Do I need to pack my suitcase at the airport? Baggage packing: at the airport and at home

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Every person, going to fly on an airplane, wants to compactly pack things in a suitcase and avoid such trouble as overweight luggage. But how to pack a suitcase right?

People who frequently use services air transport, there are no such problems. Experienced air passengers know exactly what is needed on board the aircraft and what things are appropriate to take for a vacation or business trip. But what about people who are about to fly for the first time? Or those who flew for the last time during the Soviet era?

It is known that any unpleasant situation is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences later. Before flying, be sure to check the weather forecast of the city or country where your plane will land. In the cold season, give up bulky outerwear. Instead of a down jacket or sheepskin coat, give preference to a jacket, wearing a sweater under it. Many airports have poor ventilation and if it gets hot, you can take your jacket off and hang it on your arm. So it will be more convenient for you to move around than in a sheepskin coat. At the same time, it is advisable to wear heavy shoes and jeans on yourself, so you will save space in your luggage. Ladies should choose flat shoes. Of course, any woman in heels looks more impressive, but believe me, your legs will “revenge” you with pulling pain, swelling and cramps.

Packing things right

Five days before departure, make a list of things that you plan to take with you. Consider the duration of the trip. Study the information about the place of your future stay in advance. You can, for example, call the hotel, go to its official website or find reviews on the Internet. Ask about the availability of a hairdryer, towels, toiletries, which will allow you not to take too much. It happens that there is nothing in hotels. Then, instead of a large container with shaving foam, a bottle of shampoo, take the “travel” packaging of these products. Remember that it is best to wrap all liquid bottles in several bags, as the contents can spill and ruin other things.

When choosing clothes for a trip, it is important to consider religious and national traditions the places you are going. In Muslim countries, for example, it is not advisable to go out in overly revealing clothing. This should also be taken into account. Remember an important rule when packing luggage: the less free space in the suitcase, the more likely it is that things will arrive safely. Therefore, try to leave a minimum of free space. It is better to put shoes at the bottom of the suitcase, then wrinkle-resistant clothes, toiletries, underwear, socks, and items made of delicate fabrics on top. Roll the knitted clothes into a tube and place them on the sides of the suitcase. Put breakable objects and cosmetics in the middle, between things. Don't forget to collect a first aid kit as well. Of course, many will say: "I'm not going to get sick!". So no one is going! Agree that it is better to take medicines with you than to run around with bulging eyes around a hotel or airplane cabin in search of a pill for a headache.

Please note that there is always a chance of losing luggage, so do not put in your suitcase:

  • Money, bank cards, documents, jewelry
  • Travel voucher confirming your stay at the hotel
  • Keys to apartment and car
  • Camcorder, tablet, camera
  • Charging device
  • Perishable products

Keep in mind that it is forbidden to carry in baggage: all types of weapons, flammable liquids (gas spray, hairspray), explosives (fireworks).

How to avoid overweight charges

Before departure, please read the baggage rules. Sometimes they differ depending on the carrier, aircraft model, landing country, ticket class. Check out your airline's website for details. The free baggage allowance per person is determined by the air carrier. You will see the maximum allowable weight on your ticket. Please note that the sum of three dimensions (length, height, width) of unpaid baggage should not exceed 158 cm, and hand luggage - 115 cm. If visually your suitcase or bag is larger than that of other passengers, you will most likely have to pay extra . Some airlines also calculate the allowance baggage by the number of pieces. Therefore, a passenger wishing to carry two suitcases will need to pay for an additional piece of baggage.

Try not to exceed the allowed limits. Approximately first class travelers can carry 40 kg, business class - 30 kg, economy class passengers - 20 kg. However, do not forget about the individual rules of the air carrier. For example, on Aeroflot flights, passengers flying in economy class are allowed to carry 23 kg, and on Turkish Airlines- as many as 46! Always weigh your luggage to see if you qualify for free baggage allowance. It is better to take care of this in advance. If this is not possible, then use the scales at the airport at any free check-in counter. If you have extra pounds, some of the things can be shifted to hand luggage or put on. It's good if the airline allows summation free luggage. Then take a closer look at the passengers on your flight, usually among them there is a person with a small bag. Ask him to register with him. So the weight of your suitcase will be counted for two, and you won’t have to pay for excess weight. Of course, one airline will forgive you 2-3 kg of excess baggage, and the other will ask you to pay even 500 grams of overweight. The cost of one kg is on average from 8 to 40 euros. The amounts are decent, therefore, carefully read all the rules before the flight.

What can not be carried in hand luggage

In hand luggage on an airplane, provided that it is included in the unpaid baggage allowance, they are usually allowed to carry from 5 to 8 kilograms. Any type of liquid with a capacity of more than 100 ml, piercing-cutting and some blunt objects, which include:

  • Metal knitting needles (preferably plastic ones)
  • Scissors, tongs (including manicure)
  • Corkscrews, knives (including folding ones)
  • Needles for injections (in the absence of a certificate from a doctor)
  • Baseball bats, fishing rods

An example from life. Turkey, July 2012. At the Anatolian airport during check-in for chartered flight Two tourists are found to have 20 liters of olive oil! The couple wanted to take in hand luggage four metal containers, each of which is 5 liters. True, they unsuccessfully tried to explain their mistake to tourists, but in the end the luggage was confiscated.

Always carefully check the contents of your hand luggage so that you do not have to part with your things later. You can carry liquids purchased in the beloved Duty Free zone on the plane. Goods must be in sealed bags and must not be opened in the cabin. Please note that duty-free liquids must be carried in checked baggage on your second flight. For example, after a vacation, you still have a bottle of whiskey in a sealed bag. On the return flight, you will no longer be able to take it into the cabin of the aircraft.

During the flight, you may need wet wipes, mints or chewing gum, a player, a book.

I hope that my friendly advice will really help you avoid unpleasant situations at the airport, and only positive impressions will remain from the trip.

The material was prepared by Daria Lychagina

To competently pack a suitcase for a trip, you need to at least do it in advance. Otherwise, there is a high risk of forgetting something important or taking a bunch of unnecessary things with you. Also, do not stuff your suitcase, because usually on a trip people make a lot of purchases: souvenirs for friends or some interesting things for themselves as a keepsake of a trip abroad. Therefore, you need to manage the space of your suitcase wisely.

How to pack a suitcase for a plane and choose things to make it easier

The contents of the suitcase are determined by the place of arrival and the purpose of your stay, but you should not take a lot of household items, because on many flights you have to pay extra for excess baggage (conditions on the allowable weight of baggage carried free of charge can be found on the airline's website). Many people are helped by universal road lists.

Do not randomly throw the right things in a suitcase. It is better to lay them out on a bed, sofa or on the floor.

Suitcase collection

Cosmetics take up a lot of space. Items such as shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen can be bought after arrival.

Another option: take all the necessary products in miniature. On sale there are special sets consisting of toothpaste and brushes, which are convenient to take with you. The tube of paste is small in size, and the toothbrush is foldable. In stores you can buy a set of containers for travel. It is convenient to pour shampoo and hair balm into such bottles, and put face and body creams into small jars.

Travel container set

Books and other printed publications also take up a lot of space. It's easier to download everything on a mobile phone.

If there is a need to take an umbrella, you can replace it with a raincoat - it will help save space and weigh almost nothing.

You should not take a bunch of toys for a child: they are quite large and can easily take up half a suitcase. Everything a child needs can be bought on the spot. The same goes for baby diapers and the potty.

These simple rules will help you understand how to pack your luggage on the plane yourself without typing extra things.

Wardrobe items. What to choose on a trip

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for the near future at the place of your planned stay. Although weather services usually cannot give accurate forecasts over a long period of time, it is useful to have a rough idea.

It is better to choose things for a trip in neutral colors so that you can combine them with each other. Thus, with a minimum of things, you can make many different combinations. It is better to choose clothes from wrinkle-resistant fabrics.

Clothing combinations

You need to understand that in hot countries there are cool days, so you should take a warm jacket and trousers. They are also useful for walking in the evening and at night.

As for clothes for children: parents always try to take a lot of things for any life occasion. It is worth taking only a few sets of clothes for the child. Things from the children's wardrobe are always easy to wash and dry. One set is enough for warm clothes.

Do not take more than two pairs of shoes per person (plus one on the feet). It is better to take with you practical models that are combined with the chosen clothes.

How to pack clothes and shoes in a suitcase

Overall things should be folded to the bottom of the suitcase: small items of clothing can always be placed in any free corner.

Clothing pockets must be empty, otherwise it may damage the fabric of the product or other items.

Much less space is occupied by clothes folded in rolls, and not just piles. In addition, in this state, it wrinkles less. At the bottom of the suitcase, you should put voluminous rollers of jeans and sweaters, then a layer of smaller items: shorts, skirts and T-shirts. You can put two pieces of clothing together and then roll them into a tube - sometimes this method is more convenient. Belts are best folded into a ring.

Compact folding

In order to save space, it is better to separate a pair of shoes and put them in opposite edges of the suitcase. You can put rolled up socks inside the shoes. This will not only save space, but also prevent creases from forming.

What can be taken from personal hygiene items

How to properly pack a suitcase on a plane so as not to receive comments from airport employees? After all, deciding to travel with the help of services civil aviation, you must comply with all rules for the carriage of baggage.

It is worth remembering that liquids in hand luggage are placed in a transparent plastic bag in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml. The total volume of transported liquids should not exceed one liter. Containers with liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml are checked in as baggage.

On the children food and life-saving medicines are not distributed general rules carrying liquids in hand luggage.

Cosmetics can spill and ruin other things. An airtight cosmetic bag or a tightly closed plastic bag will help prevent this trouble. But there is an even more reliable way: you need to unscrew the cap or lid from the product, put a piece of cling film and then close it.

The final stage of interactions with a suitcase is the packing of luggage at the airport.

Is it necessary to pack luggage at the airport?

No: this is a voluntary choice of the passenger, luggage can be checked in without packaging.

Do I need to wrap luggage with foil?

Desirable: the film will protect the suitcase from dirt, possible damage and protect against unauthorized entry. Very often, low-quality bags and suitcases are torn and simply fall apart after rough handling by movers.

Use this service at the airport or do it yourself in advance?

It is better to use the service at the airport: if you do it at home in advance, then it will no longer be possible to look into the packed suitcase to check, take or report something. Cost* of the service: in Domodedovo - 600 rubles, in Sheremetyevo - 500 rubles.

Wrapping a suitcase with foil

Luggage can also be wrapped with tape. This method will protect the suitcase from opening, but is unlikely to protect it from dirt. The adhesive tape may leave sticky marks on the surface of the bag. This method is convenient because you can easily take the tape with you to the airport and use it all up, wrapping your luggage.

Scotch tape is considered a prohibited item and cannot be carried on board an aircraft in hand luggage. And why is there scotch tape on an airplane?

The old-fashioned method of film wrapping was replaced by a new invention - a luggage cover. It performs all the same protective functions, and also adds personality to the suitcase for quick search upon arrival. With this item, it is easier and faster to complete the final stage of luggage packing, besides, if necessary, you can get something out of the suitcase at any time.

Equipment such as a laptop, tablet, camera, mobile phone, as well as glasses must be taken on board. Even if you carefully put all this in a suitcase, wrapped in clothes, there is still a risk that the luggage will be dropped and the contents damaged.

Gadgets and portable chargers are best placed last, on top of your suitcase. Such things may be of interest to customs officers for a more detailed check.

Valuables (documents, money, jewelry) should not be packed in luggage. The risk of lost or delayed luggage is minimal, but still there.

Often there are cases when several identical suitcases leave on the tape at the airport. To quickly identify your baggage, you can stick some stickers on it, tie a suitcase with a colored belt or hang a tag with your name. By the way, the tag on the suitcase is necessary in case of loss of luggage. But you do not need to write detailed information about yourself on it, the exact address It is also better not to indicate, a phone number will be enough.

The lighter the suitcase is, the better: you won’t have to pay for overweight, be afraid to lose luggage, waste time waiting for it after arrival. Ideally, you should get a suitcase, and not a huge travel bag.

*Prices are current as of June 2018.

When preparing for a trip, do not forget to think about how to pack a suitcase on a plane: its dimensions and weight determine whether you will have to pay extra for overweight. But to be without the necessary things in a foreign city is not the best prospect. What to consider so that the trip is not overshadowed?

Preparation: check the carrier's rules

The weight of suitcases and bags that are allowed in the cargo hold depends on the rules of the airline. The ticket fare also affects: it determines the number of seats and the total weight. The following rules are usually set:

  • 40 kg luggage for premium travelers;
  • 30 kg for passengers from the "business" compartment;
  • 20 kg for those who fly in "economy".

Sometimes a piece system also works, which determines how many bags are allowed to be transported without surcharge. Restrictions on the sum of measurements are also introduced: for premium and business classes, the indicator reaches 203 cm, and for economy it decreases to 158 cm.

Standards set by Aeroflot

Values ​​vary by company, so check with carriers for terms and conditions. Some fares only include carry-on baggage: you will buy a ticket for minimum price, but get the appropriate level of service.

Packing luggage on the plane: step by step instructions

To determine how to properly pack your baggage on an airplane, make a checklist. Imagine what you will need on the trip, and then cross out the excess. Gather what you need to help step-by-step instruction.

How to choose things and reduce the overall weight

In order not to take numerous suitcases on the plane, some of which you will not even open on vacation, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are the clothes chosen suitable for different occasions? On vacation you will explore all that has to offer tourist resort or old City. You will need wardrobe items that look appropriate in different situations. For example, a light maxi dress will please with versatility, which cannot be said about a blouse with a deep neckline. If you are traveling abroad, make allowances for local customs and take clothes that you can wear to areas where there are few tourists.
  • Is it multifunctional? Transformer pants are suitable for warm weather and come in handy on a rainy day. But women do not like them, because they are not distinguished by grace. However, jeans or black trousers are suitable for many occasions, so put them in your suitcase. This doesn't mean you should leave your cocktail dresses at home, just that they shouldn't take up much of your luggage.
  • Is the thing practical? Marked colors or fabrics that require delicate washing - do not the best choice for the traveler.
  • Will the item of clothing take up a lot of space in the suitcase? Taking your favorite outfit out of the closet, fold it and evaluate the volume. True, if you often wear a thing, the criterion can be neglected. After all, jeans, which take up more space than thin trousers, are better combined with other items of clothing.
  • Does the fabric dry quickly after washing? Some materials can be dried indoors (for example, in the bathroom). If you take less than 10 items of clothing, then the criterion is very important.

Don't forget to check the weather forecast to decide on your wardrobe choices, and grab a couple of warm clothes in case the weatherman gets it wrong.

How to compactly pack clothes and shoes when flying on an airplane

There are many ways to pack things on the plane: most travelers fold their sweaters and jeans and then put them in their suitcase. Despite the simplicity of the option, it has a significant drawback: there are folds on dresses and trousers, and on a trip you can not always use an iron. The method is suitable if at the destination you take out the clothes and put them in a closet drawer.

What packaging methods to use: packing a suitcase on a plane

An alternative method means that you will not lay things horizontally, but vertically. If you are not going to unpack your suitcase upon arrival, this option will suit you.

How to pack clothes in a suitcase: vertical placement

Should clothes be rolled up before packing? If the goal is to grab more things, then yes. But on a journey, it will be difficult to find the right dress or T-shirt among these rollers. For those who unpack the suitcase on the spot, the technique is suitable; if you have to live in Spartan conditions, get ready for inconvenience.

If you roll up your clothes, you will pack more things.

Vacuum bags will also come in handy, but they are not as convenient as advertised. Users on the forums, discussing how to pack luggage on an airplane on their own, note the following disadvantages:

  • Vacuum bags after pumping out the air acquire an irregular shape. The resulting bag is not compact.
  • The contents are very wrinkled, and on a trip you don’t always have an iron at hand.
  • If you pack a lot of clothes, the suitcase will become too heavy and the carrier will charge you extra for overweight.

Vacuum bags also have their advantages, as they allow you to grab warm jackets and woolen items. In addition, they will serve as additional protection if the suitcase gets dirty or wet.

How to pack a jacket in a suitcase using a vacuum bag

Packing becomes easier if you use small travel organizer bags. There is no way to save space, so those who want to win a seat will be disappointed. But travelers who are not going to hang wardrobe components in the closet will be delighted. You don't have to search for the right item in a stuffed suitcase: allocate separate organizers for underwear, smart dresses and sports shorts and t-shirts.

If you still have questions about how to pack your luggage on the plane yourself, watch the video:

Additional nuances: pack things properly

Are you traveling by plane? The following tips will help you:

  • Place shoes and bulky items at the bottom of your suitcase. Roll your socks into rollers and put them in your boots.
  • The easiest way to not take too much - buy not too roomy suitcases and bags. And the 5-4-3-2-1 rule will help you sort things: you need 5 sets of underwear, 4 shirts, blouses or T-shirts, 3 pairs of trousers or the same number of skirts, 2 pairs of shoes and 1 hat.
  • Leave at home everything that you have chosen according to the principle “What if you need it”.

Do not take a lot of clothes or care products, otherwise you will have to pay for overweight. Some things can be bought on vacation, so save yourself from having to carry heavy bags first to the car, and then to the airport.

How to transport liquids in the luggage compartment of an aircraft

Packing liquid products in a suitcase that will go to the cargo hold of the aircraft will be easy compared to carrying it in hand luggage. But for women, the task turns into a problem: you need to remember shampoo, conditioner, face and body lotions, cream with UV protection, serums and masks ... Beauties forget that the more liquids they take, the higher the chances that the container will open, and the contents will fill the suitcase.

How to avoid trouble? Leave at home whatever you can buy locally. If you can’t do without a product, choose 2-in-1 options: put shampoo-conditioner in your bag or replace your regular foundation with a BB-protection with UV protection.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, buy a set of special containers for travel. Although beauty products are sold in mini bottles, they do not come with secure lids.

Use containers to pack liquids or gels

Pour some of the funds into containers, and you can do without an overweight: 2 large bottles of shampoo and conditioner can cause unexpected expenses. Also cover the lids with duct tape and reduce the risk.

How to pack hand luggage on an airplane

Collecting hand luggage is more difficult: it is carried into the cabin of the aircraft, so the security services check each bag. There are and, which are determined depending on the airline and ticket fare. Read for details.

How luggage is transported in the cargo hold of an airplane

When you arrive at check-in, you check in your luggage. The airport employee smiles sweetly as he enters data into the computer, and you calmly go to the gate. But once you learn how luggage is loaded onto the plane and watch the video, you will lose optimism! You will change your mind about taking equipment or bottles of liquid that can open from impact.

Look for cheap tickets for any type of transport without leaving your home:

True, luggage is usually handled more carefully. When you check in your suitcases and bags, the lift sends them to the belt. She delivers things to an automatic introscope: the device works on the same principle as the devices at the entrance to the airport. It determines if there are prohibited substances in the suitcase. If suspicion arises, baggage is sent to the next level of screening:

  • a diffractometer determines the physical characteristics of a suspicious object;
  • the tomograph shows how the thing is located in the suitcase.

But usually the scan takes a couple of seconds, and the journey continues along the tape. Fragile items and VIP luggage are transported separately.

Above the tape are scanners that read the code from the tag. The correctness of work is often determined by the shape and material of the bags. In order for the scanner to read the code, stickers are placed on different sides of the luggage, but sometimes the tags come off. They hold especially poorly on soft fabric bags, so they should be wrapped with a film for safety net. The sticker won't come off!

If you decide to save money and do without additional packaging, there is a chance that the scanner does not read the data. Then things are made several circles on the tape, and then sent to manual sorting. This often happens with odd-shaped luggage: it is difficult to read the barcode from round bags.

Did everything go without complications? Suitcases get on a new belt, which transports it to the slide - this is the name of the collection, from where they are delivered to the luggage compartment of the aircraft

The slip must be separate for each flight, but with in large numbers things they put in adjacent compartments. Luggage is loaded onto the aircraft after it is delivered to the liner by special cars.

Why do you need to pack your suitcases?

To prevent the tags from peeling off and the bags from leaving on another flight, provide them with an additional layer of protection. You will also prevent the following troubles:

  • Even if the movers throw the suitcases, they will not get scratches.
  • Additional packaging will reduce the risk of opening. Even the contents of small pockets and compartments will be safe.
  • You will protect your luggage from dampness and dirt.

The benefits of winding are confirmed by the regulars of the forums:

29/07/2017 She-wolf

Once we were flying from Cyprus, and one of the fellow travelers broke a bottle of wine that was in a suitcase ... The bags lying nearby on the transport belt were smeared. But washing wine is not always possible! Since then I have been wrapping luggage.

Packing luggage at the airport

The service can be ordered at the airport, but you will have to pay for it. Usually the amount is 50 rubles, but in some cases the pleasure is worth 10 $! At the main airports of the country, packers work at the following rates:

  • Once in Sheremetyevo or Vnukovo, get ready to give 350-500 rub. for film wrapping 1 suitcase up to 32 kg. If the weight is exceeded, the amount will increase to 700 rub.
  • At Domodedovo, the price of a package is 500 rub. for 1 unit. But Aeroflot offers to pay with bonus miles, so you can save.

To save yourself from unnecessary expenses, think over the nuance in advance: Wrap your luggage with foil yourself or buy protective covers.

How to pack your suitcases in protective film

It will be possible to save yourself from overpayments if you pack things yourself. You will need cling film, tape and scissors. Follow the procedure:

  • with one hand, press the film against the bag and make 1 turn;
  • remove your hand and continue wrapping (the film will stick by itself).

Before you make the last turns, put an A4 sheet under the film. On it, write your full name, contact phone number, email address, flight number, point of departure and destination. The measure reduces the risk of loss, and the film protects against damage. No matter how the loaders throw things, the lid of the suitcase will not open from blows! According to passenger reviews, the film is a must if you are flying in Qatar Economy Class.

Do not wrap the wheels and handle of the luggage, otherwise it will be inconvenient to transport.

Sometimes passengers wonder what will happen to the film if employees notice suspicious objects when scanning the luggage. In this case, it is cut open and security personnel conduct a manual search.

Before wrapping luggage with foil, do not forget to weigh it! One of the visitors of the tourist forum tells about her experience:

A couple of years ago, we decided to save money and wrapped things in film in a hotel. Alas, we did not weigh them: the mass never exceeded 25 kg. But we were not lucky: at the airport it turned out that we took 36 kg, and the norm in Cyprus, from where we flew, was 32 kg. Even to pay extra for the advantage was not allowed! I had to cut the packaging and hastily put things in my hand luggage. It’s good that we didn’t have to pay for the wrapping: a kind passenger standing in line donated a roll of film.

Using covers and straps for luggage

You don't want things to get damaged when loaded into the luggage compartment, but the prospect of constant spending on film doesn't appeal? Buy a suitcase cover: you will save in the long run. And to prevent the theft of your belongings, you can use special belts with a clasp. The option has a drawback, like suitcases with locks: if the airport staff suspects that you are transporting prohibited substances on the plane, they will break the lid.

If you are thinking about how to properly pack a suitcase for a plane, the photo of the covers will convince you: it is really possible to combine practicality with aesthetics.

Express Method: Pack Your Luggage By Yourself

To save yourself the hassle you can put your luggage in a bulky trash bag. True, it does not protect well from mechanical damage. If you buy a plastic suitcase and are too lazy to wrap it in plastic, there is a chance that you will end up with a luggage with a scratched cover.

When preparing for an airplane trip, consider the following nuances:

  • Don't forget to remove old luggage tags. When the suitcases are on the conveyor belt, their path will be determined by the results of barcode scanning. If your luggage is full of old stickers, there is a risk that the scanner will read them. In this case, the probability of loss will increase.
  • Small bags, especially those of a non-standard shape, are lost more often. To avoid unpleasant surprises, take a large suitcase, and fill the remaining space with empty plastic bottles.
  • Don't be lazy to take a photo of your luggage! It’s good if there is an unusual detail or a bright sticker on the lid. This will help to identify your suitcase in case of misunderstandings, and besides, you yourself will see it faster on the transport belt.

Although the risk of losing luggage remains, it is up to you to reduce it. Do not neglect simple measures, and you will not have to spend money on new clothes unplanned.

Is it possible to 100% protect luggage from hacking or theft

The problem with theft during the transportation of luggage is acute even in the USA, with their increased control over employees. Statistics show that New York Airport has 200 hand-checked thefts daily. The problem is also common in other countries: in the video you will see how the loader at the airport is engaged in theft during loading. Thanks to this recording, the police soon arrested him.

There are no data for the Russian Federation, but they are unlikely to differ for the better. What can be done to reduce the risks?

  • make a list items to be packed. Take a picture of each: this will increase the chances of proving the theft.
  • Keep your eyes on the bags while you can still see them. Statistics show that theft occurs even before the luggage gets on the transporter.
  • Buy flashy cases or splurge on bright colored suitcases. As a result, the thief will not be able to discreetly take them from the conveyor belt.
  • After arriving at your destination Go get your luggage right away. If you are in the hall when the suitcases appear on the belt, the risk of them being carried away by an intruder will decrease.

Even if you packed your suitcase in foil and took all the photos, do not put valuables in it. A noticeable difference in weight becomes evidence of theft, but the compensation will be insignificant. Transport expensive equipment, documents, jewelry in hand luggage.


When planning your trip, consider how to pack your suitcase. To get started, check with the carrier for weight limits, as company rates may vary. Then carefully select your belongings so as not to take too much, take care of the protective film and equip your luggage with additional insignia. If you think over the details, then you can easily pick up the suitcase from the conveyor belt at the point of arrival.

Packing luggage for an airplane is one of the most important procedures that are performed while traveling. This seemingly simple task is quite difficult to handle on your own, and therefore many tourists use paid services packing of suitcases provided at almost every airport. With properly collected and packed luggage, the procedure for inspecting things is noticeably simplified.(as well as transportation), moreover, this measure protects against theft - it is easier to open an unprotected bag to get valuable things out of there. How to pack luggage on the plane yourself? Today you will learn about it!

On a note! Packing rules may vary slightly depending on the specific airport. For example, solid reliable suitcases with a combination lock do not need to be wrapped, since they are almost impossible to break or damage. As for soft bags, they must be packed, but open bags are generally not accepted as baggage.

What is the purpose of baggage wrapping?

Your luggage will only be admitted to check-in if it is securely wrapped and there is no doubt that it could be damaged during loading/transport. It is recommended to pack even luggage with a solid frame that fully meets all requirements, and there are several reasons for this.

Note! Try not to fill your bag with things to the eyeballs! Loaders are not very careful with luggage - with a strong blow or pressure, the clasp may not withstand, as a result of which all the contents will be on the floor.

How much will the packaging cost?

This question is of interest to those who do not have the desire or time to engage in self-packaging. Each airport has special packing machines, which are usually located at the entrance or check-in counters. There are also control scales with which you can check. Sometimes the weighing service is provided free of charge, but often you still have to pay for it (about 50 rubles), but automatic scales work for about half a minute, so you can find out the weight of three or four bags at a time.

On a note! In addition, bags can be weighed at the registration desks, which are free from employees.

You can pack your luggage with your own hands or with the help of local employees - they will give all the necessary recommendations. Packaging racks have wrapping instructions, as well as all required materials.

What is the specific cost of packing luggage in the capital?

  1. Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo. Here, for one bag weighing less than 32 kg, you will have to pay about 350-500 rubles, and if over 32 kg - about 700.
  2. Domodedovo. In this case, it all depends on the particular airline. For example, Aeroflot customers can pay with bonus miles (2,200 units) if they apply to PACK&FLY. Customers of other airlines need to pay 500-600 rubles for one bag, while the packaging process itself will take no more than 2 minutes.

In Domodedovo, packing racks are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to PACK&FLY, other companies provide such services - VEKS UPAK, Truestar. But the first one is still more popular, because it provides various discounts, packs the luggage of WWII veterans for free, sells special protection against hacking, and gives many other nice bonuses.

Self-packing luggage - important nuances

If you want to save money, you can try to do everything yourself. To do this, you will have to buy all the required materials and follow some simple rules. Bags can be wrapped with adhesive tape and cling film (it is sold in all household chemical stores).

But before that, you need to put things right. How to do it?

Master Class. Travel packing

If you pack things correctly, then the bags will not be packed to the stop, and fragile things will not be damaged. To do this, just follow the instructions.

Step 1. See how long the flight will take. The list of things that you take with you will depend on the goal, and their number will depend on the duration.

Step 2 Take the essentials - clothes, shoes, underwear. Give preference to interchangeable things to reduce their number. For example, you can wear a smart or casual blouse with jeans, while matching the top with a hot pink skirt will be fraught with certain difficulties. Pick up accessories to spice up your outfit - a scarf will be a great decoration, but it will take up little space.

Step 3 Check the docs. You will need a passport to board the plane. Also take a bank card, but you don’t need to take “everything in a row”!

Step 4 Flight information should be in an easily accessible pocket of your bag/suitcase. Such a measure will be especially useful if it takes place at the self-service counter (they acquire in last years increasing popularity).

Step 5 It is not recommended to take a lot of shoes. Enough and two pairs, and regardless of how long the trip will last. The shoes themselves are heavy and take up a lot of space, so take one pair for every day and one for going out. You can save even more space by wearing one of these pairs at the airport.

Step 6 Should I bring my own toiletries? Deodorants and toothpastes are sold everywhere.

Step 7 Take the bare minimum.

Step 8 Don't forget to bring a first aid kit with painkillers and essential medicines.

Important! The main rule is to take a thing if you use it more than three times. In addition, it is better to take all valuables in hand luggage (the fact is that luggage can get lost).

Now that all things are collected, we can talk directly about packaging. There are several ways, consider each of them in more detail.

Types of films for packing luggage:

Film typeA photoDescription
Luggage stretch filmProtection for luggage and prevent scratches and dirt.
Film characteristics: width: 250 m, length: 30 m, thickness: 20 µm
Film for self-wrapping luggageThe versatility of this film lies in packing things in everyday life (including books, skirting boards, curtains, linoleum during transportation, wheels, etc.). Choice of color
Stretch filmThis is an excellent film made from low density polyethylene. It wraps various items during transportation and long-term storage. This material stretches to 330% of its original size.
cling filmFood film is indispensable for packaging and storage of any products. At the same time, it retains freshness, aroma and vitamins. Protects products from drying out and moisture loss

Beautiful and bright stretch covers can be of different sizes, have various interesting patterns. Very convenient way, at least when compared with the one described below (you don’t have to mess around with cling film every time). In addition, such covers look much more attractive.

cling film

Table. Baggage Packing Instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Press the free edge of the film and start applying the first layer.

With effort, make a full turn with the other hand - so the film will adhere tightly to the walls of the suitcase or bag.

When wrapping, make sure that wrinkles do not form.

In this position, there should be a roll with cling film. Make at least five to ten wraps along the entire length of the bag / suitcase.

Feel free to wrap everything. For better protection, it is recommended to wrap not only the body, but also the legs and the handle.

Cut a hole for the handle to use it freely.

Also free the wheels from the cling film. It is recommended to reinforce the cuts made with adhesive tape to prevent damage to the film during transport or at the airport.

All. Parts that are necessary for normal operation are exempt.

In the end, check the wheels and handles for operability.

Note! Baggage wrapped in cling film, outwardly differs from the rest in transparency. The fact is that the polyethylene used at airports is denser, and therefore not transparent. However, you can place a piece of paper with contact details under the top layer of packing material to mark your suitcase. It will also help, if the luggage is lost, to find it.

Video - How luggage is packed at the airport

Special belts

Let's get acquainted with another device - special straps for suitcases. But, as it seems to us, they are suitable only for protection against accidental opening of the suitcase during transportation. Belts certainly will not protect against breaking and pollution.

Another plus of the belts is that if they are cut off in order to get into the suitcase, you will know about it as soon as you receive the luggage at the airport. And this is very important.

What to do if the suitcase is damaged?

Damaged baggage - what to do

If you notice obvious signs of tampering on your luggage, or if your bag was damaged during transportation due to the fault of airport employees, you may well demand compensation. To do this, follow the following algorithm.

  1. Immediately after detection, it is required to fix the fact of opening the luggage.
  2. Next, you need to provide data on baggage (these can be special tags, boarding passes And so on).
  3. The next step is to search for a representative office (it must be at the airport) or employees of the airline that made the flight.
  4. After that, a claim form is filled out, detailed personal data and the required amount of payment are indicated.
  5. After the stamps are delivered, copies of all papers left with airline workers should be made.

Now all that remains is to wait for the representatives of the carrier company to call you back. As for the amount of compensation, it is usually about 10 US dollars per 1 kg of baggage.

As a result, we note that exactly where you will pack your bags - at the airport or at home - depends on your financial condition and skills. If you know for sure that you can wrap your suitcase properly, you can save a little on this. However, airport packers using special machines can ensure the safety and effective protection of baggage, so this option is more reliable. Even more costly.

Video - Baggage Wrapping Equipment

For all travelers who plan to take an air flight, the question arises, what things and how much to take with you. Here, of course, it all depends on whether your luggage is paid for or only hand luggage is provided for in the ticket.

Usually the specific parameters are − allowable dimensions and weight of cargo per passenger- are indicated on the company's website and are negotiated when buying a ticket according to the selected fare. It is these parameters that you need to focus on when choosing a suitcase or bag for a trip.

For more information on the rules for carrying checked baggage on an airplane, see. You can read about the requirements for baggage by air carriers.

You can find out about the features of carrying hand luggage by clicking on. And you can get acquainted with the requirements for it.

To avoid unpleasant situations related to the check-in of your baggage / carry-on baggage, you must adhere to the established rules and carefully consider in advance what exactly you may need on your trip.

After you have decided on a travel bag or suitcase, it is worth compiling list of things that you plan to take. This will help not to forget anything and weigh all the pros and cons of a particular thing.

When making a list, you should be guided by the purpose of the trip, the climate, weather and culture of the country you are going to.

Best to take with you universal, combined with each other things, preferably from wrinkle-resistant fabrics. Even better, if these things are not heavy, easy to wash and dry quickly.

In order not to take heavy packages with your beloved on the plane cosmetics, you can pour it into small jars in an amount sufficient for the duration of the trip. It should also be taken into account that hotels and owners of rented apartments usually provide guests with toiletries - shampoo, shower gel, soap, etc. In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase local cosmetics.

  • choose a bag or suitcase that will be most convenient for a particular trip. The presence in the travel bag of various compartments, pockets and partitions will help to make more efficient use of all available space.
  • define a place for each thing. This will allow you to find what you need at any time;

  • heavy and bulky items should be packed at the bottom of the bag or on the side. At the same time, shoes can be used as storage for small items: socks, tights, scarves, belts, etc.;
  • roll your clothes. So you put more things, and they will not wrinkle;
  • place light items on top: T-shirts, T-shirts, skirts, etc.;
  • additionally compress things will help their packaging in a vacuum bag;
  • additionally put cosmetics and other liquids in a cosmetic bag or a plastic bag that can be securely closed. In the event of a leak, this will prevent liquid from getting on other things.
  • at the very top, put items and essentials that you may need immediately upon arrival;
  • glass bottles, as well as everything that can break when loading and unloading luggage, must be placed among soft things;
  • it is necessary to pack hand luggage on the plane in such a way that you can quickly get a bag of liquids and electronic gadgets from the bag at the security control point. It is better to present them immediately, without causing additional questions from the service staff and without delaying the queue.


If you are going on a business trip, then a suit or jacket does not have to be put in a suitcase. You can put them in a special case and take them on board as hand luggage.

All things of value, including documents, money, bank cards, electronic devices and charging for them, it is better not to check in your luggage, but keep it with you, in your hand luggage.

If possible, think in advance where you will put the gifts and souvenirs that you will purchase on your trip.

Film for wrapping luggage: is it necessary to wrap bags and suitcases?

Usually, air carriers do not impose requirements for mandatory packaging of baggage in a protective film. However, this precaution additional benefits for the passengers themselves:

  • reliable packaging will prevent external damage to the suitcase and protect it from contamination;
  • access to zippers and bag pockets will become more difficult. This can protect them from accidental disclosure and loss of things. In addition, it is much more difficult to steal something from such a bag or toss it into it.

It is recommended to place under the top layer of the film information about the baggage owner. If luggage is lost, this can speed up the process of identifying the suitcase and allow you to quickly contact its owner. Write your full name and all contact details, as well as specify the flight number and route in several languages.

You can pack a suitcase or bag in a protective film both at the airport for a fee, and at home.

If for some reason you do not want to mess with the film, you can purchase a special reusable cover. The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need for suitcases that differ in size to have a separate cover.

How to pack a suitcase in foil at home?

To wrap the bag in film at home, you do not need significant financial costs. All you need is a little time, accuracy, tape and the actual wrapping film. The latter can be bought at a building materials store or you can use ordinary cling film, 20 meters of which costs about 20 rubles.

It is necessary to wrap a suitcase in a film “in tension”, if possible avoiding twisting, sticking of the film in one layer and the formation of wrinkles.

Action algorithm very simple:

  • wrap the walls of the suitcase from top to bottom, each previous layer partially overlapping the next;
  • twist the film 90 degrees and similarly wrap the top of the suitcase and its bottom along with handles and wheels;
  • the joints of the layers can be additionally secured with adhesive tape;
  • Carefully cut out places from the film for the handles and wheels of the suitcase.

A video on how to pack a suitcase into an airplane with a film at home can be viewed below.

Packing a suitcase in a luggage film at the airport

You can wrap your luggage with a protective film directly at the airport. For this, there are special packaging machines. Usually, a special worker is assigned to this device, who will properly pack your luggage. If airport rules allow, you can use the car yourself.