Statue of Liberty Summary. The main symbol of America - Statue of Liberty in New York

Frederick Auguste Bartholdi, who allowed France his creation of America, who did not remain in debt. By the Day of the 100th anniversary of the anniversary, the French American government presented Paris a reduced statue of freedom created by the same Bartoldi. The French have established a copy from the Gresnel bridge, becoming the second owners of freedom and democracy.

The initial name of the statue of freedom, presented to the Americans, sounded like "Freedom illuminating the world."

The crown on the head of the American statue has seven rays, each of which symbolizes 7 continents and 7 oceans. The windows in the crown (25 pieces) symbolize 25 natural minerals, and Toga Statues - the Republic of Rome and Ancient Greece. The torch that keeps in his hand is a symbol of enlightenment, and the book in the second hand symbolizes the book of laws. At the foot of the statue lie torn chains, identifying victory over tyranny.

Symbol of USA

The statue of freedom was taken to the city port of New York in the summer of 1886 on the Isere frigate. In the disassembled state, the monument was three hundred fifty bronze parts, which were packed in two hundred fourteen boxes. The statue was collected for four months without the use of various external structures - at the first stage, the workers erected a metal frame to which the parts of the monument were attached.

In total, three hundred thousand special bronze rivets was used to collect the statue of freedom.

Before the beginning of World War I, America considered the statue of Colombia with his symbol, however, a huge revenue from the sale of posters depicting the statue of freedom made the favorite namely the monument of the French sculptor. Lady Liberty declared the national monument of the country on October 15, 1924.

In the fall of 1972, at the base of the monument, the Museum of Settlement of America was opened, whose visitors to this day can trace the history of the country, ranging from Indians, who are its indigenous people, to numerous immigrants, spent in America since the beginning of the 20th century.

Today, you can see the statue of freedom with your own eyes, freeing on the Staten Island Ferry ferry, which runs between Manhattan and Stayten Island. Also, the great type of monument opens from Battery Park in Brooklyn and Brooklyn restaurant Red Hook "s Fairway Café.

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The statue of Liberty was built in October 1886. The monument is a symbol of freedom of the people of America, the symbol of the country and New York.

The creation of the statue was engaged in the sculptor and architect Frederick Bartholdi. Making a sculpture was needed by 1876. Her completion wanted to coincide with the Central Anniversary of America's Independence Declaration. The creation of a statue is the joint work of the French and Americans. The pedestal was created by Americans, and the statue was done in France. In New York, the statue collected in parts together.

Money required more than it was supposed. For this reason, they organized a large-scale company for collecting funds and a variety of events. To calculate the size of the design of a huge monument, a specialist was assisted. A.G. The Eifel became a developer of a reliable support from iron and a frame that allows the shell of copper to move freely and at the same time maintain the equilibrium of the statue.

Citizens of America with not a special desire gave money. For this reason, difficulties appeared when collecting the required amount. D. Pulitzer in the newspaper Warld published several articles in which he applied to Americans with a call to allocate funds for a good cause. Criticism turned out to be very tough, and this led to the desired result.

By early August 1885 in America managed to get the required amount. By this time, the French completed their work and delivered part of the monument to New York. The statue of freedom had three hundred fifty parts that have taken two hundred fourteen boxes. Within four months, all parts of the statue were collected. With very large quantities People Twenty-sixth of October 1886, the legendary monument was opened. A gift for the age of the anniversary was delayed for ten years. It should be noted that the hand and torch were collected even earlier and exhibited them on exposures in 1876 in Philadelphia.


The statue is established on the pedestal on the territory of the Fort Wood, built for the war of 1812. It has a star shape. Initially, a number of decades of the monument were serviced by America's beacons. And only in 1924, he received the status of the National Monument. In 1937, the landmarks increased, covering the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Bedolow. After nineteen years, the poor renamed the island of freedom.


In 1982, the monument was restored. USER R. Reagan himself followed this process. Again organized fundraising and reversed eighty-seven million dollars. To collect these funds it took a much less time than last time. In 1984, the landmark was introduced into a number of monuments with world importance. In early July 1986, the complex was again discovered for visiting. This was carried out in honor of the centenary anniversary of the statue.

To climb the top statue, it is necessary to overcome three hundred fifty-four steps. And to climb up the pedestal - one hundred ninety-two steps. The crown has twenty-five windows. They symbolize the jewels of the Earth and the sun's rays that illuminate the world. Rays on the Crown Seven. They symbolize the seas and continents. A thirty-one ton of copper was spent on the sign of the statue. The total weight of the steel design is one hundred and twenty-five tons.

Since 1984, the Statue of Liberty is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sculpture is a gift of France to the World Exhibition of 1876 and the Century of American Independence. The statue holds a torch in the right hand and a sriciper in the left. The inscription on the rigged says "English. JULY IV MDCCLXXVI "(written by Roman numbers Date" July 4, 1776 "), this date is a day of adoption of the US independence declaration. One foot "Freedom" stands on broken shakes.

Visitors pass 356 steps to the crown of the Statue of Freedom or 192 Steps to the top of the pedestal. In the crown there are 25 windows that symbolize earth precious stones and celestial rays covering the world. Seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize seven seas and seven continents (the Western geographical tradition has exactly seven continents).

The total weight of copper used for the popular statue is 31 tons, and the total weight of its steel construction is 125 tons. The total weight of the concrete base is 27,000 tons. The thickness of the copper coverage of the statue is 2.57 mm.

Height from Earth to Torch tip - 93 meters, including base and pedestal. The height of the statue itself, from the top of the pedestal to the torch - 46 meters.

The statue was built of subtle sheets of copper, minted in wooden forms. Formed sheets later were installed on a steel frame.

Usually the statue is open to visitors, as a rule, arriving on the ferry. From the crown to which you can climb the stairs, there is an extensive view of the New York harbor. In the museum located in the Poddlecale, there is an exhibition of statue history. You can climb the lift to the museum.

The territory of Liberty Island originally belonged to the state of New Jersey, was subsequently in the Office of New York, and is currently in federal administration. Until 1956, the island was called "Bedlola Island" (English. Bedloe "s island) Although it was also called the "Isle of Freedom" since the beginning of the 20th century.

Freedom Statue in Figures

Inside the crown statue

View of a statue from afar

Creating a statue

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monument is attributed to Eduar Rene Lef Educa de Labule, prominent to the French thinker, writer and political figure, president of the French Anti-Wowband society. According to the French sculptor Frederick Auguste Bartholdi, she was expressed in a conversation with him in the middle of 1865, under the impression of the victory of anti-workers in the civil war in the United States. Despite the fact that it was not a specific proposal, the idea inspired the sculptor.

The repressive political situation of the reign of Napoleon III in France did not allow the implementation of the idea. In the late 1860s, Bartholdi was able to be interested in the construction of a huge statue that resembles Colossus Rhodes, the ruler of Egypt Ismail Pasha. The statue was originally planned to establish in Port Said called Asia Light (English. The Light of Asia), but ultimately the Government of Egypt decided that the transportation of structures from France and the installation are for Egypt's economy too expensive.

She wondered as a gift for the Central Anniversary of Independence Declaration in 1876. By mutual agreement, America was supposed to build a pedestal, and France - to create a statue and establish it in the United States. However, the lack of money was felt on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In France, charitable donations along with various entertainment events and lotteries allowed to collect 2.25 million francs. In the United States to collect funds, theatrical performances were carried out, art exhibitions, auctions and boxing battles.

Create a statue was entrusted to Bartholdi. According to one of the versions, Bartolddi was even a French simulator: beautiful, recently widowed Isabella Boyer, wife Isaac Singer, creator and entrepreneur in the field of sewing machines.

Meanwhile, in France, Batoldi took the help of an engineer to address constructive issues related to the construction of such a giant copper sculpture. Gustavu Eiffel (the future creator of the Eiffel Tower) was instructed to design a massive steel support and an intermediate supporting frame, which will allow the copper shell of the statue to move freely, while maintaining a vertical position. Detailed developments Eiffel handed over to his assistant, experienced engineer on building structures Mauris Kehlin. Copper for the statue was purchased from existing stocks in warehouses of the company Société des Métaux Entrepreneur Ezhen Secretary. Its origin was not documented, but studies of 1985 showed that it was mainly mined in Norway on Karmoy Island. Legend of copper supplies from Russian Empire (Ufa and Nizhny Tagil) was verified by enthusiasts, but did not find a documentary confirmation. It is also noteworthy that the concrete base under the statue is made from German cement. Dikerhoff won a tender for the supply of cement for the construction of the foundation of the Statue of Freedom in New York, which was supposed to become the world's largest concrete structure of that time.

Even before the completion of the project works, Bartholdi organized in the workshop Gaget, Gauthier & Co The beginning of the work on the manufacture of the right hand statue holding torch.

In May 1876, Batoldi participated in the French delegation at the World Exhibition in Philadelphia and organized a show of numerous paintings on the celebrations in New York on this exhibition. Due to late for registration, the statue's hand was not included in the exhibits catalogs of the exhibition, nevertheless it was shown to visitors and made a strong impression. Visitors had access to a balcony of a torch, from where they could admire the panorama of the exhibition complex. In the reports, she was called "a colossal hand" and "Electric Bartholdi light". After the end of the exhibition, the hand with a torch was transported from Philadelphia to New York and was installed in Madison Square, where he stood for several years until his temporary return to France to connect to the rest of the statue.

The place for the Statue of Freedom in the New York Harbor, approved by the Act of the Congress of 1877, was chosen by General William Sherman, taking into account the wishes of Bartolddi himself, on the island of the poor, where since the beginning of the XIX century there was a fort in the form of a star.

The collection of funds for a pedestal moved slowly, and Joseph Pulitzer (famous for the Pulitzer Award) in his newspaper "World" made a call to support fundraising to the project fund.

By August 1885, problems with financing a pedestal designed by the American architect Richard Morris Khanth were resolved, and the first stone was laid on August 5th. Construction ended April 22, 1886. Two square jumpers from steel bars are built into a massive stone masonry of the pedestal; They are connected to steel anchor beams that go up to become part of the Eiffel (resembling the frame of the Eiffel Tower) frame of the statue itself. Thus, the statue and pedestal are one.

The statue was completed by the French in July 1884 and was delivered to the New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 aboard the French frigate "Izer". For transportation, the statue was dismantled by 350 parts and packed in 214 boxes. (Her right hand with a torch finished earlier was already exhibited at the World Exhibition in Philadelphia in, and then in Madison Square in New York.) The statue collected on its new foundation for four months. The solemn discovery of the Statue of Freedom, which was made by US President Grover Cleveland, took place on October 28, 1886 in the presence of thousands of spectators. As a French gift for the century anniversary of the American revolution, he was late for ten years.

National Monument - Statue of Freedom - officially celebrated its century on October 28, 1986.

Statue as a cultural monument

The statue was placed on the granite pedestal inside the Fort Wood, built to the war of 1812, the walls of which are posted in the form of a star. The US lighthouse service was responsible for serving a statue until 1901. After 1901, this mission was assigned to the Military Department. The presidential resolution of October 15, 1924, Fort Wood (and the statue on its territory) was declared a national monument, whose borders coincided with the boundaries of the fort.

October 28, 1936 at the 50-year-old anniversary of the opening of the statue President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt said: "Freedom and peace - things are alive. So that they continue to exist, each generation should protect them and invest in them a new life. "

Liberty Island

In 1933, the service of the National Monument was transferred to the service national Parks. On September 7, 1937, the National Monument Square was increased and spread to the entire island of Bedlow, which in 1956 was renamed to the island of freedom. On May 11, 1965, the Island of Ellis was also transferred to the service of national parks and became part of the National Memorial "Statue of Freedom". In May 1982, President Ronald Reagan instructed Li Yakokk to lead the movement of the private sector for the restoration of the Statue of Freedom. 87 million dollars were collected for the restoration thanks to the partnership of the National Parks and the Statue of Freedom Statue - Island of Ellis, which was the most successful public and private sector cooperation in american history. In 1984, at the beginning of work on its restoration, the statue of liberty was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On July 5, the renovated statue of freedom was reopened for visitors during the weekend of freedom dedicated to her century.

Statue and Security

The ladder on the torch was closed for security reasons in 1916. In 1986, the statue was restored, and its destroyed and corrosion torch was moved to the main entrance and replaced with a new, covered with 24-carat gold.

The statue, including the pedestal and the base, was closed on October 29, 2011, the day after the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the statue, to install new elevators and stairs. Although the Statue of Liberty and was closed to the public, Liberty Island remains open to the public. Exactly one year after the closure on the repair and installation of a new complex escalator, from October 28, 2012, opened full access to the statue up to the crown.

The statues of the statues are widely used in the symbolism of regional organizations and institutions of the United States. In New York, her contour was on license plates vehicle Between 1986 and 2000. New York Liberty, a professional women's basketball club, acting in the Eastern Conference of the Female National Basketball Association, uses the name of the statue in its name and its image in its emblem in which the flame of the statue is associated with basketball. Freedom's head is depicted on the additional form of the NHL Rangers Hockey Club since 1997. The National Student Sports Association for the 1996 Basketball Male Final Emblem used a symbolic image of a statue. In the emblem of the Libertarian Party of the United States used a stylized image of the Freedom torch.


Hundreds of reproductions are exhibited in many different parts of the world. A copy of the fourth part of the original, transmitted by the city of Paris by American society, is established by the face west, towards the main statue, on the Swan Island of the Seine. Nine-meter copy, many years decorated the top of the Liberty Warehouse building on the 64th Street of Manhattan, is now being exhibited in the territory of the Brooklyn Museum. The organization of American scouts During the celebration of its forty-cellion in 1949-1952, about two hundred copies from the stamped copper, 2.5 m high, various American states and municipalities, were free of charge.

see also

  • Statue of Freedom in Moscow (1918-1941).

Other high sculptures


  1. Statue of Liberty (in New York). Lopatin V. V., Nechaeva I. V., Cheltzova L. K. Registration or lowercase? Orthographic dictionary. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - P. 423. - 512 p.
  2. USIA. Portrait Of The USA: The Statue of Liberty (Inaccessible link - history) . Checked on May 29, 2006. Archived June 30, 2004.
  3. Liberty Island (Island, New York, United States) (English). Encyclopedia Britannica. Checked January 9, 2014.
  4. pp. 7-9.

The statue of freedom was built on October 28, 1886. The French presented a statue of the American people in friendship between France and America. Over the past years, the monument was recognized as not only by the personification of the friendship of two nations (which moved away far to the secondary plan), but also the symbol of freedom of the American people, the symbol of the United States and New York in general.

The creation of the monument was commissioned to the sculptor and architect Frederic Bartolddi. A deadline was established - by 1876 it was necessary to complete the monument, timed to the century of the US independence declaration. It is believed that this is a joint Franco-American project. Americans worked on the pedestal, and the statue itself was created in France. In New York, all parts of the statue of freedom were collected in a single whole

After the start of construction it became clear that much more funds needed than was planned initially. On both sides of the ocean, a large-scale campaign for collecting funds, lotteries, charitable concerts, and other events were initiated. When calculating the parameters of the design of a huge statue of Batoldold, the assistance of an experienced engineer was required. Alexander Gustav Eifel, the creator of the Eiffel Tower, personally developed the design of a strong iron support and a frame, which allows the copper shell of the statue to move freely, while maintaining the balance of the monument itself.

In the photo, Alexander Gustav Eiffel

The Americans reluctantly parted with the means, because there were difficulties with the fee of the necessary amount, so Joseph Pulitzer on the pages of his newspaper "Warld" wrote a number of articles, referring to representatives of the highest and middle classes and calling them to allocate money for the good deal. Criticism was extremely tough, and it made an effect.

By August 1885, the United States managed to collect the necessary amount, by that time the French had already completed their part of the work and brought part of the statue to New York. The statue of freedom was divided into 350 parts and was transported on the frigate "Izer" in 214 drawers. For 4 months, all parts of the monument were collected, and with a huge crossing of the peoples, October 26, 1886, the opening ceremony took place legendary Monument. It so happened that a gift to the 100th anniversary was late for 10 years. It should be noted that the hand with a torch was collected even earlier and even exhibited at the exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876

The history of the Statue of Liberty, as well as the places where it is built is closely connected with the history of the formation of the United States. The monument was placed on a pedestal inside the Fort Wood, which was built specifically for the war of 1812 in the form of a star. The first few decades the complex served the US lighthouse service, and only in 1924 he became a national monument. And in 1937, the monument area was expanded to the boundaries of the entire island of Bedlala, in 1956 renaming it to the island of freedom

In 1982, the restoration of the monument was carried out. President Ronald Reagan personally oversees this process by making the manager of Lee Jakokka. The fundraisal was initiated again and collected $ 87 million. The money this time managed to collect in a rather short time, which was the most successful example of the cooperation of the state and the private sector in the entire history of the United States. In 1984, the statue of freedom was included among the monuments of world importance. On July 5, 1986, in honor of the century of the monument, the complex was reopened to visit, this time managed to have everything without delays for 10 years

Ronald Reagan.

The top of the statue leads 354 steps, and to the top of the pedestal - 192. 25 windows are arranged in the crown, which symbolizes the gems of the earth and the rays of the Sun, illuminating the world. The seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the 7 seas and 7 continents. On the plate that the statue holds in the left hand is written: "July 4, 1776." 31 tons of copper were consumed for the popular statue, and the total steel structure was 125 tons. The weight of the cement base is 27 thousand tons, and the thickness of the copper cover of the statue - 2.37 mm

After September 11, 2001, the statue and island were closed due to a terrorist threat, but in 2009, the excursions were resumed. You can go up on the statue itself and its crown, and the torch is still closed. All visitors are subjected to personal inspection in order to avoid a terrorist act.

In an interesting fact, it is also the fact that the wind rate of 100 km / h causes the swinging of the monument by 7.62 cm, while the torch will be swayed by 12.7 cm. During solemn speech at the opening ceremony of the statue on October 28, 1886, President Grew Cleveland pronounced speech:

"We will always remember that freedom has chosen this place with his home, and her altar will never cover oblivion."

Liberty Statue is located in the USA in the city of New York and is a symbol of the country. Few people know that the full name of the Statue of Liberty is "Freedom, Illicing Peace." People are more accustomed to call her just "Statue of Liberty" or "Lady Liberty." This legendary statue is a gift of France in honor of the century of the American revolution, it is located on the island of freedom, a few kilometers south-west of Manhattan, in New York. The island of Bedlow was officially renamed to the island of freedom thanks to the Lady with a torch in 1956, although the Americans began to call it back at the beginning of the 20th century.

The height of the statue of freedom in the USA It is 93 meters along with 47 meter pedestals. Lady Freedom is standing on the wreckage of chains. In his left hand, she holds a screen, on which the Date - the day of signing the Declaration of Independence Declaration of America is engraved - on July 4, 1776, and in the right there is a torch that symbolizes the light illuminating the path to freedom. To climb the crown, visitors need to go through 356 steps, where their eyes are the wonderful Panorama of New York, which they can admire right with the main observation decklocated in the crown. Here are 25 windows, which are considered symbols of precious stones, and the 7 rays of the crown symbolize the seas and continents in accordance with the traditions of Western geography. Inside the statue of Freedom is a museum dedicated to the history of the statue creation. You can get into it, climbing the elevator.

The history of the creation of a statue of freedom in the United States.

The author of the draft Statue of Freedom is the French sculptor and architect Frederick Bartholdi. The French engineer Alexander Gustav Eiffel, the creator of the Eiffel Tower, took part in creating a frame and strengthening structures. However, over the construction of the whole monument worked as the French and the Americans. For example, a pedestal in the form of a star was developed by the American architect Richard Morris Khant.

Parts of the body of the future statue were cast in France, and the pedestal was created in the United States. Within 4 months, the statue was going together. Bartholdi was somewhat mistaken in their calculations: as it turned out, the materials allocated to build the statue were categorically lacked, so all sorts of concerts, lotteries and charitable evenings were organized, the purpose of which was the collection of funds for the purchase of materials. Americans extremely reluctantly parted with their money, so the American journalist Joseph Pulitzer in his newspaper " The World"Posted by several articles, calling up the highest and secondary classes of society to take part in the construction of the Symbol of the Independence of the United States. His words contained such an acute criticism that it had an action, and funds began to flow from all over the country. By joint efforts by the end of the summer of 1885, the whole amount was finally collected. By the time the French just finished their half of the work, and the finished parts of the statue were delivered to America on the frigate "Izers" in July 1885. The valuable cargo occupied more than 200 boxes and was 350 parts of the body of Lady of Freedom.

Solemn opening of the statue It took on October 28, 1886 with the participation of US President - Grovers Cleveland. An interesting fact is that only men attended the opening ceremony, and this is despite the fact that the statue was a symbol of democracy. As an exclusion, only a few women were admitted to the island, among whom was Bartholdi's wife.

Since 1924. statue of freedom in the USA refers to the number National MonumentsAnd the island itself gained the title of US National Park. In 1984, the statue of freedom and the whole island was declared representatives of the UN monument of world importance.

Currently, the monument is illuminated with laser illumination, the statue has repeatedly restored, acquiring new elements, but in general the initial appearance is preserved.

To get to the Lady of Freedom every year more than 5 million tourists go to a short trip on the ferry. The entrance to the monument is free, but for the ferry will have to pay. For many years statue of Liberty In the United States remains a symbol of the independence of the country and the visiting card of New York.