New rules for carrying out hand baggage in the aircraft: what can be taken, and what is impossible. Basic Rules Luggage Luggage Airplane Taken by a Passenger Passenger in Aircraft Salon

Standard Terms of Definition of Free Luggage Luggage Conditions on Red Wings

Brand group





Maximum weight
every place - 23 kg

Dimensions in sum
3 dimensions - 158 cm

Maximum weight
Places - 23 kg

Dimensions in sum
3 dimensions - 158 cm

Manual jack

weight weight 10 kg

Dimensions 55 * 40 * 20cm

weight weight 5 kg

Dimensions 55 * 40 * 20cm

weight weight 5 kg

Dimensions 40 * 30 * 20cm

These standard standards of free baggage transportation are distributed on adult passengers, children from 2 to 12 years old and children under 2 years old with the provision of space.

For children under the age of 2 years without providing a separate place, the free norm of the registered baggage is 1 place weighing no more than 10 kg and the sum of three dimensions of not more than 115 cm.

In some directions, Red Wings has the right to change the standard standards of free baggage provisions on the Tariffs of the Standard Group and Basic Tariffs towards increasing or decreasing.

The passenger at registration is obliged to show for weighing the things transported to them, with the exception of items that they may need during landing, disembarking and flying.


On flights where Red Wings is a marketing partner, the rules for the carriage of the side of the operator applies.

When registering and / or design luggage, the passenger is obliged to show all the luggage for weighing, intended for transportation as a registered baggage.

When registering and / or entering the landing, the passenger at the request of the carrier is obliged to show manual stall for weighing, as well as a backpack, a children's cradle, a baby carriage when transporting a child.

The procedure for applying luggage tariffs

If the luggage in the number of places, the dimensions or the sum of three dimensions exceeds the standard of free baggage, it is necessary to pay for baggage over the luggage rates:

Cost, ruble

Exceeding the number of seats

Each additional place in excess of the installed standard of free baggage (up to 23 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) when paying in the agencies

morethan 24 hours before flight departure

Each additional place in excess of the installed standard of luggage free transport (up to 23 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) when paying on the company's website lessthan 24 hours before flight departure

Each extra bed above the installed standard of free baggage (up to 10 kg and dimensions up to 158 cm) payment on the site no later than 24 hours before departure

Extra Place

Additional place hand clashes weighing up to 5 kg, 55 * 40 * 20

Additional luggage place, subject to payment on the gate at the airport

* Maximum dimensions exceeding 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions require prior approval from the airline.

Group baggage

At the request of the passengers following together with one goal, confirmed documented (numbers of route receipts follow one after another or tickets acquired in one agency in one day), in the same airport (point) of the destination or airport (item) stop And the same flight (family members, faces, together traveling or following on a business trip), and at the conclusion of passenger air transport contracts with such passengers providing for the standard of free baggage transport, Red Wings applies to these passengers the combined standard of luggage free.

In the case of concluding with passengers following together with one purpose of the trip to the same airport (point) of the destination or the airport (item) of the stop by the same flight (family members, faces, together traveling or following on a business trip), passenger air transport agreements not providing for the standard of free baggage transportation, and subject to payment by such luggage passengers on the baggage tariff installed by the carrier, the carrier is obliged at the request of passengers to combine the weight of the baggage provided for by the luggage rate. The weight of one place of the united baggage should not exceed thirty kilograms and is accepted for transportation without charging additional fees.

If the weight of one place of the combined baggage exceeds 30 kilograms or dimensions of 158 cm, the payment of such baggage is carried out in accordance with the carrier rules.

Transportation of special categories of baggage

Name of the special category of baggage

Conditions of transportation

Skiing in case, snowboards, sticks, shoes, helmets, glasses, special clothes in the calculation 1 place of equipment weighing no more than 23 kilograms per passenger (the norm in the size of three dimensions is ignored).

Transport free and are not included in the free standby

Other sports equipment (bike, golf equipment, hockey equipment and other sports equipment).

It is regarded as one place and enters the free rate of baggage.

Fishing rods, spinning, etc., calculated one set by weight of no more than 15 kilograms per passenger (the norm in the size of three dimensions is ignored).

Transportation of free and is not included in the free rate of baggage.

Animal in the cabin

Not included in the free rate of baggage. Payment will be calculated at the rate of additional space above the installed standard of free baggage, regardless of the total number of places

In some cases, in the form of an exception, with the prior consent of the Red Wings to the carriage, things of greater mass and dimensions can be taken as baggage. At the same time, the main characteristics of the aircraft are taken into account: type, commercial loading, volume of cargo compartments, sizes of loading hatches, doors.

The passenger is not recommended to invest fragile and perishable items, monetary signs, jewelry, precious metals, securities and other values, business documents, keys and other similar items.

Examples of the installed standard of luggage, baby strollers weighing up to 12 kg are accepted. per child. At the request of the passenger, the children's stroller can be accepted under the ladder when boarding passengers on board Sun and issued under the ladder when disembarking passengers from the side of the aircraft.

In accordance with paragraph 135 of the FAP-82, the transportation in the cabin is allowed:

  • backpack or ladies bag, or briefcase with nested in a backpack, or bag, or portfolio things, dimensions 40x30x20cm, maximum weight 3kg;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child for the flight;
  • costume in Portpele;
  • a device for transferring a child (children's cradle, holding systems (devices) for children up to two years;
  • medicinal preparations, special dietary needs in the quantity required for the flight time;
  • crutches, canes;
  • goods purchased in duty-free shops at the airport, packed in a sealed (seated) plastic bag, no more than 40x30x20cm, maximum weight 2 kg.

* These things are not presented for weighing, not subject to design, are not marked with tags and transported in the aircraft cabin.

The airline has the right to install in separate areas / flights / tariff groups / categories of passenger exceptions from the rate of free transport / dimensions of baggage / hand baggage

Hand baggage liquids

Currently, airports located in the Russian Federation have restrictions on the transport of liquids, gels and aerosols in hand-made passengers.

This limitation applies to: water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfumes; sprays; gels, including hair gels and shower; the contents of canopy, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; paste, including dental; mixtures of liquid and solids; Mascara; Any other similar substances.

Passengers are allowed to carry with them on board only a small number of substances listed above, but only under the condition that they are packed in the tank, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml. In this case, these tanks should be placed in a transparent plastic package of no more than 1 liter, and each passenger is allowed to have only one such pack as a hand-made bag. These packages can be brought with them from home, but they must be equipped with a special "lightning" (see the attached poster below).

In large than indicated, volumes are allowed to transport in hand clashes only:

  • baby food required by the child during the flight;
  • the drugs necessary during the flight (however, when the inspection passes, be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to prove the need for these items and substances in flight);
  • items that do not meet these requirements must be left at the airport in the storage chamber.

Transportation of animals

Red Wings Airlines on charter and regular flights is transporting homemade small animals in the passenger compartment of the aircraft, a total weight of no more than 8 kg with a container, the dimensions of which should not exceed 115 cm in the sum of three parameters. An animal can be transported only in a carrying bag or a container with air access. In this case, the animal should be able to stand in full growth. During the flight it is not possible to open a container or bag and get a pet.

Containers (cells) must comply with the following requirements:

  • Hard frame (soft carrying is not allowed!) With air access;
  • Strong castle;
  • The size of the container must be sufficient so that the animal can stand in full growth and turn around itself;
  • The bottom of the container (cells) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material;
  • Around the perimeter of the bottom there must be a board, excluding the waking up of the absorbent material;
  • Bird cells must be covered with a dense light-tight fabric.

As luggage and hand-made baggage on aircraft Red Wings can be transported by the following indoor animals: dogs, cats, birds. Any other animals are not accepted for transportation in luggage and hand baggage and can be transported as a cargo.

The passenger is obliged to inform the airline or an authorized agent about the transportation of an animal when organizing the transfer of transportation or acquiring a passenger ticket to them no later than 48 hours before the start of transportation. Transportation of animal / bird is possible only to adult passenger (no more than 1 container / cell per passenger). The airline has the right to refuse to transport the passenger with animals if the transportation of the animal was not booked and confirmed by the airline, it is necessary to ensure flight safety or preventing damage to the property of the airline or passengers.

For the service charged extra charge.

The air temperature in the baggage-cargo compartments of some aircraft can be lowered up to 0 degrees Celsius, air content and pressure correspond to normal values; During transportation through the airport, as well as during the waiting for loading into an aircraft and during unloading from an aircraft, the animal is outdoors. Transportation of live animals as a registered baggage is made only with the written consent of the passenger with the transportation of living animal / birds in the designated conditions.

Red Wings does not carry as registered baggage of animals belonging to brachycephalus rocks.

Make sure that you can provide all the necessary documents stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which transportation is carried out.

With the requirements of the Russian Federation regarding the transport of animals, you can find on the Internet sites of the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor in Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions, and also bypassing veterinary control.

Payment of animal transportation

Transportation of animal / birds is not included in the standard of free baggage and is paid as non-standard luggage. Payment of animal / birds transported in one container is made for each animal / bird separately.

Only guide dogs are transported for free, accompanying their owners in flight.

Portable electronic devices

In order to ensure air traffic safety, portable electronic devices (PEU) running on lithium batteries, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, mobile phones, etc., for flight time must be completely turned off (not in standby or reduced power consumption).
In order to avoid unintentional activation or damage to the PEU, for the time of flight, it must be placed in any protective packaging from solid (hard suitcases, briefcases, cates, cofrs) or shock-absorbing material (for example, wrapped with clothing).
In order to comply with flight safety, the listed rules are required to execute all passengers.

It is forbidden to join the plane

In order to ensure safety of flights, they are not accepted for transportation as baggage, hand-made bags and in things that are at the passenger:

  • Firearms, hunting cartridges, explosives, fireworks, signal rockets.
  • Oxidized materials and peroxide of organic origin, bleach and sets of fiberglass repair tools.
  • Compressed gases, butane, oxygen, propane and scubaled cylinders.
  • Poisons, means of insects, herbicides, arsenic, cyanides, infectious substances, bacteria, viruses.
  • Essentials, mercury, acids, lumps, liquid battery element.
  • Flammable liquids and solid materials, gasoline for lighters and furnaces, paint and all kinds of matches.
  • Radioactive materials.

Like now

The law does not rate on weight. Carriers set limits at their discretion.

what do they want to remove from the list

The minimum free norm is 5 kg. The carrier can set more, but no less.

Things with passenger or things with me - The fact that passengers are allowed to take to the cabin besides hand-made bags. They do not need to weigh, register and label. Just took and went with them to the salon. For example: briefcase, ladies handbag, baby cradle, folder for papers. The rules have a clear closed list of such things. Carriers do not have the right to demand a surcharge for them.

A list of things you can take with you to the salon will also change. It is offered to cut. The new list is not final yet.

Like now

Baby food
Suit in Portpele
Children's cradle
Folder for papers
Bouquet of flowers
Printed publications
Video camera

What do they want to remove from the list

Baby food
Suit in Portpele
Children's cradle
The rest - in luggage or manual

Any thing from the list "With you" can be put in manual sting or passing into baggage. But if the ticket is rigging or there is a limit on weight, baby food and suit can be transported separately. And nothing to pay for it.

So, still want to cut a list and worsen the conditions for passengers?

Changes on hand-made and things at the passenger have not yet been approved. The official representative of the Ministry of Transport says that the list will still complement.

But they cut it not just like that. Experts analyzed the baggage and realized that laptops, cameras and magazines most often carry in baggage or hand-made bags. Flowers are very rare. And on top clothes there can be no questions at all: it is not considered a luggage and do not prohibit rushing into the plane.

If there is an unemployed luggage, I will not be allowed to the plane?

Empty, of course. But for unforeseen baggage will have to pay extra when registering with the airline rates.

Tickets definitely do not rise in price?

Specifically, there are no reason in these changes to train tickets. On the contrary: companies have the opportunity to make tickets cheaper.

Tickets can rise in price for other reasons, but specifically these amendments to the aircraft do not see.

I already bought a ticket, but I depart in October. What rules will decide on the flight?

If simply: according to the old one.

By default, you must be placed on the flight on the rules that acted when you bought a ticket. Formally, the airline may include some cunning condition for changing the conditions of transportation, but it is likely to be illegal. Just in case, specify the carrier.

New rules act on all flights? Even for foreign airlines?

The rules are valid only for those airlines that work on Russian legislation. Foreign carriers or joint flights may have other rules.

How to buy a plane ticket for not overpay?

If you fly without luggage, after September 29, choose hopeless non-return tickets. As far as they are cheaper, no one knows. This will solve air carriers.

If you fly with luggage, carefully read the conditions on the site where you buy a ticket. The seller must clearly write the conditions for baggage.

Properly distribute things between luggage, manual loop and things with you. While the laptop and the camera is more profitable to rush separately from the backpack or a suitcase. When the rules change, you will have to put it in the backpack - it will be a manual sting. Or in the portfolio - it will be a thing with you.

If the rules of the carrier violate the law, they can be challenged. Then the airline will compensate for damage. Collect documents, write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and get ready to go through the courts. Here are stories when the carriers lost:

Watch out for changes in the rules of air transportation. If there are constructive proposals for hand-made and baggage, participate in the discussions of the Ministry of Transport.

Also, do not forget that changes in the rules of air transport are not yet final. We are waiting for clarifications on hand-made bags and the list of things with you. Subscribe to the Tinkoff magazine, and we will tell you what the rules will approve and what to do with it:

Manual laying causes many questions. To avoid unpleasant situations when landing for a flight, learn about the basic safety requirements and restrictions of airlines to baggage on board the aircraft. Prohibited items, number of places, size and weight of hand baggings, rules for transporting liquids, food and medication.

What can be taken into plane

If manual sting is not the only luggage you fly to, then the plane is worth taking only the most valuable and necessary on the road from the permitted to the provision:

  • money
  • bank cards
  • documentation
  • technology and Gadgets (Phone, Camera, Computer, Tablet)
  • jewelry
  • fragile subjects

The rest of the hand-made content depends on the requirements of the airline to the baggage and your desire to wear it all. Pass the test:

All topical information about the rules of the hand-made prison is located on the sites of airports and airlines. Security standards are required for everyone, and the number of places, weight and size of hand-baggles are regulated by airlines.

What can not be taken in manual sting

In the cabin of the aircraft and handed over the luggage, it is forbidden to carry dangerous items and substances:

  • weapons
  • flammable substances and liquids
  • liquefied gases
  • explosive
  • toxic / Radioactive / Poisonous / Essentials
  • big-cutting and sharp objects

In the hand-made bag, you can not carry the seemingly innocuous things of domestic destinations: Corkscrew, a chopper with sharp edges and nail clippers, scissors, tweezers, a dangerous razor, folding knife, corkscrew, knitting needles. All this must be passed into the luggage, and if it is not, then look for alternatives or buy in place. For example, an electric shaver or a razor machine with interchangeable blocks is allowed to carry into the hand-made bag, and the nail files are soft.

Rules for transporting liquids in hand baggage

How many fluid can be pronounced?

If additional security measures have not been introduced, then in hand bags it is allowed to carry liquids with a total volume of 1 liter in packages not more than 100 ml. In the baggage you can procrate any amount of liquids in any volumes.

Liquids include: water, drinks, creams, lotions, aerosols, gels, foam, paste, etc. Cosmetics (mascara, lip gloss) - these are also fluids. Keep in mind if a bottle with shampoo 200 ml is filled with half, it is impossible to join it. Liquids flying together people are not summed up.

An exception: baby food required by the child during the flight; Medical preparations and diet foods in the presence of a certificate / recipe from the doctor.

Where to get the containers 100 ml?

Do not throw away packages from under shampoos and shower gels that are given in hotels. Most cosmetic brands sell or give with the purchase of mini-kosmetics sets. You can buy a set of containers for liquids and fill them with your own means.

When controlling the safety control of the fluid, it is necessary to present separately in the transparent closing package. You can buy a suitable package for fixed requirements in stationery stores (file with a fastener), and a package for storing products with Zip-Lock lock or a transparent lightning cosmetics is suitable. Some airlines impose additional restrictions on the size of the package with liquids: 20x20cm, 18x20cm.

Changes in the rules of liquids

During the Olympics in Sochi, Rosaviatsius introduced a complete ban on liquids in airplanes. In different countries, their restrictions may act - recognize topical information before departure. If during the pre-flight inspection it turns out that you have violated the rules of fluids, you will be offered yourself to get rid of the prohibited item (throw out into a special container). Discussions on this topic are useless, they can lead to a lie for landing or removing from the flight.

Food in hand baggage

You can take on board fruit, nuts, solid cheese, sausage, muesli bars, sandwiches. In hand-bag, there should be no products prohibited for transportation of customs rules and liquids of more than 100 ml. Water and food can be bought after passing the pre-flight inspection in the "clean zone", food and drinks on board offers most airlines (included in the ticket or bought separately). You can take a blank bottle for water with you and ask the stewardess to fill it.

Hand baggage medication

In hand bags are allowed to carry medicines in factory packages. Specify in advance whether your medications are allowed in the destination country. If medical drugs are discharged by a doctor's prescription, it is better to take it with you. Liquid drugs (gels, aerosols, ointments, ampoules) are distributed rules of fluids - not more than 100 ml. If the medicine is vital, warn airport staff and present a certificate from a doctor or an extract from the history of the disease.

Number of manual beds

The number of manual baggage units is regulated by the airline. As a rule, 1 luggage place is allowed to take 1 place of luggage. Passengers of the business and first class can be allowed to carry 2 places of hand bag. Most of the major aviation companies do not consider the lady's handbag or male portfolio, an umbrella, a laptop, a suit or dress in a case for clothing.

Low cost airlines place strict requirements for baggage, observing the rule: 1 person \u003d 1 place of hand bag. The exception is folding baby carriages, crutches, outerwear. It is almost always allowed to take on board a package from Duty Free.

Hand baggage size and weight

Dimensions and weight baggage, which you can take into the aircraft salon, also depend on the requirements of the airline, the airfare and flight route. Manual loop can be a small suitcase, backpack, bag.

Standard handicraft size requirements: Not more than 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions (55 × 40 × 20cm). Hand baggage weight 5-10 kg. Example: standard size suitcase for transportation in the cabin of the aircraft.

At the airport there is always the opportunity to check the weight on the free-on reception desk and shifting extra pounds into the luggage. If you are flying only with manual loop, there will be no such chance, so check the weight of the hand-made house on the floor weights. Looker airlines check the luggage in the frame, it must fully enter it with the wheels and handles.

On the transport of sports equipment, musical instruments and other oversized items, recognize in your airline. Before you buy something on a trip, think if there is a free space in your baggage, you will have to pay extra for the advantage.

Pluses of traveling Lights

  • You save at the cost of a ticket.
  • Things in hand-made bags are guaranteed to fly with you (if you do not leave them unattended and not forget).
  • You do not have to stand to the reception (in most cases).
  • You are not waiting for baggage, so you leave the airport faster and get to the destination.

And you outbound?

80% of people do not know about their debts. Check your debts online and pay off the debt minimum 2 weeks before departure.

Reader interactions









    The entire luggage transported by the passenger, including manual sting, as well as things transported above the installed standard of free transport and without charging the board must be presented when registering on the flight, which is caused by the safety requirements.

    The passenger's luggage that the airline takes on its responsibility for its safety, marked by the luggage tag and is transported in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, called the recorded luggage.

    Dear passengers, we draw your attention that the norms of free luggage and hand baggage is dependent on the class of service. In case of exceeding the manual layer of the established norms by the number of places (for flights with SU 6001-6999), the weight or sum of three dimensions, the passenger should be passed to handle as recorded baggage. If the result will be exceeded by free baggage, specified in the ticket, you must produce a surcharge in accordance with the tariffs of payment of excess luggage.

    When you enter the landing, an additional check of the hand-made passengers for compliance with the standards in size and weight with the help of special measuring instruments, as well as by the number of places (for flights with SU 6001-6999) is carried out.

    Dear passengers! When placing an aircraft in the cabin, we ask you to follow the instructions of the crew for the placement of a large hand-made bag on the luggage shelves, less large - under the chair in front of you. We draw your attention that on the ground in the ranks of emergency exits is prohibited by the use of space under the seats at the stages of takeoff and landing.

    In order to comply with safety requirements, hand-made, not exceeding the carrier-established transportation rate,
    In the absence of the possibility of placing it in the passenger compartment, can be transferred by the airline staff to the luggage
    the compartment for its transportation as baggage without charging an additional fee.

    Luggage provisions standards

    In the JSC "Airlines" Russia "there are various rules and standards for carrying out luggage and hand-made bags, depending on the numbering of the flight with which you can familiarize yourself with the attached links:

    Above the installed norm of carrying out hand-made, and without additional charge charges, one passenger is allowed to proclaim the following things:

    Backpack * / Lady handbag / men's briefcase with nested things Upper clothes
    bouquet of flowers Suit in Portpele
    Baby food for feeding a child during flight
    Baby carrying device **
    crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair,
    Removable limb prostheses (hands, legs) ***,
    by preliminary agreement
    Medical equipment for the life support of the passenger in flight ***
    Medicinal preparations, special dietary needs required for flight

    One sealed shopping bag from Duty FREE stores with dimensions not exceeding 115 cm over the sum of three dimensions

    * The weight of the backpack should not exceed 5 kg, dimensions over the sum of three dimensions no more than 80 cm.

    ** Kids carrying devices include: Children's cradle, holding systems (devices) for children up to two years, folding baby carriage with dimensions of no more than 50x42x20cm when transporting a child, which can be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on the shelf over the passenger seat, or Under the seat ahead of the standing passenger seat. As a retaining device and in the presence of a separate paid place for a child, a portable children's chair, equipped with safety belts, can be accomplished on the passenger seat.

    *** These items must have dimensions that allow them to safely place them in the cabin of the aircraft. The folding wheelchair shifts in the cabin of the aircraft in the presence of space for its safe placement, otherwise it looks at luggage without charging additional fees

    The possibility of carrying out hand-made and things that are adjusted above the established norm without charging an additional fee is not provided for children up to 2 years without providing a separate place.

    Scooters, skateboards and roller skates are not allowed to transport in the cabin of the aircraft and are drawn up only as the recorded baggage.

    Allowed to carry on board the aircraft

    The following items and substances, compliance with the required conditions:

    in registered baggage in cargo, luggage compartments of the aircraft, with isolated passengers access to baggage during flight
    in things at passengers
    • medical thermometer, not containing mercury - one on the passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one on the passenger;
    • barometer or mercury pressure gauge, packed in a sealed container and sealed sender seal;
    • disposable lighters - one on the passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • fluids, gels and aerosols related to non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other volume measurement units), packed in a reliably closing transparent plastic package with a volume of no more than 1 l - one packet on the passenger.

      Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml to transportation are not accepted even if the container is filled only in part, except:

      Drugs, special dietary products, baby food, including maternal milk, in the quantity required for flight time;

      Drugs containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, in the presence of documents stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation, including acts that constitute the right of the Eurasian Economic Union, and (or) legislation of the Russian Federation confirming the appointment of the passenger of these drugs indicating their names and quantities, in the amount required for the flight time;

      Biological materials in the presence of the passenger of documents stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation, including acts that constitute the right of the Eurasian Economic Union, and (or) the legislation of the Russian Federation, establishing the order of transportation of biological materials.

      Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a securely sealed (seated) plastic bag that provides access to the contents of the package for a flight on which there is a reliable confirmation that this purchase is manufactured in airports Duty free shops or on board the aircraft per day (days) of the trip.

    The airline, airport administration has the right to decide on the introduction of additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which prohibit transportation in the aircraft of the next items:

    • needles for subcutaneous injections (if the medical justification will not be presented);

      knitting needles;

      scissors with a length of the blade less than 60 mm;

      folding (without a retainer) road, peer knives with blades long less than 60 mm;

      mercury tonometers;

      barometers or mercury pressure gauges.

    Additional travel restrictions in / from European Union countries

    Objects that for safety reasons are prohibited in a passenger compartment of the aircraft and carry into a protected area of \u200b\u200blimited access:

    • pistols, firearms and other devices from which you can release a bullet and which are designed to apply serious binding bullets, or that can be taken for such devices, including:

      All types of firearms, including pistols, revolvers, rifles and guns;

      Toy guns, doubling and imitation of small arms that can be accepted for real weapons;

      Composite parts of small arms, with the exception of telescopic sights;

      Pneumatic rifles of compressed air and with carbon dioxide cans, including guns, shooting rifles, rifles and guns for firing balls;

      Signal riquants and starting pistols;

      Bows, crossbows and arrows;

      Carpunge guns and rifles for underwater hunting;

      Slingshots and power;

    • shock action devices specially designed for shock lesions or paralyzing effects, including:

      Means for shock lesions, such as pistols and shock lesions;

      Devices of shock exposure on animals and animal killing devices;

      Indicating and paralyzing chemicals, gases and sprays, such as gas Mace, pepper spray, acid sprays, sprays, frightening animals, tear gas;

    • objects with a pointed end or pointed edge that can be used to apply serious injuries, including:

      Objects intended for cutting, such as axes, cutters and tesaci;

      Ice axes and ice axes;

      Razor blades and knives for cutting cardboard;

      Knives with a length of the blade more than 6 cm;

      Scissors with blades longer than 6 cm, if measured from the center of the hinge;

      Accessories for hand-to-hand combat with pointed ends or pointed edges;

      Swords and sabers;

    • working instruments that can be used either to apply serious injuries, or to create a safety threat of aircraft flight, including:


      Drills and drills, including rechargeable portable electric drills;

      Tools with blades or rods longer than 6 cm long, which can be used in the inclination of weapons, such as screwdrivers and chisels;

      Saws, including rechargeable portable electrical saws;

      Soldering lamps;

      "Pistols" for fasteners and clogging of nails;

    • objects with a blunt end that can be hit and cause serious injuries, including:

      Baseball bits and bits for the game of softball;

      Various types of police clubs, such as solid, flexible and weighted batons with a lantern;

      Means of hand-to-hand combat;

    • explosive and incendiary substances and devices that can be used to apply serious injuries or creating a safety threat of an aircraft flight, including:


      Kapsüli detonators;

      Detonators and stuff;

      Waste or imitation of explosive devices;

      Smoke checkers or cartridges;

    Passengers are prohibited in a registered baggage explosive or incendiary substances or devices that can be used to apply serious injuries or creating a fleet of aircraft safety, including:


      kapsüli detonators;

      detonators and stuff;

      mines, grenades and other explosive devices of military purposes;

      pyrotechnics, including pyrotechnic products for fireworks;

      smoke checkers or cartridges;

      dynamite, powder and plastic explosives.

    Rules for transportation of lithium batteries

    It is allowed to carry in hand baggage and luggage batteries, built-in / installed equipment:

    Lithium-ion batteries with a specific power of up to 100 VTCH * (Mobile Phones, Camcorders, Clock, Portable Music Players, Laptops, Portable Medical Devices). Measures must be taken, preventing their spontaneous actuation. It is allowed to carry no more than two spare lithium-metal batteries to one passenger. Spare batteries must be separately protected in such a way as to be excluded the possibility of short circuit. It is forbidden to be prohibited by spare batteries not inserted into equipment in the baggage.

    It is allowed to carry in hand baggage and baggage batteries, built-in / installed in equipment with airline permission:

    Lithium-ion batteries with a specific power of 100-160 VTCH * (Laptops with an increased resource, professional audio and video equipment, portable medical devices) measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous actuation. It is allowed to carry no more than two spare lithium-metal batteries to one passenger. Spare batteries must be separately protected in such a way as to be excluded the possibility of short circuit. It is forbidden to be prohibited by spare batteries not inserted into equipment in the baggage.

    It is forbidden to carry in hand baggage and baggage and are subject to transportation as "dangerous cargo":

    Lithium-ion batteries with a specific power of more than 160 VTCH *(Industrial equipment included in some electrical and hybrid vehicles, mobile devices and mopeds) in accordance with technical instructions on the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air (Doc 9284 An \\ 905).

    An exceptioncrashchairs or similar mobile vehicles operating on lithium-ion batteries used by passengers with disabilities.

    When transported in a registered baggage:
    Battery terminals must be protected from short circuits,
    The battery must be securely fixed in the movement facility,
    Electrical chains must be isolated.

    If it is possible to remove the battery, then:
    The battery must be extracted,
    The battery must be protected from a short circuit by insulated terminal,
    The batteries removed must be protected from damage (placed in a protective package),
    Batteries should be transported in the passenger compartment,
    Battery power should not exceed 300 wt *.

    It is allowed to carry only one spare battery with a capacity of no more than 300 wt *, or two spare batteries, each of which does not exceed the power in 160VC *.

    Electronic devices running on lithium batteries must be completely turned off (not in standby or reduced power mode) and placed in a protective packaging to avoid unintentional activation or damage. Suitable protection can be provided as a solid suitcase and / or shock absorbing material, such as clothing to prevent movement.

    Transportation of small-sized means for personal movement running on lithium batteries

    These funds include:


      segways (mini-segway)

      hover boards

      gyro carcutters


    Transportation of such means is possible only as a registered baggage, subject to the absence of a lithium battery in a small-sized means. The lithium battery extracted from the vehicle removed is allowed to transport in manual bag, provided that the battery power does not exceed the established norm - 160 watt-hour (VTCH, W / H) *.

    A small-sized means with a built-in lithium battery can be adjusted when it is designed as a "dangerous cargo" through the airport cargo terminal.

    Rules for the carriage of portable electronic smoking devices on flights of the airline "Russia"

    The devices of this type are transported by passengers in hand-made or with them with the following conditions:

    1) Spare batteries must be individually protected in order to avoid short circuit (by placing in the original trading packaging or at the expense of a different method of terminal insulation);

    2) Each battery should not exceed the following parameters:

    a) in lithium-metal batteries of lithium content 2 g.;

    b) the specific power of ion-lithium batteries 100 VTCH *;

    3) Charging devices and / or batteries on board the aircraft is prohibited

    4) the use of devices on board the aircraft is prohibited

    * 1 VTC (WH) \u003d 1 V (V) X 1 Ah (AH)
    1 Ah (AH) \u003d 1000 MAH (Mah)

    Rules for transportation of weapons on flights of the airline "Russia"

    When booking and registering departing flights of JSC "Airlines" Russia ", the passenger must inform about the intention to transport a weapon as baggage

    For registration, the passenger transporting weapons must appear no later than one and a half hours before departure.
    When importing / exporting weapons by / with the territory of the Russian Federation and transported through / through the territory of the Russian Federation, the passenger must have permission to import / export / storage / weapon weapon issued by an authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    At the airport of departure, weapons are mandatory for temporary storage for the flight period and is issued to owners at the destination airport.

    When transporting transportation, the weapon is drawn up only before the intermediate landing point.

    The weapon is taken to transport only in the discharged state in the passenger packaging (covers, holsters, special containers, cases, cases) meets the requirements of the safety and safety of weapons. At the same time, weapons and ammunition must be in separate packages.

    Pneumatic devices with dulk energy Over 3Gs are related to civil arms (Art. 3 The Law "On Weapons") and are transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and a caliber of over 4.5 mm, it is necessary to have permission for wearing and storage (Art. 13 Law "On Weapons").

    Electroshocking devices and spark dischargers of domestic production belong to civil arms (Art. 3 Law "On Arms") and transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting electrocheumatic devices, it is necessary to have a document with technical characteristics to check by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of compliance of the output parameters of the device established by state standards of the Russian Federation. It is forbidden to transport electrostrophe devices produced outside the Russian Federation.

    Weapons imitators (pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines, automata, electrostrophopic devices, etc.) transport in the salons of aircraft is prohibited. Transportation of weapons simulators is allowed only in registered baggage.

    The weight of the transported ammunition should not exceed 5 kg (no more than 1000 pcs. Cartridges) per passenger. Cartridges Weighing gross more than 5 kg per passenger are drawn up as "dangerous cargo" through the cargo terminal.

    The ammunition with bursting and incendiary bullets, ammunition to gas weapons and mechanical sprayers, lighting cartridges, gas, aerosol cans and other devices, carbonated with tear or irritating substances, are not accepted for transportation.

    Weapons Transport Rules for Foreign Citizens

    Sports and hunting weapons can be imported by foreign citizens to the Russian Federation with a contract for the provision of services in the field of hunting and invitation to participate in sporting events on the basis of an appropriate permit issued by the federal executive body authorized in the sphere of weapons turnover, or its territorial body. The specified weapon should be exported from the Russian Federation within the time limits established by the contract or invitation.

    Foreign citizens are prohibited import into the Russian Federation and the use of all types in the Russian Federation, types and models of weapons in order to ensure personal security, the protection of the life and health of other citizens, their ownership, maintenance of goods and for other purposes not specified above, if it is not Provided by individual international treaties of the Russian Federation (FZ "On Arms").