The latest version of the plane crash TU 154. "Is that - collective insanity

The fall of the Tu-154 aircraft of the 223rd Flight Detachment of the Russian Defense Ministry has become one of the largest tragedies of the outgoing year. On board the liner were 92 people, they were all died. In each such case, the emergence of various versions of what happened is inevitable. "" tried to understand what was happening.

NB: All of the above about the causes of the aircraft accident is a statement of versions that do not yet have official confirmation. Before the publication of official conclusions on the results of the investigation of the causes of the disaster, none of these versions can be considered truth.


The aircraft Tu-154B-2 onboard room RA-85572, produced in 1983 in the Kuibyshev aircraft facilities (now the Aviakor plant), almost all the time was operated by the Ministry of Defense - first as part of the 8th air traffic in the special purpose of the USSR Air Force, then created in 1993, the 223rd flight detachment.

As of the day of the catastrophe, a plane is about 11 percent of the flight resource with an average of a little more than 200 hours a year, which is relatively few for passenger liners, which in civil aviation are operated with an intensity of 1000 or more hours per year. The appointed side resource was 37,500 hours, or 16 thousand landings, while he could be extended to 60 thousand hours and 22 thousand landings.

The Tu-154B-2 is currently already derived from commercial operation due to inconsistency of the adopted noise and high fuel standards, but military vehicles remain in the ranks.

The operator of the aircraft - the 223rd flight detachment of the Ministry of Defense, the Russian State Aviation Enterprise - provides aviation transportation in the interests of state structures and performs irregular cargo and passenger transportation, as a rule, the personnel of the armed forces. The company was organized on the basis of the 8th Aviation Division of Special Purpose (8 Adosnases, 8 Adon) of the Russian Air Force in Chkalovsky in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 No. 37-RP "On Ensuring Activities of the 223th and 224th flights Russian Ministry of Defense units "for air transport in the interests of state structures.

The plane flew from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow and was to land on refueling in Mozdok, however, on weather conditions, the refueling airfield was changed in Sochi. From Sochi, the liner flew at 05:25 and fell, according to the available data by spending two minutes before the disaster.

The destination of the flight was the Russian Hamimim Air Base in Syria. Airplane Artists of the Military Ensemble named after Aleksandrov, journalists and accompanying their servicemen. In addition, there was Elizabeth Glinka on board, known as Dr. Lisa, and the head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov.


The main publicly discussed versions of what happened to three: malfunction of technology, piloting error, terrorist act. The concomitant circumstance to the first two could be the weather, however the available data on actual weather conditions in Sochi at the time of the catastrophe say that they were quite acceptable:

Visibility is 10 kilometers and more. Cloudy in several layers: the lower layer 5-7 of the octants (eighth stakes), with the lower edge of 1000 meters, over it is still a layer, solid with the lower edge of 2800 meters, temperature +5, dew point +1, the pressure of about 763 millimeters of mercury pillars. Dry runs dry. Eastern wind is 5 meters per second. On the sea - the wave height is up to 0.1 meters.

All three versions cannot be confirmed, neither are eliminated before the official findings of the Investigation Commission, however, you can try to "decompose on the table" available information at least in order to streamline it.

The last time the RA-85572 is repaired in December 2014, and in September 2016, planned service passed. The total plane raid for 33 years of operation amounted to 6689 hours.

Such age and resource are completely normal for air-operated liners. So, one of the main cargo-passenger aircraft of the US Air Force C-135 Stratolifter, built from 1956 to 1965, remains in operation, and the total service life of these aircraft can approach the century - they will remain as part of the Air Force at least until 2040 years.

By itself, Tu-154 refers to reliable machines, at the same time no airplanes are insured against technical problems, and, of course, this version will be one of the main.

The crew of the crashing liner is characterized as an experienced. The Tu-154 aircraft, broken down in the Black Sea, managed the first-class pilot Roman wolves.

"The Tu-154 aircraft aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of Russia was managed by an experienced pilot of Volkov Roman Aleksandrovich. Roman wolves - first class pilot. The total raid is more than three thousand hours, "in the military department, the TASS correspondent.

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Petukhov - Navigator crashed Tu-154B-2 - in April 2011 participated in salvation ". Then the plane of the same model made landing at Chkalovsky airport with a faulty control system. BORT TU-154B-2 RA-88563 planned to overtake repair in Samara. After takeoff of the aircraft, malfunctions were discovered in its management system. The plane began to swing in the air and bounce, which was noticeable from the Earth. Journalists later called the liner dancing.

Nevertheless, the plane managed to return to the lane in Chkalovsky thanks to the skillful acts of the crew. Petukhov was the navigator of the "dancing liner", along with his colleagues, he was awarded the Order of the courage.

However, the takeoff from the seaside airfields was always not the most simple procedure, and Tu-154, especially in the "b" version, many pilots are described as a fairly strict plane in control, which plays high demands on the pilot, which also does not allow with the go to refile the version Possible tragic error. According to pilots of civil aviation, the experience in three with a small thousand hours for the commander of the machine of a similar class is insufficient.

Finally, given the political situation, it is impossible to exclude the version of the terrorist attack, including due to the specific features of the organization of military flights. Unfortunately, the rigor of checking and guarding on military passenger flights is much less than in commercial airlines. According to many servicemen and civilians who have experience with the flights of the Ministry of Defense with Chkalovsky and other military airfields, the pre-flight inspection on such flights is often reduced to empty formalities in the form of reconciliation of passenger lists with documents, especially when "its" team flies. When flying abroad - in the same Syria - it is somewhat stricter (borderline formalities include), but in this case it does not compare with traditional measures in most civilian airports of developed countries.

Under these conditions, you can allow the existence on board the explosive device, which could be placed in luggage liner when loading or carried on board when an intermediate landing in Sochi. In any case, the likelihood of such events does not exclude special services that began checking those who could have access to the airport of departure and in Sochi.

The species of the terrorist attack is put forward in some media the assumption of an attack on an aircraft using a portable anti-aircraft missile complex, which could be performed by terrorists or from a boat or from a residential building on the coast, but this option is unlikely possible, given that the deceased liner was supposed to To sit in Mozdok, and if he had intended to attack when landing / take off from the refueling airfield - it would be waiting for it.

One way or another, the investigation just began. The fall of the aircraft in the sea can seriously complicate it - a steep deck of depths in the Sochi area, where the mainland slope at an angle of 45 degrees sharply goes down, by 500, 1000 or more meters, and the thick layer of the alley will greatly complicate the search for liner debris. In the same area in 1972, the IL-18B plane fell a little further from the coast - at a distance of about 10 kilometers, but his debris went to a depth of 500 to 1000 meters, and no large parts of the fuselage and wings, no side recorders could not be found .

Taking into account these conditions, every hour is important: with each hour, the debris will be divened to the water all deeper. This is obviously understood by all responsible persons - in Sochi, the diving elite of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Navy of Russia - divers-deep-breeds from all four fleets, with special equipment and underwater devices.

The tragedy in the sky over the Black Sea coast occurred against the background of victorious messages from Aleppo, putting Palmyra, moving forward and bloody deviations. A beautiful idea to "Clean the music" space infected with evil crashed in a literal sense. Scary and bitterly.

This black Sunday, December 25, 2016, was a test for final removal - or on human safety. The adviser of the Ukrainian president proposes to bring bubbles with a "hawthorn" to the goal of the Russian Embassy. Belarus announces mourning. Domestic (!) Journalists defeat that the media representatives died and declare that they were not talking about. In Donetsk are offered to call the name Elizabeth Glinka Street, in Belgrade - Square, in Grozny - a children's clinical hospital.

In Syria flew the plane with a truly precious cargo. With talented, unique, unique people. "The condolences to everyone. Clear loss because they were indispensable "- with these words of the official speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova It is difficult to disagree. But maybe these, indispensable, should be especially careful? Although - you can say: who knew ...

Failure of technology or human factor?

Could it cause bad weather conditions? Unlikely. Board, on the contrary, changed the direction - instead of a military airfield in Mozdok, where there was a strong fog, heading to Adler, where the sky was clear. Weather show at the time of departure - wind 4 m / s, visibility without restrictions, the lower edge of the cloudiness of 1000 meters. Human factor? Piloting error? But the plane led the double crew of experienced pilots, with a raid hundreds of hours with different meteo conditions that have been preparing for work in emergency situations - the management of MO often flies with "Chkalovsky". The aircraft managed the first class pilot Roman Volkov - High-class aviator, flown 3000 hours. In conversations with dispatchers, the pilots, according to all reports, did not show any anxiety. React to the freelancer (make an emergency landing or at least to send a signal to earth) did not have time, it is true. Experts suggest that the tragic chain of accidents could take: for example, equipment failure on takeoff.

The assumptions of fuel overload are made (they took the reserve "on Syria"), about hitting the bird's engine - near the airport is an ornithological park. But hardly the birds managed to fail all three engines. Tu is a reliable car, and there are cases when such aircraft have made landing even if all three engines refuse. And even hitting the bird flock does not explain the instant break of communication and departure with radar. And the management system Tu-154 has four-time reservations.

Where neither throw, everywhere wedge

If we assume that the death of Tu-154 became a consequence of a terrorist act (a week after the murder of Ambassador in Turkey, against the background of the final "speeches" of the administration Barack Obama and rumors about allegedly announced George Soros "Dn, the 25th of December, when" everything will start "), then the idea of \u200b\u200bsending the Russian military contingent to Syria becomes meaningless. After all, they planned to block the "bearded" oxygen there, in the east - so that they were not here.

On the Internet, video of unclear origin is already walking: the surveillance chamber, installed allegedly on one of the Sochi beaches, recorded a bright flash of light in the night sky. Presumably, it happened in those moments when the side RA-85572 lost contact with the Earth.

Representatives of the operational headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of emergencies declare that meaning the plane disappeared from the radar screens and approximately half an hour passed. By Tu-154, this video "has no relationship", but to talk about an abnormal situation on board prematurely ...

Too similar to Egypt

The fact that Tu-154 will head towards Sochi instead of Mozdoka, no one could know, it means that he could not get a job in a secluded place with the PZRK, they convince one commentators. The most convenient disposition: Shot from the engine boat "Involution", others consider. This unscheduled landing in Adler matters in another respect: if on board the Tu-154 there was indeed an explosive device, and in fact, a timer was put into action, you can calculate where the plane should explode "according to plan" . And who would be profitable. Flights to Syria are carried out over Caspian, with flights of Turkey - through the airspace Iran and Iraq.

Sudden cessation of communication with the Earth (before that, the pilots were completely calm and did not mention any flight difficulties), as well as the scatter of debris in a radius of 15 kilometers, are the main arguments in favor of the terrorist attack version. And yet - anxious similarity with a plane crash that happened in the fall of 2015 over Sinai. Then, as the investigation found out, the explosive device was laid in advance in the luggage compartment. After the Egyptian catastrophe, the version of the terrorist act was not voiced for a very long time. Now - the same?

An unnamed officer who carries the service at Chkalovsky, shared from the media: in fact, the cargo of military aircraft selectively check the berthings, careful inspection is not conducted. Specpture do not inspect at all. In addition, the serviceman does not exclude that it was possible to put something in the medicine that Dr. Lisa was visible: "It is unknown who and how this cargo collected, the Ministry of Defense did not have a relationship".

Officially in the power circles at the moment, the version of the terrorist attack is denying. And this is understandable. If after all the version of the terrorist attack is confirmed, it literally blows up the reputation of the Ministry of Defense. To carry something to the "Chkalovsky", protected object of military assignment, claim security forces was impossible. All passengers and their baggage were carefully checked. Disposable - unscheduled, intentionally "meet" the plane there no one could. Food on board did not serve. There were no strangers - they had the right to approach the military aircraft with the relevant form of admission. In Adler, the plane was under guard, two border guards and customs officer rose on board, only the navigator came out; Unauthorized persons to refueling were not attracted - only full-time staff.

Assumptions are expressed in the network, they say despite all the counterproof the terrorist attack, it is likely to become the most chassis in the near future. And the actual state of affairs here will not matter - it will be the only version that will allow at least how much to withdraw responsibility. How can I prevent CRRK shot from an inflatable boat?

Regarding the radius of fragile debris at the head of the Ministry of Transport Maxim Sokolov The answer is simple: "Large flow". Hydroat with a collision with a water surface, complement other commentators. Such force that the bodies of the dead broke into parts ...

Or maybe this is outdated?

Fallen in the Black Sea Airplane Tu-154B-2 was released 33 years ago. Specialists argue that with proper handling for the aircraft of this class is not the term. In December 2014, the liner passed a overhaul at his native factory in Samara, in September of this year - planned service. The reserve of the flight and calendar resource was sufficient. Similar machines in civil aviation are really going on, but military aircraft are exploited much less often - because they serve longer.

Obviously, it is pointless to talk about the causes of the catastrophe. It is precisely: it is necessary to wait for inspection of the fragments of the aircraft, fragments of the striking elements (if they are detected), the results of forensic examination, deciphering data from "black boxes" (which also need to be found). With the last serious problem: as it turned out, the recorders were not equipped with acoustic lighthouses. To detect them, you will need a "area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom terrain using high-resolution side viewing hydrolers" and the months of work ... "With an implicit result."

So far, in parallel with search engines, a group of investigators works at the Chkalovsky military airfield. There is a seizure of technicians, fuel samples, witness survey - all who dealt with the preparation of the Tu-154 departure, checking the military units with which the goods were previously sent by this board. It is known that in addition to personal belongings, 84 passengers on board were military equipment and special suit.

According to Interfax, the Joseph Kobzon and the Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkov should have been flying to Syria. The singer was forced to abandon the speech before the military, because Departs for treatment, the Ombudsman had to go on a business trip to the Crimea.

Without interrupting for an hour

Search operation is carried out around the clock. Rescuers and divers of the State Central Aircraft Detachment "Centrospas" and the Center for Special Risk Rescue Operations "Leader", which sent the Second Day to the Krasnodar Territory, will not stop work. IL-76 delivered specialists in the area of \u200b\u200bwork experience with work experience at high depths - with specialized diving equipment, equipment for deep-sea works, mobile barocamera and underwater controlled devices "Falcon". In addition, the Adler arrived an operational group of the Central Assembly of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the force of Centripas: 45 people and 3 units of technology. A grouping of the total personnel of more than 3 thousand people, 200 units of technology, 30 sea ships, 7 aircraft, 12 helicopters and 20 unmanned aerial vehicles are attracted to the elimination of an emergency.

In readiness there are 7 helicopters of aviation Yurts EMERCOM of Russia. After large-scale liners are found, which, as search engines believe, are at depth, they will examine 48 divers.

For the day of the search engines managed to examine more than 10 kilometers of the coastal zone; From the air, the search sectors of 240 square meters are checked. km; The boats of YURPSO and GIMS were examined by 100 square meters. km. Already raised to the surface of 5 portholes, a fragment of the trim, oxygen cylinders, the details of the seats, the wheel from the chassis and a spare trapp. Found bodies and fragments of bodies are delivered to the shore and are transmitted to representatives of the Ministry of Defense. Alas, there are no survivors.

Video of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

With all the understanding, following the great mission, which the musicians of Khor Aleksandrov, and Dr. Lisa, and everyone who was on board the Tu-154 flying to Latakia, may be worthwhile asking for the need to mix PR and War. If it is not glued with bright events - let us remember the recent crime of Palmira, especially a painful after the festive concert Valery Gergiev, and the campaign of Admiral Kuznetsov, not so much surprised by all the black smoke, how many valuable aircraft he dropped to the Mediterranean Sea. It is hardly possible to deny that the orchestra flew not only to raise the spirit of our military, but also for the "under the cameras", flying to the same board, glorify the victories of our army in their homeland.

Is it possible to avoid the death of civil and military Russians, whose number has already exceeded a dozen, without the cessation of our participation in Syria? The war always pulls the death of civil and military even outside the front line. For the death of military personnel, there is even such a terrible concept as the sky losses. In the best armies in the world, employees explode themselves in military camps and die from diseases during the redeployment period. So in this case, regardless of the reasons for the fall of the aircraft, the death of outstanding passengers occurred because of our participation in the war. And if we saved Syria from the collapse and the origin of the new focus of chaos in the Middle East, now it's time to get away from there or freeze your participation and do not hone in the second Afagan.

December 26 in Russia declared the Day of National Mourning. The editorial office of Our Version expresses condolences to relatives and loved ones, who died in the Tu-154 plane crash. Bright memory.

On December 25, at 5.20 in the morning, the Tu-154B-2 223rd flight detachment of the Ministry of Defense after refueling in Sochi flew to Latakia and after a few minutes disappeared with radar. On board the aircraft there were 92 people: 8 members of the crew, artists and staff of the academic ensemble of the song and dance named after Alexandrov, including the artistic director of the team of Valery Khalilov, 9 Russian journalists - film crews of the first channel, NTV and "Stars", as well as accompanying persons including a well-known charity, Chairman of the Foundation "Fair Help" Dr. Elizaveta Glinka, Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and other employees of the Ministry. Artists had to give a pre-New Year concert for the military with the Hmeimim airbase, Dr. Lisa accompanied the batch of drugs and humanitarian aid for the hospital in Latakia.

According to the morning on December 26, 12 bodies of the dead were raised from the water. Search operation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plane crash continues.

Daria Kobelkin, Elena Kostyuchenko

Tu-154 wreck, which occurred on December 25, became the most terrible plane crash last year. And most classified for all recent years. After almost four months, we are forced to admit that the society has practically no reliable information about what happened. The Ministry of Defense completely closed the investigation into the catastrophe, although the departure was made from a civil airport and among the dead there are not only military personnel. The investigation of the plane crash is not fast, but in three and a half months from the moment of the crash, we received much more information, including those of such resonant cases, as the collapse of the Russian liner over Sinai as a result of the terrorist attack and even the destruction of the Malaysian Boeing over the Donbass.

Instead of objective data, society offers versions that publish the media with reference to sources close to the consequence. Since it is impossible to check them now, according to these versions, you can track the position of the military investigation, formulated precisely for "external use" - that is, for us.

It is known that on December 25, 2016, the Tu-154B-2 airliner belonging to the Russian Air Force, carried out flight on the route Moscow-Latakia. From Moscow, the board flew in 1.38 nights on December 25 from the Chkalovsky Military Aerodrome, staying at a few hours. The plane was supposed to return to Mozdok, however, due to bad weather conditions, it was sent to Sochi. We refrained, border guards rose on board - check the availability of passports. At 5.25, the plane flew out of the Sochi airport, at 5.27 disappeared with radars. Disaster signal has not been received. Subsequently, the Ministry of Defense announces that the board collapsed into the Black Sea after 70 seconds after departure from Sochi Airport.

All 92 people were killed - 84 passengers and 8 crew members. Among them are the artists of the choir named after Aleksandrov, Journalists of NTV, the first channel, the TV channel "Star", head of the Fundamental Help Foundation Elizabeth Glinka (Dr. Liza). The FSB of Russia officially reported that "according to the Ministry of Defense, 84 passengers and eight crew members, passenger luggage and 150 kg of cargo (food and medicines) were located on board the aircraft. "Military and dual-purpose goods, the pyrotechnic drugs were not transported by the indicated aircraft," the FSB said.

In the first hours after the catastrophe, the Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation under the Sochi garrison opened a criminal case under Article 351 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Violation of flight rules, entailed grave consequences"). Later, the case was transferred to the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Operational support of the investigation is carried out by the FSB. Despite the fact that the case is officially leading the RF IC, in fact, the establishment of the causes of the military board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Ministry of Defense, headed by the Deputy Minister of Defense by the General Army by Pavel Popov. I can say that the search for bodies and fragments of the aircraft carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations also passed under the dense control of the Ministry of Defense - as well as working with the relatives of the dead. The technical part of the investigation and analysis of fragments is engaged in the staff of the Research Center for Operation and Repair of Air Defense Air Defense Affiliation. Civilian specialists, including employees of the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC), engaged in the investigation of all aircraft crash in the world, attracted limited and forcedly - in late January there were reports that the investigation was faced with difficulties in deciphering and analyzing data from onboard recorders. This is due to the fact that the wreck of Tu-154 has been installed, the recorders were installed, externally resembling the coil tape recorder - and the Ministry of Defense there are no relevant specialists to decipher them. Mac stated that one of the specialists take part in the investigation, but at the same time Mac did not have the right to comment on the Tu-154 wreck. The RF IQ also has no right to comment on the course of the investigation and does not have operational information on the case.

In such conditions, the authenticity and impartiality of the conclusions of the investigation guarantee at least difficult. We ask readers critically refer to the facts stated in the material.

As a member of the State Commission, the head of the security flight service of the Armed Forces, the head of the aircraft security flight, Sergey Baynetov, was initially more than 15 versions of Tu-154 crash, then their number was halved.

What exclosed

Already four hours after the disaster (the search for fragments and bodies began), the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security, Viktor Ozerov, publicly excluded the terrorist attack: "I exclude the version of the terrorist attack. The plane of the Ministry of Defense, the airspace of the Russian Federation, there can be no such version here. " However, the investigation continued to consider the likelihood of terrorist attack, sabotage and even rocket hit until mid-January 2017. Now, according to the "new", the version of the explosion or any external influence on the plane is absolutely excluded.

Already in the first hours after the catastrophe, the version of poor-quality fuel was almost excluded - at the same time other aircraft, which flew and flies without any problems were fought at the airport. The airport staff stated "New" that the control of the fuel here is "the strongest": "We here are refueling here, you know." At the same time, the FSB, which carried out the operational support of the investigation, the version of the ingress of foreign objects into the engine was considered.

A serious technical malfunction of the aircraft - a refusal of one or more engines - also to date is excluded.

As a possible cause of problems with a set of height, the overload was also called. The fact of overload refutes the Ministry of Defense.

Priority versions

From the first day of the catastrophe, two priority versions were allocated - technical malfunction and piloting error.

On December 27, almost simultaneously appeared information on deciphering "black boxes" - speech and parametric. Life has published the crew conversations.

... speed 300 ... (illegible.)

- (illegible.)

- took the rack, commander.

- (illegible.)

- Wow, E is my!

(Sound signal sounds.)

- flaps, bitch, what is ***!

- High rise meter!

- We ... (illegible.)

(Signal about dangerous rapprochement from the ground.)

- (illegible.)

- Commander, we fall!

At the same time, according to the information provided by the "New Gazeta" by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who managed and engaged in search, at the time of publication of the decryption, the speech recorder was not raised from the sea. Official confirmations of the decoding never received. On December 29, the head of the security flight service of the Aviation Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Sergey Baynetov said that on board for 10 seconds, judging by Radio exchange, there was a "special situation" - without clarifications.

According to the source "Life", the second recorder, parametric, until it was taken to the Central Research Institute of Air Force, and when its decoding is still unknown.

On the same day, the "Kommersant" there was information that the raised and decrypted parametric recorder registered the waiver of closer cleaning - that is, a technical malfunction. The source close to the investigation develops the version: the pilots appeared during the confession of the closer, the pilots tried to compensate for the helm and passed the cordless angle of attack, after which the air stopped holding the aircraft - and the fall was inevitable.

The assumption of intimidated flaps was made before deciphering the recorder - on the basis of the testimony of an unnamed witness, an employee of the coastal protection of the FSB, which compared the position of the aircraft at the time of the tapping of water with a motorcycle moving on the rear wheel.

On February 7, the Kommersant newspaper reported on creating a mathematical model of the last flight Tu-154, which laid the flight path of the liner and the parameters of all its systems obtained from the onboard recorder, including the mode of engines and positions of the steering wheel. According to the same "Kommersant" dated March 14, 2017, the technical part of the Catastrophe investigation is currently completed. The results are called "shocking". From the findings of experts, it follows that the plane did not fall, but crashed when planting water in controlled flight. Instead of continuing a set of height, the control pilot Roman wolves for incomprehensible reasons began to decline. The source involves the deorientation of the pilot in space: "By gaining a height in the dark, above the sea, the pilot did not control the visual position, since he had not seen any landmarks and even the horizon. Even stars, which were simultaneously both from above, and below - in the form of reflections on the surface of the water, could disorient the crew. In this complex setting, the pilot pilot, according to experts, had to fully trust the instruments, the testimony of which commander of wolves, apparently ignored, trusting his experience and physiological sensations. So, for example, an overload with an acceleration of the car could create an illusion of a height set at the pilot - while the plane actually decreased. "

Separately, it is noted that the investigative group of the Ministry of Defense is now exploring the entire professional biography of the deceased pilot, flight training, a medical card, the results of psychological tests, as well as the recreation regime of the pilot. Unsonigent flaps are no longer mentioned.

Previously, the loss of spatial orientation as a cause of the catastrophe has already been called. On April 2, 2016, the EUROCOPTER EC-130V helicopter made a tough landing in the village of Bezverkhovo Primorsky Krai, as a result, the pilot died. Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC) mentions bad weather, the loss of the visibility of ground landmarks and the lines of the natural horizon. On March 19, 2016, when landing at the Rostov-on-Don airport, Boeing-737-800 crashed, the following from Sharm el-Sheikh. 62 people died. As a reason, again, the loss of the crew orientation is called in complex meteors, to contribute to which the indication of the main pilotal device could have changed for Russia. However, it is known that meteo conditions at the time of the departure of Tu-154 were close to ideal, and the Roman of Volkov had more than 1900 hours of plaque on Tu-154, equipped with all standards.

Elena Kostyuchenko

Opinions of specialists

Vadim Lukashevich,

independent Aviation Expert, Candidate of Technical Sciences

- New data in the investigation of the Tu-154 catastrophe in Sochi is, sorry, the nonsense of a silent mare. They do not bring us at all bring us to understanding the causes of the tragedy. If it were the first data on the catastrophe and before that there was no information, it would be possible to call a premature version. And so there is a lot of questions.

First: In what time was the position of the plane closure? Even if the pilot lost the orientation, he silent on the instruments, trusted his feelings, he could not forget that he would take off at all, and the flaps should have been removed long ago, and not to be at the moment of impact in a half-breed state. The second: the pilot, like the passengers of the aircraft in their feelings, should understand, gains a height or losing an airplane. After all, in the first minutes of the flight, the height is the most intense. The third: if the aircraft did not enter the core corners of the attack, then how to explain the words of eyewitnesses who saw, as the plane flew with a strong nose. Is this position called "absolutely regular regime"?

Judging by the results of a technical investigation, the aircraft decreased in normal mode. Between the lines, we read that it has been released, and not removed (unless, of course, we will not return to the story with the originally not cleaned flaps). That is, the pilot for some reason translated the car into the landing position. In this case, talking about the disorientation of the pilot is simply unpervently.

I am confused by the moment of description of the disorientation of pilots due to the stars reflected in the sea. The sea next to the line of the surf is not the perfectly smooth surface of the pond or puddle. There the moon is quite difficult to see. I do not leave the feeling that these new investigation data is nothing but the provenation of the soil for recognition by the perpetrators of the pilots of the aircraft. At first we were stated about 3,000 hours of flying and pilot experience, and now study his medical care card and teachers who teach him to pilot. It was a Military crew Volkov, who transported astronauts to Baikonur. Such tasks did not trust.

Andrei Krasnokov,

major Air Force, pilot

- I judge the facts. The last radio between the pilots sounded like this: "Racks! Racks! Forest! Commander, Fall. " What can landing here? 70 seconds from take-off, about 50 seconds of separation from the Earth. Obviously, an error was made - the flaps were removed instead of the chassis. The plane went on the prudial angle of attack, the speed of 360, without closed with the chassis released, he just fell onto the tail. How could you be prepared for landing? Let me let the steering wheel from myself, give the plane to accelerate, do not withdraw it on these angles, for this, the pilots have a special device. And here ... The right pilot confused the chassis with the flaps, and the second did not appreciate, did not understand what happened to the aircraft, continuing to take off the normal angle.

As a pilot, I could support the version that pilots wanted to plant a plane. And could do it if there were no those most banal mistakes. At the time of their detection, it was already impossible to change the situation. Our pilots do not know how to control the vessel on the core corners of the attack, only the tests. I do not want to blame pilots, they fought until the last, believe me, none of us is Kamikadze and does not want to die. They took off in Sochi at five in the morning, before that there was a night flight from Moscow, given the fatigue and load, could confuse something.

Yuri Sytnik,

honored pilot of Russia

- Talk about the final version of the crash prematurely. And to discuss the leakage of information or speculation and rumors are not entirely correct to relatives of the dead, including pilots Tu-154. I do not believe that the pilots were going to land on the water. They simply drove to the latter to the aircraft, before the collision with the water surface. The crew was able to control the vessel, they did not lose their performance, they realized the criticality of the situation and tried to withdraw from it. No it is landing. This is a controlled fall of the aircraft.

Why did they have to sit in the sea? Engines worked, devices too. If an abnormal situation arose, they could sit on the airfield, and if there were no problems, then calmly continue the flight. Talk about versions - that the engine refused, the birds were encountered, the flaps did not remove, confused them from the chassis, lost control - it was possible at the initial stage, until the evidence was detected. Parametric media, onboard recorders are now deciphered, it is enough to wait a month-one and a half to have all the information about what happened on board.

Igor Delguzhov,

president of the Sheremetyevsky Flight Trade Union

- Loss of orientation in space is a frequent phenomenon. And there is mainly at the tired pilots. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the crew fatigue is a concomitant cause of 30% catastrophe. This story may also be related to this story. About six o'clock in the morning they flew out of Sochi, coming there at about 4 hours, from Chkalovsky they could go to the half-one, and from midnight to prepare for departure. What did they do during the day? Before the departure could well be busy in service, instead of resting. In general, this planned night flight is incomprehensible to me. Civil aviation aircraft, such as Aeroflot, often fly at night, but it is associated with a schedule and a reduction in the time of stay on Earth. What was needed by a hurry to military board?

Judging by the latest published data, the pilot focused on "his experience and physiological sensations." For me it is strange, because the crew flew not in the afternoon, and at night, when the piloting is carried out on the instruments fixing the pitch, the vertical speed of the set or decline, roll ... This is all fortune-telling on the coffee grounds - so that something is concrete to assert, you need to wait for the end of the investigation. And so you can assume a lot. For example, one of the pilots could lose consciousness, and the second could not detect it on time. Or otherwise the crew interaction could be broken. In Aeroflot, such moments are practiced on simulators. And whether to teach it in the army? I do not know. In addition, I am interested in the order of subordination. In civil aviation, the second pilot is a full member of the crew, having the right to vote that affects decision-making. And how is the military? Can the junior call to make comments to the eldest?

Recorded Daria Kobylkina

Dr. Lisa

In the published Ministry of Defense, the list of passengers is the director of the International Organization "Fair Help" Elizabeth Glinka (also known as Dr. Liza). According to the source of Interfax, Glinka flew on board this aircraft from Moscow to Sochi, but did not go to Syria.

The Fund has noted that Glinka really flew out by this flight: she accompanied the humanitarian cargo for the Hospital of Tischin in Latakia. "The MOO" Fair Help "does not have any information in connection with the disaster that happened," says.

Dr. Lisa Male Lawyer Gleb Glinka said the "Snob" edition, that his spouse was on board at the time of the crash. There are no other confirmations of this information.

On the website of the Council of Human Rights under the President, whose member was Glinka, published a statement by his head of Mikhail Fedotov, in which he confirmed that Dr. Lisa had to take medicines to the hospital in Latakia.

"Dr. Lisa was a universal favorite. And it was for that: it was practically daily palliative medical care for many years, fed homeless, dressed, gave them shelter. It is under the bullets exported patients and wounded children from Donbass so that they could get help in the best hospitals of Moscow and St. Petersburg. It organized for children with amputated limbs of the shelter, where they pass rehabilitation after the hospital, "in the statement.

What did Dr. Liza

The All-Russian fame of Elizabeth Glinka received after during major forest fires in the European part of Russia organized a collection of assistance in favor of victims. The Foundation helped humanitarian aid and equipment of chafts and voluntary firefighters. In 2012, the Dr. Lisa Foundation organized a collection of humanitarian aid for victims of floods in Krymsk (Krasnodar Territory). Together with TV presenter Ksenia, Sobchak Elizabeth Glinka organized a charitable auction, on which more than 16 million rubles were collected for injured from flooding.

Humanitarian assistance during military conflicts

After the beginning of the armed conflict, in the east of Ukraine, Glinka participated in assisting people living in the east of Ukraine. She has repeatedly traveled to the Donbass during hostilities and brought to Moscow in need of treating children, and also transferred medicines and humanitarian aid. In total, from March 2014, Dr. Lisa visited Donbass almost 20 times.

During the war in Syria, Glinka went to the country with humanitarian missions - engaged in the delivery and distribution of drugs, the organization of medical care for the civilian population.

Catastrophe investigation

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Vladimir Putin was promptly reported on the incident. The President, according to Peskov, is in constant contact with the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu, who conducted a video conference with the leadership of the Armed Forces on the organization of search and rescue work. The Commission of the Ministry of Defense to investigate the crash of the aircraft early in the morning flew into Adler.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev President instructed to form a state commission to investigate Tu-154. Headed Commission Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov. December 26 declared a day of mourning.

The criminal case under the article "Violation of flight rules or preparation for them" (Article 351 of the Criminal Code) was opened by the Investigation Committee. As RBC told the official representative of the department Svetlana Petrenko, a group of employees of the central office of the UK, who have extensive experience in the investigation of accidents in Sochi, were sent. According to the head of the press service of the main military prosecutor's office of Natalia Zemskova, a joint group of employees of the supervisory department and the Ministry of Defense also flew in Sochi.

Emergency services discovered an oil spot at 6-8 km from the shore in the Black Sea. The plane debris was discovered at a depth of 50-70 m in one and a half kilometers from the coast. At 12-14 km from the coast, Passengers are found, the first body found 6 km from the coast.

Head of the Monitoring Service of the Central Joint All-Russian Suitation Society on Water Vladimir Gritsikhin believes that the debris of Tu-154 under favorable conditions can be raised from the bottom in the week. "The depth of 50-70 m is not large, quite possible large fragments with soft pontoons gently lift. The depth is such that someone is hardly able to save, but it is possible to raise all the fragments of the aircraft. I think that in a week you can remove everything if the service work on time. The Ministry of Emergency Situations have good specialists if you call, we will connect, "he said TASS.

This is the fifth plane crash with the participation of Tu-154 over the past ten years.

On January 1, 2011, the Tu-154 aircraft B-2, who flew from Surgut to Moscow, caught fire on the take-off strip. 134 passengers and crew members were evacuated, three people died, about 40 were injured. The plane completely burned down.

On April 10, 2010, the Tu-154 of the President of Poland, flying from Warsaw to Smolensk, fell upon landing at the Northern military airfield in the Smolensk region. 89 passengers and eight crew members, including President Poland Lech Kaczynsky, died.

On July 15, 2009, Tu-154 fell in Iran, which made the flight from Tehran to Yerevan. On board the aircraft there were 153 people plus 15 crew members, among the passengers were mostly citizens of Armenia, as well as Iran and Georgia. All of them died.

On August 22, 2006, Tu-154m, flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg, lost control and fell into a flat corkscrew. The plane fell near the village of dry beam near Donetsk. 160 passengers died, including 49 children and ten crew members.

Version of what happened

The official causes of the crash of the plane are not yet called. Roshydromet Center notes that weather conditions in the morning of the wreckage in the morning of December 25 were normal and simple to piloting the aircraft. The "Interfax" source in emergency services stated that as one of the versions of the aircraft was considered to enter the engine Tu-154 birds (near the Sochi station is the station of migratory birds and an ornithopark). In addition, according to the source, the versions of the technical malfunction of the Tu-154 and the possible refueling of the aircraft by poor-quality fuels are considered. According to the source "RIA Novosti", the cause of the crew could also become a crash.

"If the bird got, the crew would have the opportunity to inform Earth. After takeoff, the crew scored a sufficient height, the birds do not fly at such a height, "said Alexander Romanov, in conversation with RBC, indicating that he believes the terrorist attack one of the most likely versions.

"Fontanka" in the Ministry of Defense notes that the FSB has been connected to the investigation. Employees of the special services check all who could approach the ship at the Chkalovsky Military Airport and Adler. Siloviki work the version of the terrorist attack. This information confirms the source of RBC in the FSB. According to him, we are talking about a standard check, which is carried out in such cases. In the center of public relations, the FSB was not officially unable to confirm nor refute information about a possible terrorist attack.

"If there was an instant loss of communication with the crew, then it is most likely an explosion of an aircraft or a collision in the air with some subject," said RBC member of the Commission for the President of General Appointment Aviation, Yuri Shettenekov.

"The plane sat on the refueling, in this case a lot of technical services approached the aircraft, so people had the opportunity to put an explosive device in the compartments," Romanov's confident.

As the Honored Test pilot is believed to the hero of Russia Yuri Vashchuk, the refusal of technology is unlikely. He believes that a certain incident on the aircraft could bring to the catastrophe.

The correspondent of "Kommersant" in the Krasnodar Territory transfers that at the time of the crash, none of the locals did not hear the explosion and did not see the outbreaks.

The source of Interfax in the power structures excludes the version of the terrorist attack. "Apparently, with a collision of an aircraft with an aqueous surface, a hydrotphalus occurred, which resulted in a large scope of the fragments," said the agency's interlocutor.

"It happened after takeoff when the chassis and flaps are cleaned. Here is the mass of technical things that can occur. As a result, the plane due to low speed can simply turn over, "the Honored pilot test of the USSR Viktor Zabolotsky noted in a conversation with RBC.

"To refuse three engine at once, something supernatural should happen. Refusal of even one engine is a critical situation, but I do not think that she could lead to a catastrophe. There was something on board, for which the pilots did not have time to react. So, for example, it was with the crash of a passenger plane over Egypt. There was a lightning depressurization of the aircraft, and he lost control, "said RBC Buck.

The President of the Association of Veterans Anti-Terror Association "Alpha" Sergey Goncharov said RBC that the terrorist attack may exist, but not as a priority. "This is the plane of the Ministry of Defense, it is serviced at a high level proven people. In the liner there were all friends among themselves, there were no strangers. The plane flew so long over the waters of the sea, and if an explosion occurred, one of the eyewitnesses would have heard him, "said Goncharov.

There were no complaints about the aircraft

The broken Tu-154 was released more than 30 years ago, but "there was no complaints about his technical condition," the source of Interfax was told in emergency services. Before departure, the aircraft was working, in general, Tu-154 was exploited "in gentle mode."

The Ministry of Defense stated that the last repair of the liner was held in December 2014, RIA Novosti reports. He managed the broken aircraft pilot of the first class. Roman wolves, which flew more than 3000 hours.

Thu-154 broken under Sochi, three major repairs were held during operation, TASS reported in the press service of the Russian Machine Corporation. "The Tu-154 aircraft number 85572 was released on March 29, 1983 at Kuibyshev aircraft facilities (now Aviakor air facility). The last, third overhaul board took place on Aviakoror in December 2014. From the moment of completion of this overhaul, applications from the operator on the planned periodic maintenance of the aircraft and the extension of resources on Aviakor did not receive. Accordingly, the service of this side "Aviakor" did not carry out, "the company says.

After the plane crash, the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that the decision to remove the Tu-154 aircraft "would be premature". "The resource of this aircraft today is 40 years old, and if we take foreign analogues, then some aircraft reaches resource up to 60 years, so in aviation there are completely different principles for the appointment of a resource, the issue of developments to the cycle," said Manturov.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Tu-154 is almost everywhere output.

The first to withdraw from the parks of the Soviet production aircraft - Tu-154 and Il-86 - announced S7 Airlines. In November 2009, Tu-154 stopped flying the airline Russia based in St. Petersburg. The carrier replaced these aircraft on Boeing 737, but later made a choice in favor of the A320 family. Aeroflot announced its plans in 2008 and completed the process in early 2010. The main reasons for the withdrawal of Tu-154 from parks - low fuel efficiency of the aircraft, as well as high accident.

In January 2014, only 80 aircraft Tu-154 remained in operation in the world. As of July 2016, the only commercial operator of Tu-154 aircraft in Russia was an alrosa airline with two aircraft.

The last aircraft of the family with the factory number 998 was released on February 19, 2013 and transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.