How can I recover a ticket used. How to restore an electronic ticket? If the boarding pass is lost after the flight

Most situations can be restored lost or spoiled ticket. The Russian Railways have developed a special schedule for work with passengers, invalid or spoiled a train ticket.

Requirements and conditions for restoring travel documents

Restore a train ticket can be restored:

  • Getting a duplicate ticket is possible, provided that it was decorated for travel between Russian appointments, for example, from Moscow to Kaliningrad.
  • The travel document was acquired for travel by the composition of Russian railways. For example, you can duplicate the passage card, if the train from Moscow to Kiev is formed by Russian Railways. Conversely, it is impossible to get a new ticket if the composition is formed by another carrier.
  • If there is even a spoiled ticket, it is worth contacting it to the cashier, call the identification data for which you can judge a specific time, route trip and the location of the passenger in the car.
  • When damaged or loss, the ticket should not count on the refund. Exceptions are only electronic tickets.
  • You can restore the ticket, being in the city of departure. For example, you bought a ticket from Moscow to St. Petersburg, lost it. You can reflit duplicate at the station station, that is, in Moscow.

Obtaining a new travel document instead of lost or spoiled by the station through a written appeal to the duty officer. You can only count on the restoration of the ticket purchased in your name. Restoring travel documents requires a passport. In the event that the first ticket was lost with the passport, I need a certificate from the police, which confirms this fact.

What you need to know, counting on the restoration of the ticket

The procedure for restoring travel documents takes 1-2 hours.

If your ticket is lost, you will not be able to return it and get back money for the purchase or reorder this document to another person.

Already a restored passage also cannot be returned, exchanged or reorganized to another person.

A spoiled travel document can be obtained again if there is already a mark on the appropriate passage of the passenger.

Electronic ticket (E-Ticket)- This is a ticket in electronic form, which came to replace the traditional paper ticket. The booking procedure takes place in the usual way, but all the ticket information is not printed, but is stored in electronic form in the airline database. Electronic air ticket is a full-fledged document certifying the air transportation contract between the passenger and the airline.

M. aRSTRUE REACEIPT (ITINERARY RECEYPT) is a confirmation of payment and design of your e-ticket and contains information about: route; departure date and flight numbers; ticket number; ticket costs; Form of payment.

Electronic air ticket - This is a guarantee of your calm and security. The electronic ticket cannot be lost, it can not steal, it is not necessary to worry about what the ticket can be forgotten, because for the issuance of a duplicate of the lost paper air ticket is charged with a fine of 30 to 150 euros. The ticket is kept in the airline's electronic database, you have only printout with its data (route receipt).

E-tickets cheaperthan paper, because The price of a paper air ticket includes costs for the production of a form, its distribution, accounting, etc., which adds order +10 euros per ticket. And the last, check-in for the flight when using an electronic ticket is running faster, adults must be submitted, for children of birth certificates. It is not necessary to make a route receipt. But still, we ask you to have it with yourself until the end of the trip, due to the fact that it may be required when the passport control procedure at some destinations items.

Where I can get information about how many hours before departure We must come to the airport, what is the allowable rate of baggage, etc.?

The permissible luggage rate for most airlines is 20 kg - for passengers of the economic class, 30 kg - for business class passengers and 40 kg - for first class passengers. It should be borne in mind that it is sometimes calculated not the total weight of baggage, but the number of places is such a system distributed on many internal flights. Depending on the airline and type of tariff varies the amount and weight of hand-made. All airlines are paid for all the airlines - check all questions about this is the representative office of the selected airline. As a rule, registration on the flight begins in 2 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. All other issues related to registration and other departure and arrival procedures, you can ask, by calling the airport reference service or airline representation.

What should I do if I lost my plane ticket?

You need to contact the Call Center of our company. Employees of our company will contact the airline and, if possible, you will be discharged.

Now I am on the 5 month pregnancy, I am going to vacation soon. Will I be able to easily fly on any flight?

Each airline in this case puts forward its requirements to be clarified in its representation. Typically, flights are prohibited after 33 weeks of pregnancy, and before that, if there is a certificate from the attending physician about the flight resolution.

I was late for the plane. Can I return the money spent on the ticket?

Yes, you can. In general, the refund conditions depend on the selected airline. When purchasing a "non-returnable" ticket, the return of the total cost of the ticket is possible only in the case of the so-called. Forced return, namely:

  • Cancellation, transfer, as well as flight delays by the carrier;
  • Cancellation of landing in the paragraph specified in the passenger ticket;
  • Not ensuring the carrier docking flights;
  • Replacing the class of service or type of aircraft;
  • The death of a passenger or family members.

Keep in mind that the most preferential tariffs there are temporary restrictions on the return of air tickets, for example, no more than 7 days before departure.
Some rates do not allow the ticket to return, but the non-refundable amount of the tariff can be credited in the cost of another ticket, usually at a higher (more expensive) tariff (often even on another route). In this case, the initial ticket is an equivalent of a certain amount (this amount is always not returned), which you can pay for a new ticket when complying with certain conditions.
Provided the purchase of a ticket at the usual rate, not "burning" tickets and not a charter, the full cost of the ticket net of small fees is returned.

I ordered a flight with a transfer Ekaterinburg - Moscow - Krasnodar. Because of bad weather conditions, the plane flew later time on schedule, and I did not have time for the second aircraft. Can I get some compensation where should I contact?

First of all, you need at the airport to contact the administrator to improve the actual departure time, then the ticket refund will be considered forced, and with any type of tariff you will be returned to the full cost of the ticket. This rule will not be valid if the sections of your flight will be performed by different airplane.

What documents do I need for travel abroad?

In any case, you will need an overseas passport with a valid visa. For trips to some CIS countries you will need only an internal civil passport. Details you can specify in the consular department of the country where you are going.

Can I get a ticket with a fixed place?

No you can not. The place is directly provided when registering at a rack at the airport or using online registration on the airline's website.

How to read flight tickets?

There are many air ticket booking systems. Below are samples of the route receipts of the reservation systems that are used in our company.

Ticket decorated in the Amadeus system

Sample Route receipt (ITINERARY RECEIPT)

Electronic Ticket.

Passenger ItineRary Receipt

Table # 1 - decoding values.

Passenger ItineRary Receipt

Document Type - Passenger Routing Receipt


The name and address of the agency in which the air ticket was made

Date of e-ticket processing date.

Alekseev / Sergey MR

Surname and Passenger Name
(Latin writing)

Issuing Airline:

Validating carrier

Etkt 724 3369250194.

Electronic ticket number 724 3369250194

Booking Ref: Amadeus:

Booking number
(in the Amadeus booking system)

Booking number Airlines

From where to where

Flight number - there

Flight number - back

Booking class
(Denoted by the Latin letter)

Departure / arrival date

Departure time from departure point (local)

06 h. 45 min. Departure time from Moscow in Zurich

20 h. 45 min. Departure time from Zurich to Moscow

Arrival time to point destination (local)

08 h 30 min. Arrival time in zurich

01 h. 55 min. Arrival time to Moscow

Tariff type
(Alphanumeric tariff code designation)

Not valid to the specified date

Not valid after the specified date

Permissible free logging rate (kilograms)

Ticket status

Restrictions on tariff

Currency Currency Course in Booking System

Payment form - cash.

* Note: Also possible payment forms

CC - Plastic Map Payment
Inv - Plastic Map Payment

Flight ticket purchase (euro or US dollars)

Equiv Fare PAID:

Equivalent of the tariff in Russian rubles

1800 YR 406RI 1350XT

Taxes and airline fees

Total payment on the ticket
(Without commission)

Ticket decorated in Sirena-Travel system

1. Information about the passenger

2. Plot of transportation

3. The code of the airline performing transportation on the plot

4. Flight number and class in which the passenger seat is located

5. Date of flight departure

6. Departure time

7. Places number (or code OK, indicating that the place will be determined during registration)

8. Tariff code

9. Free baggage free

10. Payment form of ticket

11. Date of sale of the ticket

12. Place of selling ticket

13. Ticket number

16. The final cost of the ticket

17. Full route

18. Order number (PNR)

19. Additional information regarding the features of the use of the ticket

Ticket decorated in the Galileo system

1. Ticket price. Total / total. The total cost of the ticket (fare plus airport fees) in the currency of the point of statement of the ticket. In Russia for different airlines, this can be both rubles of the Russian Federation, the euro and the US dollars. If the ticket is discharged at a confidential rate, then in this graph, the amount may not be specified (is replaced by the "IT" or "Forfait" icon).

2. Airport fees. Collection / Tax / Fee / Charge.Two-letter designation and the amount of airport gathering in the currency of the statement point. If all airport fees are not placed in columns 2, then in the last column, the "national team" dachshund (the sum of all remaining) is indicated.

3. Rate. Total / FARE. Tariff in the exchange currency. For example, if a ticket is discharged along the route London - Moscow, the tariff will be listed in pounds (GBP). Countries with a "soft" currency (including Russia) have tariffs in the euro and US dollars. If the ticket is discharged at a confidential rate, then in this column the tariff may not be specified (replaced by the "IT" icon).

Equiva paid. Tariff / Equiv. FARE PD. (Tariff Equivalent). The equivalent of the tariff in the currency of the point of statement (if the currency of the statement point differs from the currency of the traffic point).

4. Flight route. From / to.. On the selected color, the field is sent for this flight coupon (English writing). The following is an arrival point (departure city - Depart, and destination city - Arrive). If in this city there are several airports, the title follows three-letter airport code.

5. The name of the passenger. Passenger Name.. It is indicated only in Latin transcription (as in the passport). The last name should be the name completely, as well as the floor (MR - Mr., MRS / MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to international standards, this field admits up to 3 errors without distorting sound.

6. Transfer inscription / restrictions. Endorsments / Restrictions.. This graph indicates various restrictions on transportation on this ticket, as well as the possibility of "transfer" (endorsement) of the passenger to another carrier. For example, if the column indicates "SU / KL only", this means that this ticket is valid on Aeroflot flights (SU) and "KLM" (KL) and if the tariff conditions allow changes to the ticket, then even on the written Ticket, you can "transfer" from one company to another. If the tariff for which the ticket is discharged, allows any changes, then this feature must be reflected in this graph. For example, "RES CHG USD50" or "One InBound Reb Free" means: "Change booking with a fine of 50 US dollars" or "One change in the reverse date for free". Usually, the following template is common for the most preferential ("hard") tariffs: "XX Only / Non Ref / No CHG / NO Rerout" - "Ticket is valid only on the carrier of a XX / ticket Return is not subject to dates on a ticket that is not possible / changing the route PROHIBITED". This graph can also be displayed service information.

7. Carrier. Carrier.. The name of the airline in English and two-letter carrier airline code.

8. Flight. FLIGHT. Flight number.

9. Booking class. Class / Class. Latin letter denoting a certain quota of places in the plane. Usually: F, P, A - first class. J, C, D, I, Z - Business class. W, S, Y, B, H, K, L, M, B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, X is an economic class.

10. Date. Date. Departure date for this coupon: two date digits and three letters of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, AVG, SEP, Oct, Nov, DEC) and four digits year, for example, 04 Apr 2010.

11. Departure / arrival time. Time.Always local departure / arrival point.

12. Booking status. Status. Usually a ticket is issued with a confirmed status - "confirmed" (the place is confirmed). In a ticket for babies (up to 2 years), flying without space, indicates the status of "NS".

13. For airline marks. Airline Data. An alphanumeric booking number (PNR Code).

14. Validator field.Unique "stamp" agency. Must contain the name of the agency, its brief address, a unique office number (in Russia, the IAT-accredited agencies should begin at 922).

15. The norm of free luggage. For the "weight" system 20, 23, 30 or 40 kg for different service classes. For the "Places" system - "PC".

16. Invalid to / invalid after. Not Valid Before / Not Valid After. The date, early which and later, accordingly, cannot be flown according to this flight coupon (if the tariff rules allow dates). For most "hard" preferential tariffs, both dates coincide with the date of departure on this coupon. If the graphs are empty, this means that this ticket is valid for at least one year.

17. Tariff type. Fare Basis. Alphanumeric tariff designation for this coupon.

18. Form of payment. FORM OF PAYMENT. Form of payment that was paid for the ticket. The most common: Cash (cash), Invoice or Inv (cashless payment), CC ------------ (credit card).

19. Calculation of the tariff. Fare Calculation. This column shows a detailed calculation of the tariff throughout the ticket. The calculation consists of three-letter codes of cities, two-grained carrier codes and tariff components in NUC (neutral calculation units). In the column there may be a service information: courses of recalculation of neutral units, currencies, various restrictive inscriptions.

20. Extra ticket. Conjunction Tickets. If the route on the ticket includes more flights than the number of flight coupons in the form, then such a ticket is discharged on several blanks and in column 22 each indicates the number of the additional ticket. It should be borne in mind that these few blanks are one ticket, and even if you have completely flying a route one of them, in no case discard it until the end of the whole travel.
Another common case, when an additional ticket number (a) (a) number (A) is a companion tariffs (but not group) (several people must travel together). In this case, in each bill of graph 22 contains a "link" to the ticket numbers of all other participants in the company.

How to report on a business trip?

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2007 No. 03-03-06 / 1/649 to confirm the expenses for the flight, performed on the e-ticket, your accounting will need the following papers:

  • route receipt (required)
  • originals of the landing coupons (required)

Please note that the duplicates of the boarding coupons are not issued, so be sure to keep the coupons obtained when registering on the flight. In case the landing tickets are still lost, many airlines provide services for issuing a copy of the air ticket after departure of a flight or reference confirming flight. The cost of these services depends on the airline and can be from $ 50 per copy of the air ticket and from 300 rubles for a certificate confirming flight.

List of documents taken for registration of airline tickets.

A complete list of documents taken in ordering air tickets and are mandatory for flights for booking and selling air transportation:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (14, 20, 45 years)
Outlooking passport of the Russian Federation: generalistan passport (OZP), diplomatic passport (DP), service passport
National Passport of a Foreign Citizen
Residence permit in the Russian Federation for stateless persons
Certificate of Persons Affairs of Certificate (LBG)
Birth certificate (for children of the Russian Federation under 14)
Sailors Passport (Sailor ID) - when driving
Foreign Citizen ID
Provisional identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Certificate of returning to the country, a citizen of which is a passenger issued by the consulate of this country - only to follow the country of citizenship
Help with a photo issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to foreign citizens in case of loss of national documents on the territory of the Russian Federation - only to follow the consular institutions of the embassies of foreign countries to obtain a return certificate
Certificate of Personality Officer of the Russian Federation, CIS (except Georgia)
Military Ticket of the Russian Army of the Russian Army, a contract with a mark on the passage of service
Direct ticket facial without citizenship, refugee
International UN skip - for service trips.

The passenger is responsible for the proper registration of documents and compliance with all laws, decisions, rules and regulations of the state bodies of the country, from the territory, on / through the territory of which the transportation belonging to the implementation of passport, customs, currency, sanitary, quarantine and other formalities, as well as All relevant rules and instructions of the airline carrier.
The airline reserves the right to prevent the passenger to fly with the documents not properly.
Passengers who were not allowed to fly by the airline or passport and / or customs control officers produce a refund of the unused ticket on the general reasons for the return rules established by airlines for passengers voluntarily refusing to flight and they are distributed to all restrictions and penalties established by the airline rules for them. categories of tickets.

Transportation of children

One adult passenger can carry a 90% discount (on international flights) -100% (at domestic flights) of one child under the age of two (without providing a separate place). The norm of free baggage for the baby is 0-10 kg. At the request, the passenger can book a separate place for him, but in this case the ticket is drawn up as a child under 12 years. For the second, third and other kids to two years flying with one adults, flights are drawn up as children under 12 years old.
The child under 12 years old is usually drawn up for a flight for 50% (according to some types of tariffs - 67%) of the value of an adult ticket. The percentage of discounts to special tariffs is regulated by special rules. The ticket gives the right to place and free luggage provisions in accordance with the service class.

Children with parents

When leaving abroad with one of the parents, and even with both - border guards, if doubts, may require the evidence of kinship between the child and accompanying. The only legal document confirming the relationship is currently in the Russian Federation Certificate. The presence of the same names of parents and children, and the child inscribed into the overseas passport is not proof of kinship.
In this regard, it is necessary to have originals or notarized copies of documents confirming the relationship (guardianship, adoption, guardianship):
1. Certificate of birth in the presence of identical surnames.
2. Certificate of birth and evidence of new marriages with change of surnames in the presence of different surnames.
3. A document on guardianship, adoption, guardianship in the event of the dead, missing parents or deprived parental rights.
In the absence of documents of confirming relationship, even if there is the same family name of parents and a minor child, a minor to a child may be denied from the Russian Federation.

Unaccompanied children

Children from 8 to 12 years can make flights without adults. In this case, the discounts provided for by the child's tariff are not valid in all cases. Caring for such children is part of the service personnel of the airline. In addition to the presence of a binding certificate compulsory for all children, with a visa accompanying at the airport, it is necessary to have a notarized power of attorney at the airline and a completed special application for the transportation of an unaccompanied child.
In the case of the child's departure for a period of over 3 months, this consent should also be certified by guardianship and guardianship authorities in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Transportation of unaccompanied children aged 2 to 8 years (some airlines - up to 12 years old) is paid at a complete adult tariff, a mark is put in the ticket "child care". In this case, the airline is fully responsible for the child until the transfer of it to it.
According to the law "On the procedure for departure from the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation" Children under 18, flying abroad without parental support, must have a certified notarial (or in the consulate) consent to leaving parents, guardians, adoptive parents or trustees. In the case of a flight with one of the parents, a notarized consent of the second parent is required.
The unaccompanied child is accepted for transportation if:
accompanying persons remain with the child at the airport of departure to landing on the plane;
The child will be necessarily met at the airport of arrival;
The child should be either one way or back on the direct route (without transfers to other flights on the way).

Transportation of special categories of the passenger:

Passengers of special categories are passengers with disabilities recognized by patients under medical testimony, as well as unable to move independently and need assistance during their stay at the airport, landing on board Sun and disembarking from the airport.

Passengers, devoid of view with a dog render;
passengers, deprived of hearing;
passengers in a wheelchair;
Pretty patients.

Passengers of special categories are allowed by air transport (according to the rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo airlines - carriers) provided:
The passenger should not have a dangerous, infectious illness, its appearance and mental state does not carry a threat to other passengers;
The presence of permission (medical certificate, declaration) on air transport, confirmed by the signature of the attending physician, accompanying a doctor and a passenger signature;
The confirmed written consent of the airline for transportation on the basis of medical documents and the technical capabilities of the airline.

Medical preparations, a folding wheelchair, crutches transported in the cabin are transported free and are not included in the standard of free luggage.
The passenger with a lack of vision (hearing) is transported to the accompanying person or (for passengers with a lack of vision), accompanied by a guide dog, which should have a certificate of special training. The dog should have a collar and muzzle and be tied to the chair at the foot of the passenger, which she accompanies.

Transportation of animals and plants

If you decide to take a journey of your pet, be sure to report it to the operator when booking a place or buying ticket.
Transportation of animals and birds is produced. As a rule, in the luggage compartment of the aircraft in special containers (cells).
Only one pet in the cage (cat, dog, bird) is allowed to transport in the cabin in the aircraft cabin. Dogs transported in the cabin must be necessarily in muzzles and on the binding. If the weight of the animal with the cell exceeds 5 kg, then the journey for it is provided only in the luggage compartment.
The passenger must provide its own container (cell) of sufficient size with air access. The bottom of the container (cells) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. In order of exception, the transportation of animals and birds is allowed in tightly closed baskets, etc. The size of the dog cell should allow the animal to get in full growth and rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. Do not forget to capture a veterinary first-aid kit, canned food and dry feeding animal in the way.
The weight of the animal and the container for its transportation is not included in the standard of free baggage and is paid only as an excess luggage. Only dogs are transferred for free, accompanying their owners in flight.
With the terms of transportation of exotic animals, you can read when booking air ticket.

Transportation of birds

Transportation of animals and birds is possible only if there are properly executed documents (the list of documents can be changed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision):
1. In the territory of the Russian Federation, pets are transported along the veterinary testimony of the established sample, designed by a veterinary doctor, no later than 3 days before departure. An animal should be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before departure (with a mark on vaccination date in veterinary documents). Conditions for transportation (the presence of a cell, the price for transportation, etc.) is specified when purchasing tickets.
2. The procedure for transporting pets when crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.
a) Import. Animal owners can transport 1-2 dogs or cats in the presence of international passports decorated by state veterinary bodies of animal export countries or on an international veterinary certificate, where marks should be made that animals are clinically healthy and vaccinated against rabies. Vaccination should be carried out no earlier than 30 days and no later than 12 months before the date of departure. International documents exchange for veterinary evidence of the Russian Federation.
b) export. When crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to prevent:
Veterinary passport
Health certificate. Issued by any state veterinary clinic. The help indicates information about vaccinations by age. The last grafting from rabies should be made no earlier than for the year and no later than two months before departure. Veterinary Certificate of Animal Health, which is drawn up in a veterinary state clinic within 3 days before departure, changes to an international veterinary certificate.
At customs, it is also necessary to make permission to export an animal from the Russian Cynological Association - a certificate from the club that the dog does not represent tribal value.

Transportation of plants

Protection is prohibited:

Soils, living rooted plants, tubers, bulbs and other planting material;
The seed material, fresh fruits of vegetables in the parcels, hand-made baggage and passenger luggage in quantities exceeding 5 kg.

Allowed importation to Russia from other countries without import quarantine permits and phytosanitary certificates of sender countries:

Products for Food Objectives: Starch, Hop, Molota Coffee, Tea, Sugar Refined packaged;
spices and spices;
treated rice straw intended for industrial products, porsal cones, finishing wood, cork wood, wool, leathering, henna and bass;
medicinal raw materials;
vegetable origin products free from quarantine organisms located on vehicles and intended for food targets of teams and crews of these vehicles without the right to take place beyond their limits;
deep minerals and soils, river and sea sand, bottom soils of the seas, rivers, lakes;
Podkarantine materials (flour, croup, dried and fresh fruits and vegetables, raisins, spices, nuts) free from quarantine organisms, weighing up to 5 kg in hand-made bags of passengers, members of the crews of ships and aircraft, postal sections.

Features of air tickets to / from CIS

Please draw your attention to the fact that this information is regulated by the relevant authorities and can be changed at any time.

Features of the design of air tickets to / from the CIS country for citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. * When flying to the CIS countries, an increasing number of countries require a passport. Now the passport is required for flights to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
For citizens of Russia and Georgia, not only passport is needed for mutual trips, but also visa.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
2. Official passport.
3. Diplomatic passport.

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Yes, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. The general passport.
2. Official passport.
3. Diplomatic passport.
4. The seafarer's book (document certifying the identity of the sailor, if there is a ship role or an extract from it).
5. Certificate for returning to the Republic of Azerbaijan (only to return to the Republic of Azerbaijan).

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Uzbek Republic:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Official passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
4. Sailors Passport (Sailor ID) - in the presence of a ship role or an extract from it.
5. Entry certificate (return) in the Russian Federation (only for returning to the Russian Federation).

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. Certificate of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which has not reached a 16-year-old age.
4. Certificate for returning to the Republic of Uzbekistan (only to return to the Republic of Uzbekistan).

List of documents of the Russian citizens for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
2. Certificate of birth (for children who have not reached 14 years), indicating affiliation to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

List of documents of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Certificate of identity of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Republic of Sample 2004 (plastic card).
2. Passport of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Republic of Sample 1994. Without a stuffed label.
3. Birth certificate (for children under the age of 16 years), indicating affiliation to citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
2. Birth certificate (for children under the age of 14 years), indicating affiliation to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan.
2. Birth certificate (for children under the age of 16 years), indicating affiliation to citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, departure, following transit, stay and movement on the territory of the Republic of Moldova:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Official passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
4. Sailors Passport (if there is a ship role or discharge from it).
5. Entry certificate (return) in the Russian Federation (only for returning to the Russian Federation).

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Moldova for entry, the cause, following transit, stay and movement through the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Official passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova (for leaving abroad).
4. Sailors Passport (if there is a ship role or discharge from it).
5. Certificate for the return to the Republic of Moldova (only for return).

Luggage transportation: norms and restrictions

The passenger has the right to transport things to a mass that does not exceed the norm installed by the carrier.
The dimensions of each luggage site must be no more than 50x50x100 cm.
The maximum mass of a certain place of baggage should not exceed 30 kg.
The mass of one place of unregistered baggage (hand-made) transported in the aircraft cabin should not exceed 5 kg., The maximum dimensions must be no more than 45x35x15 cm.
Jewels, money and documents passenger is obliged to transport with me. Delivery of them in baggage is not allowed.

Above the installed standard of luggage, the passenger has the right to carry the following items for free:
coat, cloak or plaid
Umbrella or cane
Lady handbag, folder for papers
Food for a child
Children's road cradle
Wheelchair for disabled
Flight Reading Prints

The norms of free shipping baggage do not apply to:
Things whose dimensions exceed 50x50x100 cm.
Things, weighing one place over 30 kg.
TVs, tape recorders, office equipment (computers, printers, copiers, etc.), audio, video, telecommunications, household appliances weighing one place more than 10 kg.
Pets and birds, with the exception of guide dogs, accompanying blind
Flowers, plant seedlings, food greenery, dried plants, branches of trees and shrubs Weighing more than 5 kg

Transportation of these items is paid by the actual mass regardless of the number of passenger's luggage.

Dear passengers!

On August 27, 2007, the "Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspection" entered into force, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport from July 25, 2007 N 104.

The list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft by passengers in a registered baggage and hand-made bags:

It is forbidden to carry on board the aircraft in the registered baggage and in hand baggage, the following hazardous substances and items:

1. Explosive substances, explosion and objects, they are stupid:
Sorry, in any package and in any quantity;
Cartridges combat (including small-caliber);
Cartridges for gas weapons;
Capsuli (Pistons) Hunting;
Pyrotechnic agents: signaling and lighting missiles, cartridges signal, planting checkers, smokers (checkers), demolition match, Bengal lights, railway rails;
Trotil, dynamite, Tol, ammonal and other explosives;
Capsuli detonators, electricallytonators, electric vectors, detonating and fireproof cord, etc;

2. Compressed and liquefied gases:
Gases for household use (Bhutan propane) and other gases;
gas springs with filling neuro-paralytic and tear exposure, etc;

3. Light flammable liquids:
Samples of flammable petroleum products;
methyl acetate (methyl ether);
ethyl cellosol;

4. Flammable solids:
substances subject to spontaneous fire;
substances excretion of flammable gases when interacting with water;
Potassium, sodium, calcium metallic and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc;
phosphorus white, yellow and red and all other substances belonging to the category of flammable solids;

5. Oxidizing substances and organic peroxide:
nitrocellulose colloidal, granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;
nitrocellulose colloidal, in slices, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;
nitrocellulose dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water, etc;

6. Toxic substances;
7. Radioactive materials;
8. Eating and corrosive substances:
Strong inorganic acids: salt, sulfur, nitrogen and others;
fluorite-hydrogen (inexpensive) acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances;

9. Poisonous and poisoning substances:
any poisonous potent and poisoning substances in a liquid or solid state, packed in any container;
Tetrahydroofurfuryl alcohol;
brake fluid;
ethylene glycol;
all salts of syntic acid and cyanid preparations;
cyclone, cyanplas, arsenic anhydride, etc.;
Other hazardous substances, items and goods that can be used as an instrument of attack on passengers, the aircraft crew, as well as the threat of an aircraft flight;

10. Weapon:
Pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shocking devices, cortic, styles, landing bayonet knives, except in cases in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
On the provision of weapons and racies, it is necessary to make a special permit in advance. On the presence of these items should be declared at customs (for international flights) or at the point of special control (for domestic) and to pass their security staff to transfer to the aircraft. During the flight, they will be from a senior flight attendant or crew commander.

Please note that when transporting weapons, ammunition and cartridges must be packed separately from weapons. When registering weapons, you will have to undergo additional procedures provided for by the rules of aviation security and the requirements of the internal affairs bodies. When transporting weapons, ammunition, cartridges and special funds, there are general standards of free provision and payment of supernorumative baggage.

At airports located on the territory of the Russian Federation, restrictions on the transport of liquids, gels and aerosols in hand baggage air passengers. The restriction applies to:
water and other drinks, soups, syrups;
creams, lotions and oils;
gels, including hair gels and shower;
the contents of canopy, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants;
paste, including dental;
mixtures of liquid and solids;
Any other similar substances.

Passengers are allowed to carry with them the small number of the substances listed above on board the aircraft, provided that they are packed in the tank, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml. At the same time, the tanks must be placed in a transparent plastic package of no more than 1 liter. Each passenger is allowed to have only one such package with it as a hand-made bag. Packages can be brought with you from home, but they must be equipped with a special "lightning".

Items allowed for transportation in registered luggage:
Crossbows, rifles for underwater hunting, checkers, sabers, tesaks, yatagans, executioners, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting, knives with throwing blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
Household knives (scissors) with a length of the blade (blades) over 60 mm;
Alcoholic beverages with a content of more than 24%, but not more than 70% of alcohol in volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in a container intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger; liquids and alcohol drinks with alcohol content of no more than 24%;
aerosols intended for use in sports or domestic purposes, the exhaust valves of the cans of which are protected by caps from spontaneous release of content in containers with a capacity of not more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 l per passenger;

Allowed to transport in hand bag items:
Medical thermometer - one on the passenger;
Mercury tonometer in a standard case - one on the passenger;
barometer or mercury pressure gauge, packed in a sealed container and sealed sender seal;
Disposable lighters - one on the passenger;
Dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
Liquids, gels and aerosols related to non-hazardous capacity in tanks no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other volume measurement units), packed in a reliably closing transparent plastic package with a volume of no more than 1 l - one packet on the passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml to transportation are not accepted even if the container is filled only in part.

In large than indicated, volumes are allowed to transport in hand clashes only:
baby food required during flight;
Required during the flight drug.

Dear passengers, be prepared for the fact that during the passage of inspection you may be asked to prove the need for these items and substances in flight.
Liquids purchased in duty-free shops
Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a securely sealed (seated) plastic bag that provides access to the contents of the package for a flight on which there is a reliable confirmation that this purchase is manufactured in airports Duty free shops or on board the aircraft per day (days) of the trip.
Excessive and oversized / non-standard baggage
Fragile and beating objects requiring special precautions during transportation (small portable tape recorders, computers, radio receivers, televisions, products from crystal, etc.) in coordination with the carrier can be transported by a passenger in the Sun cabin.
If the weight and dimensions of your baggage exceed the rate of free transport, then the luggage must be pre-booked. If you have not done this, the excess luggage will be transported only if there is technical capabilities.
Payment for excess baggage is made in accordance with the luggage rates acting on the day of registration of the receipt of paid baggage, which is issued to the passenger upon receipt of payment from it at the checkout.
Oversized baggage is taken to transport only with the consent of the airline. With the terms of transportation of such baggage, you must read when booking air ticket. Having accepted your luggage to transport, the airline takes upon all the additional costs of its loading and unloading.
Large or non-standard luggage in the luggage compartment of the aircraft (as a registered luggage) is a baggage, which is based on its size and weight (taking into account the type of aircraft on which transportation is performed) is significantly different from the usual luggage transported. Such a baggage, for example, can be attributed: a chair for the disabled, not a folding baby stroller, large musical instruments, a bicycle, etc.
If you wish to carry a large, fragile or valuable baggage (including musical instruments) on a separate chair (chairs) in the aircraft cabin, with a total weight up to 75 kg per chair, then you need to purchase a separate (e) ticket (s).

Rules used in the carriage of large and non-standard baggage in the cabin of the aircraft:
with weight and sizes exceeding the rate of cabin baggage of the operating carrier, and with a total weight up to 75 kg, this luggage is transported in a separate chair;
If the total weight exceeds 75 kg, such a baggage is transported on two or more chairs, accordingly, the required number of tickets is bought; For each individual chair from the passenger, the collection is charged, corresponding to the passenger rate, which transports this luggage. No discounts from this tariff are provided. Transportation is drawn up on the forms of a passenger ticket with charge of the same taxis, which are charged from the passenger - the owner of the baggage. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that when transporting baggage in a chair (chairs), tariffs based on the provision of discounts from complete tariffs (tariffs for children, for members of the crews of ships, student tariffs and others) are not applied. In this case, the passenger tariff applies to the carriage of large or non-standard baggage in the aircraft salon;
On airflock (s), which frauded the transportation of baggage in the cabin on a separate chair (chairs) does not apply to the installed norm of free baggage.

Passenger rights when delaying flight

In the event that problems started with departure, it is worth paying special attention to the time:
After 2 hours, you can make two calls or send two messages by e-mail, also passengers must provide free refreshments;
After 4 hours, you have the right to free hot meals (hereinafter - every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night).
After 8 hours of waiting in the afternoon, or 6 at night you are required to post a hotel for free of charge (while luggage remains at the airport under the supervision). Delivery from the airport and back should also be provided.

If you have not abandoned the flight, then in accordance with Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to compensate from the airline. The size of the fine is 25% of the minimum wage due to the law for each hour of delay in the passenger delivery to the destination. But the total amount of the fine should not exceed 50% of the cost of the ticket for the air ticket.
But to recover a fine with the airline you need to comply with a number of mandatory requirements. It is necessary to get from the airport administration a certificate about the reason for the flight delay, and the air carrier staff is obliged to put on your ticket stamp with the actual departure time.

What if the ticket is lost?

In 2007, federal aviation rules for the carriage of passengers were entered into force, according to which "... if the ticket was declared the passenger lost, or incorrectly decorated, or damaged, then the carrier must immediately accept the measures-dependent measures to establish the fact of concluding a passenger air transportation contract. If it is established that the passenger air transportation contract was indeed concluded, the carrier accepts the passenger to transport in accordance with the terms of the concluded passenger air transportation contract with the corresponding ticket design. " Therefore:

  1. If you lost a ticket long before departure, contact the airline in which you purchased it. For a small fee you will be given a duplicate. Keep in mind that some companies prescribe a fine for the loss of the ticket.
  2. If this happened at the airport (or you forgot the ticket at home) please contact the airline's representative office. In any case, federal rules on your side, remember your rights.

If possible, use electronic tickets. In order to register you need a passport and the number of your flight. The route receipt, which is sent to your email, after the conclusion of the transaction with the airline, is desirable, but not necessarily. You can print it yourself from your home computer.

What if in the flight of typo?

The name and surname is allowed up to three errors in writing, if the sound is not distorted. However, it does not apply to capital letters. The passport number, also, should be written correctly, as this is the only document by which you can identify your personality. You may well refuse to fly if the passport number is incorrect. If you find typos in advance, contact the airline's office, in which a ticket was purchased or her representation at the airport. If this happened during the registration of the hope that you will be allowed to fly - there is, but only in the very least, when all passengers will be registered.

Your documents will be counted with computer data, making sure that the registration did not pass only one passenger, the passport number of which almost coincides with what is specified in the database.

Carefully check your personal data when checking tickets. There were cases when due to spelling errors made in the name of the destination, passengers flew at all not where it was necessary.

What if the boarding pass is lost to the air ticket?

You have been registered with the plane, it means that the data about you are stored at the reception. Therefore, come there and duplicate will be discharged. If the boarding pass is required to you for a report before the accounting department, contact the airline in which you purchased a ticket. You will write a certificate confirmation of the flight or give a copy of the landing coupon. Most likely, for this service will have to pay.

What if you need to pass the ticket

If you have the need to reach a ticket, then it is best not later than 24 hours before departure. In this case, you will be returned 100% of the cost. If you rent a ticket on the departure day, a fine will be imposed, but not more than 25% of the cost.

When buying a ticket in foreign companies, you need to familiarize yourself with the Return Rules. For example, air tickets purchased by the so-called "special offer" are most often either not refundable at all, or only after payment of the fine. In Russia, this trick does not work, because according to the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Article 108), the ability to deprive the passenger of the right to receive the full or partial cost of the ticket is not provided. This applies to all tariffs and proposals and also applies to charter flights.

Another thing is, when the airline ticket surrenders the fault of the airline (delay or execution of the flight is not on schedule, changing the route of transportation, etc.). Here you can get 100% of the cost of a ticket at any time, without any penalties. This is called forced refusal (paragraph 227 of Art. 22 of the general rules of air traffic), which must be confirmed by the air carrier before you set the ticket. Bad weather and other force majeure situations occur no about the fault of the air carrier, which means they are not the reason for renting the ticket at any time without penalties.

If you purchased airline tickets via the Internet, contact the air carrier, whose services you used.

Departure in just three hours, and you have lost e-ticket? Damn familiar! :) But not trouble - it can still be restored! I come to tell you how to do it. ;)

We restore the electronic air ticket

Electronic ticket is digital recordingstored in the airline database. To restore it, you will need computer / Smartphone with Internet access and money.

Procedure recovery Electronic Plane Boiletlooks like that:

  • try go to the personal accounton the airline's website where you purchased a ticket;
  • if it is not, register, pointing your contact details (FULL NAME, address, phone, date of birth);
  • make payment for the lost ticket;
  • processing the information, the airline will send you a link to route receipt on the phone number and duplicates on E / P;
  • if you did everything right, going into your profile, You will get access to the e-ticketthat need print together with barcode or download to the phone;

you also can restore Electronic Avia Bilet.By calling on hot line and making an application for restoring the document.

We restore the electronic railway ticket

Alas, S. rail electronic ticketsthe situation in our country is a little sad. You can only restore train tickets in Russia. Worth this service fixed 85 rubles.

For recovery of electronic railway ticket need to contact K. duty officer at the station At the station departure or station where the ticket was purchased. Here you will need to write an application on the restoration railway ticketAfter previewing the identity document, name the date of departures and the route of the trip.

Procedure restoration of electronic ticketsrailways may take 1-2 hours, so I would recommend to turn to the duty in advance. The resulting duplicate can be returned or retracted.


Restore electronic ticketOf course, it is possible, however it is much easier to prevent his loss, agree? :) Stand all the tickets and passports togetherTo avoid their loss in the most unpredictable moment. Have a nice trip!

The boarding pass, like the ticket, refers to the mandatory documents without which it is impossible to get into the plane. The presence of the coupon is a confirmation that the passenger has the right to land. It is issued to every departing after passing on the flight.

Unfortunately, some passengers are already noticed before departure that in the confusion of the airport, the coupon disappeared. Immediately the question arises: is it possible to restore the boarding pass and how to do it? The same problem may stand up before the traveler upon returning home, if the accounting department at the place of work requires a documentary report that the worker really used the services of the air carrier.

What to do with the loss of landing coupon after registration

If the registration has just been completed, and the coupon has already frightened somewhere, do not worry. You need to return to the registration rack as soon as possible and explain the employee of the airline about the trouble and present a passport. Within a few minutes you will print a duplicate of a lost document.

These actions are suitable only if there are more than 10-15 minutes before the landing on the landing. If, before sending to board, a few minutes remained, most likely the flight will have to miss, and representatives of the airline will offer you to buy a ticket for the next aircraft. Money for the unused ticket is returned, but not in full.

If there is no possibility to expect the next flight and take care of urgently, it is worth contacting the aircraft flight attendant. If there are blanks and free seats in the cabin you will make a duplicate of the lost coupon.

Sometimes the airline employees meet the client and delay the aircraft departure so that the forgetful passenger managed to reach the reception and re-arrange the boarding pass. But keep in mind that the departure delay is possible only if the flight is straight. The departure of the docking flight is not delayed, since passengers suffer from the delay of the aircraft in another city.

All listed ways are suitable for solving the problem of lost coupon on the Aeroflot lines. The passenger, lost a landing document, has all the chances of flying without being late if he chose a direct flight to landing on the airliner remains time.

If the boarding pass is lost after the flight

The boarding pass is needed not only for planting a plane. Sometimes the company's accounting requires it for the report when the employee goes to the working business trip. Upon return, the employee provides a coupon as a confirmation that he really used the services of the airline.

In this case, write the air carrier application. After checking your data, the airline will be issued not a boarding pass, and the certificate that you used its services. The certificate will indicate the dates and places of departure and arrival, as well as the flight number. All this will allow you to report at work. Service check service and certificate is paid.

In Aeroflot, the issue of issuing such a reference costs 700 rubles. But they can be saved if they agree to accept another document instead of the lost landing coupon in accounting. Except him, confirm the fact of the flight can be confirmed:

  • ticket with Cassov Chek;
  • certificate with invoice;
  • overhead.

In each of these documents, the flight number, flight dates, the endpoints of the route must be specified to accept it in the company's accounting department. If the passenger acquired a ticket with a bank card via the Internet, information about this remains in email messages, and the receipt of payment of the ticket is printed to prepare a trip report.

If the passenger used online registration

Online registration is more convenient and easier than usual. She will save time before departure, which is missing. In the event of the landing coupon, the registration passed with all the amenities without leaving the house, is able to create a miracle and rid of the problem at any stage of its occurrence.

For example, when you switch the Aeroflot lines, act like this: if a paper copy of the coupon received during online registration is lost, you can once again print it in the kiosk or in the automatic luggage entry or the passenger itself. It is not necessary to hope only for the electronic version of the coupon, since it is still not at all airports installed equipment for scanning them.

If the ticket is needed only for reporting, type it from the existing electronic media.

You can restore the boarding pass, but before departure, it should be more attentive to refer to the documents necessary for flight. Restoration of any of them will require the cost of time and additional financial investments. The manifested attentiveness will save both both, and fully enjoy travel.