Amalfi coast attractions. Amalfi Coast

Amalfitan coast- The place of storm beauty listed for its unique picturesque landscapes and historical value in the list UNESCO.

It is 40 km south-east of Naples, on the south side Sorrentin Peninsula, between Sorrento and Salerno, and is a mountain slope facing the sea, with numerous bends, bays, clefts. Heer cliffs there alternate with forests, lemon groves and terraces engaged in vineyards. In the ruptures of the mountains, white towns run down the steep slopes.

In the 10th and 10th centuries, these shores existed the prosperous amalftania maritime republic, competing with Genoa and Pisa (until in 1137 did not put an end to this rivalry, raving Amalfi).

Amalfitan coast on the map

"The capital" - sounds loud, in fact the city is very small. His beauty and pride are the magnificent 9th century with a paradise courtyard and a crip, painted by frescoes.

Preserved ancient shipyon which ships were built. The city ends melnits ValleyIn which you will find a paper museum: the Amalfi began to make paper before all in Europe.

The next town, the milestone, fenced off from Amalfi Rock. Cities are connected to each other drove in the tunnel rock.

Atrants pressed against the rock wall, behind which another town is hidden - Ravellofamous for its villas: and. Villas are open to visiting and are among the most impressive attractions of the Amalftan coast.

At Ville Rufolo.

The most remarkable city in the western part of the coast - Positano. His buildings rises from the shore on steep slopes for a decent height.

Most of his streets are stairs, here almost all the time you have to gain altitude, then drop. Positano is a masterpiece by itself, the whole city. It is especially beautiful from afar: from above or from the sea. Unfortunately, at the bottom it is strongly filled with tourists and souvenir shops for tourists, ceramics are sold everywhere. In places, he resembles Capri in the midst of the season.

Between Positano and Amalfi are small towns: Praiano, Konka, Marini. Between these towns is Emerald grotto (Grotta Smeraldo) - Local response Blue Throat on Capri, as well.

Eastern Amalfi is the resort towns of Minori, Majori, Chetar, Wietermi En Mare.

Tracking trails

Numerous trails pass on the mountain slopes of the Amalfi coast. Walking through these trails deliver a huge aesthetic pleasure. Map trail is sold in coffee kiosks. The most detailed one - in three parts, on every piece of the coast - your booklet. There is such a set of 10 euros cards. However, in key places on the routes there are markup and schemes of the trail, you can do with schemes and look into the program (pre-installed on your phone).

The easiest and easier tracking begins at the end of Amalfi and passes through, then displays Gazebo and K. Tower jirowhere you can go down to Amalfi or Atraani.

The most beautiful trekking of the Amalfi coast is. This trail goes from Bombero to the night. There is an option from Praiano, but there is a very cool rise at the very beginning.

How to get to Amalfi from Naples

1 step. Arrive in Naples.

By bus Alibus. Diva to the Central Railway Station Napoli Centrale.(How to get from the airport to the station and port, described).

Railway along the Amalftinian coast, only a bus message and sea.

The closest to the Amalfi cities in which from Naples can be reached by train Sorrento (in the West) and Salerno (in the East).

2 step. Get out of Naples by train to Salerno or Sorrento

Train schedule NAPOLI CENTRALE-Salenno. We look at The regional train goes to Salerno about 40 minutes, the ticket costs 4.70 euros. Trains go quite often, a few trains per hour.

From Naples to Sorrento There is a separate railway branch, the so-called Circumvesuviana.. Sorrento - end station. Electrics also go often. You can sit on this train at the Naples Central Station (the station is called Napoli Garibaldi.).

How to get to the station Napoli Garibaldi?In the building of the Central Station ( Napoli Centrale)see "Circumvesuviana" pointers, you will reach the ticket office, buy a ticket there, you will pass through the turnstile and go down the escalator down to the platforms Circumvesuviana.. Schedule -

The train from Naples to Sorrento goes around an hour, the ticket costs 3.60 euros.

You can go to Amalfi through Sorrento, and come back through Salerno. Along the way, look both of these cities (I would even advise on the night-two to take a hotel in Sorrento, there are two good museums, an interesting beach on Marina Grande and a great place - Bathing of Queen Giovanna: Break with exit to the open sea near the ruins of the Roman Villa). In the Salerno on the way back, you can rent things to the storage chamber and go (I highly recommend it!) To the local Duomo of the 12th century and the Museum of Diacheno.

3 step. In Salerno or Sorrento, sit on a bus or ship and go to the place.


Amalfi coast serves a transport company Sita Sud.. Schedule - (when entering the site you will be offered to choose a region - choose from the drop-down list Campania.). There will be find a schedule in PDF format.

Ticket costs and looks on the site

From Salerno to Amalfi, the bus is 1 h 15 min, and from Sorrento to Amalfi - one and a half hours, a ticket in both cases costs 5.20. Buses are standing on the stational square in Sorrento, so coming out from the train, you will immediately see the bus to Amalfi. Tickets for Sorrento We bought from the bus driver.

Buses that Salerno, that from Sorrento, go only to Amalfi. The Sorrento Amalfi line covers the western part of the coast, the Amalfi-Salerno line is east. In Amalfi, you need to change the bus if you want to go further along the coast. So, if you are going to be based in the western part, for example, in Positano, it is better to go from Sorrento, if in Eastern, for example, in Mayori, then from Salerno, it will be without a transplant. If you are going to Amalfi, then without a difference (I would advise from Sorrento - more beautiful road).

By the way, afterwards, already in place, in a tobacieri or a coffee kiosk - where you will buy a bus ticket, you can ask the seller a booklet with a schedule. Ask: "POSSO AVERE ORARI DEGLI AUTOBUS?" ("Can I have a bus schedule?"). I was given the leaves in which I periodically looked, especially by planning the program the next day.


From Salerno, you can also get by the sea. Courts go relatively often. The ship from Salerno to Amalfi is 45 minutes away, the ticket costs 8 euros. From Salerno to Positano, you will get the sea for 1 hour 15 minutes and for 12 euros.

From Sorrento to Amalfi - only 2 flights a day (10-30 and 14-55), a ticket costs 20.80 euros.

Savior schedule can be viewed on the websites of carrier companies, I always use the site.

Thus, the achievement from the airport to the place consists of 3 stages and at first glance it seems difficult, but everything works in place in place. 3 hours are quite realistic to get.

By taxi

You can adjust the transfer in advance. Then at the airport you will meet with a sign and quickly home to the place. For a small company or family with children and a bunch of things it is probably the best option.

First impressions

It must be said that the road itself along the entire coast is one big (even huge!) Sightseeing.

The first time I got to Amalfi for the ship, from Capri.

I remember how the rocky wild cape of the Sorrentin Peninsula was approaching, as we sailed past the deserted shore,

as the Rocks of Siren sailed on the right side, the most who lured sailing sailors with their charming songs. (By the way, sometimes the Amalfi coast is called the coast of Siren).

And then suddenly there was a positano, convex, covered with houses cone.

And then in the broken wall of the mountains there was a white bowl filled with houses, and it was Amalfi.

But, perhaps, even more I liked the way from Sorrento through the mountains by bus. We drove through the city, quickly on serpentine over him ascended, so that the entire Naples Bay was visible, and at one moment, on the pass, the neighboring bay was opened - Salerski.

It lasted the only moment - a luxurious view of both bays. Then we quickly flushed for the pass, and endless zigzags began on the edge of the cliff and fantastic views of the sea, gorge, rocks - a whole hour of enthusiastic contemplation.

My advice is in a bus by the window from the sea (i.e., if you are going from Sorrento - right, from Salerno - left). If I tell or you do not really like to look in the abyss (because the bus rushes literally along the edge of the plumb), sit down on the other side.

Where better to settle on amalfitan

It all depends on your preferences. Personally, I would choose the hotel as close as possible to Amalfi, ideally - in the Amalfi or Atrayan itself. This is the center, through Amalfi all buses are held, and it is very beautiful here. But in the first visit, I was later concerned about the booking - for three months, so in the end I had to take the hotel in Minories.

Minori in front of Mayori is perhaps one advantage - from here you can walk, on a beautiful path and quick enough, climb to Ravello. And in order to get from Majori to Ravello, you will have to first go to Amalfi and there to transplane the bus to Ravello.

In Positano, expensive hotels, many tourists, but the city is definitely very beautiful and damn attractive looks from the water when they are bathing. In addition, Positano is closest to Capri: one-day - one of the most sought-after on the Amalfi coast.

Lovers of privacy should be selected for themselves housing in single hotels, which are scattered throughout the coast. Almost every bay with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe beach, where it was possible to descend, the hotel or private villa is built.

I know that some remove the hotel in Salerno and go to Amalfi by bus. In my opinion, this is not an option. Of course, the hotel will be cheaper in the Salerno. But, it seems to me, at least a couple of nights on the coast need to spend the night.

Flights to Naples, Calendar Cheap Price

Useful sites for travel preparation

Selection of hotels - Booking (if you are not registered on Booking, you can do it on my

Did you hear about Positano?!

Or maybe you know where is Amalfitan?!

If not, then urgently postpone all things and start reading this article. Well, if heard, I suggest you learn new and interesting information about one of the most beautiful coasts of Italy. This coast is protected by UNESCO and is the object of world heritage. Amalfitan Very Multicolia.

Let's start with the fact that Italy is very different and, having been, let's say in Sicily, it cannot be considered that the atmosphere, nature and the population of Italy are the same everywhere. First, the north and south of the country are very different, and secondly, even in the south you will experience very excellent sensations from the rest. For example, after Island Italy, we felt very uncomfortable on the mainland, because it seemed from the fairy tale to plunge into the harsh reality of the Italian everyday life. But far from everywhere in the mainland you do not feel yourself in paradise, the Amalfi coast is, it is indisputable, amazing place ..

In the summer of 2016, I made an amazing journey through Italy and visited some of the most desirable corners of this beautiful country. I will start my story since where beautiful Amalfitan is located.

The south of Naples is a beautiful terrain along the Mediterranean Sea, which contains very fabulous cities. Actually, the road along the Salern bay from Sorrento to the side of Positano and to Salerno and is this Amalfitanian. And Amalfitan is the name obtained in honor of the city of Amalfi, the largest city, which is on this path.

Previously, a little knew about Positano and Amalfi, but now it is the desired corners of Paradise for many independent travelers. Positano is very loved by celebrities, the Paul McCartney came here during our stay, and before that, Leonardo di Caprio honored Positano his visit. I'm not talking about the fact that the villas known for the whole world of artists, such as Sophie Lauren and the famous director of the legendary film "Romeo and Juliet" - Franco Dzheffirelli.

Amalfi Coast Italy Photo

We started our way towards Amalfi from the town called Collie Di Fontanelli:

From here, the beauty of the Soleretic Bay was opened from the Sorrentin Peninsula, but only going closer, we were able to appreciate how surprising place.

The first observation deck on which it is worth stopping, is located opposite the private islands in the Mediterranean Sea, which are called the Li Gully Archipelago.

The archipelago consists of one big island Gallo Lungo and two small almost adjacent islands, with sushi archipelago looks like a single whole. In the 4th century on the island, the watchtower was erected, which is called the Aragon Tower. By the way, in the article on which we rested during our big travel in Italy, we visited the castle, which is also called Aragon. In 1922, the world-famous art dancer Leonid Myasin bought the Island of the archipelago, which is called Gallo Lungo. At that time, the islands belonged to the municipality of Positano. On the island, on the initiative of Mezin, they built a dance floor and villa surrounded by wonderful gardens. In 1988, after the death of Maestro, the island passed the possession of Rudolph Nuriev, no less well-known in the world of ballet. In the 90s, Rudolf Nureyev died, and very influential and rich in Sorrento owner of luxury hotels Giovanni Rossi bought out the island. Now the archipelago is located a comfortable hotel, but without the invitation of the owners to get on it is simply impossible.

If you are wondering what the island looks like, you can rent a boat on the beach in Positano and in a couple of hours I will swim to the archipelago, swim close, to consider it and go back.

lI Galli.

The Amalfitan coast is a beautiful winding serpentine in the mountains.

Costiera amalfitana.

Amalfitan coast of Italy city

On this coast of Italy, there are several major cities and the cities of smaller. Let's list them and tell me more about each of them.


In Sorrento, we stopped at 3 nights during our journey. Long stop at the story about Sorrento, because it is dedicated to this city, I can only say that the rest here is not very diverse, but very measured and pleased with calm params of age, which love luxury hotels, private beach and sea view and Vesuvius .

From Sorrento on the Amalfitan coast, it is convenient to travel by car, for example, on a rented, but if you do not want to do this for any reason, then your bus service is at your disposal.

How to get to Amalfi

You can get from Sorrento to the city of Amalfi in an hour and a half, but you can ride and not to the end station. The passage costs 6.8 euros. The bus leaves with a stop on the square Piazza. Giovanni. Battista. DE. Curtisnear the railway station Circumvesuviana I. Makes the following stops on the way: SorrentoPriora, BV S.Agata, Colli Fontanelle, S.Agnello, Piano Sorrento, Meta, Colli S.Pietro, Positano, Praiano, Grotta Smeraldo, Amalfi.


This place crashes stereotypes that the island rest is many times superior. When I arrived and saw Positano, I realized that here I would definitely want to stay for a few days. Positano reminded me of Capri, only in miniature. There are shepherd shores and houses scattered in the mountains, the Azure Sea and the shore shore.

It is saying that the Lord of the Seas - Poseidon, in honor of his beloved Nymph Postei, erected the city, the one that we used to call positano)

Positano on the map of Italy

You can tell a long time to talk about the attractions of this impeccable Italian resort, but I suggest you read about it on the person's website, who, not one ten years, enjoys the positano as a local resident and with pleasure and with admiration transfers information about him to readers of their website and guests of the resort, which, By the way, we can agree on renting apartments or a fascinating excursion with Vladimir, on the site of which I redirect you to "full immersion in the beauty of Positano":


If you move along the coast towards Amalfi, then you will soon meet a small town, the population of which barely exceeds a thousand people, located just a few kilometers from Positano. There are no well-known sights or noisy entertainment, but here you can enjoy the crystal clear sea and a relaxing holiday on one of the most beautiful coasts of Italy.

If you take a car in the rental, then you will not be difficult to get to all well-known and welcome places, but to go on an excursion to the island of Capri, first you will need to get to the pier in Positano, from where you regularly leave the boats in this direction.


I included Ravello cities in the list, although this city is high in the mountains a few kilometers from the coast. Nevertheless, without it, Amalfitan is difficult to imagine. Sita transport company regularly comes from Amalfi to Ravelo regularly by bus.

It was in Rowllo that the famous villa Rufolo, built in 1280, is located in 1280.

Ravello Italy Photo:


Previously, the Amalfi was the capital of the peninsula, but the most interesting is not even this. If you are a believer, then you probably know about the pilgrimage in the Italian city of Bari, where the relics of Nikolai Wonderworker are located, but few people know that Andrei Prolonnoye's relics are located in Amalf in the Cathedral of the Apostle Andrei.

But at least Amalfi and has a convenient transport accessibility and attractive on their attractions, nevertheless beach holidays here is far from the best on the coast.

Amalfi on the map of Italy:

How to get to Amalfi from Naples

If your route lies to the city of Amalfi, and you arrived in Naples, then the road will have to spend time, strength and money.

The easiest, but tedious way to get there by train to Sorrento and from there by Sita's bus (see the start of the article) Get to Amalfi. This is if you are in Naples at the railway station.

If you arrived at Naples Airport, it's easier to drive to Sorrento right from the airport, and from there on another bus to Amalfi.

How to get to Amalfi from Salerno

In addition to the transplant point, Sorrento, you can arrive in Amalfi and through another city - Salerno. In Salerno regularly sent trains from Naples Railway Station, and from Salerno to Amalfi can be reached by bus (every hour) or boat. A berth is to be on Piazza Della Concordia in Salerno and the road on water will be much more pleasant and memorable than in a stuffy bus along winding roads.

In addition to public transport, no one canceled the car rental or the transfer of transfer / taxi, but if in the case of a car rental, it all depends on your skill skills on the mountain serpentine, then in the case of the order of a taxi, it all depends on whether you are ready to pay very Significant money for this movement, if there is so much more humane on the money alternatives?!

If the Amalfitan attracts you with the views, but the main criterion of the place of residence is the extensive beach and proximity to it, then you are in Mayori.


It was in Mayori that I planned to stop, and not at all in Sorrento, because in Mayori the most extended beaches on this coast, the sea is turquoise, and the cost of living in hotels does not bash.

Here, in contrast to the same positano, you do not need to overcome the path to the sea from hotels in a winding serpentine, roads are gerier and convenient for tourists. In addition, an important advantage of the resort compared to the whole of the same positano or with Amalfi is a smaller concentration of people, both on the beach and in the city in principle.

You can also get to Mayori no longer only from Sorrento, but also from Salerno (by the Sita bus to Amalfi through Mayori).


Rest in Minori is even calmer and peaceful than even in Mayori. Here you will not meet supermarkets and automotive multibone trails, rather small highly specialized shops (meat and fish shops) and narrow serpentine roads. Traveling on a rented car on such roads is difficult, but if you do not plan to see all the time at the hotel, you will have to upset at least to a taxi to the pier to overcome the distances are not sushi, so on the water. From Miners to Mayori and Amalfi go boats. In addition, a boat from the pier on the island of Capri is the island of Capri, just take care of the tickets in advance if you want the trip to take place, since you wish.

There are no particularly remarkable ancient buildings in Minories, but there are quiet and peaceful beach holidays and numerous lemon gardens, fragrant to the entire district. The beach here is not extended, as in Mayori, but since people are resting in minories less, there is enough places to all.


Salerno is the second area of \u200b\u200bthe city of the company, the center of which is Naples.

From Naples in Salerno, you can get in a bus or train.

To help you sites

Salerno is no longer a beautiful resort town, but the city-port, rest in which is not as nice as in Positano or. But Salerno is rich in attractions and here you can combine beach and cultural holidays.

Salerno Cathedral (Cattedrale Di Salerno)

The cathedral is erected in the 11th century, but was reconstructed, as he suffered in the 1980 earthquake. Here the remains of one of the evangelists of Matvey are reached. Today, the cathedral is the church and the museum.

Castello Di-Arca (Salerno Castello Di Arechi)

This fortress is almost 300 meters towers over the sea and getting to it on a bus or rented car, but the trip is worth it. The museum is located here, which presents the weapon, the mint and ceramic creations of Italian masters.

Acquedotto Medievale.

Ancient water supply in Salerno is a memory of the progress of Italian engineers of the 9th century. Now the disparate parts of this facility are preserved and legends are consistent around it, including, of course, gloomy. For example, a bad admission is considered to go under the arch (part of the water supply), if the street is fought, as one story states that the water supply is built not by people, but dark forces.

via Dei Mercanti.

This is the main street for shopping in Salerno, which almost reaches a kilometer in length and passes through the historical part of the city.

Amalfi coast beaches

At the Amalftinian coast you will find both sandy long Maori beaches and Positano and descents to the sea, equipped with hotels throughout the coast.

Positano beaches

La Spiaggia Grande.

For a length, it is only about 300 meters, but it does not prevent him from being the largest beach at the resort, which, in fact, is even traced from the name of the beach. Visit the Big Beach Positano loves the stars of world cinema and ordinary tourists.

La Spiaggia di Fornillo

It's a little more difficult to get to the beach, as he is slightly distinguished from the main streets, but it is still no less popular. But this is not surprising, because in Positano a lot of holidaymakers and only two large beach. There are here and cute coves,

Amalfi beaches

Amalfi's beaches and not so picturesque as in Positano.

The central beach in Amalfi is located right next to the port, it is often crowded with people and does not remind you that you are in one of the most beautiful places in Italy.

La duoglio.

Beach in the right side of the resort. Pebbles here are not large, the people are smaller than the port, and more often.

Santa Croce.

Here is popularly diving in the sea from large boulders. Here you can sunbathe or pay either euro if you do not need a sun bed and an umbrella.


From Amalfi to Atraani - kilometer. But the beach in Atraani with the same name will delight you with its beauty. It is popular with Italians, but tourists do not get to him often. Unlike most the beaches of Amalfitans, here the shore is covered with sand of volcanic origin, and water is crystal clear. You can sunbathe as a fee (on sun beds) and on your towel or sun bed.

When I talk about volcanic sand, I remember, and, in general, whose beaches will remain in my memory for a long time))

Amalfi Coast Italy Video:

I bring to your attention the promised video about the Amalfi coast.

Pleasant viewing and subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Amalfi coast on the map of Italy Conclusions:

In conclusion, I want to say the following: the Amalfi coast is worthy of spending here not a day or two, but to travel at its excellent places at least a week.

Amalfitan coast, called for her paintness and painting Amalfi Riviera, attracts tourists from around the world.

It's not for lazy beach rest here, and behind the magnificent scenery and historical sights that adorns his ancient cities. Clean sea, cozy beaches, numerous hotels and restaurants are a pleasant bonus on vacation in this area.

Amalfitan coast of Italy on the world map

Resorts The Amalftinian coast is not only a favorite holiday destination for the Italians themselves, but also attract a secured public from countries and preferring this terrain to other European resorts.

Special popular coast uses the bohemian public and people of creative professions.


Amalftina duchy existed in southern Italy in the 9-10 centuries of our era. Amalfi City It was founded in 339 by our era and originally entered the Naplesky Duchy. In 839, freed from the troops of the Principality of Benevento, who captured the city, the townspeople chose the prefect.

Together with the cities of Atraani and Salerno, the Amalftania republic was organized, formally dependent on Byzantium. In 958, residents chose a Duzh (Duke) Sergii I, and the feudal state was transformed into Amalfitan duchy.

Duchy has become a rich commercial state, challenging the dominion of Genoa and Pisa over the Western Mediterranean. The maritime laws were developed in this republic, which served as the main code for merchants and sailors for 500 years.

The city is famous for its cultural atmosphereSupporting the jazz festival, which is held in the summer, and the Festival of Classical Music, held on the territory of the Roman Villa in September.


Urban legend Positano was created by the God of the Sea Poseidon And named after his beloved daughter Pazites. The city is considered one of the oldest on the Amalfi coast, the status of the resort center he acquired even during the Roman Empire.

Now Positano - small (less than 4 thousand people) Resort town on the coast of the Salern Bay, attracting secured tourists and people of creative professions from around the world.

Positano distinguishes unusual Beauty: Houses of the city, located on the mountain terraces, "descend" down the rock to the sea coast. The painting of the appearance attracts cinematographers - more than 30 films are shot in the city.

The main attractions of Positano are:

  1. Church of Santa Maria Assunderected in the 13th century, especially distinguished by his dome, covered with majolica;
  2. Three medieval watchtowers ( Torah Spond, Tore trap and Tore del-Del Fornillo);
  3. Li Gallie Islandslocated close to Positano, stand out by the Aragonian tower of the 14th century and an old monastery, turned into prison later;
  4. "The trail of the gods" - A narrow mountain path that connects positano with Praiano, is distinguished by colorful species over steep cliffs among the rocks.

In Positano every year passes International ballet festival In honor of the Russian choreographer L. Myasin, who lived in the city.


One of the smallest resorts of the coast has fewer than 2000 locals and is 3 kilometers from Positano. Praiano attracts mostly lovers of quiet in the midst of stunning nature.

The city is famous for its own medieval temples:

  • Cathedral of St. John the Baptist with a dome decorated with majolica, antique frescoes and tiled floors;
  • Church of Saint Luke Evangelist The 12th century, in which he found a rest of the relics of this saint;
  • Church of San Jennaro 16th century, built in the stylistics of the Renaissance architecture.

Praiano is famous for its own fish restaurantsPrerequisite dishes from local raw materials.


Despite its coastal position, the upper part of Ravello is at an altitude of 350 meters above the sea. The reason for this is that Ravello is located on a cool slope mountain LattariAnd from its territory offers stunning views of the sea bay.

Ancient city, having survived the peak of its development during the Amalftinal Duchy, the 19th century fell into decay, but was literally revived and popularized by creative personalities who opened her muse: here R. Wagner and E. Grieng, A. Ya and G. Vidal, D. Lawrence and T. Williams, and the artist W. Turner captured Ravello on dozens of his paintings.

The most important attraction of Ravello is Villa Ruffolo.erected in the 13th century and said Joanni Boccaccio in the famous "Decameron".

The 30-meter Moorish Tower is located on the territory of the villa, the music festival under the open is also held here.

Another famous villa city is Villa Chimbronbuilt in the 19th century. She is famous for its "terrace of infinity", with a panoramic view of the bay, recognized as one of the most colorful spectacles in the world.


Salerno - the largest city Amalfi coast and its logistics and tourist center. An ancient city, which turned over 2,000 years old, has a lot of attractions attracting tourists:

  1. Cathedral of St. Matvey Built in the second half of the 11th century, the relics of the saint are stored in the crypt at the base of the temple. The cathedral combines the portal in the Romanesque, the colonnade in Islamic and crypt in the baroque style. In the temple there is a grave of Pope Gregory II, consecrated cathedral. Papal Chapel is built from the stones of the ancient Roman temple and decorated with frescoes for more than a thousand years;
  2. Archeek fortress Roses over the city by 250 meters and is one of the oldest buildings of Salerno. The foundation of the fortress was laid in the distant 8th century by Langobards, then the city then;
  3. Fort Carnale It was built in the middle of the 16th century and was intended to protect against Muslim pirates attacking the city for centuries. Now there are various cultural events on the territory of Fort;
  4. Monastery Benedictine Santa Sofia, founded in the 10th century, was abandoned for a long time, but currently restored and adopted exhibitions;
  5. Fragments of ancient water pipe, dated to the 9th century, are the Salerno business card. The plumbing in the Middle Ages covered the entire city, and its openwork arches were proud of local engineers.

Salerno is the place of holding a variety of festivals, the most popular of them is the festival "Art Artists": All winter, from November to February, the streets of the city are decorated with numerous light exhibitions of bizarre forms.

  • Chief Council when visiting the coast - try to have everything to see everything During the short vacation.
  • Of course, it is worth enjoying the famous italian cuisine. The Amalftinian coast is famous for its fish restaurants and local Limoncello Liquor, is also the birthplace of Pizza "Margarita" and "Marinar".
  • Before it is worth passing along the trail godsconnecting various towns in the Amalfi area.
  • Despite the huge number of the coast, it is worth highlighting time At the visit of Naples, Vesuvius Volcano, Ruins Pompeii, Capri Islands or go to the oldest city of Pestum with the buildings of the 6th century BC.
  • All these attractions are a few dozen kilometers from the coast.

  • It is worth visiting the coast not only in the holiday season, but also winterWhen numerous carnivals and festivals go to local cities.

The coast of Amalfi or Kostier-Amalfitan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in. Covered with thick mountain vegetation, ripped high rocks, picturesque villages, azure sea and a rich history turned this corner of southern Italy into a popular resort. Applying Amalfi on the map of its route in Italy, it is better to give him a few days. After all, according to the range of impressions, the coast will be able to compete even with such a pillar of Italian tourism as Rome.


Sorrento is well connected with all the poor places of the coast of Amalfi and archaeological attractions of the campaign, which makes this town an ideal base for those who decided to spend all holidays by visiting his study Kostier-amalfitan. From Sorrento, you can get a ship to Capri, by the train Circumvesuviana to, Herculaneum and, as well as a bus or rental cars to the rest of the coast towns. Moreover, Sorrento Located by regular marine routes with Naples, Ischia Island, Positano and Amalfi towns.

Amalfi Coast: Map of the surroundings

To Sorrento Blogoitaliano will come back repeatedly, since the town is worthy of devoting to him. Now we only note that Sorrento Always had a cult destination for the ministers of the muse, having drawn inspiration in his charming atmosphere. At one time, Sorrento temporarily lived Nietzsche, Goethe, Wagen, Gorky, Standal, Byron and many others.

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Here and the ancient architectural monuments are UNESCO heritage facilities, and the magnificent rust of nature, and the purest waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

But one of the truly paradise sites of this country is the Amalfi coast.

This city, with a population of about 6,000 people, was founded about the 4th century of our era by Emperor Konstantin Great. At the time of its foundation, the population of Marine Amalfi was wealthy, numerous and numbered about 50,000 people, and the rulers of the city were princely descendants, whenever elected to the head of the city indefinitely.

It was here that in the city, which was the most important maritime city in the republic, was adopted by Sea Code, which had legal force until 1570.

However, local sailors are shoved to his postulates and to this day.

Amalfitan coast - location features

The Amaliphean coast, or, as Italians call it, Costiera AMALFITANA, on the map of Italy extends about 50 kilometers along the Salerno. This picturesque part of Italy is protected by UNESCO as part of the global cultural heritage. Located in mountainous terrain, the Amalfi Coast of Italy is just 90 km from Naples and a little further from Rome - about 300 km.

All details about the Amalfi coast you will learn from the video:

What should I see?

Being an object with a medieval history and a high cultural level, the Amalfi coast causes only the most enthusiastic reviews of tourists, including lovers of independent travel.

Here are the main cities of the coast and attractions that need to be visited if you arrived in this picturesque corner of the world.


As can be seen, from the name of this city, located directly by the rocks, the name of the entire coast is called. Going to getting into it, you do not avoid walking through the mountainous serpentine, or a small marine travel on the ferry. In the 8th century, our era in this town was created by his main attraction - the Cathedral of St. Andrew, whose architecture combines styles of different countries.

Main Sightseeing Amalfi - St. Andrew Cathedral

You can visit the famous cathedral: in summer daily, from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 21.00, in winter from 10.00 to 17.00 local time.

The main walking destinion of the city is his embankment Lungomara, where you can not only enjoy beautiful sea views, but also to breathe in the life-giving sea air.

In Salerno, a very beautiful embankment

Here, from medieval times, culture is very developed, for example, the Medieval Medical School has been operating. It is also recommended for visiting Pinakotek (Museum of Fine Arts) The province of Salerno, containing pictures of local and foreign artists, and the local archaeological museum, founded in 1927. Works Pinakotek six days a week, from Tuesday to Sunday, opening hours: from 9-00 to 19-45. Detailed information you can find out by visiting the official website of the museum.

The trail of the Gods

Another famous landmark of the coast is the god trail. This is a winding road connecting the cities and villages of the coast. When visiting the Amalfitan Kostier, be sure to follow the picturesque route.

To do this, you need to buy a ticket for a bus that takes to Agerola, a place where it takes the beginning of the god trail.

Within two hours you will enjoy the luxury of local nature, the atmosphere of the southern coast and the friendliness of the local population.


Waves on the coast beaches are practically no, the beaches are covered with round warm pebbles. Most Amalfi beaches have on-site furnished shower cabins with fresh water, sun beds, umbrellas, as well as numerous cafes and minibars, from which you can order food and drinks directly to the sun bed. Part of the beaches are free, and the rest are related to the territory of restaurants. A ticket for a paid beach will cost somewhere in 20 euros for two.

On the Amalfi Coast Beautiful, Comfortable Beaches

How to get to the Amalfitano Kosterer


Before the coast itself, if you are already in Italy, it is most convenient to reach the car, taking a car for rent in the nearest rental point. So you can admire local species, yourself choose points for stops, take a walk on the streets of local towns and a village, visit local restaurants, shops.

And if you are afraid to drive a car on a serpentine road curve, then you will have reliable local conductors who will arrange a tour of the coast towns, show local beautiful corners and famous sights.

However, in August, the car is better not to take, because the influx of tourists, which means that the traffic jams. The cost of car rental per day is about 20-40 euros.


As mentioned above, 90 km from the coast is the city of Naples, and the most convenient to get to Amalfitano by taking a ticket to Naples. By train from Naples to Salerno can be reached for half an hour. From Salerno on the bus, you can get into the Amalfi itself, as well as in Miinari and Mayori. A bus ticket will cost about 2.5 euros.


A direct bus bus will be brought to Sorrento from Naples, travel time will be 80 minutes, a trip to 20 euros will cost. Actual clock flights of the bus: 9.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.30, 16.30, 18.00 and 19.30.

A train

If you are planning to get from Rome, it is very convenient to do it through the Salerno on the direct train Frecciarossa, the road on which will be only 2 hours. A little longer, about 3 hours, you will pass on interside, however, the ticket for this train will cost you slightly cheaper.

Going out on the Salernskaya station, you need to buy a bus ticket, the path where, although it is only 20 km, will take about two hours! But let us enjoy the beauty outside the window.

The train can be reached by Salerno (high-speed train), travel time for 2 hours, the road will cost 30 euros.
In Sorrento, it is: first get to Naples on a high-speed train (70 minutes, 20 euros), then on the subway "Vesuviana" (60 minutes, 4.5 euros). The subway works from 6-00 to 21-30 daily.
At the stations of these cities, there are no many buses that are arriving to Amalfi, the schedule will not be useful.

Where to stay?

In order for the journey through the winding pathways of the coast, the most interesting and informative, it is best to stay in the cities of Salerno, Sorrento and Naples, and start their way along the coast from here. If you are a lover of cafes, restaurants and secular life, we recommend to stay in Positano.

In Positano, you will find many street restaurants

According to the reviews of tourists, Sorrento is the most favorable option from the point of view of recreation, entertainment and prices. Stopping in Sorrento, you align both interesting excursions and a relaxing beach holiday.
Also recommend Amalfi, as they say visited here, a very beautiful cozy place. There is an intensive movement of buses and ferries. Very near Positano, Sorrento, Minories.

In Positano, like Amalfi, you will enjoy the beautiful, "picture" species, as well as beautiful cafes and restaurants.

And if you came to rest with the family and kids, then the best option than calm and measured Maori and Minori, on the Amalftan coast, not to find.

Through the rocky terrain coast covered with orange and lemon groves, narrow mysterious streets with countless steps, leading from the picturesque houses of the local population with cozy spacious terraces of various bright colors, to the coast of the transparent affectionate sea.

At the Amalfi Coast, you can enjoy all the paints of Italy

The territory of the coast is replete with distinctive restaurants who are seduced by their visitors with delicious Mediterranean dishes.

Even, making a leisurely walk along the coast, it is necessary to go to local shops, offering their customers a variety of souvenirs, so that italy is taken to their homeland.

In addition, on the coast, with its medieval culture, there are many ancient attractions that do not leave anyone indifferent anyone. The Amalfitan coast will definitely leave its mark in the memory of the tourist ...