Tips and recommendations on a trip to the Dominican Republic. What connectors have sockets and tension in Dominican Adapter for Dominican Republic where to buy

Entrances and Terms

The company "Two Banana" offers tourist services, including excursions, tours, trips, visits, recreational and cultural .. Any individual, which comes to the site and the receiving rules and conditions is a "buyer". Then "Two Bananas" and the buyer will jointly be called "Parties".

Using the site, the buyer agrees with these Rules and conditions that immediately entering into legal force at the time of use of the site.

Any reservation made on the website through the form of booking, email or other sources of communication presented in the Contacts section automatically means the full consent of the buyer with these Rules and conditions and its obligation to pay for the full value of the services reserved.

If you do not agree with these rules and conditions, please do not enter the site and do not use it.

It is completely prohibited to copy, play, reissue, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make accessible to the public or any other way to use the content site content, including texts, images, url addresses, price information, etc., for The exception of personal, non-commercial use by the buyer.

The buyer can use the site exclusively in personal, non-commercial purposes and / or to make a request for booking offered on the website. The buyer agrees not to use this site to create speculative, fraudulent and false requests. Buyer also undertakes not to use robots or other automated funds on the site.

Terms and conditions can be complemented, change and published in a modified form on the site at any time and without additional notifications.

1. Booking services

1.1. Booking services and the procedure for confirmation between "two banana" and the buyer is performed in electronic form, starting from the moment the buyer is sent to the buyer for booking excursions or services. By sending an application for booking, the buyer understands and accepts services as they are described on the site and accepts these rules and conditions.

1.2. The process of booking services includes the following steps:

"Two Banan" accepts an application and checks the availability of the date of interest to the buyer;

After the parties agree on the dates, "two banana" sends the buyer instructions for payment for services (if payment is not provided for the fact on the day of the service or conducting a tour);

The Buyer undertakes to confirm the reservation by carrying out 100% of the cost of the cost of services, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

1.3. Reservations are considered completed at the time of sending "two banana" confirmation of booking by e-mail or other ways to communicate to the buyer.

1.4. Prior to the completion of the reservation, the buyer must report its specific needs and services that may be required due to its physical condition, otherwise "two banana" does not assume any special obligations, responsibility or compensation in connection with the needs of the buyer.

2. Cost and payment

2.1. The site prices are indicated in dollars and in case, by agreement of the parties, the buyer produces a part of payment on the day of the beginning of the provision of services in another currency, the cost of services will be counted at the rate of the National Bank of Dominican Republic to the current date.

3. Rights and obligations "Two Banan"

3.1. "Two Banan" undertakes:

Make these Terms and Conditions available to the buyer, by publishing them on the site.

To give the buyer confirmation of booking services by email or other ways to communicate after receiving payment for services.

Render booked and paid services in accordance with their description presented on the site.

Inform the buyer that "two banana" is not responsible for services and products provided by third parties.

3.2. "Two Banana" is entitled:

Change schedule, route or sequence of visits to attractions due to unforeseen, inevitable or other similar circumstances.

Stop provision of services if the buyer makes them difficult or impossible by its rude or indecent behavior. If the guides "Two Banan" appreciate the behavior of the buyer as an inappropriate and violating order in the fields of visits, especially in religious and cultural, this buyer will be denied the future services without compensation and compensation for the cost of services.

4. Rights and obligations of the buyer

4.1. The buyer undertakes:

Agree with the Privacy Policy "Two Banan", rules for booking, payment and cancellation, as indicated in these Rules and Conditions.

Provide the information necessary for the reservation.

In the case of obtaining confirmation of booking Check the information specified in it, and in case of detection of errors to inform two bananas immediately.

Purchase tourist insurance at the time of visiting the Dominican Republic.

Pay the full cost of reserved services on the day of the tour or service.

To arrive at the meeting with guides "Two Banan" without delays.

Forbid personal responsibility for being physically capable and ready to participate in any actions / events that are included in the booked services and have appropriate clothing.

To behave in a fit and in the framework of decency, as well as respect for local laws and traditions.

Alone to take care of personal things, because "two banana" is not responsible for the safety of personal belongings of the buyer.

Remove immediately and on the spot any damage caused to "two bananas" and / or third parties during the provision of services if the buyer is responsible for causing such damage.

4.2. Buyer has the right:

Receive services in accordance with their description on the site, booking confirmation and these Rules and Conditions.

5. Cancellation, change conditions and termination of the provision of services

5.1. Cancellation or change of "Two Banan" services:

5.1.1. "Two Banana" can cancel the provision of services in whole or in part in connection with the circumstances that have arisen beyond the will and desire of "two banana", and which cannot be foreseen or avoid (irresistible force), including an declared or actual war, civil unrest, state authorities acts , sanctions, epidemics, blockade, earthquake, floods, fires and other natural disasters and other similar phenomena that impede the implementation of "two banana" of their obligations.

5.1.2. "Two Banana" reserves the right to change the date or time of the start of the provision of services, as well as the right to change the route, in case of unforeseen circumstances specified in paragraph 5.1.1., Without the obligations to pay compensation and compensation to the buyer.

5.1.3. If the provision of services was interrupted in connection with the occurrence of the circumstances specified in paragraph 5.1.1., "Two Banan" has the right to hold payment for actually rendered services.

5.1.4. If "two banana" cannot complete the provision of services in connection with the emergence of the circumstances specified in paragraph 5.1.1., At the request of the buyer, "two banana" can compensate to the buyer part of the amount paid for those services that were not rendered, According to the calculations "Two Banan".

5.1.5. "Two Banana" may terminate the provision of services without paying compensation to the Buyer, if the buyer makes it impossible to provide services to its rude and inappropriate behavior. In addition, in this case, the buyer is obliged to compensate for "two banana" damage in the amount of the full cost of services and other losses.

5.2. Canceling booking and providing services by the Buyer:

5.2.1. The buyer has the right to cancel booked services. Cancellation is made by sending an email or other methods of communication specified in the Contacts section. The excursion unpaid earlier must be canceled for at least two days before it. If the excursion or service was paid in advance (as required by the company's internal rules and the cooperation agreement with the contractor "Two Banan"), a 100% refund of the amount is possible with a good reason for the cancellation of a tour or service, as well as advance (minimum 4 days) Informing "Two Bananas "

5.2.2 If at the date of the beginning of the tour / trip, the buyer did not appear at the appointed time at the meeting place, then "two bananas" reserves the right to keep the full cost of services.

6. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution

6.1. For all issues not resolved by these Rules and Conditions, the Parties agree to be guided by the legislation of the Dominican Republic.

6.2. Any complaints from the buyer should be announced to managers, guides or managers "two banana" immediately and should include arguments regarding the inconsistency of the services described on the site and services provided to the buyer. The buyer undertakes to cooperate with "Two Banana" and expect while its substantiated complaint will be settled in place, as well as to make proposed decisions that continue the provision of services. If the buyer's complaint cannot be solved immediately and in place, the buyer has the right to send it together with documents confirming its right, by email or other communication methods. "Two Banan" will consider the complaint within a reasonable time and in accordance with these Rules and Conditions. Return of funds, after consideration of the complaint, can be carried out in the amount of the amount equal to the unwordified part of the services, according to the calculations of "two bananas", but cannot exceed the full value of all services rendered.

6.3. "Two Banana" is not responsible for services / products provided by third parties.

6.4. "Two Banan" is not responsible for injuries, damage, loss, accidents, delays or deviations from the schedule, the emergence of expenses or other problems with the buyer in connection with the violation of liabilities from hotels, transport companies or other companies and services providing services, included in the buyer purchased services.

6.5. If it is established that any provision of these rules and conditions is illegal, invalid or impracticable in accordance with the legislation of the Dominican Republic, it will be removed from the rules and conditions, and the remaining provisions of the rules and conditions will remain in full force and continue to be mandatory for execution.

  1. Check information about your flight on the information board and go to the front desk, the rooms of which are indicated on the scoreboard. When registering, check the passport and ticket.
  2. After passing and ads on the start of the landing, you must go to the relevant areas for international flights.

Passengers of international flights are customs, passport control, as well as security monitoring, after which the flight is expected to fly in the sterile zone of the gallery of international air lines. When controlling the control, a passport and boarding pass are presented.

When transporting animals or plants it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspection

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for the pre-flight and post-flight inspection, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2007 No. 104 it is forbidden to pronounce On board the aircraft with passengers in a registered baggage and in things that are under passengers following hazardous substances and items:

Permitted transport On board the aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in compliance with the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in registered baggage in cargo, luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to baggage during flight:
    • crossbows, rifles for underwater hunting, checkers, sabers, tesaks, yatagans, executioners, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting, knives with throwing blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a length of the blade (blades) over 60 mm; Alcoholic beverages with a content of more than 24%, but not more than 70% of alcohol in volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in a container intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcohol drinks with alcohol content of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use in sports or domestic purposes, the exhaust valves of the cans of which are protected by caps from spontaneous release of content in containers with a capacity of not more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 l per passenger;
  • in things at the passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one on the passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one on the passenger;
    • barometer or mercury pressure gauge, packed in a sealed container and sealed sender seal;
    • disposable lighters - one on the passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • fluids, gels and aerosols related to non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other volume measurement units), packed in a reliably closing transparent plastic package with a volume of no more than 1 l - one package on the passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml to transportation are not accepted even if the container is filled only in part. Exception for transportation have medicines, baby food and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a reliably sealed (sealing) plastic bag, which provides the ability to identify the contents of the package over the flight and having reliable confirmation that this purchase is made in airport stores duty-free trade or on board the aircraft per day (days) of the trip. Keep a check confirming the purchase. Do not open the package before landing into the salon or during the flight.

Administration of the airport, airport enterprises, the operator has the right to decide on the introduction of additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which prohibit transportation in the aircraft of the next items:

  • corkscrews;
  • needles for subcutaneous injections (if the medical justification will not be presented);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a length of the blade less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without a retainer) Road, peer knives with blades long less than 60 mm.


An example of a migration card

Flight time

From Moscow international Airports In Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, La Roman or Puerto Plata - about 13 hours plus transit in Paris or Frankfurt. Direct charter flight Moscow - Punta Cana - about 12.5 hours.

Upon arrival at Punta Kana Airport, Santo Domingo

Upon arrival at Punta Cana Airport, Santo Domingo Follow the step-by-step instructions:


Attention! Iberia flights arrive at Santo Domingo Airport!

  1. Transfer to the Bavaro region
    Transfer from Santo Domingo Airport to the Bavaro region takes 2.5 hours + time to resettlement for hotels (about 1-1.5 hours).
    Transfer from Punta Cana Airport to the Bavaro region takes 30 minutes + time to resettlement on hotels (about 1-1.5 hours).
  2. Transfer to the Boca Chica region
    Transfer from Santo Domingo Airport to the Boca Chica region takes 30 minutes + Time for resettlement for hotels (about 1-1.5 hours).
    Transfer from Punta Cana Airport to the Boca Chica region takes 2.5 hours + time for resettlement for hotels (about 1-1.5 hours).

In the hotel

Attention! When settling, Dominican Republic hotels may be asked to provide a credit card (in the absence of a card - deposit in cash).

  1. Go to the reception where you will be given a registration card.
  2. Fill in the registration card in English.
  3. Pass the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy of 3), passport (foreign passport will be returned to you after removing photocopies, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  4. Expect settlements. Settlement at the hotel occurs from 15:00. If you want to go to the room for the previous time, you need to pre-book a day a day before the date of your arrival (for example, you fly to Dominican Republic at 5 am on September 10, so as not to wait for the settlement until 15:00, you can book a room not from September 10 , and from September 9th. In this case, you will be settled in the room immediately as soon as you arrive at the hotel). When settling you will be given keys to the room, cards on the towels.
  5. After check-in in the room, read the hotel provided by the hotel. Pay attention to what services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in the folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Meeting with a hotel guide

Meeting time with the hotel guide will be informed to you the accompanying guide (transferman) on the way to the hotel. At the appointed time you have to approach the hotel guide, which will be waiting for you in the lobby of the hotel. At the meeting, take a voucher, hotel map, TEZ Tour excursion catalog.

For all emerging issues and problems, contact your hotel guide or at the reception. The TEZ Tour hotline number and the clock, when the guide is directly in the hotel, are on the information booth or in the Tez Tour information folder in the hotel lobby.

Attention! In the following areas of TEZ Tour, there is no prompt service. Support for tourists is conducted by phone.

On the eve of departure home

  1. Come on the reception, check if you have unpaid bills for additional services (use of the minibar, telephone, etc.). In the presence of debts, pay them.
  2. In the evening, go to Tez Tour's information stand or to the hotel guide and check the departure time and departure from the hotel. To do this, know the reverse flight number you fly.
  3. The reverse individual and VP-transfer time will be communicated to you by the TEZ Tour representative at the hotel (the guide will send you a letter in which the minibus departure time will be indicated).

Departure from the hotel

On the day of departure, it is necessary to free the number before 12.00, pass the keys and cards on the towels.

You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage.

In order to avoid various complications, we might not be late, approach the transfer at the specified time and expect transport on the spot where the bus drives up. The receptions of hotels are very large, and if you do not expect the bus in an agreed place, a guide and the driver will be very difficult to find you and you will have to get to the airport yourself. If the tourist did not appear on time at the meeting place, it is regarded as a tourist's desire to get to the airport alone.

Arrival at Punta Cana Airport, Santo Domingo for departure

An example of a migration card
  1. During the return shuttle from the hotel to the airport, the Guide will tell you about the process of passing the customs, baggage declaration. The guide spends you to the registration racks, will show where the luggage package occurs. Pass register for flight (provide a passport and ticket).
  2. Pass the luggage at the front desk.
  3. Get a migration card for departure at the front desk, fill it in English.
  4. Get a boarding pass. Pay attention to the output number and time to board the aircraft (in boarding pass The output is indicated by the word Gate, time - Time).
  5. Go to the passport control zone.
  6. Go through passport control (provide a passport, migration card).
  7. Complete customs control.
  8. Go to the departure room where you expect ads for landing your flight.

Helpful information

Medical service

Upon the occurrence of the insured event, it is necessary to contact the insurance company by telephones specified in the insurance policy. Only with direct informing the insurance company and coordinating it will be provided with free (or followed by compensation) service.

Aid kit

Before a trip, create and capture a first aid kit, which will help you with easy disadvantages, will save your time in search of medicines and relieve problems in a foreign language, in addition, many drugs can be different names in different countries.


Currency - Dominican Peso, equal to 100 centavo. In the circulation there are banknotes in advantage of 2000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20 pesos and coins at 25, 10, 5 and 1 pesos. Only the national currency is officially accepted in the country, unofficially in Punta-kana bears can be paid and dollars. All major credit cards are accepted: Visa, Master Card, American Express, etc. If you relax in Juan-Dolio, keep in mind that there are no banks, and there is no opportunity to get cash with credit card. Call in advance to your bank and warn about your trip to Dominican Republic, otherwise your card can block your card (the Bank's Security Service may decide that your data is fraudulently fell to intruders).

Foreign currency can be exchanged in the hotel, in commercial banks that work from 8 to 15 hours, or in Casas de Cambio - exchange offices. Approximate course: 40-45 Pesos for 1 US dollar, 55-60 peso for 1 euro.

Try to spend all the pesos during the rest, because after returning you will not be able to exchange them back.

The shops

Shops are open on weekdays from 09:00 to 12:00 hours and from 15:00 to 18:00. On weekends, the time of work depends on the profile of the store.


The best Dominican souvenirs

The country's tourist zones offer numerous boutiques and souvenir shops, where you can buy various products from wood, bone, amber, larymar, ceramics, coffee, rum, cigars, Taino Indian souvenirs, Creole dolls.

The most popular Roma brands are produced by the "three b", the companies "Bermuedez", "Barselo" and "Brugal". The most famous varieties: ANIVERSARIO, DON ARMANDO (BERMúDEZ); Barceló Cream, Añejo, Gran Añejo, Gran Platinum, Imperial (Barceló) and Añejo, Extra Viejo, XV, Titanium (Brugal).

The most popular cigars are manufactured by Ashton, La Aurora, Macanudo, Arturo Fuente and Montecristo. Do not buy cigars from traders on the streets or the beach, most likely they will be fake. Real Cigars of Good Quality are from 4 to 15 and more than US dollars per piece.

Latin American dance lovers can buy disks with Salsa and Marenge.

In Santo Domingo there are the largest commercial centers in which you can buy clothes, shoes, light industry products of national and foreign firms of good quality and at affordable prices. When buying you can bargain.


In the Dominican Republic, all hotels are classified and have an official star category. As a rule, such a classification corresponds to the list of services provided by the hotel. A characteristic feature of rest is almost in all hotels - the power system "All Inclusive is all inclusive", i.e. Included three-time meals, snacks at any time, local production (any) drinks, beach do not motorized entertainment.

Guests of one complex from one hotel to another hotel can ride, but the clients of another complex will not be allowed to be allowed. It is necessary to buy a Guest Card worth 60-80 US dollars. If tourists want to visit the spa, located in another hotel, then TEZ Tour guides come to the rescue. Gides in such cases agree with the nearest hotel, featuring Spa, and tourists meet at the entrance to the hotel and accompany the spa. The client in this case pays only for the use of the spa.


There is no bus service on the territory of Bavaro and Punta Kana. If you wish to go outside the hotel, you can only move on a taxi. Taxi in Playa Bavaro is not difficult to find. As a rule, a taxi parking is at the entrance to each complex or a taxi tourist call at the reception of the hotel or a porter - this service is free. The fare is a bit strange: 1 minute - 1 dollar. In this case, taxi drivers have no taxi drivers. There is also a "Motto-Koncho", taxi motorcycle. We do not recommend using this type of transport due to its insecure.


Citizens of the Russian Federation for visiting the Dominican Republic is not required. On the territory of the country can be up to 30 days with a tourist map, which is purchased upon arrival in the country.

Documents required to obtain a visa upon arrival:

  • Passport (acting at the time of departure from the Dominican Republic).
  • Tourist voucher.

For entry into the country there is a valid passport.

Tourists-owners of existing visas of the United States, Canada, the countries of the Schengen Agreement, the United Kingdom, regardless of their citizenship, entry into the Dominican Republic is also carried out by a tourist card issued upon arrival.

The passport must be valid at the time of departure from the Dominican Republic.

Extended passports of Ukrainian citizens are valid for entry into the Dominican Republic.


Time lags behind Moscow for 7 hours.

Voltage of electrical stress

Electric power voltage 110 V. Adapters can be purchased at the hotel, the cost ranges from $ 2 to $ 10.

Car rental

Car rental is very high (for persons over 25 years old), it is necessary to have international driver's licenses, valid within 90 days and credit card. Due to the peculiarities of movement on local roads, we do not recommend taking rental vehicles.


Catholics - 95%.


Sales tax 16% and 10% of tips are added to the account. If you are very pleased with the service and want to somehow encourage staff, you can add your own tips.


Attention! Since 2019, smoking of hookah, both in public places and private territories, is prohibited in the territory of the Dominican Republic. Also prohibited the importation of hookahs and electronic cigarettes (except IQOS).

Norms of alcoholic beverages per person (persons who have reached 18 years of age): 3 l alcoholic beverages, 200 pcs. Cigarette or 50 pcs. Cigars (Sigarill) or 250 gr. tobacco; Coffee, cocoa - in unlimited quantity. All this must be packaged in the luggage.

It is forbidden to export: shells, corals, starfish. It is strictly forbidden to import and export a peso (national currency). Also prohibited export without special permission of objects and things representing historical and artistic value. There are no restrictions on the import and export of national and foreign currency.

Export of currency from the Russian Federation: In the amount of the currency exported from the Russian Federation (Russian and / or foreign currencies), exceeding $ 3,000 equivalent, the written customs declaration is filled. If the amount of currency exported from the Russian Federation (Russian and / or foreign currency) is from 3001 to 10,000 US dollars (inclusive), the provision of documents confirming the import or purchase of this currency (currencies) to the Russian Federation is required.



Dominican is a fairly safe country for tourists by central America and Caribbean standards; Robber attacks and robbery, which have long become the norm in countries such as Venezuela, or Peru - an extremely rare phenomenon in Dominican. Nevertheless, one must not forget that more than a million illegal migrants from neighboring Haiti live in the country, which account for the lion's share of crime. In the capital of the country, Santo Domingo a lot of pockets, plus the autopsy of cars (do not leave any things inside the car). In low-cost urban hotels, thefts happen from numbers.

The country is allowed free storage and wearing short-barreled firearms, so you can meet on the street well armed people everywhere. But it is rather an external attribute - the use of weapons on the streets is extremely rare (the exception is the areas of the slums where refugees from Haiti live).

Clothing and appearance

There is practically no requirements for clothing, the only exception is in the church, casino and some restaurants and discos are not allowed visitors in short shorts and sleeveless blouses. In other cases, neither appearance nor nor the guests surprise anyone.

Measurement system

Multiple measurement systems still use in the country, for example, an ounces, livra and pound, gasoline, machine oil and most liquids are measured in American gallones, distances are used in kilometers - in yard, and the area is measured in " Tareas "(624 square meters. m.), so no wonder to get confused. In the markets, sellers often use their weight weight and length, so carefully perform the recalculation, otherwise excesses are possible. Fruits are sold individually, the price depends on the size, not weight.


Voltage in the network 110 V., 60 Hz. Flat sockets, American standard forks. An adapter is needed to connect electrical appliances (usually sold in hotel shops). Quite often interruptions in the supply of electricity, but most of the hotels of the high-end have their own generators.

juan | November 2016.

Valera69 | January 2014

nikiforovandrey | 2013.

Types of outlets in hotels tourist countries (UAE, Cyprus, Thailand, Vietnam, Italy others)

Being abroad, tourists sometimes face the problem of the inconsistency of the fork and the local electrical outlet. Most often it happens when charging gadgets, while trying to use a hairdryer or an electric shaver.

In most hotels, there are no problems in order to take the desired adapter for the symbolic amount. Often the necessary adapter can be bought at the nearest store. But if you are often traveling, you prefer to stop not at the hotel, or do not want to rely in case you will be useful for you.

To connect to the power supply of household appliances in the world, two types of electrical voltage and two flight frequencies are used:

  • european Current in 220-240 V with a frequency of 50 Hz
  • american-Japanese at 100-127 V with a frequency of 60 Hz.

At the same time, various types of electrical forks at household appliances and standards of sockets are no longer 2 or 3, but as many as 15. They differ not only in the form, but the size of the plugs, the absence or the presence of grounding.

The scheme presents all 15 types of sockets, they are located in the order of numbering adopted by ITA - the US Department of Commerce, in 1998. (In the figure, some models are similar, but they have differences in the size of the nests and plugs).

It is not worth frightening because of this number of different types of outlets. If you wish, you can buy an adapter in advance and travel with him. There are several types of adapters that will allow you to connect your device to another type outlet and there are universal adapters.

Knowledge of what type of sockets is used in a specific country will help choose the right adapter, or it is understood that in this journey it is not required.


In all hotels in Cyprus, electric forks at household appliances and the corresponding sockets have type G. This is a well-known British system with three rectangular pins - one vertical and two horizontal. What they look can be seen in the photo. If there is no desire to spend money on the adapter, it can be rented at the hotel's reception, leaving a small deposit. Money will be returned when leaving. Some Russian narrow plugs are inserted into such sockets, so it is worth trying to start (without the use of physical strength).

Sockets in Thailand

Thai sockets have either two holes, or two pins or two pins with a hole. Accordingly, this is a type C (Euror dress), and B (American grounding sockets and without). In the socket type with without problems, Russian and Ukrainian electrical appliances are included. There are universal versions of holes (in the photo). In the sockets for forks with flat pins, refrigerators are usually included, because in hotels they are less thinned. If you need to recharge the phone or laptop, it is better to find an adapter and use such "refrigerator sockets" type A, and when you need to include several devices at once, it is useful to have an extension with multiple sockets, they are in Thailand inexpensive. What kind of sockets in Thailand - you can look at the photo (universal version). However, if you have a dear technique, it is better to have a ground adapter.

Features of outlets in Vietnam

The type of outlets in Vietnam depends on the region. In South Vietnam - type A (in the photo), in North Vitnama type C (European). IN expensive hotels British gas sockets can meet. But everywhere - the usual current of the network is 220 V, 50 Hz. There are adapters in hotels, but with a large influx of visitors, they may not be enough for everyone.


Generally accepted types of sockets in India - C, D and M. Current in the network - European. Russian forks are quite suitable for Indian sockets. There are no problems with EuroVilki, but some thin pins some can sit loosely and they will have to somehow fix, in this case it is better to use adapters. In general, tourists with sockets problems do not arise in hotels of any star. In the photo - a common example of the type of sockets in the hotels of India.


Basically, the outlet in Italian hotels have type F. There is a grounding with a bracket inside, which does not prevent insert the majority of our domestic forks. The same European type of sockets with C and three-point type L. If the forks of the legs are thick or there is grounding, like a computer, then do not do without an adapter. In the photo on the left - a socket of type L, right - type F in Italy. If necessary, adapters are bought in any shop for 1-2 euros, and at the reception of hotels they will be issued for free.

Sockets in Dominican Republic and Cuba in hotels. Features of the voltage of the electrical stroke

Outlets in Dominican Republic in hotels have types A and B - American, with grounding and without. Adapters in hotels are at the reception. But here are the power supply standards of another: voltage in the network 110 V, frequency of 60 Hz. If you include a kettle, a razor or iron into the network for 220 V, they will work in a quarter of power, and charging will occur longer. Transformer-transformers are sold, they cost about $ 16, although they do not possess high power. Sockets in Dominican Republic in more modern hotels are suitable for forks not only American samples, but also European, like grounding, so or without it. Similarly, the case with the voltage of the power grid and the types of outlets is in Cuba. In modern hotels, Cuba has even Euroras with a voltage of 220 V.

Sockets in Israel

Israel "is famous" by its unusual outlets, which are used only in this country, European voltage standard. Hinetles type H are designed under the plug with three plugs. In old buildings there are still preserved old sockets of European type C. Modern hotels Equipped with sockets where a three-metener input makes it possible to connect a conventional European fork. Charger and other household appliances are included without problems, even the old Soviet sample.

Outlets in the UAE.

Many who visited this country to the question of what sockets in the UAE and whether the adapter is required, they will answer differently. The fact is that there are three standard there - a widespread type G of a British rosette with three flat pins, where the adapter is needed, a type with a conventional European, which will not need an adapter, and type D that came here from Old England. In Britain, they no longer use them, but in India it is found. In this type, many narrow European forks are stuck, and with forks of the old Soviet sample, you can connect through an adapter. The problem is easily solvable in place - in hotels adapters in stock. The voltage and frequency in the UAE network are the same as we.


Outlets in France - ordinary European types with and type E (in the photo), voltage and current frequency standard. Sometimes a adapter is needed, as for the former teapots of the company "Tefal", but most often a tee and extension cable is useful, since the socket in the hotel's room will be in the singular.


Sockets in Spain in hotels of types C and F, which is suitable for the European standard. In the photo - Type F. Adapter is not needed.


In Greece, the socket is Eurostandard (type C). In Crete, you may need an adapter - there are sockets with three inputs (D in the photo), therefore it will not be able to use it.


G, J, K - Types of sockets in the Maldives. Power supply of 230 V mains, 50 Hz. The adapter is required, but it is better to determine its view. In expensive hotels there are already necessary adapters.

G. J. K.


Especially there are types of electrical outlet C and F, for them adapters will not be needed. Less often - British G, then the adapter is needed. The current in the network is 220 V 50 Hz, on Bali - 127 V, there may also be a socket and American type in with grounding.


Voltage 127 V, frequency of 60 Hz. Types of sockets - North American A and V. Therefore, adapter is needed. Not everywhere in hotels, Mexico is offered it for free, so you have to spend a little. It can come in handy and on the way - at the airport, on the ferry, cafe, so it is better to purchase your own.


Types of electrical outlet A, C and G are used to connect video equipment, M - for air conditioners and stationary hairdryers; In hotels there are various adapters. European current.

Sri Lanka

In four-five-star hotels of Sri Lanka, the rosette type is more often British G, although there are views D and M. Current 230 V, 50 Hz.

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