Kiseleva Rock is the most legendary natural monument in Tuapse. Kiseleva rock - description, photo, map, location Historical facts of origin

Where is the rock in Tuapse?

It is found in the Kadosh forest park, at a distance of 4 km north-west of the district center,. A little to the north of the mountain - 700 m - there is one more attraction - which resort visitors often visit.

On the map, the Kiselev rock is located as follows:

Historical origins

It received its modern name in honor of the famous itinerant artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. The artist's brushes and talent created such artistic masterpieces of this area as

  1. "Outskirts of Tuapse";
  2. “Coastal rocks. Cape Kadosh near Tuapse ";
  3. "Descent to the Sea".

Near the mountain, on the cape, there was also a dacha of the genius of colors, which hardly survived after the civil war. Today it is a picturesque, mysterious, full of unprecedented beauty natural wealth that amazes the views of the residents of the resort and tourists who come to enjoy this region. The uniqueness of this attraction in Tuapse is added by the fact of its presence in the cinematographic picture of the famous director L.I. Gaidai.

The myth of soaring tears over the mountain

Initially, the hill had a different name, which it received as a result of a legend that walked the earth in ancient times. They say that there once lived the most beautiful girl Gouache with crystal eyes, skin the color of roses and a nightingale voice. Her family was prosperous, and she was a bride with a dowry.

And the mutual love of this wondrous maiden and the horseman, the groom Dyshek, was accomplished. The beautiful woman chose a courageous, ardent and courageous groom, but the young man turned out to be a poor man. The father did not approve of the choice of his daughter, locked her under seven locks and found a wealthy 70-year-old husband.

Having found out about this, the daughter decided to run away from the family and made an appointment with her lover on Mount Kiseleva. Dyshek climbed onto his horse and galloped headlong to his beloved. Nevertheless, finding himself at the appointed place, he was immediately detained by papa's servants. One awkward step - and quite by accident the guy flew off the cliff into the abyss.

On his lips was heard only the name of his beloved. After all the evenings, Guache spent at the cliff, but love was so strong that she could no longer live without her lover and threw herself into the abyss after him. The waters buried them, and the hill has since been nicknamed "The Rock of Tears". There is an opinion that in the evenings at the top you can hear the singing of that girl.

Kiseleva rock as an object for excursion

Smoothly polished, located on the Black Sea coast of the city of Tuapse, the Kiselev rock stretches between and the mouth of the Agoy river. There is an opportunity for a free tourist to take an uncountable number of unique photos of nature. Its height is about 50 m, it is part of the forest park and is protected by the state.

Today, every year during the holiday season, boat trips are carried out from up to the hill, named after Kiselev, accompanied by interesting, narrating, qualified guides. During a sea voyage, vacationers and guests are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of raging endless expanses and radiant edges.

Staying close to rocky terrain, in an incredibly clean and unspoiled environment, creates a truly romantic atmosphere. For lovers of tent life, this is an ideal place, but connoisseurs of comfortable relaxation are better off choosing beaches closer to civilization, since the rocky coastline and coastal algae will interfere with enjoying the Black Sea breeze, sunrays and warm summer.

For those who prefer active and extreme rest, this area is a storehouse of unforgettable emotions, breathtaking impressions and joyful walks. True connoisseurs of extreme sports are engaged in rope jumping here, but there are also such shots who manage to jump off a cliff without belay - in no case should this be done, it is not deep at the foot, there are many stones.

Diving near natural beauty

Continuing this amazing trip, diving enthusiasts can dive into the Black Sea. The unusual natural geological structure of the "Rock of Tears" has created a favorable environment for diving. The bottom of a rock formation is made up of limestone layers across the floor, and together with small rocky formations, the illusion of immersion in a mountain canyon is created. Transparent and clear water, many marine life, fish and crabs seen by vacationers will impress, overshadow and surprise. Even ordinary snorkeling will be an equally interesting journey.

How to get there (get there)?

It is not difficult to get to the Kiselev rock, but if you choose a car. In the case of a hike, you need a tourist skill that allows you to overcome a considerable distance. You need to go on foot in the northwest direction from Tuapse - along the beach areas, and then along the wild areas of the Spider region. The whole journey will take at least 1 hour. You can get here from.

By car, get to the camping of the same name with the mountain, where it is easy to park your car, you can:

And then go on foot:

Tourist notes

  • Address: Kadosh forest park, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.113408, 39.032190.

Adding to the list of visited places by boat, transport or walking to the foot of Mount Kiselev in Tuapse, you will forever remember it for its uniqueness, majesty and beauty. The ease of accessibility and proximity to the resort creates unprecedented comfort during the holidays. Little kids will love this wonderful place with its pristine, calm and transparent sea and rocky beach. In conclusion, watch a short video about him.

The rock named after the painter A.A. Kiseleva is located in the Tuapse region, between Cape Kadosh and the mouth of the Agoy River. The height of the rock is 46 meters. It is part of the Kadosh protected forest. Kiseleva Rock has an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare and smooth sheer walls. On the top and on the slopes, there is a Putsunda pine, a Crimean pine, more than 30 species of other trees and shrubs, 7 lianas and more than 250 species of herbaceous plants, among which there are orchids.

Kiseleva rock, Tuapse region

The rock is named in honor of the Russian artist Kiselev, who visited here several times and painted pictures of local landscapes. Among his works are “Kadosh Rocks” and “Descent to the Sea”. Here, in the vicinity of Tuapse, is his dacha. Works in Tuapse. There is also a tour route "From the House-Museum to the Rock of Kiselyov" with a story about the city during the artist's life and modern Tuapse. The excursion is organized by the directorate of the museum.

Publication from CAUCASUS, CRIMEA, SOUTH RUSSIA (@kukarta) 22 Mar 2018 at 1:25 PDT

By the way, this place is also famous for the fact that a fishing episode of Andrei Mironov's hero "The Diamond Hand" was filmed here.

How to get there?

You can get to the cliff in various ways: by car, on foot, by boat. If you walk from the wild Tuapse beach, the path will be about 4 km along the rocks. In some places the rocks come close to the sea, and it is quite difficult to go into a storm. Better to go calm.

Kiseleva rock on the map

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Message from: Irina
We spent 4 days in September on the Kiseleva Rock, impressions are not forgotten. Extreme descent to the sea along the rock, the view is stupid. You need to see it with your own eyes. I liked it very much. We cooked on a fire, spent the night in a tent. At night we watched hedgehogs and raccoons.

Message from: Igor
Better "rest", "unforgettable", "awesome". Otherwise, everything is quite decent ...

Message from: Irina
It's very beautiful there, but write a message in English

Message from: Anna
Can I drive there by car?

Message from: Andrei
Visited the rock after Irina and her unforgettable impressions. You can't take them out with Kamaz trucks. It remains to build an incineration plant. Works for him for the budgetary century!

Message from: larisa
is it possible to go by car with a tent to the kadosh near the Kiselev rock?

Message from: Paul
08/11/2014 hike to Kiselyukha. In addition to the described walking route from Tuapse along the seashore, there is also a walking route number 2 for trekking lovers. Here are the coordinates: 44 ° 06'04.9 ″ N 39 ° 03'16.9 ″ E of the jump-ladder through the woodland from the city up to the road. And then it is easy and easy to go to the camping rock. You don't have to break your legs and be afraid to stumble. The main thing for us was to find this secret staircase, somewhere in the internet. Back we walked along the shore for a change, it was lunchtime and +34 gr. To be honest, I didn't really like roasting in the sun and jumping over rocks at the same time. But technically, the route is not difficult. Exactly 4 km of path goes from the stairs to the rock. In hot weather, water must be present with you, etc.

Message from: Karina
is it in Tuapse?

Message from: Masha Kushner

Message from: Masha Kushner
What are you people? What kind of cars? This is a nature reserve of virgin nature, I was there at the end of September, I walked with my husband first up the stairs, and then along the asphalt, beauty, autumn is good, though the wind is by no means summer! It was scary to walk along the highway absolutely not for pedestrians, cars rushing at speed, and we stomped along the side of the road! 4km!

Message from: Dmitriy
Today my wife and I were on this legendary rock. The views of nature are really beautiful! But as mentioned above, there are cars around, only pay money. The very place where people swim is a fucking srach! Swimming is prohibited judging by the "sign", but very few people are interested in this. The route from the camping car camp is not difficult, but it is possible to twist your leg. The views from the observation deck are magnificent!

Kiseleva Rock (Tuapse, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the hallmark of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost sheer stone block - an amazing creation of nature. There is also an ancient Adyghe legend about the rock: a beautiful girl named Guash lived here before. Her father was rich, owned almost the entire coast, and all the factories belonged to him. But the girl did not like any of the rich suitors: the proud and unapproachable beauty rejected everyone. All except one handsome guy. The problem was that he was a groom.

Kiselev rock

The girl told her father about her intention. He was so disappointed in her that in the end the girl was locked up, and in return he married her a new groom, naturally very rich. The girl refused to marry a 70-year-old Circassian. And in the end, the groom-groom appointed a meeting on the Kiselev rock: at midnight the horseman rode here, Guash came too, only now she was chasing her beloved. Therefore, right from the cliff, he jumped into an abyss of 46 meters. Gouache could not stand it, shed a lot of bitter tears - and eventually followed him ...

This is the legend that explains the name of the rock: the Rock of Tears.

Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the hallmark of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost sheer stone block - an amazing creation of nature.

The second name - Kiseleva - arose in honor of the artist of the same name, who immortalized this sheer rock in his paintings. On Cape Kadosh you can also find the artist's dwelling.

And this 46-meter rock, seemingly cut off from one edge, Kiselev's rock was lit up in the famous Soviet film "The Diamond Arm". It is here that Andrei Mironov is surrounded by a halo of holiness, a young boy who literally walks on water. In the role of the boy was the son of Nikulin - and, unusually, this is his only role in the movie.

You can get to the Kiselev rock from the beach with the mysterious name Spider. You will have to walk on large boulders, and the walk itself will take about 40 minutes. Usually, there are fewer tourists here during the low season, and an excellent view of the entire coast opens from the steep cliff. Those wishing to swim are in luck - near this natural monument there is a tiny beach where tourists like to put up tents. From a distance, the Kiselev rock does not seem so big.

Near the resort town of Tuapse along the Black Sea there is the Kadosh forest park. The forest park covers an area of \u200b\u200b300 hectares and is a natural monument with a protected area. The hilly terrain is home to a variety of flora, including plants listed in the Red Book. Oak, chestnut, maple, pine, beech, yew grow here, there are rare species of orchids and lianas. The most popular attraction of the Kadosh forest park is the Kiselev rock, on which the layers of rocks are arranged vertically. The rock got its name in honor of the Russian landscape painter Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev, who captured it in his paintings.

How to get to the Kiselev rock

  • By taxi. The easiest and fastest option is to take a taxi from Tuapse to the Skala Kiseleva auto camping. The distance will be no more than 9 kilometers, travel time is 20 minutes. Cost from 500 rubles.
  • By public transport. You can get from the railway station to the Kadosh microdistrict by bus # 18. Please note that the bus runs at long intervals. The distance from the railway station to the stop on demand "Skala Kiseleva" will be 8 kilometers, travel time 40 minutes. The fare is from 15 rubles.
  • Excursion by boat. During the summer season, from the seaport of Tuapse, daily excursions by motor ship to the Kiseleva rock are organized. The cost of the excursion is from 500 rubles, the travel time is 30 minutes.
  • On your own on foot. The walking route from Tuapse to Kiselev Rock can be called the most difficult and longest. One route option runs along the beach and is available during summer. The second option goes through the Kadosh microdistrict and is available all year round.

We will tell you more about the walking route from Tuapse to the Kiselev rock through the Kadosh microdistrict. It will not be difficult to get to the Kadosh microdistrict: from the Central Square of Tuapse we go along Primorsky Boulevard towards the nearest hills in the western direction. The railroad serves as a reference point, it is difficult to get lost, and this road is very busy. Here is the route of the bus number 18, which can take you to the stop “Skala Kiseleva” if you decide to shorten the walking route.

Passing Primorsky Boulevard, we go further along Maxim Gorky Street, and then along Frunze Street to the pedestrian bridge over the Pauk River. The most interesting part of the route begins behind the pedestrian bridge.

We cross the bridge over the Spider and go along the right bank of the river up 300 meters to the first five-story building, behind which we climb the stairs to the next level. Then we go to the left through the garages and we leave to the iron stairs leading to the top of the hill. It is impossible to navigate here, navigators do not draw the road, and the local architecture is so chaotic that almost every turn there is a dead end or an ascent, behind which there is a dead end or another ascent. You won't be able to get lost, but you will have to get lost, so it's better to just ask the locals where they will show you the stairs up.

The staircase in the Kadosh microdistrict also serves as a wonderful viewing platform. Climbing a little higher, you can see the whole city: seaport, ships, embankment, tower.

After an interesting climb up the stairs through the forest, the boring part of the route along the asphalt road begins. On the way, walk 3 kilometers to the fork to the Kiselev rock. In order not to miss a turn, it is better to use the navigator. Coming off the asphalt road, you have to walk another 500 meters through the forest towards the sea in order to be at the very edge of the cliff. The path from the cliff to the gorge is quite steep, so you should be careful and careful when descending. You will have to pant, but the efforts will be rewarded. There are always a lot of tourists here in summer. There is a camping near the road, and the entire coast is occupied by tourists. And how wonderful it is to be here in spring, when there is a unique opportunity to listen to the sound of the sea whispering to you alone.

Kiselev's rock is 46 meters high, and this is the height of a 15-storey building. Therefore, being on the top of the rock and looking down, the head begins to spin, and the legs give way. Open space and a steep slope turn the usual 46 meters into adrenaline. Looking at this riot of the elements, one recalls that it was here that the episode with fishing from the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai "The Diamond Arm" was filmed.
There is a small observation deck on the Kiselev rock with a breathtaking view. You should definitely visit here and replenish your collection of impressions, which will warm you on cold winter evenings.

The route from Tuapse to Kiselev rock and back takes about 5 hours. The distance from the seaport to the Kiselev rock is 6 kilometers. The road is not difficult, but it cannot be called easy either. We can only say with confidence that the impressions of natural architecture will smooth out all the difficulties of the path.

Video: On foot from Tuapse to the Kiselev rock