What academic part was located in Firyuz. Turkmenistan, Firyuza

Pouring newspapers of the beginning of the last century, I always read ads. They give details for historical pictures. Interested in ads for the sale in the Firyuz Dachi Kiyashko. Over time, I learned a lot of interesting things about the owner of this real estate and many other people lovers in Firyuz.

... Most of the Lieutenant N ... Kiy loved the summer cavalcades along the trail, bent the goals on a gentle mountain near the mouth of the Firyuzinsky gorge, where the road was diverged towards Chuli, the Persian estate, in which, until the borders were closed, the supporting Iranian courtiers were covered. The stone sacli of Kurds were gloomy, with Russians who lost their natural militancy and their guard towers on the surrounding vertices.

Officer Pestrick, though he aroused ridicule in his fancy owl, was not the feasible and confidently headed the solemn riders of riders who, holding the flaming torches, tried at the same time not to miss the ladies who were filled with the flights of their summer dresses. All anticipated the joy of Sunday, recalling such nightly entertainment in the Crimea. There was no sea here, but the mountains were more affordable, desirable and calmer than on the Grozny Caucasus. As in the facility, the mountains carried the long-awaited coolness for them for them, depleted by the heat of Ashabad, where no fans were saved, but wet sheets. Finise - it was the best in their prosaic ashhabad life, and therefore, when the husbands spoke about disagreements with the Persian government about the right of Russians on this piece of valley between the mountain ranges, women were wallace, although they knew that in 1893 the Convention was concluded Russia and the Persia, according to which the Firyuz moved to Russia, I really did not want to lose this goodness.

Copetdag reminded the officers of the Caucasian Mountain, where they shed blood for Russia, and their wives are green beauty around the healing sources of mineral waters, their coolness, according to which they all missed the sands and endless heat. And may in memory of this were watered on one of the peaks "Caucasian label" - a winged eagle. The newcomers here were definitely told the legends with which this new resort.

They remembered the girl's tower on the long rock top and about the fate of the seven brothers and their poor sister, the defenders of their native land from so long ago that the planenes planted in their memory have long come across. The plane always duty on a local photographer, promising that from behind the shirmochki will fly away the bird. These pictures scattered around the world and still stored in some family archives.

The rank officials below, also escaping from the Ashgabat heat, came to the "cuckoo" and, mostly, settled in a two-story hotel. From her there were all the country entertainment. They walked across the road attached by plane trees, to a wooden church, and from her to the park with round fountains and wooden gazebos, they saw ivy, and luxurious flower beds, which fastened not one year the gardener Persian. The regimental orchestra was playing evenings and dancing were arranged. In the official review of the Customer Region for 1898 it was said: "Works on the improvement of the Firyuz settlement in 32 versts from Ashgabat continues. Here the irrigation network is completely renewed and a public garden is equipped with an area of \u200b\u200bup to three tents on the site of the old Persian Aula. "

On Sunday, after breakfast, the Firyuzin Society differ in interest. Someone was chosen to hunt for keklikov. Adolescents, as accepted at all times, bored separately. They loved to go for blackberry. Then they put on high boots and they took big sticks with them - the mural was a plot among the mountains inhabited by the reptile, especially a lot of snakes had a water. Therefore, it may be of those who want to have a cottage in Firyuz there was little, although the plots were distributed for a purely symbolic fee. In 1894, there were only 12 cottages in Firyuz, and by the beginning of the twentieth century - a little more than 50. But in the village there were a lot of "state-owned" villas for employees of the regional administration, where in the hot days they moved to the whole staff and the Office of the Governor's General, continuing to work in Fillow. The captain of the General Staff A. I. Kiyashko was in love with Firyuz, maybe because he resembled his native Kuban. He had his own cottage, although he spent a lot of time in the Karakalinsky prefability, engaged in the reconnaissance of the border of the empire with Persion and Afghanistan. At the same time, the Firyuzinian border shop was strengthened, closing the path with numerous migrants and merchants.

However, soon calm and cheerful life ended in this resort place. Lieutenant N ...... Sky died in 1904 in Japan in the battles at the village of Danyan, where the special courage of A.I.Kiyashko showed, and later for it was produced in Major General.

Turkmen lands, as conceived, served as a good buffer to protect the center of the Empire from the Oriental neighbors. But now it was necessary to protect this edge and from the revolutionary contagion, and besides, to form a plot of rear work units from the local population to send war to others for them and prevent people's perturbations of the type of assurances: "Does the sovereign of the emperor be deceived? If he said that they only send "on the rear work," it means that you will not fall at position ...! ". Even the rails of the "cuckoo" -uzkokoleki, at which the citizens each previously traveled to Firyuz, disassembled and sent to the front of the front, according to some reports, to the Turkish front. In the dachas, the figures became increasingly wounded, they brought the alarming front from the front. Forted to the resort town and the British, but by 1919 they left our lands.

The empty cottages gradually settled ordinary citizens. They were engaged in gardening, growing nuts and rare then for our edge fruit, for example, Pears "Diushes". In the twenties, the muffin was declared a military-communist town, which was ruled by the Military Economic Council, able-bodied persons united into a labor company. Private cottages were nationalized. Sanitary brigades began in the suburban settlement by the improvement of the abandoned cottages and the distribution of them among drug addicts. As mushrooms after the rain, government giving began to grow, for which the best plots were assigned. Holiday homes and pioneer camps arose in areas left after the construction of cottages for the rapid rosst party and Soviet bureaucratic tops. At the end of the thirties, Finally, the Firyuzinskoye highway was asphal.

During the Great Patriotic War, many dachas again appeared wounded, in the nearby town of Chuli doctors practiced the use of mountain water for their speedy recovery.

The new era made its own adjustments to the appearance of Firyuba, she became the guys. The ministries and departments had their pioneergly here. At the end of each camp shift on the slopes of the mountains broke out inscriptions from the twig "world world!" Or something else. The arts of Persian-Gardener now turned into tents over benches and other green sculptures from Tuta. Pools with fountains again settled goldfish.

I put a funny photo on which my mom, still young, in a tautiful dress with lanterns, smiles coquettly, putting hands under the "Amurchik" stream. In childhood, when the family album was considered, I always pested her with a question, and where were we, children. She laughed and said that at the time we ran over ice cream. The theme of ice cream, indeed, was Firyuzinskaya. Only in the coolness of this village, the children were allowed cold delicacy. We were allowed to even swim in the cold water of the Machinery at the Park, where, from the greenhouse stage, she was pumped through the pebbly DNU. After a few years, Stroybat's soldiers dressed her to concrete shores, and in the seventies of the last century, the ancient stone flowing swimming pool was turned into a non-gas pool for the Sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Guests from all over the union loved to dive into his turquoise smoothness even in January. In February, it was even possible to sunbathe, of course, if lucky with capricious Turkmen weather, and wander around the mountains, collect all the same endless blackberry.

Ashgabat more loved the green oval pool "Egg". Soviet figures were democratic in dachas. They did not chase the figure for Finisin leprosy - nightly tags behind apples in their gardens. In the Sovminovskaya dacha at my time, when soldiers were not yet faced at the entrance, it was possible to dine freely and deliciously dine in a cheap restaurant, enjoy the incomplete comfort of the wooden resort gazebos, served roses. There were once the highest army and officials of the Russian crash. There were still writing villas that are now recalling very many writers, directors. At one of the cottages over the translations of the poems, Makhtumkuli worked Arseny Tarkovsky (Father of the famous director). "Where is the moon? Heavens are not given to bridge ... ". So in Russian manifested nonetable: crying frags on the death of a beloved father. I found in the diaries of Elena Bonner, by the way, she comes from the Turkmen city of Bayram Ali, the story about how with Andrei Sakharov, having gaining provisions, they somehow staged a journey through the Firyuzinsky Gorge, enjoying the mountains, river, the sun. Turkmen writers, poets worked in Firyuz. There was the inspiration of the bright Turkmen poet Kurbanasar Ezizov, who tragically left us.

In my years, in summer, Ashgabat youth, too, as in the 19th century, came to the muffin on dancing, and few people knew that the best dance floor was arranged in the former church. In the country of thieves, even regular repairs could not erase the elements of the colorful decor of the former resort hotel. Always pleased with her old overgrown park, where the air was fired by flowers and quickly returned good health and calm sleep. I remember, one day she slept on this summer time to wake up, look out the window and measure from the inexplicable, as in his youth, delight. And already serene - away urban alarms and excitement - I sat on the windowsill and listened to the night. No, not only listened, tied the night on the color, on the smell, touched the skin.

In recent years, before the end of the muffin, about this catastrophe who could then assume, the village council tried to renovate and give the romantic kind of remaining old buildings. Updated the hinged veranda of the point, and the appearance of a passage resort that attached murals, painted the appearance of a passage resort, painted a wooden arbor of the bus station, to which there were so cleverly climbed rather major flights. We loved these buses for a glass roof. On a steep road through the gorge, I even adult, whenever the anticipation of Adrenaline, expected when the mountains are about to come together and the bus will "stay" in them. The excursion objects still remained by the seasons "seven brothers", but there were also stories about allegedly huge amounts paid by Russia Iran for owning this beautiful corner of nature. It was even a legend that the Iranian Shah, having learned about the sale of the Firyube of Russia, ordered the conviction of the culprit who had committed this deal, the bay of his throat melted gold, obtained for Firdiz. The reality is much more prosaic.

Kurds - Firuzins from this land, or rather from the mountains that were considered their own, did not leave at the insistence of the royal administration, neither at the request of the Soviet administration. When the new Turkmen administration began to reload the village for recreation only one family, they were still forced to leave their native places. She told one old Kurd legends and non-residents that their ancestors were giants, although he himself was completely small. Where is he now, where is his family now? Where did the mountain people move? Only now, much more by learning about this, one of the most ancient peoples on earth, descendants of glorious mussels, I begin to believe in their ancestors, especially since many modern researchers believe in it ...

For the first time in my favorite village, Turquoise, I also showed a "chess" alley in the park, where there were tables with big figures for lovers of this ancient game. Showed a shoe wooden booth installed right above the murmur army. I do not know if she has preserved? But I know that at a local school - the project buildings, extremely interesting in Soviet times, now there are border guards. I know where one of the fragments of the beautiful parking cast-iron lattice is now lying around, which became unnecessary ... really could not be preserved, it is so great. Other owners - Another taste! This is on their disposal began to blow up old houses in the village. Invited movie operators, someone invited me. I did not come ... I can't look at death.

Certain days were remembered about the past days, which before the revolution published Granberg Joint-Stock Company in Stockholm. And to restore some events - the inscriptions on them, made by an unscelred handwriting of a person, too, in love with Firdiz, which we already have no. And stories about the fate of the royal general, who also loved to spend the summer in the coolness of the Firyuba. In 1917, the Congress of Semirechensky Cossacks decided to "recognize the appointed Lieutenant General of Kiyashko, an appropriate Ataman." But in Red Tashkent, he died in the same year during the anti-Bolshevik uprising.

I try to learn more about the past, maybe because I still remember much. Such a trifle seems to be, but I remember how in the house of the Firdise "under the starry sky looked for the first time" case in Dash-Cala ". I remember all this ... I remember until now. These memories warm my life. But why are we forgotten all this to forget, try to rinse our brains from the joy of memories of a serene rest, like a helicate and carved to the root of the former luxury finishes gardens. There was one road that rests right into the gate of the frontier. They opened it and ... Everything is already in Iran. Who needs it? Only the family that now lives on the former resort, once a nationwide resort, in the village where up to 3 thousand people lived, which was then available to all of us, regardless of social status.

Ilga Mehty

In contact with

Firyuz (archabil) - urban-type settlement in Turkmenistan.


The population of the village is about 3000 lives. (1983) as of 2008 - there is no settled population. Only service personnel, tourists, presidential security and border guards live.


Firyuz (on Yaz. Farsi) - turquoise. Translated from the Persian Firyuz (Firuza) - a stone of happiness, more "Pyva" - "winning the victory." "Pefryz" - (Turkm.)

The village was renamed Arcabil, as directed by the President of S. Niyazov.


Firyuza as a village, in historical sources begins to be mentioned since the XII century, it entered the county of NIS. This was written about this medieval geographer from Merva As-Samani (1113-1167): "Femou (mural) is one of the villages of the carrying of a one and a half farce from him" (farce - at a time about 8 kilometers). Up to the second half of the XIX century, muffin was a small border village. In the very village and Firyuzinsky gorge on the tops of the mountains are preserved guard towers. The population was mixed: Persians, Kurds, Turkmen, Turks - an ethnic group, leading their origin from doguz Turkic-speaking groups.

After the inclusion of Turkmenistan, the Russian Empire between Russia, and Iran entered into a number of conventions and border agreements. The first was the Convention on December 9, 1881, then the agreement was followed by 1884, 1886 and others. There were no specific instructions on Firyuz in them, however, it was believed that according to the Convention on December 9, 1881, the Firyuz moved to Iran. 12 years after the conclusion of this Convention, on May 27, 1893, a new convention was concluded and the murals passed on it to the introduction of Russia. The next year, in 1894, the administration of the Transportian region adopted the "Rules of the Dachnaya Point Device in Firyuz".

At the end of the XIX century. Firyuz could hardly be called the "pearl" of Turkmenistan, how to call it now. In the official "review of the Custrian region for 1898" it was said: "Work continues on the improvement of the Firyuz settlement in 32 versts from Ashgabat,. The irrigation network is completely overwhelmed here and a public garden is equipped with an area of \u200b\u200bup to three tents at the place of the old Persian Aul. Previously, it was inaccessible, a wetrated plot engaged in old abandoned sacks and the settlement of the reptiles ... "

Those who wish to have a cottage in the mural was not enough, although the plots were distributed for a purely symbolic fee. In 1894, only 12 cottages were in Firyuz, and by the beginning of the century - a little more than 50. There were also "Kazenny" cottages for employees of the regional administration. In the 20s of the twentieth century Firyuz declared a military-communist town, which was managed by the Military Economic Council, able-bodied persons united in a labor company. Private cottages were nationalized. Government cottages were built on the best sites. Holiday homes and pioneer camps arose in the sites left after the construction of cottages for the party and Soviet bureaucratic tops.

The village with the beautiful poetic name of the mural (turquoise) is located in the foothills of the speckdag. Despite the close location to the capital of the Republic (35 km west of Ashgabat), the population of the village of Feruza is only about 3 thousand inhabitants. Here, in the oasis area, the same resort complex is located. The biggest chinar (Central Asian Platan) in Central Asia is growing in the territory of the sanatorium for the military and is the pride of local residents. The majestic tree is called "seven brothers." A powerful root system and a trunk consisting of seven woven parts symbolize a strong unity of seven siblings. In the photo "Firyuz. Turkmenistan" you can see this centuries-old chinar.

A small mountain river Feruzinka proceeds through the village, pleases the trail of transparent mountain water and the cool shady trees growing on her shores. In this beautiful corner with a favorable climate there is a suburban residence of the President of Turkmenistan

When such picturesque oasiss with violent vegetation are found in the deserted inhospitable region, with a student water of mountain rivers, night coolness, it is difficult to believe our eyes. In the old days, these places inspired poets, singers and musicians. In his work, they glorified the Most High for creating such a blessed place - paradise on earth. Feruza is an object of unusual myths and legends. There are quite a few legends in which historical facts are intertwined with folk creativity. It is not easy to separate the truth from the fiction, but listen to the fascinating stories incredibly interesting. One of the beautiful legends says that the gardener Bahalla lived in these places, he had seven sons and beauty of the daughter of Feruza.

The powerful northern neighbor of Turkmenistan Russia paid a lot of money for the terrain of the Feruza. Iranian Shah for a long time and unsuccessfully claimed to hold this paradise. Having learned about the deal, the enraged Shah ordered to punish the perpetrator of the sale, Gardener Bahalles. Miscellaneous dehkanin poured the mouth melted gold, reversed for the ferry. So in the east punished people for the desire for money. From historical sources, you can find out that the village of Feruza appeared in the XII century. As-Samani, a famous geographer of Middle Ages from Merva, in his writings mentioned that the village of Fouge (mural) is located in a half of the farce (farce - the distance equal to 8 km). Starting from the XII century, and up to the second half of the 19th century, the Feruza was a border point. Until now, at the high rocks of the Finisian Gorge, you can see the preserved ruins of watchtowers. Here lived people of various nationalities: Persians, Kurds, Turkmen, different ethnic tribes of Turks.

Historical chronicles indicate the difficult political relations of Russia and Iran in the dispute for possession of these territories. Several conventions signed at different times often contradicted each other and led to differentials. Specific data on the territorial affiliation of ferry in the documents was not said, but it was believed that according to the Convention, it belongs to Iran. However, in the new convention of 1893, the Russian right was referred to Russian law. It can be seen, in those difficult and restless times and was born a beautiful legend about the gardener, his sons and beauty of Feruze. Posted by his rights, Russia began to master the lands border with Iran. A year later, the construction of a country paragraph of the Russian Empire was launched. Those who wish to buy land, and acquired a bit of the country.

The local local history museum contains rare photos of Feruza times of Russian colonization. The administration of the Customic Region issued "Rules of the Dachnaya Point Device in Firyuz" and offered everyone to acquire land for low prices. Land plots in this Russian factory with a not very attractive landscape were sold for purely symbolic prices. In the first year, there were only 12 cottages here, by the end of the century their number increased to 50. Mostly, the civil servants of the administration of the Native Russian Province were chosen.

The Soviet government proclaimed the family of the Military Communist City. The life of the village was ruled by the Military Economic Council, the population was forcibly united into labor companies. Dachas belonging to royal officials were nationalized. Gradually, in their place there were pompous Soviet government giving. Pioneer camps and departmental sanatoriums began to be built. Feruza was equipped and acquired the status of the popular spa zone of Turkmenistan.

Once uninhabited, desertless, sising to poisonous reptiles, turned into an excellent pearl of Turkmenistan.

After the end of World War II, the USSR raised questions about controversial border areas. Insufficiently clear and imperfect conventions of the late XIX century demanded revision and new agreements. As a result of the painstaking work of the Soviet-Iranian commission on demarcation and remarkation of the state border in the Custinian site, the "Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Iran on the settlement of border and financial issues was becoming". According to the official Tehran Treaty of December 2, 1954, Cheruz finally became considered to be a Soviet territory.

Copetgag settlement

Firyuz - the resort, which is located in the territory of the Turkmenistan in the mountains of the Copetdag. Located 35 kilometers from Ashgabat. Known as the largest climatic resort of the country. Here the Firyuzinka River flows. Climate: sharply continental. The average temperature in January is -5 degrees, in July - +28 degrees.

Type of resort



Many muffin buildings were destroyed. Previously, there were dachas of officials, private homes of recreation and camps. Now only beautiful gardens and an artificial reservoir of 5 hectares remained here.


On the territory of Firyuba are excellent medical centers, massage rooms. Very often, exit excursions are organized here, and horseback, and cycling, during which you can admire the unique landscapes.


You can book a hotel room, renting a cottage or stay in the sanatorium.


In local restaurants serve kebabs, soups from flour and pea, dumplings, manta, pilaf with spices.

The greatest fame in the area has the Chulin Gorge, in which the River Culinka runs 13 kilometers long, the water in which and in the summer remains cold. Here is a beautiful nature, a wide gorge, high trees over the river. The gorge was built a holiday home Chuli, there is a sports and pioneer camps. On weekends, they come here with families, companies for rest, suggest picnics, bathe, sunbathe. Today Monday, resting little, air is clean. The guide said: "If you want to distract from everything, come to Chui ...". Before entering the site to buses, near the garden of locals. Tourists presented a bucket of large apples, refused money. Returned quickly - the excursion took the forty minutes, not counting the ride. On the bulletin board there was a proposal to sign up for a hike in Barsovo Gorge. Often, passing near the trees of walnut, raise several pieces falling from the wind. Hunters to them quite a few are tourists, and locals who allow themselves to knock down the nuts sticks. In the dining room, we must be surely with a package of greenery purchased on the market, I only remember the cilanthole from the names. After dinner, they were laughed with a 5-kilogram watermelon and a half melon, barely milk. Today they got even on the blanket and blanket, it should not be cold. October 14 Ashgabat. Botanical garden, zoo. In the morning, the sky is clean, fresh, gradually the sun makes its business. At 10.00 excursions to the Botanical Garden and Zoo Ashgabat. The road is familiar, enter the city along the street on May 1. First stop at the agricultural institution named after M.I. Kalinina. Before the main corps, the monument to the All-Union Older. The Botanical Garden is located nearby between Timiryazev and Botanic Streets. Founded in 1903, covers an area of \u200b\u200b18 hectares. This is the southern garden and one of the oldest in the USSR. More than 4 thousand trees and bushes from various natural zones of the whole world grow on its territory. The park is popular - together with us there were several more groups. Very neat shady allys, leisure gazebos. Excursants are especially delayed by the swimming pools with the carpet of Lotos and Amazon Victoria, the biggest pita in the world. Its leaves remain on the surface of the water with a load of up to 12 kilograms. Purses of vegetation of desert Turkmenistan, North Africa. Drew attention to the blooming trees, unfamiliar to us, residents of the middle strip. Indian pink lilac, blooms all summer. Glootichia is three-sewn, or ordinary with a bright-seined crown, which grows in hot dry summer conditions, puts out soil salinization. Wisteria is a high subtropical tree with bunches of long brushes blue or purple. Judino tree - flowers with pink flowers right on the trunk (allegedly at such a tree hung Juda). Banana - Grass with thick barrel and hiding leaves (as elephant ears). Chinara (Platan) - Trees up to 50 meters high, long-lived - up to 3 thousand years. In Tajikistan, there is chinara, in whose heap was a madrasa for 8-10 people. They found out from the guide that Saksaul had calf such as in coal, the camel barrels are rooted up to 20 meters long. Before the zoo drove on the street on May 1, 2-3 quarters to Dzerzhinsky Street. Here there is nothing to look at a small territory, less than half actar. The largest exhibits are the tiger of Ussuri, bears, Lama, Pony. Varanger centimeters 40 in length, gray, with tuberculous leather, lay without signs of life. There are birds, several monkeys, Caracal - Steppe Lynx. Unusually beautiful looks like golden pheasant with a bright colorful plumage, where the most golden yellow feathers. A little serpentarium tours told about snakes. Grams of dry poison Gurza costs 210 rubles, cobra - 180 rubles. Snake gives 70% poison, 30% remain in the snake. In special serpentaries poison take 20 times a month. Snakes weaken, and they are released on the will. In winter, they turn into the ball and fall into the hibernation. Unfortunately, it happens that these tangs destroys a person - in winter they weaken and defenseless. For each excursion spent 40-50 minutes. Avenue Victory Boulevard begins across the road opposite the zoo, but today the excursion was not planned. The buses were waiting for tourists for another hour while the nearest shops were examined. From the zoo to the Tekinsky market and the bus station one quarter, and the Tolley and I decided to stay in the city. We went to the market, as always crowded. There photographed sellers - honorable bearded old people in high sheepskin tanks, Turkmen in bright colorful dresses. Robed with meat cakes, phytchi are called here, which are sold here at all corners. This is a Turkmen national dish - baking with a diameter of 15-18 cm and a height of 3-4 cm, inside the minced meat. Unfortunately, the walk was interrupted because of the rain-started - the sun had long disappeared behind the clouds, all the colors lost their brightness. Quickly got to the bus station and left for Firduz. Passengers on the bus a lot, more than half tourists and vacationers. Some in the hands of mesh, full melons and large pomegranates. For the first time, all the trips saw a large bas-relief Lenin, carved on one of the slopes in the gorge. The driver has released us in Firyuz, selecting tickets - your business. It's pretty cool here, all dressed warmer, the dinner laid in tea. I spent the whole evening with a TV. On the street rain, then fog. And yet before bedtime, when the wind blew, they went to the mountain to look at the night view of the village. On October 15, the tour of Nisa today did not help the two blankets with a blanket - at night it was cold, I had to wear a warm shirt. In the morning it is pretty cool, there is no rain. All the same made a jog in the same T-shirt. Couples from the mouth, hands frowned, then to the belt washed and felt very cheerfully. Tours from Ashgabat returned at lunch - there is very warmth! In Firyuz, by this time, the sun only appeared. Today at 15.00 excursion to Nisa. By bus, we are going to a small village of Bagir - this is not to reach 9 kilometers to Ashgabat. We fold from the asphalt south towards the mountains and soon climb on the concrete staircase on one of the main historical sights of Turkmenistan. The ancient city of Nisa is the capital of the Parfyan kings, the rulers of the state, stitching from Syria to India. Founded by Parfians in the III century. BC e., and over the next six centuries, served the main stronghold of the Arshakid dynasty, a few centuries were the burial place of state rulers. [The burial rite - the body of the deceased was hanging out during the year, birds and nature left only bones from the corpse, which was laid in the jugs and put in a niche]. The city-fortress was subjected to repeated raids of state enemies. In the first century, the Roman Emperor sent his son Krassa during the Roman-Parfyan wars (who suppressed Spartak's uprising) with a 10,000th army to conquer the Parthian state. Perfyan defeated the Romans, and then Krass ordered his bodyguard to dismember his body. The head threw the father to mourning the son for 1 night. Parthian kingdom Palo in the 3rd century AD Later, these areas of Turkmenistan won the Arabs, there were Selzhuki, and in 1220, Genghis Khan. From the XVI century, Nis is gradually descended. Life here existed until the 2nd decade of the 19th century, and when these places won the Tekintsy - the largest tribal group of the Turkmen people, Nisa was already ruins. Almost a half century, the remains of the ancient city remained in oblivion, besides, many remaining buildings died during an earthquake in 1948. Only after that, excavations were held under the leadership of M.E. Masle - Uzbek archaeologist. In 1985-1986, work began on partial restoration of NIS. Nisa was a city on an elevation, oval in the plan, surrounded by high earth walls with towers, with an area of \u200b\u200b14 hectares. As a result of the excavation, a number of structures were found, the contours of which were partially restored. In the circular hall there was a temple, where for a minute not a fire, which was worshiped by Parfyan. Square room - the front room of the kings, where the Golden throne was located, the golden statues of the Arshakid dynasty. Later, when the state fall began, the throne was made of ivory. The columns that were inserted into the wall of raw clay were preserved, ropes were used as an armature. The square house is 60x60 meters in size - the repository where the richness of Arshakids was located. Archaeologists have found ceramic water pipes, large pitchers, about 90 ritons from ivory (type of Caucasian horns), of which saw wine (≈ 2.5 liters). The pattern of the Tekinsky carpet-giant in the museum of fine art is made on the pattern of the carpet remainder detected here. All this told us a guide, showing the photo of the round and square halls found by exhibits. The rest in a deplorable state - over the years, the clay floats, the remnants of the facilities are destroyed from rain and numerous excursions. For centuries, the walls of the ancient city have fallen. Only elevations in a uniform order around the perimeter of the walls are reminded that there were guard towers. Therefore, talking about the fact that it is once restored, perceived as fiction. On the way back the bus stopped in Bagira at shops. Inside very beautiful design in the national style. Bought different little things and books, mostly tourists from the Urals and Siberia. Then they drove back in strain strain. This is an industrial city, here the largest cement plant in the republic. The city is located on the plain, houses more than 2 floors are not visible. The driver landed us, of course, at shops. In the shoe good ... Tartu sneakers in non-sizes, the rest is local coarse shoes. In the Prodratmatum Delicates - a large creep of cold smoking by 1.8 rubles. For kilogram, fat dripping. We take one fish, and, typing, immediately the second. Returned to dinner, after which they went to their fish, putting watermelon and melon, even ignored football on TV. Then dancing at the recreation club "Copetdag". There on the 2nd floor of the dining room spacious dance. Walls are painted in Turkmen motifs - harvesting, gifts of land, slender figures of girls, guys, children. Danced late, I did not want to go to cold houses. In the evening, after 9 hours on Firyuz, 2 Volga traffic police swept on the figure and a number 0001. October 16, a walk to the seismic station without ten eight 0001 went to the city accompanied by 3 traffic police. Still cold, but I dress on a jog easily. Returned, accepted the cold shower, after jogging it seemed that the water was not so cold. For breakfast was given a hot porridge and milk. And although the sun has already shone might and main, in the house there are still pairs of mouth and fed legs. Today at 10.00 we go to the seismostation in the Vanovsky settlement. The path is familiar - on the highway to turn on Chuli. The group stretches - in it and young and older people. On both sides of the Road of the Gardens, along the whisoline of the Blackberry. Rare machines rush past how to fire. So Vanovsky, in the courtyards of women houses, many children, outwardly everything is poor. Seismostania is located right by the road, immediately behind the fence the garden of peach trees. One house with small rooms for cabinets and laboratories with devices, another - residential. Barrel made of kvass with drinking water. The group was not fitted into one room, so the employee spent a conversation right on the courtyard, laying out the oscillograms on the chairs. He spoke too professionally, not interested in what the public in front of him. However, in this case, all specialists in their enterprises in their enterprises in the group. [From the stations of the station employee: the main task of the station is the record of the earthquakes of the Copetdag region. Earthquakes are defined in classes or points. The distance to the epicenter is determined by the difference between the rates of propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves recorded on the oscillograms. In other cases, according to data from 3-4 stations of neighboring regions. For example, on March 12, 157 kilometers from here was an earthquake of 5-6 points. The signal on the oscillogram is labeled 10-100 thousand times. All sensors are installed in any convenient place, since the waves are not spread over the surface, but directly. The farthest earthquake recorded at a distance of 11 thousand kilometers. In general, the station is capable of fixing the earthquake at any point of the globe. Data on earthquakes are transmitted to Ashgabat or to Moscow (in the case of long-range earthquakes)]. Returned not immediately on the highway, but through the village that stretches among the gardens parallel to the highway. Houses in the shade of high poplars, in the courtyards vineyards. One of the homes, an elderly woman took large round cakes from Tandara (≈ 0.4 m diameter). The oven shallow, up to 80 centimeters - the woman sat on his knees and took her hand to almost the bottom. There are hot coals, a strong heat. Ready, still hot, the bread lay a stack, a woman, carefully broke the pieces and treated us. The lenses of the cameras did not confuse her at all. In the neighboring houses of a woman's dishes in Ariak - water clean, from the mountains. Not far from Vanovsky on one of the flat vertices there is the Southern Observatory of the country - the supporting astronomical point of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences. A whole range of single-storey buildings is visible from the village, on a two-dome for telescopes. Unfortunately, the excursions are not planned there. Having made a circle in the village, went out on the highway and returned to the muffin. After lunch, sunk on a hill above the hub. Tolya decided to rise to the peak of Lenin - one of two small peaks towering over mural. It has a repeater. In half an hour, his figure was visible already under the vertex, after another twenty minutes - at the repeater. And even the sun aroused, I rose and I was up to the top in 30 minutes. A steep rise began directly from the courtyards of a residential array, then put, a small plateau, and take off to the top. From above, the borderband is visible, 3-4 towers of border guards. The camera did not get out of the bag - for sure, we are all supervised (there was an experience - in 1966 I went with a camera to the Volgograd Tractor Plant. Displayed through the first part). The boundary strip of the mountain is higher and higher. There they are darker, and more distant closed with a haze. The Gorge of the Firty looks much deeper. Go down on the ridge, where there is a trail and less cool. On the descent caught up with two men, one elderly with a wand in his hands. He told that she also walked here here often in the mountains. The peak on the contrary used to be called the peak of Stalin (now the peak of friendship). In the evening, fresh, and in the room where a big company, warmer. They dealt with a large watermelon. October 17 Excursion to Baharden. Today, two bus lucky tourists to Banchandan cave. Our bus was driving through Chuli, the second - I drove to refueling in a strain, there is a way longer than 10-15 kilometers. From the gorge left on the Ashgabad-Krasnodar highway (550 km). Along the road Solonchaki, stones, unexpectedly a small reservoir. The reservoir reservoir itself, but not far from large green squares. There are removed by hand tomatoes. On the edge of the field, light buildings covered with reeds for shelter from the sun, the mountains of the drawers. We drove the training center, where the pedestal is "Katyusha", the star and the inscription "Glory to Soviet artilleryrs and motorists" are posted on the slopes. The pounded fields alternate with the fields of unobed cotton. On the collective farm current, high coats of cotton collected, covered on top of a tarralet. 75 kilometers turned to the mountains. Soon the bus stopped at the site near the famous Banchandan cave. In 1896, a note was published in local press, which for the first time acquainted Ashgabatians about the existence of a cave and underground lake. Ahead, in front of the slope of the mountain, several concrete pillars standing by the inclination are the entrance to the cave. A stove with a description of the object: "Banchandan cave is one of the 4th in the USSR, equipped for mass visits. It is located near the village of Baharden and wears the name of the same name. Local name "Kaz-Ata" *. In 1896, a note was published in the local press, which for the first time acquainted Ashgabatians about the existence of a cave and underground lake. Cave dimensions: length 250 m, width 25 m, maximum height 26 m, lake size: length 75 m, average width 14 m, middle depth 6 m, maximum depth 14 m, lake volume 6500 m3. The lake is in the natural semi-coated space. Its water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide: 1l - 0.0066g, in small quantities: calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfate, etc., water temperature from 33 to 37.5 s. * Kov-Ata - Translated Father Caves. The entrance to the cave is non-trap, but you can go free together. To go down to the water for a long time - the depth of water level is 60 meters, I counted 280 steps and two inclined march. Along the lanterns lanterns. Bottom under the beam of the searchlight bluish water, from there it proceeds warm. All undress on the same platform where there are two hangers. Then the wet shifted immediately, both men and women. The entrance to the water is a few steps lined with tiles. Not far from the shore is a big stone, swimmers hold for him. From above is a picture that resembles synchronous swimming. Then there is no light in the cave, float into the darkness. Meters in 40-45, the opposite shore, there, the stones, slightly felt the current. You sit on the stones in the dark, warm, nice. The water is not very "heavy", swim well (in the Kamchatka in Paratunca, water 42 s, it was difficult to swim). And when leaving the water heat. A group of tourists is given to the "session" 50 minutes - on the descent, swimming, lifting. This is enough, because the humidity is high, we warned us that here cores are more than 30-35 minutes it is not recommended to be. I was delayed with the rewind of the film, so I observed how two or three pairs of Turkmen went down to the cave. Men were going to swim, but there are no women - forbid customs. When climbed to the exit, in some places you could see the volatile mice hanging on the walls of the cave. They are now a bit now, they said that when the cave was discovered, they were flying out several tens of thousands. The return journey through a strain took almost 2 hours (there via Chuli - 1 hour 35 min). In this industrial center, many techniques have seen even our Belarus. In the evening we went to dances in the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense. Small hall, colorwoman. Many young people are reclining warriors from Afghanistan. October 18, Macedonian. Tulip. In the morning, everything is as usual. Today, the first group is departed, which to the muffin was in Ashgabat 10 days. Food with them, very warm in the city. He walked around the center, went to the parents of Natasha Macedonian. Sitting Sergey - an officer, born and grew up, like his parents, in Ashgabat. At the corner of their home bookstore. There are many interesting books: "Ladoga" A.F. Treshnikova, "Heaven and Earth" V.M. Sayanova and others. Bought a dictionary of Ozhegov. Half an hour expected from the Tulip - I wanted to take a picture of the wedding. Caught only to change the honorary guard of schoolchildren. Separately stood boys, they changed the girls. Photographed in the Russian Bazaar, in the Tekinsky market. In a crowded bus, I went to the muffin. After dinner, they spent the evening at the TV - there warmly.