Where to go to rest for the new year. Where to go for the new year? Warm countries for the new year


Many people are already tired of familiar New Year's attributes: Olivier, tangerines and a large number of snow outside the window. With thoughts about pre-holiday troubles, some fall into despondency and longing. To avoid this, it is recommended to change the well-established tradition and start a trip. You can go for the New Year to the sea and thereby organize a relatively inexpensive holiday. Vacations will certainly become unforgettable and bright.

Where is warm for the new year

If it wants the sea instead of snow, then pre-examine popular routes. Consider that Turkey does not apply to countries where heat in winter, so it is not recommended to rest on the Black Sea. Many suitable seaside resorts is located in Asia, South America. Among popular places it is worth highlighting Canara. Rest here is relatively cheap. There is an atlantic ocean, black volcanic sand, unique nature. For rest you can choose any island.

Seychelles are surrounded by the stunning Indian Ocean. The islands are ideal for those who want not only brightly meet the New Year, but also fully relax, distract from everyday worries. Seychelles are distinguished by excellent nature, which consists of palm trees, beaches with white sand, the client sea. All this will help to spend quiet, calm, secluded rest.

Fans of the beach relax will have to do the exotic island of Goa. Here you can relax, enjoying the unique nature and the Indian Ocean. In the winter months, the air temperature is about 27 degrees above zero. To meet New Year, you can visit the Chinese Island Hainan. You are waiting for incendiary shows, water entertainment, beach parties. To successfully survive the Russian winter, you can spend holidays on Bali Island, Bahamas, Sri Lanka, Malta.

New Year on the beach

Residents of the Nordic countries should be remembered that there is a visa for recreation. With its design, tourist firms often help. In addition, consider that before meeting a new year at sea, you will need to make a long flight. Far from all endure it easily. This is especially true when the body has received a pretty portion of alcohol, coffee. Consider that there may be difficulties associated with changing the climatic belt. Your body will be rebuilt for a while, get used to new conditions.

It is worth saying good. The meeting of the new year at sea and the change of the situation is pleasant literally to all people. A fascinating journey rings absolutely any depression will return interest in life, fill with positive energy. In addition, new impressions stimulate the brain's work, expand the horizons, increase self-esteem. You should add to these benefits that your body will get a significant dose of vitamin D. As a result, immunity will increase and health improves.


In Thailand there are many places for holidays. Among the popular resorts suitable for Christmas celebration, you need to highlight Hyatt Regency. There are many wellness procedures here. The hotel territory is decorated with picturesque gardens, pools, waterfalls, jacuzzi. Many christmas tours are organized at the Maldives Jumeiirah Dhevanafushi resort. Here it is proposed to rent rooms above the water. Of these, you can enjoy an excellent view of corals, tropical fish.

Luxury lovers should look at the resort in Dubai One & Only The Palm, where guests are brought in water taxi. The hotel has a wonderful restaurant, swimming pool. When servicing, personnel guarantees absolute privacy. If you prefer shopping, active nightlife, then go to the Balinese resort of The Legian. The hotel is famous for the excellent kitchen and excellent service.

Warm sea

It is desirable that the festive holidays are accompanied not only by the adoption of sunbathing, but also a cheerful bathing in a salty water. In this case, know that the warm seas include:

  • Red;
  • Dead;
  • Timor;
  • Caribbean.

On the entire coast of the Red Sea, a tropical desert climate prevails. In winter, in the southern resorts, the water temperature is about +20 degrees. The sea is located between the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. His water is washed by Yemen, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan. If you spend your holiday on the Dead Sea coast, then the huge charge of energy is guaranteed. Nearby are countries with a warm climate: Israel, Jordan, Palestine.

The Timor Sea is washes by the North-West Bank of Australia. The beginning of December here is relatively warm. In winter, the water temperature is about 31 degrees. The presence of a subequatorial climate provides tourists a comfortable beach vacation. The Caribbean Sea warms up to +25 degrees in winter. His water is washed by the shores of America. Popular countries of the Caribbean with warm weather are Cuba, Dominican Republic.

Cheap holiday

Prices for tours to tropical countries in winter are relatively low. Based on this, many people are interested in which warm countries are offered for the new year. You can relax in the island of Goa. There are many types of recreation, both alone and family people. The place knows the presence of comfortable hotels (South Goa is distinguished by the location of cheap hotels). Indian beaches stretch for many kilometers. In the north of the island you can relax for the new year inexpensively "Dickarem". Rent housing is very profitable.

New Year abroad is inexpensive in Thailand. Here, vacationers take off the cozy cottages. Due to low prices, some tourists stay at the resort not only for the holidays, but also for the entire winter. Budget places include the UAE. In winter, prices for tours are significantly reduced. Among the advantages of the Arab Emirates, it is worth allocating that in the country you will acquire many things at affordable prices.

Sometimes even wealthy people prefer to choose inexpensive vouchers. To save the budget, some book a burning tour (saving money and when ordering cheap air tickets). It is worth lifying the nuances of this rest:

  1. To collect things, there is often little time, therefore it is worth taking care in advance.
  2. By ordering a budget tour, you should carefully get acquainted with the living conditions. Remember that vacation options are different. Often, tour operators are cheap offered hotels with a small number of stars.
  3. Carefully read what is included in the price of the vouchers. Often takes into account the cost of tickets.
  4. A huge advantage of budget recreation is that a large list of additional services is offered. Based on this, you can independently regulate your expenses during the rest.

Which country to celebrate the new year

Thailand get to about 8 hours. Luxury vacation in Pattaya stands from 20,000 p. A ticket to Maldives can be ordered for about 50,000 p. To fly to the islands will have to be 8-12 hours. In Vietnam, the service is actively developing and choosing hotels of improved comfort. The ticket costs about 50,000 p. Dominicanna will reach 13 hours. Offered trips from 70,000 p. In Cuba, the Philippines service is acceptable. Fly to countries 20, 12 hours. The cost of vouchers to Cuba from 60000 p, to the Philippines - from 80,000 p.


The country is distinguished by the presence of a soft climate. There are original beaches, ancient temples, a stunning underwater world, an exotic kitchen, a variety of shopping beds. In addition, discos are held, all kinds of parties and many other entertainment. The main difference of the country is that it is mainly spoken in Thai. For this reason, buy a suitable phrase job in advance.


Islands are suitable for those who love sea travel, pristine exotic nature. Rest is expensive, because there are many hotels with 4, 5 stars (prices depend on the level of service). The advantages of the Maldives should be attributed to the fact that there is a rich underwater world. The location is ideal for divers and just for people who value the beauty of nature. Here you enjoy a great winter holiday: fantastic sunsets, ocean noise, views of palm trees with strained gamachts, a variety of exotic flavors.


Rest here is considered one of the most budget. The country is in the tropical climate. Vietnamese very much appreciate tourists and do everything in order for their pastime to be comfortable, pleasant. Hospitality is noticeable not only in hotels, but also from each local resident. If necessary, you can walk along a variety of shopping beds. Making a trip, you not only enjoy a beach holiday, but also bring home a bunch of cheap, quality things.

Dominican Republic

The republic is known for amazingly beautiful beaches of high length, spreading palm trees, snow-white sand, gentle sea. In addition to the beach holiday, many excursion programs are organized. There is a lot of entertainment, so the place is considered ideal for lovers of outdoor activities. Literally every resident of Dominican Republic lives the mood of the holiday. Due to this, tourists will instantly dip in the atmosphere of joy and delight.


Excellent beach holidays for the new year is organized in this republic. Almost all year round air temperature + 30-33 degrees, so there is no tourist season. Most hotels work on the "All Included" system. Each hotel can listen to live music. In the evenings, entertainment programs are organized, incendiary dances on which some special movements can be counted.


Not only beach holidays are organized here, but also surfing, different types of diving. The Philippines consist of 7,000 islands. The resorts are famous for fascinating exotic nature, delicious cuisine. A developed infrastructure prevails here. If necessary, you can easily customize the sights of the Philippines (often on excursions, José Risal Park). Long flight is the only lack of rest. As for the rest, the place is ideal for winter holidays.

New Year on the sea with children

Family people should take care of some features of the holidays with babies in advance. First of all, it is worth considering popular destinations:

  • In Thailand, you can familiarize yourself with a lot of unusual palaces, parks with exotic animals. There are both local and European cuisine, so there will be no problems with searching for a suitable food.
  • In the UAE among suitable beach resorts, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, must be highlighted (Meet the cost of the tour, in different places it can differ much). There is a huge number of diverse entertainment, both for small and adult travelers.
  • In Goa, 5-star hotels for family holidays are in the south of the country. If necessary, it is possible to rest inexpensively by renovating the villa.
  • Vietnam is ideal for meeting the New Year by the Sea with young children. There are many beach directions, but it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bpreference to the nurse, the Islands of Fukuok. Offered both local and European cuisine. In Nha Trang, there is an island of entertainment Winell Land and a lot of other places for leisure.

Looked: 13832.


For the new year 2020 in warm countries: where to go, top countries

It is no secret that the bulk of tourists prefers to relax in the summer when the sea warm when heats the sun and you can lie on the snow-white sand. But from summer to summer for a very long time, so people are looking for options so that both in winter to visit the sea and feel it warmth. Tours are especially popular for New Year. After all, it is so unusual to meet the beginning of the new year near the sea and in the sand, and not near the TV at home and with snow outside the window. But where can I go to the new year 2020 in warm countries to cheap, but so that it was hot and was the warm sea? In fact, there are many options, and choose it is difficult. Let's try to understand together, in which country is best to celebrate the new year 2020 so that he is remembered for life.

Hainan - Winter Capital Heat!
When in Russia, people are waiting for the battle of chimes and open champagne, on the island of Hainan enjoy the sun and warmth. In December and in early January at the local resorts, the average daytime temperature is higher than +22 degrees. But the sea is at all hotter, to +25 degrees! Why the temperature of the sea is above the air temperature? And everything is simple - water to the shores of Hainan flows from the shores of Thailand and other countries where the real tropics in the winter. She does not have time to cool and comes to the shores of the Chinese island warm and pleasant to swim.

What to do on Hainan at this time of year? First, you can swim. And let the locals do not like to swim in winter, for them water +25 degrees are cool, tourists are happy to take the sea and splashing in it. Also on the island you can see natural reservations and enjoy solitude with nature. And if you like to get acquainted with other cultures, then you will seek sightseeing.

As for the prices, they are much cheaper here than in spring or summer. Still, tourists are not so much, and they are all mainly from our country or from Asia countries. Therefore, local hotels are trying to relocate them to themselves and reduce prices for funny. Holidays for the new year on Hainan is the wonderful start of the new year!

Dubai - prices are the same. Service at times above!
If you fly to Dubai, then it is for the new year. The city is located on the banks of the Persian Gulf. There are chic hotels, incredible beaches, and a lot of water. Water everywhere: in the sea, in pools near hotels and in the city in the form of fountains.

According to statistics, 13% of tourists from Russia, which are leaving for the New Year to other countries, choose Dubai.
In the UAE, the same time zone, as in Moscow, but the climate is completely different. In the winter months there is no suffocating heat, there are no hot winds that bring dust and sand. The average air temperature in Dubai is not higher than +28 degrees. And the sea in the bay +24 degrees. Tourists who come here are more sunbathe on the sand. But there are also those who gladly bathe and get pleasure from it. True, it is best to swim in the pool, where water is heated by sunlight and heated artificially. And if your hotel has a rooftop pool, then it should be resting exactly there.

What else to do in Dubai in December-January? Of course Shopping! These days, when Christmas in Europe, and in Russia, the new year, local shops and shopping centers arrange huge sales. If you have time and you are lucky, then you buy a high-quality thing for a penny! Millions of guests arrive at the sales here, so it's not a hobby, and more sports where the one who will have time to win.

In recent years, there has been an interesting situation on the tourist market. Most of all for the new year, tourists prefer Egypt. There were 36% of the number of all who left Russia for the New Year holidays. The second place, as written above, took Dubai, was 14% of our compatriots on his share. In Thailand, 11% of Russians were leaving. And as much, 11% of Russians, preferred to rest in our country at our resorts: Crimea and Sochi.
From European countries, Russians choose the Czech Republic. 4% of tourists from Russia are flying to New Year's holidays in Prague every year. But at the furthest point from Russia - the Dominican Republic - 1.4% of all tourists fly away. And this is not so little.
As for hotels that the Russians booked, 34% preferred a 3-star hotel, 35% hotel with 4 stars, and 25% chose the most elegant hotels in five stars!

Thailand and local "hot" resorts.
Thailand resorts for the new year are clogged in full. And exactly the tenth of tourists from Russia.

For a greater degree, they arrive do not meet the new year, but just relax. Almost throughout Europe lies snow, Russia is also in the snow, so tourists tend to go there, where heat, sand and sea. And Thailand in this plan is the perfect place.
In the winter months, the air warms up to +33 degrees. Water in the sea is simply gorgeous to +27 degrees. But prices are not very pleased. Still, the peak of the season, many tourists and therefore prices tend up, as well as the air temperature.
Separately, it is worth saying about the beaches - they are amazing and chic. Here you can find both big beaches, where thousands of vacationers and beautiful beaches with palm trees, which are called wild and tens of tourists. Such beaches are mainly located in the bays, where to get difficult. For example, you need to go through the rocks or sailing onto the boat. But tourists do not scare, because such a holiday is a memory for life!

As you can see, you can choose absolutely different directions. You can visit Asia, you can make a crazy flight to the other end of the world and enjoy the clean waters of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean. And you can, like 10% of Russians, stay at home and see the Russian winter in the south of the country. Choosing for you, and he is always there!

New Year is a family holiday, but this is not a reason to abandon the tempting offers of travel firms, celebrate the holiday by the sea. This version of the celebration is unusual and frightened Russians. Everyone worries the cost of travel - it is not necessary to be nervous, with timely planning and the right organization of recreation, it is possible to note the holiday inexpensively.

How to celebrate New Year on the sea

The new year is traditionally celebrated annually on January 1, when cold and blizzard stands throughout Russia, but there are countries in which there is no winter. Those who want to celebrate the New Year on the sea can go to the warm countries of Asia-African location. In the summer there is too hot, and in the winter there is a convenient time for a comfortable and full-fledged rest.

Now the trip is available, there are many visa-free directions, because tourists do not need to spend money on paperwork and their expectation. Inexpensively rest allows early booking. When complying with the basic rules, you can save about 50% of the trip amount.

List of popular countries

When choosing the optimal direction, you need to consider such features:

  1. The cost of the flight and other transportation costs.
  2. Food. It is better to choose hotels with all inclusive service, because food in foreign restaurants is expensive.
  3. Cost of living. The price changes not only depending on the direction, but also from the level of the hotel itself.

The volume of other expenses varies from the tourist requirements for rest. Visiting excursions and buying souvenirs presents a separate cost of expenses that need to be considered when planning a trip.


Thailand is the most popular resort region located in Southeast Asia. Well suited for an unusual celebration of the New Year. The holiday is celebrated fun and actively, the locals carry out carnivals, to take part in which everyone can.

The most popular Phuket and Pattaya resorts. The spa season is spring-autumn, because in summer the temperature indicators exceed 40 degrees.


Tours in Thailand are popular in winter, so it is necessary to look for a suitable direction in advance.

Pick up the optimal place to relax, taking into account the cost of accommodation is easy:

  1. Phuket and Pattaya are the most popular regions for recreation, where the bulk of tourists arrive. Rest on the system All inclusive for two will cost $ 1,500 -2000 depending on the hotel. Not suitable for a quiet, family holiday.
  2. Samui is distinguished by untouched nature and clean beaches. Not a crowded resort because there are no direct flights. Tourists get on the boat. The cost of rest is slightly lower, while the service is at a high level.
  3. Phi Phi is a place for true romantics. Province of Krabi is distinguished by untouched nature and quiet beaches. Places to stay - lonely bungalows with all the amenities.
  4. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. This city never sleeps, because it is suitable for the celebration of the New Year in a noisy and cheerful company. The cost of recreation exceeds $ 3,000 in 7 days for two.

Holidays on pure beaches of Thailand - then, why come tourists. Special excursions are held on the islands, and the rest can see the sections of Nature untouched by man. Another goal of the trip can be shopping - prices for clothing ten times lower than in Moscow, and the quality is higher. The popular line is gastronomic tourism - everyone can try popular delicacies. Active vacation is common, you can rent a bike and inspect the striking horizons. Sightseeing excursions are used by demand.


Vietnam is a country located in Southeast Asia. To celebrate the New Year, its southern part is suitable. Despite the fact that indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year in most hotels, entertainment activities are held in compliance with all traditions. The program is paid, the cost of participation is 100-200 dollars per person.

Regions are suitable for recreation:

  1. Danang is a place for a full-fledged family holiday. Here is the largest water park in Vietnam. Sandy beaches are pleasing to clean and fully equipped. In Danang often come to a surf lover.
  2. Fukuok - a quiet resort, it is called a corner of calm in Vietnam. Located remotely from large centers, because the access to the hotels is complicated. The average price of the day, held at the hotel - $ 150 per person.
  3. Nha Trang - resort for lovers of outdoor activities. Here are located cafes, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Popular among Russian tourists.

The purpose of the trip to Vietnam is a beach holiday and a visit to exciting excursions.


Residents of Russia often consider Egypt as an affordable option for celebrating the New Year to the sea, but the usual summer heat in January should not be expected. The blocks of thermometers at night can descend to 15 degrees, and the average air temperature is not more than 25 degrees. The water temperature in January in the Red Sea is 20-22 degrees.

In Egypt, a special atmosphere, local residents in every way taking tourists, because from mid-December decorated shopping centers and local streets with the attributes familiar to Russians.


The cost of tours in December increases by 30%, with early booking this amount can be saved.

Popular Winter Rest Resorts:

  1. Hurghada - it has a soft climate, because suitable for families with children. The cost of recreation is 20% lower than in Sharm el-Sheikh.
  2. Dahab is a resort town that has a weakly developed infrastructure. Divers and surfers come here. The new year is noted not in each hotel, because this information needs to be specified when ordering a tour.
  3. Sharm el-Sheikh is a popular resort. The sea is characterized by beauty - you can see corals and reefs at the shore. The free approach in the sea is impossible, the passage is recommended on special canvas.

Winter in Egypt is the perfect time to visit excursions in the desert.


Indonesia is characterized by beauty and concerns tourists with wondrous nature, protected areas, volcanoes and exotic islands. Locals are distinguished by a friendly attitude towards vacationers.

For rest in winter, all directions are suitable, but it is better to stop at such resorts:

  1. Bali is a popular resort town in the country, distinguished by a developed infrastructure, there are hotels of various classes. On the pen line presents restaurants in various kitchens of the world. You can taste traditional Russian dishes.
  2. Mentai Islands - There are no expensive hotels and restaurants in contrast to Bali, but tourists can enjoy wildlife and see the life of real aborigines.
  3. Borneo and Lombok - resorts for those who want to relax from urban bustle with all the benefits of civilization. There are many attractions and national parks.
  4. Sumatra - as in Bali there are highlighted service hotels and expensive restaurants, but the cost of recreation is much lower here.

Tourists from Russia often come to the islands for the beach holiday and inspection of amazing attractions.


The United Arab Emirates is a country where Skyscrapers will be greeted from the body of sand smooths, and the ancient traditions have a direct impact on the development of skyscrapers. The country is suitable for the celebration of the New Year. The air temperature during the day heats up to 26 degrees, at night decreases to 16-18. Wada in the Persian Gulf in the morning hours can be invigorating, but during the day the temperature indicator reaches a comfortable 26 degree.

Indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year, but conduct noisy and colorful events for vacationers. The holiday is traditionally held on the night of December 31 on January 1. The cost of festive tours is 1500 - 3000 dollars for two with a flight from Moscow and accommodation for 7 nights.

Popular resort towns:

  1. Abu Dhabi - features clean sandy beaches and attractions. Here are cozy hotels, but the cost of living in them is high.
  2. Dubai - upgraded city, where the highest skyscrapers and buildings of amazing structures are located. Shopping lovers come here, but prices in stores are incompletely high to the population with average sufficiency.
  3. Sharjah - a place in the UAE for a quiet family holiday. There are no noisy nightclubs and bars.
  4. Ras-ah Hama is the wellness center of the UAE. There are hot springs, and tourists come here to restore health.

All resorts of the UAE are diverse in directions, because each tourist will be able to make a choice for himself.


Cambodia - despite the progress of civilization, is distinguished by exotic beaches and pure nature. Unlike other countries, the tourist infrastructure is weakly developed here, but the hotel has a proper level possible.

The main tourist center here is Sihanoukville. Vacationers come here to visit excursions and relaxing on clean beaches. In January, you can see the training of scablasts and surfers.


Visiting Combodju needs to go on an excursion to Angkor Wat - National Pride, Related to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

How to save?

Mark new year at sea, taking into account the need for the flight - it is impossible, but observing simple rules can be saved, while having received high quality services.

Basic tourist rules:

  1. Early booking of air tickets and tours. When using this service on a tour, you can save about 30-40% of its initial cost.
  2. Burning tours. The cost of accommodation in the hotel will be even cheaper than with early booking, but choosing this type of savings you need to check the tour operator the possibility of booking air tickets.
  3. Before buying a tour, it is necessary to study the prices of the market, with the help of aggregators displaying the prices of all tour operators.

Traveling independently must remember:

  • before choosing the airflight, you need to analyze the prices of all airlines;
  • prices for accommodation in the hotel are raised when booking a room for a festive day, but remain unchanged when settling a few days before the new year.

The bulk of tourists says that the celebration of the New Year is remembered for a long time. When complying with the basic rules and proper budget planning to go with the family for the new year 2019 on vacation at sea, you can cheap. To make a choice and go to rest, consider the possibility of buying a tour 1-2 months before the expected date of departure.

If you have not yet decided where to go to the new year 2019-2020, it's time to decide.
To meet the New Year on the sea in warm countries, the air tickets or tours are better to buy in advance - in the summer, as a last resort in the fall. If it happened that it did not work in advance, do not despair. Buy a burning tour at an attractive price is also real and we will tell you how.

Where to go to the new year 2020?

Where to go for the new year inexpensive to the sea? Today's selection of the most interesting countries and options where you can spend the past 2019 and meet the new 2020.

It is no secret that the highest prices for flights and Turpeutevka are exposed to the New Year holidays. That is, you can only buy a ticket or a ticket for a budget, only in advance, at least 4-5 months before the holiday. If you have not come up with where and how to celebrate the New Year, there is still time, but we advise you to hurry.

The closer to December 31, the higher the price. This is due to the fact that most tourists buy tickets, hotels in Tours in advance, as the holiday schedule for the new year is known and approved.

If your budget is limited and wants to be interested, it's fun to meet a new year in a warm country - in our selection you will find all the best offers at low prices that already include transfer costs, accommodation and flight.
The collection contains countries where you can meet the new year budget and options for more expensive, so that everyone can find something for himself and stay satisfied.

Where to find profitable last minute tours online?

Absolutely all the shortest possible offers from 130 leading tour operators of Russia are collected on sites and

Here you will find the latest proposals at the best prices from 130 leading Russian tour operators without overpayment and commission managers.

According to statistics, the burning tour bursts within 60 minutes, so have time to "catch" his office offline, there is no possibility.

Choose tour online safely. In connection with you 24/7 support by phone and in messengers, as well as an alert for e-mail and SMS.

Every year, more than 300,000 Russian tourists buy tickets online at Travelata and LevelTravel, because they want to save precious time and money.

One of the most inexpensive and popular destinations for the New Year among Russian tourists is Thailand.

On a convenient chart you can see the dates, with the lowest price for the tour:

On average, the cost of the tour to Thailand for the new year for two costs from 80,000 rubles and the closer to New Year holidays, the higher the price.

Sometimes, cheaper to buy tickets and book a hotel or apartments yourself, compare prices for tours with prices for air tickets there and back.

If you firmly decided to meet the new 2020 off the shores of the Siamese Gulf in Pattaya, while you want to save, take the tourist on the hotel Ambassador.

In addition, the Ambassador itself is a good hotel on the seafront with a huge territory, restaurants, recreation areas and a playground for children, few people know that it is here that the New Year's Eve is spent gorgeous night.

Guests are suitable for guests, rattling a magnificent salute in the form of all sorts of figures, plays popular music, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus come to visit tourists, and Thai artists are served all night, sing and beautifully dance.
The celebration of the New Year in hotels is not included in the cost of a ticket, but in Ambassadore take less than in other hotels, only 100 dollars per person.
For example, in the hotel Royal Cliff, the cost of the New Year's presentation for guests of the hotel begins from $ 300 and the event is mandatory for everyone.

The visa in Thailand is not needed, at the entrance to tourists put a free stamp for a month.

For the new year in Pattaya, excellent weather. Sunny, +30, the sea warms up to 27-28 degrees. In December in Thailand, a high season, rains are unlikely, a great way to spend New Year holidays.
From Moscow to Bangkok direct flight 8.5-9 hours.

New Year 2020 in India

The whisper of the warm waves of the Arabian Sea, light breeze, spicy smell of curry and crazy sunsets.
For the new year, hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world flock in Goa, because it is one of the cheapest countries where you can meet the New Year in warmth and by the sea.

If you want to plunge into the festive atmosphere of eternal summer, to celebrate Catholic Christmas in India, (which thanks to Western tourists here is celebrated with a huge scope), but to meet the new year in Snow-covered Russia, then in this case you can save at least 30 000- 40 000 rubles for two.

Prices for Turputevka with the seizure of the New Year in Goa on 7 nights begin from 82,000 rubles for two.

For this money you can find modest but pleasant hotels near the beach.

Well, Goa himself is famous for the fact that in the hotel none of the tourists is sitting.
In India, you need a lot to walk, absorb the atmosphere, communicate and get acquainted with new interesting people, swim a lot, eat acute food, ride a bike and come back completely different, updated, smiling and charged positive.

Attention! In India needs a visa. You can make an electronic visa, it is quick and easy. It is done for 2-3 days, but on arrival will have to still stand in a queue for fingerprints.
(Visa value in GOA electronic - 65 dollars).
If we have time, the second option is a paper visa. It costs cheaper (45 dollars) and on arrival you can immediately go to the sea.

New Year in Vietnam 2020 - Tourist reviews

Continuing to select last-minute tours for the new year 2020 in Asia, it is difficult to forget about Vietnam. One of the most popular destinations from our tourists and is clear why.
You can meet the New Year in Vietnam you can have fun, interesting and not too expensive.

In December in Vietnam, beautiful weather is worth. Here the youth goes here - to ride surfing, and families with children - because it is beautiful and tasty, warm and sunny, and even the elderly tourists also love Vietnam.

Hotel Tien Dat Muine Resort in Vietnamese Phantgeta - hotel with excellent rating, offers the best prices for 8 nights with a new year seizure for 149,242 rubles for two.

A ticket to an excellent hotel with a high rating, for 8 nights with a direct flight of Aeroflot and everyone else, you can buy for 149,242 rubles for two. From December 30 to January 7.
Tourist feedback on this hotel - "Great Beach, there is a playground, the first line of the sea, as well as elegant fishing on Piranhu." "Nutrition is 5 out of 5.
Accommodation and the hotel itself is also 5 points. " "Chic hotel, buffet, swimming pools work around the clock! Good infrastructure nearby. "

This hotel is located next to the beach in the resort town of Phantet. Here the warm sea, tasty and inexpensively feed, there is something to see and bring home memories of the Volshbatch meeting of the New Year under the palm tree.

New Year in Dominican Republic 2020 - Tourist reviews

If winter is not a joy, and financial opportunities allow themselves to arrange a paradise rest, welcome to Dominican Republic.
Punta Cana hotels enjoy a stable demand from fans to swim in the turquoise waves of the Atlantic Ocean and sishine in silence on a snow-white sand.

In Dominican Republic you can fly by direct flight Eyre France from Moscow. The direct flight lasts 12 hours, but for smokers will be a surprise that even at the airport on arrival you can smoke and in general, you can smoke everywhere.

The new year 2020 in Dominican can be found for 268,000 rubles for two, in the chic hotel Riu Naiboa. The trip will be part of 7 nights, from December 30 to January 6.
The hotel has newlyweds, elegant food, excellent animation.

Reviews of the hotel Riu Naiboa Such: "Hotel is amazing, in the morning Free shuttle caring to Palma Real and in San Juan, where you can wander around the shopping center and universamers, buy gifts and souvenirs at normal prices. Therefore, we do not advise you to buy something in Souvenir shop at the hotel. "

"I want to come back here again and again. The hotel is immaculate, we were in the wedding travel, I liked everything! "

"Foam parties in Riu Naiboa - super! Animators work out 1000 percent, we had no time to miss the whole trip. Nearby there are bars and restaurants, so I managed to leave. "

If you return from the Dominican Republic to the New Year, you can save up to 100,000 rubles for two.

Do not forget that according to the law R.F. Each leaving abroad needs tourist medical insurance with a coating of at least 35,000 euros.
Sometimes, insurance is already included in the cost of the tour, but as a rule, such insurances go with a franchise (obligatory payment of each visit) and do not cover almost anything if medical care is really needed.
So going to rest, especially with children and older people, make insurance yourself, especially since its price for a week is cheaper than dinner in a cafe, but can significantly save money on a trip, as medicine abroad is expensive.
It is most convenient to select insurance on a site where you can compare 16 options for the most profitable and popular insurance. Registration takes a couple of minutes, the finispiece is sent to the mail, it remains only to print.

The plus is also a short direct flight to Turkey, the fact that in Turkish hotels even in winter is perfectly fed, it is possible to go to rest with children without fears, and the main tourist destination is even in the most peak and expensive time, for the New Year, will cost as a holiday in the Soviet Sanatorium in Russia.

In December-January in the sea in Turkey, of course you are no longer buying, but also there are no frosts like in Russia there. Pleasant climate, sea air soaked in the smell of pines and fir trees, the ability to change the situation for a little money and return home rested.
So Turkey for the new year is a great choice!

Visa to Turkey is not needed.

Prices for Turkutovka with the seizure of the New Year 2020 to Turkey starts from 32,000 rubles for two. All prices are already included: the flight back with all fees, insurance, meals and transfer.

If you do not know which resort in Turkey to choose - we advise you to read a detailed article:

For example, an excellent hotel in Side for 35,000 rubles for two
You can meet the New Year by the sea in the cozy hotel Palmi Garden, in Side. Total for (550 dollars) - 35,000 rubles for two.

New Year 2020 meeting in Crimea and Krasnodar Territory

If you are not going to ride abroad for some reason, you can have fun and rich to meet the new year 2020 and in Russia.

Crimea offers a lot of holiday homes and guest houses with an interesting new year program, especially since the level of hotels, the number of services provided and prices for them begin to approach adequate.

When choosing Turputovka for the new year in Crimea, pay attention to the hotel "Cheerful Wanti" in Gurzuf.

Beautiful views of the sea and mountains, excellent reviews from visiting guests, why not?

New Year - Holiday Wonders. He is eagerly awaiting both children and adults. The latter often begin to prepare from summer. Someone prefers to celebrate the New Year in a narrow family circle near the home of the hearth, and someone prefers to combine holiday weekend with the journey. Where can I fly for the new year? In this article we collected everything for you the most interesting places of the planet, where you can go with the second half or with childrenTo spend old year and meet a new one, having received a lot of impressions. After all, there is no wonder: how to meet New Year - so you will spend it!

Beach rest

It is nice to meet a new year on the shore of the warm sea in light clothes, while compatriots launch salute and burn fireworks in the Ushans in -25. Undoubtedly, rest to the sea in the middle of winter is one of the most popular among Russians.


Of all the resorts for New Year's holidays, Russians are most often choosing Egypt.

The direction is popular because the absence of exhausting heat. The day here is warm enough, you can swim and sunbathe, the temperature is comfortable, the night is already cooler. This weather is more reminded by our Black Sea coast in September - the velvet season. In the New Year period, prices rise slightly, but compared to other resorts, the most affordable rest.


A good alternative to Egypt, however, prices are slightly higher. Riding better in Eilat: the bathing season is open all year round.

The weather is not pleased with hot days, and wind and rain, and cloudy weather are possible here. But the Dead Sea does not lose its properties, and tourists use the opportunity and bathe in any weather.

India, Goa

Asian beaches will meet Russian tourists with excellent weather. India is perfectly suitable in terms of climate. In winter, the air temperature ranges from 25 to 30 degrees, there is no heat, there is no precipitation. The weather is considered comfortable for swimming and tanning.

Beach Cola - South Goa

Russian-speaking guides and attendants every year becomes more and more, as Goa is gaining popularity among Russian tourists.

Who wants to celebrate a holiday in the relax and exotic atmosphere on the background of the exciting ocean, welcome to India. Riding on elephants, crocodile farms, spice plantations, interesting shopping in local markets, shows with snakes and much more - only a small part of entertainment in addition to bathing in the ocean.


The direction is considered one of the most budget, and the weather pools warmth. The level of service is not worse than on expensive resorts.

Thailand is the very option when you perfectly take from the winter in the summer of children, supporting them with vitamins and the sun in front of the long Russian winter and slushful spring.

The rainy season is already in the past, water warms up to 26 degrees, air temperature in the day of 25-30 degrees. It is better to choose the south-east coast to relax, it will definitely not be rain. But on the west coast of the Malack Peninsula, a rare rain can catch surprise, but in general the weather is a good rest. Tourists spend almost all day on the beach, engaged in diving and surfing. Festivals are organized here on holidays.

Thai Bat - Money in Thailand


New Year on the Chinese tropical island of Hainan will be hot not only in direct, but in the figurative sense of the word: tourists are waiting for the brightest emotions and impressions. There are various water shows, entertainment, yacht parties.

For those who love exoticism, the rest in Dominican Republic or Malaysia is suitable. These paradise are offered a luxurious vacation, but also fees, respectively, much higher. The list of entertainment of outdoor activities includes water sports: rafting, diving, surfing. Newbies should not be afraid: you can hire a personal instructor. The weather has to excursions. In Dominican Republic you can visit underground caves, stroll through the national park, swim in beautiful reservoirs, explore the old palaces.

Maldives, Bahamas

Paradise rest, excellent service, loneliness, white sand and silence. Such a leisure rest will restore the nervous system. Comfortably here will be families with children, retirees and just family or in love with couples looking for calm and solitude. Prices for similar tours are the highest.

If beach holiday is not for you, it's time go to New Year's holidays to Europe. She meets tourists amazing fairs. Aromatic mulled wine, gingerbread cookies, brazier, decorated with cheese - essential attributes of Christmas bazaars. To fly to Europe is best in the twenties of December, since Christmas is more widely celebrated here, not a new year.


Visit the Santa Claus residence in Lapland - the dream of many kids (and adults). New Year's holidays here can be done very actively. For bedtime, cozy warm cottages are available. Entertainment includes games in the fresh air, riding on deer, skiing and snowmobiles. The weather is not very different from the Russian winter: a lot of snow and air temperature is not lower than -15. Here you are waiting for a truly winter fairy tale.


London in late December is unusually beautiful: illumination, fabulously decorated shop windows, festive salute over the Thame. Magic and hovers in the air to Big Ben fight. The weather is relatively warm: the day is wet, the air is heated to +5 - (+ 7) degrees. At night, the temperature is below 0 degrees. Here, as in St. Petersburg, it is better to carry umbrella with you.


The new year in this country will be remembered by fun and scope. At the end of December, tours are relatively inexpensive. The holiday can be found in Venice, Rome, Milan - everywhere will be equally well. Here is a large selection of excellent spa hotels, medieval castles and cruises. You can slowly see the sights, visit museums. At this time of year, the weather is akin to the Russian Autumn: air temperature to +12 degrees may be rain. Rome usually does not have snow, unlike the northern part of Italy.

Czech Republic

Many tourists go to celebrate New Year in Prague. This medieval city is famous for especially beautiful salute, which is arranged on January 1. It is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe.

You can not only wander around the streets, inspect the sights, but also actively spend time. In winter, many Czech castles are available for visiting, there are many open skating rinks. For lovers skis - routes in Karlovy Vary and on Lamp Lipno. You can ski and without leaving Prague: there is a ski center here.

As in other European cities, Christmas fairs opened in Prague on each area, and since January 2, grand sales in boutiques and shopping centers begin. For shopping lovers, this is a big joy - discounts 50-70%.

Germany, Berlin and Munich

Germany seems to truly a real Christmas fairy tale. Fairs and bazaars with appropriate attributes: everywhere the fragrance of ginger, mulled wine, the city streets are decorated with highlighting garlands. At the end of December, snow may not be, and the temperature does not fall below -5 degrees. Nevertheless, the atmosphere of the holiday is felt everywhere.


The most romantic New Year in Paris will be very expensive at the beginning of the holiday weekend. At the end of the price fall.

The city is decorated with illumination, everywhere Christmas fairs and smell of exquisite dishes. The best bazaars are on the Champs Elysees. Weather in Paris are akin to our autumn: rare rains, high humidity, cloudy and damp, temperature up +5. Snow is rare.


New Year's weekend in Riga are notable for here you can celebrate and Catholic, and Orthodox Christmas. As in all cities of Europe, they begin to prepare in advance, since November: decorate the city with garlands, put the Christmas trees on the squares.

At the end of December, the city is already covered with a light white waterproof. It's time to stroll through the medieval city and see the sights.

Ski tours are also gaining popularity among tourists from around the world. Tour operators can offer winter tourism centers for every taste and wallet. There are many European ski resorts, but Salzburg, Tyrol, Zermatt and others are most popular in Europe.

Lovers of winter sports are also suitable ski slopes of Finland and Russia. You can consider the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia. There is a ski slope to any budget.


The Alps are considered the benchmark for this type of rest. There are tracks and beginners for beginners and professionals. Not trouble, if there is no equipment - everything can be rented in place. Accommodation is possible both in a separate hotel room and in the Alpine house with a sauna and a swimming pool for several people.

Nonfiles of Turkey

In recent years, in the field of ski tourism, Turkey is not inferior to European resorts. Rest in Turkey for the new year will cost about 20% cheaper than in Europe.

Here are the mass of advantages.

  1. Flight from Russia closer and cheaper.
  2. "All inclusive", as in the period of summer holidays.
  3. The price of lifts, as a rule, is included in the price of the tour.

Turkey now opens to tourists from the new side.

Caucasian slopes

Decent competition Alps will make up the slopes of the Caucasus. Distinctive features of local resorts are.

  1. Cheaper than European resorts.
  2. Wildlife.
  3. Less developed infrastructure.
  4. Hotels and hotels at different budget.

Caucasus is famous for three directions.

1. Elbrusye

There are several vertices at the disposal of skiers.

  1. - the highest point for extreme extremes. Her Elbrus-Azau zone is distinguished by gentle slopes and even come true to beginners.
  2. Gara-Bashi. (Legging Top of Elbrus) for climbers.
  3. Chegenet - Mountain with steep and complex tracks (one of the most extreme in the world). Here the danger represents the height difference and the likelihood of avalanche.

Elbrus in the level of infrastructure development far from Europe, but everything you need is there.

A small village with good tracks, within walking distance from which the lifts are located. There are highways for both children and extremal professionals - wild tracks on the northern slope where you can get only on a helicopter. In Dombaya there is an active development of infrastructure, hotels and cottages are being built.

3. Krasnaya Polyana

The resort is the most approximate to the European level. To the 2014 Olympics, it was equipped with new lifts. Built a new road to the airport and 4 complex with hotels and tracks. There is also eco-houses for several families. The most expensive is the complex "Rosa-farm".

Rest in Russia

In our country, there are many beautiful places where you can go on the New Year holidays with the whole family. Preparing preferably in advance: early book rooms or cottages, buy tickets. After all, by the end of December, they simply will not be.

Great Ustyug

New Year is a great opportunity to visit the residence of Santa Claus. Here is a whole entertainment program for children, which can stretch for several days, because the territory of the ownership of the country's main grandfather is quite large. For families from afar there are hotels and cottages where you can stay. It is advantageous to order a tour in which travel, accommodation, food, excursion program and other events. Such New Year holidays will accurately remember the child for life.


Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana became a favorite destination of Russians and guests of the country. Especially after World Cup 2018. There are couples for outdoor activities and families with children. Sochi-park is open to the visit, where you can meet the heroes of different fairy tales, visit attractions, dolphinarium, ride a rink around the festive Christmas tree. You can stroll through the Olympic Village and visit the Olympiad objects. Children will appreciate the Dolphinarium "Riviera" and the oceanarium.

In Skhaparka, you can admire the picturesque views from the longest suspension bridge in the world.

In Red Polyana, not only the ski route is popular, but also the cable car at which an amazing sightseeing tour can be made. You can also visit Vorontsov caves, monkey kennel and many other interesting places.

St. Petersburg

New Year in St. Petersburg is akin to European. Here also arrange Christmas fairs on the squares, they set the Christmas trees, water dance. Concerts, dances, songs and, of course, festive salute over the Neva. The weather here from year to year is different: or the city is suspended with snow, or it rains. Therefore, traditionally do not forget the umbrella.

New Year's holidays are great for excursions on the Hermitage and Palaces.


North of Russia, it is impossible to meet a new year in a family circle. This direction in recent years has become popular with tourists. A lot of recreation sites have appeared, comfortable cottages and saunas are rented. Quiet and relaxing rest against the background of the beautiful nature of the North. Perhaps someone will be lucky to see the Northern Lights. There is everything for outdoor activities:

  • ski tracks;
  • snowmobiles;
  • boiling on the cheesecakes;
  • winter fishing.

Everyone will find a lesson in the soul!

Altai and Baikal

Another destination in Russia, which is rapidly developing lately. A little tourists know that Russia can spend the winter holidays are actively, bright and inexpensive. New tourist recreation centers open in Altai and Baikal. Eco-hotels and eco-cottages are far from settlements, in scenic places with the purest air and pristine nature. Prices here at 3-4 are lower than in Sochi, and the rest is not inferior at all. You can bathe in the sauna and immediately dive into the snow, ride on the cheeks, skiing, snowmobiles.

You can fly on the New Year almost anywhere in the world. But it is better to choose a vacation in your own way about your taste and budget, book a hotel and tickets.

Video - where to go to rest in winter for the new year. Where is warm in winter?