How to spend summer holidays with maximum benefit (tips for teenagers). As a teenager fun to spend summer holidays How to spend the last days of summer fun

The summer period lasts long. Three solar months are held very quickly, and everyone wants to have time to relax and have fun during this time. Many still at the beginning of spring begin to think how fun to spend the summer, and absolutely not in vain.

The most popular way is to go to the sea. What could be better soft sandy beach, hot sun and warm sea? Such a landscape in itself is already relaxing and raises the mood. Well planned rest can not be boring. To do this, we will have to take care of everything in advance.

How to spend the summer at sea? Already at the end of winter, you should think about choosing a resort. Everything basically depends on your financial opportunities and family composition. Many prefer to relax together in friends. If you have a child, then be sure to take a couple with children. The kids will entertain each other, and you can relax a little. Young parents often can't imagine having fun with children. It may seem that the baby simply will not give it to do. But you will see how even the most frisky child will change, seeing the sea and the infinite amount of sand. On the beaches there will always be a thousand lessons for crumbs.

Bed with buckets and blades - so he can build locks and look for treasures. Take the ball with you. Active games will be useful not only to children, but also adults. Try not to give up excursions and marine walks. It is not only informative, but interesting. Many resort cities have water parks and dolphinariums. There your children are not exactly bored.

If you go to the sea, you can not, and the thoughts on how fun to spend the summer, do not retreat, go beyond the city. To date, a huge number of recreation databases are organized, where you can go both together and a large company. You can order a house and conveniently stay there with friends. Usually such buildings are isolated from each other. Therefore, other vacationers will not disturb you. Be sure to discuss the menu and make a list of purchases. It can be divided into all. Thus, everyone will be involved. Think how fun to spend summer with friends. Come up with a variety of contests and joint games. Consider the preferences of each participant. If you are traveling with children, then consider the entertainment program and for them. Otherwise, it will become boring, and you will have to urgently do something.

Resting from the water, remember the safety. If children are bathed, then next to them must be an adult who knows how to swim. If you eat alcohol, then swimming is better to cancel.

If life circumstances develop not in your favor and for some reason you are forced to spend summer days at home, then do not rush to get upset. How to spend the summer in the city? First of all, make a list of all interesting places that are nearby. It can be theater, cinema, zoo, water park and so on. Surely you have not been there for a long time. Carefully learn the program of events. Typically, in the summer, there are a lot of them. If during the year you did not have the opportunity to go somewhere, now it's time.

To DO-sheet for everyone who is in love with the summer. I want to miss anything, remember everything, to relive as much emotions as possible, so that it was about what to remember with the onset of the first cold. Earlier, I already wrote a list of C, but this year I decided to give myself will.

What to do this summer?

1. Make a list / mudboard of the coolest affairs for the next 90 days.

2. lie down in the hammock.

3. Sit up to dark on the terrace bar with a glass and cool friends.

4. Buy a bright summer dress (shorts, sandals, espadrilles, swimsuit). Inspire in the summer through a small shopping.

5. Go on a journey: for the city or to Paris is not so important.

6. Go to the jog early in the morning.

7. Try a detox.

8. Visit the music festival.

9. Remove the video about your summer or take pictures with summer hash, and can shoot on the film and print frames in September.

10. To please the skin with a minimum cosmetics.

11. Prepare a new salad.

12. Sit on the balcony with a book, food or company.

13. Take the night of Night.

14. Ride a bike.

15. Eat for lunch plate of fresh berries instead of the usual lunch.

16. Arrange a dinner with friends, a picnic or a small party.

17. Turn into Princess Bocho: Sarafan, disheveled braids, temporary tattoos, spray with sea salt for hair effect after the beach.

18. Go through an empty and romantic night city.

19. Start the day from the Sun Welcome Complex.

20. Read one easy book for mood and one useful, from which you can take a couple of interesting thoughts and practical ideas.

21. Sleeping with an open window.

22. Go looking for a better lemonade in the city.

23. Go to the movies with friends.

24. Eat as many watermelons as it gets.

25. Change the perfume on light toilet water.

26. Go to the field or forest.

27. Make yourself a photo session.

28. To spend the day of Noschena.

87. spend the day alone.

88. Start teaching something new, such as language.

89. Deally make a raspberry, rosehip or even cucumbers with beds and apples from country trees.

90. Go outside with wet hair.

91. Change the hairstyle.

92. Make yourself a translated tattoo (or present, if you have been going for a long time).

93. Fall in love until dizziness.

94. Enjoy the smell of flowering.

95. Drink coffee with ice.

96. Buy the same seal with a waffle cup of childhood.

97. Record the main moments of your summer. There may be a whole story from this.

98. Conduct time with your family.

99. Test for yourself sunglasses in a new rim.

100. August 31 say to himself that it was the best summer in your life. And start expecting the next.

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Kiss your summer dasha

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, when the whole world is filled with life, drive, universal joy and happiness! After all, only in hot summer days it is possible to lie on the beach in the company of friends, swim in the sea and finally enjoy the strawberry from the country's garden!

In the summer, we have many opportunities for an excellent pastime and that this wonderful time has not passed by, we suggest you to take up 25 excellent advice, which will help spend the summer unforgettable, leaving behind a lot of pleasant memories!

Ride cycling

Spice the pedals, substitute the face to the oncoming warm wind, laugh without reason and feel delighted with harmony with the world.

Make a picnic on the grass

Favorite plaid, comfortable pillows under the back, real, and not plastic dishes, beautiful napkins and a whole basket of delicious home food. This day is your family and friends will be remembered for a long time.

Make a wreath of wildflowers

Remember how in my childhood with girlfriends went to the field, the flowers dreamed, and then, quietly talking about or something singing, washed the wreaths? This summer will certainly need to repeat. Do not forget later in all this beauty take a picture!

Lie in a hammock with a book

In the shade of a fruit garden, shelly swaying, lazily shouting from the annoying buzz. Flipping your favorite novel, think about your own and briefly.

Cray tea from samovar with fresh mint

Instrupture with rams, fresh jam and buckwheat honey. You can drink from the cup, but it is better from a dish or even a saucer.

Dial mushroom basket and cook mushroom soup

How well: After breakfast, go to the nearest of the cottage of the prolescia, to break through the solar omission, inhaling with nothing with anything that is not comparable, grass and needles, collect Mushrooms, and returning them, quickly clean them and cook the fragrant soup.

Make with children Herbarium

Plants for herbarium (leaflets, flowers, twigs) it is better to collect in sunny dry weather so that they are absolutely dry - without dew and traces of water.

Barefoot run

At the cottage, each of us are business and concerns from the morning. But if you wake up early when the sun is just starting to harvest, and go through barefoot on a slightly wet, still cool grass, it will fill you with energy and joy for the whole day.

Collect beads from forest strawberries

First, gently - the berry to the berry - we ride on the edge, and then once the whole "thread of beads" eat. Magic taste!

Make a Mask of Fresh Strawberries

While in the yard, summer, use natural products that have grown on your beds as cosmetics. Scroll into the puree several ripe strawberries of medium size and impose a mask on the face. Moisturizing and feeding the skin.

Play badminton

I would seem to catch and discard the Volanchik, but there is something fascinating and joyful in this game in this game. Definitely there!

Go to hike

It is better, of course, not in a one-day, but with overnight: break the tent, in the evening I regret the fire, look at the stars, sing songs under the guitar, and in the morning I wash with ice water from the stream and drink hot tea from the hiking mug.

Bake potatoes on the fire

Do everything according to the rules: Firewood - bonfire - coals - potatoes. Tomitative expectation and anticipation. And here she, hot, throw off the palm on the palm, get a finger in the ash, cheeks and nose, are in a hurry, you can't do anything, but you can't exercise anything, there is no strength. A piece of oil, a pinch of salt - Mmm, as delicious!


It happens, you go somewhere outside the city by car, the fields, forests, villages floate outside the window. And suddenly they are wheat-yellow haystacks. Stop! Feel what kind of elastic and slightly spiny.

Run with the kite's kite

It is possible to make it possible to make a simple snake from the remedies, and you can buy a colorful and large in the store. In any case, delight and good mood of the whole family is provided.

Ride on the ferris wheel

To first get frightened, and then laugh from relief. And to see the city from a bird's-eye view and surprise how some districts and quarters have changed.

Go to St. Petersburg during the White Nights

Since it is possible to observe this phenomenon only in the summer, then the journey is planning strictly from June to mid-July.

Jump from Tarzanka

Let it be low as if swing. But the sense of flight itself, believe me, will be powerful and unforgettable!

Swim in the river naked

It is possible in the morning when water is warmer than air and floats the light fog. Or the day when the sun mercilessly blends and the body asks the saving coolness. Or in the evening - water will take all fatigue.

See dawn

At least once for the summer, use the sunrise - wake up the alarm clinic (about 4-5 o'clock in the morning). You will not regret!

Go with her husband on fishing

On the one hand, fishing is a soothing occupation, on the other - as it starts to peck, very gone. And cool to cook from just caught fish! But the main thing - the overall hobby makes marriage stronger.

Jokingly lean water from leeks or garden hoses

It is always fun and remembered. It turns out at hand to the camera - make a group photo "We: Wet and happy."

Lay a castle from sand

If family vacation is scheduled for water, plan and "construction". Yes, you have to tinker, but because the result is worth it, right?!

Swift fragrant jam on grandmother's recipe

Berry or fruit, five-minute or jam - to solve you. And be sure to eat impossible gentle and delicious foam from the jam!

Take a walk with your beloved in the park

Rent a boat, wander around the alleys, will definitely stop at the old-fashioned dance flooring and see how the couples walps, and maybe you will decide to dance.

02. Make something that dreamed of for a long time.

03. Cook with someone together the pizza.

04. Go to the sea.

05. Write something nice to man.

06. Walk barefoot in the rain.

07. Breakfast in McDonalds.

08. To admit to love in the eyes.

09. Conversation for souls overnight.

10. Eat the ice cream kilogram per day.

11. Meet the dawn on the embankment.

12. Collect and read all the books of your favorite author.

13. For a day, abandon all means of communication.

14. From running out to run into the water.

15. To fall asleep under your favorite music.

16. Look at the sunset on the roof.

17. Talk on the phone with a completely unfamiliar person.

18. See 20 films.

19. Swim in clothes.

20. Cooking coffee dear person.

21. Nothing every day.

22. Resting all day.

23. Swim under the shower.

24. Play a bottle.

25. Sleep more than 12 hours.

26. Fix sweet wool.

27. Ride the ferris wheel.

28. Fry marshmallow at the fire.

29. See the rainbow.

30. Space the butterfly.

31. Save all SMS from one person.

32. To get acquainted with new people.

33. Go to the movie theater on the horror movie.

34. See the falling star.

35. Collect a bouquet of wildflowers.

36. Dinner with candles.

37. Listen to the singing of birds at 5 am.

38. Talk all night by phone.

39. Buy many balls with helium and release them.

40. Make a boat and let go to long sailing.

41. Eat an exotic fruit.

42. Make your most morning photo.

43. To speak with a person with whom he was not solved to speak very long time.

44. View your favorite movie.

45. Make a photo from a bird's eye view.

46. \u200b\u200bTalk to a person in a foreign language.

47. Fold 50 paper cranes.

48. Go to another city, go to the cinema and return.

49. Throw a pleasant message in the mailbox of a loved one.

50. Feed birds.

51. Listen for all the day all the albums of some artist.

Summer is an exciting season! It can be done that the soul is pleased, not experiencing about the tests, homework or estimates. To spend a good summer, dedicate time to interesting occupations on the street, develop useful skills, and also communicate with friends or relatives.


Spend outdoor time

    Floating to cool in sultry weather. If you live in the area where summer is a hot season, swimming is a great occupation that will help you cool in hot weather. Go to the lake, the river, to visit to a friend who has a swimming pool, or to the city pool to swim a little and play the Marko Polo's fun game.

    • If you do not know how to swim, summer is a great time of year when you can learn how to do it. Find out whether in your city courses for teaching this valuable skill.
  1. Play sports games with your friends. Since most of your friends also have a vacation and a lot of free time, offer them to play basketball, football or hockey on the grass. Participation in the team game is a great way to find new friends and perform exercise during the day.

    • Take care that you have the necessary gear for the game. Also, do not forget about the security during the game. If someone from the players receive injury, immediately stop the game and ask parents to help you.
  2. Ride a bike or go for a walk with a friend in the evening day. In the summer in the summer, usually cooler than the day, therefore it is the perfect time for walking on the street. Ride on a bike or stroll through the park to chat with friends and enjoy a pleasant walk in the fresh air in good weather.

    • Take care that you have the necessary gear, including a helmet and knee pads. Thanks to this, you can safely ride a bike.
  3. Organize a picnic in the park. Take your favorite food and drinks, as well as bedspread and go with friends to Park on a picnic. You can enjoy your fresh air and pleasant food. Make sure that the ants do not get into food and on the bedspread.

    • Follow the rules set in the park. Remove the garbage after yourself. Collecting on a picnic, take a package with you, in which you can fold the dirty paper plates, glasses and napkins to throw them out at home or in the park in the intended place.
  4. Go hiking or walk to a picturesque place. Load online cards of tourist routes and go to explore them. Select suitable shoes for a trip, such as boots or sneakers. If you do not have the necessary experience, hike accompanied by a knowledgeable person can be easier and fast.

    Learn something new

    1. Sign up into the club in which you can purchase artistic, musical or language skills. Find out if there are clubs that offer summer classes in your area. If you always wanted to learn to play piano, draw or speak Spanish, now it's time to do it.

      • For example, visit the music store if you want to play the guitar. You may advise you a teacher who will teach you a guitar game.
      • If you want to learn a foreign language, find out where classes are held in your area.
    2. Read the new book, magazine or comic. During the school year, you can have very little time to read your favorite literature. Choose an interesting topic for you and read the relevant information. Even if you read only one book for the summer, your mind will be more prepared by the beginning of the school year.

      • In some bookstores, there are departments with literature for reading in the summer. Such an opportunity is provided only for young people. You can also use this service when you see the name of your favorite book!
    3. Create a summer playlist. If you have time, use applications such as Apple Music or Google Play to create a summer playlist that you can listen to free time. Make a selection of songs of different music styles that make you think about summer.

      • For example, you can download new releases of your favorite summer songs or popular songs in the early summer.
      • If you are going to travel, create a playlist from songs about traveling or visiting new places.
    4. Visit a museum. Museums are a good way to spend time in a cool place and learn something new. In many local museums for students and students there are summer discounts. In some museums in the summer, the entrance to the museum for children and adolescents is completely free. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity!

      • If you like art, visit the gallery or art museum.
      • Many cities have museums of the city history, where you can learn about the history of your city. You can even touch the artifacts or talk to someone who witnessed the historical event.
    5. Cut on part-time work. Work will help you acquire valuable experience and will make it earn some money. Working part-time during the summer, you are interested in spending time. In addition, you will benefit. The schedule will allow you not only to devote all your time work, but you will also have enough time to communicate with friends and relatives.

      • Send a resume in Shops and Restaurants, which are located near your home. If you have experience, you can also try yourself as a nanny or gardener. In addition, you can walk dogs. Contact people who need your services.

    Spend time with friends and relatives

    1. Go on vacation. For many families, summer is the ability to go on a trip. It can be trips, both close and far distance. Take the necessary things and learn information about the destination before going to the path. You must have at take some interesting places that would cost to visit.

      • If your family is not going on vacation, do not worry. You can convince close to visit places in your city or in nearby cities. Get acquainted with attractions and interesting places in your city.
    2. Prepare food for your family. In the summer you will have a lot of free time. Since your parents, most likely, spend time at work, help them, for example, by cooking lunch. If you have never prepared before, ask your parents to teach you to prepare their favorite dish. By the end of summer, you may be able to prepare a few dishes yourself and cover on the table.

      • You can learn how to cook simple but delicious dishes - spaghetti and cutlets. If you have never done this before, ask you to teach you! Take notes. Prepare delicious meals in the summer to please your loved ones.
    3. Rest with friends. Look together the film or play games. Sometimes it may seem that you have nothing more to do on the street. This means it's time to go home. Select an interesting movie and prepare popcorn or play "Monopoly" or Maps. Rest at home will help you to restore the strength after a long stay on the street.

    4. Plan interesting events with relatives. Perhaps your parents will have to work in the summer, but you can have fun together in the evenings or on weekends. Allow close people to choose something interesting, then what they love to do. Ask them to teach you to this.

      • Surge the summer time with parents. This is a good opportunity to catch up the missed. You can tell them about what is happening in your life. Most likely, after a long week they are looking forward to talking to you!
      • If you have brothers and sisters, spend time together. Allocate one day a month when you spend time along with your brother or sister, for example, doing what you like both.
      • Maintain relationships with other relatives during the summer. Call your grandparents regularly, write messages to your cousins \u200b\u200band sisters and communicate in social networks with Uncle and Aunt. Never know who and when will ask you to do something important!
    • Do not make yourself do anything every day. Select time to relax, be alone and just relax when you need it.


    • In a strong heat, try to be in the shade. Prefer the placement in the room until the evening becomes more cool.
    • Do not forget about the sunscreen if you are going to go out.
    • Be sure to drink more fluid. In the summer, the body often suffers due to dehydration as a result of increased sweating.