Why are they building apartments and not apartments? Legal status of the apartments

Last update: 10.10.2017


I am going to buy housing in Moscow. Apart from ordinary apartments, they also offer another type of housing - apartments. What is the difference between an apartment and an apartment? What is better and more profitable for living?


In short and in general terms, it is better to buy an ordinary apartment for permanent residence of an average family. It is more profitable to buy apartments as an investment object - to invest free funds and receive a small stable income.

But this is generalized. In fact, things are a little more complicated. For those who want to delve deeper - consider the issue in more detail.

What is better to choose for purchase - apartment or apartment - depends on the goals and capabilities of the Buyer. The key differences between these two housing formats are in their the price and legal status ... The price of an apartment, as a rule, is noticeably lower than that of an apartment of a similar size in the same area ( if we are not talking about elite apartments as part of office and hotel complexes). And the legal status of the apartments does not classify them as residential premises at all. Legally apartments are commercial property ... And it is this status that changes a lot from the point of view of purchase, in comparison with the traditional residential real estate (more on this below).

First you need to explain what is the difference between an apartment and an apartment. in a legal sense , and how they differ technically .

What are apartments? What is their difference from an ordinary apartment?

Outwardly, both are urban housing. That is, premises physically intended for people to live in them. Physically, but not legally! Visually, it can be difficult to distinguish an ordinary residential building with apartments from an apartment building. This is where their similarities end, and they begin differences.

Apartments as a type of accommodation are typical only for major cities, in which active construction is already underway. In such cities, as a rule, the development of territories is quite dense ( especially closer to the center), and it is not always possible to build new residential quarters there. Land scarcity and urban planning restrictions do not allow the construction of apartment buildings in these places. And to clear for housing, for example, the former city industrial zone ( demolition of capital buildings, transfer of communications, change of status land plot ) is too expensive.

After registration of ownership, the owner of the apartment can in the future make all the same transactions with him as with an ordinary apartment ( give, bequeath, sell). Although it will be written in it - "non-residential premises" .

Who buys the apartment?

In Moscow, for example, apartments are usually bought by those who already have housing with a permanent residence permit. Then they are used as a second home (for "physical presence") - more convenient in location, comfortable in layout, and prestigious in status ( if it is an expensive complex).

Apartments are owned by both Muscovites and visiting businessmen ( including foreign expats), for which this format is also very convenient. It is also called "An apartment for a jacket" , thereby emphasizing its kind of business purpose. Such business apartments are not very suitable for the whole family ( especially if the family is large and with children), but great for secluded living and for different meetings ( business and not so ...).

Apartments are bought and creative people who are used to thinking outside the box and living in an unusual way. They can use these spaces at the same time as a studio, a place for meetings and parties, a workshop, a recreation area, a warehouse for their works, a personal representative office, a bedroom, a dressing room and much more that they can think of. Fortunately, the "non-residential" status allows you to do whatever you want there.

And of course, apartments are taken by those who decided to invest free money in real estate. They are then rented out at prices comparable to the rental price of the same class of apartments. And since the purchase price was much lower, then commercial benefit from investing in apartments - higher than in ordinary apartments.

For the rules for preparing an apartment sale and purchase transaction, see interactive map Opens in a pop-up window. "\u003e STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS (will open in a pop-up window).

High demand in the real estate market in recent years began to be used on a par with ordinary apartments.

By purchasing them, the owners think that they are becoming the owners of full-fledged residential real estate.

But in fact, there are many differences between these two objects, both in legal terms and in the process of operation.

Definition of concepts

The concept of an apartment has appeared quite recently, but this real estate object has firmly won its place in the market. Previously, this term was called elite paintings, but today it has a completely different meaning. Apartments are understood as non-residential premises in which a person creates all the conditions for the possibility of living. This is a separate room that consists of one or more rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

This type of property classified as non-residential, but it is allowed to reside. Such premises are most often found in buildings belonging to hotels, in administrative buildings. This type of housing is in demand when renting apartments. In legislative acts, this term is not used anywhere, it is used by realtors and developers.

The term “apartment” is understood as a separate space that belongs to the housing stock and is suitable for living. It has a separate entrance and is equipped with all the necessary communications.

Distinctive features

There are many differences between an apartment and an apartment. They are classified by category.

Legal points

The main difference between these two properties is the legal side.

Apartments belong to the non-residential fund. They can be located indoors shopping centers, office buildings.

Apartments refer to the housing stock in the real estate market. But these two concepts are united by the fact that you can live in them on a permanent basis.

The concept of an apartment is clearly spelled out in the law. During its construction, developers must comply with all building codes. It is for this reason that preference is most often given to the construction of apartments. Less requirements are imposed on them, respectively, the cost price is reduced. There is only one requirement, the minimum floor space must be at least 40 square meters.

Significant difference is in. It is not possible to register permanently in the apartments. This is due to the fact that this type of real estate is not recognized as residential. Registration can only be made for a maximum of five years. Such registration gives the owner certain difficulties. The owner of such real estate may have problems with employment, receiving social benefits.

In addition, you can even issue a temporary registration in apartments that are part of hotel complexes and hotels. Before buying such a house, it is necessary to clarify the status of the object with the customer.

Differs and legal aspect of ownership ownership of common property. The owners of apartments in apartment buildings can use common property in shared ownership on an equal basis with all tenants. Common areas include attics, basements. They may oppose the unwanted use of these sites by others.

Apartment owners do not have the right to share ownership in complex. If a citizen wants to make a combined vestibule, he will need to buy or lease the necessary territory from the owner of the complex.

If the owner of real estate becomes a debtor, the only dwelling in his ownership cannot be withdrawn from him. The exception in this case is real estate that was purchased by. But apartments are not recognized as residential premises, therefore, if problems arise with bailiffs, a citizen can be evicted from them.

Price policy

Apartment owners collide costly on . Their cost is calculated according to the tariffs established for non-residential premises.

But they save a lot when buying real estate. Apartments are cheaper than apartments. It is for this reason that they are in great demand. Low price due to the fact that developers can save money during construction, since building codes and sanitary requirements for non-residential premises are lower than for residential ones. Difference in cost can be up to 30%.

Tax payments for apartments is much higher than for apartments. Individual property tax on apartments is calculated on the basis of. The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is multiplied by the cadastral value per square meter and by the tax rate. The tax rate on residential premises is set in each region separately. For example, in Moscow it is 0.1%.

Owners of real estate in the form of apartments must also pay property tax. But the calculation of the tax rate is completely different. The cadastral value of such objects is lower, but the tax rate is higher. The minimum rate is 0.5%, in some regions it can reach 2%.

Citizens who buy apartments have the right to receive benefits. The owners of the apartments are deprived of this. Such deductions and benefits do not apply to non-residential premises.

Technical differences

Apartments differ from apartments in the way they are built.

When construction of residential buildings all sanitary and building codes must be taken into account. The requirements for apartments are much lower. For example, insolation standards do not apply at all.

The facilities are also different in terms of infrastructure and access roads. During the construction of a residential building, there should be infrastructure facilities, shops, schools, kindergartens in the development area. The construction of apartments does not apply to these requirements.

Residential complex developers are responsible for the construction of access roads and landscaping. The builders of the apartment complex are not responsible for the organization of the entrances.

Is it possible to re-register one type of real estate into another

You can transfer a non-residential premises to a residential one subject to two conditions:

In order to make such a transfer, you must prepare a package of documents:

  1. The building plan is floor by floor, it can be ordered from.
  2. Extract from the technical passport.
  3. Help from the technical supervision about the condition of the premises. First you need to call the commission.
  4. Conclusion of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning.

Documents can be submitted through the MFC or on the State Services portal... The response to the application must be received no later than 48 working days.

Benefits of buying

Most often, apartments are purchased by private investors. This is done with the aim of further leasing the premises. Among the buyers of this type of real estate, there are often businessmen who use them as housing during business trips.

Such living quarters are suitable for those who spend most of their time outside the city in their home and come to the center for a few days.

Such real estate is in high demand among students. This is a good way out for parents, since in this case housing is cheaper than an apartment. After graduation, it can be sold or rented out.

It is not recommended to buy apartments for families with children, pensioners, disabled people. This is primarily due to the fact that such facilities are located far from all social facilities. There is no clinic, no school or kindergarten nearby. In addition, for pensioners and disabled people, large ones are provided, which they are deprived of when staying in an apartment. Such categories of citizens prefer to buy an apartment.

Choosing between the considered types of living space will depend on the purpose of the property... If the property is necessary for permanent residence, then it is best to opt for a full-fledged apartment. If the object is needed as a source of income or for independent temporary residence, apartments are best suited.

For the distinctive features of these real estate objects, see the following video:

What is an apartment

The difference between an apartment and an apartment

Apartment apartments and hotel apartments Differences

How to buy an apartment in Moscow in 2017?

Should I buy an apartment

Or how do they buy something that doesn't exist?

Lawyer Gordon Andrey Eduardovich

Bar Chamber of the Moscow Region

Apartment or flat?

To the question: “What to choose for purchase - an apartment or an apartment?”, Many will answer what you like, if there is an appropriate amount. And they will be mistaken!

Money is not the main problem that the buyer will face. The first is what the customer buys. The fact is that legally in modern Russia the concept of an apartment does not exist, and this makes it extremely difficult to buy.

That is, the answer to the question posed "Apartment or flat?" it becomes obvious - an apartment.

But let's figure out what an apartment is, how does an apartment differ from an apartment, and how to buy an apartment in Moscow? How to buy something that does not exist in Russia?

What is Apartments

Let's start looking for the answer to this question with Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, according to which an apartment is a large ceremonial living space. From this definition, we take three features of apartments:

  1. This is a living space, that is, in terms of function, the apartment is similar to an apartment.
  2. The front dwelling is a sign not entirely clear at the present time.
  3. This room is part of the building.

Considering the time when this dictionary was created (50s of the 20th century), the listed signs of the apartments belong to the era of the first half of the 20th century, but not the first half of the 21st.

The name "apartment" is familiar to many from the literature, someone used the apartment for living while traveling around Europe. Over the past 25 years, some Russian citizens have purchased apartments in Europe, on the seaside of Greece, France, Italy, Turkey for their own temporary residence, for renting them out.

After 2010, a significant supply of apartments appeared on the Moscow real estate market, along with apartments (residential real estate) that are understandable to all Russians, and now the number of such offers is growing.

For the majority of Russian buyers, apartments are associated with the concept of residential premises for rent. However, in the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, you will not find a definition of the concept of an apartment. The Housing Code lists living quarters: residential buildings, part of a residential building, apartments, part of an apartment, room.

If we compare foreign apartments and Russian ones, both here and there, these are the same apartments in which, as in ordinary apartments in apartment buildings, there are living rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom (or even several), and as a rule, the apartments have a loggia or balcony.

Thus, the modern difference between apartments and apartments is purely functional - apartments are premises intended for renting for a long time or for temporary accommodation of the owner or tourists.

The European tradition is to live in rented accommodation, including apartments. The Russian tradition is to live in apartments.

The difference between an apartment and an apartment

If people live in both apartments and apartments, what is the difference between an apartment and an apartment? In the Russian Federation, this difference is very significant.

The first and foremost difference - according to Russian legislation apartments are not living quarters, with all the ensuing consequences. First of all, legal - in non-residential premises, even in a hotel, it is not possible to register, as in an apartment or an individual residential building, at the place of residence.

The differences between apartments and apartments are not limited to registration. For buyers who purchase apartments as an apartment (places permanent residence), the fact that this is not a dwelling has a much deeper meaning than it might seem, since the difference between an apartment and an apartment is not limited by legal consequences.

Apartments in Russia are not living quarters.Is it possible to live in non-residential premises?

The protection of the right to life in Russia is inherited from the legislation of the Soviet Union. In the housing sector, traditionally, the housing rights of the population of Russia are ensured by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to which residential premises in Russia are intended for permanent residence of people.

In this sense, apartments in Russia, in terms of their legal status, can be compared with hotels and hostels. According to Russian law, all these real estate objects are non-residential premises.

At the same time, you can live in such premises. Of course, with certain restrictions - most of the hotel rooms are not equipped with kitchens, utility rooms, and most importantly, there is no opportunity to register (register) at the place of residence in hotels. In housing relations, the importance of registration at the place of residence is not so much in the police control over the place of residence of a citizen, but in providing the citizen with social benefits.

The consequence of the lack of registration for those living in the hotel (in non-residential premises) is the lack of the right to receive appropriate social benefits (kindergartens, schools, clinics, etc.).

Most of the modern apartments on the Russian market of new buildings are positioned as apartments for permanent residence. From a technical point of view, they may not differ from apartments in any way. And here the main word is - can.

The fact is that, unlike apartments, the construction and operation of hotels and hostels in the Russian Federation is traditionally strictly regulated by the relevant regulations, which ensures the safety of their use. for temporary residence people. Apartments in the technical and sanitary regulations that existed before 2016 are not mentioned.

Thus, not only during the construction, but already during the placement of the building with the apartments itself, questions of the safety of future users - tenants - arise.

At the same time, the apartments are mentioned in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation as a type of accommodation of the highest category: a room in an accommodation facility with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 40 m2, consisting of two or more rooms (living room / dining room / and bedroom) with a kitchenette.

Taking into account the requirements of the modern housing market, the developer has the right, relying on the above-mentioned standards for non-residential premises, has the right to design and build multifunctional centers including hotels or hostels, consisting of apartments corresponding to the layout of modern apartments.

But when selling such "apartments", developers and realtors do not focus the attention of buyers that these premises and buildings are not related to residential buildings... And they were built according to standards other than multi-apartment residential buildings.

Accommodation of buildings with apartments is carried out according to the standards of hotels or hostels. The requirements of the standards for the latter in terms of illumination, the size of the site, the availability of transport and other parameters are lower than for the placement of residential apartment buildings, and according to certain indicators, for example, the availability of kindergartens, parking lots, courtyards, clinics, etc. for hotels and hostels is not provided at all.

From the point of view of legal registration, the construction of real estate in the Russian Federation, including hotels and hostels, is carried out in accordance with permits. The completed construction object, prior to the registration of ownership, is subject to commissioning only if the constructed object corresponds to the design documentation and the intended purpose of the land plot.

This means that apartments, as a part of the hotel provided for by the project, can be built and put into operation only as part of a hotel, or multifunctional complexes, which include non-residential premises such as hotels and the placement of which is allowed for the intended purpose of the land plot on which the object is built.

Currently, buyers of apartments in Moscow are systematically faced with difficulties in the commissioning of buildings, due to unsettled land relations. First of all, because of the inconsistency of the constructed object with the permitted use of the land plot, and secondly, because the land plots are owned not by the developers, but by third parties.

Such situations are dangerous for apartment buyers because of the complexity and low prospects of judicial protection.

Participation of buyers in the construction of apartments is formalized by civil contracts that do not fall under the agreement of shared housing construction established by law 214-FZ "On shared housing construction". In this connection, buyers of apartments find it difficult to obtain the collection of penalties, fines from developers for late completion of construction and the transfer of apartments to the owners.

The status of non-residential premises allows developers and investors to bypass modern requirements for residential buildings in terms of location relative to roads and industries, bypass the prohibition of infill development, ignore requirements for the provision of residents with social infrastructure, and not comply with certain norms when designing “residential premises”. At the same time, such premises will meet the requirements for hotels and hostels.

Thus, the apartment - these are not living quarters suitable for temporary stay of citizens, similar in their status to hotels, but with increased comfort not lower than an isolated apartment and the lack of the possibility of registration at the place of residence.

Purchase of apartments in Moscow in 2017

Requirements for apartments become more transparent

Since 2015, a new document in the field of construction has been in force, in which an attempt has been made to "legalize" the concept of an apartment. Now a federal regulation establishes the procedure for designing apartments and their placement, which should help improve the ability to protect the rights of buyers.

The Code of Rules “SP 160.1325800.2014. Set of rules. Buildings and complexes are multifunctional. Design rules ".

According to clause 3.1 of the Code, the apartments are living spaces, intended for temporary residence, which can be designed in the form of hotel rooms or apartment type for temporary residence (for example, when renting out).

If you decide to buy an apartment, it is advisable personally, or by inviting a specialist, to familiarize yourself with the developer's documentation (project, general part) and establish in compliance with which normative documents the design and construction of the building where the apartments are located was carried out.

Do not expect the Code of Practice 160.1325800.2014 to be used in buildings built in 2015, 2016 and even 2017.

The set of rules, contrary to the Housing Code, placed apartments in a number of residential premises, but not intended for permanent residence. Which is absurd. According to the definition of the Housing Code, the main property of a dwelling is its purpose for permanent residence.

Changing the status of apartments and including them in the residential premises is possible only with a change in the relevant articles of the Housing Code. By itself, the Code of Rules has not changed the position of apartment owners - the apartments allow for temporary residence of citizens, which is recognized by housing legislation not as residence, but as stay.

At the same time, the Code of Rules contains similar requirements for apartments and apartments as for residential premises, while the standards for illumination, area of \u200b\u200bpremises of apartments and apartments are established according to the same standards for residential premises. And with regard to the equipment for apartments in hotels, the Code of Rules establishes even higher requirements than for apartments: at least two living quarters (not counting the kitchen), the obligatory presence of two bathrooms, the possibility of having a separate room for personal staff, the presence of auxiliary rooms.

Conclusion: since 2015, Russia has established rules for the design of apartment-type apartments and hotel apartments. When designing apartments and flats, the standards established for residential premises are used. This indicates the admissibility of using apartments for permanent residence, that is, as living quarters, if the object with the apartments is designed and built in compliance with these regulations.

For the buyer of SUCH apartments, purchase non-residential premises of a residential premises designed taking into account the norms of residential premises, the sign “not residential” in the Unified State Register of Real Estate means a certain legal fiction. But such apartments will go on sale soon after 2020.

Apartment type apartments

Hotel apartments


What is the difference between hotel apartments and apartment type apartments?

As we have already said, hotel apartments are built according to the rules and regulations of hotels - non-residential premises of increased comfort intended for temporary accommodation in hotels.

In connection with this feature of the intended purpose, which is laid down in the construction documents, buyers and investors need to take into account: It is not possible to purchase individual hotel apartments, since such apartments are an integral part of the hotel - a single complex - an indivisible thing. It is possible to acquire a share in the ownership of hotel and in the right to use the rest of the premises of the entire hotel complex, in proportion to the share.

Apartment type apartments - non-residential premises for the temporary residence of an individual family, designed on the basis of the terms of reference, the individual parameters of which may differ from the standards of apartments. Apartment-type apartments are separate real estate objects and can be acquired under a purchase and sale agreement or other agreement.

Apartments in Russia and especially in Moscow involve significant maintenance costs. In any case, the tariffs of resource-supplying organizations for residential premises for apartments are not applied.

Most of the utility rates in apartment buildings are set by local utility companies affiliated with management companies and building owners.

Apartments are taxed at rates for non-residential premises and in Moscow amounts to 2% of the cadastral value per year.

In what cases will you be denied state registration of rights to an apartment?

The final stage in the purchase of apartments is the state registration of rights. Since the new 2017, the procedure for state registration of rights to real estate (apartments, apartments, houses, plots, etc.) has changed significantly. On cases in which you will be denied state registration of rights to an apartment and other real estate,.

More and more apartments are appearing on the Moscow real estate market, but not all buyers fully understand what are the features of such housing. The specialists of the kvartirolog.ru service told The Village what apartments are, how they differ in principle from apartments and what is more profitable to take on a mortgage if you have initial savings.

What are apartments?

Apartments are legally non-residential premises intended for temporary residence. They are usually located in redeveloped buildings in the city center or in new buildings where the developer was unable or unwilling to obtain a residential building permit. Such buildings are usually designed as non-residential - for hotel, office or other purposes. The type of building affects the amount of property tax.

Modern apartments, as a rule, are not inferior to residential buildings in terms of landscaping and home infrastructure. But when buying them, you should pay attention to whether the apartments are located in this building and on your floor, or there will also be offices or even retail space. The most comfortable option is, of course, an apartment in a house where apartments are also sold.

The legal status of non-residential premises imposes a number of restrictions on the apartment:

You cannot register in them - you can only get a temporary registration for five years with the possibility of renewal. At the same time, you and your child will be able to use clinics, hospitals, schools and kindergartens in the area.

If one of the neighbors makes noise all night, you have no legal basis to influence it.

Utility bills in apartments are 15–20% higher than in apartments - this difference arises due to different city tariffs for residential and non-residential premises. The same applies to property tax: it is 0.5% of the value for hotel-type properties and for other real estate objects, to which most of the apartments belong, and 2% for office premises. The tax on an apartment for individuals is 0.1% of its value, if it does not exceed 10 million rubles. The rate for more expensive properties is higher and can reach 2%.

The developer is not obliged to comply with the norms intended for residential premises: the level of insolation, infrastructure development, etc. In fact, the norms are usually not violated much, especially if there are apartments in the same residential complex.

What the apartment market looks like in Moscow

Up to 30% the difference in price between apartments and apartments comes. One-room apartments are on average 15% cheaper than comparable apartments, two-room apartments - by 20%. As you move away from the center, the difference in price, as a rule, grows. True, some apartments are more expensive than comparable apartments.

About 50% residential complexes with apartments belong to the business class, a little less than 40% - to the elite class, 10% - to the comfort class.

2.3 million rubles there are the cheapest apartments within the Moscow Ring Road (premises with an area of \u200b\u200b16 sq. m. in Marfin with delivery at the end of 2018). For 2.4 million rubles, you can buy an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b25 sq. m. in East Biryulevo, which they promise to hand over at the end of this year.

How different are the prices for apartments and apartments?

Moscow area

The minimum price of an apartment, million rubles

The minimum price of an apartment, mln rubles

from Sadovoe to TTK

5.2 (36 m²)

3.2 (17 m²)

near the TTK

4.1 (22 m²)

4.4 (27 m²)

from TTK to MKAD

2.4 (25 m²)

2.3 (16 m²)

What is more profitable to take on a mortgage?

Suppose you want to buy real estate near the Third Transport Ring, no further than two or three stations from the Circle Line, within 15 minutes walk from the metro. You are considering residential complexes business class with delivery in 2018 and choose a one-room apartment or apartments with an area of \u200b\u200babout 40 sq. m. On average, such an apartment will cost 9.1 million rubles, and an apartment - 7.8 million rubles.

Let's say you have 3 million rubles as an initial payment, the rest of the amount can be taken on a mortgage at 11.7% per annum (the average mortgage rate in Moscow for the 1st quarter of 2017 according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) for 15 years. The cost of compulsory property insurance will be 0.15% (charged annually on the balance of the debt) per year. At the same time, it is desirable that your income be at least 150 thousand rubles if you buy an apartment, and 180 thousand rubles - if an apartment: it is recommended that the monthly mortgage payment be no more than 40% of earnings.

How much will the mortgage cost


Apartment, million rubles

Apartments, RUB million

Object cost

An initial fee

Credit amount

Total payments for the entire loan term

Thus, with an initial difference in price between an apartment and an apartment of 1.3 million rubles, the total difference in the case of a mortgage is 2.8 million rubles.

Today apartments can be found not only in the luxury segment - there are more and more offers on the market. The apartments are in demand and have become available to a wide range of buyers. However, the acquisition of such real estate is fraught with a lot of peculiarities.

The first question that arises from the layman is what is an apartment? Many do not know that a number of important details distinguish them from apartments. And if earlier large studio apartments were considered apartments, now this type of housing acquires more precise legal features, and apartments can be found in 30 square meters each. meters. In fact, this is the same hotel where you can buy a room with a kitchen, and the price of which includes the hotel infrastructure. There may already be places for recreation, fitness rooms, restaurants and spas, as well as office premises and conference rooms, the specialists of the Azbuka Zhilya company note. Apartments are non-residential premises, in theory they are commercial real estate. That is why many apartment complexes are converted office buildings. In Moscow, in areas where the development of residential buildings is prohibited, it is quite legal to build apartments and sell them as residential premises. It will not work to register in such a place, but you can make a temporary registration, and even then not everywhere and not always. That is, the main difference between apartments and apartments in Russia is the different legal status.

Daria TretyakovaHead of Consulting and Analytics Department, Azbuka Zhilya“For a family with children, for example, the inability to register in an apartment is a significant disadvantage for life. Accordingly, there will be difficulties with the use of district clinics, kindergartens and schools. It is rather difficult to obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of apartments. And programs aimed at supporting the purchase of housing do not apply to apartments. Unlike an apartment, an apartment can be withdrawn by the lender from the owner, even if this is his only home. "

However, the owners of the apartments are of little interest in the residence permit, analysts of Hospitality Income note. As a rule, such objects are bought as a second or third home for wealthy people. Usually expensive apartments are purchased by employees of foreign companies, top managers, businessmen - for them location and hotel service are important, says Daria Tretyakova, head of the consulting and analytics department at Azbuka Zhilya. In addition, the status of non-residential premises allows apartment owners to register legal entities, which may be convenient for a company.

Elena Lysenkova General Director of Hospitality Income“This format of residential real estate, disguised as a hotel format, which came to us from the West, is being implemented in many Russian cities and, in general, has become commonplace. And the fact that registration in them is impossible does not bother anyone. If we talk about the development of the apartment market in general, then at the moment the direction of apartment real estate is developing in two formats. In the format of an apart-hotel, when the hotel complex was originally created for the delivery of rooms for temporary accommodation of guests, but these rooms have more spacious characteristics compared to classic hotel rooms. And service apartments, representing a complex of apartments, which are first sold to the market to end users, who, in turn, can transfer these apartments to the management of a professional centralized management company that will rent and service the apartments. "

The disadvantages include operating costs and an increased tax. Today it is five times more for an apartment than for an apartment, and monthly service fees can vary from 15,000 to 40,000 per month or more. But apartments are much cheaper - 15-20% lower than apartments of the same level. This is largely due to the lack of infrastructure - the developer is not obliged to build clinics, kindergartens and schools, as is done in the case of apartments. For example, the center of Moscow is experiencing tension - schools and kindergartens are overcrowded, and the number of apartment complexes is growing. In addition, such facilities may lack parking spaces, which also increases the load on urban infrastructure.

Despite minor disadvantages, the apartments have a number of important advantages. And here, as they say, it is a matter of taste and priorities: the choice should be based on the purpose for which the housing is purchased. According to the experts of Hospitality Income Consulting, in the next three years the demand for apartments will only grow.