The fascinating world of Pyramids of Pharaohs and. Egyptian Pyramids: Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids Every educated person should know. We suggest telling briefly about this extraordinary phenomenon.

Recall: who and for which the majestic structures built are unknown. An explanation that the pyramids seemed to play the role of tomb for pharaohs - just an assumption.

To completely copy the stars of the stars, lacks only two pyramids! But maybe they exist, are just under the thick sand?

Interestingly, the belt, in the Constellation Orion, has a defined slope.

Constellation "Orion"

It is assumed that about 10 thousand years BC The angle of incompreherable line, along which three pyramids are located, and an angle of Orion's belt - also coincided perfectly.

Interesting facts about the three Great Egyptian pyramids

  1. The shape of these structures is not a stepped, as in neighboring buildings, but strictly geometric, pyramidal. The walls of the pyramids have an angle of inclination from 51 ° to 53 °.
  2. All faces are oriented exactly by four sides of the world.
  3. The height of the pyramid varies from 66 to 143 meters. For comparison, it is like 5 nine-storey houses put on each other.
  4. On average, the blocks of the pyramids weigh 2.5 tons, but there are also those that exceed 80 tons.
  5. Presumably, the time of construction took only a few decades, and not a century.
  6. The number of blocks from which the pyramid of Cheops is 2.5 million.
  7. Cement or any other binder during the construction of the pyramids was not used. Huge stones are just incredibly well laid.

Photo of laying one of the pyramids
  1. Many blocks have an angle of inclination in relation to the base. At the same time, they form such an ideal plane that it seems as if it is a piece of butter cut off by a hot knife. (Is it really done by primitive workers of labor, how do historians convince us?)
  2. The surface of the pyramid outside was lined with plates (mostly from limestone), forming these wonderful, smooth and smooth sides. At the moment, this coating is preserved only on some tops.

The Great We were considered in a separate article from the heading "", and only add that this is the only pyramid on the Giza Plateau, which was found without traces of the graves of Pharaoh.

Or maybe pyramids are an ancient energy generators? Or cosmic antennas?

Remember that many fictions and myths often associate with Egyptian pyramids. If you want to have accurate knowledge - use only scientifically proven facts.

We led you a list of genuine, amazing facts that are characterized by pyramids in the city of Giza.

Have you ever knew anything from this?

* Necropolis (literally "City of the Dead") is a large cemetery from underground crypts, cameras, etc. Necropolis were usually located on the outskirts of the city.

** Plateau - literally "sublime plain". Giza is an ancient Egyptian city, which is now a suburb of Cairo.

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Ancient Egypt. Do we all know about this most famous country, about her story? Let's look at this antiquity, on the other hand. Since the first photos that appeared, as in fact, antiquity looked at the time, because the sphinx was then still until the head in the sand. Let's look at the remnants of "Hellenistic culture" in the form of "Fayum portraits" and "Rosett stone", when Egypt was ruled ancient Rome. This culture destroyed Napoleon, together with cultural Heritage Mamlukov and their power. We will also try to find out who is such gixos and why in the Jewish people there is a Slavic haplogroup R1A.

When the first photos appeared, the scientific world, interested in the disclosure of many secrets of ancient Egypt, hurried to capture the ancient majestic monuments at that time. The expeditions were equipped with one after another, but the predecessor of these historical discoveries was Napoleon's military campaign to Egypt. What was the most important for this, the destruction of the Mamluk dynasty and the overthrow of their power, the destruction of uncomfortable artifacts or other reasons, we can only guess.

Of course, Egypt is full of all sorts of secrets, here for example, below in the photos, what is it, electric lighting? Scientists tried to recreate ancient lighting devices according to images and about a miracle, all this earned, no wonder in vast dungeons there is no soot from torches and candles.

When the first photos of Egypt appeared, the ancient monuments appeared before us not at the best form, almost everywhere solid ruins. This is later after the restoration, we will admire the technologies of the ancients and admire their achievements, but as long as we see how they looked at the beginning.

When tombs were found, scientists tried to capture this sensation to the photo, here is one of the tombs with the burial of Tutankhamon and its ancient treasures.

Statues of Pharaoh, guarding sealed doors between them. The right part is a big funeral bouquet. In the foreground on the right - the chest, on the vaulted lid of which there are pictures with the image of a lion on the hunt, the walls are decorated with martial scenes of Faraon Wars against African and Asian enemies. Inside is the clothing of Tutankhamon. The oblong box is the underwear of the king. Hathor, the goddess-cow, is one of the sides of the royal ceremonial sofa.

In the foreground right - Chair of Pharaoh, made of solid black wood, inlaid by ivory and gold. The legs of the chair are made in the form of ducks, and the seat is covered with animal skin. In the background there is a large wooden chest, and under it - the throne of Pharaoh, covered with gold and silver, inlaid by semi-precious stones. On the back of the throne there is a sign with the names of Pharaoh and his wife. In the left part there are parts of four royal chariots. On them the name of Tutankhamon and the Kartush of his wife Ankhsenamun.

On each side of the VAZ depicts the lotuses and the papyrus are attached to which the characters mean "one hundred thousand years" are applied. These scrolls mean the unity of "two lands" - the Upper and Lower Egypt. Although Mazi was held in the tomb of Tutankhamon 3300 years old, they retained the fragrance.

Wooden statue covered with black resin. Headdress, collar, wrapping, bracelets, dresses, cream are gilded, and sandals are made of gold. On the forehead of a cobra, inlaid by bronze and gold. The glands and eyebrows are golden, eyes from Aragonitis.

In ancient Egypt, not only people, but also animals, were subjected to mummification.

Favorite pets rich Egyptians, especially nobility and pharaohs, were obliged to serve the owners and in the world in the world. The sacred animal on the status was found to be present in the afterlife of people. A separate category was animals and their parts intended for food.

Domestic pets killed a non-immoral way - X-ray showed the absence of traces of violence on their mums. All others simply "walked under the knife." In total, the ancient Egyptians disliked thousands of animals of various sizes - from geese to bulls. Interestingly, in the burials there are examples of "Haltury", when the mummifiers extremely carelessly packaged pieces of meat for their high-ranking customers.

Based on the found artifacts of Egypt, whole sciences appeared on their study. The most interesting was for scientists, it is a decoding of the Egyptian sign, which did not give in to decipher. And at the same time there was hope that finally the Egyptian letter will be read. On June 15, 1799, the officer of the French troops P. Bushharoma during the construction of the fort near the Arab town of Rosette, located in the western part of the Nile, was found a stone with letters, which was called Rosette.

This stone was sent to the Egypt Institute in Cairo. So, as the French fleet was completely destroyed by the British fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson, as a result of which the connection of Napoleon's troops with France was interrupted, the French command decided to leave Egypt, conveying those found ancient Egyptian monuments, including Rosett Stone, British. The latter, in turn, completed the started by Napoleon - finished remnants egyptian sick, Mamlukov.

Rosett stone has a height of 114.4 cm, and a width of 72.3 cm. It is a fragment of a high stele. Three inscriptions are knocked out on the front surface of the stone: in the upper part - the hieroglyphic text, in the middle - the demotic text, below - the text in the ancient Greek. Basically, 32 lines of demotic text have been preserved. From the hieroglyphic text, only the last fourteen lines have been preserved, but they are all fourteen on the right side, twelve to the left. Hieroglyphic inscriptions on the stone go to the right left, since the heads of people and animals are looking to the right. T. about., The end of two lines (thirteenth and fourteenth) remained to our time unchanged, which made it possible to decrypt the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

In 2005, Macedonian scientists T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov was represented by the International Scientific Community, the work was submitted by the result of studies conducted in the framework of the project "Deciphering the Middle Text of Rosett Stone", which was carried out with the support of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2003, starting research, the Macedonian scientists were confident that the language of the average text of the Rosett stone, which they were going to explore, should definitely possess the characteristics of the Slavic language. Macedonian scientists decided that since the Ancient Egypt. For a long time, the rules of the Old Slavic dynasty of Ptolemyev, the birthplace of which was ancient Macedonia, then the decryption of demotic writing should be carried out on the basis of Slavic languages.

Their hypothesis has found confirmation and as a result of studies to which scientists have come, the identification and sound identification of the SILLABIC Count of the Middle Text of the Rosett Stone, denoting 27 consonants and 5 vowels. The language of the average text of Rosett Stone - Praslavyansky.

Modern science supports the theory that two writing is hieroglyphic and demotic, were used to write a state act on Rosett stone at one - ancient Egyptian language. That is, when writing medium text and text in the upper part of the rosette stone, one language was used. Macedonian scientists T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov proved that when writing the middle text of the Rosett stone, one of the ancient Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwas used. Consequently, when decrypting the hieroglyphic text, one of the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bshould also be applied. Below is the translation of the text, but it must be borne in mind that some records of bumps on the stone on the right and left.

This is how the translation sounded:

1. We honor and appreciate the injury of shooters, to become on your feet ...
2. The very honor of the Father and Son passed. No praise to you. Wear the sun with the gods. We turn and the wounded we early, and the day ...
3. And I lives the sun of God with your rays. Thank you, it satisfies the accurates. We ourselves penetrate these praises, saving their souls. If our warriors ...
4. 3000 honors, and we are wonzim, in order to wash off and driven. We proceed, we are not going to you: for the sake of particles we climb. Lives her son! His name will tear the generation of Satan, in order to with him ...
5. We will keep reading it, keep it in the scriptures. Antichrist lies himself. Chief Syu said this creature. Destroy her! I myself do not give myself to drink this poison, and - here we drink it!
6. They are not a snake, which was said. After all, they do not belong to her. Your king, who fired her sun, zirm live licks! Yours, who fired her lamb.
7. The gods of new three hundred. Our - binary. You honor the border, we read, appreciate, awe, exalted, being God's catches. All tell, tell. Interest people, talk about your strangers: "We are the sons of the king, who made her sun" ...
8. The brainchild is someone else. The gods of new not honors, because they are vile. Remember the covenants. Doesn't it be afraid of this, because you read your own? "They are strangers to you. We see that honor-read," they will tell you ...
9. MNIT: "Love, Routhen." But I see: I don't have any speech - one more revered ... And we read that, and those we show dedication. So that this family was tormented by the spirits of the Evil, both. Night Darkness ...
10. "She does not moan, but breathe. Our ruler runs from behind. So we are sheep behind him, - We tell. - And, jokingly, - NIC. Baby crying is trying to learn. Baby, avoided the torment and death itself." Rus was ...
11. ... Her Niva. Already the verb we have other gods. Upper Rome, your gods are alien spirits, do not kings in the father and son. Nobody hears them in the verb of mouth. About Lower Rome, Horror yourself - You! And in it, in Rome ...
12. ... the sun, countless Zrimim. Almost, we will thank, we will estimate for this resurrected thousands of sons. Did not rose themselves. We are only gods in it. Strengthen our faith others. Zrimim and also we eremed it. And we and warriors ...
13. "... We are visible in the sun. They give them it. Here are the worships, like the saints, already in life. He is velary to give him his wife. We visiting the readings of these two. But they ended the mind of someone else's, and the men of Lower Rome They worship only a penny husband. After all, they are not gods "...
14. Lives, female ... already verbal kings: This king is outside it. You risen, she famous. After all, these gods are new to her alien. You, the king, who was blinded by the sun, Zerim.

As you can see, this is the time of "ancient Rome", which they are so unhappy. Roman power in Egypt left its own Hellenistic trace, these are the so-called Fayum portraits.

Hellenism was formed as a result of the campaigns of Alexander Macedonian to the East. Greek statesFormed after this campaign, created the soil to mix the culture of conquerors and local peoples. This is the mixture of ancient tradition with the traditions of ancient Egypt, Persia, etc., and there is Hellenism. The Roman Empire, won most of the Hellenistic States, also entered the cultural area of \u200b\u200bHellenism. And on this basis, the synthesis of Western and Eastern traditions arose later by the Great Byzantine Culture.

This discovery was a kind of sensation in Egypt half of the buried graves of the Roman rule period. In 1887, mummies were found in the Fayum oasis, appearance which differed from those who have been found so far. Traditionally, Egyptian mummies were concluded in cases or sarcophages, which were decorated with masks that reproduce the features of the deceased. But there were no masks in the Fayum burials, instead of them were the picturesque portraits of the deceased. These portraits made an indelible effect on the cultural public of the end of the XIX century. They continue to amaze and now.

Since most of the artifacts were found precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fayum Oasis, the name "Fayum portraits" was entrenched behind them. Although later similar paintings were found in other regions of Egypt: in Memphis, Anthinkopol, Achmime and Fis.

A total of more than 900 portraits have been found today. The time of creating these portraits of the I-III century by R.Kh. - Time when Egypt was conquered by the Romans. In a few centuries, before that, in Egypt, the Rules Greek Dynasty of Ptolemyev - the descendants of one of Alexander Macedonsky's associates. The ruling elite, of course, were also the Greeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the same time the art of Greek conquerors, and the synthesized Hellenistic art, which absorbed both traditions has also existed.

It affected all aspects of the cultural and religious life of the ancient Egyptians of the specified period, including the burial rites. Examples of funeral images made both in more ancient, actually Egyptian tradition (relief funeral masks) and more new - Greco-Roman (funeral portraits) have come to us.

It is generally known what the most important ancient Egyptians paid for afterlife. And the burial images were one of the most important aspects of life behind the coffin. The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death of man's death, his mystical twin - ka - separated from the body, but he can move to the image of the deceased and in this way will receive a new life. It is for this that the Egyptians made various images of the deceased. It was very important that the artist would achieve the maximum similarity of the image with the deceased, otherwise the ka may not know his portrait and will be doomed on a wander.

Fayum portraits were not just an image of a person, not just a "photograph", which would transmit its momentary appearance. They portrayed a person "from the point of view of eternity," the artists sought to portray not just the appearance of the deceased, but his eternal soul (although, of course, the word "soul" in this case it was worth it to * with a certain degree of caution, because the idea of \u200b\u200bit in the ancient Egyptian Religions are not very coincided with Christian teachings). Anyway, the Fayum portrait is an eternal image, in a certain sense - an immortal personality.

This is this circumstance and relatives to Fayum portrait with an icon. And how Ellen's philosophers are sometimes called "Christians to Christ," because the ancient philosophy prepared that the soil on which theology has grown, as well as the Fayum Power is possible, in a sense, call "icon to iconopus".

Recently, there has been a lot of literature on book counters illuminating the Jewish question. The Jewish people are inextricably linked with the history of ancient Egypt, even in the Bible, a lot of time was allocated. They write a lot about their character, purposes, worldview, influence on the culture of other peoples, the economy, etc. But the question arises why the Jewish question is discussed, and not Ukrainian, Georgian, Tatar or any other nationality? What are the difference between Jews from another nation? The fact that they are scattered, but the Gypsies also go all over the world. But the Gypsy question does not care. To understand the concern of many of the question, turn to the original sources that would give these answers to questions:

Where, when and how did Jews appear? While the only source is the torus (Pentateuch of Moses - Old Testament). "Slavery and outcome." It is known that Jews wanted to leave Egypt, but Pharaoh rescued, and God sent ten executions to the people of Egypt to punishment. Before the tenth execution, the Lord Moses said from Egypt to the exodus from Egypt: "This month will be the beginning of your months" (Exodus, 12: 2). That is, this is the point of reference to start calculating the Jewish people. But why not before? But why. "As established by science. In general, the Jews were never in Egypt" (V. Kandyb

"Emotional hypnosis" p.42). What happens, the Jews came out of Egypt? - Yes, came out.

Have they been there? - Not. To respond to these two mutually exclusive issues, it is necessary to look into the depths of Egypt. 1,700 years BC Aryan warriors on horseback and chariots from the territory of the current Ukraine, Russia and North Caucasus They moved to the south and easily conquered Egypt. Routeless and blue-eyed gixos (so they called the Egyptians) settled the Nile Delta and built their capital of the accident. The rulers of southern Egypt recognized the power of gixos. Gixos simplified Egyptian writing, helped to create an alphabetical writing. Part of the gixos mixed with local population - Mesences appeared. These methuses and form the Semitic tribes.

But Gixos committed one big mistake, for which they paid in the future - did not eliminate the priestly estate of Egypt. Egypt's priests have enormous knowledge, they were interested not only by the works of earthly, but also biology, astrology, sociology and even anatomy. (V. Pruss "Pharaoh"). With the help of Yahmos I in 1550 BC. The priests eliminated the power of gixos, and before them became the task; What to do with them?

Egyptian priests Culting Amone, after analyzing the international situation, came to the conclusion that Palestine is the main transit node of the then caravan and sea routes in the Mediterranean. Files and Memphis, standing aside from trade routes and related information flows, became inconvenient to implement the management of the Mediterranean-West Asian civilization in general.

For the hierarchs of Priese Amon, which encroached the world domination, was advisable to take possession of the main information node. But, having remembered by the military failures of the many wars of Egypt with Canaan, the hierarchy of Amon's signs first in history developed the concept of the Cold War for the world domination by the method of "cultural" cooperation, in which psychological processing and enemy, and the main, and social group used as an aggression instrument Fighting the limits of their world forenswhels over the most understanding of the war weapon in the usual understanding of this word, as the means of destroying the basis of the life of society and oppression of people. The transition to the war with loved practices, made aggression invisible for her victims for many centuries.

After the goals were determined, it remained for small. Where to take this social group?

For happiness, the Egyptian priests this "instrument" was at their arm. In Egypt, at this time they lived both clean gixos and metis. It is clear that the processing of meters is easier than pure gixos. The separation of these ethnic groups is carried out.

Clean gixos move in the Nilea Nile, and the methuses in the lower house. After this operation, the priests of Moses and Aron are being introduced into society. Any crowd self-organizing is hard, a shepherd is needed. After a certain time, after the ideological processing of methots, the outcome of Egypt (about 1443-1350 is made. BC). So that clean gixos are not confused under their feet during the Sinai tourist path, they were holding them for another 100 years, and then expelled outside Egypt. Although Gixos in Egypt were about 200 years, archaeological information about them many.

According to the Bible, the Jews since the arrival of Joseph and before the exodus lived in Egypt about 400 years. But it is strange how many archaeologists do not overshadow, the traces of their stay in Egypt are not found, and they will not find if they do not slip any incompectance.

Now consider exemption from slavery and a forty-year-old campaign in Sinai.

When surveyed Jews: "Why Moses drove your ancestors for 40 years in the desert, which is equal in size Crimean Peninsula? "The answer was always of this character:" To knock out the spirit of slavery. "

"Well, let's say" - "And when Nebuchadnezzar captured the Jewish state and 70 years old kept Jews in captivity, why didn't the campaign again at any desert?" In response, shrugs.

Let's return to slavery and outcome. Before the outcome, Moses turned to "the sons of Israel to take their small and large cattle" (Exodus, 12:32), "To each near his neighbor and each near his neighbors, they have scored the stuff of silver and gold and clothes" (Exodus, 11 : 2). "And they (Egyptians) gave him (the people of Israel), and it did the Egyptians (Exodus, 12:34).

Yes, you can only dream of such slavery. The fact that the "Sons of Israel" did not really want to leave Egypt, and they even arranged to "slavery", in the Bible noted more than once.

"Whether we told you in Egypt, saying: Leave us, maybe we work the Egyptians?" (Exodus, 14:12).

"Is notity that you brought us out of the ground, in which milk and honey flows to destroy us in the desert" (Numbers, 16:13).

"Oh if we died from the hands of the Lord in the Egyptian land, when we sat at the boilers with meat, when we ate the bread of your destroy!" (Exodus, 16: 3).

"We remember the fish, which in Egypt ate for free, cucumbers and melons, and onions, and ones and garlic" (numbers, 11: 5). Those. The output suggests one. The disgrace of people circled around the finger and lured into the desert, and then you already know.

Why does Jews have a haplogroup R1A, it belongs to the Slavic-Aria?

Let's start with the fact that in the educated Khazar kaganate, Khazar Slavs and Turks adopted Judaism. From the Khazar Slavs and the extensive tribe of the Jews, which bears the name of Ashkenazi. Sefarda, these are the Jews who came there from Persia and Babylon, but among them there is a small part of the Slavic haplogroup "I". Haplogroup "J" in the Jews, the biggest, but what is interesting.

When the Jewish people appeared, we are well known from the Bible, who willingly use historians, archaeologists, and now genetics. Meanwhile, the separation of the haplogroup J into two groups approval of DNA genealogy occurred about ten thousand years ago (10,000!), I.e. When the Jews were not in the messenger. And, consequently, one of two haplog groups: J1 or J2 cannot be ancestral for the Jewish people. And both groups. Because in addition to the haplogroup J1 and J2 (according to the most representative publication of DNA data (Hammer, 2009), J2 prevails over J1) the Jews have a high percentage of people having a haplogroup (as descending) E (Hitler's haplogroup), G, R1B, R1A and Even Siberian Q.

Therefore, the basic haplogroup of Jews may be any of the above listed (J1, J2, E; others from the list with a smaller probability). But scientific publications stubbornly compare this picture of the frequency of haplogroups in the Jews, reducing anything to J1 + J2, and even just to one J1. The rest of the haplogroups simply do not notice. Hand dexterity, nothing else to name DNA data is difficult to call.

DNA analyzes of the descendants of the Levites also turned out to be unexpected. Only 10% of Ashkenazi Jews had one of the haplogroup J, and the rest possessed Indo-European R1A (half of all Levites-Ashkenazi), Western European (on Av - Semit-Hurritskaya Haplogroup Pelasgov) R1B, as well as E, I, N, Q, etc.. Among the Levitz-Sephards, the picture is different: about 40% have a haplogroup J, but Mizer R1a. As you can see, oddities in the genealogy of the Jews a lot, convincing explanations cannot give traditional science. And science does not like to remember the scattering of the Jews after the destruction of the Israeli kingdom of Ancient Rome.

Well, our haplogroup R, was found in Southern Siberia. It was formed from the parent hplogroup P, and there also (apparently) her "brother" was formed, a haplogroup Q. Therefore, their genomes should be very similar. The haplogroup Q is largely (or in a noticeable) degree went to America and became American Indians. The haplogroup R continued to produce new descending haplogroups - R1, R1A, R1B, which largely went to Europe for many millennia ago (R1A came to Europe 8-10 thousand years ago, R1B is about 5 thousand years ago), R is noticeable, in particular , in the Caucasus, and indeed it should be scattered throughout the migration path from Southern Siberia, as well as R1a and R1B haplog groups, which are still found in Siberia, and among the Uigurs, and among the Turks, and in general all over the way to Europe , and, of course, in Europe, where R1a takes half of Eastern Europe, and R1B is more than half of Western Europe. In other words, the haplogroup R and q died into diametrically opposite sides, but had very close genomes.

And in what language can the gixos can speak, as not on Praslavyansky? The decryption of the inscriptions on Rosett Stone also showed the origins of Praslavyansky. Egyptian signs needed almost 500 years so that their wards smoothly translate from Praslava to Hebrew. But the tracks remained. To hide the truth from the Jews about their true origin, the authors of the Bible, the priests of the collapse of Amon Never in the "sacred" book do not mention Gixos, although the time of the domination of Gixos in Egypt and the "Egyptian captivity" coincide. And from the plot of being it turns out that the "Jews" did not notice that 150 years were captured by Gixos together with the Egyptians. So it was something to hide.

Distribution of haplogroup among Jews according to FTDNA.


J1C3D - 17.3%, most of the formation.
- E1B1B1 - 18.2%, an ancient haplogroup and different subacares could enter different times. Probably most after the outcome of Egypt.
- J2A4 - 16.3%, most at the initial stage, part after the Babylonian captivity and part already in Europe.
- R1B - 14.9%, not to establish reliably, but probably at the initial stage of formation, and the part is already in Europe.
- I - 3.9%, it could be called X, Aryan, hyperborean, Rusinsky, but the truth is silent.

Q1B - 3.6%, possibly after the Babylonian captivity, and maybe later from the Khazar.

J2B - 4.2%, Haploguppa J1 and J2 are not exceptional affiliation of the Jews. To different degrees, they were found in many Caucasian peoples, which does not testify to their Jewish, there is observed among the residents of the Mediterranean, immigrants from the Middle East, a lot of it in India.
- G (G1, G2A, G2C) - 7.5%, not to be reliably installed, but probably at the initial stage of formation.
- R2 - 1.6%, probably from the European Gypsy environment in the Middle Ages.
- R1A1 - 7.9%, possibly after the Babylonian captivity, and maybe later from the Khazar.
- T1 - 3.1%, not reliably install, but probably at the initial stage of formation.
- E1 (XE1B1B1) - 1.4%.

Now globalization walks seven-world steps on the planet, everything will be reduced to build a completely new society throughout the land, with a single religion and a single control. Again as in the song: "We are an old world destroy, and then ...", but with one amendment. Those who were prescribed on her forehead that they were elected, should this new world Bring to the "plate with a blue car" to those who created them and, who is a flock of grace, and the "Favorites" will go to the miscarriage. The artifacts are not destroyed, the story is rewritten, the libraries are burning, robes museums, as in Egypt (Cairo) or destroy antiquities, as in Syria. Those who once created this history in antiquities, now it is destroyed.

Unsolved secrets on our planet every year becomes less and less. Constant improvement of technology, cooperation of scientists of various fields of science reveals us the secrets and riddles of history. But the secrets of the pyramids are still not amenable to understanding - all discoveries give scientists only alleged answers to many questions. Who built the Egyptian pyramids, what was the technology of construction, whether the curse of pharaohs exists - these and many other questions still remain without an accurate answer.

Description of Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists speak of 118 pyramids in Egypt, partially or fully preserved to our time. Their age is from 4 to 10 millennia. One of them - Heops - is the only surviving "miracle" from the "Seven Miracles of the World". Complex called "Great Pyramids in Giza", which includes and, also considered as a participant in the competition "New Seven Miracles of the World", but he was removed from participation, since these majestic structures are actually a "miracle of the world" in the ancient list.

These pyramids have become the most visited excursion facilities in Egypt. They preserved perfectly, which cannot be said about many other facilities - they did not spare them. Yes I. local residents Made their contribution to the destruction of majestic necropolis, removing the cladding and having gone out stones from the walls for the construction of their homes.

The Egyptian pyramids of the Pharaohs ruling from the XXVII century were built. e. And later. They were intended to restore the rulers. The huge scale of the tomb (some - with a height of almost up to 150 m) had to testify the greatness of the buried Pharaohs, the things were placed here, which the ruler loved during his lifetime and which would be useful to him in the afterlife.

For construction, stone blocks of various sizes were used, which were hollowed out of the rocks, and later the material for the walls began to serve as a brick. Stone blocks were staging and fitted so that between them could not slip the blade of the knife. The blocks were laid on each other with a displacement of several centimeters, which formed a stepped surface of the structure. Almost all Egyptian pyramids have a square base, the parties of which are oriented strictly on the sides of the world.

Since the pyramids performed the same function, that is, served as the burial site of the pharaohs, then inside the device and the decoration they are similar. The main component is the funeral hall where the ruler's sarcophag was installed. The entrance was not suitable at the ground level, but a few meters above, and disguised with facing plates. From the entrance to the indoor hall, the stairs and moves of the corridors, which sometimes narrow so much that they can only go in squatting or crawling.

In most necropolis, the burial halls (cameras) are below the ground level. Venting was carried out through narrow mine channels, which are permeated with walls. Casual pictures and ancient religious texts are found on the walls of many pyramids - actually, scientists draw part of the information about the construction and owners of the burial.

Main puzzles pyramids

Begins a list of unsolved mysteries from the form of necropolia. Why is the form of the pyramid, which is translated from Greek as a "polyhedron"? Why are the edges located clearly on the sides of the world? How did the huge stone blocks from the placement location and how were they raised to a big height? Weren't the construction erected by aliens or people who own a magic crystal?

Scientists argue even on the question of which built such high monumental structures, east of the millennium. Some believe that they were built by slaves who died hundreds of thousands on the construction of each. However, new discoveries of archaeologists and anthropologists convince the fact that the builders were free people who received good food and medical care. Such conclusions they made on the basis of bones, the structure of skeletons and cured injuries of buried builders.

All deaths and deaths of people involved in the study of the Egyptian pyramids were attributed to mystical coincidences, which provoked rumors and talk about the curse of pharaohs. There are no scientific confirmations. Perhaps rumors were allowed to scare up thieves and marauders who wish to find valuable things in the graves and decorations.

Mysterious interesting facts include a short time for the construction of Egyptian pyramids. According to calculations, large necropolis, with the level of technology, should be erected at least in the century. How, for example, the Hoeop Pyramid was built in just 20 years?

Great pyramids

This is called the funeral complex near the city of Giza, consisting of three large pyramids, a huge statue of the sphinx and small pyramids-satellites, which are probably for the governors.

The initial height of the Heops pyramid was 146 m, the side length is 230 m. Built in 20 years in the XXVI century BC. e. The largest of Egyptian attractions has not one, but the three burial halls. One of them is below the ground level, and two are above the base line. The burial cameras are intertwined by corridors. According to them, you can go to the Chamber of Pharaoh (King), to the ward of the queen and to the lower hall. The Chamber of Pharaoh is a chamber of pink granite, has dimensions of 10x5 m. It has a granite sarcophagus without a lid. None in any report of scientists had information about the mummy found, so Heops was unknown here. By the way, the mummy of Heops was not found in other tombs.

Until now, it remains a mystery, whether the Heopse pyramid was used for its intended purpose, and if so, apparently, the marauders plundered it in the past centuries. The name of the ruler, by order and the project of which this tomb was built, learned from drawings and hieroglyphs above the burial chamber. All other Egyptian pyramids, with the exception of Goser, have a simpler engineering device.

Two other necropolis in Giza, built for Headse heirs, is somewhat modest in size:

Tourists go to Giza from all ends of Egypt, because this city is actually a suburb of Cairo, and all transport junctions lead to it. Travelers from Russia are usually driving in Giza in the composition excursion groups From Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada. The trip is long, 6-8 hours one way, so the excursion is usually calculated for 2 days.

Great facilities are available for visiting only during working hours, usually up to 17 hours, a month of Ramadan - up to 15 hours. Inside, astmatics, as well as people suffering from claustrophobia, nervous and cardiovascular diseases are not recommended. With you on the excursion you must take drinking water and hats. The fee for excursions consists of several parts:

  1. Entrance to the territory of the complex.
  2. Entrance inside the pyramid of Heops or Hefren.
  3. Entrance to the Sunny Foundation Museum, on which the body of Pharaoh was transported through the Nile.

Against the background of the Egyptian pyramids, many love to take photos sitting on camels. Camel owners can be bargained.

Pyramid Josra

The first pyramid in the world is in Sakkare, not far from Memphis - the former capital of ancient Egypt. Today, Joser's pyramid is not as attractive for tourists as a necropolis of Heops, but at one time she was the largest in the country and the most difficult engineering project.

The funerary complex included chapels, internal yards, storage facilities. The six-speed pyramid itself has a square base, but a rectangular, with the parties of 125x110 m. The height of the structure of the structure of 60 m, there are 12 burial cameras inside it, where Joser himself and his family members were allegedly buried. Mumia Pharaoh did not manage to detect when excavations. The entire territory of the complex in 15 hectares was surrounded by a stone wall with a height of 10 m. Currently, part of the wall and other buildings was restored, and the pyramid, the age of which approaches 4,700 years, has been preserved quite well.

The times have long passed when the Egyptian pyramids hit the observer with unprecedented magnitude and unsurpassed monumentality. Approximately a thousand three hundred years ago, humanity learned to build more, above, massive and faster than the ancient Egyptians did. But still for four thousand years, construction leadership remained for the long-standing people ...

Who, how and when did the Egyptian pyramids build? Interest in the Pyramids Giza does not fade five thousand years in a row. Answers to most issues of Egyptologists are known.

As with what the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians were built - in many cases we only assume, and among the propagandable hypothesis a lot of candid fiction. Let us try to figure out the history of Egyptian pyramids without prejudice, mysticism and intake mystery.

How much is the pyramids in Egypt?

The question is far from idle, if you consider the length of the construction period of the pyramids, the variety of materials used, the features of architecture - and, naturally, the safety. According to various information, the total number of Egyptian pyramids reaches 140-ka, but many of them are identified with difficulty.

And if the pyramids of Giza are famous for the impressive magnitude committed by the form and good safety, the pyramids of other ancient Egyptian tumors were lucky. Many of them are due to the briefness of the usual at that time of raw clay bricks or the urgent need for construction materials - collapsed in whole or in part, and more resemble the hills, rather than the pyramids.

So, in 2013, the American archaeologist Angela Micol, exploring high-resolution photographs, suggested that several hills on the territory of modern Egypt were anything other than ancient pyramids, partly eroded under the influence of climatic factors, partly brought by sand and dust.

Inspired by the tip from Ocean, Egyptian archaeologists have taken an expedition to the specified altitudes. In print, careful statements appeared regarding the justice of the judgments of the American scientist, however, the official register of the Egyptian pyramids of Angela Mol's findings are not yet included - as well as the remains of another 17 pyramids, similar to Sarah Parkak from the University of Birmingham, Alabama.

Mastaba - a modest tomb of Pharaoh

The tradition of building a pyramid as pharaoh asspisals was not born suddenly. The burial of the pharaohs of the first dynasty (in total there are more than 30 dynasties) were arranged in relatively small buildings, according to resembling a cut-off hill or a tetrahedral pyramid with a cut riding and a rectangular base.

The imperfection of the then building technologies forced the Egyptians to create buildings with inclined faces of external walls. An intuitive formation of the artificial structure of a natural embankment from stone ensured the stability of the erected construction is not worse than the cone's piles of different-dimensional debris at the foot of the mountain.

In Arab Egypt, the first tomb of Pharaohs received the name "Mastaba", which translated from Arabic means "Stool".

Bench with a wicker seat created in ancient Egypt. The sucked Arabs called the "Mastaba" bench. The same name was fixed behind the squat tombs, the predecessors of the pyramids.

According to the architectural look, Mastaba repeats a slightly passive ancient Egyptian residential building, and there is no holiness in a purely utilitarian construction. So there is nothing surprising that any new ruler sought to build his Mastabu above any buildings of the county, and most importantly - above the predecessor's tomb. Majania is so characteristic of leaders!

The logical outcome of the growth of Mastaba was the geometrically correct pyramid, but it was not possible to achieve the desired form.

Joser Tomb - First Egyptian Pyramid

Thirty kilometers south of Cairo is the village of Sakkara. Saccar is the place of restoring the pharaohs of the III-IV dynasty. Here is the oldest of the preserved Egyptian pyramids - the Pyramid of Joster.

Imhotep - Brave Novator

According to the information collected by historians, Imhotep - the chief architect of the project - initially planned to build a conventional mastague. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a multi-tier tomb seemed to both the architect and the customer a lot more fruitful. Therefore, during the construction process, the project was changed. A tripled superstructure of a smaller mastaba over the greater graft as a result of a sorcelter four-tiered pyramid with a rectangular base.

Understanding that the raw clay brick (in the Russian tradition, the material is known as "Saman") is not sufficiently durable to create a high-rise structure, IMHOTEP ordered to build the tomb case to use limestone blocks.


For the construction was mined in a quarry nearby. The dimensions and shape of the stone blocks were observed, but allowed to make a dressing of dressing: three longitudinally oriented blocks were replaced by two transverse - and so on. The mass of the unit block did not exceed the "carrying capacity" of a strong porter.

A thick clay composition was used as a binding solution, designed not so much to fasten the blocks, how much to fill emptiness. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a building material Imhehotep could suggest the nature itself. The Egyptians who traveled around the surrounded world probably came across formed by the village streams and quickly turned into a dense and durable material.

Clay dug in the Nile Valley, swollen and mixed with some sand (to prevent cracking in the drying process). The wall stone laid down with the inclination of the structure so that the wall line deviated from the vertical to 15˚. Thus, the walls of each of the troops of the tomb were formed with the conditional plane of the earthly solid angle of 75˚.

Responsible components of the internal structures of the Joser pyramid were performed from two-ton blocks delivered from afar on water, and largely deraneous limestone. The cementing gypsum solution used by the Egyptians is more often lime, fastened the items only in some places. In particular, the blue tile in the facing of the inside premises of the tomb, held on the walls due to the gypsum binder.

Imhotep - Defenned Pioneer Perestroika

Evrivation of the four-tier pyramid, inspired by the success of Imhotep offered not to stop the construction and bring the number of tiers to six with the simultaneous increase in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe pyramid. For the outdoor cladding of the structure, it was assumed to use white limestone from the Turkish career from the eastern coast of the Nile.

The consent of Pharaoh did not make himself wait. Uninterrupted continuation of the work allowed the outstanding architect of ancient Egypt to increase the height of the pyramid to 62 meters. Having become hextress in 2649 BC, Joster's pyramid crowned a huge complex of ritual buildings and for a long time became a record building of Egypt and only the world.

A stepped pyramid of Josher, built under the guidance of the genius imhatop. They could only climb the sky on the giant steps ...

It is estimated that 850 thousand tons of limestone took place on the construction of the Joster pyramid. According to the unanimous opinion of the builders of our time, there are no technological mysteries in the construction of the first Egyptian pyramid. However, the contemporaries of Imhatopa reacted to an outstanding architect with a much larger pitue. After the death, the architect, engineer and scientist Imhotep were deified, and the Egyptian pyramids on the covenant of the founder were held hundred and long ago.

Pyramids in Giza - the focus of secrets and mysteries

Step and multi-tiered pyramids and pyramids, built along the covenants of the Great Immechamp, are quite a lot in Egypt. But the Egyptian pyramids of only the right tetrahedral form are counted for the miracles of the world, and not all, but only those that stand in Giza.

The pyramids of Heops, Hefren and Micheryine are the top of the construction art of ancient Egypt. The studies did not give a clear and reliable picture of the stages and construction methods. From historical documents, the most detailed description of Herodota is considered to be the most detailed - however, it is necessary to remember that Herodotus recorded his records in 2000 years after the construction of the Heopse pyramid ...

Hemion - Hero of Pyramid-Building Labor

The task set in front of Hemioune, the relative of Pharaoh and, part-time, the chief administrator of the state was complex. On the rocky square foundation should be built a pyramid of the right geometric shape and reference aesthetic advantages. The structure, of course, was to be higher than the pyramids of the former pharaohs and, it is desirable to remain unsurpassed in the future.

Hemion, highborn architect Hoeop pyramid, outstanding architect and limitator.

Perhaps the task was made somehow differently - but it does not matter. Hemiouu was able to create a pyramid, which was baking millions of tons of natural stone, raised almost to heaven (147 meters of height), silent several secret premises, striking (and affecting) an observer by the perfection of the forms and the greatness of the idea.

Mystery first plus mystery home

How construction was conducted, not told anywhere. No single papyrus was found, in which hemioune construction technology would be revealed, but even the pyramid of Heops would be mentioned!

This is the first mystery of the main of the Egyptian pyramids. However, there may be several beggages:

  • a) researchers simply did not succeed to find the necessary document;
  • b) there was a ban on documenting and disclosing the methods of erection of the pyramid;
  • c) the project documentation was not compiled, the protocolization of construction was not carried out - as unnecessary.
The construction was carried out using limestone and granite. Stone blocks cut down massive and volumetric. How was transported and, most importantly, the rise of multi-torque masonry elements on a multi-meter height? This is the second and most difficult problem of the erection of the pyramid of Heops.

How was the greatest of Egyptian pyramids

Most of the cheops pyramid is composed of yellow-gray limestone blocks, material relative to loose, but strong enough. Since the blocks were cut down differently, it would be logical when the materials were harvested on the construction site to position the stone so that the largest and hard bottoms were spent on the construction of the lower tiers of masonry, and less massive stones were intended for upper tiers.

Blocks intended for the construction of the peyramid of cheops, cut down from rock monolith.

Egyptian builders did that. The limestone blocks of the pyramid is the smaller, the closer to the top lie. What, by the way, refutes the fashionable theory on the construction of the structure from concrete blocks.

Concrete idea is false?

Transport buckets with thick mortar to the upper floors of the building is really easier, but changing the standard of formwork from the tier to the tier - why? Artificial building stone, as a rule, has standardized sizes, while Kheops pyramid blocks are far from standard.

It is important and time factor. The rejection of concrete requires long rest of the resulting detail. Primary grasp is not equivalent to a complete set of strength. On the freshly tired and already hardened stone can not immediately hammer the multi-torque load. You can accelerate the hardening of castings with organic additives - at least egg protein - but then the Mountain of the shell will exceed the sizes of the pyramid. Is such a monument to Pharaoh?

The production of a binder for the manufacture of concrete requires high-temperature dehydration of the initial raw material - in the case of ancient Egypt. Some number of gypsum solution The resources of the country allowed to produce painlessly, but not millions of cubic meters required for the full transition to artificial building stone! So much firewood in the state was simply not!

Concrete is not only a binding solution, it is also a mineral filler of several fractions. Modern concrete creates from cement mortar, sand and granite rubble. The blocks of the Egyptian pyramids are solid one. You can, of course, to imagine how thousands of slaves are ruined by natural limestone to receive crumbs, the other thousands are dragging the stretcher with limestone crumbs to the construction site, the third worn water in the Burdyuki, and the fourth covers the wet concrete - for it will be fragile without seal.

But isn't it easier to carve finished blocks from stone? Moreover, all qualified mineralogues are unanimous in the assessment of the main material of the pyramid of Heops and consider it a natural limestone.

However, separate elements The design of the pyramids could really be made of artificial stone. But only not the most responsible and loaded by the astronomical masses of the overlying materials.

Granite mystery of Heops Pyramid

The adepts of secret knowledge are interpreted about the impossibility of manufacturing, processing and delivering the granite construction parts without the use of the tool from steel and abrasives of the level of hardness.

Meanwhile, granite columns, obeliski and other Megaliths in ancient Egypt were produced without much difficulty. Our French contemporaries reproduced all the stages of production and processing of granite, and are quite satisfied with the experience gained.

To give a large billet from the natural array, the following method was used.

  • 1. Along the contour of the alleged billet from clay bricks, a low hearth was built.
  • 2. Forers were loaded into the focus, the fire was divorced. Hot coals warmed the underlying granite on a small depth.
  • 3. Water flowed to preheated granite. The stone crackled.
  • 4. After removing the brick, ash and the peeling breed, the warm-up zone was percussioned with dimelt (suchite - a variety) with hammers. As a result, a groove in a monolithic granite array was formed in a 10-15 cm depth.
  • 5. To deepen the contour groove, the operation was repeated.
When mining smaller blanks were drilling holes with copper tubes and abrasive sand, followed by clogging in wood plugs. Wetting wood led to swelling of the plug. In case of good luck, the plane of the chipped was strictly on the bored holes.

Handmade technique with a rounded routine hammer assumes endurance and performers. The hourly (not even too delicate) beating with a granite rover allows to remove a layer with a thickness of 6 - 8 mm on an area of \u200b\u200bseveral square decimeters.

The device of the case is extremely simple.

Sealing in half the lumbering concretion served as the main tool for grinding granite. The abundance of rodolite in the eastern regions of Egypt allowed the masters of antiquity to use this solid stone in unlimited quantities.

Lifting gravity without lifting crane

Herodotus writes that the rise of the stone upstairs was carried out by simple wooden devices such as a well caravel. The carrying capacity of such devices is sufficient for two-tone loads (the average volume of the lime block of the peyramid of the cheops is 850 - 1000 liters, limestone density - 2000 kg per cubic meter). But how were much more massive structural elements installed? In particular, the pyramidion, the monolithic pyramid pyramid in 15 tons?

Modern inventors talk about the possibility of plating a stone product with volumetric wooden structures approaching the shape of the packaged part to the cylinder. This container really facilitates transportation, but requires a solid road.

Inclined ramp or spiral road?

How is the tercacon - the cone-shaped dust of the empty breed? First, the backups are installed, an oblique rail route is watering. Wagons with a bulk mass rhine on the rails and unloaded to the side. As the drum is heard, the road is lengthened. It ultimately forms an artificial mountain with steep slopes and a long canopy embankment with rails from smooth soles to the very top.

Inclined ramp for delivery of materials directly to the construction site.

Approximately, the researchers believed, the access roads to the Egyptian pyramids were also built. The increasing inclined (7˚- 8˚) ramp, made of bulk materials, compacted and fortified by the imported bridge, could really help delivering massive stone blocks to the place of their installation.

However, the volume of earthworks in this case turns out to be comparable to the volume of all construction, and the pace of work is limited to the frequency of the reconstruction of the transport route. The bulk spiral road laid around the pyramid makes it impossible to check the geometry of the ribs and the faces of the entire structure.

Another thing, suggested by the French architect Jean-Pierre, if the spiral road was laid in the body of the pyramid on its external edges. By such a way, you can walk like a common staircase, passing the limestone blocks along the way. True, such a path is replete with turns at right angles. But if in places of turns to make open areas with the simplest forklifts, the difficulties will disappear.

Spirals - to heaven! They say, the architects of the Babylonian tower adopted the experience of the construction of Egyptian pyramids and the project of their high-rise creation ordered a growing spiral. Yes, only the material was drunk and something was not charged with mutual understanding ...

Hypothesis is disassembled in many ways. Nevertheless, the rotary areas in the corners of the structure are found, some inclined moves around the perimeter of the pyramid - too. However, the Egyptian authorities do not yet give permission to a large-scale hardware study of the historical structure.

The final reconstruction of the process

A generalized reconstructed construction picture of the pyramid of Heops looks like this:
  • - The most massive details of the base of the pyramid and interior premises of the tomb were delivered to the place of installation on land roads and a low bulk ramp;
  • - Blocks, foundation body of the pyramid, rose in spiral forests attached outside;
  • - White limestone screw - Pyramidion - was installed immediately after completion of the masonry;
  • - facing blocks of white limestone, in the cross section of a rectangular triangle, stacked in the direction from top to bottom, flush with the edges of the pyramidion.

And although individual details of construction are not clarified to the end, the overall picture is quite clear and plausible. However, the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids were not only in the design and construction of cyclopeous structures.

"Non-painted" secrets of Egyptian pyramids

The studies of the pyramid of Heops taken by greedy to treasure humanity over the past two thousand years have proven to be very traumatic for the historical structure. In part, therefore, in part, due to the high tourist potential, the resolution for scientific research in Giza is very difficult.

As a result, today, scientists have no complete plan of cavities and premises of the Pyramid of Heops - because of which the assumptions about the appointment of rooms, corridors and canals are based on insufficient information.

Such a situation gives food to afford reflection on the presence of secret treasures under Egyptian pyramids and Sphynx. The yellow press is Mussey Massive the idea of \u200b\u200bthe usefulness of the samples of an ancient knowledge that is stored or under the paws of the Sphinx, or under the burial chamber of the huof, then even deeper.

However, historians and archaeologists from hypothetical treasures of special revelations are not waiting. Yes, when discoverished in the past repositories, the museum collections of the world are pretty replenished with works of ancient Egyptian art - but no advanced technologies do not have to wait for the surviving artifacts. Alas…

Pyramid - working device?

Thoughts that each individual pyramid and especially the largest and most beautiful Pyramid of Heops are not just a monument and the tomb, but a certain interaction tool with secret forces, Mankind is already for four and a half thousand years.

Already alive echoes of the excitement, which arose in perestroika and relating to the miraculous properties of pyramidal structures. Alleged blades in them self-sharpening, bacteria self-suite, the water is self-excreted - and in large pyramids plus the time slows down, the best of the organisms and the fools will be cleaned.

Hope's pyramid 4600 years old, and it all works? Is it time for the old woman on peace?

Experiments are still continuing, but the statistics of the results are disappointing. Neither in the pyramids of ancient Egyptian work, nor in their modern counterparts does not work special.

"Also, Ezoteric objects are objective, - that contact with the highest mind is carried out!"

Effect of Egyptian pyramids per mind

Dedicated to write: who will arise in the sarcophagus of the pyramid of Heops and focus, the voices are being heard, the colorful paintings are visible, the complexity of the device of the Universe is clear - and the future opens. So I was filled, as I spent in Sarcophage, it was pale, I was silent about the experienced, and only in the link on the island of Saint Helena hinted that he had his own drop ...

True, psychiatrists, promoting voices and visions, begin to nervously flipping and urging the bags with medicines. Psychologists speak about the similarity of individual reactions to the darkness, silence and complete privacy. To save money, they say, it is possible to stick to the wooden box with a lid instead of the sarcophagus, and instead of the Egyptian pyramid to use any dungeon - at least a shallow pit.

The sum of sensations and thoughts arising from the subjects is typical. In such a privacy, every person thinks about the guise of life, tested all the essence and inevitability of the end. The pyramids have nothing to do with it!

Astronomical factor

Belgian Robert Bewwell, born and long-lived in Egyptian Alexandria, was not the first person who had noticed the similarity of the position of the pyramids in Giza and stars in the Orion belt. However, he was the first to speak out about the likeness loudly and publicly.

Check showed that the coincidence of directions and proportions is very conditional. Defending his point of view, Bewwell suggested: the position of the pyramid corresponds to the picture of the starry sky. The time of the third pharaoh dynasty.

The development of computer technology gave the opportunity to restore the position of the stars in the past. The modeled picture of the starry sky of 2500 to our era was close to the location of the pyramids in Giza, but only approximately ...

Further studies led astronomers to the conclusion: the mutual location of the pyramids of Huf, Hafra and Mencar (Heops, Hefren and Micheerina) fully corresponds to the location of Alintka, Alnilam and Mintaka (asterism stars "Belt Orion") in the 10500th year BC.

Difference thinkers immediately came to the conclusion that the initial markup of the construction site was fulfilled in the 10500th, and the construction itself decided to postpone 8 thousand years.

Moreover! At the beginning began, namely for 14 thousand years before the Nativity of Christ, at the place of the future Giza and all her tumors stood a pyramid - to all the pyramids of the pyramid, the magnitude of the real mountain! True, the ancestor of the pyramid was monolithic and during the earthquake crackled. The bullfin was decided to demolish, and in her place, after tidy of the debris garbage, to build a new pyramid complex.

Who and why accepted so unexpected decisions, thinkers do not affect.

Numerological height of the pyramid of Heops

Going to Egypt, Napoleon, as you know, included in a detachment more than one and a half hundred scientists. I miss the transition time, inquisite scientists attacked the Egyptian pyramids as a hungry dog \u200b\u200bto the bone. Equity and measurements were subjected to all available space, including each of the pyramids and the Sphinx.

The data obtained became the subject of academic discussions that do not cease to this day. For two hundred years, the dignity of the most advanced connoisseurs was established between the linear parameters of the Hope's pyramid and:

  • - the dimensions of the Earth and the Solar System;
  • - the number "Pi";
  • - what happened and coming events;
  • - physical constants that determine the balance of interaction of forces in the universe.
The freshest hypothesis, nominated in the new millennium, reads about the equality of the proportions of the amount of dark energy, the dark substance and the visible substance in the Milky Way of the Milky Way and the ratio of natural stone, the binder and voids in the Hoeop Pyramid.

Ay, psychiatrists! ..

So, there are no secrets in Egyptian pyramids?

A lot of secrets in Egyptology. However, the Egyptian pyramids are studied very thoroughly, although not fully. In leisurely existence, the pyramids have a number of ambiguities, prominent to those skilled in the art. For example, the visible deflection of the faces of the pyramid of Heops appeared as a result of an unexpected deformation of materials or due to architectural calculation?

So far there is no unambiguous picture of a complex of technology that used almost 5,000 years ago. It is not clear why the pyramid of Heops, the most monumental of all the monuments of ancient Egypt, deprived of wall inscriptions and images. There is no confidence in understanding the appointment of detected objects, premises, buildings ...

It is important, however, that only those studies of the Egyptian pyramids are fruitful, which are conducted within the framework of materialistic theory. Search for extraordinary forces who participated in the creation of Egyptian pyramids fantastically fun - and only.

Egyptian pyramids are more seventy, but only three of them became the most famous. These are the tomb of the pharaohs located in Giza - Hefren Pyramids (Hafra), Heops (Houfou) and Mekerin (Mencar). It is with them that most mysterious legends and inexplicable incidents are connected.

It is impossible to say confidently that today all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids are solved, because their priests were very dodewood and inventive. Perhaps our researchers still have to solve the sphinx riddles, and penetrate the very essence of Egyptian architecture, science and magic ...

Secrets of the pyramids of Heffren

The height of this facility is 136.5 meters. Its structure is relatively simple - two inputs located on the north side, and two cameras. The Hefren's Pyramid was erected from stone blocks of different dimensions, and was lined with plates from white limestone. The top of the Tomb of Pharaoh is posted from beautiful limestone yellow color.

Do not safely try to penetrate the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids! Proof of this will serve as an event that occurred with tourists in 1984. The impressive queue stood opposite the entrance to the tunnel, leading to the pyramid of Hefren. All expected the arrival of the group that went to the compact room with the sarcophagus - the tomb of Pharaoh Hefren, in which the Mummy of Lord was once sealed. It is believed that this pharaoh, besides his pyramid, built a mysterious man-lion - large sphinx.

Finally, tourists returned, but what happened to them! People hit the cough, stuck out of weakness and nausea, they have blushed their eyes. Later, tourists said that everyone simultaneously felt irritation in the respiratory tract, threw in their eyes, tested strong tearing. The victims had medical assistance, they were examined, but ... no deviations were detected. People announced that the Tombus of Pharaoh probably was filled with a certain mysterious gas, an unknown way leaked inside the tomb.

The tomb was closed, and urgently was convened by the Commission, which was to resolve this secret of the Egyptian pyramid. Experts put forward several work versions - the appearance of caustic gases from faults in the depths of the earth's crust, the actions of unknown attackers and even interference. But according to the most interesting version, in the tomb of Pharaoh could be located one of the ancient traps equipped with priests against robbers.

Pharaoh Mikherina Tomb

The son and heir to Hafra Greeks called the Micheryin. This ruler belongs the smallest of the famous large pyramids. Initial, the height of the structure was 66 meters, today's 55.5 meters. Side length - 103.4 meters. The entrance is located on the northern wall, a part of the cladding has been preserved. The tomb of Micheryne also contributed to the formation of the legends about the Egyptian pyramids.

In 1837, the Pyramid Micherina discovered English Colonel Howard Vens. In the Golden Chamber of the Tomb, he discovered made from the basalt sarcophagus, as well as a wooden coffin cover, carved in the form of a person's shape. This discovery was dated, as belonging to the era of early Christianity. The sarcophagus was never delivered to England - the ship transporting it from Egypt, drowned.

There is a legend that the Egyptians adopted some secrets from the Atlanta who arrived in their country. For example, it is believed that the impact of it on cells of a living organism depends on the mass and shape of the pyramid. The pyramid can both destroy and heal from diseases. It is known that the effect of the field of the Pyramid of Micheryina is so large that tourists are long in its critical zone ,. Some people entering the tomb of the Pharaoh Mikherina, flow into a faint condition, dramatically feel deterioration of well-being. You should not try to solve the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids by the method of trial and errors.

Heops Pyramid (Hufu)

The records of Greek historian Herodotus indicate that the Tomb of Heops's Pharaoh was erected for more than 20 years. During this period, approximately 100,000 people constantly worked at the construction site. The housing of the legendary peyramid of Heops consists of 128 layers of the stone, the external faces of the facility were lined with snow-white limestone. It should be noted that the facing plates are fitted with such an accuracy that in the gap between them it is impossible to insert even the knife blade.

In the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, many researchers tried to penetrate. Egyptian archaeologist - Mohammed Zakaria Gonyim discovered an ancient Egyptian pyramid with an inside alabastra sarcophag. When the excavations were approached by an end, one of the stone blocks collapsed, and a few workers behind him. In a raised to the surface of the sarcophage there was nothing.

Englishman Paul Brighton, having heard that many tourists visiting the Tomb of Pharaoh Heops complain of worsening well-being, decided to experience the influence of the pyramid on himself. The tireless researcher penetrated directly into the funeral room of Heops, which for him ended very depressively. After some time, Brighton was discovered and removed from there. The Englishman was in a half-conscious state, later he admitted that he lost consciousness from indescribable horror.

Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramid of Tutankhamon

In the fall of 1922, forever left his mark in the history of the development of archaeological science - the English archaeologist, Tutankhamon, was discovered by the English archaeologist, Movard Carter. On February 16, 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon (a patron, financing this enterprise) opened the tomb in the presence of several witnesses.

In the premises of the sarcophagus there was a sign containing the inscription in ancient Egyptian language, which was deciphered later. The inscription read: "Everyone who will break the peace of Pharaoh, death will overtake death." When the archaeologist has deciphered a sign, he hid it not to embarrass his satellites, as well as workers.

Further events developed in a rapid pace. Even before the Pharaoh's tomb was opened, Lord Carnarvon received a letter from the Khaimon graph - English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned Karnarvon that if he penetrates the secret of the Egyptian pyramid of Tutankhamon, then his illness would be waiting for his death. This message was very alarmed by Lord, and he decided to apply for advice to the famous fortuneteller named Welma. Clairvoyant practically word in the word repeated the caution of the Khaimon count. Lord Karnarvon decided to stop excavations, but the preparations came to them too far. Injury he had to challenge the mystical forces guarding the Tomb of Pharaoh ...

57 - Summer Lord Carnarvon just six weeks suddenly fell ill. At first, the doctors believed that this disease was a consequence of the bite of mosquitoes. Then it turned out that the Lord was cut during shave. But be that as it may, Lord passed away soon, and the reason for his death remained unexplained.

This incident is not exhausted only by the death of Lord Carnarvon. During the year, another five members of this expedition are dying, which penetrated the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Among them were a specialist in conservation of Mais, an English professor of La Fleur's literature, Caterman's secretary Richard Befil and a radiologist Wood. Mais died in the same hotel, where Karnarvon died, and also by an unexplained reason. Before his death, he began to complain about the attacks of weakness, tested longing and apathy. For several years, 22 people died suddenly and would die, in one way or otherwise had a relation to the excavations and studies of the Tomb of Pharaoh.

Strange, but the fact: Lord Centerville transported on the "Titanic" perfectly preserved Mummy Amenophis fourth - Egyptian appearance, who lived in the times of Amenhote the fourth. This mummy was removed from a small tomb, over which the temple was tumped. Her rest was protected, which accompanied the mummy in this journey. Under the mummy's head, there was a sign with the inscription and the image of Osiris. The inscription read: "Finger from the faint, in which you are, and trying over all sorts of goats against you."

What was the pyramids of Giza for?

Such majestic structures could be not only the tombs of the pharaohs. The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids are not solved to this day. And yet there are some assumptions regarding their destination. Pyramids can be:
- encyclopedia of knowledge, a kind of treasures of Egyptian wisdom ();
- astronomical observatory;
- barriers against sands coming from the desert;
- stallons of architecture;
- alien information capsules;
- Border fixes and even the pier for the ark of Noah.

And this is only a small part of the assumptions expressed regarding these architectural structures. As you can see, the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids still failed to solve ...

One of these unsolved mysteries is a fantastic construction rate, which each tomb of Pharaoh was erected. Scientists calculated its on the basis of the life expectancy of the rulers, the time of spill Nile, and other factors. It turned out that 4 block was mounted every minute, and every hour - 240! And this is only with the help of primitive mechanisms - levers, ropes, etc. There is even an incredible assumption that the Egyptian priests owned the secret to overcoming the law of attraction.

Who will master all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids? What power is hidden in these walls, beyond the time? Perhaps we still have to witness the discoveries of modern researchers. Or maybe the tomb of Pharaoh expects exactly you?