Rest in August. Rest in August General rules for staying in the country

August is precisely the month when people often take a vacation. Some wish to go to the sea, and others on some beautiful ski resort. In addition, there are tourists, the main goal for which is visiting a variety of attractions in interesting and exciting places in the world.

Many sun lovers, the beach and a beautiful tan choose tours in August to the sea. To implement all of the above wishes, they should be preferred to such popular countries:



Rest in August to the sea, in exotic and bus tours

In addition, many sea lovers choose trips to Croatia and Montenegro. Thanks to a pleasant climate, even the most arrogant tourist will be delighted with such a holiday. If the traveler wishes to visit distant land, then it is recommended to go to Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Venezuela or Argentina.

Tours in August involve trips not only in warm corners of the world, but also on ski resorts. As a rule, during this period, many travelers prefer such countries as New Zealand, Australia, Chile and Argentina. These places are advised to choose Extreme Fans and skiing lovers. These countries are famous for the beautiful tracks, thanks to which the tourist experiences great pleasure from such an original trip.

In addition to skiing and traveling to the sea, many people wish to visit interesting and exciting places where there are many attractions. In August, it is recommended to choose bus tours to Spain, Italy or France especially with rest on the coast. This is due to the fact that in these countries there is a very high air temperature in August. It is because of this factor, many tourists choose combined tours with rest to the sea. In August, for sightseeing recreation, it is recommended to give preference to the following places:



Benilyuksa countries (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands).

The above countries are famous for quite a favorable climate, beautiful nature and a huge number of exciting places, so they will be interested to visit each tourist.

short information

Belorussia is one of the most picturesque countries of Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that this ancient land is literally saturated with monuments of the history and culture of many peoples and different epochs coming to rest in Belarus, certainly feel the identity of this edge. Special attractiveness to rest in Belarus gives her nature - huge arrays of relict forests, a unique animal world. What is only one Belovezhskaya forest or, for example, the swampy areas of woodland!

The resort store offers you tours to Belorussia. The air of pine and mixed forests, among which - in environmentally friendly zones, on the banks of rivers and lakes - are located sanatoriums of Belarus, boarding houses and the recreation centers of Belarus, unusually useful for health. There are quite a few sources of various compositions of mineral waters, which also contributes to effective treatment and recreation in Belarus.

In addition, an active holiday in Belarus is very popular: summer holidays in campsites and tourist bases, popular activities of active entertainment - hiking routes, fishing, quad buggles, mini buggies, horseback riding, etc.

Rest in Belarus is also a varied excursion program. You will visit the historic cities of the Republic of Belarus, the glorious past of which includes many centuries, and it has already exceeded the millennium - Minsk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Nesvizh, Zaslavl, etc. You will get acquainted with old castles, cathedrals, museums, visit the sorrow of the sorrow - the Memorial complex "Khatyn", walk through the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and enjoy the unique species of the nature. Vitebsk, for example, is famous for the fact that the international festivals of the song "Slavic Bazaar who has been held here"


Belarus - a unique natural complex for beauty, wealth of flora and fauna with its forestry, with high-powerful pine bodies, robber-oak forests, unusually purest lakes, rivers with their hilly shores, beautiful beaches, with its unique reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky and Pripyatsky. Square Belarus 207.6 thousand square meters. km.

In Belarus, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, woodworking industry is developed. The leading place is occupied by auto and tractor construction (Minsk, Zhodino, Mogilev), machine-building (Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk) and other industries. Large power plants: Lukomlskaya, Berezovskaya GRES and others. Belarus includes 6 regions, 117 districts, 96 cities, 109 urban-type settlements. The capital is Minsk, one of the largest industrial and cultural centers of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus is located in the west of the Eastern European Plain. In the north, Belarus borders with Latvia and Russia, in the northeast with Russia, in the south - with Ukraine, in the north west - with Lithuania, in the West - with Poland.


Moscow time minus 1 hour.


The population as of 01.01.2003 is 9.468,000 people.


The surface of Belarus is flat, in the north, the system of sea groin (Svlenzyanskaya, Braslavskaya), replacing to the south of the Belarusian Grocery, in the south - Belarusian Polesie. Main rivers: Dnipro, Pripyat, Berezina, West Dvina, Neman. Many lakes. Mixed forests occupy almost 1/3 of the territory of the Republic. Among them are pine bors and grab-oak forests. On the territory of Belarus, unique reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky and Pripyatsky.

Basic healing factors

Underground mineral waters of various chemical composition and mineralization, in particular sulfate-chloride sodium (and calcium-sodium), are used for drinking treatment and for baths in Zhdanovichi resorts, Naroch, Bobruisk, Rogachev. The brine thermal bromine waters are found in the Gomel region. Radon waters are opened by drilling in the Moscow and Novogrudsky regions of the Grodno region. In the Yelsky district of the Gomel region, sulphide chloride sodium high-concentrated springs containing up to 373 mg / l hydrogen sulfide were found. The yodobromic source of mineral waters, derived to the surface of drilling, at the resort of Zhdanovichi in the Minsk region. Belarus has inventories of peat (more than 1 deposits), sapropel (2-seats) of therapeutic mud. Unique in the physico-chemical properties peat mud near the city of Borisov. Especially valuable in the therapeutic capabilities of the Sapropel dirt of the Lake of Glukhov, Lake Suplobl in the Minsk region.

Basic testimony for treatment

Nonuberculus Respiratory Resources Diseases, Circulatory Systems, Muscular Systems, Nervous Systems, Gynecological Diseases, Endocrine Diseases, Missing Disorders, Ear Diseases, Horn, Nose, Digestive Organs, Kidney Diseases and Urinary Tracts, Greeting Systems, Pediatrics, Skin Diseases .

Additional Information

Visa regime

Entry to Belarus and departure from the Republic to Russian citizens are resolved in all types of passports, in accordance with the established relevant agreements of the Republic of Belarus with the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation, entering the Republic of Belarus, should have means to pay expenses in their stay on its territory and departure from the country. These funds or documents confirming their availability, as well as other documents should be made at the request of officials of the border troops of the Republic of Belarus.

customs control

Without charging customs payments, Belarus can be imported into the Republic of Belarus: personal property, the total weight of which is no more than 50 kilograms inclusive and the customs value of which does not exceed 1 thousand US dollars. There may be no more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 1 liter beer, 200 pieces of cigarettes or 200 grams of tobacco to one person who has reached the age of 18, as well as 5 units of jewelry, 3 products from genuine leather and (or ) Fur, 1 units of wristwatches, 4 used tires to vehicles, food. From June 1 to October 31, personal property should not exceed 30 kilograms inclusive per person; From November 1 to May 31, a total weight of up to 5 kilograms inclusive per person. The used goods that are temporarily imported by non-residents to the territory of the Republic of Belarus: clothing, toiletries, photos - and filmmers, accessories to them up to 5 films, portable slide and film projectors, accessories, as well as up to 100 slides and up to 5 films , video cameras and portable video recorders, as well as up to 5 films to them, portable musical instruments, portable sound recorder and reproducing equipment (including voice recorders), as well as up to 5 films to it, portable radio receivers, portable TVs, portable typewriters, portable calculators, portable Personal computers, baby carriages, wheelchairs, inventory and accessories for sports, tourism and hunting (tents and other tourist goods, fishing facilities, climbing equipment, snorkeling equipment, sports and hunting weapons, its components and components, ammunition to it, special clothing for sports and hunting, led Osipes, kayaks, canoeing or kayaks up to 5.5 meters long, skiing, tennis rackets, surfing boards and windsurfing, golfing, gliders, deltalans, balloons).

Benefits of tours of Belarus

Value for money. Unlike many foreign countries, the visit to which recently becomes becoming less affordable due to the unstable currency currency and factors of internal instability, Belarus remains one of the most affordable and safe countries. We try to choose for you the most quality in terms of service and affordable by price Tours and vouchers. Fortunately, every year Belarus pleases us by the emergence of new opportunities from the point of view of excursion routes and invariably high-quality tours. For example, in that year you can go to the festive tours to Minsk, Brest and Grodno not only for the May holidays, but also for small holidays, dedicated to March 8 and February 23. As for prices, Muscovites will be pleasantly surprised, because for the money that you can spend in the capital of Russia to a cup of coffee and dessert, you can dine tightly in Belarus, and maybe together.

Variety of routes. In Belarus, each traveler will be able to find what is his range of interests. Those who are looking for "similarity", related spirit and warm hospitality not far from the house can be happy to spend a weekend in Minsk. Lovers are tasty and tightly eat will not be offended in any round of Belarus, because Belarusian cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world, although not famous for intricate the sores, but rather proven in the goodness of the goodness, freshness and quality of products. Travelers who taste through the cozy beauty of European towns should go, for example, in Grodno, where you are waiting for both cobbled streets, and cozy cafes, and Baroque temples, and many other challenges of European life. Is it worth talking about Belarusian castles? Mirsky and Nesvizhsky castle ensembles are recognized masterpieces of architecture that can safely be with their Czech or German "competitors." If you want to refresh in memory page of our common with the Belarusians of a glorious history, visit the Brest Fortress, Hutyn Memorial or other monuments of the Second World War. Here, as in Russia, remember the memory of the ancestors.

Proximity to Moscow.It is worth noting separately that almost all tours and vouchers to Belarus are tours in a railway crossing. Usually the road to Minsk takes no more than, for example, the path to Petersburg. Waving in a train in Moscow you will be wary already in Belarus, and there you will be experienced by the team of the host. All moving between cities in the tours pass on the comfortable modern buses, and the guide information from the guide will not only not give to bother, but will make the path itself part of an interesting program.

Easy in paperwork. To visit Belarus, you do not need a visa, so, purchasing a ticket, you immediately receive a full package of documents. You can even come to the territory of this country in a Russian passport, as the border control and other obstacles on the way to Belarus are not threatened with you.

Discount regular customers.Starting from the second appeal to us, you get the status of a regular customer and a discount depending on the direction of the tour from 5 to 15%! You can also subscribe to our newsletter or join us in social networks and receive regular special offers at discounted prices. A promotion is also subject to tours to Belarus - a discount of 300 rubles with full payment!