alma
If you stand halfway over the bridge, turning back to the Eiffel Tower when it glitches (an hour after sunset), then it is an ideal place to tie to the unseasonly sentimental "selfie"! This bridge built by Napoleon III in the 1850s, take a look at the statue entitled "Zuab", which means the water level and reached a record high level during flooding in 1910. The Golden Statue of Freedom, which is on the right bank, reminds of the memory of the tragic death of the romantic princess Diana.

Visit Chez Francis (open every day of the week to 11:30 pm) and raise a toast with a junk glass of champagne, waiting for the flickering of the tower in the next hour of the evening: the terrace is a great point of viewing.

2. Le Pont Alexandre III
Cherubs, nymphs and winged horses, modern lamps and exciting Beaux-Arts Style is not surprising that this place so many photographers decided to photograph. It is also a place where Owen Wilson finally got his girl in the film "Midnight in Paris", and this is a bridge where Adel decided to portray her heartbreaking song (which is best selling) "Someone Like You".

Make your photo here, opposite the magnificent background or with an impressive glass dome "Grand Palais", which will be behind you - then continue to embody the wonderful price of time, enjoying a cocktail or delicious dinner in the amazing restaurant "Mini Palais" with high ceilings, the modern Frechon menu and Fabulous terraces.

3. Le Pont De Sully
There is no need to look next if you want to know where the best place is - a view of Notre Dame. It is worth it to persist in addition to the end of the island of Saint-Louis and see the cathedral from its surroundings, and you will create absolutely exciting photos of this masterpiece of gothic architecture.

Come along the street of Saint-Louis An-Ile, turning or on Berthillon or on La Maison Du Chou (5, Rue Jean Du Belle), whose streets just melt your heart.

4. Place Dauphine.
Accelerating the heartbeat from Notre Dame and the breathtaking on the beauty of the stained glass in Saint-Chapel, we offer what may be the most picturesque in the whole city. Hidden in the immediate vicinity of Pont Neuf, refreshingly unchanged and glorious at any time of the year, Place Dauphine is not an excellent place to photograph, regardless of how you choose. Follow the consecrated footsteps of the famous French actor Yves Montan (I decided to live with his extramarital woman Simon Signore in the 1950s), who loved the romantic place overlooking the Seine around the corner, and then stroll along the Pont Neuf to Odéon for a while in a gorgeous literary cafe Les Editeurs, in order to understand the taste of French cinematic glamor.

5. Parc Monceau.
It would be tempting to draw your attention to famous gardens, let's say such as "champ-de-mars" and "jardins de luxembourg", especially if your time is limited. But if the romance in the head and air will write your head to the 8th district of Paris and open small, but the Monscil Park is fully formed, then you will even initially be fascinated by passing under the exciting gilded gates.

This romantic style of the park, complete with a reduced lake and the roman style of the colonnade, even boasts a miniature bridge in Venetian style: If it is not the end point of the journey, we know what to offer you! Complete the walk with a visit to the Grand Museum of Jacmar-Andre and find out the story of the love of his former owners.

6. Parc de Vincennes
Requires a little effort to get here from the center of Paris, but it is definitely worth a visit. Built in 1860, called as the "Temple of Love," where many wedding suggestions were told, and where guests from the near and far arrival come to make photos as evidence of their strong relationships. For more entrepreneurial, you can go there along the metro line 8, then on foot to Domenil. But in order to make the best photo, you need to stand opposite the island "île de repuilly". You can rent a boat and swim to the island - and do not forget to go down and visit the grotto below the temple.

7. Le Chalet Des îles
It is difficult to believe that it is just a ten minute drive from the Triumphal Arch, when you walk in the Boulogo Forest and go through this ultra-romantic calm harbor. Empress Evgenia, who was the wife of Napoleon III, which belonged to this park, has always been and will be a fabulous place for lunch, dinner. Perhaps this is the most attractive part of the city!

8. Le Grand Véfour
It does not matter whether you are lucky, whether you have dined here, or enjoyed a romantic dinner in another place of Paris, nevertheless, it is impossible to miss the historic environment and the huge perfection of space, together from delicious dishes. For more than 200 years, this restaurant was in Palace Royal and walking inward for the first time, this is an unforgettable feeling and about that you should feel at least once in your life.

9. L'Hôtel, Rue Des Beaux Arts
Oscar Wilde saying that "the very essence of romance is uncertainty." Overflows with romantic atmosphere and natural views on the terrass, "Adresse de Rêve", next to Odeon, where the writer Oscar Wilde spent his last evenings. Stroll and admire the circular staircase on the way to the restaurant, and inspect a tiny yard with a fountain before you begin to be seen in the menu and enjoy the kitchen.

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