Created the first Russian aircraft C7. Airlines Airlines S7 Airlines

Manual jack

For those who fly by the economic class, one manual sting is 10 kg. In business class, luggage can weigh 15 kg and take 2 places. The dimensions of things should not exceed 55x40x20 cm.

Registered baggage

  • Economy basic - paid from 2500 rubles per segment, no more than 23 kg;
  • Economy flexible - 1st place up to 23 kg, no more than 203 cm over the sum of 3 measurements;
  • Basic business - 1st place up to 32 kg, no more than 203 cm over the sum of 3 measurements;
  • Business flexible - 2 places up to 32 kg, no more than 203 cm over the sum of 3 measurements.

Excessive baggage

If you already know about the translate of baggage, we advise you to pay extra luggage on the website, get a discount of 20% of the usual tariffs. Receipt payment will come to email. If you want to return the ticket, then the payment of baggage will also return to the card.

The cost for each extra kilogram is calculated depending on the direction. Tables with prices.

Flight with baby S7 (Siberia)

Flight with baby up to two years

A ticket for a child without a place is free. When buying a separate place, a discount is provided in accordance with the tariff.

  • Business flexible - from 25% to 50%

Airline Airlines Airline tickets for a child from 2 to 12 years

A discount is provided in accordance with the tariff.

  • Economy basic, flexible; Basic business - 25%
  • Business is flexible - from 25% to 50%.

Flight - a mandatory component of more than 50% of travels around the globe. Most tourists are sleeping on airliners on airliners, read books or just rest. But some people do not move very well moving through the air. Some travelers ignite, others do not give resting Aerophobia. To carry out the flight as comfortable as possible and with minimal health risk, you need to know what places should take tickets. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the liner scheme on which air voyage will be carried out.

One of the most common aircraft in Russia is Boeing 737-800. It uses many domestic airlines, including S7 Airlines. Let's talk about what is this liner, and where it is the best places.

Liner of a new generation

Boeing 737-800 - a new generation liner. Compared to the previous model 737-400, it has a greater 20 person capacity (190 people, against 170), more powerful engines, improved wings and tail plumage. The aircraft is equipped with the latest navigation devices. The first flight of the apparatus was held in 1997. Since that time, it is used on lines of small and medium length (up to 5,000 km). The plane is constantly being improved and with minor changes are still produced.

The largest user of Boeing 737-800 in the world is the Irish Loader Company Ryanair. Most of the aircraft of this type in Russia are used on the lines carriers "" and. The liner has been satisfying the requirements and pilots and passengers for 20 years.

Boeing 737-800 aircraft scheme S7 Airlines

Schemes of liners that are operated by different firms are very different. Below is a description, a photo and scheme of aircraft such as Boeing 737-800, which are used on the internal and international lines by S7 Airlines. Airplanes of this enterprise accommodate 160 travelers. 12 of them may take business class, 154 - located on the seats of economy class.

Salon Space Boeing 737-800 "S7" Airlines are taken from the official S7 source

Business Class

In the nose of the fuselage airliner Boeing 737-800 carrier S7 Airlines chairs of the first row possess special advantages and disadvantages:

  • First, the kitchen is located in front of them, from which smells penetrate the salon, not always pleasant for travelers.
  • Secondly, the back of a neighboring seat will never fall on his knees in front, and it will not be necessary to ask anyone a little lift.

The second number of seats is not remarkable, but the third is separated from the economy-class places only by a small partition that comes to half the seats and the screen. For this reason, before places located at the end of the Boeing Business Class Salon, conversations of conversations and laughter from the nearby compartment of the aircraft can be destroyed.

Stock Foto Business class salon in Boeing 737-800 S7

Economy class

On the Boeing 737 800 aircraft salon scheme, which is used in S7 Airlines, you can see that there are best places in the front of the economy class. Chairs 4 rows are located in front of a curtain that shares the salons of different categories. Passengers sitting on places with index 4:

  • have more foot space (up to 90 cm, depending on the layout of the aircraft);
  • During the flight, food and drinks are first obtained and can fully enjoy the taste of hot nutrition;
  • Quickly come to the flight attendant and ask her water or ask questions about the duration of flight, height, temperature overboard, etc.

Near the places a and f of a number of 9 some Boeing 737-800 liners, which belong to the company S7 Airlines may not be the portholes. This feature can be positive if the flight occurs in the morning or evening, when too bright sun can shine passengers into the eyes. It can also be negative if the landing has to land - the time in which major cities are sparkled by millions of lights. In order not to sit in a row without a window, it is worth finding a photo of an airplane cabin, presented on the website of S7 Airlines.

If you flew S7 Airlines Airlines, then leave your review with us. So you can help other travelers prevent mistakes and help the airline S7 Airlines improve the quality of service and flights.

There may also be a pleasure to travel to 12 row of the Boeing 737-800 airline S7 Airlines. The backs of this series are not backing back or have special limiters, as the seats are located in front of an emergency exit.

Economy class in the aircraft Boeing 737-800 airline S7

14 A number of chairs occupy a special place in the Boeing 737-800 plane. The S7 S7 scheme presented on the S7 website shows that it is the best places. Before the seats of this row is enough space for the feet. A small minus is that the backs of the chairs A and F are slightly beveled.

All subsequent places in the economy salon are the same. 2 weaknesses have only 30 row seats. These chairs are installed next to the toilet. Their backs are not crowded, and passengers who sit in the field C and D can create inconvenience of travelers standing in line in the toilet.

Emergency Ways

The chairs 13 of the row on the Boeing 737-800 aircraft are somewhat apart. It is clearly visible the places of this series at all photos of the S7 liner cabin 737 S7. This is due to the fact that they are near the chief emergency exit. In this row, only 2 seats are delivered, which is convenient for couples who wish to be always together. At the same time, from the portholes that are located near 13 rows, it is mostly visible mainly, a plane wing and a small piece of sky.

At these places it is prohibited:

  • travelers with children;
  • disabled;
  • pregnant women;
  • Elderly people.

In the aisles near the seats 13 rows it is forbidden to put a manual sting.

If you wish to fly at the most comfortable economy places, it is worth participating in one of the loyalty programs that are offered by the company's marketers of S7 Airlines.

Also, tickets for the best places should be booked at least 3 months before the expected date of the flight. Book tickets at the lowest price you can on our website below. We guarantee that we will have the lowest price you will find on the market.


S7 Airlines S7 Airlines Salon Sketch Shows that the best places in the nose of the liner are located in 2 row, in the middle part - in 4, 13 and 14 rows.

Airlines S7 Airlines uses aircraft type Boeing 737-800 with different layouts. This article describes the most common option for placing places in the aircraft of this type. Immediately before buying tickets for concrete armchairs, consult with the carrier manager.

S7 Airlines is one of the largest Russian airlines performing internal and external passenger flights to different directions. The organization was founded in 1957 and had the initial name "Tolmachevsky detachment". The company works in collaboration with the private organization "Globus" that a certain time ago provoked the association of two airlines and the appearance of "S7 Group". A total of 82 aircraft in the "S7" 82, which make cargo and passenger air transportation in various directions worldwide.

The airline ranks second in Russia, and according to the 2017 data served more than 14 million passengers. Over the past decade, the organization has stopped focusing on aircraft renovation of aircraft with new devices and an increase in passenger, as well as freight air transport. S7 Airlines confidently ranks second among the airlines of the Russian Federation, and is inferior only to the Aeroflot state organization. In total, today there have been three flight incidents associated with the aircraft of this company. All of them happened due to the fault of the unstable work of computer systems and not enough fast crew response.

The history of the development of the fleet of the airline

In different years of the existence of the organization "S7 Airlines", it used various types of aircraft, which differed among themselves speed, carrying capacity and reliability. Some of the first airlines in the airline were Soviet IL-86, Tu-154 and Tu-204. In kind of these cars were unique, and were in demand for the reason that they were produced in the Soviet Union and were much cheaper than aircraft produced abroad.

In 2004, the director of the airline decided to update the aircraft fleet. A few years later, "S7 Airlines" refused to use no longer so relevant and reliable Soviet liners.

In 2008, "S7 Airlines" concluded a contract with large aircraft producers Boeing and Airbus. Four airbus-A320 and 15 Boeing-747 were ordered. However, in connection with the imminent crisis of the organization, it was decided to cancel the order for the delivery of new Dream-Liner at that time.

In 2016, the airline acquired five aircraft from Airbus and designed leasing for the supply of nine airliners produced by Boeing. Subsequently, contracts were also concluded about the acquisition of a number of aircraft from Embraer.

The airline, despite the large number of internal and material problems, continued to grow stably and improve the quality of the services provided. Every year the volume of passenger traffic increased, new aircraft and possible directions appeared.

Current airline fleet

To date, the airline owns a fleet consisting of 82 aircraft:

  • Airbus A319-100 - an aircraft designed for transportation to 116 passengers including 6 crew members. The maximum flight range is 6650 km, this indicator may increase depending on the modification of the aircraft. The cruising aircraft speed is 820 kilometers per hour, the maximum is 890 kilometers. In total, in the airline operated 19 such aircraft.
  • Airbus A320-200 - an aircraft designed for transportation from 150 to 180 passengers depending on the layout of the cabin. The average flight range is 4,600 kilometers, but by installing an additional fuel tank, you can increase this indicator to five and a half thousand kilometers. The cruising speed of the aircraft is 840 kilometers per hour, the maximum is 910 kilometers. In total, airlines are operated by 18 such devices.
  • Airbus A321-200 - Aircraft designed for transportation from 220 to 236 passengers depending on the layout of the cabin. The maximum range of flight ranges from 5,000 to 5900 kilometers depending on whether the additional fuel tank is used. The cruising speed of the aircraft is 840 km, the maximum is 890 km. In stock Airline 8 such devices.
  • Airbus A320NEO is designed to transport 164 passengers. The aircraft is a more economical modification of Airbus A320, most of the speed characteristics have not changed. In total, the airline operates 4 such aircraft, another 12 will be delivered at the sooner.
  • Boeing 737-800 - an aircraft provided for transportation from 160 to 189 passengers. The maximum range of flight is 5400 km. The cruising velocity of the device is 815 km per hour, the maximum is 850 kilometers. In stock Airlines have 19 such devices.
  • Boeing 737 Max is an aircraft designed for transportation from 126 to 140 passengers depending on the layout of the cabin. The maximum range of the flight of this unit is more than seven thousand kilometers. The cruising speed of the liner is 842 kilometers per hour. The airline has signed an agreement on the manufacture and supply of nine such devices.
  • Embraer E-170 is an aircraft provided for transportation from 70 to 80 passengers depending on the distribution of places in the cabin. The maximum range of the flight of this unit is 3900 km, which allows flights to short distances. The maximum speed of the device is 890 km per hour. In stock Airlines have 14 such aircraft.
  • SSJ - 75 - an airplane model provided for transportation to 75 passengers. The maximum speed of this unit is 860 kilometers per hour, cruising - 830 km. Fuel supply of 15 thousand liters allows you to make flights to a distance of up to four thousand kilometers. The plane is made by the Russian company "Civil Aircraft". In 2017, S7 signed a contract for the manufacture of hundreds of such devices. According to the preliminary data, the liners will be used for internal passenger traffic.

"S7 Airlines" (until 2005 known as "Siberia") - ranks third among the largest airlines of Russia. Port of registry airport Tolmachevo in Novosibirsk.

From November 2010, the airline is part of the Global Aviation Alliance OneWorld.

Together with subsidiaries, the airline S7 has an extensive route network, includes 205 directions, 141 of which within Russia. Since 2010, the company is part of the International Aviation Alliance "One World".

In 2016, one of the first (among Russian airlines) has introduced NDC sales technology developed by the International Air Transport Association. Communication between the airline and agencies is supported by the Agent API tool developed by the S7 Group. The NDC protocol enjoys only 20 airlines in the world.

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Airplanes "S7 Airlines"

On November 25, 2019, the passenger fleet of the S7 Airlines airline consists of 101 aircraft and 7 more ordered. The average age of liners is 10 years old.

The oldest - AIBUS A320-200 (VQ-BCF) - 2.5 years. The youngest - Airbus A320-200 (VQ-BTL) - 0.3 years.

(Novosibirsk city). Currently, the aircraft is 72 of the six types of aircraft:

  • Airbus A319 (19 aircraft);
  • Airbus A320 (18 aircraft);
  • Airbus A320NEO (two aircraft);
  • Airbus A321 (seven aircraft);
  • Boeing 737-800 (19 aircraft);
  • Embraer ERJ-170 (seven aircraft).

The average age of aircraft in operation is just over 10 years. The airline plans to launch another 36 liners.

Manufacturers of aircraft

The airline aircraft manufacturers are the American Boeing Corporation (since 2007), the European Aircraft Service Company Airbus (since 2008) and the Brazilian company Embraer (since 2016). Until 2008, the aircraft of the Aviation Complex named after S. V. Ilyushin (IL-86) and the Tupolev Aviation Design Bureau (Tu-154, Tu-204) were operated.

Start of production and modification of aircraft


Airbus Air Fleet:

  1. Airbus A320 - Nursing aircraft for small and medium aviation. The production and operation of the liners began in 1987-1988. Maximum capacity - 180 air passengers. The classic layout option is 150 people in business (four chairs) and economic class (six chairs);
  2. Airbus A319 - AIRBUS A320 aircraft modification. The number of passenger series is reduced by two, due to which the fuselage is shortened. Depending on which there will be a cabin of the aircraft, the aircraft capacity can be from 116 to 158 people. The beginning of production falls for 1990, exploitation - for 1995;
  3. Airbus A321 - Modification of Airbus A320 aircraft with increasing seats, intended for budget air transportation and charter flights. Various layouts allow you to be placed in the cabin from 170 to 220 air passengers. The beginning of production falls for 1990, the beginning of work - for 1994;
  4. Airbus A320NEO is a new airbus A320 liner model with more eco-friendly engines, modified by the structure of the wings and the cabin. Production began in 2010, flights - in 2016. Maximum capacity - 236 passengers.


Boeing aircraft belongs to Boeing 737-800 - modification of the model 737-700 (extended version). The beginning of production falls for 1994, the beginning of flights - for 1998. Maximum capacity - 162 or 189 passengers.


Embraer supplies aircraft version of Embraer ERJ-170 - narrow-body liners for medium distances with a capacity of 70 to 80 passengers. The production of aircraft has been launched since 2002, operation - since 2004.

The following types of aircraft are also operated by C7 for civil aviation purposes:

  1. Boeing 737-400 is a modification of the model 737 with an elongated case and an increased capacity of up to 168 passengers. Operation of aircraft began in 1988. In 2015, the operation of Boeing 737-400 was discontinued, gradually they completely replaced the modification of the Boeing 737-800;
  2. Boeing 767-300ER - Modification of the aircraft 767-300 by increasing the overcome distance. Production and operation began in 1988-1989. Passenger capacity - from 218 to 350 people. Currently, aircraft are derived from operation and prepare for return to the lessor;
  3. Airbus A310-200 - wide-body aircraft with a capacity of up to 218 passengers. The liners of this type were made from 1982 to 1997. Currently, almost completely derived from operation due to the replacement of the new A330 model. Airline S7 Airlines suspended the use of these aircraft in 2010;
  4. Tupolev Tu-154 and Tu-204. The Tu-154 aircraft is a three-time liner for medium-range flights, with a capacity of 152-180 passengers, was produced in the period 1968-2013. Tu-204 - a narrow-body aircraft, intended to replace Tu-154, capable of overcome long distances and accommodate more passengers (215 people). The production of aircraft began in 1990, operation - in 1996. Airlines S7 Airlines abandoned the use of aircraft data in 2008 due to updating air park;
  5. Ilyushin Il-86 is a wide-body aircraft designed for mid-distance flights, a maximum capacity of 350 passengers. Production was accounted for 1976-1997, operation - for 1980-2011. The use of IL-86 in S7 was discontinued in 2008 due to the update of the aviation park.

Characteristics of airplanes

The existing fleet of airline aircraft S7 Airlines has the following characteristics.

  1. Airbus A319:
  • capacity - 144 places;
  • flight range - 4200 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 845 km / h;
  • flight height - 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A320:
  • capacity - 158 seats;
  • flight range - 4300 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 850 km / h;
  • flight height - 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A320NEO:
  • capacity - 164 places;
  • flight range is 6000 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 845 km / h;
  • flight height - 11900 m.
  1. Airbus A321:
  • capacity - 197 places;
  • flight range is 4630 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 850 km / h;
  • flight height - 11900 m.
  1. Boeing 737-800:
  • capacity - 168 seats;
  • flight range - 5765 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 840 km / h;
  • height - 12500 m.
  1. Embraer ERJ-170:
  • capacity - 78 places;
  • flight range - 3800 km;
  • speed \u200b\u200b- 830 km / h;
  • height - 12500 m.

Scheme of cabin airplanes

Airbus A319 aircraft cabin provides for the placement of 144 passengers of the economic class in 24 rows.

The best places are located in the first and in the 11th rows. The tenth row is not the most comfortable due to the proximity of emergency exits and the impossibility of throwing back the backs of the chairs, the 24th - due to the proximity of the toilets. With children it is better to sit on the first row.

Airbus A320 aircraft cabin provides for the placement of eight business-class passengers in two rows and 150 passengers of the economic class in 25 rows.

The best places is a business class. In the economy class, the most comfortable places in the aircraft of the third and 11th rows. The ninth and tenth rows are not the most convenient due to the proximity of emergency exits, the 27th - due to the proximity of the toilets. With children it is better to sit on the third row.

Airbus A320NEO aircraft cabin provides for the placement of eight business-class passengers in two rows and 156 passengers of the economic class in 26 rows.

The location of this type of aircraft practically corresponds to Airbus A320 with the exception of the increased number of rows - 28 instead of 27.

Airbus A321 aircraft interior involves the placement of eight business-class passengers in two rows and 189 passengers of the economic class in 33 rows.

The best places of this aircraft is a business class. In the economy class, the most comfortable places are the places of the third row - it is for this series that air tickets of the economic class are purchased. The ninth, tenth, 22nd and 23rd ranks are near emergency exits - not the most comfortable places due to the impossibility of throwing back the backs of the chairs. In the ninth row there are no places a and f, in the 22nd row - place F, in the 21st and 22rd rows - places A, B, C. Accordingly, there is an increased space for the feet of passengers of the tenth and 23rd rows. The 35th row is not the best because of the proximity of the toilets. With children it is better to sit on the third row.

Airplanes Boeing 737-800 Airlines S7 Airlines are used in Winglets modifications (with new wing endals). The cabin provides for the placement of eight business-class passengers in two rows and 168 passengers of the economic class in 28 rows.

The business class houses the most comfortable places, among the economy-class places - the third and 14th row. The 12th, 13th rows are not the most comfortable due to the proximity of the spare hatches, the 30th - due to the proximity of the toilets. With children it is better to sit on the third row.

Note! Flight safety rules do not allow to occupy space near emergency exits passengers with children, animals, disabled and older people. Manual sting must be removed into the top compartment above the seats.

In an airplane, Embraer ERJ-170 provides 78 seats of economic class in 20 rows.

The placement of spare hatches in the cabin of the aircraft is not provided. Almost all places are the same. The most convenient places - the first (place C, D) and the second (place a, c) of the rows. The 20th row is not the best for flights because of the proximity of the toilets.

Amenities for passengers

The acting passenger aircraft airlines are equipped with sockets for charging mobile devices and other gadgets. Also, passengers are provided with food and beverages (depending on the selected tariff). Wi-Fi on board is absent.

Thus, the S7 Airlines airline offers its passengers comfortable flights to many countries in Europe and Asia in convenient aircraft of several types, with the ability to choose places of both the economic and business class. The company regularly updates its aircraft fleet, replacing old models to new and increasing the number of aircraft as a whole.
