Management and organizational and technical complexes of the airport. The structure of regulatory documents for the organization of airport activities

The Air Code of the Russian Federation defines an airport as: a complex of buildings and structures, including an airfield, an air terminal, other structures intended for receiving and sending service aircraft air transportation and having for these purposes the necessary equipment for aviation personnel and other workers. An aviation enterprise is a legal entity, regardless of its form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activity to carry out for a fee air transportation of passengers, baggage, mail, and or perform ...

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The purpose of this work is to reflect the structure of regulatory documents on the organization of airport activities, including brief general provisions on the scope of the main documents. It is obvious that the structure of the regulatory and legal field of the Russian Federation has a complex, systemic structure and consists of several levels.

System of normative documents of the Russian Federation

Rice. 1 .

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Federal constitutional laws

federal laws

Codes (codes of laws) Special laws
General laws

Laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation

I level

II level BY-LEGISLATION Acts of the Houses of the Federal Assembly

ACTS Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation

Normative legal acts of federal bodies
executive power published in the form:

III level ACTS of local ordinances
order bodies
government orders


Which are entered:

IV level ACTS of municipal regulations




Level V Documents of enterprises and other norms. acts

The basic law of our state, a special normative legalthe act with the highest legal force is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which, together with the Federal Laws (Codes, Special, General Laws) and the Laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, constitutes the first level of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. The following are the by-laws:acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies. The third level includes acts of local government authorities, the fourth and fifth - acts of municipal authorities and documents of enterprises, respectively. The structure of the regulatory legal field of the Russian Federation is clearly shown in fig. 1. More details about specific documents regulating airport activities will be discussed in the main part of the work. First you need to determine the subject of airport activity, what exactly it is. The Air Code of the Russian Federation defines airport like:

  • a complex of buildings and structures, including an aerodrome, an air terminal, and other structures intended for the reception and departure of aircraft, air transportation services and having the necessary equipment for these purposes, aviation personnel and other workers.
  • aviation enterprise- a legal entity, regardless of its form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activity to carry out for a fee air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) the performance of aviation work.
    In turn, activities related to the maintenance on a commercial basis of an aircraft, passengers, cargo and mail at airports will beairport activities.
    Airport activities include the following types of support:
  1. Aerodrome
  2. Electrical lighting
  3. Shturmanskoe
  4. Radio engineering and aviation telecommunications
  5. air traffic control
  6. Aviation Engineering
  7. aviation security
  8. Services for passengers, baggage, posts, cargo
  9. Search and rescue
  10. Meteorological
  11. Metrological (recommended)

Each type of support, which includes airport activities, has its own regulatory documents, which are described below.

State regulation in the field of G A

In general, state regulation of activities civil aviation begin withMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation:

The federal executive body in the field of transport, which performs the functions of developing state policy in the field of civil aviation, the use of airspace, sea, inland water, rail, automobile, urban electric and industrial transport, road facilities, ensuring the safety of navigational hydraulic structures, ensuring transport security, registration of rights to aircraft, and organizations traffic in terms of organizational and legal measures for traffic control on highways.

In turn, he is in charge ofFederal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya):

The federal executive body that performs the functions of providing public services and managing state property in the field of air transport(civil aviation), the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for users of the airspace of the Russian Federation and aerospace search and rescue, the function of providing public services in the field of transport security in this area, as well as state registration of rights to aircraft and transactions with them.

Another body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation isThe Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport (Rostransnadzor), which is the central office and has its own structural divisions.
The Department of State Supervision of Activities in Civil Aviation of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport performs the functions of control (supervision) in the field of civil aviation, the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for users of the airspace of the Russian Federation (except for aerospace search and rescue). Abbreviation Gosavianadzor.

Under the leadership of the Government of the Russian Federation is the Federal Air Navigation Service.
Rosaeronavigatsia- a specially authorized federal executive body exercising the functions of conducting public policy, regulatory and legal regulation, control and supervision, as well as the provision of public services and the management of state property in the field of the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for users of the airspace of the Russian Federation and aerospace search and rescue.

All of the above executive authorities exercise control and regulation of the activities of the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation, therefore, regulatory documents on the organization of airport activities are approved or prepared by these authorities, depending on the type of activity.

Licensing and certification of airport activities.

The legal basis for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation is established by the Air Code of the Russian Federation (AC RF).
State regulation of the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation is aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and the economy in air transportation, aviation work, as well as ensuring aircraft flight safety, aviation and environmental safety.
Mandatory to comply with the Air Code are all types of activities in the field of aviation. However, each type of activity is regulated by its own federal laws and federal aviation regulations, GOSTs and OSTs.

A necessary condition for the organization of airport activities is the licensing procedure, in order to prevent, detect and suppress violations by a legal entity, its head and other officials, an individual entrepreneur, his authorized representatives of certain requirements. According to the Federal Law No. 99 dated May 04, 2011 “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”:

Licensing is activities of licensing authorities for the provision, renewal of licenses(special permission for the right to carry out a specific type of activity),the validity of licenses is provided for by federal laws, the implementation of license control, suspension, renewal, termination and cancellation of licenses, the formation and maintenance of a register of licenses, the formation of a state information resource, as well as the provision of information on licensing issues in the prescribed manner;

In the field of aviation, the following types of activities are subject to licensing:

  • development, production, testing and repairaviation technology;
  • activity for the carriage of passengers by air (except for the case if the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur);
  • activity for the carriage of goods by air (except for the case when the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur).

Thus, airport activities are subject to mandatory licensing, which is regulated by Federal Law No. 99, Article 9 of the RF VC.

Another important stage in the organization of airport activities is certification. Certification of airports is carried out on a voluntary basis, regulated by the Federal Aviation Rules “Certification of Airports. Procedures.”, approved and put into effect by the Order of the Federal Service for Military Transport of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2000 N 98 (FAP No. 98). They establish the procedure for mandatory certification and certification requirements for airports as facilities intended for the reception and departure of aircraft, air transportation services and aviation operations.
Certification of airports, legal entities engaged in airport activities, activities carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to confirm the compliance of airports and their facilities with established requirements and aimed at:

  • creation of conditions for the efficient operation of the air transport of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring flight safety and preventing acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the airport, safety for the life, health and property of the population;
  • security environment;
  • protection of the interests of the state, society and its citizens from the bad faith of aviation enterprises and other legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the provision of air transportation and aviation work at the airport.

Airport facilities and equipment subject to mandatory certification include:

  • Aerodromes;
  • Airfield lighting equipment system;
  • Airfield lighting equipment;
  • Radio equipment;
  • Objects of radio navigation, radar, aviation telecommunications;
  • Search and rescue equipment;
  • Equipment to provide aviation security;
  • Technical means used in aviation fuel supply technologies;
  • Ground aviation equipment;
  • Materials for the operational and technical maintenance and restoration of artificial surfaces of the airfield;
  • Aviation fuels and lubricants and special fluids.

According to these aviation rules (paragraph 1.5), airport activities include 13 types of support described above.

Classification of regulatory documents on the organization of airport activities

All data in this section of the definition of the types of collateral are written in accordance with clause 1.5 of the FAP No. 98. Also, the documents specified in this section do not contradict the RF VC and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Aviation fuel supply for air transportation

a set of measures aimed at ensuring the operation and maintenance of aircraft with conditioned aviation fuels and lubricants and special liquids (reception, storage, preparation and delivery for refueling, refueling of aircraft with aviation fuels and lubricants and special liquids).

  • This type security govern the followingregulations:
  • FAP-89 "Certification requirements for aviation fuel supply organizations for air transportation", approved by order of the Federal Air Transport Service of Russia dated April 18, 2000 No. 89.

The Rules contain certification requirements that apply to organizations wishing to carry out or carrying out aviation fuel supply for air transportation, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, namely the following works:
- acceptance of aviation fuels and lubricants and special liquids (hereinafteraviation fuels and lubricants) to the airport warehouse;
- storage of aviation fuels and lubricants;
- preparation and issuance of aviation fuels and lubricants for refueling;
- refueling of aviation fuels and lubricants in aircraft.

  • GOST R 52906-2008 “Aviation fuel supply equipment. General technical requirements".

The standard applies to new or upgraded models of ground equipment designed for aviation fuel supply to air transportation. It defines the main principles and trends for increasing the competitiveness of equipment, ensuring the safe execution of technological processes for refueling aircraft with aviation fuel and special liquids, observing fire safety and environmental protection rules, taking into account the specifics of use in ordinary operating conditions in various climatic zones of the Russian Federation.

Implementation of quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants

a set of measures to control the quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the properties of aviation fuels and lubricants at the stages of aviation fuel supply for air transportation.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP-126 “Certification Requirements for Fuel and Lubricant Laboratories”, approved by Order No. 126 of 07.10.2002 of the Federal Air Transport Service of Russia.

The Rules contain certification requirements that apply to organizations wishing to carry out or carry out control and analysis of the quality of aviation fuels and lubricants, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

  • " Management on acceptance, storage, preparation for refueling and quality control of aviation fuels lubricants and special liquids in the enterprises of the RF Military Trade”, approved by the order of the DVT dated 10/17/1992 No. DV-126.

The guideline developed by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation is a regulatory and technical document for the receipt, storage, quality control and preparation of aviation fuels and lubricants for refueling aircraft and helicopters in the fuels and lubricants services of the aviation enterprises of the Air Transport Department (DVT) of the Russian Federation, which include a fuels and lubricants laboratory.

  • NGSM RF-94).

The manual on fuel and lubricants service defines the basic provisions and general rules for organizing the work of the fuel and lubricants service to provide fuel and lubricants enterprises, refueling aircraft, operate facilities and equipment, control the quality of fuels and lubricants and special fluids, labor protection and fire safety, train personnel, improve their skills.

  • "Management on the technical operation of warehouses and facilities for fuel and lubricants of civil aviation enterprises "dated July 27, 1991 N 9 / I

The guide consists of 3 parts:

Part I. Warehouses for fuels and lubricants, O individual objects and facilities of the service G fuel and lubricants;
Part II. Filling facilities;
Part III. Labor protection and fire safety,

And it contains requirements for the operation of the main buildings, structures and equipment of fuel and lubricant depots intended for receiving, storing and issuing fuel and lubricants for refueling, requirements for refueling facilities, labor protection and fire safety.

Airfield support

a set of measures to maintain the aerodrome airfield in constant operational readiness for takeoff, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP-121 "Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying Out Airport Operations for Airfield Flight Support", approved by Order No. 121 of the Federal Air Transport Service of Russia dated May 6, 2000.

The Rules contain certification requirements that apply to organizations wishing to carry out or are carrying out activities for airfield support for flights of civil aircraft on domestic and international airlines of the Russian Federation, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

  • FAP - 19 . "Certification of ground aviation equipment". (approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated February 20, 2003 N 19).
  • "Manual for the operation of civil aerodromes of the Russian Federation, approved by DVT VT dated 19.04.94 No. DV-98, ( REGA RF-94).

The manual is intended for the relevant services, authorities and officials responsible for and operating civil aerodromes.
This document gives the main provisions, technological features and recommendations for the operation of the elements and structures of the airfields of airfields. It contains references to the rules and regulations governing the requirements for aerodrome support for aircraft flights.

  • "Guidelines for the organization of work and maintenance of special vehicles at airports in the Russian Federation" ( ROROS -95).
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2006 No. 82 "On approval of instructions for organizing the movement of special vehicles and mechanization equipment at civil airfields of the Russian Federation."
  • Recommended standards for equipping airports with special vehicles for the operational maintenance of airfields, technical and commercial maintenance of aircraft.

The standards of airworthiness for operation in the USSR of civil aerodromes (NGEA of the USSR) contain state flight safety requirements for civil aerodromes, include Standards, Recommendations and Applications.

  • Methods for assessing compliance with the standards of fitness for operation in the USSR of civil airfields ( MOS NGEA USSR)

Electrical lighting supply

a set of measures for lighting support for takeoff, approach, landing and taxiing of aircraft and centralized power supply for airport facilities.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP-149 "Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying out Airport Activities for Electric Lighting Flight Support", approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 149 dated June 23, 2003.

The Rules establish certification requirements for legal entities engaged in airport activities for electric lighting support for flights, regardless of the legal form, form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

  • FAP-119 "Placement of markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed in order to ensure the safety of aircraft flights", established by the Federal Air Navigation Service on November 28, 2007.
  • "Guidelines for electrical lighting support of flights in civil aviation of the Russian Federation" ( RUESTOPGA-95).

The manual determines the purpose of the services or specialized enterprises of ECTOP operating lighting equipment and power supply facilities for airports and the list of requirements for ensuring flight safety.

Navigation support

a set of activities carried out at the stages of organization, preparation and execution of flights and aimed at creating conditions for safe, accurate and economical air navigation.

  • Regulations:
  • Federal Law No. 22 "On navigation activities" dated February 4, 2009
  • FAP-128

The Rules establish requirements for the preparation of an aircraft and its crew for flight, the provision and performance of flights in civil aviation, as well as air navigation services for flights in the Russian Federation.

  • The main aeronautical information documents for aircraft crews, ATS units and officials organizing and providing flights are:

a collection of Russian air traffic service routes;

collections of aeronautical information of the Russian Federation.

Radio engineering and aviation telecommunications

a set of organizational and technical measures carried out by the relevant services of aviation enterprises, state enterprises for the use of airspace (AUT) and air traffic control (ATC), other legal entities and aimed at ensuring the safety of civil aviation flights, as well as a set of measures to organize intra-airport (industrial and technological) telecommunications, maintenance of warning and information means for passengers, security and fire alarms and special technical means (STS), computer technology.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP 270 "Radio technical support of flightsand aviation telecommunications.certification requirements", approved By order of the director of the FAS Russiadated August 31, 1998
  • FAP-115 "Radio technical support for aircraft flightsand aviation telecommunications", established by the Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of November 26, 2007.
  • FAP-128 "Preparation and performance of flights in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation",approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 31, 2009 (part VIII.Flight support, clause 8.9).
  • Management aviation telecommunications(RS GA-99 ), established by the Order of the Federal Service for Military Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 1999 No. 14.
  • For this type of security, there are many regulatory documents in the form of rules, instructions, guidelines, provisions of instructions, etc. You can check them out from the list.the main documents related to the activities of the ERTOS service (Operation of radio technical equipment for flight support and aviation telecommunications).

Maintenance (control) of air traffic

a set of measures for flight information, advisory, dispatching services (control) of air traffic, as well as emergency notification.

ATC is not is the structure of the airport, the organization and management is carried out by the state corporation of unified air traffic management systems (EU ATM).

  • Regulations:
  • FAP 293 " Air traffic management in the Russian Federation” dated November 25, 2011, as amended (approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation).

The Rules are obligatory for execution in the Russian Federation by users of the airspace of the Russian Federation, ATS units that provide air traffic services in the zones and areas established for them, other authorities and organizations involved in the provision of aircraft flights, with the exception of airspace users and state aviation flight control authorities and experimental aviation in the airspace allocated for these types of aviation, where these Rules are applied without fail to serve the air traffic of civil aircraft.

  • FAP-116 "Certification of objects of the Unified Air Traffic Management System", approved. by order of the Federal Air Navigation Service dated November 26, 2007 No.

Each EU ATM center also has its own regulations, which air traffic controllers adhere to when working.

Engineering and aviation support

A set of measures for the timely and high-quality maintenance of aircraft.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP 145 "Organization of maintenance and repair of aviation equipment", approved. Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1999, Ed. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 13.08.2007
  • FAP-128 "Preparation and performance of flights in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation",approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 31, 2009 (part VIII.Flight support, clause 8.5).
  • Regulation "

The Regulation defines the procedure for the engineering and aviation support of aircraft flights of airlines, airlines, institutions, organizations of the Russian military aviation operating flights on international airlines, in accordance with the Flight Operations Manual (NPP GA) and the Manual for the Maintenance and Repair of Aviation Equipment in Russia (NTERAT GA), and is also a document on the basis of which, in accordance with the Guidelines for Certification Procedures for Aircraft Operators in the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 10.12.93 N 106)

  • GOST RV 52396-2005

The standard establishes color graphic schemes for painting the outer surfaces of maintenance equipment used in operating organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and at enterprises of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Aviation security

a set of regime and security measures aimed at ensuring the safety of passengers and crews of aircraft. Prevention of acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the GA.

  • Regulatory documents on the organization of aviation security can be divided into 3 levels:
  1. International legal acts, ICAO documents
  2. State level
  3. Industry level.

Since the purpose of this work is to consider the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, but you need to start from the second level, taking into account that the laws and government decrees adopted by the state authorities of the Russian Federation should not contradict the international treaties and conventions adopted by our country.

Aviation security is given great attention by the Government, this type of aviation activity is regulated by many legislative acts, starting from the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation "On Administrative Offenses" (dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ), Federal Law No. 13.12.96), Federal Law No. 35 “On countering terrorism” (dated 06.03.06), on penalties for terrorism, and acts of unlawful interference in general, includingFederal Law No. 16 "On Transport Security" (dated February 9, 2007) as amended in accordance withNo. 15-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Ensuring Transport Security” dated 03.02.2014.(as amended and supplemented, effective from 05/06/2014) until Presidential Decrees"On urgent measures to improve the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism" (dated 13.10.2004 No. 1167), "On measures to improve state regulation in the field of aviation" (dated 11.09.2009 No. 1033)and government decrees"On approval of the Rules for the protection of airports and their infrastructure" (dated February 1, 2011 No. 42), "List of positions of aviation personnel of the Russian Federation" (dated 10.07.98 No. 749-DSP), "On federal system ensuring the protection of civil aviation activities from acts of unlawful interference” (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 462 of April 22, 1997, No. 291 of March 6, 1998, and No. 282 of May 14, 2003). (dated 30.07.94 No. 897).

As well as such industry documents as:

  • FAP 142 "Aviation security requirements for airports" (approved by by order Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2005 N 142)with rev. and additional January 31, 2008
  • FAP 104 "

The Rules establish the procedure for carrying out pre-flight and post-flight inspections of passengers and baggage, including items carried by passengers, aircraft crew members, civil aviation personnel, aircraft on-board stores, cargo and mail.

  • Joint Instruction of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 24.04.96 No. DV-59 / I - 1/7450 "On the interaction of the aviation security service of airports and the department of internal affairs in air transport."
  • Instructions on the procedure for the transportation of weapons, ammunition and cartridges for it by civil aviation aircraft, special equipment transferred by passengers for temporary storage for the flight period. Approved by the joint order of the FSVT of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 30, 1999 No. 120/971.
  • Manual on the protection of aircraft and civil aviation facilities. It was put into effect by order of the DVT of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 26.08.93 No. DV-115 (NOVSO GA-93).
  • Decree of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 19, 2006 No. BK-50-R “On the organization of protection of airports (except international ones) and their infrastructure facilities by departmental security of the Ministry of Transport of Russia”
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 18, 2008 No. 62 "On Approval of the Aviation Security Program for Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation" (as amended on March 10, 2011).

The airport, on its own, has the right to ensure security in the sterile areas of the terminal and during the inspection and security of the aircraft. Now security is provided by the VOHR (military guards). Ensuring aviation security is a type of activity to which special attention will always be paid, because when it comes to terrorism and there are acts of unlawful interference in aviation activities, it is not just about preserving the peace of citizens, but also about saving their lives.

Search and rescue support

a set of measures aimed at organizing and performing immediate and effective search, rescue and firefighting operations to rescue passengers and crews of aircraft in distress or in distress, provide assistance to victims and evacuate them from the scene. In case of catastrophes or incidents, the ESPASOP performs only the initial search and rescue actions, the ESPASOP controller immediately notifies the Russian Ministry of Units about the incident.

  • Regulations:
  • Federal Law No. 151 "On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers", dated 22.08.1995.
  • Federal Law No. 60 "On fire safety", December 21, 1994.
  • Federal Law No. 68 "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies", dated 21.12.94.
  • Federal Law No. 123 "Technical regulation on fire safety requirements", adopted on 22.07.08.
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation "On a unified system of aerospace search" dated 23.08.07. No. 538
  • FAP 530 "Search and rescue in the Russian Federation" dated July 15, 2008, amended. and additional Dated December 17, 2009, January 25, 2011
  • Government Decree "On licensing activities in the field of fire safety", dated 25.10.06. No. 625.
  • Government Decree "On the fire regime" dated April 25, 2012 No. 390.
  • Guidelines for search and rescue support of civil aviation flights (RPASOP GA-91), approved. by order of the MGA dated March 28, 1991. No. 65;
  • "Recommendations for extinguishing fires on aircraft at civil aviation airfields", approved. MGA 11.12.1990 No. 21/i.
  • Order No. 361 “On the Enactment of the Regulations on the Departmental Fire Protection of the PASSOP Service of the FAS Russia”, dated 11.12.98.
  • FAP -128 . "Preparation and performance of flights in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation" at approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 31, 2009 (part VIII.Flight support, clause 8.15).

Meteorological support

a set of measures to obtain and timely communicate to officials of aviation enterprises and the airport the meteorological information necessary to fulfill their duties.
The meteorological service is not an airport service, it is under the control of Roshydromet, and I work at airports in accordance with the contract.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP -60 "Provision of meteorological information for the provision of aircraft flights", approved. Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2014 No.
  • (NMO GA-95).

The Manual incorporates the main regulations contained in Annex 3 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Technical Regulations of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and their amendments specified in 1995.

  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
    dated February 16, 2009 No. 48
    On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the hydrometeorological service».

Providing services for passengers, baggage, cargo, mail

a set of organizational and technological measures that allow boarding (disembarking) passengers, processing, storing luggage, mail and cargo, loading (unloading) luggage, mail and cargo on board (from board) an aircraft in order to transport them to their destination according to the declared route subject to the conditions of aviation safety and flight safety.

  • Regulations:
  • FAP-150 "Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying out Airport Activities to Provide Services to Passengers, Baggage, Mail and Cargo", approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 150 dated June 23, 2003.

The Rules establish certification requirements for legal entities engaged in airport activities to provide services to passengers, baggage, cargo and mail when performing internal and international air transportation, regardless of the organizational and legal form, form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

  • FAP-82 « General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, consignors, consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82. (ed.

The Rules are applied in the implementation of domestic and international air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo by flights according to the aircraft schedule and additional flights, and flights under an aircraft charter agreement.

  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 17, 2008 No. No. 92 "The procedure for the admission of carriers with appropriate licenses to carry out international air transportation of passengers and (or) cargo."
  • OST 54-1-283.01-94 “The system of quality of transportation and passenger service by air transport. Services for passengers on board aircraft of domestic airlines of the Russian Federation. Primary requirements".
  • OST 54-1-283.02-94 The quality system of transportation and passenger service by air transport "Services provided to passengers at airports".
  • OST 54-1-283.03-94 The quality system of transportation and passenger service by air transport "Services provided to passengers in the sale of air transportation."
  • OST 54-3-59-92 The system of quality of transportation and passenger service by air transport. "Conditions for the transport of goods."
  • OST 54-4-283.01-93 “Conditions for the transportation of goods (basic requirements). Organization of air transportation. Freight transportation. Execution Order".

The transportation of goods has a number of nuances, so according to International Association civil aviation ICAO, more than half of the materials carried by all modes of transport are classified as "dangerous".

Dangerous goods - substances or articles which, when transported by air, are capable of posing a significant threat to the health and safety of people,
property, which are classified in accordance with established rules.
All dangerous goods are listed in the List dangerous goods and ICAO technical instructions (
Doc 9284AN/905).

The list of normative and legal documents regulating the transportation of dangerous goods by air is divided into three levels:
1) International; 2) State; 3) Industry.

When carrying out the transportation of dangerous goods, carriers also adhere to international documents, but in this paper only regulatory RF will be considered.

  • State regulations:
  • Federal Law No. 150 "On weapons" dated 12/13/1996 (as amended on 12/31/2014)
  • Federal Law No. 170 "On the use of atomic energy" dated November 21, 1995. (with changes and additions)
  • Federal Law No. 3 "On Radiation Safety of the Population" dated January 9, 1996 (as amended and supplemented)
  • Federal Law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999. (with changes and additions);
  • Radioactive safety standards ( NRB-99/2009) SanPiN;
  • Sanitary rules for radiation safety of personnel and the public during the transportation of radioactive materials (substances). SanPiN
  • Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety ( OSPORB-99/2010) SP
  • GOST 19433-88 “The goods are dangerous. Classification and marking”, approved. Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of August 19, 1988 No. No. 2957;
  • GOST 26319-84 “The goods are dangerous. Packing" amend. From 04.10.2004
  • Industry regulations:
  • FAP-141 "Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods on the AC aircraft"
  • Instructions of the MGA 1991. N 195 / U "Basic procedures related to the air transportation of dangerous goods carried out by the USSR Armed Forces"
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 02.10.02 N PR-13r “On making additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 20, 2002 No. N NA-348r".


Airport activity is related to the maintenance on a commercial basis of an aircraft, passengers, cargo and mail at airports, and therefore is a complex systemic process.For its approval and organization, the state adopts legal acts that undergo certain changes from year to year both in content and form, but their essence and strategy remain unchanged. The entire system of air law, acting as a regulator of relations arising from the operation of civil aircraft, is used as a form of state management of civil aviation, and above all in order to ensure the safety and regularity of flights. The main document establishing the legal basis for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation is the Air Code of the Russian Federation, written in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All regulations, includingnormative legal acts of federal executive bodies, which are issued in the form of orders, orders and resolutions, and introduce the Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Guidelines are written in accordance with the RF VK and should not contradict it. When considering the organization of airport activities, special attention should be paid to such by-laws as the Federal Aviation Rules, which regulate all types of intersections that it includes. As for state and industry standards, they exist for certain types of collateral. Basic information on the types of support that includes airport activities is contained in FAR No. 98 “Certification of airports. Procedures".

After a detailed consideration of the regulatory framework, it can be argued that at the present stage, air law is designed to ensure the smooth functioning of all parts of airport activities in the interests of the commercial component, while unconditionally observing air transport safety. This result is achieved by influencing the legal field on certain, the most significant areas of public relations in the field of airport activities.

List of information sources

  1. Air Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. Federal Law No. 99 dated May 04, 2011 "On licensing certain types of activities";
  3. FAP No. 98 Airport Certification. Procedures.", April 24, 2000;
  4. FAP-89 "Certification requirements for aviation fuel supply organizations for air transportation", dated 18.04.2000.
  5. FAP-126 "Certification requirements for fuel and lubricants laboratories", dated 07.10.2002;
  6. FAP-121 “Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying Out Airport Operations for Airfield Flight Support”, dated 06.05.2000;
  7. FAP-149 “Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying out Airport Activities for Electric Lighting Flight Support”, dated 06/23/2003;
  8. FAP-128 "Preparation and execution of flights in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation",July 31, 2009 (Part VIII.Flight support, clause 8.3).
  9. FAP 293 " Air traffic management in the Russian Federation” dated November 25, 2011, as amended;
  10. FAP 104 " Rules for conducting pre-flight and post-flight inspections»July 25, 2007 (Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation).
  11. FAP-150 "Certification Requirements for Legal Entities Carrying out Airport Activities to Provide Services to Passengers, Baggage, Mail and Cargo", dated 23.06.2003.
  12. FAP-82 "General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees", (ed.);
  13. Guidelines for electrical lighting support of flights in civil aviation of the Russian Federation "( RUESTOPGA-95).
  14. Manual for the operation of civil aerodromes of the Russian Federation, dated 19.04.94 No. DV-98, ( REGA RF-94)
  15. "Guidelines for the receipt, storage, preparation for refueling and quality control of aviation fuels lubricants and special liquids in the enterprises of the RF Military Trade", dated 10/17/1992 No. DV-126.
  16. « Guidelines for the technical operation of warehouses and facilities for fuel and lubricants of civil aviation enterprises "dated July 27, 1991 N 9 / I
  17. Regulation " On engineering and aviation support for flights of aircraft of the Russian Federation on international airlines and abroad”(As amended by the Orders of the FAS RF dated 04/08/1998 N 102, dated 12/22/2000 N 160).
  18. Civil Aviation Meteorological Manual(NMO GA-95).
  19. Manual on the service of fuels and lubricants for VT ( NGSM RF-94).
  20. Airworthiness standards for operation in the USSR of civil airfields ( NGEA USSR).
  21. GOST R 52906-2008 “Aviation fuel supply equipment. General technical requirements
  22. GOST RV 52396-2005 “Means of maintenance and flight support for aircraft. Color schemes.
  23. MTU VT FAVT;

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The organizational and legal form of managing the activities of airports is primarily determined by the policy pursued by the government in the development of the entire air transport of the country.

Currently, directions for the development and reform of airports are presented in the document "Concept for the development of civil aviation activities in the Russian Federation until 2010". This document provides the following directions regarding the development of airports:

Continued privatization and corporatization of the united aviation enterprises with their simultaneous division into independent business entities? aviation companies and airports;

Optimization of the network of airports in the Russian Federation, including international ones, in terms of justifying their number and location, taking into account the geopolitical interests of the state and economic feasibility, creating "hub" airports based on transfer hub systems;

Improving the system of interaction between airports and airlines on the basis of mutually beneficial conditions for two independent manufacturing enterprises;

Improving the regulatory framework in the field of airport activities, in airport certification systems and licensing of various types of airport activities;

Stimulating the financial and economic activities of airports by providing non-aviation services at the airport.

In general, all these proposals are aimed at improving the efficiency of airports, creating conditions for updating fixed production assets and infrastructure, introducing modern technologies for servicing passengers, customers, shippers and increasing the competitiveness of airports in the international air transportation market.

During the period from 1992 to 2006, the airport network in Russia was significantly reduced. The reduction in the number of airports was mainly due to a decrease in the volume of air traffic and the low technical equipment of airports.

At present (2006), there are 383 airports in the Russian Federation (Fig. 1), including 320 airports of regional importance and local airlines (LAL), 63 airports are of federal importance and form the backbone of Russian civil aviation. Airports of federal significance cover most of the territory of Russia and provide the need for air transportation in all regions of the country and the main air transport links with countries near and far abroad. These airports account for about 85% of the total volume of air traffic in Russia on domestic routes and about 99%? on international. And even at these airports, the annual number of passengers served is still an order of magnitude lower than the number of passengers served at similar foreign airports.

Rice. 1. Number of airports in the Russian Federation

Since 2000, there has been a stabilization and growth in the volume of passenger and cargo traffic, which will accordingly require an increase in the safety and efficiency of the airport network. The fulfillment of these requirements, first of all, depends on the state of the ground production base of the airport, equipping it with modern production facilities and appropriate mechanization equipment. At the same time, the requirements for the quality of ground handling of air transportation are growing. The efficiency and competitiveness of the airport depends on the quantity and quality of the services provided. The accumulated experience, traditions, economic and financial ties that existed between the airport and the airline yesterday cannot satisfy either air carriers or potential customers today. The laws of the market, free competition require new approaches and non-standard solutions for the management of airports.

Improving the management system is one of the main issues of state regulation of airports. The significance of this issue is significantly enhanced during the period of reforming the entire industry and the creation of a new air transport structure.

The textbook "Organizational Foundations of Airport Operations Management" aims to give an idea of ​​the complex of the main new problems related to the management of airports in the conditions of the formation of market relations in the Russian Federation. The manual discusses: the basic principles of reforming and privatizing airports, regulations on airport certification, issues of non-aeronautical activities, contractual relations, financing of airports and the main provisions of administrative management in the new economic conditions.

The textbook is intended to fill the lack of coverage of these issues in the existing educational and methodological and other literature and regulatory documents on the management of airports in the Russian Federation.

1. Main directions of development of airports in the Russian Federation

The formation of new economic conditions in the Russian Federation required fundamental changes in the air transport system and a complete restructuring of the organizational foundations for airport management.

Until the end of the 1980s, the industry retained full state ownership and state control over the entire air transport system. By the beginning of the reform (1990), Russian air transport had about 2,000 airports and airfields and more than 10,000 aircraft. All airports of the Russian Federation were part of the airlines of the unified state transport complex "Aeroflot". The structure of the united airlines included units responsible for ground support of aviation activities, and flight teams directly involved in air transportation. At the head of the joint squadron (JSC) was one head of the airport and the airline.

The structural monopoly in air transport that existed in Russia, in which the airline was merged with the airport or was under the same regional administration with it, made it difficult for other operating airlines to enter the market at their “own” airport and thereby limited their freedom of economic activity. There are no such structures in any developed air transport system of the world. All over the world, airports are not allowed to carry out transportation and have a fleet of their own aircraft, with the exception of a limited number of helicopters and light aircraft designed not for commercial activities, but to serve the airport's own needs. In addition, the merger of an airport with an airline usually leads to a drop in the efficiency of airport operations, since the main investments are used in the interests of the airline.

In 1997, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the program "Structural adjustment and economic growth in civil aviation in 1997-2000". The Program provided for the structuring of the air transport system based on the "principles of unbundling aviation enterprise to an independent airline and airport, the allocation of the ATC system to the EU ATM public service "and thereby creating a competitive environment in the areas of airport infrastructure.

1.1 Separation of the joint air squadrons (JSC) into airport and air transport enterprises

The transition of the Russian economy to market relations set qualitatively new requirements for air transport, which, with respect to airports, were determined by the development and formation of new organizational processes: demonopolization, separation of united air squadrons, privatization of property, development of a competitive environment, establishing the optimal number and status of existing airports.

The process of de-monopolization of air transport first of all required the separation of airport and air transport activities, i.e. creation of two equal aviation enterprises: an airport and an airline.

The separation of the airport and the airline is based not only on their different functions, but mainly on the different formation of revenues and profits. Their types of income are in direct conflict - airport income is the cost of the airline and vice versa. In the combined airline company, the airline's costs are artificially reduced by reducing the airport's profits. A false impression is created about the high profitability of the airline and the low profitability of the airport. With a separate existence, each enterprise will look for sources of income, reduce costs and thereby increase its profitability. The contradictory activity is recognized by the enterprises themselves. When they are in the joint venture, the airport and the airline are managed by different managers. From the point of view of management, management is effective if funds are in the same hands. There are no examples of combining an airline and an airport in one legal entity in any country in the world. An airline that is part of an airport can force the airport to significantly reduce its ground handling rates and prices, which, while being an advantage for the airline, is also a loss of revenue for the airport.

The process of separating enterprises and their total income is complex and requires a cautious approach, therefore this process, which began in 1991, has not been fully completed to date in many airlines. The process of separating the property of the united airlines continues to be relevant. For its successful completion, it is necessary to ensure the economic efficiency of the formed airlines during the division of airlines and take into account antitrust requirements regarding the monopoly of airports.

Over the years, the basic principles have been developed that allow objectively forming the shared property complexes of the airport and the airline. These principles are:

Functional-technological, in accordance with which the ownership of movable property is determined by the priority of the airport or airline based on the technological functions they perform, fixed by certification requirements using this property;

- "historical", allowing by means of a compromise to prevent competition between the airport and the airline in the division of property and the performance of the same type of functions. If any function (using the property in question) can be performed by both the airport and the airline, then priority is given to the one for whom the specified type of activity (technological operation) is the main one. If the function can be performed by both the airport and the airline, then the priority in the division of the OJSC is given to the structure that (in fact, the flight technical or airport complexes) currently performs this function;

The principle of unity in the management of land and real estate at the airport. It is necessary to establish a unified management of the development of the airport and the legal rights of the airport to accept other enterprises on the territory of the airport. Having secured land plot(land allotment) behind the airport, allocate from it to the ownership of the airline part of the most important real estate objects for its activities and the corresponding territories, which together form land plots, the exclusion of which (in the future) from the airport land allotment will not create obstacles to its future development (including - airfield area and engineering infrastructure). The rest of the real estate objects (buildings, structures, devices) necessary for the effective operation of the airline are received by the airline for use on contractual terms, including long-term lease or concession at specially established prices.

In the organizational production system of air transport, an airport is an enterprise whose aviation activities include:

Ensuring the takeoff and landing operations of aircraft;

Service of air carriers (crews), passengers (reception, dispatch) and clientele;

Processing (reception, dispatch) of baggage, mail and cargo;

Technical and commercial maintenance of aircraft;

Operation of the airfield, air terminal;

Ensuring storage and refueling of aircraft fuels and lubricants;

Operation of means for providing technical processes in the airport area with heat, electricity, transport and communications, etc.

When an airline is divided into an airport and an airline, the following complex of buildings, structures and equipment is transferred to the disposal of the airport:

*buildings and structures of the passenger-cargo complex (terminals);

* airfield - an aerodrome, a specially equipped land plot with airstrips, a system of taxiways, an apron, aircraft parking areas and special-purpose aircraft maintenance areas;

* objects of ATC and radio navigation landing;

*buildings and facilities for aircraft maintenance;

*buildings and structures for storage and refueling of fuels and lubricants;

*buildings and facilities for the provision of heat, electricity, communications and transport;

*buildings and structures for auxiliary purposes.

As a result of the division of the aviation enterprise into two independent enterprises: an airport and an airline, the airport receives at its disposal expensive and multifunctional production and public funds and becomes a monopoly structure in the air transportation market. In the Federal Law "On Natural Monopolies" - activities for the services of transport terminals, ports, airports are classified as activities of subjects of "natural monopolies".

"Natural monopoly" is a state of the commodity market, in which the satisfaction of demand in this market is more efficient in the absence of competition due to technical features production.

In relation to the airport, this means that the demand for its activities as a subject of a "natural monopoly" for the provision of services is less dependent on changes in the price of these services, i.e. for an airport, the price (cost) of its services is not a demand-regulating factor. As the main manufacturing enterprise in the air transportation market, the airport should not use the advantages of "natural monopolies" only in its own interests, without taking into account the needs of society.

Table 1. Airport functions and industrial complexes

Airport Functions

Industrial complexes

Passenger service, baggage, cargo, mail handling

Air terminal, postal and cargo complex, air transport complex, mechanization complex

Aircraft service

Aerodrome, air traffic control complex, fuel and lubricants complex, aircraft technical and commercial maintenance complex (aviation engineering service)

Aviation security

Flight safety service. Flight Safety Inspectorate. Aviation Security Service.

Maintenance of technological processes

Heat, electricity, light and sanitary service; communication service; transport; metrological, etc.

Ensuring rescue operations

Emergency Rescue Service

Providing services to passengers and clients (food, trade, entertainment, consumer services, medicine, etc.)

Rental, leasing and concession complexes and services

Ensuring economic efficiency and prospects for the industrial development of the airport

Airport commercial service

Operation, reconstruction and construction of facilities and complexes.

Operational and construction services

Ensuring foreign economic activity, conclusion of commercial, technical and other contracts and agreements

Information and analytical (management), commercial, economic planning, legal and other administrative and management services

Ensuring ecology and environmental protection on the territory of the airport and adjacent territory

Ecological service and environmental protection service

Organization of civil defense of mobilization facilities

Administrative and management service

Organization of training and retraining of personnel

Marketing Service, Human Resources Service

Table 2. Airline functions and production facilities

Airline functions

Industrial complexes

Aircraft flight operation

Aircraft, aircraft engines, aircraft spare parts, flight squads (EPK); buildings where only the flight complex works; technological equipment (instruments, computers, etc.)

Aircraft maintenance*

Buildings and facilities for maintenance on the platform; stationary technological equipment; appliances, equipment, tools, etc.

Periodic aircraft maintenance

Hangar and other buildings and structures; appliances, equipment, tools

Air transportation service (commercial service of aircraft on the apron, passenger service, handling of baggage, mail and cargo at the terminal)*

Airport terminal, hotel; station square with facilities and buildings; cargo warehouse; catering shop; technical means and technological equipment; air transport; special transport

Staff training*

Training centers, classes; training complexes.


Electronic computers, means and property for production management.

*?functions can be performed by the airport

1.2 Aspects of privatization of domestic and foreign airports

Restructuring the management of airports includes the process of privatization of some or all of the public ownership of the airport.

The process of privatization, the transfer of public state property to private property, began in Russia in the early 1990s. It was due to a number of political and economic reasons, typical for the air transport industry, the main ones were:

The conviction of the government of the country in the advantage of market mechanisms and the private sector in the economy as a means of overcoming the crisis, increasing production efficiency and achieving high economic efficiency;

The desire to obtain additional financial resources necessary to cover the budget deficit, structural adjustment and development of the basic sectors of the national economy;

The desire to create a competitive environment, to form domestic investment opportunities in order to mobilize them and reduce the outflow of national capital abroad;

The need to integrate the Russian economy into the global system of existing connections and relations.

The process of privatization that has begun has demanded that enterprises that have passed into private hands reconsider the entire concept of their activities.

Modern principles of marketing and management, personnel management, business planning began to be introduced into practice.

Privatization frees states from large capital investments in airports, giving the latter the opportunity to access private capital. This removes many restrictions from airport management, especially in relation to the development of non-aeronautical activities at airports. The uncertainty associated with dependence on the state budget is also reduced, and it becomes possible to show one's own initiative in business development.

At the same time, when privatizing airports, states must take certain measures to protect the interests of the population and airlines. In particular, it is necessary to guarantee freedom of access to airports, the exclusion of discrimination against certain categories of airport users, the fulfillment of international obligations, the inadmissibility of monopoly high rates for airport services, the compliance of the actions of airport owners with the national policy in the field of civil aviation, etc.

Recently, in various countries of the world, a trend has been actively developing to transfer the management of airports to private owners with their subsequent privatization.

As the airport privatization process develops, some typical models of their privatization have been identified in world practice:

Placement of shares (skare flotation) - both partial and 100% equity participation are offered (airports of the BAA, Vienna, Copenhagen);

Exchange transaction (trade sale) - a strategic partner with relevant experience and capabilities in the field of management, finance and technology is involved (airports in Australia, Birmingham, Liverpool);

Concession (lease) - the airport is leased for a concession (lease) for 20-30 years to the operator, who pays the corresponding payments, rent or investments (airports in Argentina, Mexico City, Lutok airport);

Project financing - a separate project at the airport is being implemented on privatization terms (airports in Athens, Istanbul, Hyderabad);

Management - the operation of the airport is provided on a contractual basis (airport in Indianapolis).

These are not rigid, frozen models, and often a specific approach to airport privatization is applied on a case-by-case basis.

For example, Canada's privatization process (or, more accurately, "semi-privatization") provides for the leasing of 26 major airports, including Toronto Airport, to private companies while retaining government ownership of the airport's land, buildings and facilities and responsibility for air traffic control and safety.

The United States takes a more cautious position on the issue of privatization compared to most countries. Nearly all of the 567 public commercial airports in the United States are currently owned by municipalities and states. The idea of ​​privatization in the United States appeared in 1996 as part of an experimental (pilot) program, which included the transfer of five airports to private ownership. Experts from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States believe that the privatization of airports will proceed slowly, in each case according to an individual plan, open sales of airports to private investors are unlikely.

Some countries - such as France, Spain, Greece, Sweden and Finland? kept the airports under state ownership. Other countries? in particular, the United Kingdom and Germany have completely or partially transferred the ownership of airports to the private sector. This trend has affected major international airports to a large extent. As for the regional ones, their privatization has been and is going on at a slower pace.

In the UK, regional airports have been turned over to the private sector under a long-term concession, while keeping the airports under local government ownership. This trend is currently observed in Germany and Italy.

Thus, at present, in international practice, there are the following forms of airport ownership:

State at the federal level;

State at the regional/local level;

Other state property (state companies/enterprises);

Property of chambers of commerce;

Privatized airports/groups of airports: with a predominance of state capital, with a predominance of private capital, with no state capital.

In this case, the following forms of organization and management of airports are used:

Private or public companies owning and/or operating one or more airports;

State-owned companies that own infrastructure facilities (runways, terminals, etc.) at one or more airports. At the same time, specialized operating companies are involved in the operational management of airports;

Specialized companies (holdings) providing a range of services related to the development and management of airports. In this case, companies unite several airports on the basis of ownership or on the terms of lease (concession) of infrastructure facilities.

Examples of effective airport management indicate that most of these enterprises manage the aviation activities of the airport, while non-aeronautical activities are assigned to specialized companies.

It should be noted that in all forms of management, the airport business is clearly separated from transportation, transshipment, storage and other similar activities.

In Spain since 1990 there is a company AENA (Aeropuertos Espanoles Navegacion Aerea), state-owned, which owns and operates 47 international and regional airports, including Madrid Barajas, one of the largest transit hubs in Europe.

The British Airports Authority (BAA), established in 1965 to manage the country's largest airports, was privatized in 1988, the state owns only a "golden share" in the company's capital. The company owns and operates 7 major UK airports - London Heathrow, London Gatwick, London Stansted, Edinburg, Aberdeen, Southampton.

Thus, there are two options for the airport: to remain in the public sector or to move to private sector. In the world, many airports are part of the public sector and are highly profitable. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol? the best example, but many private sector airports are also successful and profitable, such as Frankfurt Airport in Germany.

Privatization in Russian air transport was carried out according to a scheme that has its own specifics:

All property of airlines was divided into parts subject to and not subject to privatization. The latter included: an airfield, runways, taxiways, aircraft parking areas, aprons, radio and lighting equipment, air traffic control facilities.

Thus, the airfield complex was preserved as state property. Airlines with a traffic volume of more than 500 thousand people a year had to divide their property so that two economically independent structures could be formed - an airport and an airline.

This approach made it possible to solve the following problems of air transport structuring:

Formation of independent airlines and airports, liquidation of the monopoly position of Aeroflot;

Changing the organizational and legal form of ownership of the spun-off entities - the creation of joint-stock companies;

Transfer of a part of aviation property from state to private ownership;

Creation of more favorable conditions for consumers of air transport services;

Expansion of the sphere of international air communications.

The practical implementation of the planned transformations faced many difficulties due to the unwillingness of state structures and their leaders to rebuild air transport production. As a result, many airlines did not carry out the planned division, and some of them simply changed the form of ownership from state to joint-stock. Competition between privatized and state-owned airlines has sharply intensified. Many of them began to work at dumping prices. In conditions of inflation, general political and economic instability, the privatization process did not bring the expected result.

Organs government controlled civil aviation, in an endless search for the optimal form of their organizational structure, lost control over this process, their coordinating and controlling functions disappeared, which led to a violation of security systems, the regularity of air transportation, a decrease in the quality of mutual settlements of airlines and budget payments.

With all the shortcomings in the implementation of privatization in air transport, it should be noted that concrete results have been obtained:

A layer of private owners appeared (both among legal entities and among individuals);

There was competition between airlines;

Partially demonopolization took place in air transport;

Along with Aeroflot, new, potentially strong airlines and airports have appeared on the market.

At present, the Ministry of Transport of Russia takes control of a new stage of privatization. Along with ensuring flight safety, the following are put forward as priority tasks:

* stabilization of the financial situation of airports and airlines;

* linking the goals and objectives of aviation enterprises with the general strategy for the development of the industry;

* attraction of investments, including foreign ones, in air transport production.

In order to fulfill these tasks, the privatization process should be linked to the process of division of the property of the combined airlines between the airport and the base airline.

Along with the prospect of ending the process of property sharing between the airport and the airline, the process of privatization of both foreign and domestic airports will continue, because the investment market favors private aviation enterprises (airports), and governments and local authorities are not eager to finance the operation of airports.

For the development of airport infrastructure, the government of our state took the initiative to combine the capitals of the private and public sectors by creating the so-called public-private partnership (PPP) institution for investing in projects for the reconstruction and modernization of airport infrastructure.

1.3 Organizational and legal forms of airport management

The organizational and legal form of airport management depends on a number of external and internal factors that determine the functioning of this airport.

The creation of an independent airport activity and a specific airport enterprise depends on the requirements of government and local authorities, the technical and economic condition, airport infrastructure, local conditions and the needs of the surrounding metropolis, etc.

As a result of the reform of aviation enterprises, the following organizational and legal forms (models) of airport enterprises have arisen. In table. 3 shows the different forms, composition, advantages and disadvantages of the created aviation enterprises.

Table 3. Organizational and legal forms of airlines during restructuring

Advantages and disadvantages

A. Two airlines with different organizational and legal form

SUE* "Airport" and joint-stock company "Airline"

No simultaneous privatization

Non-privatized property is transferred to the economic management of the State Unitary Enterprise and can be effectively used

Continuation of the table. 3

B. Three airlines with different organizational and legal forms

State Unitary Enterprise "Airport" on the basis of federal non-privatized property (Administration or the main operator).

Open Joint Stock Company "Aviaservice" on the basis of privatized property

Open Joint Stock Company "Airline" on the basis of the property of the flight and technical complex

Formation of the market of competitive structures

Lack of regulatory framework for implementation

The complex interaction of the three Administrations

B. Two joint-stock companies (until 1997 considered the main form)

Joint stock companies of open type - airport and airline

Difficulties in the division of property

Simultaneously division and privatization of property, except for the airfield (state property);

Inefficient form of airfield management

D. Two state unitary enterprises

Airport enterprise and air transport enterprise

the privatization of the state-owned property of the airport and the airline is decided at the second stage, after the separation of enterprises.

E. An aviation enterprise in which the autonomy of the airport is represented without separation from the aviation enterprise.

Allocation of airport property, maintenance of a separate balance sheet. Separation of airport services.

Aviation enterprises: airport and base airline.

Gradual division of property;

Preparing services for separation;

Less hostility when dividing property;

Lack of own airport business.

* - State Unitary Enterprise

Form A - the creation on the basis of the federal non-privatized property of the state unitary enterprise "Airport" (without simultaneous privatization of the property of the airport), and on the basis of the property of the flight technical complex - the open joint-stock company "Airline". The advantage of this model is the lack of simultaneity in the processes of privatization and division of property. This model eliminates the problem of inefficient use of non-privatized property.

A similar model is intended for the restructuring of regional airports, in which municipal unitary enterprises are created instead of state ones.

Form B - creation on the basis of federal non-privatized property of the state unitary enterprise "Airport" or "Airport Administration". At the same time, on the basis of the privatized property of the airport, an open joint-stock company "Aeroservice" is created, and on the basis of the property of the flight-technical complex - an open joint-stock company "Airline".

The sources of financing for the activities of the Administration are airport charges for takeoff and landing, ensuring aviation security and excess parking of aircraft. Control by the Administration over the proper use and development of state property makes it possible to ensure the formation of certain investment resources, improve the conditions for maintaining the airfield, and increase flight safety. In early 1998, this model was implemented on the basis of the Domodedovo Production Association. The disadvantages of this model include the lack of a sufficient legal and regulatory framework for the management of an airline and the simultaneous implementation of two processes.

Form B - the creation of two joint-stock enterprises. Based on the division of the property of the aviation enterprise, two joint-stock companies of an open type are created - an airport and an airline. In this model, the social sphere, as a rule, is transferred to the balance of local authorities in order to free the manufacturing sector from the burden of its maintenance. At the same time, the privatization of the property of the aviation enterprise is carried out, with the exception of the property of the airfield that is not subject to privatization. This model was used until 1997 as the only restructuring model. However, despite certain advantages, it is not free from shortcomings, which include the lack of an effective form of management of non-privatized state property of the airfield and the simultaneous implementation of two complex processes - the division of property and the process of privatization of state property. The scheme of this form of the airline is shown in fig. 4.

Form G - the creation of two state unitary enterprises. On the basis of the property of the united state aviation enterprise, two state unitary enterprises are being created: an independent airport and an airline. In this model, the issues of privatization of state property of the airport and the airline are resolved at the second stage of transformations, which greatly simplifies its implementation. The disadvantages of the model include the lack of a sufficient legal framework for its implementation.

Form D - the autonomy of airport property without its separation from the aviation enterprise implies the achievement of partial independence of the airport as part of the aviation enterprise. This model allows you to implement the principle of phased separation, ensure that services are prepared for the prospects of separation, and ensure less losses during the transition period.

Within the framework of these models, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of a particular airport, many different structures are currently being created in the competitive zone of the airport, as well as the possibility of creating a private sector in the zones of non-privatized airport property based on the institution of public-private partnership (PPP). PPP in the airport business can participate in the modernization and operation of runways, aprons, aircraft stands, taxiways, lighting equipment and other property not subject to privatization. This makes it possible to regulate property relations, because at some airports, private companies are already using state property without legal support for such exploitation. Such a legal and organizational violation in the functioning of airports can be corrected by transferring federal property not subject to privatization to the management of airport operators. The transfer should be carried out with the imposition on them of the appropriate duties to maintain the transferred property in a working condition that meets international quality standards.

1.4 Creation of a core network of airports and airports "hubs"

The number of airports during the reform and structuring has significantly decreased and by 2006 their number amounted to 383 airports. There are several reasons for the closure of airports, the main reason is a decrease in the volume of air transportation in the country, as well as a low technical level of equipment that does not meet modern requirements for ground handling of air transportation.

In 2005, air transportation was served by 215 Russian airlines. Volume passenger traffic amounted to 35 million, there were preconditions for an increase in the volume of air traffic. However, the increase in the volume of air transportation in the country and the volume of international air traffic did not affect the trend of consolidation of airlines and reduction in the number of airports. At the same time, the main airlines are concentrated around specific airports of federal and regional significance. This suggests that the further reduction of airports will mainly take place at the expense of airports of local airlines, the volume of traffic in which has fallen sharply.

The determining factors in choosing the quantitative composition of airports are:

Forecast of growth in the volume of passenger and cargo air transportation, their distribution throughout the country and, accordingly, the creation of a backbone network of airports;

Analysis of the infrastructure of existing airports, their capacity, the technical condition of the airfield, air terminal complex and facilities of the service and technical territory;

Determination of the possibility of expanding and modernizing the airport infrastructure in the medium and long term.

The functioning of airports at the present time and the direction of flows (federal and regional routes) of air transportation, both passenger and cargo, show that half of federal airports (and there are 63 of them) provide 80% of domestic and 90% of international air traffic (69 airports have international status) .

Given this fact and indicators of the economic, political and geopolitical development of air transport in the Russian Federation, and, accordingly, the location of an airport that determines its significance and status, the core network of airports can be represented as an economic structure that includes federal airports and less significant structures - regional airports. values ​​and airports of local airlines. Airports of federal significance should include airports where the number of passengers served per year will be more than 1% of the total number of passengers served in the country and whose strategic location can significantly affect the development of air transport in the Russian Federation. With this approach, the number of federal airports should be no more than 35-40, of which 6-8 airports will be large air hub airports.

A "hub airport" is an airport that serves as a coordinating connecting point - a hub where a large number of flights from a large number points converge in one place within a short period of time so that passengers can easily transfer to other departing flights to an equal large number of points of departure in a short period of time, where transferring passengers from flight to flight makes up a relatively high share of the total traffic. However, due to the fact that the minimum flight connection time requires adequate support for "peak loads", the airport's capacity must be sufficient, that is, the airport must provide the "peak" hourly capacity of the airfield and terminal.

Therefore, such an airport must be equipped to ensure these conditions, its equipment must comply with international standards and be highly reliable. There should not be many such airports, both in terms of the main requirement - the volume of air traffic, and in terms of the required amount of investment in its equipment.

The concept of technical development of airports, the need for technical re-equipment of the airport, the introduction of new information and technological systems for servicing aircraft, passengers and handling baggage, cargo and mail are based on the creation of a backbone network of airports. The technical re-equipment of a particular airport will depend on its place in the core network of airports. Therefore, the concept of technical development of airports involves a differentiated approach.

A comprehensive reconstruction, i.e. a large investment is justified in terms of major airports acting as transport hubs. For regional center airports, two strategies are applicable. One comes from economic expediency, and the other from political. Hence, the first strategy is characterized by non-global modernization, since there is no possibility of its quick payback. The second strategy assumes that a significant rearmament will certainly not pay off, but the region will eventually receive a modern, politically representative airport.

For most airports of local airlines, a strategy of minor technical re-equipment is being chosen. These airports were created with a significant reserve capacity of all equipment and structures, which can be enough for a fairly long period, especially in the face of a significant decrease in the need for their activities. And therefore, their efficiency can be ensured by a slight reconstruction of buildings and structures and the renewal of mechanization.

The effective functioning of many foreign airports suggests that the most promising trend in the development of the global network of airports is their transformation into major air transport hubs? hubs that promote the development of air transportation on the principle of "hub - spokes".

The creation of an airport "hub" involves not only its reconstruction, but also a complete restructuring of the technology of operation. First of all, this is due to the simultaneous servicing of a large number of passengers and providing them with the opportunity to fly to a large number of new destinations within a short period of time.

This allows a significant increase in the number of transfer passengers and requires a significant increase in airport capacity. Attracting the flow of passengers to the hub airport from regional airports and local airports allows increasing international traffic at the hub airport.

An analysis of the world experience of operation of hub airports makes it possible to determine the features of their operation: the intensity of aircraft takeoff and landing operations exceeds 40 flights per hour, the operation of the airport is divided into 4-5 repeating cycles, consisting of three 60-minute intervals (aircraft arrival, departure). When refurbishing an airport, is the main focus on the terminal building? terminals, which should clearly organize the movement of passenger flows, the mandatory use of an automatic baggage sorting system, check-in using the free check-in method, the expansion of customs, passport, sanitary control areas, the introduction of new automated informatization and communication systems. This is what concerns passenger service systems. But the main investments will relate to the reconstruction of airfields, their capacity and matching the size of the lengths of artificial runways (RWY), end stopways (CST), free zones, as well as the width of the runway, taxiways (TAXY) and their number. Aircraft capable of carrying 300 or more passengers require a runway length of at least 3000 m and a width of at least 60 m.

All this, in turn, will require the reorganization of the airport management system. Management is, first of all, ensuring the operation of the airport in a very strict time regime: the minimum flight connection time for transit passengers is 45 minutes, and for transfer passengers 2.5 hours. Departure of connecting flights must be ensured on the same day; in case of a flight delay of more than 10 hours, a prerequisite is the provision of a hotel.

The creation of hub airports in Russia should be seen as a prospect based on advantageous position a number of cities in the global air transport system. Their location is at the intersection of air traffic between the following major regions of the world:

Europe - Southeast Asia- "Trans-Asian route";

Europe - Far East- "Trans-Siberian route";

Europe - Far East - "Mongolian route";

North America - Far East - "Far East route" and new "Transpolar route".

In the European region of Russia, the prospective development of air hubs at the airports of Moscow, Samara, Sochi can be considered; in Siberia at the airports of Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, which can be used as transit not only on intercontinental routes from Europe to the Pacific region, but also from North America to Asia via the North Pole.

Particularly noteworthy is the Moscow region, advantageous geopolitical position Moscow, the geography and volumes of air traffic flows in the airspace indicate the possibility of organizing a hub, primarily on the basis of Sheremetyevo Airport, and then Domodedovo.

The operating European hub airports of Frankfurt, Amsterdam (Schiphol) and others take away many transit routes from Moscow. The restructuring of Sheremetyevo Airport will turn Moscow into a competitive air transport hub, incorporating a significant number of transcontinental transfer routes and providing air transport services to the business activity of the European part of Russia and the Moscow and Far Eastern regions.

1.5 Interaction of the airport and airlines in the market conditions

After the division of JSC into two independent aviation enterprises: airport and air transport airport becomes a place of intersection of interests of different partners and various types of activities for air transportation. The role of the airport is to bring partners and users together to create a unique product - air transportation.

Airports that have multifunctional production and public funds and act as natural monopoly structures in the air transportation market are at the same time completely dependent on this market.

The main functions of the airport are reduced to providing ground handling of air transportation and, as a rule, this service for domestic and international transportation at different stages of the reform was from 20 to 15% of the cost of air transportation.

Foreign data correspond to these figures, however, it should be noted that this percentage includes the cost of the airline's own handling, and ground handling provided directly for air transportation is from 7 to 9%.

Table 4. Main airport ground handling services

Aviation Services

Non-aviation services

Airline maintenance services

Passenger Services

Customer Service

Services for servicing passengers, customers, airlines

Takeoff and landing of aircraft;

Operational maintenance of the aircraft;

Crew service, etc.

Passenger service upon meeting and landing of the aircraft;

Registration of passengers;

Baggage handling;

Special control, etc.

Cargo and mail handling;

Sale of air tickets, etc.


Food items;

parking lots;


Leisure, etc.

As can be seen from Table. 4, part of the services provided by the airport may be performed by the personnel of the airline or independent companies.

Consequently, when the JSC is divided into two organizational structures: the airport and the airline, their interaction remains in the production sphere of ground support and the organization of air transportation, at least in the ground handling of passengers and aircraft. At the same time, the range of services provided can be differentiated with respect to the performers. Services, including the use of the aerodrome, the air traffic control system and directly servicing the take-off and landing of the aircraft, operational maintenance of the aircraft, as a rule, belong to the public sector of airport management. Services that include the use of complexes of the service and technical territory of the airport, in particular, the terminal, can be classified as private sector and are performed by different partner performers. Thus, airlines are given the opportunity to choose the most beneficial interaction with the airport, and ultimately, the choice of the appropriate contractor. Alternative executors of ground services for providing air transportation may be the personnel of the airport, the airline of its own or foreign, as well as agency (handling) companies, controlled and / or subordinated directly to the airport or airline. Naturally, the use of one or another interaction option depends on the working conditions and the state of the airline, airport, airline and partners - agency and handling companies.

The set of services that make up the ground handling of air transportation is defined by IATA and presented in the "Ground Handling Agreement" ? ("Standart Grownd Handling Agreement" IATASGHA, AHM810, 1998)

Performers or suppliers of various types of ground handling services can be represented by:

Airport operators;

airline representatives;

Independent agency or handling companies.

The concept of "independent company" is conditional, some foreign companies really work at airports on the terms of private owners of one or another airport complex, for example, the British handling company Seriair, which is part of the Industrial Cleaning Group alliance. Most of the so-called independent companies are managed by airport operators or airline managers on the basis of contracts. Thus, the interaction of the airport with airlines presents a variety of forms with a different number of participants performing certain services.

Is it possible to talk about the advantage of one or another interaction option when using different participants?

The main operator of the airport should be very careful in assessing the participants in the ground handling process. The evaluation criteria may be as follows:

The effectiveness of the services provided, including the viability and profitability of the company;

Honesty regarding competition rules;

Responsibility for ensuring safety and quality.

When characterizing participants according to these criteria, their main goals should be taken into account. The main goal of an airline's ground handling administration is to provide the best service to its own flights using its own standards. Ultimately, ground handling is not the core business of an airline and it may outsource this business to a third party at a reasonable cost. low prices, considering this activity as an addition to the main one.


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Airport- a complex of facilities designed for the reception, dispatch, basing of aircraft and maintenance air transportation having for these purposes airport, air terminal , one or morecargo terminals and other ground structures and necessary equipment.
Airport marketing management objectivescan be classified into two main categories - stabilization and development. The variety of aspects of airport development determines the complexity of the target orientation and its content.The general goal of the development and operation of the airport, in principle, is to fully, timely and qualitatively meet the needs of various user groups in services to ensure the air transport process.The most progressive direction in the airport development strategy is the formation of network business models: hub airports (hubs), alliances, commercial agreements.


Hub airportis any airport that has a large number of arriving and departing passengers and high percent connecting flights (compared to peripherally located airports). At the same time, the air carriers operating the hub airport coordinate the flight schedule in order to achieve the most convenient connections for the transfer

Non-hub airportis an airport that does not provide services for transfer passengers, baggage and cargo and does not have a large number of connecting flights.

Hub airports are divided into:

1. International hub airports - international airports that ensure the concentration and distribution of the main international passengers and cargo flows of the country, connecting international flights.An international airport is an airport that is open for the reception and departure of aircraft performing international air transportation, and in which border and customs control is carried out, and in cases established by international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal laws, other types of control.
2. Domestic hub airports - airports that ensure the concentration and distribution of passengers and cargo flows within the regions and between regions of the country, further redirection of these flows to international hub airports.

3. The group of international hub airports includes airports with a significant passenger flow and a developed network of international air routes, which allows connecting flights from regional airports (including domestic Russian hubs) to international medium and long-range main air routes.

4. Hub (from the English. Hub and poke) is a large hub airport characterized by a large share of serviced transfer passengers and (or) cargo and mail, a wide network of routes and the presence of a large base air carrier or alliance of air carriers.

The hourglass hub is characterized by typical north-south passenger traffic, which is concentrated in the hub in the morning for distribution to destinations in the south.

This model is typical for charter flights, for example to Palma de Mallorca, where passengers from all regions of Germany are accepted, and then Air Berlin distributes them to their final destinations for holidays in Spain. In the evening, the passenger flow returns from south to north, again with connecting flights through the hub.

A coverage hub, also referred to as a contiguous hub, picks up passengers in its extended coverage area (highlighted in color) and distributes them to final destinations outside that area.

Depending on the established status, airports are divided into airports of federal, regional (republican) significance and airports of local airlines.

1. Federal airports are especially significant airports, which include international and domestic hub airports, socially and economically significant airports of the national core airfield network. Federal airports are located at federal airports.Airports of federal significance include airports that are the main key elements of the national air transport system of the Russian Federation, ensuring the stable operation of the most significant interregional (trunk) and international air communications of the Russian Federation. Airports of federal significance include, as a rule, airports with an annual volume of passenger traffic of at least 500,000 people, having a runway with artificial turf and a complex of radio navigation and lighting equipment that allows flights of class 1 and 2 aircraft , or classified as federal, taking into account their socio-political significance in the system state structure Russian Federation.
Airports of federal significance form the core network of airports and provide the needs of all regions of the country and the main transport aviation links with the countries of near and far abroad. These airports account for more than 80% of the total volume of air traffic in Russia on domestic airlines and 95% on international ones.

Aerodromes of federal significance remain in federal ownership.Aerodromes of federal significance are located at hub airports and other airports of great socio-economic importance.

The list of such airfields is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The airports necessary to ensure the connectivity of the national core airport network are airports that, in addition to federal airports, ensure the unity and continuity of aviation communications on the territory of the Russian Federation, allow the most direct routes for flights from north to south, from west to east , from southwest to northeast and from northwest to southeast countries, with the maximum coverage of the territory of the country.

Socially and economically significant airports of the national core airport network are airports located in cities with a large number of residents, as well as airports with a large passenger traffic, located in the main resort cities and centers of the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

Airports of regional and local significance - airports that mainly serve interregional and local air lines (air transportation between neighboring regions and within one region); at these airports there are airfields of regional and local importance.

Airports of regional importance (republican - if the corresponding airport is located in the capital of the republic within the Russian Federation) include non-federal airports located in administrative centers regions and territorial-industrial complexes, the main scope of work of which is interregional trunk air transportation.

Airports of local airlines include airports in which the main volume of work is intra-regional air transportation, as well as flights for the use of aviation in the national economy.

Passenger airports are intended mainly for the carriage of passengers, while cargo airports are intended for the carriage of goods and mail. In most cases, modern airports combine the work of providing passenger and cargo transportation. The share of a particular type of transportation depends on a number of factors, among which we can single out the possibility of ensuring the delivery of passengers and goods by other modes of transport - rail, road or water. In some cases, air transport is the only mode of transport that provides communication with remote and hard-to-reach areas. Base airports include airports where aircraft of one or more airlines are based.

Spare airports include occasional maintenance of aircraft of one type or another. Terminal airports include airports located at one of the ends of the air line, and intermediate ones at the intermediate section of the air line. It should be noted that the same airport can be the terminal for some air lines and intermediate for others.

The airport is a strategically and socially significant object, an integral part of the world's air transport. The 25 largest airports in the world handle up to 30% of all scheduled and non-scheduled passenger traffic. In total, there are more than 1000 airports in the world that carry out international transportation, or 7% of the total number of civil airports, 40% of international airports are located in Europe.

Airports carry out aviation and non-aviation activities.Special requirements for the types of aviation activities related to ensuring flight safety and aviation security are regulated by the authorized federal executive body in the field of civil aviation and are established by federal aviation rules.Non-aviation activities of all types on the territory of the airport are carried out on the basis of agreements concluded by legal entities and individuals with the main operator of the airport.

"... aviation activities - organizational, industrial, scientific and other activities of physicalcivil and legal entities aimed at supporting and developing aviation, meeting the needs of the economy and the population in air transportation, aviation works and services, including the creation and use of an airfield network and airports, and solving other problems;..."

airport tax— payment collected from the passenger in whose name it is issued (booked) ticket . This payment is allocated to the asset airport which serves aircraft before departure and upon arrival. To designate the concept of "airport tax" in different airlines, different terminology is used, for example: "tax", "fee", etc. The amount of the fee is reflected in the ticket when booking. Airlines independently regulate the amount of airport tax up or down depending on the season, direction and contractual relationship with the airport.At the ICAO conference on airport charges in 1956 . A general principle has been developed, recorded in document No. 7806-C/899, which differs that charges should be related both to airport costs and to the ability of the airlines using the airports to pay them.The main purpose of collecting airport charges can be considered the desire of airports to cover their costs for the maintenance of facilities.

When regulating tariffs, the following main tasks can be set:

1. control of the general level of tariffs to prevent the development of inflation;

2. limiting tariffs from above in order to ensure the availability of services for the majority of potential consumers;

3. limiting tariffs from below to prevent dumping;

4. Ensuring price transparency of the market (introduction of the declared tariff principle);

5. Ensuring reasonable stability of tariffs (prevention of tariff changes within a certain period of time).

Civil aviation, being public transport, is practically inaccessible to a wide range of users (aviation services are used by no more than 20% of the population of the Russian Federation, 80% of traffic from Moscow).

airport taxes are collected by the airport authorities without fail and include:

1) takeoff and landing fee (for the provision of a runway, taxiways, lighting). The fee rate is set per ton of maximum takeoff weight.

2) collection for ensuring aviation security (for access control, security of the airport territory, including aircraft in parking lots, screening of crew members, passengers, baggage, cargo) The fee rate is set per ton of maximum takeoff weight.

3) fee for excess parking (the fee is charged after 3 hours after the aircraft has been parked). For the parking of cargo aircraft, the fee is charged 6 hours after landing. The fee rate is set for each hour of excess parking in the amount of 10% of the take-off and landing fee.

Tariffs for commercial passenger service:

1) Tariff for passenger service. is set for check-in and boarding services for departing passengers. The fare is set per passenger separately for domestic and international flights

2) fee for the use of the airport terminal. The fee is charged for each arriving, departing or transit passenger

3)Handling fee. The tariff is set for 1 kg of cargo separately for domestic and international transportation. Aircraft maintenance rates. Tariff for additional aircraft maintenance: for the provision of a gangway, the tariff for the delivery of passengers, for the delivery of board meals, for refilling drinking water, for servicing sanitary facilities. - for internal cleaning, tariffs for aviation fuels and lubricants,

Air navigation charges and meteorological support: fee for air navigation services in the area of ​​the aerodrome. The rate is set per ton of maximum takeoff weight. for air navigation services along the route, a fee for meteorological support.

Normative documents, (in a printed version they can be taken for exams) links:

Non-aeronautical activities airports is an activity for the development of ground services provided to passengers on the territory of airports.On the one hand, it contributes to the maximization of airport profits, on the other hand, a developed commercial infrastructure improves the quality of the airport and the level of passenger satisfaction.There are commercial and office tenants.In each case, the distribution of commercial infrastructure objects depends on a combination of various factors, of which the most significant are: 1. INthe amount of passenger traffic; 2.C Passenger traffic structure (in direction - domestic / international flights, according to the profile of passengers - business / tourism, etc.); 3. ABOUTthe main route of movement of passengers at the airport; 4. TOstructural characteristics of the airport (the possibility of placing commercial infrastructure in a sterile zone).

The success of the commercial concept of the airport depends on the following conditions:

1. Sufficiency of space at the airport. If there is not enough space, there will simply be no source of income maximization;

2. Manufacturability of passenger service processes (processes of inspection, check-in, boarding gate, baggage handling). This is primary for the passenger, because he arrives at the airport to fly away (in the first place);

3. Master planning based on the correct calculations of leasable areas and their distribution for different categories of points. It is also necessary to take into account the ratio between departing passengers from the terminal of domestic and international departures, legal restrictions (in terms of activities permitted at airports) and fire safety standards (they are increased in airport buildings);

4. Availability of data on the portrait of passengers and their needs (through surveys, observations, airline statistics, airport website visitors statistics, data statistics on residents of the region where the airport is located);

Depending on the design characteristics of airports, there are 3 main models for zoning passenger traffic within an airport:

· the departure and arrival area is located in different terminals;

· the departure and arrival areas are located on different floors;

· the departure and arrival areas are located in different parts of the terminal.

An analysis of the largest and highest quality airports showed that the second model is the most common, as it allows you to most effectively separate the passenger flow and build a clear airport logistics.

When managing non-aviation activities of a company, it is worth analyzing the following most important indicators:

· Percentcapturing(penetration rate): the proportion of all passengers who make purchases in a particular category of outlets. Depending on the product category and the location of the outlet, the percentage of capture can range from 1 to 50%. The change in this indicator can be influenced by: the size of the average check, the location of the point, the competitive environment, the average time spent by a passenger in a particular area of ​​the airport.

· INpassenger receipt(revenue per PAX): the amount of revenue of the point of sale operator in terms of each passenger. An increase in the indicator can be an indicator of both a simple increase in prices at the outlet, and an increase in the level of service or speed of service.

· Dpassing on a passenger(income per PAX): The amount of airport income (rent received from the point of sale operator) per passenger. It is this indicator that reflects the efficiency of the operator for the airport. The airport, in turn, can influence this indicator through the correct selection of tenants and their location, through the provision of early check-in for the flight (increasing the time the passenger stays at the airport). of the cost of sold, the percentage from the margin (margin is a value expressing the difference between two specific indicators) is of interest to a franchisee whose store has a different markup level for goods, only if he clearly controls the pricing policy of wholesale and retail sales.

  1. fixed royalty - a regular payment that is tied to the contract and has a fixed percentage of sales. This amount is tied to the cost of the franchisor's services, the number of enterprises, the building area, and the number of clients served.

lump sum payment- a one-time payment in which no distribution of payments between individual items of goods and services is made. The amount of lump-sum payments is fixed, does not depend on other terms of the contract and economic results. The concept is often used in economics

Alternate a / d during takeoff - the airway where the aircraft can go if an emergency situation occurs shortly after the take-off of the aircraft.

flight plan - a route intended for the captain of the aircraft to follow. Airways to follow.

Controlled a / d - a/d on which dispatching service is provided. Air and ground.

controlled airspace – dimensional airspace within which air traffic control services are provided in accordance with the airspace classification.

Checkpoint a / d - a point that determines the position of the a / d in the selected coordinate system.

VFR (Rules of the Air) flight - VFR flight.

IFR flight (Instrument Flight Rules) - IFR flight.

Platform - a part of the road intended for aircraft placement, landing-disembarkation, loading-unloading and aircraft maintenance.

Maneuvering area - part of the road, excluding the apron, intended for takeoff, landing and taxiing of aircraft.

Airfield (LP) - part of the road on which the runway, taxiways, aprons and a special purpose area are located.

Airstrip (Rh) - this is the part of the airfield of the road, including the runway and stopways.

WFP- part of the airstrip of the road, designed to provide take-off run and landing run for the aircraft.

Terminating Lane Deceleration (CPT) - part of the strip adjacent to the runway, designed to hold the load from the aircraft, without damaging its structure.

Taxiways - part of the flight path specially prepared for aircraft taxiing.

Parking place (MS) - a prepared area on the road, designed to accommodate the aircraft for the purpose of its maintenance.

Topic 1. Introductory provisions

1.1. Terms and Definitions.

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the discipline "Airports and airport activities", the connection with the disciplines of the training profile "Organization of airport activities", the scientific foundations of the discipline. Connection of discipline with disciplines (modules) of the profile. Problems of development of airports.

1.3. Airports as a static VT system. Prospects for the development of airports.

1.4. Modern tasks and prospects for the development of airports: ensuring the safety and regularity of flights, the efficiency of the subsystems of the main operators (operators) of airports and airfields.

Topic 2. Airport complexes. Basic elements of airports.

2.1. Airport classification.

2.2. Regulatory legal documents for the design of airports.

2.3. General information about access and intraport highways, access railway line.

2.4. The main objects of the airport complex, their purpose.

2.5. Service and technical areas of airports.

2.6. The composition and placement of buildings and structures for the main production purpose: buildings and structures for servicing passenger and cargo transportation, servicing aircraft, aviation fuel supply for air transportation.

2.7. Airfield lighting equipment. General information about the light-signal systems of airfields. Light-signal systems of civil airfields with JVI and OMI.

2.8. The composition and placement of buildings and structures of auxiliary and administrative-public purposes.

2.9. Modern tasks of technical operation of buildings and structures of airports. Basic rules and methods of technical operation of airfields, buildings and structures of airports.

2.10. Technical operation of buildings and structures of airports. PPR buildings and structures of airports. Operational maintenance and repair of buildings and structures of airports.

Topic 3. State regulation of airport development

3.1. Basic normative legal acts on state regulation of design, construction and operation of airport facilities.

3.2. Federal executive authorities providing state regulation.

3.3. Authorized bodies.

3.4. Acceptance of constructed and reconstructed buildings and structures.

Topic 4. Airport activities

4.1. Normative legal documents on the execution of state functions (the provision of public services).

4.3. Features of the provision of airport activities at federal, regional airports and airports of local airlines.

4.4. Technological systems. Technological processes and technological operations. Technological processes in the operation of buildings and structures.

4.5. The relationship of the subsystems of the airport enterprise in providing technological processes during the current and major repairs of buildings and structures of airports.

Topic 5. Certification of aerodromes

5.1. Normative legal documents on the certification of airfields.

5.2. Features of airfield certification in the Russian Federation.

5.3. Aerodrome certification procedure.

5.4. Airfield guide.

5.5. Federal aviation rules by types of airport activities.

Topic 6. Provision of aircraft flights by airport operators

6.1. General provisions for the provision of flights by the main operators (operators) of airports and airfields.

6.2. The essence of airfield, search and rescue support for aircraft flights of operators, legal entities and individuals.

6.3. Organizational structures of enterprises. Organizational and production structures of enterprises. Organizational and technological structures of enterprises. Organizational structures of enterprise management. Organizational structures of management of the main operators (operators) of airports. Organizational structures and organization of work of the main operators and operators of airports. Organizational and legal forms of the main operators and operators of airports. Organizational structures of management of the main operators (operators) of airports. Application of the theory of competence in the functioning of airport enterprises (airport operators).

Topic 7. Environmental protection during the operation of airports

7.1. The impact of the production activities of airport operators on the environment.

7.2. Sources of noise and the main ways to reduce noise.

7.3. Sources of surface sewage pollution. Methods for cleaning surface wastewater.

7.4. Government Decisions on Environmental Protection. Regulatory documents that determine the procedure for using the elements of the environment. Problems of nature protection in the operational maintenance of airfields, saving labor, energy and raw materials.



Writing a term paper aims to determine the level of knowledge gained in the study of a theoretical course and further development of special disciplines taught in senior courses.

When writing a term paper, textbooks, study guides, monographs, scientific articles, statistical materials, regulatory legal documents and any other available materials are used.

The topic of the course work for full-time students is selected from the given approximate topics and is carried out according to the last two digits of the student's record book.

The course work should include a title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, textual material, including theoretical and calculated parts, illustrations, diagrams, drawings, list of references.

Illustrations, diagrams, drawings for term paper can be made at the request of students and in agreement with the teacher on whatman paper or in the form of slides in electronic form.

Coursework requirements:

1. The volume of the course work must be at least 10 pages of A4 typewritten text.

2. Times New Roman font: body text 14, headings 16 bold.


1. State registration and admission of airfields for operation.

2. Tasks of the main operators (operators) of airports and airfields for the operational maintenance of buildings and infrastructure facilities of airport facilities.

3. Use of IT technologies in the provision of airport services by airport operators.

4. Methods for calculating the capacity of airport facilities and its elements.

6. Basic principles for organizing the operation of buildings and structures of the airport complex.

7. The main tasks of the divisions of the main operators (operators) of airports (aerodromes) for the design, construction of buildings and structures.

8. The main tasks of the divisions of the main operators (operators) of airports (aerodromes) for the operational maintenance of buildings and structures.

9. Organization of PPR of buildings and structures of airport complexes.

10. Organization of CTT airports.

11. Organizational structures of management of the main operators (operators) of airports (aerodromes).

12. Organization of current repair of industrial buildings of airports.

13. Organization of current repair of elements of civil aviation airfields.

14. Organization of acceptance of airport facilities for operation after construction (reconstruction).

15. Organization of acceptance of buildings and structures of airports for operation after current repairs.

16. Organization of work of working and state acceptance commissions.

17. Features of the implementation of technological processes for servicing aircraft of civil aviation operators, legal entities and individuals.

18. Organization of technical operation of buildings and structures for industrial purposes.

19. Rules and procedures for organizing airport activities in the Russian Federation.

20. Subsystems of the airport enterprise for the operation of buildings and structures for ground support of aircraft flights.

21. Proposals for improving the throughput capacity of airport elements.

22. Develop proposals for the formation of a complex of main buildings and structures of airports, depending on the class of the airport.

23. Develop proposals for organizing the overhaul of industrial buildings of the airport complex.

24. Develop proposals for organizing the reconstruction of the terminal building of the airport complex with an increase in passenger traffic.

25. Develop proposals for organizing runway overhaul without interrupting aircraft flights.

26. Develop proposals for improving the organization of acceptance of airport buildings for operation after construction (reconstruction).

27. Develop proposals for the development of hierarchical and functional management of airport enterprises in the Russian Federation.

28. Develop proposals for improving the state regulation of airport activities in the Russian Federation.

29. Develop proposals for the standardization of requirements for class I airports.

30. Develop proposals for the standardization of requirements for class II airports.

31. Develop proposals for the standardization of requirements for class III airports.

32. Develop proposals for improving the classification of airports in the Russian Federation.

33. Develop proposals for improving the classification of airfields in the Russian Federation.

34. Develop proposals for improving the classification of Russian heliports.

35. Develop proposals for the construction of heliports on offshore oil platforms to ensure aircraft flights.

36. Develop proposals for improving the classification of landing sites in the Russian Federation.

37. Develop proposals for improving the requirements for airport activities (by types) of the Russian Federation.

1. Documents regulating the activities of VT enterprises.

1. Air Code of the Russian Federation;

2. rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo;

3. rules for the international carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo;

4. rules for the transport of dangerous goods;

5. Various manuals and instructions:

Shipping Guide;

Aircraft loading and balance manual;

Various instructions and guidelines (on the procedure for handing over the commercial load on board the aircraft);

6. Other documents related to the activities of the Aircompany.

  1. The main tasks, functions of the aviation enterprise.

Organization of transportation- the area of ​​activity of the airline associated with the organization, technical, technological support, the implementation of concluded contracts for transportation.

Air transportation is divided into:

Transportation of passengers and luggage;

mail transportation;

Transportation of goods;

Various aerial work (agricultural work, forest patrol, maintenance of organizations and enterprises, maintenance of scientific expeditions).

  1. The main activity of the airport.

Tasks carried out by regular domestic and international transport, as well as charter flights and performance of all types of aviation works.

The airport where the aircraft is based is the base for air carriers, the hub for air transportation, the starting point of departure for initial passengers, the final point for arriving and transferring passengers, passing through the airport, following onward.

The functions provided by air carriers include coordinating the work of servicing airport personnel and air carriers, monitoring the implementation of recommendations on the quality and level of passenger service, ensuring aviation security, international service during servicing, eliminating emerging conflict situations and considering passenger claims.

With this scope of work, the representation of air transportation for servicing flights depends on the working conditions at the airport, as well as on the contract between the air carrier and the airport. At the same time, the organization of work at the airport provides for servicing passengers in two directions:

Pre-flight ground handling of passengers and processing of their luggage and registration;

Ground handling of passengers and handling of their luggage.

Also, the implementation of preparatory and technological operations at the junction of these areas, as well as operations for the processing of cargo and mail.

  1. Functions and tasks of the division of the organization of freight traffic.
  1. Reception and registration of cargoes and consignors;
  2. Issuance of cargo from the temporary storage warehouse for aircraft loading;
  3. Transfer of cargo from the aircraft to the temporary storage warehouse upon arrival;
  4. Notifying the owner of the cargo about its arrival;
  5. Issuance of cargo to the consignee;
  6. Search for cargo and consideration of applications and acceptance of cargo by the client in case of emergency;
  7. Calculation of tariffs for air transportation of goods;
  8. Measures to attract cargo to air transportation;
  9. Fulfillment of customs formalities in the course of cargo transportation.
  1. Job responsibilities of employees of the organization of cargo transportation.

Management structure of the cargo transportation organization service.

Staff duties.

Head of Service - selection and placement of personnel, control over labor and technological discipline, permission to receive cargo, improvement of work technologies and adjustment of transportation plans, training with personnel, control and implementation of labor protection and safety measures.

Shift Supervisor– monitoring the implementation of the daily plan, responsibility for the BP (for cargo), responsible for the timely receipt and delivery of goods.

Download Manager– control over the correct placement of cargo in the cargo compartments, based on the CG.

Dispatcher(operator) - is responsible for the complexity of work, controls the implementation of the daily plan, as well as the correct execution of cargo documentation.

movers- financially responsible persons.

Transceiver– financially responsible, carries out the acceptance / delivery of cargo, as well as the transfer of material assets by change.

Cashier– registration of consignment notes and settlement documents for the clientele, as well as carrying out operations to collect fees for small shipments.

claimant– consideration of claims, conducting internal investigations with the help of the search group, preparing minutes for the meeting of the claims commission.

Marketing group - responsible for activities to attract cargo clients, analysis of the air transportation market, preparation of proposals for the use of preferential tariffs for unloaded routes, development of a system of seasonal discounts.

Warehouse manager - control over the conduct of storage facilities, the correctness of the issues of acceptance of goods, manages the search for goods, the elimination of malfunctions that have arisen during transportation, control over the conduct of repair and cleaning work.

  1. General rules for accepting cargo for transportation. Cargo marking.

When handing over the shipment, it must be properly packaged. When declaring the value of the cargo, the packaging of the cargo is sealed. The seal must be standard with a clear imprint of numbers and letters. Cargo that does not meet the general requirements for transportation will not be accepted.

Cargo marking.

Marking is necessary to determine the consignor and consignee, points of departure and destination, determines the conditions for the safe storage and transportation of goods.

There are 2 types:

1. transport- full name of the organization, cargo owner, addresses, number of places in the lot, manipulation signs that determine the procedure for handling the cargo during its loading / unloading, placement in a warehouse, in an aircraft, various information records (information that cannot be expressed by manipulation signs);

2. departure airport - includes the number of the consignment note, the coding of the name of the airport of departure and the number of pieces in this consignment.

  1. Appointment and equipment of passenger service areas and baggage handling.

Passenger service and baggage handling, as a rule, is carried out in various functional and technological zones of the airport, which can have 1 or 2 terminals and one- or two-level operating zones.

Service departing passengers on m/national AL carried out in the departure hall of international flights or in the international sector of the a / c in the next. zones:

1) customs control

2) check-in and baggage clearance

3) baggage collection

4) border control

5) special control

6) transit passengers or waiting for departure.

Service for passengers departing on domestic flights is carried out in the departure hall of domestic flights and there is no 3 1 and 3 4.

The technology of servicing arriving passengers by domestic airlines is carried out in the arrival hall in the arrival hall in the baggage claim area for passengers.