Pros and minuses of a joint vacation. Vacation in a large company: pros and cons Order for vacation without salary salary

According to the norms of the TK RF, any woman before leaving on decree has the right to get an annual paid vacation.

At the same time, the right to provide such recreation employee in a state of pregnancy is independent of the work experience and the duration of the spent time from this employer. However, this provision of legislation is not always implemented in practice, and the legal admission of the employee

○ How many are paid for maternity leave:

As mentioned above, the Labor Code of Russia contains an unambiguous in the interpretation of the norm: a woman before going to the decree may apply for the provision annual paid leave. In this case, the work experience, namely the duration of the time spent this employer does not matter.

In other words, pregnant women before decree is released, regardless of whether this employer wants this or not, and whether the lady worked in the organization for more than 6 months.

It should be noted that the date of release will be considered the date of the beginning of the maternity sheet of pregnancy and childbirth. The binding of the annual paid vacation to the beginning of the childcare leave will be wrong here.

○ What is an advance payment?

So, we found that pregnant The woman has the right to claim his vacation regardless of the time spent. This means that before going to the decree, a maximum duration vacation can be provided - from 28 days in general order, and up to 56 daysIf the position of the employee provides an increased duration of the annual paid leave.

It is also the fact that for the current year, the employee's vacation was already twenty. In this case, the woman has the right to demand the so-called vacation in advance - that is, annual leave, which will be counted in subsequent periods, after the end of the decree.

Pretending to leave an advance, the following features should be taken into account:

  • If you receive a vacation in advance and in full, then after leaving the decree it will be possible to qualify for annual paid leave only with the onset of next working year.
  • If, after the end of the childcare leave, you decide to stop labor relations with the employer, you may be kept or charged compensation for previously paid vacation payments.

○ How many days should leave before maternity leave? How to calculate?

There are several vacation duration options that can be provided before going to the decret. It should be borne in mind that at wishes and by mutual agreement with the employer, a woman can claim any of the options.

  1. Leave by advance, any duration. The maximum term of such a full vacation is 28 days, or more if the conditions and nature of labor implies an increased leave by duration.
  2. Vacation for spent time preceding the beginning of the child's care. I note that the period of maternity hospital and childbirth should also be taken into account as a spent time.

The estimated year begins on the start date of labor relations, that is, from the date when you went to work. But the EO is only a general rule, a more detailed and accurate calculation of the annual vacation duration for spent time can be requested from the personnel division of the organization.

○ Do you have a vacation before you decree? Pros and cons.

Considering the question of whether to take a vacation before decree, I recommend to consider the following.

Thus, labor legislation provides for the obligation to provide a woman to her vacation or before going to the decret, or after its end. If you take a vacation by an advance, then you don't have to qualify for rest after the end of the decree.

There are different situations, and many women prefer to leave a part of the holiday "to the reserve" to be able to protect the childcare in the case of closing the kindergarten, child's disease and other unforeseen situations.

On the other hand, leave before decree will allow more time to spend in the fresh air, getting more pleasant emotions, also with an advantage in the form of selling and relying on vacation payments.

Thus, decide on the need for leave before decree should be independently, taking into account the state of health, well-being, and material benefits.

○ Step-by-step instructions: how to take leave before decree?

In order to issue an annual paid leave before going to the decree, I can recommend the following sequence of actions.

  1. Decide for yourself, leave what duration you want, taking into account the specifics of the provision of leave in advance.
  2. Try to agree with the head of the organization or the immediate boss, the duration of its holiday and the date of its start. Consider that the manager also needs to redistribute the burden on employees, transfer your powers to another employee. If the head protests against your vacation decision, remind him of the content of Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and refer to its right to apply to the state labor inspection bodies in case of non-compliance with the employer's guarantees of labor legislation.
  3. Write an application for a vacation in accordance with the rules operating in the organization. I remind you that it is desirable to write a statement at least 14 days before the date of commencement of your vacation.
  4. Get an order for vacation and vacation.

○ Example content of vacation application before decret.

Sample vacation application Before decree, a little differs from the standard for the provision of annual paid leave. The application text must contain:

  • Name of the head of the organization.
  • Information about the applicant, his position.
  • Request for the provision of annual paid leave.
  • Duration of vacation in calendar days.
  • Please pay material assistance and other paid payments.
  • A reference to Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • The date and signature of the applicant.

According to the standard procedure, the statement must be joined by the head of the organization, on the basis of which the personnel unit is preparing an order for vacation, and accounting accrues made payments.

○ Answers to frequent questions of visitors:

Is an additional vacation pregnant before decree?

If your labor duties and working conditions provide for additional holidays along with the main, duration of 28 days, then you have the right to use all the days of additional vacation before departure.

Consider to replace additional vacation by monetary compensation for non-use prohibited by the norms of labor law.

Holidays together: Advantages and disadvantages of joint rest

So the long-awaited and so necessary summer vacation is approaching. Exhausted annual work, reports and credits, inspections and audits, initiated by demanding bosses and unprofitable subordinates, spouses sigh alleviate, anticipating a pleasant and unforgettable leisure. Each couple arises a reasonable question: spend a vacation together or relax separately?
Indeed, the vacation time offers alternatives where to restore health-killed health and how to gain a positive, so that with the tripled energy to carry everyday worries. Each couple has a choice: to hold a well-deserved vacation together, enjoying communicating with each other, or go to the resort in proud loneliness, sending fabulous to plow the beds in the country area. The purpose of our article is to enjoy the advice of psychologists, consider the pros and cons of the co-rest for a typical couple.

Advantages of joint rest
One of the advantages of vacation together is the ability to save money from the family budget. Indeed, the acquisition of family tours is a great opportunity to keep blood earned money. Accommodation in hotels and hotels, rental rooms at the recreation bases or rent rooms in the private sector for two people cost much cheaper than housing for one person. In addition, most travel agencies make substantial discounts on the purchase of family tours and vouchers.
An important advantage of holidays together - saved nerves. After all, with a joint vacation, the partner does not arise jealousy from the idea that his second half somewhere flirting with a more impressive cavalier. After conducting a vacation together, the ladies disappears the need to be nervous and worried that their beloved in her absence would be terribly driving and leave no off the boiled kettle. Or, in a state of a drunken Ugar, I will not get lost in a dense park where he went hunting with buddies.

Joint holidays on a fashionable resort - a wonderful chance for spouses re-open each other. The comfortable room, constantly clean and cleaned, delicious breakfasts and dinners in the cozy restaurant saved the married couple from domestic hassle and worries. Accordingly, there is no disagreement, whom to cook borsch, and who to endure trash. Less for the pick-up, because there is no unwashed dishes and socks scattered around the apartment. More time for sincere conversations and conversations about the meaning of being.

Plus staying at the resort - the natural desire of a person to demonstrate itself in all its glory.
Respectable gentlemen for the time of vacation refuse to walk in the headed family shorts, having fun in fashionable shorts and t-shirts, advantageously emphasizing cubes on the torso. The tortured housewives on vacation in the blink of an eye are transformed, banging in front of the public in new seductive short dresses, demonstrating the imprint and tanned legs, shoes on the high-heeled shoes. Therefore, rest together is the opportunity to detect a long-lost attraction in a partner.
Another advantage of a joint recreation is a chance to deliver more bold experiments. Try yourself in the new role it is always easier when there is a reliable satellite. Safer, not so scary, because there is a person nearby who will come to the rescue. Therefore, vacation is together - the opportunity for new pleasures, joy and extreme: diving samples, parachute flight, scooter riding. Yes, and twist the pedals on the catamaran are easier together. And in the evening you can arrange experiments in some Chinese restaurant, tasting strange ones on the species of delicacies in some wands for two. And always at hand not only the camera, but also a person who can capture pleasant moments of life.

A joint holiday has another substantial plus - security and convenience. Having arrived together, you can not worry about the safety of valuable things on the beach. The presence of a satellite is a guarantee that the beautiful lady will not become the object of harassment of a drunk company. The presence of a husband is a deposit that annoying aunt and uncle will not persist offer to cushion a bottle of cheap port wine. The spouse without alarm clock will always wake up in time, so as not to sleep an interesting excursion. In the event of ailment, the partner will always find the tablet Analgin and breaks the doctor. And the back of the cream for a safe sunshine flashes. And behind a refreshing cocktail cats. What to say about safety on water: the husband will always be instead of a rescue circle and will be able to assist the lady flounder in the water.

Disadvantages of joint rest
The main emission of holidays together is disagreements and quarrels. Moreover, the statement of discontent and claims begins during vacation planning and subsequent fees. Conflict and uncompromising spouses can argue because of any trifles: places for recreation, the way to the resort, the choice of housing. The process of collecting suitcases can be completely reminded by a Kulikov battle, when the wife dishess the right to take another one, hundredth on account, evening outfit.
Another minus holidays together is connected with the fact that any changes in a person's life, even pleasant, are tremendous stress. When changing the usual atmosphere, the nearby nervous system makes itself felt, splashing indignation on a loved one. Moreover, any trip is associated with a lot of unpleasant surprises, and not everyone is able to maintain a stoic composure when due to the negligent satellite you are late for a flight. Therefore, a joint holiday is often "embellished" by the quarrels and scandals of the married couple.

Despite the opportunity to save on a joint vacation, the vacation has a two-party medal. Staying at the resort relaxes and eliminates control. Drinking sea air so and whispers spending more, try something non-standard, to do something original. Especially since it is to evaluate the speakers to anyone. As a result, it turns out that the vacation is poured together in a very solid amount in comparison, if I went to the resort one and alone squeezed "Daikiri".
Another minus of rest is together - forced to observe how the legitimate second half pays attention to another macho and receive compliments from other branches. At the same time, it is understood that the surrounding gentlemen possess more attractive appearance and perfect proportions, while their beer tummy under the tightly t-shirt is not hiding.

The lack of a joint recreation is the lack of opportunity to be in proud loneliness and calmly relax. Having arrived on vacation together you have to be constantly alert: it is not confrontable to smear the blessing cream, correct it to the panama, bring a bathing towel. Disappeared with water with a hangover and feed the activated carbon after tasting the pizza "Oakoniyaki". Listen to the same story for the hundredth time. And the main thing is to follow, in order for two weeks of a joint rest, he still got out of the bar and at least the ankle stepped into a refreshing ocean. In short, going on vacation together, you can forget about silence and tranquility.

Vacation Two or Separate Holidays: Bans, Restrictions, Risks
The ban for a joint holiday will be the lack of common interests from spouses. For example, the husband loves foot fifty-cell rosures with a heavy backpack behind the shoulders. He loves to sing songs under the guitar by the fire and for dinner there is a "breakfast tourist". He dreams about overnight in a tent on the shore of the lake under the squeak of mosquitoes. His wife, on the contrary - a supporter of cultural and civilized recreation in a five-star hotel. Its wardrobe will simply break from expensive outfits that can be put on only when visiting the fashionable Paris restaurant Le Pre Catelan, where dinner for two percentage will cost $ 400. A joint vacation in such a married couple will certainly be spoiled with mutual reproaches and complaints. Unless of course they do not have enough wisdom to make a compromise and organize leisure taking into account the interests of both parties.

Another restriction for holidays together is a joint job of spouses. This situation is when the husband and wife are busy in one business, so 24 hours a day they spend together. For such spouses, vacation is the only opportunity to be alone and the chance to "miss" for your faithful. However, there are very pleasant exceptions when partners love so much and understand each other that a minute spent without a satellite is stretched to eternity.
The main danger of rest separately, undoubtedly, is the sword damocles, threatening to cut the bonds of Gimenta - the probability of treason. Such fear is not alien to people insecure. Such personnel should be remembered: treason occurs only if there is no true love between partners in marriage, respect and understanding. It should be considered: if the subject is morally ready for a betrayal, then the treason can occur at any convenient case, and not necessarily during the leave.

Another stumbling block during a joint recreation is a financial issue. It is likely that one of the spouses got used to the resort to relax in the full program and does not refuse himself. Another partner, on the contrary - economical and practical, who is not used to spending money for any resort nonsense. To avoid financial differences, it is advisable to determine in advance the amount that, without prejudice to the family budget, you can lower the entertainment events.
What is better: vacation together or separate rest? American scientists are convinced: a joint holiday is harmful. The studies have established that the spouses are most often terminated after the holidays held together. Why? For many couples, a joint holiday is an emotionally difficult period in which existing problems are exposed and exacerbated. And vacation together deprives partners of illusions and hopes for the permit of the existing difficulties.

How to do, so that the vacation gives both spouses only positive emotions? Probably, the optimal decision will be a healthy compromise: a part of the holidays is carried out with and other days to provide yourself. And as a result, to make an unequivocal conclusion, which leisure version arranges more.

There is another way out for those who are not ready for separate rest. You can spend your vacation in the same place, while each of the partners chooses the classes that he is pleasant and interesting. For example, an active and energetic husband is engaged in a rigging with aqualing or conquers mountain peaks, and its secular lioness tasts sophisticated dishes in local restaurants and inspects sights. And in the evening, for a glass of champagne on the seashore, everyone shares his impressions.

Remember that the vacation is together - a lactium paper, which will show the true problems that exist between partners. A joint holiday will reveal those aspects in relations that are not commemorated in everyday life. Vacation together will show how spouses are interested in each other. Are they ready to hear and listen to their partner. Whether they see someone except themselves. Can make compromises and can make a mutually beneficial solution. From this point of view, vacation is the best check of the strength of the relationship. Therefore, at the beginning of family life, and ideally - during the period of dates, it is advisable to go on a long journey before building Napoleonic plans.

In each organization in December, the personnel service is a month. Then the staff are puzzled by questions: "When is it better to relax? Take a vacation of parts or to fly it right away? ". To answer these questions, it is worth dealt with the pros and cons of each year.

Winter. Plus, leave in this period is that it is possible to really relax, without being distracted by gardening gardens. There is a great opportunity to make skiing along the winter forest, read the books that have long been dusting on the shelf in anticipation of the owner, see the favorite films, for which in the usual time it is not enough time. Minus is cold weather, snow-covered roads. At such a time you will not go with my family - on a picnic, do not swim in the river, do not blow under the gentle rays of the sun. Vouchers in sunny countries in winter, as a rule, more expensive. Therefore, to save on the trip will not work. The negative side can be attributed to the fact that after the new year without vacation you can relax a half weeks. As you know, it is also harmful to rest for a long time - you can easily get out of the gauge and breed.

Spring. When the forces on the outcome (avitaminosis affects), leave their vacation at this time of year. Spring day feeds, the proverb says. Therefore, vacation can be given to gardening of garden matters: sow, plant, implement other important plans. For example, take over the destruction of insects and the prevention of their appearance, in the fall to collect a rich harvest from the site. There are practically no cons relaxing at this time of year.

Summer. Traditionally, it is considered a vacation sometimes. Pluses rest in summer time. It is warm weather, and cheap tours, and a good opportunity to relax with the whole family while children have a vacation, and spouses leave. Very popular departure to nature. True, without a reliable means from mosquitoes, then do not do. The disadvantage of summer can be considered that rest seems very versatile. Do not have time to start resting how the leaf fall and comes ...

Fall. A great time for vacation, if the child began to attend a kindergarten or go to school. You can safely assemble the remaining harvest, fold in the barn garden inventory and prepare for the meeting of winter. When the Indian summer comes, it is best to go for mushrooms to not only provide seven marinated products, but also to breathe clean forest air.

Any time of year is suitable for vacation. Only on statistics, most Russians prefer summer. Vacation can be taken in parts to try to relax in the spring in one year, and another time. After that, it will be possible to decide what kind of holidays like the households.

Legislation under administrative leave implies the right of an employee or an employee for additional holidays without payment. As a rule, citizens use this norm in case of extreme need to solve urgent domestic issues, or in the case when you need to do your own health or help close.

But there are cases when the need arises to provide administrative leave on the initiative of the employer. Immediately it should be noted, no law gives the right to the employer to arbitally make a decision and send employees into unpaid leave.

Remember, if the employer is forcibly trying to send you to administrative unpaid leave - this is illegal and for this, the employer may carry administrative responsibility.

Now the cases when such a need may occur. Lack of orders, decline in production, a decrease in the number of customers, "the wool" on the market, all this becomes causes that can lead to a reduction in the number. But experienced leaders know that in most cases it is seasonal phenomena, and therefore sending employees for this period to administrative leave at their own expense - it will save expenses and protect the staff in the future.

Therefore, the employer can only offer its subordinates as an option, such a way out of the current situation, while maintaining workplaces.

What wins and loses the worker

According to the Labor Code, the duration of administrative leave without salary preservation is established by the consent of the parties to labor relations. But there are some moments here, forget about which you should not.

Providing administrative leave will give an employee more free time to solve various emergency cases. You can even work on another job during this period. Just remember if the duration of such a vacation will be more than 14 calendar days, your main vacation at work will be shifted for the entire period that exceeds these days.

If during this period you will be sick, then you cannot count on the payment of the hospital sheet. The same applies to the pension experience. For the entire period of stay in advanced leave, you will not be accrued retirement experience.

Remember, an administrative vacation of more than 14 calendar days can adversely appear on your retirement experience and other social guarantees.

Possible alternatives

Weighing everything "for", as well as some "against", many are trying to find an alternative before writing an application for administrative leave.

The Labor Code provides for two options for solving a problem - this is an introduction to an idle enterprise, or the introduction of incomplete working time for a certain period (no more than six months).

But before something to introduce something, the employer is obliged to pre-(in two months) to inform the employee about the change of labor regime, as well as coordinate these issues with the trade union organization.

Remember, during downtime, the employee is subject to payment in the amount of at least 2/3 of its salary (tariff rate), and during incomplete working time - for actually spent hours.

If the employee does not agree to such working conditions and does not accept the alternative proposed by the employer, it can be dismissed from the initiative of the latter. The established guarantees, as well as compensation and other payments in this case, is preserved.

In the summer I want to break out from the city, I want to admire nature and breathe with sea air. All this is great and every year you traveled to rest, rode along the excursions or sunbathe on the beach. And recently, you have a long-awaited karapuz. And I want to rest on vacation, and the child is small yet.

The question arises, whether to take a child with me on vacation on the sea / in the mountains or leave it at home with grandmothers or are there any other options?

Let's deal with more details, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types of rest (with a child and without). And you yourself decide, based on your personal family situation, as you do.

After all, each concept of "rest" understands in his own way. Someone wants to relax from the family, from children, to do. Someone rests from the city bustle, from work and bosses along with her family.

If you leave the child at home and go on vacation with my husband, then


  • you can arrange a second honeymoon;
  • do what you want in such a quantity in which you want. Whether to sunbathe, sleep, swim, walk, ride bikes and so on.
  • you can go to any corner of the planet and at the same time not to worry about the acclimatization of the child.

Minus. One is the only one, but very significant.

  • Permanent experiences about how the child, whether he had slept, did not get sick and so on. Plus, remorse of conscience, which left their child at home, while they themselves are noted on the sun.

If you take a baby on vacation, then


  • you have the opportunity to enjoy society and communicating with your own child. After all, usually all parents are very busy - work, cooking, washing, cleaning, sleep. And so in a circle. There is no time for live present communication, joint walks and hiking. You can walk along the seafront, build sandy locks or conquer the mountain peaks.

It is better to think about what you will do in place. Where will go in case of bad weather. What sights want to visit. Just remember that you are with the child, and it would be nice to plan your vacation without infringement of the interests of nor parents or a child.

  • you have the opportunity to strengthen the child's health;
  • joint holidays are the best memories of your child.

Difficulties of travel with a small child or minuses.

Acclimatization. The body must get used to new living conditions. Try to choose such a place to rest so that there is no strong climate difference. Acclimatization is manifested through overall malaise. They advise relaxing with a child at least 3 weeks.

It is also necessary to remember that together with the child you need to take clothes for different weather for a child, toys, medicines and a pot (children under five).

During the holidays, you need to carefully follow the condition of the child to avoid a thermal impact ().

Also an unpleasant problem is an intestinal infection, which is expressed through vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is observed if the seawater is bold or not to comply with the rules of hygiene. Smekt, lines and recidors (or touring) must be necessarily in your road first aid kit. About what medications should be taken on the road with a child.

Classes on the road. Regardless of whether you fly on the plane, eat by train or move on personal transport, you need to think in advance about how to take a child on the road.

At what age take a child on vacation?

Someone believes that the child can take a child only from three years.

I do not agree with them.

Last year we rested in the mountains to the whole family. The son was almost three years old, daughter was 2 months old. Who is interested, a travel report to the mountains. So, with my daughter it was much easier. After all, for her, the main thing was that a mother, who will feed it nearby, will put sleep and disinite. With son harder. He needed to entertain on the road, persuade and negotiate. But despite some moments, rest was 100%. Son tells where he was and what he saw. And asks to go

And in the year before last we flew, which was 1 year and 9 months old. Family rested with us, their daughter was 1 year and 5 months. Yes, of course, this is not the same thing to relax together. But we were tuned to family holidays, we knew what to expect and what not to expect from such a vacation.

So, from what age, to take children with them on vacation only to you. And do not listen to those who scares that rest spoil. But do not wait for something like a "honeymoon" from recreation. Evaluate your capabilities, think over everything in advance. And everything will turn out.

Council. So that you can sometimes retire during vacation, it is better to go to two families with children. In this case, you can look at the children in turn. Or take with you grandparents who can replace you for a while.

Rest with a child - it's sometimes hard, but watching your child with something new, as Dad is lucky on my shoulders, and the one is inspired by something tells how dad teaches the Son to swim or carries an asleep's daughter in the crib . I think you understand what I mean.

With the advent of children, life does not end ... and the new one begins. Even more interesting and happy, but completely different. Real life.

Here is an interesting poem in the topic:

If your child
Not turned 16
Even think forget about corals and seas.
There are sharks, there is a gorilla,
There are big crocodiles
Sun, mountains, air, sea - not for young children!

If you are going on vacation
Take a break from gray everyday life
Then do not try to drag the child!
House with grandma Left
Among dust and gasoline.
In the city, your child will strengthen your child.

If all the same tips
Aunt, grandmothers, girlfriends
Did not obey, and you brought the child to the sea,
Hide in the house and sit
There are five days, and then ten,
Your baby should be adapted to such a heat.

Ride rest with a child
You can only via a ticket.
And do not think about the rest to go "Dickarem"!
It is very unreasonable
And dangerous, and insanely.
Suddenly you have a cool dick "savages"? What then?

And, of course, a child
To the sea you do not let me.
He caught up, freezes, maybe even drown.
Let him lie and sunbathe
Mom with dad does not interfere,
What is black skin - a healthier organism.

And do not try to a child
Show rapanov, mussels.
He will not remember anything. And why should it?
Let be sinking in the sand.
This is the best to take!
And Rapanov, Fish and Cups in the school will study!

Do not even try to think
Pull the baby in the mountains!
Maybe he falls from the mountain, maybe even nose to fill.
Well, why does he need paths?
Well, why do he need a path?
Journey with a child will only add you trouble.

Finally, do not forget
These harmful advice
And such advice is very clearly performed.
Otherwise your child
Will be strong, tanned,
Smart, dexterous and healthy - these are children for anything!

© Julia Kasparova

P.S. Do you relax with children together? How old did you start taking children to rest? What difficulties faced?

P.P.S. If you eat on vacation by car, do not forget.