Characteristics of the aviation enterprise. Development of the aviation enterprise § shortage of highly qualified specialists

1. For the purposes of this Code, an aviation enterprise means a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activities to carry out for a fee air transportation passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) performance of aviation works.

2. Creation on the territory Russian Federation aviation enterprise with the participation of foreign capital is allowed under the conditions if the share of participation of foreign capital does not exceed forty-nine percent of the authorized capital of the aviation enterprise, its head is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the number of foreign citizens in the governing body of the aviation enterprise does not exceed one third of the composition of the governing body.

3. Operator - a citizen or legal entity that has an aircraft on the right of ownership, on a lease basis or on another legal basis, uses the specified aircraft for flights and has an operator's certificate (certificate).

Requirements for the operator are determined by federal aviation regulations.

4. The use of an aircraft by an individual, a legal entity for the purposes specified for state aviation and (or) experimental aviation, as well as the use of a light civil aircraft of general aviation or an ultralight civil aircraft of general aviation does not entail the obligation to receive , the legal entity of the certificate (license) of the operator or an equivalent document to this certificate (license).

(Clause 4 as amended by Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 18, 2006)

Russian aviation enterprises and Russian individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out commercial activities in the field of civil aviation in the presence of licenses obtained in accordance with Article 9 of this Code.

1. Foreign aviation enterprises, international operating agencies and foreign individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out commercial activities in the field of civil aviation in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

2. When carrying out international air transportation and (or) performing aviation work within the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign aviation enterprises, international operating agencies and foreign individual entrepreneurs must obtain appropriate licenses.

The issuance of such licenses is carried out in accordance with Article 9 of this Code.

3. With regard to a foreign aviation enterprise, an air operator certificate (certificate) or a document equivalent to a certificate (license) issued by an authorized body of a foreign state and corresponding to international standards recognized by the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation, is recognized as valid.

4. Foreign aviation enterprises may open their representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) international treaties of the Russian Federation.

5. Foreign aviation enterprises, international operating agencies and foreign individual entrepreneurs are not entitled to:

take on board on the territory of the Russian Federation aircraft passengers, baggage, cargo and mail for air transportation to the territory of a foreign state or to transport them to the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of a foreign state, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or issued in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, one-time permits of the authorized body in the region civil aviation;

to accept on the territory of the Russian Federation on board aircraft passengers, baggage, cargo and mail for air transportation within the territory of the Russian Federation without permission from the authorized body in the field of civil aviation, issued in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004)

(as amended by Federal Law No. 51-FZ of April 5, 2011)

1. The provision of services in the field of civil aviation is carried out on a paid basis (tariffs, fees), unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The list of tariffs for services in the field of civil aviation and fees for these services, the rules for the formation of these tariffs and fees, the rules for collecting fees calculated on the basis of the indicated tariffs and fees for services in the field of civil aviation, as well as the rules for selling tickets, issuing consignment notes and others shipping documents are established by the authorized body in the field of civil aviation.

3. Tariffs for services in the field of natural monopoly in the field of civil aviation and rates of fees for these services are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on natural monopolies.

4. Rates of charges for air navigation services for user aircraft flights airspace are established by the federal executive body authorized to carry out legal regulation in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) for goods (services) and control over their application.

The procedure for state regulation of charges for air navigation services for flights of aircraft of airspace users is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. Payment for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail is established by carriers.

6. Payment for air transportation carried out on the basis of an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) is established on a contractual basis.

1. Control over the activities of aviation enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, including foreign aviation enterprises, international operating agencies and foreign individual entrepreneurs, is carried out by the authorized body in the field of civil aviation. Control is exercised over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of the relevant certificates and licenses.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004)

2. If an aviation enterprise or an individual entrepreneur fails to comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article, except for cases of violation of the requirements of the relevant license or carrying out activities without an appropriate license, if obtaining it is mandatory, to such an enterprise or such individual entrepreneur The following actions may be taken:

1) deprivation of the relevant permit, certificate or suspension or restriction of the validity of these documents;

2) other measures of influence established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of November 8, 2007)

3. In the event that an aviation enterprise or an individual entrepreneur violates the requirements of a relevant license or carries out activities without an appropriate license, if obtaining one is mandatory, measures of influence established by the legislation of the Russian Federation may be applied to such an enterprise or such an individual entrepreneur.

(Clause 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of November 8, 2007)

Air Code of the Russian Federation establishes the legal basis for the use of the airspace of our state and activities in the field of aviation. It regulates the tasks of meeting the needs of citizens and the economy in air transportation (the most impeccable quality of services), in aviation work, in the defense and security of the state, in protecting its interests, in the safety of air transport flights, in aviation and environmental safety. Regulates the order of investigation aviation accidents and incidents (determining the causes of an emergency, taking measures to prevent it in the future). He deals with such issues as aviation personnel, international flights of aircraft, the responsibility of the carrier, operator and shipper, etc.

This Code establishes the legal basis for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation. State regulation of the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation is aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and the economy in air transportation, aviation work, as well as ensuring the defense and security of the state, protecting the interests of the state, aircraft flight safety, aviation and environmental safety.

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1 . Aboutgeneral characteristic of the enterprise

1.1 Organizationlegal form of enterprise

Kazan Aviation Production Association. S.P. Gorbunova is one of the largest enterprises in the aviation industry, it was founded on May 14, 1927.

Organizational form of KAPO them. S.P. Gorbunova is a state enterprise. The constituent documents are the charter, approved by the authorized state body (State Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan for State Property Management).

Industry affiliation SE KAPO them. S.P. Gorbunova is a defense industry enterprise. Over the 70 years of its existence, 34 types of modifications of combat and civil aircraft have been mastered and produced, such as ANT-3, ANT-4, ANT-5, ANT-6, ANT-40, Li-2, Pe-2, Pe-8 , Tu-4, Tu-6, Tu-22, Tu-104, Il-62, Il-62 m, Tu-22 m, Tu-160 with a total number of more than 18,000 units. Among them are the world's first aircraft "Maxim Gorky", ANT-9 and Tu-104.

In order to increase the efficiency of production and meet the growing requirements for the reliability and efficiency of aviation equipment, the reconstruction of existing and the construction of new production sites was carried out, the improvement of technological processes was provided using new equipment and mechanization.

A modern production building was built and put into operation, which housed the relevant services and mechanized warehouses: aggregate assembly, mechanical shops, shops for electron beam welding, electric bundle.

At present, the enterprise has a complex of equipment for all types of industries: blanking and stamping, mechanical, aggregate-assembly, galvanic, composite, rubber and plastics production, as well as testing and laboratory equipment.

1.2 Basic provisions of the charter

1.1. Open Joint Stock Company "Kazan Aviation Production Association named after V.I. S.P. Gorbunov" (hereinafter - the Company) was established in accordance with the Federal Law "On the privatization of state and municipal property” dated December 21, 2001 No. 178-F3 by reorganizing the federal state unitary enterprise “Kazan Aviation Production Association named after. S.P. Gorbunov" into an open joint stock company, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2006 No. 224 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 140" On the open joint stock company "United Aircraft Corporation" and is valid in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 208-F3 of December 26, 1995 "On Joint Stock Companies", other applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

The company was established without limitation of the period of activity. The society is a commercial organization.

1.2. Name of the Company:

1.2.1. Full corporate name of the Company

§ in Russian: Open Joint Stock Company Kazan Aviation Production Association named after S.P. Gorbunova";


1.2.2. Abbreviated corporate name in Russian: OJSC KAPO im. S.P. Gorbunov".

1.3. Location of the Company: Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, 420036, Kazan, st. Dementieva, d. 1.

Goals and activities

2.1. The main goal of the Company is to extract profit and use it most effectively for the economic and social development of the Company.

2.2. Society has civil rights and bears the obligations necessary for the implementation of any types of activities not prohibited by the federal laws of the Russian Federation.

Certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by the federal laws of the Russian Federation, may be carried out by the Company only on the basis of a special permit (license).

2.3. The main activities of the Company are:

production of helicopters, airplanes and other aircraft;

provision of services for the installation, maintenance, repair and restoration of aircraft and aircraft engines;

production of other parts and accessories of aircraft;

the activity of air transport that is not subject to the schedule;

· other support activities of air transport;

· operation of terminals (airports, etc.), airport management;

air traffic control;

· operation of runways, hangars, etc.;

Aircraft ground handling activities;

· processing of metal products using the main technological processes of mechanical engineering;

protection of information constituting a state secret;

· storage and warehousing of oil and products of its processing;

organization of cargo transportation;

· other auxiliary transport activity;

transport handling of containers;

storage and warehousing of other goods;

activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions;

· construction of sports and tourist (pleasure) courts;

production of other furniture;

production of other products not included in other groups;

Renting out your own real estate.

2.4. The Company has the right to carry out any other types of activities not prohibited by law.

The production structure of the enterprise.

The complex of production units of the organization for managing the enterprise and servicing employees, their number, the magnitude of the relationship and the ratio between them in terms of the size of occupied space, the number of employees and throughput represent the general structure of the enterprise. Production divisions of the enterprise - workshops, sections, service facilities and services (directly or indirectly involved in the production process), the connections between them, taken together, constitute its production structure. It predetermines the level of labor productivity, production costs, operating efficiency natural resources and technology under the given technical-economic and economic-geographical conditions of material production.

In the production divisions, the main products, components, materials and semi-finished products, spare parts for servicing products during operation are manufactured, undergo control checks, and various types of energy are generated for technological purposes.

The subdivisions serving employees include the housing and communal department, its services, a canteen, a health center, a recreation center

Since 1996, the production of consumer goods has been merged into an independent structural unit, which made it possible to increase the range of manufactured products.

The main workshops are:

machine shops - 2,3,16,33,34,62,67,72,73

welding shop - 45

aggregate shops - 4,9,48,59,85

protective coating shops - 29.79

procurement workshops - 17,18,37,78

thermal shop - 11

workshops processing non-metal parts - 23,26,28,32

forging and foundry shops - 20.35

Auxiliary shops - 10,12,13,15,19,21,22,24,25,31,43,52,54,55, 56,61,68,69,70.95.

A certain place in the structure is occupied by warehousing, sanitary facilities and communications.

A special role in the production structure is played by design and technological divisions. They developed drawings, technological processes, conduct experimental development work.

The workshops include main and auxiliary sections. For example, the following main sections are organized in the machine shop: turning, milling, turret, grinding, locksmith. An auxiliary site is a tool-distributing pantry.

The enterprise has a mixed type of production structure, which is characterized by the presence of main workshops organized both according to the subject principle and according to the technological principle. For example, shops 1,4,5 and 6 are organized according to the technological principle, and shops 2 and 3 are organized according to the subject. The production structure is influenced by a number of factors:

industry affiliation of the enterprise - the range of products, its design features, materials used, methods of obtaining and processing blanks;

simplicity of design and manufacturability of the product;

the level of requirements for product quality;

type of production, level of its specialization and cooperation;

composition of equipment and technological equipment;

universal, special, non-standard equipment, conveyor or automatic lines;

centralized or decentralized organization of equipment maintenance, its current repair and technological equipment;

the ability of production to quickly and without large losses be reorganized to produce new products in a modified product range;

the nature of the production process in the main and auxiliary shops.

The main ways to improve the production structure:

search and implementation of a more perfect principle of building workshops;

observance of a rational relationship between the main, auxiliary shops and service areas;

constant work to rationalize the layout of the enterprise;

ensuring proportionality between all parts of the enterprise:

bureau of analysis of financial and economic activity;

bureau of cost and standards;

price bureau of main products (price bureau 1);

price bureau of other products (price bureau 2);

bureau of statistical accounting and reporting.

Responsibilities among the employees of the department are distributed and regulated by the head of the department in accordance with this regulation.

2. Main activities

§ production of civil and military aircraft,

§ repair and after-sales service of civil and military aircraft,

§ supply of spare parts for civil and military aircraft,

§ maintenance and repair of aircraft and other aviation equipment,

§ production and sale of industrial and technical products, consumer goods,

§ transport services,

§ performance of work and provision of paid services people and organizations

§ construction services,

§ other types of activities provided for by the charter of the association.

3. a brief description of outcomescompany's performance in 2010

enterprise aviation charter

In 2010, the association put into operation the UDP RF aircraft TU-214 No. 64517, the 1st stage Tu - 214 No. 64519 of the Radio Engineering Concern "Vega", in addition, aircraft Tu - 160 No. 704 and IL - 62M, a stage of work on the overhaul of the Tu - 160 No. 504 aircraft was completed, fault detection was carried out and dismantling work was carried out on the Tu - 160 No. 703 aircraft.

In the operating organizations, the necessary improvements were carried out according to the bulletins, and spare parts were supplied.

In total, 16 Tu-214 aircraft have been in operation since the start of production, including:

- five in the State Customs Committee "Russia"

- one in Krasnoyarsk Airlines

- five in Dalavia

- three in Transaero

- one in the UDP RF

- one in JSC Radio Engineering Concern Vega

Table 1

In 2010, the necessary amount of equipment was manufactured, and further equipment is being continued to increase production of aircraft.

At the end of the reporting period, the unfinished production of the Tu-214 aircraft is characterized by the following:

- at the flight test site - 2 aircraft (64511, 64520)

- in the final assembly shop - 5 aircraft, (64514, 64519, 64521, 64522, 64524)

- in aggregate production - 3 aircraft (64523, 64525, 64526)

- a backlog of parts, assemblies and assemblies was created for the assembly of subsequent aircraft.

At the same time, the limiting factors for increasing the production of Tu-214 special-purpose aircraft still remain:

§ untimely receipt by the association of technical documentation for Tu-214 special-purpose aircraft;

§ large volumes of improvements in the process of production of special-purpose aircraft;

§ an increase in infrastructure maintenance costs due to an increase in energy prices;

§ high price growth for materials, semi-finished products, components, engines, the growth in the cost of 1 aircraft set for the reporting period is 6% with virtually unchanged aircraft prices;

§ maintenance of mobilization capacities: actual costs amount to 92.0 million rubles, reimbursement of costs is only 5.99 million rubles;

§ shortage of highly qualified specialists.

Consumer goods were shipped for a total amount of 26,231 thousand rubles, including: 238 Kazanka-5M4, 5M7 boats, 23 Kazanka 6M boats. The growth rate of shipments by 2009 amounted to 69.5%.

Reasons: In 2010, the manufacture of the boat "Kazanka 5M4" was suspended and the development of production and manufacture of the modernized boat "Kazanka 5M7" began. Received a temporary certificate for the production of 200 boats. In 2011 it is planned to complete the certification.

The number of all personnel for the year decreased by 484 people, including 449 people for industrial personnel. The average headcount for the year was 5,982 people, including 5,874 PPP people. Average monthly wage per worker increased by 3% and amounted to 15,938 rubles, for industrial personnel - 15,517 rubles. There are no payroll arrears.

The volume of production of Tu-214 aircraft for the period from 2003 to 2010 is shown in Table 1, from which it follows that in 2010 there was a decrease in the production of Tu-214 aircraft in conventional machines by 0.35.

In 2010, two Tu - 214 aircraft were handed over, while it was planned to hand over three. This aircraft Tu - 214 special. appointment (the second in a series of PU) will be transferred to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in February 2011.

The main reason for the postponement of the delivery date is the certification and acceptance tests of the first Tu-214 PU aircraft, and the elimination of comments based on the results of these tests. In this connection, changes were made to the technical documentation, which affected the delivery time of the 2nd Tu-214 PU aircraft.

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The purpose of any commercial organization is to make a profit. Its value is formed under the influence of the ratio between the income and expenses of the organization.

An enterprise's income is an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of assets and / or repayment of liabilities, leading to an increase in the capital of the enterprise, with the exception of the authorized contributions of participants (property owners).

In accordance with the current legislation, all incomes of enterprises are divided into two groups: income from ordinary activities and other income receipts (Table 2.).

table 2

Income from ordinary activities Other income
Income from the carriage of passengers, paid baggage and cargo Income from the lease of aircraft and other fixed assets
Postal revenue Income related to participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, including interest and other income from securities
Income from aviation and chemical works Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment and other assets other than Money other than currency, goods
Income from forest aviation operations (fire fighting, forest patrolling, etc.) Interest received for the provision of funds for use (deposit), as well as interest for the use by the bank of funds on the current account
Fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of the contract
Assets received free of charge, including under a gift agreement
Receipts in compensation for losses caused to the enterprise

Features of the formation of certain types of income are as follows.

Income from the transportation of passengers, paid baggage and cargo is determined on the basis of official tariffs, taking into account the discounts provided; tariffs agreed on a bilateral basis; preferential rates.

Revenues from the transportation of mail are determined on the basis of established tariffs in rubles (calculations in foreign currency are made between the postal departments of the countries) and the amount of mail transported or planned for transportation.

Income from renting an aircraft to other users is determined by the amount of the rent, based on the rental rate for 1 hour, the flight hours of the aircraft per month and the lease term.

Income of passenger and cargo charter flights is determined based on the cost of a flight hour and flying hours by type of aircraft under a contract or agreement. Income from the possible additional loading of charter flights is taken into account separately. Grouping of transportation revenues can be made by airlines, countries, groups of countries, types of aircraft; for charter flights - by travel agencies.

Expenses of an enterprise are a decrease in economic benefits as a result of the disposal of assets and / or the emergence of liabilities, leading to a decrease in the capital of an enterprise, with the exception of a decrease in statutory contributions by decision of the participants (property owners).

The difference between total income and total costs determines the financial result of the enterprise. If the income exceeds the expenses of the enterprise, then it makes a profit, otherwise - a loss.

The mechanism for the formation of financial results (Fig. 1) is contained in the Profit and Loss Statement. The enterprise forms four indicators of profit, which differ in size and functional purpose: balance sheet, gross, taxable, net.

Rice. 1. Formation of the financial results of the enterprise

The profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is distributed in the following areas, shown in Figure 2.

For enterprises operating in the form of joint-stock companies, the creation of a reserve fund is mandatory. Funds in the social sphere (social development fund, material incentive fund) reserve funds allocated for social and material incentives for the workforce.

Firstly, characterizes the economic effect obtained as a result of the activities of the enterprise. But it is impossible to evaluate all aspects of the enterprise's activity with the help of profit. Such a universal indicator cannot exist. That is why when analyzing the production, economic and financial activities of an enterprise, a system of indicators is used.

Secondly, profit is stimulating function. Its content is that it is both the financial result and the main element of the financial resources of the enterprise. The actual provision of the principle of self-financing is determined by the profit received. The share of net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments should be sufficient to finance the expansion of production activities, scientific, technical and social development of the enterprise, material incentives for employees.

Thirdly, profit is one of the sources of budgeting different levels. It enters the budgets in the form of taxes and, along with other revenues, is used to finance the satisfaction of joint public needs, to ensure that the state performs its functions, state investment, production, scientific, technical and social programs.

Airline Performance Evaluation

When evaluating the effectiveness of airlines, it is recommended to use the indicator of profit (loss) from the operation of aircraft on the airline in question in rubles and foreign currency, determined by the difference between income from all types of transportation and operating costs for airlines in rubles (foreign currency).

In conditions comparable to the results of the enterprise's work (based on the procedure for converting foreign currency into rubles for accounting purposes or other established procedure), when evaluating the effectiveness of the airline, indicators are used and have the following expression:

v absolute economic effect - profit (loss) - total, incl. in rubles and foreign currencies (with the conversion of various foreign currencies into rubles, grouped as freely convertible, closed, clearing settlements);

v relative efficiency - the profitability of the airline, obtained as a percentage by dividing the total amount of profit (in a single currency - rubles) by operating costs (total amount in a single currency - rubles) for the airline.

In international business practice, the indicator of the rate of return is widely used, which is the ratio of profit to invested in capital - the balance sheet total. In practice, relative performance indicators can also be used:

- the coefficient of profitability (profitability), determined by the ratio of the amount of profit from ordinary activities to the volume of work (services) performed - revenue, minus VAT;

– coefficient of return (profitability) of the capital used, determined by the ratio of profit to the cost of invested capital (or net asset value);

- the asset turnover ratio, determined by the ratio of sales volume to the cost of capital (value of assets).

Planning of income from the transportation of passengers, cargo, mail is carried out on the basis of forecasting transportation in certain directions, taking into account their structure by type, applicable tariffs, currency groups, etc.

1. For the purposes of this Code, an aviation enterprise is understood as a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activity to carry out for a fee air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) perform aviation work.

2. The creation on the territory of the Russian Federation of an aviation enterprise with the participation of foreign capital is allowed under the conditions that the share of participation of foreign capital does not exceed forty-nine percent of the authorized capital of the aviation enterprise, its head is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the number of foreign citizens in the governing body of the aviation enterprise does not exceed one one third of the governing body.

3. Operator - a citizen or legal entity that has an aircraft on the right of ownership, on a lease basis or on another legal basis, uses the specified aircraft for flights and has an operator's certificate (certificate).

Requirements for the operator are determined by federal aviation regulations.

4. The use of an aircraft by an individual, a legal entity for the purposes specified for state aviation and (or) experimental aviation, as well as the use of a light civil aircraft of general aviation or an ultralight civil aircraft of general aviation does not entail the obligation to receive , the legal entity of the certificate (license) of the operator or an equivalent document to this certificate (license).

Comments to Art. 61 VZK RF

In accordance with the Federal Aviation Rules "Certification Requirements for Operators of Commercial Civil Aviation. Certification Procedures", an operator has an organizational structure, aircraft (on the right of ownership, on a lease basis or on another legal basis), aviation personnel and a production base for the organization, production and ensuring flights in accordance with the requirements of regulations governing the activities of civil aviation. It must also, in order to carry out air transportation and the planned flight program, have aircraft in the amount determined by the aircraft turnover schedule, taking into account their reservation.

The operator must ensure the availability of a production base equipped to organize and perform the necessary work to maintain the airworthiness of aircraft, analyze flight information, collect and process data on the reliability of aviation equipment and flight safety, record and store operational and technical documentation and numbered documentation for the main and aircraft components, operational management and control of aircraft flights, training of aviation personnel. And also to confirm the availability of sufficient financial resources and property for the safe operation of aviation equipment and maintaining the required level of airworthiness of aircraft, including the availability of a repair fund, to organize and ensure flights of declared aircraft and the quality of services provided, as well as to organize the training of aviation personnel. The applicant (operator) develops and implements in his organization a flight operations manual, a maintenance management manual and a quality manual containing established and accepted for execution aviation personnel the operator's rules, procedures and standards for the organization, production and support of flights.

The operator must have an aeronautical information service or appoint a responsible person if the provision of aeronautical information is carried out under contracts with third parties. The operator, in order to obtain a certificate, develops a business plan containing a justification for the possibility of carrying out the planned flight program within 24 months and ensuring that the costs of its implementation without income are covered within three months from the start of work. The operator needs to organize flight work in accordance with the requirements of the regulations governing the activities of civil aviation.

The use of civil aircraft for flights for the purposes of general aviation by a legal or natural person who does not have a GA operator's certificate is not allowed. The GA operator certificate is issued and extended for up to 5 years. Upon initial registration of the applicant as a GA operator with the right to perform international flights, a GA operator certificate is issued for a period of up to 2 years. A GA operator license cannot be issued to two or more legal or natural persons and cannot be transferred from one legal or natural person to another. Issuance of GA operator certificates, extension of their validity period and (or) amendments to GA operator certificates are carried out by inter-regional territorial departments and territorial air transport departments of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

The use of the airspace of the Russian Federation is carried out by the GA operator in accordance with the requirements of the air legislation of the Russian Federation and the flight operations rules established in civil aviation. The GA operator (applicant) organizes in accordance with the requirements established in civil aviation:

creation of the necessary base for the storage of aircraft, the performance of work to maintain their airworthiness and the storage of operational, technical and serial documentation for the main and component parts of aircraft;

ensuring maintenance and repair of declared aircraft;

registration of data on failures and malfunctions of aircraft;

accounting for the operating time of aircraft;

flight information processing if there are flight recorders on board the aircraft;

medical, meteorological, air navigation and other types of flight support;

provision (implementation of measures) aviation security.

Aircraft belonging to the GA operator (applicant) declared for flights for the purposes of general aviation are allowed to operate if they have certificates of airworthiness (certificates of airworthiness), certificates of state registration. Aircraft are equipped in accordance with the established requirements to perform the declared types of flights in the declared regions. An application for registration as a GA operator and renewal of the GA operator certificate is submitted to the relevant territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia at the main location of the applicant's (GA operator) aircraft used for general aviation purposes, in accordance with the form. The GA operator's certificate shall enter into force on the date specified therein. Copies of the GA operator certificate, applications and documents attached to it are stored in the territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia that issued the GA operator certificate. Information on the issuance of a GA operator certificate, its extension of validity or amendments to the GA operator certificate is sent by the territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within 3 working days to a specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation in electronic form via telecommunication channels in the prescribed format in the amount application data for inclusion in the consolidated information database. In case of violation by the GA operator of the restrictions set forth in the appendix to the GA operator's license, which is an integral part of the said certificate, the rules for operating aircraft, as well as the rules for using the airspace of the Russian Federation and the rules for flight operations or their support, threatening flight safety and (or) aviation security, the territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, which issued the GA operator certificate, may impose restrictions on the validity of the GA operator license, its validity may be suspended or the GA operator certificate may be canceled.

Airline classification

According to the definition given in Art. 61 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, an aviation enterprise is understood as a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form of ownership, with the main objectives of its activity to carry out for a fee the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) the performance of aviation works.

According to the form of ownership, airlines are state, private, and corporate, as well as mixed with the participation of foreign capital.

State airline is an airline that is wholly owned by the state, or in which the state owns a controlling stake. There are practically no airlines with 100 percent ownership by the state. As a rule, the controlling stake, owned by the state, ranges from 51 to 75 percent.

Private airline is an airline owned by one person or family. An example is the Transaero airline, owned by the Pleshakov family.

Corporate airline is an airline owned by shareholders. In this case, the controlling stake may belong to one person who actually manages the airline.

Mixed airline is, as a rule, a joint venture with the participation of foreign capital. The creation on the territory of the Russian Federation of an aviation enterprise with the participation of foreign capital is allowed provided that the share of participation of foreign capital does not exceed 49 percent of the authorized capital of the airline, its head is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the number of foreign citizens in the governing body of the airline does not exceed one third of the composition of the governing body. In other states, the proportion of foreign ownership of an airline varies. So, in the UK it is 33%, in the USA - no more than 25%.

By the nature of the flights, airlines are divided into domestic and international, and mixed.

Domestic airlines operate flights only within their own countries.

International airlines operate only in international airspace.

According to the range and direction of flights, airlines are divided into mainline, regional, local and computer airlines.

The mainline airlines operate both international and domestic flights over a distance of 3,000 km or more. Trunk airlines include, for example, airlines operating transatlantic, trans-American, transpolar, trans-Asian, trans-Pacific and other interregional air transportation.

Regional airlines carry out intra-regional transportation over a distance of no more than 3000 km both within one country and internationally. Regional transportation includes transportation between the Scandinavian countries, intra-European, intra-African transportation, etc.

Local airlines are, as a rule, domestic airlines operating on airlines with a length of no more than 1000 km.

According to the type of main transportation, airlines are divided into passenger, cargo and mixed.

Passenger airlines operate aircraft equipped to carry passengers. As a rule, in addition to passengers, they also carry cargo and mail in special cargo compartments.

Cargo airlines carry out only cargo transportation on specially equipped aircraft. Purely cargo is a small number of airlines. The biggest ones are: DHL, TNT, UPS, FedEx, etc.

Most airlines are mixed and operate all types of transportation. A number of the largest of them have their own cargo branches: Lufthansa Cargo, Air Canada, etc.

By type of operation, airlines are divided for regular and charter.

Regular airlines operate flights according to the established schedule on airlines strictly defined by the government of the country or by intergovernmental agreements. Regular airlines can also operate additional, charter and special flights.

Charter airlines perform non-scheduled air freight transportation on the basis of special contracts between carriers and customers. Such transportation can be carried out both between points interconnected by regular by air, and between points not connected by regular airlines.