Montenegro Dimensions of the territory. Montenegro

Geographical position

Montenegro Located in Southeast Europe, Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. The name of the state happened from the toponym Black Mountain. Overall area of \u200b\u200bthe countrymake up 13.8 thousand square meters. KM. Capital Montenegro- city Podgorica (Former Titograd).

Montenegro is washed from South Adriatic Sea.. State in the Westborders with Croatia, in North-west Bound bastes S. Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the north-east - from Serbia, in the east - from Kosovo. and Albaniain the southeast.

Total extender of land borders The state is 614 km. With the Republic of Croatia- 14 km, with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km, with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo - 203 km, with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

Until June 2006Montenegro was part of a confederative State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The country occupied 13.5% of its total area. Independence Montenegro received June 3, 2006.

The territory of the country is conditionally consisting of three parts: the Adriatic Sea coast, a relatively flat central part of the country, as well as the mountain systems of the East of the country. In the central part of the country there are two of its largest cities - Podgorica and Nikishich.

Continental coastlineMontenegro stretches almost 300 km. The composition of the state includes 14 sea Islands. The length of the coastline These islands are 15.6 km. In North-westMontenegro is a major bay called Boca Kotorwhich crashes into land on 29.6 km. The area of \u200b\u200bits water surface make up 87.3 km².

Total length of beaches Montenegro is 73 km, sea water transparency places exceed 35 M..

There are many rivers in Montenegro. About 52,2 % Rivers of the countries belong to the pool of the Black Sea, the remaining 47,8 % Refer to the Adriatic Sea basin. Long Of these are: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotina(100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) I. Boyana (30 km).

Three Montenegrin Rivers ( Morach, Zetaand Beer.) Everybody flows through the country. River Boyanapreviously, was the only shipping river of the country. Currently, it is no longer navigable.

Almost all rivers of the country are mountain, they form enough deep canyons. Canyon River Tara Consider The deepest in Europe And the second in depth in the world. Its depth is about 1200 meters.

Famous Skadar Lake is an the largest lake Not only countries, but also the entire Balkan Peninsula. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface make up 369.7 km². Two thirds of this lake belong to Montenegro, and one-part belongs to Albania.

The second largest lake Montenegro is Shask Lake, Square 3.64 km². The lake is located close to Ulciny. There are also 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin. Their total area is 3.89 km².

Territory of Montenegro Goris. The highest point of the country is mountain Bobotov-Cook, (Mountain Array Durmitor). Her height is 2522 M.. Areas adjacent to the Adriatic coast are located in the zone of narrow coastal plains, which are interrupted by mountain spurs and rocky seeds.

In Northern Montenegro climate moderately continental, on the Adriatic coast - mediterranean.

In the seaside region of the country, summer is most often long, dry and enough roast. Mid-day air temperature Here is + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. Winter in this part of the country is short and cool, with medium temperatures from +3 to -7 ° С. In the mountainous regions of Montenegro, summer is not so hot, the temperature here fluctuates from +19 to 25 ° С. Winter here are cooler - from +5 to -10 ° C. The precipitation in this part of the country falls mainly in the form of snow. On the mountain Durmitor He can fall out to five meters level. And here on the coast and in the swimming pool of the lake snow falls extremely rarely. In total, in Montenegro precipitation falls from 500 to 1500 mm per year. The sediments fall predominantly in the form of rain. In the mountains near the sea coast, there are more than 3000 mm.

In the northern regionsMontenegro Snow usually lies before 5 months per year. Number of sunny hours per yearin Igalo 2386 , and in Ultsin - 2700 . Maximum seawater temperature in Montenegro - 27.1 ° C.. Average sea temperature in summermake up 24.7 ° C..

Dinarium mountain range(Orneen, Delicious) Tower over the coast in the form of a giant canopy. It prevents the penetration of the Mediterranean climate into the depths of the country.

The best time to visit the country is a period From May to September-October. Tourist season In Montenegro, usually begins in Apriland continues until November. Sea temperaturewithin seven months hesitates from +20 s to +26 with. The bathing season in Montenegro for the duration is equal to the tourist.

Visas, entry rules, customs regulations

Currently for entry into Montenegro for a period of less than 30 dayscitizens of Russia not required visa. It is necessary onlyinvitationor turvaucher.

For stay in the country more than 30 days, Need to issue visa for a period of 3 or 6 months. This can be done at Montenegro Embassy. Extend permission to stay Tourists can also directly in Montenegro. To this end, It will be necessary to turnto the police station at the place of residence, to the officer on migration issues.

For registration of a visa Charged Consular fee In Euro. To obtain a visa for the period of more than 30 days, the consular fee for citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine is €60 . In addition to the child, inscribed in the passport of parents, charged €6 . Consular fee for a child with its own passport make up €60 .

For registration for citizens of the CIS one-time, tourist visa for a period of less than 30 days Consular fee is charged €20 . Additionally for a child inscribed in the passport of parents, I will need to pay €6 .

Passport for entry into the country must be valid At least 2 weeks after the alleged end of the trip.

For citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, who do not have pre-booking hotels or Turva, at the entrance to the country it will be enough to present Acting passport and return ticket. Tourist in this case must Register at the hotel or at the owners of the rented apartments within 24 hours after entering Montenegro.

In Montenegro also The tourist collection is charged. It is about 1 Eurofrom one person per night accommodation in the country. Registera tourist can in a tourist organization or to a turbule. This can also be done in the police at the inspector for foreigners.

At the entrance to Montenegro with pets, such as a cat or a dog, need to Have a certificate from a veterinary doctor. It should contain data on the origin and state of the animal health. Must contain a mark that this animal does not suffer with rabies. You can get such a certificate from a veterinary doctor. An animal undergoes veterinary control at airports in Russia and in Montenegro.

When departing from Montenegro need to pay airport collection at the rate of 15 Euro.

Import and export Foreign currency and securities in currency can without limit. It is necessary to declare only large amounts of cash.

Persons aged 18 and older, regardless of their nationality, can duty free Import to 200 cigarettes to 100 cigarill, or 50 cigars, or up to 250 grams of tobacco. Montenegro is also allowed Duty-free import up to 1 l of strong alcoholic beverages and up to 1 liter of wine. You can import up to 250 ml of cologne and a reasonable amount of perfumes and other perfumes.

Personal belongings and objects of sports equipment can be imported into Montenegro only within the limits of personal needs. This includes: 1 binoculars, 1 laptop, 1 gun with a set of ammunition, 1 bike, 1 set of fishing equipment, 2 tennis rackets, up to 2 photos and 1 camcorder, 1 tent, 1 pair of skiing, 1 musical instrument, 1 CD or MP3 player.

Most of these items it is not necessary to declare. Writing temporary import declaration will need Only for entering the camcorder, video recorder and other consumer electronics.

To the country cannot be imported Drugs, psychotropic and explosives, poisons. Moreover, forbidden import counterfeit products, pesticides and some medicines, gold in untreated form and in coins. Domestic animals can be imported and exported only if all relevant veterinary norms are met.

From Montenegro can be taken out Reasonable number of perfumes, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. Cannot be taken out From the country, antiques, if they are not attached to the corresponding documentary confirmation of the legality of their purchase.

At the entrance to the territory of Montenegro by car From June 15, 2008 you need to pay ecological collection. The amount of this collection for cars having no more than 8 seats, amounts 10 Euro. For cars weighing no more than 5 tons We will have to pay 30 Euro, over 5 tons - 50 Euro. For entry on trucks It will be necessary to pay 80-150 Euro. In confirmation of the paid collection on the windshield, a special sticker is glued. It operates for 11 months.

Population, political condition

Population Montenegroparty about 700 thousand people. The bulk of the population make up chernogortsand serbs. Albanians They live mainly in the Ulcin area. Bosniki live in the north of Montenegro. Live here too greek and Croats.

In recent years, real estate in Montenegro began to acquire foreigners. Now there are up to 40 thousand foreigners here, constantly live in coastal areas. Their main part is citizens CIS, there is also a small amount Germans and British.

National population population: chernogorts - about 50 % , Serbs - 31,99 % , bosnians - 7,77 % , albanians - 5,03 % , croats - 1,10 % , russians - 1,00 % , gypsy - 0,42 % , others- 5,56 % .

Official languagesMontenegro are: serbian (85,7 % ) I. albanian (5,3 % ). In the country is used serbian language of the Yeshek dialectwith the equal use of Cyrillic and Latin. Use also used Bosnian and Croatian.

In administratively, the territory of the country consists of 21 municipality (area, community). These municipalities are named by the names of their central cities.

In the municipality Podgorica Pass two urban districts: City District Zeta and urban district Tuy. Central City of District Zeta is Golubovtsy. It should be noted that Zeta is the name of the historical region, as well as the ancient name Montenegro.

Capital Montenegrois an Podgorica. The largest cities of the country: Podgorica, Niksich, Pulia, Beelo-Field, Herceg Novi, Beran and Cetina.

In the early 1990s The actual disintegration of Yugoslavia occurred. Montenegro after that remained In one federal state with Serbia. May 21, 2006.years on referendum 55,5% Chernogorstsev voted for the exit from the federation with Serbia. June 3, 2006. of the year Montenegro proclaimed his independence. The state was recognized by the international community.

October 20, 2007. The year was accepted Constitution Montenegro. According to this constitution, Montenegro is a free, democratic, eco-friendly state.

Power in the country divided by legislative, executive and judicial. Montenegro Presidentformally not included in the separation system of the authorities. It elected for a five-year term In the course of universal direct secret ballot.

Legislature In the country is carried out single Parliamentcalled Sockerel. It consists of 81 deputy. Parliament members are elected on 4 years during direct secret voting. Elected 76 deputies, and still 5 Albanian representatives are nominated from the Albanian minority.

Executive In the country is carried out Government (Vlada). The composition of the government on the proposal of the president is approved by the storm.

Judicial systemconsists of two levels. Supreme Court Montenegro provides the unity of law enforcement throughout the country. There are also in Montenegro also constitutional Court.

Executive and legislative authorities Montenegro is controlled " Coalition for European Montenegro» - DPSH and Social Democratic Party of Montenegro.

December 16, 2008. of the year Montenegro submitted an application for joining the European Union. The government of the country also strives for rapprochement with NATO.

What to see

On the shores of the Gulfthere is a large number of interesting attractions. The first settlers in these places appeared in ancient times. Great interest for tourists is the bay itself, famous for its beauty. The best view of it opens with an adjacent rocky plateau. There are several bays, which are interconnected by narrow ducts. These bays go deep into the coast of more than 20 km.

In the longer part of it, you can see the medieval city Kiss. It it is a UNESCO architectural monument. The old town of Kotor is located between the sea and the spurs of the mountain range is delicious. The main attraction of the city Consider Saint Trifon Cathedral. This cathedral was erected in 1166 year. It was built on the foundation of an earlier church, which was devoted to the patron and defender of the city. The height of the fortress walls of the city is up to 20, and the width is up to 15 meters. These fortress walls rose to the very fortress of St. Ivan, located high in the mountains. In the Gulf, opposite Perasta, are the picturesque small islands GOSPO SKRPEL and Saint George.

City Herceg-Novylej At the foot of the Mountain Arrays Orien. It is located at the exit from the Gulf. Here you can watch unique botanical Gardenwhich was formed for several centuries. Currently, a large number of diverse types of tropical and subtropical plants are presented in the garden. The most famous monument of the history and architecture of the city Consider orthodox monastery of Savina (XI century). Tourists are also attracted bastions, National Museum and vintage residential building.

City Budva Located in the central part of the country's coast. Old town is surrounded by high fortress walls. These walls were built in XV Century before the invasion of the Turks. In the old part of the city You can wander through narrow winding streets. In the centersituated museum, I used to be here city Citadel. Near the citadel are three vintage churches: church of St. Ivan VII century, church of St. Mary IX century and church of the Holy Trinity. The latter was erected in 1804 year and is an Orthodox church in the Byzantine style. Not far from Budva Located the famous hotel St. Stephen. He completely retained the type of medieval city.

Ancient Bar First mentioned B. IX century. In fact, it was built by the Romans. Since the time of Turkish invasion, the fortress has been preserved here High Nheai. In the city, tourists can also see Cathedrals of St. George XII century and St. Nicholas XIV century. Next to the old bar, in Mirovice.growing one of the oldest olive trees in the world. His age has more 2000 years.

Ultsin is an the southernmost city of Montenegro. There are beautiful beaches of great lengths. In addition, historical sights can be seen here. Museum of the city It is a real historical and cultural complex. Tourists can also inspect remains of Venetian Walls and visit ethnographical museum. The influence of different styles and eras is traced in the architecture of the old town.

On the territory of Montenegro in different parts are located 4 National Park. "Durmitor" located in the mountains in northwest, the park " Biogradsk mountain" situated in the north, "Delicious" - in the mountains off the coast, but " Skadar Lake" located on the plain in the south-east of the country. The largest area occupies the territory of the National Park " Durmitor"You can also see the famous Canyon River Tara. This canyon is considered the deepest in Europe And is located under the protection of UNESCO. Tourists can go to excursion on it on rafts or rafts. There is also a picturesque medieval fortress. Very beautiful beer River Canyons, Morach, Tossy, as well as glacial lakes, which are located in the mountain part of Montenegro.

Biogradsky forest It is one of the last forests untouched in Europe. Very big popularity among tourists enjoys a beautiful Skadar Lake. Here live large colonies of birds. In the National Park " Delicious"You can admire the unique mountain landscape. In addition, here at the lake peak situated mausoleum Peter II Petrovich News.

Montenegro is a rather religious country. There are many monasteries and churches. In total, there are about fifty monasteries in the country, over thirty of them are valid.

Cultural capital Montenegro - city CetiniLies on the slopes of the mountain of Lovechen. This city was founded in XIII.century. He is a real open-air museum. His main shrineconsider Cetinsky monasterybuilt in the period from 1484 to 1785. The monastery is in the very center of the city. In the walls of this monastery unique sacred relics are stored, such as the: bablished Holy Holy John Baptist and part of the cross on which the Savior was crucified. There is also here the first printed book of the South Slavs - "Okey"which appeared in 1494 year.

Monastery Ostrog Was founded in XVIIcentury. Its feature is that it is carved in the rock at the height 900 M. above sea level. There are numerous pilgrims from all over the world. In this monastery stored the relics of St. Vasily Ostrog - Wonderworker-healer who is revered in the entire Orthodox world.

Not far from Kolashin situated monastery Moracha. This monastery was erected more 750 years ago. He stands in a picturesque place above the stormy river Morach. Church of the Assumption of the Virginin the monastery of Moracha He is the tomb of the rulers. In this temple you can see magnificent frescoes. Among them there is a unique cycle that is dedicated prophet Eli. In the monastery are also located church of St. Nicholas. and church of St. Archidacon Stephen.

The territory on which modern Montenegro is located, was previously located as part of the Roman Empire. In those days she wore name Dukel (Doclea.). The first Slavic tribes began to settle in this region of the Balkan Peninsula in VIcentury. Slavic Balkans became in VIII. century.

Christianity On the territory of Montenegro appeared in VII century. When the Empire is divided into Western, Roman, Eastern and Byzantine, the border was held in this region. In addition, the churches here were divided into Roman and Orthodox. This determined the historical position of Montenegro on the border of Slavic and Mediterranean peoples. It was mixed with various cultures and economic systems.

The state included the territory of Lake Skadar, as well as nearby mountains. First prince Dukli Was Vladimir. Dukel was renamed Zetua. IN 1040 The year she gained independence and became the first independent state in the Balkans who received the Byzantine recognition. The country has reached the greatest heyday at the end XIcentury. Then she controlled almost the entire territory of modern Bosnia and Serbia.

The modern name Montenegro was first mentioned in the chronicles of the monastery of St. Nicholas in the foregroundbelonging to 1296 year. Thus, the territory around the mountain is delicted. She seemed black from a dense forest growing on her.

In the Middle Ages, Zeta was a small feudal state. The country had to dismantle its independence from Albania's encroachment, Venice, and then Turkey. At the head of state stood various dynasties: Vojisavljevic., Balsic. and Crnojevic. IN XV century at the board KNNEVICH In the town of Cestier were built fortress and monastery. This place began to be considered a symbol of spiritual and state independence.. IN 1493 The first in the Balkans typography was created at their board.

Then, B. 1496 year the state fell under turkish domination. The invaders joined Zetu to the province of the Skadar. But even at that time, Montenegro used great rights of autonomy. Independence from Turkeythe state was able to get in 1645 year. After that at the head of the countrystood metropolitanswho enjoyed a very big spiritual influence as well The misappreciation of the people of Montenegro.

IN 1697 year Skupschina appointed Metropolitan Danil I.from which he originates dynasty Petrovichy. IN XVIII-XIX. For central times, Montenegro won several victories in battles with superior Turkish troops. This contributed to her full liberation from Turkish influence. In many ways, all the victories contributed to allied relations with Russia. In the same period, Montenegro got a way out to the coast of the Adriatic and began to control the port of the bar. Results of liberation wars 1875-1878 Official enshrines received In a peaceful agreement signed in San Stefano in February 1878 years as well on Berlin Congressin summer 1878 of the year. After this Berlin Congress Montenegro (together with Serbia and Romania) received state statusrecognized internationally. Day July 13 became a national holiday.

In the end XIX. Century in Montenegro, statehood is rapidly developing. IN 1879 by the decree Prince Nicholas.founding State Council, ministriesand Supreme Court. IN 1888 year in the country were accepted Civil Code and Act of ownership.

First Chernogorsk Constitution Appeared December 19, 1905.of the year. IN 1910 year Parliament (Folk Skupshchyna) Proclaimed Montenegro Constitutional monarchy. Prince Nikolai became King Nikolai I..

During this period in the country the industry began to grow rapidly. The daughter of Prince Nikolai, Elena, was the wife of the king Italy Viktor Emmanuel. By agreement with him, Italy invested 10 million LIR into the development of the Montenegro economy. For these funds in the country, the port was built in the bar. The railway also appearedwhich tied the bar, Virpazar, Podgorica and Danilovgrad.

During the First World War country fought on the side of the Entente. The Army of Montenegro was fighting with the troops of Austria-Hungary under the command of Serbia. After the end of the war Montenegro became the only country-winnerthat lost its independence. Serbia managed to realize the idea " Great Serbia", Creating the Kingdom of South Slavs, called Yugoslavia. Montenegro entered her by the decision of the Assembly in Podgorica November 11, 1918. of the year. The country has lost sovereignty, army and royal dynasty. Part of the country's population protested against unification with Serbia. Armed uprisings began to break out, the Serbian army successfully suppressed them. In the mountainous regions of the country, Serbia resistance continued before 1920 of the year.

Montenegro entered the province Zetska Banovin.but. This territory has become one of the poorest provinces of Yugoslavia. During the Second World War Here were posted base of partisan movement Tito. After the victory and education of the communist state, Yugoslavia became a federation. Montenegro then was one of the seven republics included in its composition. At subsidies from the center in the republic began developing industry. IN 1980-E. Years here began active development of the tourist industry.

At the beginning 1990sthe anniversary of Yugoslavia occurred. Montenegro at this time remained in a single federal state with Serbia. First, this state continued to wear the former name of Yugoslavia, and with 2003 of the year - Serbia and Montenegro. The fighting was not affected by Montenegro. but the country has seriously suffered from international sanctionswhich were imposed on the Union State. On a referendum held May 21, 2006. of the year, 55,5% Residents of Montenegro voted for the exit from the federation with Serbia. June 3, 2006.of the year Montenegro proclaimed about its independence. June 15. The independence of Montenegro was recognized by Serbia. Montenegro has become an independent state.

International trade

The main products exportin Montenegro are: aluminum (more 50% aggregate export) metal Production, as well as mineral oils. Chernogorsk Importmake up cars, mineral fuel, energy equipment and cars. The main foreign trade partnersMontenegro can be called such countries as: Serbia, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sloveniaand Croatia.

The shops

Shops in Montenegro usually work daily from 8:00 before 20:00 . In tourist centers they can close only in 23:00 . Many shops (and even pharmacies) daytime closed.

Usually break in storeshappens S. 13 before 17 hours, but maybe with 13 before 16 , and S. 12 before 17 . In large and resort cities It is not difficult to find stores that are open. round the clock. Some shops Work and B. sunday. Numerous private trading points Work according to its own schedule.

The price level in the country is quite lowIf we compare with Western Europe. But compared to Turkey and Egypt, it is much higher. It is necessary to know that prices differ depending on the country's area. In coastal areas All about 25% more expensive. And here hotels on the contrary are more expensive in the country's interior.

Very convenient for tourists, now in Montenegro euro is the official monetary unit. No need to change currency by losing at the same time.

As souvenirs From Montenegro, tourists usually bring t-shirts with resort symbolism, plates, as well as a variety of Crafts from Rakushki. Chernogorsk are also famous alcoholic beverages.


Annual increase in the population Countries are near 3,5 % . Population density - 44.9 people / km².


Traditionally the main industry industry In Montenegro, were ferrous metallurgy (Centre - Niksich), aluminum processing (Podgorica) and electrical industries (Cetini). Sufficiently developed in the country rubberotechnical, Textile (Beieo Field) I. chemical industry. In which produce Bearings. Center for Shipbuildingand ship repair are Biela and Bar. Lightand Food industrythe most developed B. Niksche and Bare. Wood processing centers Considered: Rynign, Beran, Pulia and Niksich.

Currently, the Montenegro economy is experiencing a rapid rise. The main industries are developing, as well as agriculture and tourism.

The largest enterprises Countries are: Plant Aluminum In Vodgorica, iron and Steel Works In Nikhich, TPP and coal mine "Plevla". The country is forced to import ferroalloys, Electrodes, hot rolled sheet, petroleum products, as well as electricity.

The country rivers are very high energy potential - 115 kW per 1 km² territory. But, by virtue of various reasons, hydropower in Montenegro is undeveloped.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world Montenegro is rich enough and diverse. Here is 0,14% Europe grows territories 2833 Plant varieties. This is almost about a quarter of the types of European flora.

On the country's coast grow up olive and fruit groves, cypress, palma and grapes. Most of the territory of coastal cliffscovered mcVis, representing dense thickets of evergreen shrubs. Such vegetation is characteristic of the Mediterranean.

In mountainous areas Montenegro meet Oak and Coniferous forests. On the Mountain Arrays of Belasitsa is located national Park "Biogradsk mountain". It is covered with a mixed forest. Trees grow here 86 breed. Among the main breedsyou can allocate: spruce, fir, beech, elm, oaks, maples and rowan.. Rare Alpine Alpine edelweissi, Mining vasilki and violets. These species are characteristic of the belt of alpine meadows.

Another famous Montenegro National Park is located on Skadar Lake. There are completely different types of plants. The terrain here is swampy, covered with reed. On the surface of the lake, you can see a large amount of yellow and white Water lilies. Many types of vegetation Montenegro are endemics. This means that they grow only in this area.

Animal world Montenegro is also quite interesting. In the mountainous areas of the country Inhabit such prey animals like: wolves, the Bears and foxes. They hunt on deer, serne, wild goat, Zaitsev and suslikov. In the valleys are found wild boars.

In the Adriatic Seathere are a large number of different types of fish. There are found here sea Perch, Kefal, Barabulka, as well as shrimps, lobsters, octopuses.

In the rivers of the countryfish such types like: trout, Okun, Karp, Som, Sazan and pike. In Skadar Lake dwells 50 fish species. Locals mined here bleak and Carp. In addition, on the Lake Skadar constantly or temporarily lives 270 species of birds. There are colony pelicans, baklanov, herkeland black Ibisov. This lake come ornithologists from around the world.

More 41 % montenegro Square covered Forests and forest land. On the pasture have to 39,58 % common territory.

According to the Montenegro Constitution, the Republic is " eco-friendly state" About 8,1 % Its territory is under various environmental modes. There are many national reserves in the country, the main of which are: Durmitor, Lovechen, Biograd Mountain and Skadar Lake.

Banks and money

Driving a car in Montenegro has its own characteristics about which must knowtourists. First of all, for road trips around the country necessarystock the latest version of good-scale roadmaps. This is due to the fact that most of the road maps sold do not contain the major changes that occurred in the country after the last Balkan war of 1992-1996. Part of the road, which used to be good quality, now actually came to complete disrepair. In addition, in Montenegro during this time, a large number of new roads with a good coating have time to appear. This problem is particularly relevant in the country's mountainous regions.

Roads throughout the country is not too good quality According to European standards. Even the best highways have only two bands in each way of movement. All other roads have only one strip in each direction. In addition, the country's movement on the car complicates mountainous terrain and large amounts of cargo transit vehicles on the roads. Tourists recommendedtravel by car in Montenegro at no higher 60-70 km / h.

Bus service In Montenegro, well developed quite well. Transport goes to a clear schedule. However, the country's bus fleet is already very outdated, there are no ventilation and air conditioning. And because of the mountain relief, the bus ride takes more time than on ordinary roads. This is associated with the lateness of buses and their breakdowns.

Public transport In cities, too, mainly has an outdated park of cars. Coupons for travel are sold in any newsstand. This coupon is needed purchase When entering the cabin. Travel in tram or bus can also pay by giving money to the driver. However, the fare in this case increases almost 2 times. Reusable ticketsyou can purchase in tobacco kiosks.

In Montenegro there is no internal railway. The only existing line leads From the bar in Serbian Belgrade. This route passes through Podgorica and Bialo-field. For this area, daily runs up to 4 trains. One of them is night and has sleeping places.

There is in Montenegro four types of trains: "extras"(Express)," proverbs"(fast)," brzi."(speed) and" putUnitski"(Passenger). Prices for different categories of trains are different from each other, but they are all sufficiently low. In night trains to Belgrade there are only coupling cars. The cost of travel in a second-class coupe with three places is about 4 Euro. A trip to a quadruple coupe will cost approximately 3 Euro, and in a six-bed - in 2,5 Euro. The passage in the first-class bedroom carriage is about 7 euro. Luggage to the installed limit (about 50 kg.) Not paid.

In the summer season, the number of trains increases according to the summer schedule. On the passing train to buy a ticket quite not easy. Recommendedreserve places in advance. Most trains in Montenegro have a non-smoking compartment. Travel " Inter-Rail"I. Euro-Rail."The country does not work. Podgorica and Bar stations are equipped with luggage storage cameras. To get luggage, you need to present a passport.

In the bar Available sea \u200b\u200bport. Here is a daily ferry with Italy (line Bar Bar). The Adriatic Highway connects all places on the Adriatic coast. Marine fleet Montenegro consists of more 40 Ships. There is also

A distinctive feature of agricultural productionMontenegro is Lack of industrial pollution. Country gradates only environmentally friendly products. The main commodity agricultural culture Montenegro is tobacco.

In the country also well-developed vegetable production (pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruit (apples, grapes, citrus). Famous Montenegro and their Wines.

In Montenegro, cultivate wheat and corn. However, their gross collection is not able to satisfy the internal needs of the republic.

The largest enterprisethe industry is agro-industrial combine « July 13 - Plata».

Mountain-pasture animal husbandry plays a very large role in agriculture Montenegro: sheep breeding and Breeding cattle.

Here buyers do not try to deceive In the store or on the market. But to bargain Montenegrins love and know how. People S. great respect refers to any faith and beliefs. They are religious And do not really seek to "beautiful life."

For Montenegrins, the most characteristic of morality is characteristic as: " cojstvo."And" junastvo.", i.e " bravery"And" courage"Local residents with great reverence belong to their traditions, customs and the history of their country.

Chernogorts sociable and very hospitable. They are open, but they themselves never climb into other people's affairs. The country is markedly traced the influence of centuries-old traditions of community and collectivism. You can even say that some old-fashionedness in the upbringing can be traced in Montenegrins. All these features make the people of Montenegro so colorful.

Very important for Chernogorstsev and family. Even today they have quite strong concepts about childbirth and clan. There is also amazing readiness for mutual assistance Even between absolutely strangers.

In Montenegro people very well refer to Russian and residents of the countries of the former USSR. Here people still remember the centuries-old connection of our peoples. In addition, in many respects it contributes to the similarity of our languages. The problem of the language barrier here practically does not occur. Many Montenegrins know Russian. Tourists from other countries the attitude is also quite friendly. But this applies to older people. But the youth in Montenegro prefers to learn Western European languages. English is applied almost everywhere, but not very popular from the population for political reasons. Local residents are very pleased with the knowledge of tourists at least several of the most common local words.

When meeting locals, regardless of religion, welcome each other handshake. When visiting someone at home accepted Give small gifts. Locals are very valued by the ability to speak and lead a conversation. Often you can see how there are extensive dialogues at the table.

Everywhere in the country european clothing adopted. But go to sports costumes in restaurants and cafes do not. May and just do not let. Evening wear is unofficial enough, but conservative. It is often based on local traditions. Montenegrins very much worship their national costume. Foreigners are not necessarily dressed.

Most of the country's inhabitants are avid smokers. Even in public transport and public institutions can constantly meet smoking persons. Also often you can see noisy companies. However, drunkenness among the locals is not very common.


. In Kosovo. quite often happen Flashing Tularemia and Hemorrhagic Fever.

Tourists must knowThat tap water in Montenegro is usually chlorized and relatively safe for health. but it is best to always use bottled water.This is especially true of distant areas.

Milk in Montenegro Pasteurizes, dairy products are completely safe For consumption. Local meat, bird, fish, vegetables and fruits are inspected in sanitary and hygienic services. They are enough safe For use. However, they recommended Do not buy at street traders and subjected to pre-heat treatment.

In Montenegro acts Insurance system of medical care. First aid, if necessaryIt turns out is free. but for a more thorough examination we have to pay.

Foreign tourists in Montenegro it is best to use the services of only special hospitals: Hospital Boris Kidrich, clinical cents and etc. Consultation for foreigners will cost B. $3-10 Depending on the disease.

In each communitythere is state polyclinic ("Healthy House"). Here you can always get a qualified first help. In almost all cities and large settlements of the country there are doctors who are engaged in private practice. They can also be asked for help.

The main part of the polyclinic It works in the country from Tuesday to Saturdayfrom 7.00 before 13.00-17.00 .

Pharmacies have private and state. Typically, state pharmacies are located in the room "Sudeswe's houses". The range of local and foreign production drugs is quite extensive.

Montenegro - A small country located on the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic Sea coast. Its area is only 13.8 thousand km2. Nevertheless, 4 different climatic regions can be distinguished on the territory of the country: coastal, plateau, highlands, and flat, leaving for the Skadar Lake.

In the West, Montenegro borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the coast - with Croatia, in the north and northeast - with Serbia, and in the east - with Albania. With the south, it is limited to the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coastline is about 300 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km, of which 56 km are sandy beaches.

The coast of Montenegro, the width of only 2-10 km, is clamped between the sea and cool the rocky plate converting to it. In Montenegro, there is one of the best harbors of Europe - Kotorsky Bay (go deep into the coast of more than 20 km), consisting of several spacious bays interconnected by non-sturdes. For a long time, there was a conviction that the bay is a fjord, but now it is believed that the Kotor Bay is the remnants of the river canyon once existed here. Strong tectonic and karst processes led to its gradual destruction.

Over the coast rises as Karst Plateau, the terrain here is harsh, but in its own way beautiful. Rocks dry quickly: even the strongest annual showers cannot significantly moisten the soil, so plants and animals are a bit here. Rare sections of fertile land are found only on small plains and crater depressions. Here is the National Park "Lovchen".

Swimming pool of the Skadar Lake, the fertile plain of the Zeta River, Belopavlitsky Plain and the Nikšic field make up the flat area with a drop of 350 m. In the plain region, the main part of the population of Montenegro lives in the plain region. Here are the two largest cities of the country - Podgorica and Niksich, as well as the National Park "Skadar Lake".

In the north of the country northeast of the beer rivers, Komarninnitsa and Morach are the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands. In the highlands, 4 large mountain ranges can be distinguished: the visitor, the dumor and the commen (they form a dinarial highlands) and the pricker (damned mountains). The height of peaks reaches more than 2000 m above sea level. The highest point of Montenegro - the Mountain of Bobot Cook (2522 m) is located in the Dumer Massier. In the highlands there are pastures and forests, numerous mountain lakes. The beer rivers, Tara, Morach and their tributaries were trained in the rocks narrow canyons with steep shores. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe and the second in the world, its depth reaches 1300 m. In this region, there are also two national parks - Biogradsk Mountain and Durmitor.

- State in southern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. In the southeast, it borders with Albania, in the south, from Italy, the Adriatic Sea is separated, in the West there has borders with Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The length of the sea coast of Montenegro (including Maltenan Islands) is 293.5 km.

The name comes from toponym Black Mountain.

Official name: Montenegro (TsRN Mount).

Capital: Podgorica

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 13 812 sq. M. KM

General population: 620 thousand people

Administrative division: Montenegro is divided into 21 communities.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Population composition: 57% - Chernogorts, 30,% - Serbs, 7.77% - Bosnians, 3% - Albanians, 1% - Russians, 0.42% - Gypsies.

Official language: Montenegrin. Official languages \u200b\u200bare also recognized by Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Albanian.

Religion: 74.24% - Orthodox, 17.74% - Muslim, 3.54% - Catholics.

Internet domain: .me

Voltage in the power grid: ~ 230 V, 50 Hz

Country Code: +382

Country barcode: 389


In Montenegro, the Mediterranean type of climate, which is characteristic of dry and hot summer and cool winter with abundant precipitation. Despite the fact that the territory of the country is small, here 4 climatic regions can be distinguished: the coast, rocky plateau, plain and highlands.

A narrow strip, 2 - 10 km wide along the coast of Montenegro, wears the most pronounced features of the Mediterranean climate. Summer there is roast (the average daytime temperature in July 28..30 C), and there is little precipitation (25 - 50 mm per month). The rain period lasts from November to January, at this time drops 170 - 260 mm per month, in the north of the coast drops 1.5 times more precipitation than in the south. The average monthly temperature at night in January does not fall below 4..5 s, and during the day 11..13 s. Negative temperature is observed not every year. Bathing season lasts 5 months from the end of May to October, water temperature 20..25 S.

Rocky plateau separates the coast from the country's internal regions. It falls here the greatest amount of precipitation in Europe, since its southwestern slopes are delayed with wet air coming from the sea. So, in the village of Krivosie, located above the Kotor of the Bay, 480 mm of precipitation was noted per day. In the town of Troli, the maximum annual precipitation fell - 5155 mm, and located on the plateau near the mountain, the Cetty Country Country Country is the maximum average annual (3927 mm / year). Just like on the coast, the summer of precipitation falls noticeably less (60 - 80 mm in July), and November (500 - 700 mm) is the rainy month.

The height difference between the coast and the plateorest is 1000 m, and the height of some vertices reaches 1700 m. Therefore, in the summer it is cooled here than on the coast, the average daily temperature of July varies from 23 to 27 seconds depending on the height. In winter, the average temperature at night -3 ..- 5 s, and in the afternoon 5..8 S. The snow usually falls in December and is preserved until mid-March.

The plain is protected by a rocky plate from the direct effect of the Adriatic Sea, so in the summer there is hotter than on the coast (the average daytime temperature in July 30..32 ° C), and in the winter is cooled: on average 0..3 ° C at night and 9..11 ° C. The sediments fall predominantly in the fall and winter. In July, 30 - 60 mm of precipitation falls, and in November 250 - 300 mm.

The climate of the high mountain regions is the features of subalpine. In winter, the average temperature at night -6 ..- 9 s, and in the daytime 0..3 ° C, but it drops with a height. Snow usually lies at the end of November and persists until the end of March. The sediments fall uniformly throughout the year, with a maximum in November (can fall from 100 to 300 mm per month, depending on the orientation of the slope). Summer cool, average temperature during the day 19..23 s (high in the mountains can be colder!), And at night 8..10 S.

Best time to visit:

For a beach holiday, July and August are best suited - the most hot, dry and sunny months. In September, when the sea is still warm, and the main wave of tourists has already kicked, you can also relax to the sea too. Diving, windsurfing, paragliding and other sports, as well as the homotrophe attractions can be engaged practically all year round, except November-December. On a trip to mountain areas, you can safely go from April to October. The ski season lasts from December to March.


Montenegro is a small country located on the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic Sea coast. Its area is only 13.8 thousand km2. Nevertheless, 4 different climatic regions can be distinguished on the territory of the country: coastal, plateau, highlands, and flat, leaving for the Skadar Lake.

In the West, Montenegro borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the coast - with Croatia, in the north and northeast - with Serbia, and in the east - with Albania. With the south, it is limited to the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coastline is about 300 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km, of which 56 km are sandy beaches.

The coast of Montenegro, the width of only 2-10 km, is clamped between the sea and cool the rocky plate converting to it. In Montenegro, there is one of the best harbors of Europe - Kotorsky Bay (go deep into the coast of more than 20 km), consisting of several spacious bays interconnected by non-sturdes. For a long time, there was a conviction that the bay is a fjord, but now it is believed that the Kotor Bay is the remnants of the river canyon once existed here. Strong tectonic and karst processes led to its gradual destruction.

Over the coast rises as Karst Plateau, the terrain here is harsh, but in its own way beautiful. Rocks dry quickly: even the strongest annual showers cannot significantly moisten the soil, so plants and animals are a bit here. Rare sections of fertile land are found only on small plains and crater depressions. Here is the National Park "Lovchen".

Swimming pool of the Skadar Lake, the fertile plain of the Zeta River, Belopavlitsky Plain and the Nikšic field make up the flat area with a drop of 350 m. In the plain region, the main part of the population of Montenegro lives in the plain region. Here are the two largest cities of the country - Podgorica and Niksich, as well as the National Park "Skadar Lake".

In the north of the country northeast of the beer rivers, Komarninnitsa and Morach are the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands. In the highlands, 4 large mountain ranges can be distinguished: the visitor, the dumor and the commen (they form a dinarial highlands) and the pricker (damned mountains). The height of peaks reaches more than 2000 m above sea level. The highest point of Montenegro - the Mountain of Bobot Cook (2522 m) is located in the Dumer Massier.

In the highlands there are pastures and forests, numerous mountain lakes. The beer rivers, Tara, Morach and their tributaries were trained in the rocks narrow canyons with steep shores. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe and the second in the world, its depth reaches 1300 m. In this region, there are also two national parks - Biogradsk Mountain and Durmitor.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The vegetation world of Montenegro is very rich, despite the harsh conditions in the mountainous regions, occupying most of the country. Here, only 0.14% of the territory of Europe, it grows 2833 species of plants, which is almost a quarter of the types of European flora. On the coast you can meet olive and fruit groves, cypresses, palm trees and grapes. However, most of the coastal cliffs are covered with McWis - dense thickets of evergreen shrubs characteristic of the Mediterranean.

Above in the mountains there are oak and coniferous forests. The Mountain Array of Belasitsa, where the National Park "Biogradsk Mountain" is located, is covered with a mixed forest. Here are trees 86 breeds, among which spruce, fir, beech, emails, oaks, maples and even Ryabins. In the mountains, rare alpine edelweissions, as well as mountain ranges and violets, are growing in the mountains, such vegetation is characteristic of the alpine meadow belts.

In the area of \u200b\u200banother National Park "Skadar Lake" area is completely different. The main part of its coast is a swampy, crown, and the surface of the lake is covered with a carpet of yellow and white water lilies. Many types of vegetation are endemics, i.e. There are only in this area.

Animal world

The animal world of Montenegro is also rich. From predators in the mountain areas there are wolves, bears, foxes. The prey to them serve deer, lavies, sulfas, wild goats, hares and horses. Wild boars are found in the valleys. In the Adriatic Sea, there are several hundred species of fish, including sea perch, kefal, drum, as well as shrimps, lobsters, octopus.

The rivers are rich in trout, perch, carp, catfish, sazan and pike. In the scandard of the lake, 50 species of fish live, the local population is intensifying mainly bleak and carp. In addition, the Skadar Lake is a permanent or temporary habitat for 270 species of birds. Here you can see the colonies of Pelicans, Baklanov, Herkel and Black Ibis. The lake attracts ornithologists from around the world.


In the territory of Montenegro, many historical and cultural monuments have been preserved, most of them, despite numerous wars, hung through this land are in excellent condition. Hundreds of medieval monasteries and ancient cities, dozens of balneological resorts, unique natural complexes of the southern part of the Balkans, tens of kilometers of the beaches of Chernogorsk Riviera, good-natured and friendly people - this is not a complete list of the merits of this country.

Montenegro and in time of one Yugoslavia was the main tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Due to the diverse relief, the purest mountain rivers, the warm sea (considered, by the way, the cleanest in Europe), the luxurious coast (length is 290 km, the beaches are 73 km, and 56 km of them are sand, which is rare enough for this region), The wonderful climate and the status of the European Ecological Park, this tiny country is one of the recognized European tourism centers.

Banks and currency

Monetary unit - Euro (coins 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 eurocents, 1 and 2 euros; bills 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 euros).

The National Bank of Montenegro works from Monday to Friday (10: 30-14: 00). Commercial banks work from 08:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays - C 08:00 to 13:00, Sunday is a day off. On weekends you can use exchange points. In Montenegro, many ATMs, through them you can perform operations with foreign currency. ATMs are installed in banks, airports in some hotels. Some stores and hotels are paid with credit cards. In the bank you can always find several employees who speak English or in Russian.

Useful information for tourists

Montenegrins are extremely tolerant for manifestations of inter-ethnic distilfing, even to the issue of inter-ethnic conflicts in the Balkans. But it is not recommended to talk about politics or the collapse of the SFRA.

The crime rate is small. The police strongly stops any manifestations of deception of foreign tourists, but on the household level there are frequent cases of small fraud or allegedly suddenly appearing a linguistic barrier, so you should be particularly thorough when discussing financial issues and never give money forward before providing services.

Tips in restaurants make up mostly 5% of the account amount.

For drinking it is better to use mineral or bottled water.

The price level in the country is sufficiently low, but it differs markedly depending on the location. In coastal areas, everything is about 25% more expensive.

Montenegro (Chernogor. Tsbn Mountain, CRNA GORA) - State in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. This is a small country in the heart of the world with unique clean nature and rich events ancient history. Many great states fought for this paradise on the Adriatic coast, protected by mountains and hills, surrounded by forests and fertile lands.

Montenegro - Country of amazing and unexpected combinations: here Mountain air and sea air; Here, Orthodox churches coexist with mosques; Here, people live in medieval castles and houses, whose walls saw those events, which remember, respect and transmit from mouth to mouth. Every corner of the earth is impregnated here. On these lands were endless wars, they were constantly captured and dismissed, belonged to countless foreign rulers, but in spite of everything, the Montenegrin people retain themselves, their culture, their own language. These people absorbed the best of every culture, which came to their land, missed themselves, but did not lose their characteristics. They are not like anyone. They are proud and original.

Montenegro washed Adriatic Sea.has land borders with Croatia in the West, Bosnia and Herzegovina- in North-west, Serbia - in the northeast, partially recognized Republic of Kosovo. - in the east and Albania Southeast. Until June 2006, there was part of the Confederate State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, occupying 13.5% of its cumulative territory.

Climate in Montenegro Depending on the relief, it vary from the Alpine in the mountains to the Mediterranean subtropical on the coast. Summer by the sea is roast, long and pretty dry, winter is short and wet. Sea water temperature during the swimming season is located since the end of April to the end of October, + 20 + 26 ° C, the average air temperature in summer + 28 ° C, in winter + 11.5 ° C. The precipitate falls mainly in the form of snow. The precipitation falls from 500 to 1500 mm per year, mainly in the form of rain, in the mountains near the sea coast, over 3000 mm falls. In the northern regions of Montenegro, the snow lies up to 5 months a year. Number of sun hours per year: in Igalo - 2386, in Ultsin - 2700.

The capital and largest city of Montenegro - Podgorica. The historical and cultural capital is the city Cetina.

Airports: Tivat, Podgorica
Flight: Moscow to the airport Tivat of the flight duration is about 3 hours
Visa: Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days.
Time:time zone +1, from Moscow time lags behind 2 hours
Summertime begins - Sunday, 25 March 2012, 02:00 - local standard time
Summer time ends - Sunday, October 28, 2012, 03:00 - local summer time
Local population: Population - 650,000 people: Montenegrins, Serbs, Albanians, Croats, Bosnians
Area: 13 812 sq. M. km;
Language: Chernogorsk (Jeysky Dialect of Serbian)
Religion: Orthodoxy, but many Catholics and Muslims
Currency: Euro (EURO)
Kitchen: Local cuisine consists of three directions: fish, Italian and original Serbian cuisine.Fish dishes are pretty expensive, but very tasty, high-quality and fresh. Serbian cuisine consists mainly of meat dishes and vegetables. Montenegro produces pretty good wine. The most famous brand is called "Vranice". From strong local drinks, you can highlight Krunak, Rakyu and Schlover.
The cost of dishes without seafood - 8 - 15 euros, with seafood - 20 - 25 euros. Please note that the Russian view of the portion is significantly different from Chernogorsk. Restaurants serve really huge portions. One portion will quite be enough for two people.
Infrastructure and entertainment: Shops and supermarkets work from 6:00 to 22:00, and some and around the clock. Nightlife in bars and nightclubs continues for about 2 o'clock in the morning. Excursion programs in Montenegro deserve attention, whose territory is rich in both places with amazingly beautiful nature and historical and cultural monuments. In hotels and rooms there are Russian satellite channels. Banks work from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 5 pm to 20.00 on weekdays.
Transport: Regular public transport is functioning between cities and inside them. A very convenient means of movement in Montenegro - a taxi. Compared to Moscow prices, Chernogorsk taxi services are very cheap. It is possible to rent a car, but for this you need to be older than 21 years and have driving experience for more than 2 years. The car is usually left for a deposit of 150-300 euros. Daily rent from 35 euros per day.
Useful phones:
Country code:381
Consulate General of Russia in Montenegro (Podgorica): 272460; 272450
Police: 92
Emergency: 94
Fire Protection: 93
Exact time: 95
Road Help: 987
Post Office Service: 988

Russian name - Montenegro, International - Montenegro Comes from toponym TsRN Mountain (Black Mountain).

The country's territory can be divided into three parts: The coast of the Adriatic Sea, relatively flatly central part of the country, on which the two largest cities are located: Podgorica and Niksich, and the mountain systems of the country's East.

The continental coastline of Montenegro has a length of about 300 km. Montenegro has in its composition 14 sea islands, the cumulative length of the coastline of which is 15.6 km. In the north-west of the country there is a major bay bay of Kotherschi, which has an area of \u200b\u200bwater surface of 87.3 km and cut into land by 29.6 km. The length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km. Sea water temperature over seven months ranges from + 12 to +26 ° C, Sea water transparency places exceeds 35 m.

The longest rivers of Montenegro: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km). Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) are on all over the territory of Montenegro. The Boyana River was previously the only shipping river Montenegro; At the moment it is not shipping. Most Chernogorsk rivers are mountainous, form deep canyons. The Canyon of the Tara River depth of about 1200 m, is the deepest in Europe and the second in depth in the world. The largest lake Montenegro and the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km?. Two thirds of the lake (in the area) are on the territory Montenegro, one third - on the territory Albania. Second on the square of Lake Montenegro - Shask Lake (3.64 km?) Located near Ulciny. Also on the territory of Montenegro there are 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin (the so-called "Mountain Eyes"), which is the total area of \u200b\u200b3.89 km?.

More than 41% of the country's area is forests and forest land, 39.58% - pastures. The floral world of Montenegro is diverse. The Republic of Montenegro is an "eco-friendly state", under various environmental modes there are 8.1% of the territory, including national Reserves Durmitor, Lovechen, Biogradskaya Mountain, Skadar Lake and Crocheter.

Beach resorts

All resorts are located on the Adriatic Sea coast. Most resort areas are concentrated in Budva Riviera.A little west - Kotor Bay, one of the most beautiful places in Montenegro.

The largest resorts - Budva, Becici, St. Stephen, Petrovac. Budva it is the capital of the administrative center with the title title. If you compare all Montenegro Beach resorts, this city will be out of competition. Beaches sandy and melonsless. Have a blue flag that guarantees the quality of service. There are both paid and free beaches. There are in Budva, their own, architectural attractions, but the city's nightlife is more noteworthy. Clubs, bars, restaurants, here a great set. Budva, more youth resort, with boiling and beautiful nightlife. Club Parties here are compared with Europe's largest clubs. And all this has its own, Slavic flavor.

Budva Riviera - This is the largest tourist center of Montenegro, famous primarily, with its luxurious sandy beaches, amazing Mediterranean architecture and quite lively nightlife. Concerts, discos, all sorts of shows pass in establishments not only Budva, but also all the surrounding cities of Budva, bars and restaurants take guests almost all night, and almost all night music will poke.

Budva Riviera It is one of the most popular Montenegro resorts. This resort is located in the middle part of the Adriatic coast of Montenegro and consists of the city of Budva and its surroundings. The length of riviera On the seashore about 35 km, almost 15 of them are beaches, most of which are public. Along the entire coast of Budva Riviera, there are hotels of different levels, a variety of villas, apartments, which are ready to take tourists for any time. Many people come here, not one year in a row. The most popular resorts of Budva Riviera - Budva, Becici, Rafailovichi, Prnom, Milocher, St. Stephen, Petrovac, Sutomore and Bar.

For many interesting Saint Nicholas Island, uninhabited, but often visited by tourists (5 minutes on a boat from Budva, Becici, or Sveti Stefan). Part of this beach is given to nudistam. The most prestigious villages This region is Sveti Stefan and Milocherwhose beaches once were part of the territory of the Palace of the Serbian kings.

Beach holidays on Budva Riviera It is possible to diversify the most interesting excursions in the country and in neighboring cities, because Montenegro is a country with a rich history and an immense cultural heritage. Traveling around the country from Budva and its surroundings, the most attractive, that from this part of the coast, the two main roads lead to Podgorica, Cetinje, Petrovac and the Skadar Lake - a unique natural object.

Kotor A small town located on the coast of Kotor Bay. Nature here is striking with its majestic beauty. The beaches here are not so much as in Budva, and all of them are pebble. Kotor eclipses all other resorts on the saturation of their excursion program and the number of architectural monuments. In addition, here is the most inexpensive hotels in Montenegro, which have, mostly four stars. In general, a place for a relaxing, contemplative rest.

Jenovichi - A small town in the Gulf, not far from Herceg Novi. Here, away from the noisy discos and the bustle of large cities, lovers of a relaxing beach recreation will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of measured resort life. Having stopped in a comfortable villa or apartment "Smokwa" 4 *, you can monitor how time is slowly moving in the rhythm of solar cycles, and the waves rolling into pebble beaches, obeying the eternal laws of tides and ties. Along the shore stretches the embankment with numerous cafes and restaurants, where you can try the dishes of national cuisine, or even sit on a cup of coffee. Do not miss the opportunity to order Dessert: the traditional Kolach will affect the variety of stuffs and bright range of tastes.

Becici. A small town, lying less than an hour walk from Budva. It has excellent pebble beaches marked by a number of international premiums. Becici, pretty modern resort town. Here are the mass of new hotels, restaurants, cafes. Most beaches are equipped with sports fields. Regularly held both amateur and professional beach sports competitions.

St. Stephen Initially was a military fort that served the protection against the attack of pirates. Now, Saint Stephen is the most unusual hotel complex in Europe. The outer architecture remained not touched, and the inner premises are redone into fashionable rooms. Here you can withdraw the most expensive apartments in Montenegro.

Petrovac - Another pebble beach coast. The city surrounds a dense array of olive trees ... Petrovac calm, not a noisy resort. This is the perfect place for family holidays with children. Like all hotels, Petrovac hotels are focused on any tourist wallet. You can adjust to the suite with four - five stars, and you can find an inexpensive, but cozy hotel with two stars.

Ski resorts Kolashin - A trendy ski resort, which is located near the Biosphere Biosphere Reserve, which guarantees the purest air and pristine nature. Kolashin is shut off in the aura, almost homely coziness. There is no place for youth fussiness and drive. In the vicinity of Kolashin, you can remove the most cozy apartments. Kolishin ski slopes, pretty modern and comfortable. Here they can ride both newcomers and experienced skiers. Inventory rental prices, the lowest in Europe. Zhablyak - This is the center of winter tourism. In addition to traditional ski trails, mountaineering and pedestrian tourism are developed here, and rafting on the River Tara annually attracts thousands of extremals from around the world. Hotels here on any wallet, from two to four stars. IN Zhablyak, you can remove the most comfortable villas in Montenegro.

Hotels in Montenegro For the very same way, hotels are located near the beaches, which makes them as attractive for tourists. All Montenegrin hotels, even with two stars, offer a very decent service. Accommodation is very popular on villas and apartments. If you dream about daily solar baths and evenings by the sea, your choice is, of course, a separate house or apartments, Montenegro offers a large variety of comfortable and luxurious housing. The tourist company "Scarab" offers for customers affordable prices for the best apartments "Smokva" 4 * in Jenovichi in Montenegro. The attitude of Chernogort residents to Russian is expressed in the folk saying: "With Russians, we are 300 million ...".Our compatriots love and respember here. There are no language barriers and can not be - Russian and Chernogorsky have several thousand similar words, and in Russian, the majority of service personnel say good.

chernogor. TsRN Mountain, CRNA GORA
The name received in Mount Deck (1749 m), located in the historic center of the country from which the Bay.


A distinctive feature of Montenegro is the accumulation of red-coastal in the coastal area. This type of soil, resulting in the weathelation of dolomite and limestone rocks, is also common in the cavity of the Karst region; Naked rocks of the southern part of karst soil practically do not have. The soil of mountain areas is represented by conventional brown forest and podzolic soils. Eastern regions are more fertile and covered with forests and grass.

Arable land - 13.7%, lands of permanent grain crops - 1% (2005). There are no irrigated land. (2003).

Ecology and environmental territories

In the areas of intensive tourism, for example, in which pollution of coastal areas of wastewater is observed.

According to the Montenegro Constitution, the Republic is an "eco-friendly state", 8.1% of the territory is located under various environmental conditions (including national parks Durmitor, Durcher, Biogradskaya Mountain and Skadar Lake).