Kyrgyzstan Mineral Narzans Kyrgyzstan. Mineral Sources of Issyk-Kul - the main wealth of Kyrgyzstan

The nomadic past of Kyrgyz is well traced in their folk customs and rites. Until now, a deeply revered form of housing is the yurt. Even these days, all the festive ceremonies are simply inconceivable without this ancient dwelling, even the flag of the republic is decorated with the image of the "Tunduka" - the central circle of yurt, on which the poles retaining her. Yurts have always been considered the symbol of the social status of the owner, and the main pillars of folk traditions. Construction and settlement of any yurt here was accompanied by a huge number of rituals and ceremonies.

Yurt is optimized as optimized for a nomadic lifestyle - wooden frame and felt coating are easy to disassemble separate brothers, which can be easily transported on camels or horses (and in mountain areas - and on yaks). And it is also easy for it going on the new becoming ("Aile") - the lattice walls of "Kerega" are built into the circle, leaning on the thrill "Woods". The tops of the jeres are inserted into the holes of the central circle and are fixed by belts or ropes. The same collapsible door frame of "bare" with a double door "Kaalga" is put. Then, the whole design is covered with a mat and felt mats, and the floor is covered with skin, woven mats, "Altyagat" (several layers of felt coated on one side of matter, steel under bed) and fur carpets or felt. The walls are hanging carpets, embroidered pendant shelves "Dead", the handbags "Kuzgu-Cap", wicker wool bags "Ayak-Cap", and the trays are put on the floor, in which utensils and clothing are stored. To the left of the entrance to the yurt is a male half "Er-Jacques", in which the horse breaks, weapons and hunting tools hang. On the right there is a female half of Epchi-Jacques, where the kitchen was located, as well as chests with clothing and products. In the center of Yurt, there was a mandatory focus of "Colomo", and the yurt was covered with the help of a conventional lamp "Chyrak" filled with fat. The design of the yurt is individually for each tribal group or family, and considerable attention was paid to the art component - the wealth of the design of the yurt served as a sign of the owner's social status as well as the extensity of his herd. The most honorable place in Yurt - "Thor" was located directly opposite the entrance, at the focus, where the "Juk" stands (a low bench, which put chests and cover them with carpets). Typically, the owner or elder genus was located here, they also took guests.

Rich Kyrgyz usually had a whole set of large and small yurt - a small yurt "Ashkana-UY" (kitchen and storage room), temporary yurts - "Meiman-Uyu" (living rooms), "Erge" (wedding yurt), yurts for the second and third wife , Yurts for married sons and so on. From Yurt's ordinary Kyrgyz, they differed in good quality, beauty and decoration.

With a gradual transition to a settled lifestyle appeared globate houses that were preserved in the provincial areas almost everywhere, and the traditions of their construction are still alive. The house was built according to the same principle as the yurt, although in some areas the explicit influence of Uzbek and Russian traditions are traced. On a shallow usually the foundation was put the door and the walls of the brick "Kys", the clay "Pakhsa" or "Guvalyak" were erected, and covered with a flat or two-tie roof of logs and strawls. Internal planning usually repeated the device of the yurt, but due to a noticeably larger area, the kitchen was highlighted ("Ashcon", usually right at the entrance), a living room, a dining room and a bedroom in one person (MEYMAKANA) and an indispensable open terrace ("Ivan"). A characteristic feature of the Kyrgyz house is an abundance of chests and wall niches, replacing both furniture and bedrooms for children. Often niches are closed with decorative panels "Tsush-Kiyz", Suzan or carpets.

Kyrgyz carpets are a topic for a separate conversation. This is the main element of the interior, and one of the main aesthetic moments of the country, and the testimony of its ancient history. Kyrgyz sending felt cars "Syrmak" and "Temket", as well as "Koshma", "Tushcis", "Bashtiks", "Shyrdak", "Tsushiz" and "Ala-Kiyiz" are noticeably different from the carpets of the countries of the Central Asian republics. They are made from sheep wool and for the most part are not tkut, but they are lying - their main felt is. Then they are expanded with bright sewing, using traditional folklore and decorative elements, which is usually leaving for several weeks. But serves such a carpet usually many more than 40 years. On the same principle, tissue makes for traditional bags, bags, peretnya, as well as for decorative items. Pile carpets "Kille" and other pile products have no less ancient origin, but are significantly less common due to higher cost. Also, you can still meet such ancient samples of traditional crafts, like mats ("Chii", "Chgydyn", "Ashkana-Chii") and mounted doors ("Echik-Chii") from the lake cane.

Kyrgyz National Clothing is almost unchanged here 700 years. Both men's and women's cloth usually consists of a shirt and sharovar. Men's shirt usually resembles a tunic, has a length slightly below the belt and long sleeves covering the brushes. Men's sharovars "Jargaksh" sew from wool, cotton, suede and even skin. Women's wedding shirt is long and sews like a regular dress and on top of it put on a long and wide shirt "Beshmann" ("Camsur"), which simultaneously serves as a dress, and long harees. The belt served and serve as an indicator of the social status of the owner - elegant or embroidered, with silver patterned places and buckles, handbags and walkers show wearing wealth. The casual belt, like the belts of the poor, usually represent a simple long leather belt, or wrapped around a scarf belt, which often has a pretty bright look. Upper men's clothing consists of a felt robe without lining or quilts "Keenateni", which are called depending on the fabric, from which they are sewn - "Pashayy-tone", "Kymkap-tone", "Salabrak-tone", etc. In winter, a fur coat or a sheepskin tulup "tone" is put on over a robe. Women wear a short or long sleeveless, a kind of camolome with short sleeves, a bathrobe, in winter - a fur coat "Ichik." Distinctive elements of the clothing of married women are the Belfli Skirt and the Elechek Türban, and the common element - tubette and fur caps (headdress of unmarried girls are usually decorated more fanciful and rich). Moreover, the tubets created in various areas are distinguished by the form, ornament and color decision. Kyrgyz girls before marriage do not wear a headscarf, and after marriage, they say the head with multi-colored scarves. Older women often close the face of white silk parants. The national symbol of the country is the "Ak-Kalpak" hat made of thin white felt with curved up black challenges. Also wear tubetes and fur national hats, confused by fur and decorated with feathers - "tebey".

Men's shoes consists of leather boots, leather canos on heels and soft boots, female - colored boots on heels, often ornamented, as well as sandals and peculiar slippers without heels.

By the middle of the 20th century, traditional clothes began to give way to the European costume, you can meet people everywhere, dressed in the latest fashion. However, the famous Kyrgyz bathrobes, embroidery, metal and leather work, traditional hats and carpets are still noticeably more popular than European innovations, especially in the province.

In a large Kyrgyz family, consisting of several generations of joint living relatives, there is a strict hierarchy. Relationships in the house are built on the basis of unconditional submission to the chapter of the family and respect the elders. One of the traditional forms of the country's social structure is the custom of neighboring mutual assistance "Ashara" ("Hashhar"). If the family is experiencing acute need, then all the relatives and neighbors come to her help.

For the girl earlier, 13-14 years old were previously considered for the girl, today there are quite European norms, although cases of early marriage are not uncommon. The relations of the relatives of the bride and groom, in the future and her husband and his wife, in Kyrgyz differ in emphasized attention and even with bad relationships you can always count on mutual assistance. Children also enjoy universal love, and the name of the name is emphasized, as it is believed that the name will determine the future of the child and can influence his fate.

In the public and family life of Kyrgyz, Islam plays a big role. Religion determined and determines the household, family and ideological aspects of life, has a strongest impact on political processes and art, for the whole way of life. After making Muslim kirgiz, many reported customs and rites or have undergone significant changes, or were ousted by traditional Islam rites, but many have grown up with new canons and organically fit into the modern life of the country. To the obligatory acts of Kirgiz in the course of life include the reading of the funeral prayer ("Zhanaza"), the release of sins ("Doron"), the fulfillment of all five commandments of Islam ("PARZ"), post within a month Ramadan, prayer five times a day at a certain time ("Namaz"), the execution of "Orosezo-Ait" and "Kurman-Ait", as well as the voluntary deduction of a part of the money in favor of the poor or on beige affairs ("clog"). The rites associated with the birth and raising children, wedding, wedding, cooking and other are playing a special role. Often they constitute the weave of Islamic rituals with more ancient forms associated with magical practice. Culting ministers enjoy special respect and participate in almost all events of the country. At the same time, Kyrgyz can not be called fanatical Muslims - with all the multifaceted local life there is always a lot of secular, and the vermorpability of local residents is widely known outside the country. The storytellers and singers ("Akins" or "Akyna") folk ballads and legends enjoy tremendous respect. By the name of the traditional folk epic, the most respected name is "Manaschi".

One of the unshakable traditions of local life is hospitality. Kyrgyz speak "Konoktu Uyde Kut Bar" - "Guest - Grace House". Since ancient times, everyone, whose path passed through the Kyrgyz Ail, did not leave him, without delivering a table and shelter with the owners. The shepherds of high mountain pastures are particularly preferable to this custom, however, in the absence of respect for the guest nobody heard. From invitations for lunch or dinner, it is not accepted here. Respected guests of the hosts meet at the gate, greet, are interested in affairs and life, invite to go to the house. Kyrgyz has not taken with the go to ask questions or ask about the goal of arrival - first the conversation and the table, and then everything else. The simplest thing for a person who is not familiar with local customs is to follow the instructions of the owner. Humor is very valued and polite attitude to all participants in the feast. Women usually do not sit in one table with men, but in urban conditions this rule is often not valid. At the table is not customary to admire the beauty of women and pay close attention to them. But to ask the family affairs and the well-being of her members is quite appropriate. Going to visit, it is advisable to capture small souvenirs or sweets for children with you. Any meal here begins and ends with tea drinking. Initially, sweets, baking, dried fruits and nuts, fruits and vegetables, salads are served on the table, then snacks, and only at the end - pilaf or other "heavy food". Be sure to present hot cakes on the table, which in no case should not turn over. To drop a piece of cake to the ground or even just put it there, even wrapped in fabric or paper, is also considered a bad admission.

A significant place in the Kyrgyz life and everyday life occupies a tea ceremony. The brewing of this truly chief drink of the country, as well as the distinguishing of its guests, is the prerogative of men, first of all - the owner of the house. Tea is brewing differently in different regions of the country. Also noticeably vary and recipes for its preparation. Tea'an is the same unshakable element of local traditions, like tea itself. Social life here focuses in mosques, in the bazaar and, of course, in teahouse. Here they simply communicate and negotiate, rest and share news, have breakfast and dinner, discuss the problems of life and world order. The setting of teahouse is pretty traditional - low tables are surrounded by the same low, and necessarily cue carpets, sofas. The accompanying tea drinking rituals are quite complex and are incomprehensible for the uninitiated, therefore it is easier to watch the locals and do as they - you can be sure that they will also appreciate this respectful attitude towards their customs.

Despite the strong Islamic traditions, most Kyrgyz freely use alcohol, at least with guests. If you do not drink strong alcoholic beverages, mostly vodka, warn in advance about it, nobody will impose here and nothing will. During Ramadan, it is not recommended to use alcoholic beverages, at least in open.

In communication, Kyrgyz is usually quite simple and democratic. Many consider them naive, but it is greatly exaggerated - the locals are simply accustomed to trusting people, this is a centuries-old tradition that the guest should not violate. Hello for the hand taken with everyone, even unfamiliar and policemen (except for women). During the handshake traditionally, they are interested in health, the state of affairs at work and at home. With women and persons sitting in distance, it was taken to greet the applied right hand to the heart and a polite bow. Greetings several times on the day even with well familiar people - quite the usual rule.

When entering the house or tea, you should shoot shoes. The style of clothing is quite democratic, however, when visiting cult places, you should not wear unnecessarily open or short clothes. In spite of everything, it is not recommended to wear shorts, especially in rural areas.

Monday is considered to be the happiest day of Kyrgyz - all the events started on this day are considered to be most successful.

No national holiday or triumphs do without sports, of which the rope of the Arkan-Tartmyai and Arkan-Tartsuuu rope is particularly popular, the struggle on Kuresh's belts, "AT-CHABYSH" - Racing for long (usually 20 -30 km) Distance, "Georgo-Salis" - jumps for 2-10 km, shooting at the race "Dzhamba-Atmai", Horse wrestling "Oodarysh", goat "Ulak-Tartysh" or "Kok-Bor" (horseback struggle for Tasha goat), the jumps of "Kyz-Kuumai" ("catch up with a girl") and the competition "Toyin-Anmey", during which participants should raise a small coin from a shallow pit in Earth. Many festivals begin and end with the songs of Aytyysh or Sarmenden.

The earliest known residents of this territory are the militant tribes of Sakov (Skifskaya Group), who inhabited the foothills of Tien Shan from the VI century BC. e to v century n. e. Alexander Macedonian troops met here the fierce resistance during his campaign to Sogdian. The first public entities on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan arose in the second century BC. er, when the southern areas of the country became part of the state of the Parkan. Starting from the 6th century n. e. The territory proceeds under the control of the Turkic tribes, and in the VIII-X centuries n. e. On the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul move from somewhere from the top course of the Yenisei ancestors of modern Kyrgyz (the issue of the origin of the local ethnos is still one of the most controversial and complex in the ethnic history of Central Asia). In the XIII century, the Empire of Genghis-Khan extends here, and after his death of the Earth along the Tien Shan ridges they pass into the possession of his son Chagata. In 1685, Orats of the Jungan Khanate, occupying the modern territory of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, invade the Central Tien Shan area. After the fall of the jungaria, the territory falls under China's protectorate, and in the XVIII century, the Faudals Kokanda began to make their rights to these lands. By the end of the XVIII in the southern territory, and at the beginning of the XX century and the northern part of Kyrgyzstan are part of the Kokand Khanate. In 1855-1863 The northern part of the country voluntarily joins the Russian Empire, and in 1876, after the defeat of Kokand Khanate, South Kyrgyzstan was conquered. In 1924, the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region was founded as part of the RSFSR, and in 1936 - the Kyrgyz SSR. In 1991, in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the independence of Kyrgyzstan was proclaimed.

The geographical position and natural resources of Kyrgyzstan led its central position in the zone of developed Central Asian civilization. Country Oddravel was a pass on lively trade routes between the West and East. Today, the development of tourism on the ancient Great Silk Road is not only tribute to the rich history of the country, but also the opening of semi-free pages of the past of the whole human civilization. Many travelers find Kyrgyzstan most attractive, affordable and friendly regions from all Central Asian republics, especially considering the presence of beautiful natural monuments - Central Tien Shan and Pamir-Alya, the most beautiful mountains of Central Asia.


Bishkek (Pishpec, from 1926 to 1991 - Frunze) lies in the northern part of the country, in the Chui Valley at the foot of the Kyrgyz Range. The city was founded in 1868-1878. On the site of the ancient Fort Jul, built by Kokanders and destroyed in 1862 Russian troops, on the shores of Ala Archa and Alamin. Now it is the capital and the largest industrial center of Kyrgyzstan, his political, cultural and educational "heart", as well as the only city in the world, named by the name of the wooden household tool ("Bishkek" can be translated as "oil" or "chopper for Kumsa"). This is a modern city with wide streets and beautiful buildings, which is advantageous in this from many other cities in the region, as it was immediately built on the European plan. It is also one of the greatest cities of the CIS, the largest city of Kyrgyzstan and one of the most multinational capitals of the continent (representatives of more than 80 ethnic groups and peoples live here.

There are no historical buildings in the city at all, his relatively young age affects it. But people at this place settled during the time of the Bronze Age, so Bishkek Earth tait a lot of historical mysteries. Almost on the territory of residential neighborhoods, in the northeastern part of the city there is a "blacksmithing fortress" town (the VII-XIV centuries, now the fortress area is quite unlawted), "Pishpekskaya settlement" (VII-XII centuries) and the ruins of the Pishpeca fortress.

On a wide, seated with shady trees, Soviet Street, the Kyrgyz State Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Moldabeva, the Library of the Chernyshevsky and State Art Museum. Also deserve the attention of the "Old Square" and the historical museum located on it, the Madrasa Abdulksima, the brotherly grave in the Dubov Park, the Manas complex, Park Panfilova and its fountains, Russian Drama Theater named after Krugskaya and Kyrgyz State Drama Theater, Historical Museum, Fine Museum Arts, the State Memorial Museum of the Frunze, Kyrgyz State Historical Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts named after Ayitiev, Museum A. Tokombayev, Museum of Literature and Art Toktogul, Zoological Museum, and Museum of Mineralogy. The cultural attractions of the city also include the city theater of the drama, the State Philharmonic named after Satullganov, the Academy of Arts and the Bishkek Drama Theater. Also deserve attention to the oak and central parks - an extensive green zone, in which several museums are located, including the open-air sculptural exposure, scattered among parks alley and lunas.

The neighborhood of the capital, lying in the redistributes of the beautiful Chui Valley, is famous for their mountain rivers and extremely diverse natural-territorial complexes, whose high-altitude zonality is visible here even with a naked eye. In the vicinity of the capital there are such natural objects as the beautiful Gunkurchak Gorge in the upper reaches of the Alamin River, the nearby Alamedyard field of thermal waters, the State Botanical Reserve of Chon-Aryk in the tract of Besh-Kyungi, the picturesque natural gorges of Kara-Balta, Aspara, Gilamis and Kegeti with his famous waterfall. The historical monuments of the Chui Valley itself are also diverse - the Krasnorechensk city town (38 km of the north of the city, the X-XII centuries) with the ruins of Zoroastrian facilities, the ruins of the ancient city of Balasagun (Kuz-Orda) - the historical and cultural zone "Burana" (50 km from the capital) With the famous "Tower of Burana" (height 21 m, xi c), the town of Ak-Besh (the ruins of the city of Suuryab - the capital of the Western Turkic Kaganate and the State of Karlukov, the XIII-XV centuries) with its medieval complex of Christian churches, mounded burial grounds, the ruins of ancient Chief Fortress (IX century) and numerous rock paintings on the rocks of the same name around it. Also attractive fortification Turhat-Kul, Issyk-Ata Petroglyphs with the image of the Buddha (VII-VIII century), Natural and Historical and Cultural Monuments of Yissyk-Ata, Shamshs (Shams), Chon-Kemin and Ak-Suu, which are among the monuments of Universal values.

Nowhere else on the territory of Central Asia does not occur such a number of treatment of therapeutic waters as in the Chui Valley. The Ak-Suist mineral waters deposit is located in the same gorge of the South-west of the village Belovodskoye. Local mineral water in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort of Dara-Sun. Also important place is occupied by hydrothermal wells Shedro, Kamychean and Lugovskoy, weak-mineralized hydrogen sulfide fields of therapeutic mud, as well as 130 thermal sources of the resort town of Issyk-Ata (the first hydrochures appeared here in II in N. e.). Among the Archovnikov and Alpine Lugov, Chui Valley are also attractive recreation areas, like a skone-sports base of Chon-Tash (about 25 km from the capital) and the river of the same name with steep and picturesque shores, the Plateau Cayrak, the upper and lower brand Tatyr, Coguchen-Sugat Waterfall , Thermal keys of Alamedin (8 km above the "Wolf Gate") and the "Warm Keys" Sanatorium-Sanatorium-based Sanatoriums, Ken-Thor Valley glaciers, beautiful tract Kara-Bulak, Tash-Bashat, Nourus, Orau-Sai, Bir-Bulak (Raspberry gorge) and Toguz Bulak, Plateau Cayrak, Cabs Kara-Uncurry and Cool-Tver Glacier, Rocks of "Alamedic Walls", Tesnin "Wolf Gate", through which the Alamedin River is breaking to the expanses of the Baikistic Valley and Mount Uluu-TOO (Botvei , 4009 m).

Ala Archa

The Al-Archa River Valley is one of the main attractions of the surroundings of Bishkek. Here, in a narrow valley of the usual in the general mountain river, such a number of stunning landscapes, waterfalls and unusual rocks, so rich flora and fauna, are concentrated, so rich in flora and fauna that many consider this area a real symbol of the Kyrgyz Range (Ala-TOO). Almost the entire valley is included in the Al-Archa National Park, which protects the relic arrh forests of Mountain Asia, almost anywhere else, as well as the richest animal world of mountain districts Tian-Shan - Capricorn, Elix (roe), Ulary ( Mountain turkey), kekliki (stone partridge), squirrels, hares, wild boars, foxes, badgers, mountainous, dickery and cunits, as well as handsome snow leopard, brought into the Red Book. Nearby the village of Baitik, named in memory of the national hero of the country, who lived in the VXI century - Cana Wool Baitics (Baitic Batyre). The slope of the Snow White Mountain is his grave - Baitic Cumbnia, which is a historic monument and a place of pilgrimage for Kyrgyz and guests of the country. Here, nearby, there are many alpalagers who serve as a starting point for numerous hiking and equestrian routes in the surrounding mountains, as well as several ski bases, all year round in the main selection of residents of the capital. Mountain slopes Tien Shan create excellent conditions for skiing. Sports bases are quite numerous, but the level of service is low on them, and the rest infrastructure is developed relatively weakly. Along the channel of the River Kashka-Suu, the influx of the Ala Archa River, in a tract with the same name, there are 4 skiing databases for winter riding lovers. Around Bishkek, as well as in the gorges of Aspara, Gilamis, Kara-Balta and Kegeti, skiing complexes are more modern and available.


In the northeast of the country, in the Talas district, there are great interest among tourists, huge canyons, cutting into the walls of the Talas ridge by numerous local rivers, dozens of beautiful lakes and cascades of waterfalls. In the upper reaches of the Talas River, the famous Ken-Pake Millenniki (I N. E.), as well as the Mausoleum of Cumbn Manas (XIV century), Museum-Manas Reserve and the Mosque forming the National Historical and Cultural Complex "Manas Ordosu ". In the upper reserves, the eplatun gorge spread over the state reserve, guarding Semenov's endemic fir.


On the territory of Kyrgyzstan there are about two thousand high-altitude lakes, but Lake Issyk-Kul or Issyk-Kow (translated from Kyrgyz - "Hot Lake", from the ancient Turkish - "Sacred Lake") of 6236 sq . km at a maximum depth of 702 m. The first mention of Issyk-Kule is found in the Chinese chronicles of the end of the II century to the new era, where it is called the High ("Warm Sea"). The lake lies in the north-east of Kyrgyzstan, at an altitude of 1606.7 m above sea level, in an extensive tectonic hollow formed by more than 50 million years ago. Directly to the lake is adjacent to the unintelligate plain, dissected by the channels of many rivers (about 80). The ridge ridges are surrounded by the ridges of the Terex-Ala-Leo ("addressed from the Sun") and Kyuny-Ala-Lho ("addressed to the Sun"), rising to heights in 4500-5000 m. Ring of mountains, as it were, it protects the priest-free depression from the penetration of cold air From the north and hot air from the desert of Central Asia, because the climate here is quite soft, which turns the Issyk-Kul to one of the largest resorts of Central Asia. The temperature of the water in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 s (here it is, the source of origin of his name). The bathing season lasts 6 months, and the holidays outdoors are possible year-round.

Cleaning rivers flowing from the mountains constantly replenish the lake pool, however, the water in the Issyk-kule was salted (5.8 ppm at the surface, up to 18 - in depth), which is coupled with a unique mineral composition of local rivers attaches never freezing water a thick blue color . At the same time, depending on the place and time of day, the color of water can vary from gently blue to dark blue tones. And the transparency of the water in the open part of the reservoir reaches 12-16 m. The beauty of the lake is simply awesome, P. P. Semenov-Tien-Shan compared it with the Geneva Lake in Switzerland, and Issyk-Kulya preferred. The coastline of the lake is quite cut - there are about 20 picturesque bays and bays. Crystal clear water, mineral springs in combination with mountain and at the same time soft, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for resort recreation with mud and thermal treatment.

A whole string of resort towns and settlements stretched around the lake, many of whom during the USSR took all-union and popularity. The most good resorts of Cholpon-Ata on the northern shore (once it was the resort of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, now the local history museum is interesting here), Karakol with his wooden Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the Wooden Donggan Mosque and the Przhevalsky Museum - the best starting point for the study of Priozers and adjacent Mountain areas, towns of TJU, Ottuk, Balykchi (fisherman) and others. Also, the famous Altyn-Arashhan gorge is also good (located 30 km east of Karakol at an altitude of 3000 m) with its beautiful scenery and hot springs, the nearby Issyk-Ata mineral waters deposit (77 km southeast of Bishkek), Kumtor's gold mines (South Issyk-kul's shore), the magnificent gorge Jolbourg, the cliffs of the canyon Jet-Oguz, the Boom Gorge with its fantastic red cliffs and the waterfall in the Barskown Gorge (waterfall height of about 100 m).

There are about 1,500 historical monuments on the territory of the preiskuli, of which 320 is under the protection of the state. The most significant of these includes the Sakian "Tsarsky Kurgan" (VII in BC. E. - II V. E.) At the village of Karoza, the Zok-Bulak and Karashar grains (a total of about a thousand burials of the Usunsky tribes), written by Tibetan With the letters of a religious nature of Stone Tamga-Tash (VI-I centuries BC), cluster of petroglyphs (II millennia BC. e. - VIII century. N. E.) from Cholpon-Ata and then along the coast before Tamchya, And also Cape Holy Nose on the northeastern tip of the lake is the location of the legendary monastery of the Armenian Christian Church (IV-V Vz.) In which, according to legends, there is a grave of the Holy Apostle Matthew. And at the bottom of the lake there are ruins of about two dozen of the ancient cities - Sary-Buloon, Koisara, Ulan (XII B) and so on, which died with an increase in the water level in Issyk-Kule. They found a lot of historical and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Sakso-Usunsky period (I millennium BC) and early Middle Ages.

The best time to visit Issyk-kul is September, although the trekking in the mountains is best spent between July and August.

Central Tien Shan

Central Tien Shan is the highest and most majestic part of the Tien Shan mountain system. This is a huge "node" of the mountain chains with a total length of about 500 km from the west to the East and 300 km from the north to south. This is the most picturesque area of \u200b\u200bTien Shan, which is a complex system of intertwing mountain ranges (Tereksha-Ala-Lyubo, Sarah Jazz, Kui-Liu, Tengri Tag, Enilchek, Kashaal-LLP, a meridional ridge, etc.) crowned with majestic peaks The most northern of the highest mountains of the planet - Peak Lenin (7134 m), the peak of victory (7439 m.) and the fantastic Pyramid of Khan-Tengri (7010 m, probably the most beautiful and difficult to climb Tien Shan's peak). In the north, the Ridge Boro-Khorob connects Tien Shan with the Jungarian Alatau system. Almost all the territory of this region is located above the mark of 1500 m above sea level, and the peaks of the mountains are covered with centuries-old snow caps, giving rise to many dozens of glaciers, rivers and rivers. The ice fields and glaciers are numbered here over 8,000, the most representatives of which are considered to be southern (length of about 60 km) and the Northern (35 km) of Inilchek (Engineek, "Little Prince"), Jreathoguz Karakol (22 km), Cainands (26 km) , Semenova (21 km) and others whose total area exceeds 8100 square meters. km.

The relief of the most part of the Tian-Shan ridges high-rooted, strongly dissected by numerous valleys (the northern slopes are raised much more southern), with highly developed glacial forms. On the slopes a lot of scars, there are glychers, on glaciers - Moraine, and at the foot of the numerous removal cones. The valleys of the mountain rivers have a large height difference and a well-visible step profile with flat marshy terraces - "sazes". Many large valleys are surrounded by alpine plateales - "raws", whose height sometimes reaches 4700 m. The high-mountain pastures of the ridges are spread on the plateau and the highlands of the ridges, covered with dispensing and alpine meadows. At altitudes from 1000 to 2000 meters, the foot of the ridges fade up the foothill adira. There are about 500 lakes here, the largest of which are Song-Kow (Son-Kul - "Furious Lake", 270 square meters. Km) and Chatyr-Kel (Chatyr-Kul, 153 square meters. Km).

Central Tien Shan is a real mecca of international mountaineering, so it is precisely the neighborhood of the seven thousandths that are the most studied part of Tien Shan. The most popular points of attraction for climbers and tracks are the areas of the Tengrister Tag and Peak Tengri Ridge ("Lord of the Sky", 7010 m), Pass Thomur, Victory Peak (7439 m) and the Inertchki Glacier, a brand of unique Lake Merzbahher in the eastern part of the mountain Systems, Peak Semenova-Tien Shansky (4875 m), Peak Free Korea (4740 m) and the famous Crown (4855 m) as part of the Kyrgyz Range, Peak of Communism (7505 m) and Peak Korezhovskaya (7105 m, this is a Pamir, but Few of the climbers will agree to pass by these great mountains), the ice walls of the ridge of Kamal-Too (Kokshal-Tau), which contains three vertices with a height of more than 6000 m and about one and a half dozen peaks with a height of more than 5000 m, an Ak-Shhyra And many other, no less attractive regions.

Despite the harsh climate and mountain landscape, the Tien Shan territory was settled with deep antiquity, witnessing the numerous stone sculptures, rock paintings and burial grounds, in abundance scattered around the territory of this mountainous country. The historical and cultural monuments of the medieval period are widely represented - fortified settlements like a korgon, which arose on the basis of nomadic cues, Khansky rates and on the caravan ways from the Fergana Valley through Tien Shan. One of the most famous and popular tourist objects of this region is a caravansery of Tash-Rabat (X-XII centuries), built in a hard-to-reach, but picturesque gorge Kara-Koyun. Saimaluu-Tash or Saimaly-Tash ("Patterned Stones") are also widely known - a whole gallery of rock paintings in the same gorge (more than 107 thousand petroglyphs of the II-III Millenniums BC. E.) Not far from the Kazarman, stone sculptures Kyr-Jol (VI -Viii centuries) on the shores of Lake Song-Koyl, Petroglyphs of Chief Scaling (III-I thousand years BC. E, Fergana Range), numerous rockoke images of Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Talas regions. An ancient caravan path through the Torugart Pass (height 3752 m) deserves. This extended (total length of about 700 km) Route from Central Asia to Chinese Kashgar (Xinjiang-Uigur JSC) passes through cold gorges and narrow passes of Terksa-Ala-LLAO, Moldo Too, AT-Basha and Maidantaga, through the grandiose beautiful landscapes and The oldest caravan trails of the Great Silk Road.

Western Tien Shan

The mountain system of Western Tien Shan lies on the very edge of the Tien Shan mountainous country, leaving his spurs to the hot sands of Middle Asia deserts. The relief of these places is somewhat lower than in the central part of the mining system, more extensive leveling surfaces, and elevated plates are less numerous (Patthek, Angren, Ugamskoye and Kargeantau - everything in the West of the region). The highest points of Western Tien Shan are the Peak Chatkal (4503 m) in the ridge of the same name, the peak of Manas (4482 m) in the Talasian Alatau and Mount Baubash-Ata (4427 m) in the western part of the Fergana ridge. The glaciation is insignificant, the snow line passes through the heights of 3600-3800 m on the northern slopes and 3800-4000 m on the southern ones. Rivers of the Western Tien Shan (Angren, Akbulak, ITOCAR, KANUNKUR, Koksa, Maidal, Miley-Suu, Naryn, Oyaging, Padysh Ata, Pskem, Sandalash, Ugam, Caukal, and others) Prazers, have glacial and snow food, and proceed In the narrow gorges (in the upper reaches), on average, there are usually wide valleys, and canyon forms form in the lower again. The best places for alloy and rafting than local rivers are just hard.

The vegetation of Western Tien Shan, despite the small amount of precipitation drop down here, is quite a varied - steppes and deciduous forests in the lower belt, shrub thickets and meadows on average, as well as alpine meadows and alpine empty closer to the tops. About 370 species of animals and about 1,200 species of higher plants live here, and the complex relief leads to the formation of numerous

Kyrgyzstan: rest and resorts

The Ak-Suisk Mineral Waters deposit is located in the same gorge of the same name. South-west of the village of Belovodskoye. Local mineral water refers to carbon dioxide weak-mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narrasans, and in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort of Dara-Suna.

The Alamudun Mineral Waters deposit is 30 km away. from Bishkek in the same gorge at an altitude of 1200-1600 m. above sea level. The thermal mineral water was drilled to the depth of 507 meters with a temperature of +53 S. Currently, the Heavy Keys Sanatorium-collectories is currently operating here, which is also the center of active recreation - from here the numerous trekking routes in the surrounding mountains begin.

Osyk-Ata mineral and thermal waters deposit is 77 km away. Southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. The resort "ARASHAN" is valid with numerous hot springs and or or etched mud. In addition, there is a source of pure drinking water with a specific odor, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, the Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye west and mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud occupies an important place. Nowhere else in Central Asia, there is no such number of the treatment of therapeutic waters, surrounded by such a wonderful nature.

Practically within Bishkek is a modern "cosmonauts sanatorium" with its own thermal source.

Lake Issyk-Kul is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler visiting the Lake P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky compared him with the Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and Issyk Kulya preferred. Issyk-Kul sincecore was considered the local population enchanted. Before the appearance here at the end of the XIX century, Russian immigrants in it practically nobody floated and did not fish. The big transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun changes the color of Water Issyk-kul from gently blue to dark blue tones depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and bays. Bathing season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs in combination with mountain and at the same time soft, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for resort recreation with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here you should visit excursions on the ship on the lake, go to the mountains, make a daily transition through the most beautiful mountain places to Alma-Ata, there are helicopter excursions with overnight in the mountains. Tourists are very popular with Altyn-Arashansky hot springs, lying at an altitude of 3000 m. In the beautiful open alpine valley, a huge and quiet summer pasture of the carcar in the top of the valley, fantastic red rocks of the Jet-Oguz Canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terek Alatau (Tereksha-Ala-TOO), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-kul is September, although the trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Karakol, lying in the eastern end of the lake, is the main city in the region and the best "base" for the study of Priozer, Terek Alatau and Central Tien Shan. This is a relatively small city, famous for its apple orchard and Sunday market - one of the best in Central Asia. It is better to rent housing in Karakol (at the bus station you will be offered a wide variety of options at a small price) than in the official hotel. This will allow "directly" to get acquainted with the life of the city and the life of local residents, and will also remove many domestic issues, since the district of Lake Issyk-Kul has long been closed to visiting foreigners, and many questions related to stay here are still regulated by enough not clear.

Ski resorts in kystic

Due to the fact that about 93% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan occupy mountains, there are excellent conditions for skiing. Snow lies from November to March, and in highlands - year-round. The weather in the region of most mountain resorts is commonly mild, with plenty of sunny days, so the ski season lasts from the end of October - December to the beginning of April, and on the ice fields, skiing is possible all year round.

A sufficiently large number of ski bases is located around the capital of the country - a completely reconstructed base "Nourus" (height of 1950 m, 30 km from Bishkek), "Orlovka" (100 km from Bishkek), Kashka-Suu (height 2000 m, 35 km from the capital) , Tour Center to Oruu-Sai (2100 m, 35 km from Bishkek), Aspara, Gilamysh, Kara-Balta, Kegeti and Chon-Tash Tourbase. Not bad mountain centers can be found around the Issyk-Kul Lake. The most famous among them is the skiing base "Karakol" (2300 m, 7 km from the city of the same name). Sports bases are quite numerous, but the level of service is low. So far, the relaxation infrastructure is developed enough, but there is a gradual upgrade.


Recently, on the basis of "NURUS", a complete reconstruction was carried out, modern equipment was purchased, a high-class hotel was built. On the territory: restaurant with European and national cuisine, disco and cafe-bar, billiard room.

The routes are processed by randes, there are highways of any category of complexity: from children to professional. Especially for children, snow slides are arranged for sledding. There are two cableways for lifting on complex tracks and one lift to the trails for beginners. At an altitude of 3050 m is an excellent helicopter platform, from which you can go down to the cable car and the tracks.


Ski Base "Orlovka" is located 100 km from Bishkek. 9 trails of different complexity with drops of heights from 30 to 560 m. Two suspended cableways and two towing are operating. There is a bath, billiards, rental inventory, instructors. At night, the territory is covered with lanterns.


The skiing base "Karakol" (2300 m) is located in the gorge, 7 km from Karakol. Season - from late October until the end of April. Based on - 7 lifts, ski and snowboard rental, instructors and conductors in the winter forest. You can ride snowmobile. The base is regularly used by a sports school for training.


The ski center "Kashka-Suu" is located in a wide range of the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge. Bishkek - 35 km. Height above sea level - 2000 m. 6 tracks with a drop of heights from 260 to 380 m, Chair and towing cableways. On the territory: skating rink, billiard room, sauna, bar and cafe. There is a rental of inventory, instructor services are provided. The tracks are processed by randa, but there are quite a few small stones on the slopes, which can create difficulties when riding not in fresh snow.


Tour Center "Oru-Sai" (2100 m) is located in the same period of 35 km from Bishkek. Trails of different levels of difficulty are served by three cable cars. There is a rental of inventory, instructors work, the skiing competitions are held for different age groups. The tour center built a comfortable hotel with a sauna, bar, restaurant, table tennis.

Beaches in Kysticizia

In Lake Issyk-Kul, there are about 20 picturesque bays and bays. Bathing season lasts 6 months. Water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C.

National holidays

January 1 - Zhay-Zyl (New Year).
January 7 - Orthodox Christmas.
December-January - Kurman-Ait.
March 8 - International Women's Day.
March 21 - Navrub or Nauguz (Kyrgyz New Year).
May 1 - International Labor Day.
May 5 - the day of the Constitution.
May 9 - Victory Day.
August 31 - Independence Day or Erkin Coon.
October-November - Orezo-Ait (Eid Al-Fitr, ending Ramadan).

Festivals and holidays in kystic

Kyrgyzstan is not too rich for festive events. Spring Festival Navru (Naruz-Bayram, Islamic New Year's Eve) is one of the most beloved holidays. Navruz is the adaptation of the Queen of the Spring Equinox or Celebration of Nature Update, noted on the day of the Spring Equinox (March 21), and is usually accompanied by traditional musical and dance competitions, traditional games, street performances and colorful fairs (a holiday is held 2 days).

Holiday Orosea-Ait (Eid Al-Fitr, the end of the end of Ramadan) is celebrated 3 days at the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. These days it is customary to visit, give gifts and sacrifice the poor. Approximately 70 days after the end of Ramadan, Kurman-Ait (Eid al-Adha or Eid Ul-Aza), during which the graves of the ancestors are attended, make sacrifices and hold festive feasts for all relatives and the poor.

In the treatment of a number of diseases, mountain resorts are increasingly used. The main therapeutic factors here are crystal clear air and increased solar radiation. The charm of the mountain valleys, scenic rocks, waterfalls, the dark blue mountain sky is beneficial for the general condition of the person. It is known that emotional impacts, especially at nervous diseases, are often more favorable than other medicinal factors.

Kyrgyzstan resort capabilities make it possible to treat many diseases. Useful sources contain such a number of mineral substances, which is equal in quality to the waters of the North Caucasus or even exceed them. In one liter of the Chatricular water, 3-4 grams of carbon dioxide are contained, and in the Kislovodsk Narzan - only 2 grams. The water of the Yassinsky source combines the qualities of "Essentuki", "Arzny" and "Borjomi".

Useful sources in Kyrgyzstan set. Only on Lake Issyk-Kul aware of 15 species of mineral waters. Here there are radon sources that give half a million liters, and nitrogen-siliceous, giving over four million liters per day.

Lake Issyk-Kul is a unique place with a mining climate. Many resort factors are combined here - thermal mineral springs, a large duration of sunshine (over a year more than 2500 hours), etc. Annual arrival of solar radiation on a horizontal surface with a clear sky is about 143 kcal / cm 2.

Returning to the south bank of Issyk-kul from Przhevalsk, few people do not turn on a twentieth kilometer. Here, in the picturesque gorge, the Terek Alatau is located one of the best balneological resorts of Kyrgyzstan - Jreatieguse (translated from the Kyrgyz "seven bulls"). Huge red rocks surrounding the resort really seem to resemble seven bulls. Jreatiegoz is famous for the rare combination of high-altitude climate, forest air and radioactive thermal sources with water temperature 38-44. Summer is cool (the average temperature of July + 17 °), winter is soft. Here, at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level, on the shores of the turbulent mountain river are treated patients with nuberculosis inflammation of joints, diseases of the stomach and liver. Come here are sick from a variety of corners of the Soviet Union.

However, it is necessary to reckon with the fact that with an increase in air height becomes more and more sparse, and this is strongly acting on the body, leading to hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Hypoxia causes heartbeat, shortness of breath, headaches, psyche disorders.

Interesting experiences conducted by Soviet scientists have shown that hypoxia can be put on the recovery service and hardening. This is done by stepwise acclimatization. Patients are at first to a small height, then higher. At the jetyoguz resort, it is easy to combine treatment with radon baths and step-by-acclimation.

Far outside of Kyrgyzstan are famous beaches of Cholpon-Ata and Dolina, well-protected from the winds. Here is a children's sanatorium known in the republic, created in the years of the Great Patriotic War. At the very shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, slender white corps of the Sanatorium "Blue Issyk-Kul" are torn. Spray sandy shores, the abundance of the sun, the soft marine climate and beauty of the surrounding landscape attract holidaymakers and tourists from all over our immense homeland. But, coming to these wonderful places, it is necessary to remember that not everyone is not always useful to the Sun treatment. With cardiovascular diseases, active forms of tuberculosis and some other ills, a long stay in the sun is contraindicated. The Sun of Issyk-Kul is generously, but it is impossible to abuse it generosity. In these places in the morning and evening hours, ultraviolet radiation exceeds all types of radiation.

In the deep picturesque gorge of the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range, 75 kilometers from the capital of the republic, at an altitude of 1775 meters above sea level, are cozy corps of the resort of Issyk-Ata. Thermal sources with water temperature from +20 to + 50 °, dirt and alpine air give good results in the treatment of brucellosis, certain types of gastric, nervous and other diseases.

The All-Union Resort Jalal-Abad is prominent among the Balneological resorts of Central Asia. Hot alkaline sources have valuable medical properties. Treatment of rheumatism, liver diseases and nervous system, skin diseases gives remarkable results here. But the resort is especially famous for the treatment of kidney disease. In this regard, the doctors compare Jalal-Abad with the Cairo resort glorified to the whole world. From the outskirts of the extensive park of the resort, Jalal-Abad, a wonderful view of the valley of the river opens. Kugart.

The resort richness of mountain Kyrgyzstan is still not completely used. The construction of the resorts is growing from year to year. In the coming years, more than 60 thousand holidaymakers will be able to take more than 60 thousand holidaymakers at home recreation, sanatoriums and resorts. In the near future, Kyrgyzstan will be the third All-Union resistant to the country.

In the modern world, one of the types of outdoor activities is tourism, providing people with the possibility of using free time, and the economy is profit. In Kyrgyzstan tourismuntil today, there remained in the shadow of other sectors of the national economy. His influence on the economy is insignificant. The tourist services market has not yet strengthened, it can be said that he is still in its infancy. And yet, analyzing the reports of the National Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is possible to conclude that tourism will become a revenue industry in the near future. For example, in 1995, an admission to the state treasury from foreign tourism is $ 4.7 million, and in 2000 - $ 10 million in many countries where tourism plays the role of an internal and world trade stimulator, it gives up to half of the gross national product. In Kyrgyzstan, this figure is less than 1%. (Data of the Committee on Tourism, Sport and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic).

The development of world tourism industry annually brings incomes of about $ 3 trill., Including about $ 3000 billion comes from international tourism. In general, the volume of currency revenues from tourism for the period from 1950 to 1999 increased 145 times. The practice of developing events and forecasts of the World Travel Organization Specialists (WTO) show that the tourist market becomes more specific, the systems of its relations and communications are more adapted. The need for tourism development has increased. Judging by the above events, the level of socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan depends largely from the successful formation of the tourist-recreational complex.

In official state decisions, tourism has already received full recognition. The President of the Republic of A. Akayev in his work "On the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Kyrgyz Republic and urgent actions" is considering tourism as one of the priority industries that bring currency income into the structure of the national economy of the republic.

At the same time, Academician T. Kuquev in the rise of the national economy, the conquest of recognition of the global market dismays the important role of the recreation and tourism industry, which is income and susceptible to market conditions. This industry is able to develop various production in the republic: jewelry, souvenir, etc.

Sovereign Kyrgyzstan is the Mountain Republic. There are favorable natural-climatic, medical and recreational, aesthetic, cultural and historical and other possibilities that can attract for recreation and treatment of international tourists and climbers. Tourists, recreants take into account the features of the mountain landscape, the mountain climate, the duration of the solar radiance, the wealth and diversity of the plant, animal world, the natural opportunities for selling mountain sports, hunting, fishing, mountaineering, mountaineering and related profiles (for example, climatherapy in combination with satellite).

The mountain landscape of the republic is complex and extremely diverse. The smallest height of the territory above sea level is 539 m, and the highest - 7439 m. More than 93% of the territory is occupied by the mountains and only 7% falls on the share of valleys and plains. The characteristic feature of the landscape is the alternation of high mountains and intergical kitelin, hot deserts and dry mountain steppes, alpine and subalpine meadows on the Arctic glaciers. The landscape attracts tourists and recreants for almost all year round and creates opportunities for promising development of tourist recreational complexes.

Exceptionally diverse climatic conditions associated with the mountain relief, contributed to the formation of a large amount of mineral and thermal waters, therapeutic muds, various physico-chemical composition and content of balneological trace elements. The average annual duration of solar shine ranges within 2500-2800 hours (such an indicator in Moscow is about 1600 hours). A steady summer season begins with May. In the valleys, the average temperature of the summer is 20-25 degrees, in the valleys of the middle height of 15-17 degrees.

Because a set of natural resources has the territory of the mountain Kyrgyzstan, the organization of species and forms of tourist and recreational activities should depend on.

Studies of modern regional peculiarities of tourist recreational potential, the forecast of the prospective development of the industries of recreational complexes, are based on the materials of scientists of the NAS KR. I propose to divide the republic for tourist and recreational areas.

Issyk-Kul Resort-Tourist district

The presence of a non-freezing lake creates such climate features that have no analogue in other areas of Kyrgyzstan, so the Issyk-Kul Resort-Tourist district is generally accepted and active-visited residents of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and other CIS countries by a resort area. In addition to the above, it is distinguished by extraordinary beauty. The Russian traveler visiting the Lake P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky compared him with the Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and Issyk Kulya preferred. The snow-white vertices surrounding the lake rise to 4500-5000 meters, protect from the penetration of cold air from the north and roast air from the desert of Central Asia. Open year round The water surface makes the climate somewhat softer and warmer, compared with the climate of other areas located on the same latitude. On the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, the average annual duration of solar radiance comes to 2880 hours, in the resorts of the Crimea, which are somewhat north of latitude, it is equal: in Sochi - 2253, in Yalta - 2250, Evpatoria - 2440 hours. Even in such southern cities of Transcaucasia, like Yerevan and Tbilisi, it constitutes 2627 and 2053 hours, respectively. In the summer months, solar radiance lasts up to 300 hours, and the maximum value of total radiation is 1.67-1.68, cal / cm.kv. min. For comparison, we indicate that the maximum values \u200b\u200bof total radiation in Sochi are 1.47, and at the well-known Davos resort (Switzerland) - 1.59 cal / cm. min. Water in the lake salt, the total mineralization of the Water of Issyk-Kul according to the latest data is 6.02 / g / kg., Not lower than the salinity of sea water. Approximately the same mineralization in the eastern part of Lake Balkhash.

With a deepening salinity rises to 18 g / kg. In addition, Issyk-Kul is rich in therapeutic mud, which are lagoon, coastal and underwater deposits. Abundance of greenery, environmentally friendly mining and sea air, beautiful beaches, wild-healing sanatoriums, medical and healthy dirt, horseback riding or walking around the picturesque gorges, fishing, bathing and boating - all these combinations are extremely peculiar, beautiful for development tourism in the area.

Chuy tourist resort area

It has a big advantage over the rest of the republic areas, located at the same absolute height. The area is located in the north-western part of the republic, the area is 20, 19 thousand km2 (less than 10% of the territory of the republic). The valley crosses the river beds flowing from the Kyrgyz ridge. They are beautiful with narrow gorges for short-term recreation. The Chuy tourist-resort area is divided into the following travel objects: Alamin, Ala Archa, Burana, Onsyk-Ata, Shamshu, Chon-Kemin, Ak-Suu. Bishkek is a cognitive and at the same time the distribution unit of the entire system. Burana is a historical and cultural object. Shams - Specialized National Hunting. Chon-Kemin is a sports and health complex and equestrian tourism. The remaining objects are multifunctional and can be used for a wide range of action for both short-term and long-term rest at any time of the year.

On the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Ala-Leo, belonging to the Chui tourist resort area, there is an extremely sharp mosaic of territorial natural complexes without much difference between the boundaries among themselves. In lowlands and middle mountains, where basic recreational objects of recreation are placed, inhabitant mountain ecosystems are located, in the form of towering one above the other chains covered with spruce, arquences and meadows. In these climatically favorable people, the zones are located the main resources of therapeutic mineral springs, therapeutic dirt, warm sources, elements of biological origin (adrashman), medicinal herbs, etc. Mass vacation and tourism are possible during the year. Here the climate is softer, summer is cooler, the average temperature does not exceed + 18-20 degrees, the winter is warm, the most comfortable for rest. Within Bishkek are the main objects, such as: Ala-Archings National Natural Park; Alpinist camp Ala Archa; Skun-sports chon-tash turbase; Sanatorium "Cosmonauts" with a thermal source, Chunkurchak and others. These facilities include tourist recreational agencies for winter holidays: ski dumps, mountain rollers with cable cars and winter swimming thermal pools.

In addition to those listed, in the Chui district there are attractive natural gorges of Kara-Balta, Aspara, Ak-Suu, Gilamis, Ala-Archa, Alamudun, Yssyk Ata, Kegeti, Shamshi, Chon-Kemin. The National National Park "Kemin" is organized in the Chon-Kaminsky Gorge with the functions of sports and recreation, mountain, water and equestrian tourism.

The landscape-geological conditions of the Chui tourist-resort area cause the presence of a variety of physico-chemical composition of therapeutic mineral waters. These include the Ak-Suisk Mineral Waters deposit, which is located in the same gorge of the same name in the South-West from the village of Belovodskoye, Moscow District. Ak-suyian mineral water, like other mineral waters, refers to carbon dioxide wejomineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narrasans, and in its chemical composition they are similar to the mineral water of the famous resort of Siberia Dara-Sun.

Alamudun Spring Mineral Waters deposit is located 30 km from Bishkek in the same gorge at an altitude of 1200-1600 meters above sea level. The heat waters drilled at a depth of 507 meters brought mineral water with a temperature of 53 degrees to the surface of the Earth.

On the basis of thermal waters, the sanatorium-collector "Warm keys" on 100-125 places is currently functioning, with the prospect of its expansion up to 600 places.

The Yssyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km south-east of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. It also functions the health resort - the resort "Arashhan" with numerous hot springs and or mud. In addition, there is a spring pure source of drinking water with a specific odor to treat chronic diseases of the digestive organs. The main promising issue of the rational use of Issyk-Ata mineral waters is the construction of new sanatoriums, therapeutic basins that meet the requirements of modern international standards.

Among the balneological resources, the Kamychean and Lugovskoye low-mineralized, hydrogen sulfide deposit of therapeutic mud, which are used in the recreational institutions of Bishkek and the resort "Arashhan" of the Kantsky district.

Talas Tourist District

Compared to other districts of the republic in socio-economic, it is poorly developed. With the transition to a market relations began its comprehensive study of environmental protection measures, improving the environmental situation, social infrastructure, recreational and other resources. The Talas district is a separate part of Northern Kyrgyzstan, occupying 11.5 thousand (about 6%) from the Republic Square with a population of 198.6 thousand people (about 5% of the total population).

The climate of the Talas Valley has a large continentality with a hot dry summer and relative winter cold and the availability of the summer flow of hot winds from the desert of the neighboring republics, and winter colds from Siberia. This feature is predetermined by the northern location. Unlike the Chui tourist resort area.

In general, the favorable climatic regime of the Talas tourist and recreational district creates conditions for the development of tourism. Events dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Epos "Manas" led to the further development of international tourism in this zone. Guests from the near and far abroad were convinced that there are excellent places to relax. Such as the Gorge of the Talas rivers, Accident, Bezh Tash, Corumuj, etc., where you can build hotels, sanatoriums, resorts, holiday homes, tourist campsites, camp for local and foreign tourists. The further development of the tourist economy of the Talas district is determined by the presence of complexes of natural and recreational resources, such as unique gorges, rivers, lakes, forests, mineral waters, medicinal dirt, natural caves, waterfalls, mountain climates, etc. Here you can arrange for holidaymaking tourists visits to the National Yurt with the treats of the healing drink by Kuism, the hunt for wild animals and animals, fishing in small lakes located within the transport accessibility. In the future, for the development of international tourism, it is necessary to form a material and technical base of tourist and recreational facilities, improving the infrastructure of the service sector and after the completion of all these events can be taken by tourists, which will be an additional source of revenue revenue of the treasury of our republic.

In the implementation of this potential there are several problems.

* Preparation of highly qualified personnel, marketers for organizing and conducting advertising events, guides, guides, travel agents, guide instructors, tourism managers with knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bfor servicing foreign tourists. To prepare the above specialists, there is a good training base and conditions in professional lyceums of Issyk-Kul, Chui, Jalal-Abad regions. Frames prepared in the universities of our republic, with a degree in tourism work in the upper controls of management and management, and personnel prepared in the professional formation system work in the areas of tourist service areas.

* An important task is to create a modern material and technical base and service infrastructure that would correspond to international standards. With the transition to a market economy, part of the existing tourist and recreational facilities of Kyrgyzstan (sanatorium-resort institutions, tourist-sports bases and other objects) were privatized, and the remaining part built in 50-60 years., It has a weak material and technical base, does not respond to world Standards of comfortable residence of vacationers and visitors of tourists, which affects the reduction of their quantity. If analyzing digital data, in 1990, the total number of visitors of Tourists of Kyrgyzstan amounted to 464 thousand people, and in 2000 it decreased to 446 thousand people, about 41.1 thousand foreign tourists.

In the future, in order to attract the attention of tourists, you need to build new sanatorium and recreation recreational facilities, modern hotels with all the amenities and 4-5 star hotels to meet the needs of tourists and holidaymakers. To do this, it is necessary to create a modern material and technical base, the development of the scope of services and its infrastructure, the organization of marketing and advertising services. Tourist and recreational facilities remaining since the times of the socialist building, with a weak logistical base, it is necessary to at least preserve at the current level.

At the second stage it is advisable to implement activities aimed at improving the recreation system and expanding its capabilities. At this stage, it is appropriate for the construction of a cable car in the village of Sla Orto-Sai to the Chon-Tash sports base, species platforms for viewing the city in the village of Sela Chon-Aryk, Funicular in Chunkurchak, arrangement of a short-lived water treatment area for Ala Archa reservoir and in the Chief Dam , creating a developed network of campgrounds, hotels, cultural and commercial services. Thus, after the establishment of organizational works in the field of tourism, it will be possible to attract tourists travelers as an additional source of revenues of the treasury of our republic, not only of the near-lying regions, but even from Central and East Asia, the population of which is interested in unique corners of nature, architectural Memorable, cultural and historical places and ethnographic museums - Gumben Manas, Baburi, Sulaiman (Sulyaman LLP), Uzgen architectural complex, Tower of Buran and other atthensive places in Kyrgyzstan.

Omorbek Turmanbetov, Ph.D., Tsen Nan

DoctoBek Mursakmatov, Cenner of Nan

For the beauty of alpine meadows and snow peaks Tian-Shan and Pamira Kyrgyzstan nicknamed "Asian Switzerland" and the "Heavenly Mountains" country. The trip there will cost much cheaper than in Europe, but you will get impressions exactly no less. By the way, tourists from Europe in Kyrgyzstan meet almost more often than Russians. We tell why it is worth going to go there, what to see and try.

1. Bishkek

The capital of the country has accommodated the remnants of the Soviet past, modern architecture and Asian flavor. Bars and coffee shops are replaced by traditional teahouses, shops with kum and Ayran, and among trendy young people, old men are slowly walking in national heads - caps embroidered eastern patterns.

For a large number of parks and gardens, Bishkek is called the "green" city. In the center of the capital there is a long and wide Erkindik Boulevard with old high oaks and street year-round art gallery, where you can buy paintings by local artists. Near Oak Park - Central and Oldest Park in the city. Some trees here are more than a hundred years. The park is located St. Nikolskaya Church - a monument of the architecture of the XIX century, and the open-air sculpture museum with statues from concrete, wood and metal.

To see the panorama of the city against the backdrop of Tien Shan peaks, it is possible from the Mount Boz-Peldek, to which public transport is walking. Her foot is a curious attraction - the ancient Kyrgyz cemetery "Khansky graves", where one of the rulers of the valley, Baytyk-Khan is buried. A stone mausoleum in the form of a dome tower was erected over his grave.

To plunge into oriental life, go to the Osh Bazaar. Here you can buy felt caps with patterns, bright carpets, stocking of cheap dried fruits and nuts, spices, take fresh cakes with the most different patterns and from each admission to try the popular national dish - Kurute. These dry salty fermented fermented chicken balls are taken with them for long grazes of livestock in the mountains. Nourishing and long-term snack. Follow their example and take Kurute for upcoming travels to the mountains that cover almost 90% of the country area.

2. Ala Archa National Park

Al-Archa National Park is located in the same mountain gorge just 40 kilometers from Bishkek. You can settle in the National Park in the hotel "Ala-Archa" or in Alpalage houses. The most popular route is a trail to Ak-Sai Waterfall, a glacier-eyed and Rapeska's hut, named after the Soviet climbers of Vladimir Rapec, the organizer of expeditions and climbing in this region. You can go to the route in one day in one day - the road and back is 12.8 kilometers and taking into account the lifting will take 8-10 hours. A faster and easy option - stroll along the same path to the Ak-Sai waterfall - it is 8 kilometers and about 4-5 hours there. On the way there are viewing platforms from which dizzying species are opened.

If you decide to go to the end of the route, then in Rapeska's hut - a two-story stone house, or in a tent next to it, you can stay for the night (for a fee you will be given a sleeping bag) to make a simple ascent to the peak of the teacher 4,500 meters above sea level. To do this, you will need only good tourist shoes, trekking sticks and a desire to reach the top. Do not be afraid when you meet the flock of deft mountain goats - they are harmless and afraid more than yours. From the top of the mountain overlooking the steppes on the one hand and on the Tien Shan Mountain Array - on the other. Together with the descent, the climb will take 5-6 hours.

3. Lake Issyk-Kul

Issyk-Kul - the second largest salt lake in the world, surrounded by the snow-covered peaks of Ala TOO. The lake never freezes, so tourists go here all year round. In winter, many hot thermal sources are available for swimming.
Along the coast, a huge number of resort towns, villages and sanatoriums stretched. One of the most popular resorts is the city of Cholpon-Ata with sandy beaches, mineral sources, the opportunity to do diving, snorkeling, trekking towards the close peaks.
For solitude, go to the south coast. There is less developed infrastructure than in the North, but the empty quiet beaches and untouched nature.

Residents of the city in national costumes

4. Karakol.

The city is located 12 kilometers from the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, at the foot of the Range of Terksa-Ala To. It attracts travelers not only by picturesque mountainous species, but also historical sights. Next to Karakol was buried in 1888, the Russian traveler and naturalist, the researcher of Asia Nikolai Przhevalsky, who died along the way to Karakol during his fifth expedition in Central Asia. Next to the grave is a Przhevalsky Museum, where you can learn about the life and travel of the geographer, to see the exhibits brought from expeditions.

Another attraction of Karakol is a Donggan Mosque. Dungan - the people moved to Central Asia from China in the 1880s. Chinese style mosque, more like a Buddhist temple, was built over a hundred years ago. At the end of the cultural journey through Karakol, visit the Wooden Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the late XIX century, abundantly decorated with carvings.

Among the lovers of outdoor activities, Karakol is known to the same ski resort. Soft climate - in winter, the temperature is rarely lowered below minus 5 degrees - and a large amount of snow makes riding on the slopes of Tien Shan comfortable and popular among tourists. From a height of 3,040 meters above sea level, where the lift goes, views on Issyk-Kul and the nearest five thousandths.

5. Canyon "Fairy Tale"

Canyon "Fairy Tale" is located on the south bank of Issyk-kul, 4 kilometers from the village of Tosor. Under the action of wind, the rocks formed stone labyrinths, walls and towers, and some adopted forms of animals and mythical beings. Bright orange, and at sunset the fire-red rocks resembles the famous Grand Canyon in the USA.

6. Radon and hydrogen sulfide thermal sources in Altyn-Arashhan gorge

Altyn Arashhan is translated from Kyrgyz as a Golden Source. Radon and hydrogen sulfide thermal sources in the gorge are famous for therapeutic properties and are especially popular among foreign tourists.

It is better to go here for a few days. Getting to the resort "Arashhan" in the upper reaches of the eponymed river is the easiest way, buying a ready tour in Karakol. Alone to the resort itself can be reached or by public transport to the village of Ak-Suu, and from there walk 4 to 5 hours. The long road will be rewarded with hot baths at an altitude of 2,600 meters surrounded by mountain landscapes. In addition to paid pools, almost in the river itself there is a small free bathroom with hot water, as well as right in the rocks Free Natural Baths.

Lovers of outdoor activities can go from Arasan to the Al-Allah Lake Alla or to small nearby lakes at a distance of a walking hours. Near the resort many beautiful waterfalls.

7. Museum of Petroglyphs

The open-air museum is the "garden of stones", once chaotic brought by the glacier to the foot of the Tian-Shan Bowls. In many boulders, ancient rock paints of animals and hunting scenes are preserved, dated to the second millennium BC. Historians associate these drawings with religious rites. In 2002, with the assistance of specialists from Germany, petroglyphs were renovated. In addition to creme images, the Museum presents the Turkic stone sculptures - the Balbala, and the relics of the ancient stone walls.

It is believed that it is better to go to the museum early in the morning or late in the evening, when the outlines of ancient drawings are clearly visible in the rays of the ascending and setting sun.

8. Caravan-Sarai Tash Rabat

The mystical and unique monument of the Middle Ages Tash-Rabat is located at an altitude of 3,000 thousand meters above sea level in Kara-Koan gorge. The structure is entirely - even the roof is built of stone and lime. Inside there is a labyrinth connecting 31 rooms. Moreover, most of them without a single window. Under the fortress, many transitions and secret outputs have been preserved. According to one of the versions, the building served as a Nestorian monastery, lost in the mountain gorge away from Inoverts. Another version - Tash Rabat served by the innovative courtyard, a hotel for merchants and travelers on the roads of the Great Silk Road.
You can only get here by car, so it is better to purchase an organized tour. Night in the "medieval hotel" will not have to - next to tourists are built by several guest yurt.

9. Jet-Oguz Gorge

The main attraction of the gorge located on the southern shore of Issyk-kul is the rocks of seven bulls. Large brick color cliffs built into a long chain are really reminded by bulls lying on Earth. A sad story is associated with them - the evil khan brought sacrificing seven bulls on the commemoration of his beloved, which he himself killed so that she did not get another. The blood shedding blood painted the body of animals, and they turned into majestic rocks. In addition to this legend first in the gorge of travelers, there is a huge rock "broken heart" - also red.

From the gorge you can walk on foot or take a horse excursion to the Virgin Hair Waterfall. Another popular local attraction - the same resort, famous for its thermal sources and healing mud. In Soviet times, the cosmonauts were rehabilitated here after flights, and now the resort is open to everyone.

10. Alpine Pastures "Jiloo"

With the Kyrgyz "Jiloo" translates as "Mountain Pasture". Relatively recently in Kyrgyzstan developed a new and now trendy among the proposed tourists - "Jilo-tourism". You are taken to a high-mountain pasture, where you spend the night in the real shepherd yurt, wash in an ice mountain river, fry on a bone of the Baran, whom the owners will swollen specifically for you, drink kumys - in general, live the traditional life of Kyrgyz nomads. Not everyone will decide on such an experiment, but who will decide - should be ready to pay for this a decent amount. The cost of such a tour often depends on the number of people in the group - than them are more, the cheaper. The average price of a person in a group of two-time participants begins for several days from about 35 thousand rubles (taking into account the slack on Jalo). The most popular Jiloo in Kyrgyzstan, where tourists are around, - in Semenovsky gorge, on Lake Son-Kul, Jailo Sarala Saz, Zhan Hekchka, Kielece.

And we have

Water is the main wealth of Kyrgyzstan. The river is known for its strength, lake - beauty, drinking - taste, and mineral - therapeutic. If beach holidays and walks in the picturesque mountains and valleys of the country are not enough to accumulate health and vigor for a year, the thermal sources will help. To visit them, you do not need to wait for the summer time. On the mineral waters, the recreation season is all year round.

At the beginning of summer, Issyk-Kule is still cool - plus 20 days, the temperature of the water in the lake is still about 16 degrees. Moreover, the day was clouded. Therefore, Nina goes to the hottest outdoor pools. Nature itself heated this water almost up to 44 degrees. Several minutes in hot water, then for contrast - in the pool with cold. So - up to 5 times. At the end of the nina's wellness procedure for 15 minutes, the 35-degree temperature is in water.

Cocking the air of Kyrgyzstan is not afraid. For the first time at this source, a resident of the metropolitan region Nina Egorova arrived 3.5 years ago on January 3.

"Polyarthrites suffered. Sustaines hurt. Especially - knees. Three years ago, I could not walk almost, there lived on tablets. They advised to go here - on mineral waters. It was in winter. We met the new year and immediately went - there was no strength to wait until the summer. Then I understood - the native Issyk-Kul is good all year round. He is just different, "says Nina Egorova.

Medicines from arthritis 63-year-old woman no longer drinks. After one day of reception of mineral baths, the knees do not remember up to two weeks. Then - again to the source. But it is rather just a healthy habit and a favorite way to relax from home affairs. He comes with his spouse, and sometimes with grandchildren.

The taste of water is very salty. But the skin is not a pinlet. But it allows you to feel ease in the body - keeps afloat and relaxes.

"Transparent, fresh, nothing smells, and warms just through. According to the advice of local doctors, they come to the pools in any weather with a terry towel and a blanket. Accepted the bath - dressed, covered with a blanket and keep warm. No soul or bathing in the lake within a few hours after water procedures. Contact minerals with skin must continue. If you do everything right, then warm and the strength of this water will be felt within three more, "says Nina.

So the water of the local source affects the body due to the temperature and severe saturation of the salts. Its mineralization level is high even for Issyk-kul. The lake never freezes: it is as veins - surrounded by many underground hot springs. His sanatorium is proud. This hidden from the eye is a hot river - a raisin of rest here. But it could not be. From the development of the local field of thermal waters, they even refused to Soviet times - expensive.

The holiday home in the village of Kara-oh Issyk-Kulsky district has been operating since 1965. In the time of the USSR, the "pearl" was called. The modern complex wears the almost the same name - "White Pearl" translates from the Kyrgyz language into Russian "Ak Bermet". The field of thermal waters on the territory of the sanatorium was debunked by 1975. At this time, the hydromineral resources of Issyk-Kul opened and mastered most actively. Then - in the 70s - they drilled a well. Water lies at a depth of 1515 meters. I got to it, and did not get it. The well was sealed. The holiday home continued to work without a source. Already then hot water beat from under the ground in the health resorts in the neighborhood.

Akholta Naridinov led the sanatorium from the mid-80s. Remembers - after the collapse of the Union of funds for the extraction of water from under the ground there was no. The holiday home survived. But about the explored deposit knew and remembered. When free money appeared - already in the 2000s, Akholta Nabidinov decided to invest them in health tourism. I went to Bishkek - to the State Geological Agency and the Institute of Spaceology - to clarify what kind of source under the sanatorium. When I found out, in doubt about the need to raise water to the surface of the Earth, it remained.

"Water is a chloride sodium, the same type as the famous Mirgorod. Mineralization is strong: 15 grams per cubic decimeter. We still speak the saturation of the salts is 19%. For comparison: this indicator in the water of most sources in Issyk-Kul is 12-13%, in the water in the lake - 2-3%. And it is also useful, "explains Akholta Naridinov.

It was only a half of the well to drill the well. Mineral water lifting at a semi-kilometer depth is heavy, with an admixture of il, it is difficult to lift it on the surface. Cleaning with a special system that does not destroy the structure of water, allowed it to bring it to a depth of about 50 meters. To raise from there, installed pumps. The hot source cost a sanatorium in several tens of thousands of dollars. On the surface of the water appeared in 2012.

Every day, water from the source is sent with seven pools. They are different in volume - the smaller the bowl, the hot water in it. So everyone will find the water of its temperature.

"Come from other areas of Kyrgyzstan. But more - from abroad. Russians love the source, Kazakhstanis. From China ride, Korea, Europe. Both in winter and summer. From afar, usually come for several weeks. At the same time, on mineral water, we have about 150 people with our health, "says Akholta Nabidinov.

Doctors have no doubt - mineral springs of Issyk-kul help to treat many diseases. Thanks to the chemical composition of water, cell metabolism and metabolism are accelerated under its effect, collagen and elastin is stimulated. Sodium chloride baths normalize the work of the vegetative nervous system, strengthen the walls of the vessels, increase immunity. Heart diseases, bones, joints, spine, sexual system are retreating, the digestion is improved, nervous disorders, inflammation and rashes on the skin are improved. Baths help in combating overweight.

Contraindications for receiving mineral baths in Issyk-Kul little. The family of a resident of Almaty Irina chose a source in the village of Kara-o, a few years ago. Since then, does not change him. Irina is known - in its properties, the source is close to the waters of famous resorts in Russia and the Baltic States.

« The air on Issyk-Kul is just wonderful, climate - charm! I go here with grandson. Teachers at school are surprised - for the year not a single pass because of a cold. Here he is now health! ", Irina rejoices.

Kazakhstan says on the go. They and the grandson - heated after mineral baths - rush to dinner. Appetite after water procedures at the mountain lake is beautiful. In the morning - leaving. And Irina still wants to gain water from the source to take with him to the city. She loves to wash it - tones and softens the skin, and if we rinse the Issyk-Kul Mineralka Roth - the dentist will praise for the state of the gums.