The geographical position of Montenegro on the map. Geography of Montenegro

Montenegro is one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe. Montenegro is the mountains and plains, dense forests, crystal waters of the Adriatic, mountain rivers and picturesque lakes, piercingly clean air, as well as beautiful ancient cities where various styles and cultures are combined, creating a unique flavor and atmosphere of comfort. The stunning natural wealth of this beautiful country, the wonderful climate, the abundance of historical, architectural and cultural attractions, in combination with democratic prices, attracted to this little paradise an increasing number of tourists.

Lord George Byron wrote about Montenegro:

"At the time of the birth of our planet, the most beautiful of the meetings of the Earth and the sea occurred in Montenegro ... When the pearls of nature were silent, a whole habitant had to ..."

The Republic of Montenegro covers the southwestern, seaside part of the Balkan Peninsula. In the West, Montenegro borders from Croatia, in the north-west - with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the north, northeast and east - with Serbia, in the south-east - with Albania. The population of Montenegro is about 650,000 people. The Montenegrin coast has a coast of a length of 293 km., Along the coast, 14 islands are located from 15.6 km. coastline.
Budva is a city in Montenegro, located in the central part of the Adriatic coast of the country. The city is the center of the same municipal district. Budva is based 2500 years ago, is one of the most ancient settlements on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.
Budva and its surroundings form the Budva Rivier - the largest tourist center of Montenegro, famous for its sandy beaches, nightlife and excellent samples of Mediterranean architecture.
Most historical monuments are concentrated in the old town of Budva. Located noticeably sharply protruding in the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Peninsula, it is a corner of typical Venetian and Mediterranean architecture. Despite the devastating consequences of the 1979 earthquake, by 1987 the old town was completely restored. The old town ishing a powerful fortress wall and permeate narrow winding streets, which lead to the city citadel, where the museum is now located. There are three ancient churches near the citadel.
Beautiful and elegant sculpture of the dancer, located on the rocky stone near the mogren beach, became the unofficial symbol of the city. This is the most famous and photographed landmark of Budva. This monument, according to legend, is associated with one romantic legend, and has become a symbol of real love, near which romantic-minded natures love to be photographed and make desires. Fortress Walls
Fortress Wall Budva The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (founded in the VII century), with the bell tower - the architectural dominant of the Old Town.
The Church of the Holy Trinity (built in 1804) is the Orthodox Church, erected in typically Byzantine style. A characteristic feature is the bell tower "on a hill" with three bells. The facade of the church over the west gate is decorated with a socket. Greek icon painter painted the icon-stained partition of this church in the 19th century, and it has exceptional artistic value. Budva Citadel (urban fortress Kastel), built on a hill on the south side of the city. Here begin and end city fortress walls. For the first time, the fortress is mentioned in 1425. Old Town Budva
Not far from Budva, within the limits of sight, is the island of St. Nichola, one of the few islands off the coast of Montenegro.
Pier for yachts and boats near the old town of Budva Budva Oboyação beaches, most of which are either coarse or small.
Monastery Ostrog is one of the most amazing and wonderful places in Montenegro. This recognize all who at least once visited him. Conducted in a sheer cliff at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, the monastery is an embodiment of the purity, the strength of the spirit and the true faith, for which there is nothing impossible. Due to its unique architecture and location, Ostrog, as if a guide star on the dark sky, always visible from afar and during the day, and at night. Looking at him, sometimes it seems that the construction of such a temple, there can be no man's hands, but is the result of divine providence.
Today, Ostrog is the current Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Montenegro, located in the mountains 15 km from Danilovgrad, at an altitude of about 900 m above sea level. Founded in the XVII century. The monastery keeps the relics of his founder - St. Vasily Ostrogsky, one of the most revered by the Holy Serbian Orthodox Church. Non-relics of St. Vasily Ostrogsky still stored in one of the monastic churches, becoming one of the main Chernogorsk relics. It is believed that these powers have a miraculous healing force. It is believed that this is the third attendance of the place of pilgrimage of the Orthodox in the world, after the grave of Christ and the Holy Mountain in Jerusalem. Ostrog is the only Orthodox acting monastery, where they come with pilgrimage purposes not only Christians, but also followers of other religions.
Old Austrian fortress Kosmach. This fortress is perfectly visible from the highway Budva - Cetina. The Kosmach fortress was built by Austrians as a defensive structure on the border with Montenegro, which was then the semi-autonomous province of the Ottoman Empire, in 1841-50. Located on the top of the Kosmach Hill (from where it went the name). The fortress was the key in the chain of the border fortresses of Austria-Hungary.
Sveti Stefan is a resort in Montenegro, located on the Adriatic Sea coast, on the Budva Riviera, 5 kilometers southeast of Budva. Located on a small island, the experiencies between the land and the island of natural, appeared as a result of a lamination of gravel layers. Very rare natural phenomenon. The island is closed for visiting those who are not the guests of the hotel. The attached to the island of the same name has a tourist infrastructure, and the prices for apartments although higher than the average in Montenegro are much more accessible than at the hotel on the island.
For the first time, the fortress is mentioned in the chronicles of 1442 when residents of the local village of Petrovichi met Osmanov, who tried to capture whit. After the victory, it was decided to erect the church and the fortress in honor of St. Stephen. Sveti Stephen was an important shopping center and a transport hub during the time of the Venice Republic. Sveti Stefan was settled in the XV century and represented a long time a simple fishing village. Because of the economic crisis, the city began to decline. In the 1950s, 20 inhabitants were resettled on the mainland, and Sveti Stefan turned into a luxury city-hotel. During the reconstruction, the appearance of the buildings, which are about 80 were not injured. Rest in Sveti Stefan was popular among many celebrities: at one time the guests of the resort were Elizabeth Taylor, Sophie Lauren, Claudia Schiffer, Carlo Ponti, Kirk Douglas, Bobby Fisher, Sylvester Stallone other.
Saint Stephen Island is one of the most expensive resorts in Montenegro. There are 58 luxury apartments here, including 8 on the world famous Villa Milocher. Beaches on the island with a total length of about 2 kilometers and consist of beautiful pink sand. With land, the island is connected by a small coaster of the ladders of gravel, which in itself a unique phenomenon - the experiencing has a natural, and not artificial origin.
Here is the cleanest in the whole of Europe the sea and the beaches with dark gray sand or the smallest pebbles.
Boko-Kotor Bay is considered one of the most beautiful bays of the world and confidently ranks first among the most beautiful bays of Europe. Previously, it was even believed that the Bolko-Kotor bay is the most southern fjord of Europe. In fact, this is not the case, but the landscapes are really very similar.
Kotor is a city in Montenegro, the administrative center of the municipality. Located on the banks of the Gulf of the Adriatic Sea. Historically and the surrounding land belong to the Dalmatia region. The old part of the city is under the protection of UNESCO. Kotor is administrative, cultural, religious, educational and economic center of Bechi Kotor. Throughout the history of the Kotor and the Bay of the Bay, the main occupation of the locals were navigation and overseas trading. Therefore, the kotor has become one of the most important shopping centers of this part of the Adriatic coast.
The Cathedral of St. Trifon in which is the Cathedral Cathedral of the Catholic Diocese. The Cathedral of St. Trifon became the center of the spiritual life of local Croats, historically components of the essential part of the population of the Kotor. This is one of the two Catholic Catholic Cathedrals of Montenegro, along with the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, located in the city of Bar. Saint Trifon Cathedral, despite numerous perestroika, is an outstanding sample of Romanesque architecture. The building of the Cathedral was consecrated on July 19, 1166 in the name of the St. Trifon, which is considered the patron saint of the cat. The share of the building fell a lot of tests; One of the most difficult moments in the history of the temple was a catastrophic earthquake of 1667. His consequences were the destruction of the part of the building, as a result of which both bell tower of the cathedral had to be built. Erected from stone with the current Croatian Island Korcula, they acquired some of the characteristic baroque features. Among themselves they were connected by a wide arch separating the facade of the building horizontally. On the top of the facade there is a fairly large outlet, the arch is formed by a portico located directly above the entrance to the cathedral. The Cathedral of St. Trifon is part of the World Heritage Site "Natural and Cultural and Historical Region of Kotor".
In the northern part of the old Kotor there is another structure that attracts attention not only to ordinary tourists, but also those who are interested in the history of Orthodoxy, is the church of St. Nicholas. The construction of the church began in 1902 on the foundation of the burnt building, construction was completed in 1909 - the end date of construction is captured on the facade of the building. Over the project of the temple, the famous architect Choril Yevekovich worked. Built in the Byzantine style, with one nema, with two bell tower on the main facade, the church is remarkably visible from the city wall, which closely adjoins it. The Church of St. Nicholas is the only Orthodox Church of Kotor, in which divine services are made daily.
The old city of which is rightfully considered one of the most well-preserved medieval urban centers on the Adriatic, introduced by UNESCO to the list of world cultural heritage. From 1420 to 1797, his surroundings were under the control of the Venice Republic and the Venetian influence remained dominant in the architecture of the city. City fortress walls - continuously built and rebuilt with IX to XIX century. The walls surround the old town and climb into a rocky hill, whose slope is located. Their length is 4.5 kilometers, height reaches 20 meters, and the thickness is 16 meters. At the top of the hill at an altitude of 260 meters above sea level - the fortress of St. John The fortress of the Kotor is one of the unique attractions. Construction of the Citadel began the Romans, destroying the foundation and walls that Illyrians were previously erected here. Next, who captured this strategically important bay, were the Byzantines: they were destroyed by the Old Citadel and built a new one in her place. Next, the Citadel has experienced the influence of many different invaders. Byzantines in the middle of the 9th century changed the Arabs, after which Bulgarians, Venetians and Serbs were. During the period of the Venetian rule (15-17 centuries), the fortress tried to deposit Ottomans. In 18 V. The strengthening was departed by Habsburgs, and at the beginning of the 19th century. - French Empire. True, the France did not have time to bring anything in the face of the fortress: in 1814, the fortress was taken by the British. By decision of the Vienna Congress, returned to the Lohn of the Austrian Empire. In 1979, the fortress was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Fortress walls protect the old city from the north and southwest. Their length is 4.5 km, the thickness is from 2 to 16 m, and the height is 20 m. Stunning power! But the main reason why most tourists seek to get here 1460! Steps (Someone considered). To climb the top of the mountain, directly to the fortress itself, they need to overcome. And the path of the thorny and the right: the first part is the green path (simple), the second is yellow (medium difficulty), the third is red (the most complicated and dangerous). Some steps are destroyed, in some places the road goes right above the break.
View of the fortress walls of the city from the river.
Perast is an old town in Montenegro. Located on the shore of the Gulf of the Adriatic Sea, a few kilometers to the north-west of which. Perast lies at the foot of St. Ilya hill (873 m), on the Cape, which separates the Romanian bay from the Kotorskiy Bay (which, in turn, are composite parts of the Boca-Kotorsky Bay), directly opposite the Strait of Verig, the narrow part of the Boki.
The name of the city is considered to be due to the name of the Illyrian tribe of pirus. In the cave, heap over the perast was found traces of neolithic culture (about 3500 BC). Also, various archaeological evidence of the Illyrian, Roman and early Christian periods were found here. Founded by Illyrians. Despite its small sizes, Perast enjoys great popularity among tourists - because it is one of the most beautiful examples of baroque architecture on the shores of the Adriatic. Each house of the city, and there are not so few of them, as if the real museum, and the surrounding beauty of the bay give Perast even more charm. According to the 2003 census, 349 inhabitants live in the city
There are two small islands near Perasta: Saint George Island and Site Skprell Island
One of the islands is called St. George Island, the picturesque Benedictine Abbey, which is first mentioned in 1166 as the property of the city of Kotor. The study of the few continued fragments of the initial architectural decoration made it possible to conclude that the abbey existed at least in the 9th century. The island remained with the ownership of up to 1634, when the patronage over him moved to the Venetian Senate. The island was constantly under the threat of invasions and earthquakes. In 1535, Persast's citizens killed Abbot Pascal, elected by the city council of the Kotor (as a sign of repentance, the Perastan residents rebuilt and expanded the church at the neighboring island). In 1571, Turkish pirate Karadoz is burned and the abbey, and the entire perast (recovery began only in 1603). During the great earthquake on April 6, 1667, the abbey on the island of St. George was again destroyed. In 1812, the abbey was captured by the French, who later were expelled by the citizens of Perasta. In 1814, the abbey was captured by Austrians. In the abbey are the works of the XV century, Lotter Marina Dobricevich, a famous artist from Kotor.
Another island is called "GOSPO SKRPEL" (Ital. Madonna Dello Scarpello, which means "Madonna on Reef" or "God's Mother on a rock" (from the Latin "Scropulus" - "Reef"). The state of SN Shkpel is perhaps the only man-made The island of Adriatic and is located 115 meters to the north-west from the island of St. George. It was built on top of the reef after in 1452 two sailors from Perasta, Brothers Morteshi, found the icon of God's Mother of God, who cured one of them from the disease . After that, the icon immediately became revered. Initially, the reef was only slightly higher than the surface of the water, but the citizens have been set up next to him the captured pirate and their old ships (in addition, the law was adopted, according to which the ship passing by reef should have had Here to quit the bottom of the stone). So the plateau was created, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 3030 m².
The Church of the Mother of God was built on the island (it took the modern appearance after the reconstruction taken after the Great Earthquake on April 6, 1667). The church is built in the Byzantine style and reaches 11 meters in height. It is believed that Perasta residents built a church not only because they wanted to see the Virgin Mary by the patroness of their sailors, but also to consolidate the power over the man-made island in opposition to the authority of the Kotor over the island of St. George. At the end of the 18th century, Perast reached the vertex of economic and cultural development, which helped decorate the Church of the Mother of God on the rock with many works of art. So, Andriy Zmayevich invited to decorate the tripot of Cool, who spent about 10 years to complete the church painting. Over the centuries, the church received gifts from rich citizens and captains of the ships and is now not only a temple, but also a treasury and art gallery. Here are 68 paintings written by oil. On the walls of the church, you can see 2,500 gold and silver "wall-owned" records, which residents of Boki Kotor sacrifice the church "in perfecting this vow" for getting rid of various disasters.
Canyons of the Tara and Morach rivers are the most amazing corner of Montenegro. In our opinion, this excursion is considered the most interesting in Montenegro. Almost fourteen hours we chase on a bus along winding Chernogorsk serpents. To fly to Montenegro and not to go to see the canyons, it is almost the same that never goes to the beach. In the photo - the canyon of the Morach River.
Each turn has opened truly amazing mountain landscapes and fantastic views of the river running somewhere far away. Well, what to say - nature in Montenegro is simply amazing.

Biograd Lake is often referred to as the heart of the Biogradskaya Mountain National Park - it is indeed its central part and the most attractive goal for tourists visiting this region. This unique nature reserve, one of the most beautiful lakes of the entire Balkan Peninsula, is able to give a lot of pleasant impressions from the surrounding dense forests, pure mountain air and transparent blue water, which remain unchanged for several centuries.
Biograd Lake is located in an intermountain brand of glacial origin at an altitude of 1,09 m above sea level. This is the largest of 6 lakes scattered along the National Park of the Biograd Mountain. The surface area is 228,500 m², the middle depth is 4.5 m, and the maximum - 12.1 m. The lake flows the stream of Lavel, the river Biogradskaya. From the Biogradsky Lake flows the river of a river, which is a tributary of the container.
Montenegro is famous for many beautiful places. One of them is the canyon of the Tara River, the deepest in Europe and the second in the world after the Grand Canyon! Around - Beautiful mountains, gorges and waterfalls. The length of this miracle of nature is 82 km, in some places the height of the walls reaches more than 1,300 meters.
Huge massive mountains seem to hang over their heads.
One of the most beautiful places of Canyon Tara is the rainy river. In this place it bends in the form of a huge horseshoe. The Canyon is located between the mountains of Xinyaevin and the Durmitor on the one hand, and the favorite and sorcerer boron, being part of the Durmitor National Park. Canyon Surface with Park Durmitor is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
To tell about the number of amazing landscapes that we managed to see is simply impossible. No photo in no way transfers the fantastic beauty of this place, in any description it seems flexible in comparison with reality. Gouryzhevich Bridge is a concrete arched bridge over the Tara river in the northern part of Montenegro. Located at the crossroads of paths between the cities of Moikovac, Zablyak and Plevla. Gurdjevich's bridge received his name on behalf of the farm owner, which is located nearby. Bridge Gurdjevich designed Miyt Trojanovich. It was built between 1937 and 1940 in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Chief Engineer Project - Isaac Rousseau. The 5-arched bridge has a length of 365 meters, the length of the largest span is 116 meters. The height of the carriage part of the bridge from the Tara River is 172 meters. At the time of construction, it was the largest automotive concrete arched bridge in Europe. The bridge became the country's business card. Yugoslavian partisans in 1942 with the help of one of the construction engineers of the bridge - Lazar Yaukovich - blew up the central arch, and retained the rest of the spans. The explosion of the longest span destroyed the only transition of the canyon of the Tara River in a given location, which led to the stopping of the offensive of the Italian troops in this part of Montenegro. The Italians were so angry that they were specifically searched for Lazarus Yahukovich, and in the end he was captured and shot. The monument to the engineer is at the entrance to the bridge. These events were depicted in the Yugoslav film of 1969 "Bridge" and the British film "Hurricane with Navarone". The bridge was restored in 1946. Excursion buses are constantly arriving at him. For everyone who wants to make a camping with a parking lot, a shop, a hostel and gas stamp, on the Bridge of Jurgevich. Juryvich's bridge opens a magnificent view. Feeling as if you are soaring in the air. Under the legs, a huge abyss and somewhere far below the waves of Tara will be buried.
Around the mountain, cliffs, forest, clean air ... Joy on the soul from this beauty is extraordinary!
Durmitor National Park is a real miracle of nature in Montenegro. Ancient forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and alpine meadows spread in a huge space. Somewhere there are small villages, people in which live almost the same as many hundred years ago without changing the centuries-old way. Durmitor confidently belongs to the list of the most interesting sights of Montenegro. The Durmitor National Park, created in 1952, includes a mountain range Durmitor, the canyons of the Tara rivers, drying and drag rivers, as well as the top of the Komarnica Plateau. Total area - 390 km². In 1980, entered the UNESCO World Heritage List. Some believe that the word "Durmitor" occurred from the Celtic language and means - "Mountains in which there are many waters", others - that from Latin this word means "Sleeping, immersed in eternal sleep." In the ice age everything was covered with ice here, and with the arrival of thawed a lot of beautiful mountain lakes formed. They are about 18; The most famous of them is a black lake ("CRNO JEZERO"), which locals nicknamed "black eyes", because A large lake through the experiencing flows into a small lake and forms the similarity of the eyes. In addition to Lakes, the Durmitor is famous for the tops of the mountains, some of which even in the summer are covered with snow. The highest point of the mountain range - bobot cookies; Its height is 2523 m. This peak is wears a strange, but reflauded name and, as they say, is the highest mountain peak in the Republic of Montenegro. This is one of the 48 vertices with altitudes of more than 2,000 meters located on the territory of the mountain range Durmitor. The black lake is comfortably located at the foot of the Mount of Bobot Cook at an altitude of 1416 m. Its area - 516 m². Water in the lake is distinguished by high purity and transparency, you can drink it without fears. Water in the lake is so clean that is visible on the 9-meter depth. In fact, it consists of two small water bodies - large and small connected by a narrow strait. Among other things, the black lake is also very beautiful - in its calm waters, a thick coniferous forest is reflected, which gives the water a rich blue-green color.
Durmitor is the embodiment of the real fairy tale. There are ice lakes, and spacious meadows, covered with the most different colors, and a thicket of a coniferous dense forest, where you can always hear the singing of birds and see the barking protein.

The terrain terrain does not have the appearance of wide, smooth autobahn - most of the country is covered with mountains and hills, along which narrow serpentines and mountain roads are laid. These are the businesses in Montenegro, in the mountainous area, are a real test for the driver and passengers - the mass of extreme impressions from the trip is guaranteed!
Skadar Lake is one of the main attractions of Montenegro. Skadar Lake or Shkoder is the biggest lake in the Balkan Peninsula. It is located on the territory of the two states of Montenegro and Albania, 2/3 of the lake part of the lake belongs to Montenegro. In 1983, Skadar Lake became a national park, this place is very beautiful, rich in fish and a huge number of birds, and numerous small villages are located on the coast. This is the largest natural freshwater reservoir on the entire Balkan Peninsula - its average area is 475 square kilometers!
Wastery reeds grow on the lake, the cane South and Rogoz is a narrow-walled, white water lily, a chest and chilim cube. Lake is rich in fish and waterfowl. Washes are common, carp, triggers, freshwater acne, noble salmosi, roach, alose, pachihylon, kefal and redfire. Birds are represented by at least 26 species. In winter, more than 200 thousand birds live on the lake.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of the lake is about 390 km², but can increase to 530 km² in the winter flood. On average, the area is 475 km². The total length of the coast is 168 km: 110.5 km in Montenegro and 57.5 km in Albania. The maximum depth of the lake is more than 60 meters, the average - 6 m.
Climate in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Mediterranean, with soft and rainy winter. The average January temperature is 7.3 ° C. Summer dry and hot, air heats up above 40 ° C, water - above 27 ° C
Skadar Lake has a rich history and culture, as they say numerous archaeological finds, medieval monasteries and churches, fortresses and local architecture (fishing settlements, bridges, mills and wells). On the Lake Islands, which are only 55, and on the shore, at the lake, there are many interesting historical attractions and monuments, including the vintage churches and the current monasteries (Victor, Starcher, Pesk, morangin and others).

The lake is a guarded National Park since 1983 and in 1996 it was included in the list of wetlands that have international importance, in the Ramsar Convention 1971.
Cetinsky Monastery is the Orthodox Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the historic and spiritual capital of Montenegro, Cetina city. The monastery was built in 1484. The main shrine that is stored in the monastery is the hubbird of St. John the Baptist. This is one of the most revered shrines of the Christian world, since according to the Bible, John the Baptist laid his right hand on the head of Jesus Christ during baptism. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin on Chipur.
The village of Nehushi is a quiet, peaceful place, which is located on the slope of the mountain of Lovechen at an altitude of 900 m above sea level in the municipality of Cetini. Now the village has become a real tourist town, in which no more than 50 houses are located and about 200 people live. This settlement is known to the fact that the Nehushsky lamb is famous in all over Montenegro (dried pork ham), as well as famous homemade cheeses and natural mountain honey. Here you can also see how this meat is made to buy, it is as a souvenir or try to pass in local kondobah. The fact is that it is here that the very nature itself created the ideal conditions for the manufacture of a pass - a cool climate and mountain air, which is mixed with the sea. This is exactly what gives the unique fragrance of the stupidity from the Neghel.
Montenegro is very rich in the most amazing sights. Here you can see not only luxurious natural landscapes, but also ancient churches, temples, fortresses. Even the most successful photos in no way pass that beauty that will be remembered for us for life. No wonder Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky wrote: "I have little birth to me, I would grow from two roots, sorry, Montenegro did not become the second homeland of my ..."

Montenegro (Chernogor. Tsbn Mountain, CRNA GORA) - State in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. This is a small country in the heart of the world with unique clean nature and rich events ancient history. Many great states fought for this paradise on the Adriatic coast, protected by mountains and hills, surrounded by forests and fertile lands.

Montenegro - Country of amazing and unexpected combinations: here Mountain air and sea air; Here, Orthodox churches coexist with mosques; Here, people live in medieval castles and houses, whose walls saw those events, which remember, respect and transmit from mouth to mouth. Every corner of the earth is impregnated here. On these lands were endless wars, they were constantly captured and dismissed, belonged to countless foreign rulers, but in spite of everything, the Montenegrin people retain themselves, their culture, their own language. These people absorbed the best of every culture, which came to their land, missed themselves, but did not lose their characteristics. They are not like anyone. They are proud and original.

Montenegro washed Adriatic Sea.has land borders with Croatia in the West, Bosnia and Herzegovina- in North-west, Serbia - in the northeast, partially recognized Republic of Kosovo. - in the east and Albania Southeast. Until June 2006, there was part of the Confederate State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, occupying 13.5% of its cumulative territory.

Climate in Montenegro Depending on the relief, it vary from the Alpine in the mountains to the Mediterranean subtropical on the coast. Summer by the sea is roast, long and pretty dry, winter is short and wet. Sea water temperature during the swimming season is located since the end of April to the end of October, + 20 + 26 ° C, the average air temperature in summer + 28 ° C, in winter + 11.5 ° C. The precipitate falls mainly in the form of snow. The precipitation falls from 500 to 1500 mm per year, mainly in the form of rain, in the mountains near the sea coast, over 3000 mm falls. In the northern regions of Montenegro, the snow lies up to 5 months a year. Number of sun hours per year: in Igalo - 2386, in Ultsin - 2700.

The capital and largest city of Montenegro - Podgorica. The historical and cultural capital is the city Cetina.

Airports: Tivat, Podgorica
Flight: Moscow to the airport Tivat of the flight duration is about 3 hours
Visa: Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days.
Time:time zone +1, from Moscow time lags behind 2 hours
Summertime begins - Sunday, 25 March 2012, 02:00 - local standard time
Summer time ends - Sunday, October 28, 2012, 03:00 - local summer time
Local population: Population - 650,000 people: Montenegrins, Serbs, Albanians, Croats, Bosnians
Area: 13 812 sq. M. km;
Language: Chernogorsk (Jeysky Dialect of Serbian)
Religion: Orthodoxy, but many Catholics and Muslims
Currency: Euro (EURO)
Kitchen: Local cuisine consists of three directions: fish, Italian and original Serbian cuisine.Fish dishes are pretty expensive, but very tasty, high-quality and fresh. Serbian cuisine consists mainly of meat dishes and vegetables. Montenegro produces pretty good wine. The most famous brand is called "Vranice". From strong local drinks, you can highlight Krunak, Rakyu and Schlover.
The cost of dishes without seafood - 8 - 15 euros, with seafood - 20 - 25 euros. Please note that the Russian view of the portion is significantly different from Chernogorsk. Restaurants serve really huge portions. One portion will quite be enough for two people.
Infrastructure and entertainment: Shops and supermarkets work from 6:00 to 22:00, and some and around the clock. Nightlife in bars and nightclubs continues for about 2 o'clock in the morning. Excursion programs in Montenegro deserve attention, whose territory is rich in both places with amazingly beautiful nature and historical and cultural monuments. In hotels and rooms there are Russian satellite channels. Banks work from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 5 pm to 20.00 on weekdays.
Transport: Regular public transport is functioning between cities and inside them. A very convenient means of movement in Montenegro - a taxi. Compared to Moscow prices, Chernogorsk taxi services are very cheap. It is possible to rent a car, but for this you need to be older than 21 years and have driving experience for more than 2 years. The car is usually left for a deposit of 150-300 euros. Daily rent from 35 euros per day.
Useful phones:
Country code:381
Consulate General of Russia in Montenegro (Podgorica): 272460; 272450
Police: 92
Emergency: 94
Fire Protection: 93
Exact time: 95
Road Help: 987
Post Office Service: 988

Russian name - Montenegro, International - Montenegro Comes from toponym TsRN Mountain (Black Mountain).

The country's territory can be divided into three parts: The coast of the Adriatic Sea, relatively flatly central part of the country, on which the two largest cities are located: Podgorica and Niksich, and the mountain systems of the country's East.

The continental coastline of Montenegro has a length of about 300 km. Montenegro has in its composition 14 sea islands, the cumulative length of the coastline of which is 15.6 km. In the north-west of the country there is a major bay bay of Kotherschi, which has an area of \u200b\u200bwater surface of 87.3 km and cut into land by 29.6 km. The length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km. Sea water temperature over seven months ranges from + 12 to +26 ° C, Sea water transparency places exceeds 35 m.

The longest rivers of Montenegro: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km). Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) are on all over the territory of Montenegro. The Boyana River was previously the only shipping river Montenegro; At the moment it is not shipping. Most Chernogorsk rivers are mountainous, form deep canyons. The Canyon of the Tara River depth of about 1200 m, is the deepest in Europe and the second in depth in the world. The largest lake Montenegro and the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km?. Two thirds of the lake (in the area) are on the territory Montenegro, one third - on the territory Albania. Second on the square of Lake Montenegro - Shask Lake (3.64 km?) Located near Ulciny. Also on the territory of Montenegro there are 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin (the so-called "Mountain Eyes"), which is the total area of \u200b\u200b3.89 km?.

More than 41% of the country's area is forests and forest land, 39.58% - pastures. The floral world of Montenegro is diverse. The Republic of Montenegro is an "eco-friendly state", under various environmental modes there are 8.1% of the territory, including national Reserves Durmitor, Lovechen, Biogradskaya Mountain, Skadar Lake and Crocheter.

Beach resorts

All resorts are located on the Adriatic Sea coast. Most resort areas are concentrated in Budva Riviera.A little west - Kotor Bay, one of the most beautiful places in Montenegro.

The largest resorts - Budva, Becici, St. Stephen, Petrovac. Budva it is the capital of the administrative center with the title title. If you compare all Montenegro Beach resorts, this city will be out of competition. Beaches sandy and melonsless. Have a blue flag that guarantees the quality of service. There are both paid and free beaches. There are in Budva, their own, architectural attractions, but the city's nightlife is more noteworthy. Clubs, bars, restaurants, here a great set. Budva, more youth resort, with boiling and beautiful nightlife. Club Parties here are compared with Europe's largest clubs. And all this has its own, Slavic flavor.

Budva Riviera - This is the largest tourist center of Montenegro, famous primarily, with its luxurious sandy beaches, amazing Mediterranean architecture and quite lively nightlife. Concerts, discos, all sorts of shows pass in establishments not only Budva, but also all the surrounding cities of Budva, bars and restaurants take guests almost all night, and almost all night music will poke.

Budva Riviera It is one of the most popular Montenegro resorts. This resort is located in the middle part of the Adriatic coast of Montenegro and consists of the city of Budva and its surroundings. The length of riviera On the seashore about 35 km, almost 15 of them are beaches, most of which are public. Along the entire coast of Budva Riviera, there are hotels of different levels, a variety of villas, apartments, which are ready to take tourists for any time. Many people come here, not one year in a row. The most popular resorts of Budva Riviera - Budva, Becici, Rafailovichi, Prnom, Milocher, St. Stephen, Petrovac, Sutomore and Bar.

For many interesting Saint Nicholas Island, uninhabited, but often visited by tourists (5 minutes on a boat from Budva, Becici, or Sveti Stefan). Part of this beach is given to nudistam. The most prestigious villages This region is Sveti Stefan and Milocherwhose beaches once were part of the territory of the Palace of the Serbian kings.

Beach holidays on Budva Riviera It is possible to diversify the most interesting excursions in the country and in neighboring cities, because Montenegro is a country with a rich history and an immense cultural heritage. Traveling around the country from Budva and its surroundings, the most attractive, that from this part of the coast, the two main roads lead to Podgorica, Cetinje, Petrovac and the Skadar Lake - a unique natural object.

Kotor A small town located on the coast of Kotor Bay. Nature here is striking with its majestic beauty. The beaches here are not so much as in Budva, and all of them are pebble. Kotor eclipses all other resorts on the saturation of their excursion program and the number of architectural monuments. In addition, here is the most inexpensive hotels in Montenegro, which have, mostly four stars. In general, a place for a relaxing, contemplative rest.

Jenovichi - A small town in the Gulf, not far from Herceg Novi. Here, away from the noisy discos and the bustle of large cities, lovers of a relaxing beach recreation will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of measured resort life. Having stopped in a comfortable villa or apartment "Smokwa" 4 *, you can monitor how time is slowly moving in the rhythm of solar cycles, and the waves rolling into pebble beaches, obeying the eternal laws of tides and ties. Along the shore stretches the embankment with numerous cafes and restaurants, where you can try the dishes of national cuisine, or even sit on a cup of coffee. Do not miss the opportunity to order Dessert: the traditional Kolach will affect the variety of stuffs and bright range of tastes.

Becici. A small town, lying less than an hour walk from Budva. It has excellent pebble beaches marked by a number of international premiums. Becici, pretty modern resort town. Here are the mass of new hotels, restaurants, cafes. Most beaches are equipped with sports fields. Regularly held both amateur and professional beach sports competitions.

St. Stephen Initially was a military fort that served the protection against the attack of pirates. Now, Saint Stephen is the most unusual hotel complex in Europe. The outer architecture remained not touched, and the inner premises are redone into fashionable rooms. Here you can withdraw the most expensive apartments in Montenegro.

Petrovac - Another pebble beach coast. The city surrounds a dense array of olive trees ... Petrovac calm, not a noisy resort. This is the perfect place for family holidays with children. Like all hotels, Petrovac hotels are focused on any tourist wallet. You can adjust to the suite with four - five stars, and you can find an inexpensive, but cozy hotel with two stars.

Ski resorts Kolashin - A trendy ski resort, which is located near the Biosphere Biosphere Reserve, which guarantees the purest air and pristine nature. Kolashin is shut off in the aura, almost homely coziness. There is no place for youth fussiness and drive. In the vicinity of Kolashin, you can remove the most cozy apartments. Kolishin ski slopes, pretty modern and comfortable. Here they can ride both newcomers and experienced skiers. Inventory rental prices, the lowest in Europe. Zhablyak - This is the center of winter tourism. In addition to traditional ski trails, mountaineering and pedestrian tourism are developed here, and rafting on the River Tara annually attracts thousands of extremals from around the world. Hotels here on any wallet, from two to four stars. IN Zhablyak, you can remove the most comfortable villas in Montenegro.

Hotels in Montenegro For the very same way, hotels are located near the beaches, which makes them as attractive for tourists. All Montenegrin hotels, even with two stars, offer a very decent service. Accommodation is very popular on villas and apartments. If you dream about daily solar baths and evenings by the sea, your choice is, of course, a separate house or apartments, Montenegro offers a large variety of comfortable and luxurious housing. The tourist company "Scarab" offers for customers affordable prices for the best apartments "Smokva" 4 * in Jenovichi in Montenegro. The attitude of Chernogort residents to Russian is expressed in the folk saying: "With Russians, we are 300 million ...".Our compatriots love and respember here. There are no language barriers and can not be - Russian and Chernogorsky have several thousand similar words, and in Russian, the majority of service personnel say good.

chernogor. TsRN Mountain, CRNA GORA
The name received in Mount Deck (1749 m), located in the historic center of the country from which the Bay.


A distinctive feature of Montenegro is the accumulation of red-coastal in the coastal area. This type of soil, resulting in the weathelation of dolomite and limestone rocks, is also common in the cavity of the Karst region; Naked rocks of the southern part of karst soil practically do not have. The soil of mountain areas is represented by conventional brown forest and podzolic soils. Eastern regions are more fertile and covered with forests and grass.

Arable land - 13.7%, lands of permanent grain crops - 1% (2005). There are no irrigated land. (2003).

Ecology and environmental territories

In the areas of intensive tourism, for example, in which pollution of coastal areas of wastewater is observed.

According to the Montenegro Constitution, the Republic is an "eco-friendly state", 8.1% of the territory is located under various environmental conditions (including national parks Durmitor, Durcher, Biogradskaya Mountain and Skadar Lake).

Montenegro - A small country located on the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic Sea coast. Its area is only 13.8 thousand km2. Nevertheless, 4 different climatic regions can be distinguished on the territory of the country: coastal, plateau, highlands, and flat, leaving for the Skadar Lake.

In the West, Montenegro borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the coast - with Croatia, in the north and northeast - with Serbia, and in the east - with Albania. With the south, it is limited to the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coastline is about 300 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km, of which 56 km are sandy beaches.

The coast of Montenegro, the width of only 2-10 km, is clamped between the sea and cool the rocky plate converting to it. In Montenegro, there is one of the best harbors of Europe - Kotorsky Bay (go deep into the coast of more than 20 km), consisting of several spacious bays interconnected by non-sturdes. For a long time, there was a conviction that the bay is a fjord, but now it is believed that the Kotor Bay is the remnants of the river canyon once existed here. Strong tectonic and karst processes led to its gradual destruction.

Over the coast rises as Karst Plateau, the terrain here is harsh, but in its own way beautiful. Rocks dry quickly: even the strongest annual showers cannot significantly moisten the soil, so plants and animals are a bit here. Rare sections of fertile land are found only on small plains and crater depressions. Here is the National Park "Lovchen".

Swimming pool of the Skadar Lake, the fertile plain of the Zeta River, Belopavlitsky Plain and the Nikšic field make up the flat area with a drop of 350 m. In the plain region, the main part of the population of Montenegro lives in the plain region. Here are the two largest cities of the country - Podgorica and Niksich, as well as the National Park "Skadar Lake".

In the north of the country northeast of the beer rivers, Komarninnitsa and Morach are the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands. In the highlands, 4 large mountain ranges can be distinguished: the visitor, the dumor and the commen (they form a dinarial highlands) and the pricker (damned mountains). The height of peaks reaches more than 2000 m above sea level. The highest point of Montenegro - the Mountain of Bobot Cook (2522 m) is located in the Dumer Massier. In the highlands there are pastures and forests, numerous mountain lakes. The beer rivers, Tara, Morach and their tributaries were trained in the rocks narrow canyons with steep shores. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe and the second in the world, its depth reaches 1300 m. In this region, there are also two national parks - Biogradsk Mountain and Durmitor.

Montenegro is famous for its diverse natural landscapes, especially within the country. Nevertheless, tourists are most interested in the main coast of Montenegro. We will tell about it in this article.
The length of the coast of Montenegro is 293 km. It consists of two separate parts: the Boca-Kotor in the north (Kotor Bay, a series of four pools, connected by straits and surrounded by hills) and the "ordinary" coast in the south.
In the north and eastern edge of Kotan, the mountain bay rises almost vertically from the sea to Oryen's peaks (1895 m) and Delchchen (1749 m). Warm air from the sea rises along the rocks, quickly cools and causes rain. Because of the abundant precipitation, the entire coast of the bay remains very green even in the warmest summer months. The neighborhood of the Gulf is one of the regions of Europe with the largest amount of precipitation.

The rest of the coastline is open to the sea. There are many long and relatively wide beaches. Mediterranean vegetation with thick evergreen bushes and many aromatic plants is predominant in this region. High cypresses, sea pines and olive groves are also often found on the southern coast of Montenegro.
As for the weather on this coast, the summer here is long and roast, and winter is soft and rainy.

Map of the coast of Montenegro

Unfortunately, we could not find a good map of the coast of Montenegro in Russian, but found several detailed cards, which marked all the important cities and resorts of Montenegro on the Adriatic Sea coast. We recommend that you increase the map to see it in more detail. To enlarge, click on the card itself, and then on the "Enlarge" icon.

Cities and resorts Montenegro on the coast

Almost all of the city of Montenegro on the sea coast are resorts. Only some of the most famous cities of Montenegro are not on the coastline (Podgorica, Ceting, Zhablyak). What cities and resorts Montenegro are on the seashore? These are such famous cities like (from north to south): Herceg Novi, Tivat, Budva, Becici, Petrovac, Sutomore, Bar and Ultsin. Of course, this is not all resorts. We told about all these cities in separate articles, and some of them even devoted entire sections on our website.