Cuba - everything you need to know the tourist about the island of freedom. Cuba - Republic of Cuba

CubaAlso known in the world as "Freedom Island", located in the northern part Caribbean And it is a large-scale island archipelago belonging to the group of large Antille Islands. The country is at the junction between North and South America, according to its geographic form, a bit reminding a lizard, whose tail is placed in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and torso, along with his head, facing the Atlantic Ocean.


Cuba is considered one of the most picturesque and colorful places on the planet. The majestic mountain arrays of Cordillera de Guaniguaniko, Escambrating and Sierra Maestra, are elegantly combined with flat terrain, dense tropical forests and grandiose waterfalls, thus forming the unique landscape appearance of the republic. Around the large islands replete with snow-white sandy beaches, numerous coral reefs and small islands, elegantly complementing unique sea landscapes spread. To date, the National Communist Party is ruled in Cuba, and the executive branch focuses in the hands of the head of state, at the same time performing the functions of the Secretary-General, and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The main goods supplied to export are sugar and nickel. Traditionally, the famous Cuban cigars in the West enjoy great demand.

The overall standard of living of the population is quite low, although, as in many other countries of South and Central America, the difference in income between the elite and ordinary citizens is great. Health and infrastructure are poorly developed, to which the Embargo affects the United States in relation to the republic. On the other hand, serious attention on the island is given to education, the level of which is considered here one of the highest in Latin America. The main religion in the country is Catholicism. Ethnic composition is extremely diverse. Representatives of almost all continents live in Cuba. The total percentage of the white population is a little more than 60%. One of the main factors of dissatisfaction with many islanders in relation to the current government is the fact that for local residents who want to leave their homeland, a special permission is required, which is not so easy to produce. Since the country has a communist system, many elements of the life and features of the state structure here are similar to the Soviet samples of the second half of the last century, including free milk and the implementation of products on cards.

general information

The area of \u200b\u200bCuba is almost 111 thousand square meters. km, with a population of about 11 million people. The state language is Spanish, but some residents, especially in resort areas, speak English fluently. National currency - Peso (CUP), for settlements with foreigners, used convertible pesos (CUC). 100 CUC \u003d $ CUP: USD: 100: 2. Euro are also taken, but American dollars, to put it mildly, are not popular. Local time is lagging behind Moscow at 7 o'clock in summer and 8 hours in winter. Time Zone UTC-4 in the summer and UTC-5 in winter. Network voltage 110 V with a frequency of 60 Hz, A, B. Country code of the country +53. Internet

Brief excursion in history

For Europeans, Cuba opened the famous Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus in the fall of 1492. Colonization of the island moved parallel to regularly opposing the local population represented by Indians Taino. In the second half of the XIX century, a large-scale war began for the independence of Cuba, which lasted for 10 years, and in 1898, Spain was defeated by the US Army during the Spanish American confrontation, after which the American influence was spread. At the beginning of the 20th century, the country gained long-awaited independence, which subsequently turned into a dictatorial regime of Gerardo Machado and Morales, and then Fulchensio Batista. In the summer of 1953, the Cuban revolution broke out, one of whose main organizers was the future prime minister of the country - Fidel Castro. She ended after 6 years in establishing a communist regime. Soon the agrarian reforms and broad social transformations followed. Disabled new policies referred to the United States without the right to return to their homeland. As in the USSR, cruel sanctions to the "enemies of the people" were used. With the arrival of Brother Fidel, Raul Castro, in 2008, the Cuban people received more freedom, although in general the state system has not changed much.


The island is dominated by a tropical trade-car climate, and the average annual air temperature ranges from +25 to +28 degrees. From May to September, the rainy season is honored in Cuba, for which tightening tropical shower is characteristic. From October to April, clear sunny days with high humidity prevail. On the coast, the heat is being transferred much easier than in the depths of the island, due to the light winds that blow the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. The best time for visiting Cuba is the period from November to April.

Visa and customs regulations

For a trip to the island of freedom, the visa does not require citizens of Russia, but necessary for citizens of Ukraine. Customs rules include some restrictions on the exportation of cultural property, marine shells, any objects of antiquity or precious metals. Buying goods from crocodile skin, you should get a license from the seller, in order to avoid removal of the product during customs inspection at the border. Interestingly, no more than 50 Cuban cigars can be withdrawn to Russia, but in this case, Russian customs is already a limiter of freedom of imports.

How to get

The role of the most popular and visited resorts is the island of freedom is, and. The most promoted from them is Varadero. There is always noisy, bright and fun. Gorgeous sandy beaches, framed by evergreen palm trees, create a relaxed atmosphere, and numerous hotels, shops, restaurants and entertainment establishments, allow you to make rest as comfortable as possible and diverse. Olgin and Santa Maria del Mar are not so crowded and more suitable exclusively for beach pastime. In general, Cuba's tourist centers enjoy great attention from tourists. All beaches municipalities are equipped with relevant attributes and there are practically no local population. Hotels mainly work on the "All Included" system and are placed on the first coastline.

For travel lovers, Cuba is an amazing world with beautiful nature and architecture, rich history, traditions and culture. Additional positive in the unique romantic island's atmosphere, contribute to the friendliness of local residents and bright sunlight, reflected in the emerald waters of the Caribbean.


A popular tourist destination in Cuba - Varadero, where expensive 4-5 * hotels with good territories and infrastructure are located, as well as in the resort there are more economical hotels 3 *, but do not be surprised if you see huge cockroaches. If you want to truly feel Cuba, it is best to stay in a private house Casa Particular, it is much cheaper of the hotel and the local flavor is provided. In general, Cuba in every city and the village have good urban hotels with their charm.


Cabolian cuisine is widespread in Cuba includes an abundance of different national culinary works, including pork dishes, chicken and vegetables, seasoned with an impressive amount of spices. The delicacies are the dishes from crocodile or turtle meat, as well as turtle eggs. True gourmet should certainly try such national drinks as Mojito, Cuba Libre or Daikiri. Restaurants and cafes are presented at the resorts and in the metropolitan Havana, while in the provincial areas, in the presence of only catering establishments and small snack bars.


In stores, souvenir bears and markets there are numerous souvenirs from crocodile leather, turtle shells and black corals. Tourists are often acquired by Cuban cigars, coffee and rum, as well as T-shirts, dishes and other products, with images of the leaders of the national liberation movement deposited on them, Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara.

Precautionary measures

Cuba is a safe country, you can safely walk through the streets at night. Police is quite operational and competent. The only thing is to always check the surrender that you give, when paying for services, in stores, etc., such cases are often incredible. Women are advised to adhere to more restrained rules in clothing, so as not to attract overhead from men.

Cuba Freedom Island is the legendary country, which, with all its flavor, we know not so much. Meanwhile, this island is rich in its history, culture and incredible life experience. Time in Cuba stopped about three decades ago. And you still have the opportunity to see the world of the past.

What she's, cube on the map

In the North of the Caribbean Sea is a very interesting, original and uniquely memorable country of the Republic of Cuba. It covers not only the central island, but also a few small. It is divided into 16 provinces, also includes the Municipality of the Islands of Hoovetud. No matter how big it seemed to the Cuba Square, the population is about 11,300,000 people.

The state enters the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Manages the prevailing Communist Party. Cuba flag painted in white-blue-red colors. Three blue stripes symbolize Spanish parts of Cuba, two white - independence, a red triangle - equality, and the star is freedom.

Cuba occupies a total area of \u200b\u200b110,860 kilometers square, and the length is 1250 kilometers. The state borders with the United States, Mexico, Jamaica and the island of Haiti. The climate here is tropical, the temperature ranges from 22 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Where did the name of the island of freedom, it is not known to the end. It is assumed that the word "Cuba" went from the Indian Taino, which the island called the "excellent place." And some historians say that Cuba is the island called Columbus in honor of the eponymous village in Portugal.

History of Cuba

Cuba passed a difficult path during his formation. These lands have seen a lot of revolutionary actions. The first civil oppression took place in 1823, when the locals decided to fight for independent Spain. From 1868 to 1878, battles were conducted here during the ten-year war for the independence of the Cuban people. Next, followed a number of revolutionary leaders contributing to Cuba their orders and principles of government.

All well-known Fidel Castro came here in 1953. It was from his activities that the Cuban revolution began, which opposed the Batista ruling dictator. When he escaped from the island, the "left" revolutionaries occupied the deputy post. But the optimistic trend did not last long, because soon the repression began in Cuba. Castro was afraid of the dangerous impact of the United States, and actively began to cooperate with the Soviet Union.

This is exactly the largest state at that time, supported Cuba financially and financially. But when the restructuring began in the Union, the relationship changed. Yes, and the cube herself lost to the former power. There was little money, jobs lacked. Stability managed to achieve only 1994.

The church in Cuba operates in their rules, because everyone here has the right to its own religion. Basically confess Catholicism. But sometimes there are examples of Protestantia and African cults, which are built on bringing victims and worship by various pagan gods.

They say here mainly in Spanish, but you can hear English, and Italian. In some regions they speak Dutch, German and various local dialects.

Cuba and her cities

The capital of Cuba, the city of Havana, is a tourist center and one of the largest in the country. Its total area is almost 727 kilometers of square, on which 15 municipalities are located. The status of the capital of Havana received in 1902, and at the moment there is a cultural, economic and political center of the country.

There are a lot of museums in the city, in particular the colonial, national, home-museum José Marty and the Revolution Museum. Also here you can see many vintage renovated houses of the XVI-XVIII centuries. The House Museum of the Great Writer Ernesto Hemingway, who was in love with Cuba, was also open.

The second in the area and the value of the city of Cuba is Santiago de Cuba. It was built and settled at the beginning of the XVI century, and until 1556 fulfilled the role of the capital of the state. Here, as in the capital, opened the mass of museums: ethnographic, municipal, natural history and others.

Tourists come to the south of Cuba to test themselves in recreational diving and see the fortress of San Pedro de la Roca del Morro. By the way, it was in this city that the grave of Dictator Fidel Castro is located.

In the center of Cuba in 1514 the city of Camague was built. Locals have suffered several decades from attacks of pirates, but over time the terrain has been transformed. Surrounded by picturesque nature, the city is famous for numerous attractions - Ignacio Argamont Museum, Prabahadoreez squares and Soledad, and, of course, Park Casino Kampestre.

How to organize an unforgettable vacation in Cuba

Despite the fact that Cuba is not the richest country, the tourist here will definitely look.

The Cathedral of St. Christophes is towers in the capital, the building is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. He built it from 1767 to the end of the XIX century, the crown of architectural creation was the frescoes of Giuseppe Perovani. The bells are made of bronze with admixture of silver and gold.

Be sure to walk along Prado Boulevard in the capital, this Promenade shares two Havana regions. There are noisy and colorful Cuban weddings here, since there is a palace of wedding on the boulevard. For tourists, a large hotel "Sevilla" was built, and the old capitol was towering nearby. Walking in the evening on the boulevard, you will certainly see a large theater and central park. Walk a little more - and you are on the embankment Malecon.

Scenic and one of the largest parks, Sierra del Rosario, can be seen if you get to Ridge Rosario. A large park is a reserved zone with a length of 250 kilometers. Tropical forest with more than 800 species of plants grows on this land. At the moment, the park presents a special natural value for UNESCO

Well, of course, it is impossible to come to Cuba and not to look into the house of Hemingway. It was here that the writer lived almost to the end of his life. He was inspired by the unique sea scenery and fresh brassy air. He came to Cuba Hemingway in 1940, but the house in which he settled was built at the end of the XIX century. Gorgeous views, rum and national flavor inspired by the author Write a legendary novel "Old man and the sea".

In 1961, the writer left his life, and after a year, in tribute to his work, the Cuban authorities made a museum in his house. Everything here is saved in the form of how to see Ernest. Even in the bedroom, on the desktop, installed an accurate copy of the printing machine on which brilliant works were created.

Cuba is something unique

Such a different country is definitely not found anywhere in the world. And the quote on the island of freedom is abound. Accustomed to prohibitions, repressions and restrictions, Cubans have some other permissions. Surprisingly, the activities of the Masonic lodges are legal. To this day, there is an organization of masons, including a little less than 300,000 local residents.

But the prohibitions are much more. For example, one of the strangest rules is a ban on catching and eating lobsters local. This product is considered exclusively tourist and grown or caught by state monopolists. Locals are not entitled to this product. We are talking not only about the lobster, but also about Langstum. The truth is to say, this rule, of course, is disturbed. But still remains within the law and implies imprisonment for several years.

Photos on Cuba is a separate type of art. But before making a cherished snapshot, make sure it is legal. It is strictly forbidden to photograph administrative and military buildings, cars and any other places. The KGB employees in all cities are quite a lot, but it is better not to risk a photo or video with them. If you take pictures of local or make selfie with them, then, first of all, ask permission. Failure you will hear hardly, but if this happens - it is better to immediately erase the photo.

And the most popular entertainment Havana is Tropican's show. It is represented by traditional cabaret with bright Cuban costumes. Ticket price - 95 Cuban Pesos, this amount includes a skip to the event, a glass of champagne, Coca-Cola Bank and Roma Bottle. Cabaret talks about the rich history of Cuba since the times of the Indians and before the dictators of Castro.

Cuba and tourism

What makes a tourist when he gets tired of attractions or, when the aircraft remains a little less than a couple of hours? Of course, goes shopping!

The Caribbean coast is rich in its ocean attractions and beauty. In local souvenir shops, you can buy bracelets and figurines from the black shell. For musicians, it will be interesting to bring Bongo, for fashionists - Guayauber's shirt. Well, where without traditional portraits of Che Guevara, who look at tourists from T-shirts, cups, chains and other things.

Buying products you are unlikely to have to buy, but also do it will not be especially possible. In Cuba, everything is issued on the coupons, and supermarkets work for tourists. The truth is to tell, large shopping centers in Cuba are only two, and then in the capital.

What to try in Cuba?

Of course, drink a glass of Roma and, if they allow tastes, bribe the fragrant cigar and feel alone. Buy rum in any city of Cuba is easier than to find a store without a queue. Rum prices are minimal, but the quality corresponds to the price. If you want to try a good cigar, then look at the cigar museum. So you will learn more about this cult subject and buy a quality product for a relatively small price.

As for restaurants, it's not too good. There are no large five-stroke restaurants with arches and waiters in the butterflies in Cuba. A restaurant here is also called even small cafes for three tables with a straw roof. But they prepare in all establishments quite tasty. Marine kitchen is widespread. The same lobsters and lobs, which are not relatively expensive here.

All about Cuba for tourists

To visit Cuba you will need. The Embassy of Freedom Island is quite warmly taken by Ukrainian tourists, so the documents will be mistaken quickly. By such a visa, you can be in the country for up to 30 days, and if the atmosphere of the island is tightened for another while, in the Ukrainian embassy, \u200b\u200bthe documents with ease will extend.

It will cost you about $ 500-700. Cuba ranges from 25 to 50 thousand hryvnia. The hotel will cost the tourist city about 1500 - 2600 hryvnia per day. In cities, smaller hotels are about
1000 - 1500 hryvnia per day. You can give yourself a truly paradise pleasure and rent a house, a villa or cottage on the coast. This luxury will cost 800 - 2200 hryvnia per day.

Regarding currency worth learn one fact. There are two kinds of pesos on Cuba. The first is indicated as CUP, this currency is less colorfully printed and intended for local residents. For tourists, a peso is designed, which is indicated as CUC. This is the so-called convertible peso, which correlates to the usual as 1:25, respectively. What is interesting, in any city of Cuba and the same currency and the other. And the fad still exists.

Video - 13 interesting facts about Cuba

At the expense of money, it is also important to know that there are no terminals in these stores. So you should always have cash with you. In the ATMs to shoot at once better than a large amount, because the commissions are literally robbed. Part of the amount should be kept closer to yourself, and part of the hotel or villas in the safe. And in general, all valuable things should be kept with you. There is a fairly high level of theft in Cuba.

Making photos, do not forget that placing pictures in Instagram will not be very simple. There is no Internet in Cuba in a wide scale. You can only use the card in certain places. Either in the central regions of the city from the Chief Administration. Or in the hotel, of course.

In Cuba is a separate world that cannot be compared with anything. Temperamental, emotional and to this day, not dulling Cubans will gladly share with you experience in old memory. Ukrainians - usual guests in Cuba. Once upon an annually, a tour of Cuba for Chernobyl children was organized. Now everything is being built, and Cuba is still waiting for our countrymen. The case is for small - clarify where Cuba is located, to order a visa, book a hotel and fly to a meeting for sunny holidays.

The first than the tourist is interested in - where the Cuba is at all on the world map, expensive vouchers and what are the prices for hotels. Of expensive, of course, but only because Cuba is too far from us, and otherwise on the island itself is not so high, but the beaches and rest compensate everything

Cuba Libre, or Freedom Island. White sand of solar beaches, endless ocean spaces, bright nature, unique architecture, rum and cigars - all this will tell you well THERE About Cuba.

General information about Cuba

Where is Cuba

There is a free republic of Cuba near the shores of the Northern and South American continents, separated from them by the waters of the Florida Strait. The state occupies the islands of Cuba, HosenTud and about 1600 smaller islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b110,860 km².

The southern bank of the country's main island goes to the waters of the Caribbean, and the northwestern and northeastern beaches are washed by the Mexican Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

Cuba on the world map


According to the department of population under the "Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN", the population of the republic for 2017 is 11.4 million.


National currency - Cuban Peso Cup, CUC. At the rate of 1 peso \u003d 1 US dollar.

Useful phone numbers

  • Country phone code: 53;
  • Phone code Havana: 7;
  • Cabin Cuba: 119 - Your country code - city code - phone number.
  • Call to Cuba: 8 - international call code - Cuba code - city code - telephone number.
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation: (+53 7) 204-10-85;
  • Consulate of the Russian Federation: (+53 2) 268 61 46.

Emergency services (Havana):

  • Police: 116;
  • Honey. Help: 40-50-93;
  • Firefighters: 78-85-41.

On the territory of the country:

  • Nat. Police: 82-01-16;
  • Firefighters: 81-11-15;
  • Honey. Help: 24-28-11.

Payment and exchange for Cuba

In zones intended for tourists, in circulation there is a convertible peso. Because of the warm relations between the island communist state and the empire of good, which envies the other end of the Floridian Strait, with the ever-green presidents to rest better not to fly. With the exchange of American dollars with you, a commission from 10 to 20% can be taken. Therefore, already experienced tourists recommend come here from the euro. Interestingly, the unconvertible Cuban Peso (CUP) to meet almost unrealistic tourist.

If you are more convenient to use Visa / MasterCard cards, take into account that:

  • Visa card takes more institutions than MasterCard;
  • When visiting small stores or cafes, it is better to have cash with you, since the payment terminal may not be;
  • Card transactions are taxed at 11.24%.

Memo tourist

Staying in Cuba should be as bright as possible, you may have to add colors to your casual wardrobe. You have every chance of becoming a fan of Cuban cigars after visiting their homeland, but smoking in public places is prohibited.

If you are on the way to the beach or during an excursion a cow will meet, be extremely careful. This animal is sacred for Cubans, and the death of the cow in your presence can bring you to unpleasant conversations with representatives of the local police.

Another tourist is important to know that photographing government agencies, military equipment, soldiers, police are prohibited. In addition, before you take a picture of the Cuban, it should be asked to ask him permission.

What is he, Cuban people

Cuba is a multinational and multicultural country where the blood and traditions of the peoples of Africa, Spain, Italy, Britain, Germany, Cuban and American Indian tribes, migrants from China, France, as well as the Jews resettled during the first and second world wars.

Local, friendly people. Do not hurry to give up the offer to play dominoes or split my meal. Do not be surprised if at your expense will ask to drink in a cafe. And if the staff of the hotel or hostel ask you, leave your personal hygiene (razors, shaving foams, etc.) Remember that it is connected with a high cost and inaccessibility of the latter for poor citizens.

Safety in Cuban Earth

People in the Communist Republic are friendly, but poor. It is better not to show cash and expensive accessories. Watch out for your things in order not to become a victim of small scammers and pockets. At night, walking in poor areas is not recommended due to the high probability to be attacked.

Climate in Cuba, when it is better to go

The most favorable time for recreation marks the interval from November to April.

Windsurfing lovers will appeal in the summer when the biggest waves rise during the rainy season. The domination of hurricanes can darken the rest between October and November, but on the fact it is planning to rest in Cuba at any time of the year.

Thanks to a small area, it is possible to drive around Cuba in a few weeks of rest. So that you do not miss anything important, our site has prepared a list of cities and resorts for you, mandatory for visiting.

Capital Havana - This is the city of opposites. Here, modern skyscrapers are adjacent to the colonial pre-revolutionary mansions in which the usual people live. The city is full of architectural monuments, and interesting places. Havana blinds white beaches, treats exquisite cuisine and puts salsa sounds. Separately, the Bar El Floridita is worthy - one of Ernest Hemingue's favorite places. If you are not interested in the bar, visit the Writer's House-Museum, and then go to the Roma Museum. For those who are not tired of day excursions, it is important to know that closer to night the city turns into one large disco, filled with unbridled energy. It's time to visit Tropican Show-Cabarer, which is famous for the whole world since 1939.

Santa Clara

Santa Clara A memorable place for the Cuban revolution, where the commandant of Che Guevara was allowed for the incomplete armored train Dictator Batista. The debris of the very train remains at the crash site to this day, they are pride and attractions for residents of the country. In addition, Ernesto Che Guevara's Mausoleum is erected here and if you are a citizen of America, you will not be allowed to be empty.

Santiago de Cuba

Motherland of Street Culture - Santiago de Cuba. Music on the town streets sounds at every corner. By right, this place is considered the cradle of Cuban melodies and Roma, because the Don Facundo Bakardy was born here.


If it is interesting to see the island as it was in the XVIII century, then the city Trinidad - The best place for this. The authentic setting of this place amazes. Lowned roads, houses built in colonial style, sugar plantations and, survived by the echo of the old days, houses for slaves.


Matanasas The capital of the province of the same name is known to the large number of bridges, for which it was called "Cuban Venice". Interesting to visit the province of Pinar del Rio, where you can visit tobacco plantations and admire the views of the Vinyales Valley, which received the title "Cultural Landscape of Mankind" in 1999.

Cuban resorts


Varadero. - The oldest of the resorts, popular and really paradise with the turquoise waters of the ocean and snow-white beaches. The resort can be called a classic holiday in Russian, everything is always enabled here. 24-hour bars, buffets in a restaurant with kitchens around the world.


Olgin - The resort elites business VIP class. Hotels are mostly five-star. Attend this place for the sake of luxury, calm and sophistication.


Guardavalaka., one of the best resorts for diving, famous for its coral reef. Esmeralda is the place of emerald beaches. For lovers of original parties, it will be interesting to be on the cave disco of the island of Cayo-Coco.


HoangTud., famous called Youth Island (located 100 km away. From Cuba's O-Wa) is interesting for its natural reserves. It is said that R. L. Stevenson described the image of the "Treasure Island" with the Landscapes of Humenta.


Speaking of pirates difficult not to mention La Yana - this is an ancient tree located on the island Kayo-Largo. According to legends, it served as a landmark of the Caribbean's pirates, when they drove their loot gold.

This is only a small part of the places that you can visit during your stay in this country. Even if you come to Cuba several times a year for several years, this country will always find something to surprise you and take.

Entertainment and holidays on the island of freedom

The very thing for which thousands of tourists come to rest annually - this is diving. The underwater world is interesting not only by beautiful coral reefs, but also by many sunken ships off the coast. Windsurfing lovers can catch the waves in the sandy coast, those who do not want (or can not swim) immerse themselves on a submarine in the ocean embrace.

The main monuments of Cuban architecture are concentrated in several most famous cities among tourists. In the capital of Cuba Havana, you can see many cathedrals, including the Cathedral of St. Christopher. And it is better for you not to brag that you have been to Cuba, without visiting the weapons, the cathedral and the old square of the capital of the state.

Memorial Che Guevara In Santa Clara, a cigar factory " Francisco Donalien"In Pinar del Rio, the caves with the mantanas caves. On the island of HuvanTud Prison " Previdio Model", Which is a copy of the former place of finding F. Castro, prisons" Joliete."(Illinois state). Natural landscapes and national parks with interest are replenished with a small number of architectural attractions, many Cuba's natural zones are protected by UNESCO.

Coming to relax in the period from July 15 to August 15, be sure to visit the carnavals that pass in Havana and Santyago de Cuba, as it is unforgettable colorful events, full music of dance and motley outfits. And to smoke to smoke will be interested in the festival of Cuban cigars at the end of February.

And where are we without shopping, because you need to buy something like that, truly Cuban - cigars, rum and coffee. Black corals and products from them are popular among tourists. In shopping centers Havana or in Casa del Habano network stores you will not be deceived and sell goods of proper quality.

National Cuban cuisine

Prevails in Cuba Creole cuisine. Major national dishes are prepared from pork and chicken. Meat is preparing a variety of most different ways. Among dishes National Kitchens - "Creole Achiako" - one of the main. It is prepared from pork and vegetables with the addition of a good portion of spices. You should also try:

  • langustov with lemon;
  • crocodile meat;
  • meat and turtle eggs.

Fresh fruit cuts are often served to each dish. Wrike tasty and strong coffee. The main national drink - rum, which is part of almost all local cocktails.

Mostly restaurants are focused in resort and tourist areas, visit them is recommended with cash. The cost of meal per person in a good institution ranges from 30 to 40 pesos, simple places will cost no more than 15 pesos, and in the eatery you will leave the maximum of 5 Cuban coins. Tips make up 10% of the check amount and better give them to the waiters. And if you decide to eat in the bar, it is unlikely that you will succeed. In colorful Cuban bars you need to drink, and from food you will maximize nuts, well, or chips.

Cuban hotels

The most common in Cuba hotels class 4 stars, although for those who do not particularly plan to sit in four walls, a sufficient number of class 2 and 3 stars. But luxury lovers choose not much from something so hotels in 5 stars literally units. Most of the island of freedom represent the well-known world networks that work on the "All Inclusive" system. Settlement in the hotel in Cuba occurs at 15:00, the departure is recorded at 12:00. Cute Cubans leave themselves three hours at cleaning the number before the next guests arrive, so you can safely show claims if you find unwanted traces of previous guests.

How to get to cuba

For a comfortable and comfortable flight to Cuba, good THERE It recommends using the services of Aeroflot, which organizes permanent, direct flights Moscow-Havana. If residents of Russia will fly without transfers, then citizens of the CIS countries are recommended to fly through Moscow, or through Europe with relevant flights.

Flying by direct flight from Moscow lasts about 12 hours, flight with transfers over Europe from 16 to 20 hours. Ticket prices start from 55,000 rubles per adult. Cheaper can work out through the design of the vouchers. So with accommodation in a three-star hotel for 7 days and nights, the cost of the voucher on average ranges from 60,000 rubles.

Pros and cons relaxing at Cuban Island

Whatever the paradise place you did not seem Cuba, good THERE recommends paying attention to negative sides Rest in this beautiful country:

  • the sun is much more intense and brighter than those who are accustomed to the inhabitants of the CIS countries and Russia, to avoid sunburns, stocking of sunscreen creams;
  • evening beach vacation can spoil small insects, protective sprays and creams to have necessarily;
  • do not drink raw water, and alcoholic beverages are asked chilled iceless, as in Cuban water, the bacteria harmful to the unusual tourist;
  • beware of marine living creatures: Muren, sea snakes and heels and "Portuguese ships";
  • remember about the poverty of the population, which can provoke from individuals a desire to rob you if you openly demonstrate your valuable things and cash.

All these are only warnings, because it is better to prepare in advance so that your vacation is not diluted with anything, and you could enjoy positive aspects Trips:

  • feel the atmosphere of freedom;
  • enjoy white beaches;
  • support the cultural spirit of Cuba, visiting holidays and carnivals;
  • enjoy the beauty of Cuban nature;
  • try cigars and rum in their homeland;
  • immerse yourself in the depths of the ocean to explore its treasures;
  • meet and communicate with new people.

Video will complement our article

Video - Interesting Facts about Cuba

In Cuba, everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Expand your borders, the world is not in our apartments and phones. Travel, feel, know the new one. Okay THERE Wishes you a pleasant stay on the island of freedom.

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Description of the country

If you want to soak in paradise in life, then a better place than Cuba, you can not find. Beautiful white sand beaches, transparent sea water, coral reefs and fellows for fishing, rich exotic flora and fauna - whether it is not paradise bush. Tempered as the rhythm "cha-cha cha", bright as a leaf of hummingbird, elegant as a flower of orchids, Cuba has always attracted thousands of tourists. But Cuba is not only a magnificent nature, it is, first of all, friendly and hospitable Cubans and the deepest history. Many cities still keep traces and spirit of Spanish conquerors, the memory of the raids of Corsar. The world famous resort Varadero is located 140 km from Havana on the Atlantic Coast. The neighborhood of Varadero is very picturesque, and the multi-kilometer strip of white sandy beaches and the azure of ocean waters attract thousands of tourists here.

Cuba! The magic island, separating the Atlantic from the Caribbean, the bottom of which is literally covered with treasures ... A neighbor of Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico - attracts not only a tropical exotic, but also a special flavor of the life of the island, warmth, openness and hospitality of local residents. Here is no day, then the carnival. There is no heat that caresses the breeze from the ocean pleasantly cool. There are even no animals dangerous for a person. Here crocodiles are only roast. And countless fish, birds, mollusks becomes not only a delicacy for gourmet, but also the subject of fascinating hunting. The prepared prey can always be "ricked up" - the most best fiery drink from the reed - rum ... kilometers of the smallest white sand and the azure blue ocean waters, seems specifically created for the world-class resort. The rest made people: in tourism there is a large proportion of Spanish capital and therefore the service meets the highest requirements. It all starts at the airport: from it to the selected hotel you will be delivered on luxury vintage cars.


Area - 110992 square meters. km.
The highest point - Peak Turkino 1974 m.
The longest river - Cauto 370 km.

Cuba is located in West Indies, at the junction of North, Central and South America. By configuration, the territory of Cuba, stretching from the west to the east, 1250 km, is often compared with a lizard, the body of which has been drawn to the Atlantic, and the tail is at the entrance to the Mexican Bay. In the south of Cuba was washed by the waters of the Caribbean. The distance from Cuba to the United States in the very narrow place of the Floridian Strait is 180 km away, to the island of Haiti through a brutal strait - 77 km away, to the island of Jamaica through the Spirit of Color - 140 km, to Mexico through Yucatan shed - 210 km.

The length of the island is 1,200 km., Width in a wide place - 210km. Cuban archipelago covers an area of \u200b\u200b110992 sq. Cm and has more than 300 natural beaches covered with snow-white sand and surrounded by crystal clear waters. The most famous beach of Cuba is Varadero. Cuba landscapes are very diverse. There are valleys, mountains, and hills here. The main mountain ranges of the country is Cordillera de Guaniguaniko in the West, Eskumbrey in the center and Sierra Maestra in the East. In the mountains of Sierra Maestra there is also the highest mountain of the country, Peak Turkino (1974 m above sea level). The rest of the island is a fertile plain. On the island you can admire the set of caves. Most rivers in Cuba are small, but differ in very fast flow. Rivers flow from the mountains, forming beautiful waterfalls. The waterfalls of Agabama and Salto-del-Del Carbuni are especially interesting. The longest river Cuba is Cauto (about 370 km.), Occurring in the eastern part of the island. There are many reservoirs and lakes on Cuba. Fans come here - ornithologists, because Cuba is the place of migration of resettled birds.


Looms from Moscow for 8 hours.


Cuba climate Tropical trade machine. Warm flows observed in waters washing waters, and permanent northeastern winds make a mild climate. The coldest month is January, when the daily air temperature reaches +25 .. + 27 degrees, and at night there are about 16..18 degrees of heat. The hottest month is August. During it in the daytime, the air warms up to +30 .. + 32 degrees, and even at night is warm enough - +20 .. + 22 degrees. The relative humidity of the air is high (70-75%) throughout the year, so the in the summer heat is being transferred particularly hard.

The average annual precipitation on Cuba varies from 860 mm in the south-east of the island and up to 1700 mm in its western part. From May to November, the rainy season is installed in Cuba. At this time, especially in the period from August to November, strong tropical hurricanes are born in the Caribbean, which then go to Florida. The most rainy months are June and October, when drops from 180 to 200 mm of precipitation per month. On the coast, the water temperature in winter is about +24 degrees, in the summer it warms up to +28 degrees.


Official language Spanish. However, the service personnel of hotels will answer you in English, German, Italian.


Most believers - Catholics (47%), Protestants (4%) and adherents of the so-called "Sunteria" - a syncretic cult on the basis of African pagan beliefs, mixed with the cult of some Christian saints. The church is separated from the state, the freedom of religion is constitutionally provided.


The population is about 11.4 million people. Most of the population (about 2/3) - descendants of immigrants from Spain, the rest are negros, mulatts, mestiza, there is a fairly numerous Chinese colony on the island. The indigenous population of Cuba was completely destroyed in the years of the development of the island of the Spaniards. Spanish colonists needed a lot of working hands to work on plantations and they began importing slaves from Central Africa. For 350 years, more than 1 million African slaves were imported by the Spaniards. For the same reason, for the period from 1853 to 1874, more than 125.000 Chinese were imported into Cuba from Asia. Until now, Chin-Town has been preserved in Havana. In addition, the Slaves-Indians were imported, but in small quantities, from Yucatan, Central and South America. The intense flow of emigrants was from Spain, Germany, France and Britain.

Cuba took a huge number of emigrants from the neighboring islands: 250 thousand arrived from the Antille Islands - Haiti and Jamaica. 850 thousand migrants arrived from Spain, but not all of them remained to live in Cuba. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were many Americans in Cuba, creating their colonies on about. Pinos. Very strong emigration waves in Cuba were during the first and second world wars. First of all, Jews moved here. Cuban nation, thus, absorbed the features of the peoples of the whole world. Today, the population of Cuba is 11 million people. According to official sources, the composition of the population of Cuba is: 65% - white, 12% - negros, 22% - Mulati.


Network voltage: 220V

Emergency phones

National Police: 82-0116
Fire team: 81-1115
Ambulance: 24-2811


For telephone conversations, telephones operating both on coins and cards (many less often) are used in the city. For a call from the "Mint" machine, coins are needed in 5 and 20 centavo. Call to other cities or provinces difficult. International phone calls are carried out exclusively from telephone stations "Teleorreos", which are almost all major hotels. For a call, a special card is required at 10 or 25 USD (sold at the hotel administrator). Connection statistics and its cost are displayed on the phone display. One minute of the international telephone conversation costs about 6.5 USD. Cellular communication and Internet telephony developed weakly.

To call to Cuba, you must dial 8 - 10 - 53 -<код города> - <номер абонента>. Codes of some cities and provinces: Varadero - 5, Villa Clara - 42, Havana - 7, Granma - 23, Guantanamo - 21, Kamagui - 32, Las Tunas - 31, Matanzas - 52, Olgin - 24, Pinar del Rio - 82, Playa Larga - 59, Sancti Spiritus - 41, Santiago de Cuba - 226, Ciego de Avila - 33, Cieenfuegos - 432, Trenidad - 419, HuvanTud Island - 61.

Currency exchange

On Cuba for foreign tourists (one can say) only dollars go. Nobody pays attention to the disgrace. Special attention should be paid to the fact that when you pass it, you can give the so-called convertible peso. This kind of peso is equal to the dollar 1: 1. This is a new Cuban banknote, nothing to do with the "wooden" Cuban pesos. In order not to get to him - on the convertible peso should be written "convertible". As a rule, they are given in shallow bill: 1.5, 10. The course of the old Cuban peso to the American dollar, approximately 1:25. The convertible Cuban exchanged coin also walks along with American cents. Often you will give delivery and those and others. In the course also credit cards: Visa, Eurocard, etc. Due to the political situation, American Express cards are prohibited. Exchange currency in Cuba can be in banks and many hotels. When exchanging dollars, a commission is charged in the amount of 10% of the exchange amount.


Citizens of the Russian Federation to visit Cuba for the purpose of tourism for a period of no more than 30 days of the visa is not required. At the entrance to the country, a passport is required, the validity period of which should be at least 6 months after the date of the end of the trip, the return ticket, reservation confirmation of the hotel, the immigration card in the 2 copies. When departing from the country, airport fee is charged, as a rule, 15-20 Cuban pesos. $ 1 \u003d 0.93 CUC.

Customs regulations

In accordance with the customs legislation of Cuba on the territory of the country, a duty-free import of 200 pcs is allowed. Cigarette or 250g tobacco, 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 250ml toilet water or 50ml of perfume. The importation of narcotic and psychotropic substances, weapons and ammunition, pornographic products, auto parts are prohibited. The removal of animals and birds, sea shells, wood of valuable breeds, subjects of historical and cultural value are prohibited. For the export of cigars, you must have a check from the store and the original packaging. Import and export of foreign currency is not limited. Amounts of over 5 thousand dollars are subject to mandatory declaration. The removal of the national currency is allowed within 100 pesos. When departing from the country, airport fee is charged.

Holidays and non-working days

National holidays:
January 1 - New Year and Day of Liberation
May 1 - Labor Day
July 26 - the day of the beginning of the national uprising
October 10 - anniversary of the beginning of the war for the independence of Cuba
December 25 - Christmas

Carnavals, festivals, holidays:
Carnavals in Havana, Varadero, Santiago de Cuba - February
International Jazz Festival in Havana - February
Festival of Cuban cigars in Havana - February
Festival of electroacoustic music in Varadero - April
Fair in Olgin - May
International Guitar Festival in Havana - May
Holiday Holy Huana in Trinidad - June
Carnival chariots in Havana - June-August
Holiday of Spanish-American Culture in Olgin - October
Latin American Cinema Festival in Havana - December


The municipal transport in the country is quite dilapidated, there are few buses and they are often broken, so tourists are not recommended to use public transport. The main city transport is the bus ("Va-Va"). There are 2 types of buses - "Sidying", where the number of passengers is clearly limited by the number of places, and ordinary machines that are often clogged to failure. There are no timetables at all, the movement routes are often not indicated. The fare is 1-2 CUP.

For movement, it is recommended to use the so-called "tourist taxi", which are fairly modern cars with a radiotelephone and air conditioning. Payment is made only in dollars (approximately 2 USD 1.5-2 km.). Tourist taxis can be ordered from any hotel or by phone, while the movement of the machine is constantly monitored by operators, which ensures safety. The usual taxis, in which payment is made in the peso, use enough old cars and their little. Many private traders earn "wrame", especially in Varadero and other resort areas. They have a slightly lower prices than government companies, but there is no guarantee.

By the resort Varadero, "Shuttles" rush, the drivers of which it is quite possible to trust, as well as tourist buses with a ticket worth 4 CUC or EUR for the whole day. On this bus, buying a one-time ticket, you can ride all day, leaving any stop and sitting on any stop unlimited number.


In restaurants it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of 10% of the amount specified in the account.

The shops

As souvenirs and gifts, undoubtedly, it is better to purchase products and decorations from coral in combination with silver. Also, good "Guayaber" (tropical shirt), folk shock musical instruments, artistic fabrics, embroidery and lace, as well as products from turtle shell, especially bracelets and hairpins (Beware of fakes!). Be sure to purchase Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars, among which the brands "Bolivar", "Koiba", "Monttexto", "Partagas", "Panch", Ramon Alonnes, Sancho Pansa, "H. Pansy", " "," Romeo and Juliet "and" Trinidad ". Stores work from 9.00 to 18.00 (some until 20.00) on weekdays, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 15.00 (some until 18.00). Supermarkets and shops in resort areas are usually open from 10.00 to 20.00. Most small stores have a separate operation mode. Almost all stores are closed on "Sieste" in the middle area.

National cuisine

The basis of the diet of Cubans is rice and black beans, pork and chickens. Cubans are not very fond of vegetables, but adore fruits, their huge set and they are always fresh. Delicious mangoes and bananas. Baked bananas in Cuban cuisine are still from African slaves. Fufu is bananas mixed with other ingredients. Chatinos is a light appetizer to aperitif, also prepared on the basis of Planos. Cuban cuisine originated from the joint influence of Spanish and African traditions. The national dish is "El Achiako" - soup rags with root and various vegetables, usually prepared with pork. The taste depends on the type of root crust and the spices used. Other typical dishes - fried on pork skewers, fried banana chips (Tachinos, Chatinos or Toostones), black beans, Eastern Congrey (rice with red beans), Moros and Cristianos (rice with black beans), chopped bifstex In Havana, Tamales, Bakanes or Ayakas (made of delicate corn). If you order fruit juices, require them to be freshly prepared. If your tools are limited, in the diner you will be offered a comprehensive dinner at a fixed price, dishes you choose. Very popular ice cream. There are many little restaurants right at home by Cubans, where you can eat about $ 4. Speaking about the kitchen, it is impossible to bypass the coffee in Cuban, which Cubans drink in huge quantities throughout the day. Cuban coffee is very strong and sweet. The cities have a lot of cafes where you can taste various infusions, decoctions and other drinks. In all drinks, Cubans put a large amount of sugar. The most popular alcoholic beverage is rum. The most famous Mark Roma - Havana Club. There are three varieties: Carta Oro (Golden), Carta Blanca (White) and Anejo (old), which differ in exposure. Favorite Cuban rum - Anejo (about $ 8 per bottle).


Havana - Administrative, political, cultural, scientific, as well as the main tourist center of the country, cosmopolitan province. Havana annually visits more than half of all foreign tourists who come to the country. Its main charm - the city itself with a variety of architecture, wide avenues and famous boulevards, and especially its historical center, in 1982 declared UNESCO - the property of mankind. The start of the excursion can be El-Templet.- A small chapel in neoclassical style, built in 1828 on the spot, where, as expected, the city was founded; Weapon Square (Plaza de Armaas), Cathedral Square (Plaza de la Cedral) and Old Square (Plaza Vieha), around which magnificent vintage buildings and structures are grouped, which were in their time surrounded by the walls of the city. Memorial José Marty It was opened in 1996, there are various relics, original items, documents and engravings associated with the life and creativity of the Cuban Revolution of the Apostle Cuban Revolution. At the top of the obelisk - a concrete, lined marble tower with a height of 138.5 m above sea level - is the highest observation deck of the capital. More than 47 thousand exhibits are stored in the funds Palace of Fine Artswhich, after thorough work on expanding, reorganization and restoration, is now considered one of the most significant among such agencies of the world. National Botanical occupies a territory of 600 hectares. It is divided into 18 zones, and approximately the fifth part of it is assigned to local plants. One of the main attractions - Japanese gardendonated by the government of this country in 1989 and created by the master of garden art Yoshikuni Arak.

Provinces Santiago de Cubait has two features that make it unique: it is its hospitable, cheerful and carefree people and a rich cultural and historical heritage. The main city of the province, founded in 1514, is distinguished by a great originality, and its most important feature is the magnificent bay, surrounded by the high mountains, over which reigns San Pedro de la Roca del Morro fortressIn 1997, the proclaimed UNESCO is the property of mankind. Similar status recently received a system of agro-industrial structures and balances more than a hundred coffee plantations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Piedra Mountains, which were created by the French who were condensed with Haiti. Supredes Speedhes is the busiest place of the city. Square is surrounded by buildings representing a large architectural and historical value: it Diego Velasquez House Museum, City Cathedral, former Ayuntamatento - City Council, where the Government of the province is now placed, and the Kas Grand Hotel. The only step street in Cuba, Padre Pico Streetis a natural observation platform. The border between the upper and lower parts of the city passes here. Street goes down to the area of \u200b\u200bTivoli, where the famous Santiaigian carnival is held. San Pedro de la Roca del Morro Castle is a military construction in the Roman style, with two blind Rips and two symmetrical three-tiered bastions, where guns were installed. Its construction began in the XVI century and completed two centuries later. Now is here Museum of piracy.

Trinidad de Cuba - The City-Museum of Colonial Architecture, announced by UNESCO the property of mankind and the monument of cultural of world importance. The city was founded in 1514 by Diego Velasquez. The main cities of the province of Sancti Spiritus and Santisima Trinidad de Cuba are two of the first seven cities founded by Spanish conquistadors on the island. The times have changed, but Trinidad itself is all the same as he was 2 century ago with his baroque churches, roofs of red tiles, bridge and forged iron lattices. It is especially recommended to pay attention to Romantic Museum, Museum of Architecture, Archaeological Museum, Museum of Combating Bandits, Museum of Natural Sciences "Alexander Humboldt" and the Archaeological Museum "Guamaya".

Matanasas -the main city of the province is called Cuban Athens, as it is a land of poets, or Cuban Venice - due to the fact that the city is crossing two rivers - Yumuri and San Juan, through which five bridges were transferred for the convenience of pedestrians and transport - and guests will be It is interesting to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of this calm city that grew up on the shore of the huge bay. In the southern part of the province is peninsula Sapata - a real paradise for ecological tourism lovers, but besides that, they will undoubtedly admire the fabulously beautiful Valley of Yumuri and the Bank of the Pan River, which can be admired with bakungua bridge - Pearls of Cuban Engineering Art, this bridge having a height of 110 m is the highest in the country. Vicia Square is the founding place of the city, where he began his growth. Square surround the interesting building in architecturally - theater "Sauto", Hunko Palace, fire station building and others. Freedom Square(Plaza de la Libertad) is the second weapon area of \u200b\u200bthe city to which the "White" concert hall come to the honor of the famous black violinist José White, the Pharmaceutical Museum "Triolet" and the Government House. On the West Bank of the Bay, Matanasas snaps San Severino Castle. According to its size, it is considered one of the most important Spanish fortresses in America. In the vicinity of the city of Matansas are the caves of Belyamar. About 30 halls were studied, where large rock paintings, fossils and traces of habitat of people who lived here are 1,600 years ago.


Varadero. - The main zone of the Cuban archipelago, attracting those who prefer rest on the seashore, enjoys well-deserved international glory. This resort on the Ikakos Peninsula has a strip of beaches with a length of more than 20 km coated with thin white sand and washed by the sea, which is overflowing with various shades of blue; The fifth of its territory is part of ecological reserves. In addition, there are many caves on the peninsula, picturesque slopes and lagoons; A series of virgin and easily accessible islets stretches along the coast. Features Varadero are complemented by its cultural, historical and natural attractions, closely connected with the neighboring cities of Matansas and Cardenas and the reserve of the Biosphere "Cienaga de Sapata", as well as a number of modern comfortable hotels and a broad service sector enterprise infrastructure.

Lying in the north-east province Olgin It is famous for the fact that this is the region where the opening of Cuba occurred. Admiral Christopher Columbus first stepped on the land of the island in the place called Kayo-Bariai, where there is a memorial complex. It was October 27, 1492. The main city of the provinces is also called the city of Squares; There is a strong Spanish influence, his straight streets testify that it is built on a strict plan. In the city there is an active cultural life, especially in May, when the May Fair is held, and in October, when the holiday of Ibero American culture is celebrated. For more than 40-kilometer coast, there are 41 beach, among which foreign tourists give a special preference to Guardalavaca beaches, Playa Esmeralda and Playa-Pechero with an exceptionally beautiful seabed. In this province, there are also Banz, who is considered the archaeological capital of Cuba, since it has been discovered more than anywhere in the archipelago, the habitat of aborigines. The 22 bays available in the province of Olgin include one of the largest in the world and in Cuba - Nipie Bay. But also on the territory of the province there are forests and hills with steep slopes and massive vertices.

Kayo Largo - A small group of islands located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, 177 km from Havana and 170 km from Varadero. It serves as a refuge of hundreds of tropical fauna birds: flamingo, hummingbirds, gray herg and many others. And with Havana, and with Varadero there is a direct air connection. From other tourist points, Cuba here can also be ordered a special excursion. You can move around the island on foot, cycling or car. The water of the Caribbean is warmer than the water of the Atlantic Ocean at the northern coast of Cuba, which causes the richest marine life off the coast of the island. Tourist infrastructure has everything necessary for you to be satisfied with the stay on this paradise island. Here you can visit the turtle farm and just a beach on which the sea turtles lay eggs.

Kayo Coco - The fourth largest island of Cuba, the main tourist island of Jardines Del Rey archipelago (Royal Gardens). With the main island, it is connected by a 17-kilometer expensive distance passing through the bay of dogs. Before the emergence of the tourist infrastructure, Kayo Coco was known, mainly due to the excellent pineapple growing here. North stretches magnificent beaches not even with white sand, but snow-white. In addition to the beaches of coral origin, which is almost the best in the entire Caribbean, there are stunning conditions for diving, fishing and water sports. A small island is a permanent refuge for flamingo, white ibisov, pelicans, hergs, cormorants-krivoshek and vultures. Next to Kayo Coco Island, a little west is Kayo Guillermo Island. This island is also connected to the "Big Earth" by means of a bulk dam.

Island Kayo Santa Marialocated in the Atlantic Ocean, near Kayo Coco Islands and Kayo Guillermo and is located opposite the northern shores of Villa Clara Province. The island is connected to the mainland Dambia with a length of 48.6 km. Santa Clara International Airport is about 110 km and 386 km to Havana. The location of Santa Mary is unique. You can combine a relaxed pastime on the beach with an active culture and entertainment program. Next to the island of Kayo Santa Maria are small islands. Las Bruhas and Ensenchos. All three islands have excellent beaches with soft white sand and very clean water. Their attractive surroundings are wonderful places for fishing, diving, water sports and sea walks on canals separating islands. On the island of Las Bruhas, there is an airport where local airlines from Havana arrive. On the island of Kayo Santa Maria is located Hotel Spanish Group Sol Melia: Sol Cayo Santa Maria 4 *, All Inclusive.

Coast Playa Esmeralda Located in the east of Cuba Island, in the province of Olgin. Here is the highest mountain peak of Cuba and it is here - the most diverse nature: more than a hundred beaches, many caves, rivers, mountains, waterfalls and natural sources. It was on this coast that a historic meeting of Columbus sailors with Indians Taino has occurred. In the province of Olgin, the best Cuban beer is produced, the best fishing, the best diving, the most beautiful places. On the beaches of Playa Esmerada, you can engage in almost all types of water sports. Among them windsurfing, sailing, water bike riding, swimming with a mask. Diving is especially popular - in the area of \u200b\u200bPlaya Esmerald, about 20 seats for immersion.

Cuba is a major island in the Caribbean and the Island State of the same name. Cuba for the whole world famous for the most beautiful beaches of the northern coast, magnificent ancient cities, incomparable and incendiary Latin American music and, finally, manually roll with cigars. Such a contrast makes the country unique and interesting for visiting tourists.

In contact with

Where is the cube on the world map

The official name of the state is the Republic of Cuba, the unofficial island of freedom. Capital Cuba - Havana. In the western hemisphere, this is the only state where the socialist form of government.

Cuba is located on the island of HepenTud (seventh in the area in the world) between North and South America. All islands and coral reefs that are located on the map around Cuba belong to the country. They are numbered about 1500. All of them belong to the group of large Antille Islands.

On the map, the country is shown in the form of a narrow sushi strip, which stretches from the west to the East and its length is 1250 km. Externally, the island is similar to the crocodile, whose head looks at the Atlantic, and the tail rushes to the Gulf of Mexico.

Cuba is an island, so it is washed from all sides:

  • The Atlantic Ocean in the North-East;
  • Mexican Bay in the North-West;
  • Caribbean sea in the south.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of the state is 114,524 square kilometers. Mountains Sierra Maestro Located on the southeastern part of the state map and are the highest point of the state (Peak Turkino - 1973 meters).

Distance from Cuba to Moscow - 9580 km, up to - 215 km, to Jamaica - 150 km, to the USA - 185 km, to Haiti - 78 km.

All about Cuba

Cuba is an island state, so the nature of nature and the weather will largely depend on the ocean and the sea, which wash the country.


Cuba landscape mostly plain. Mountains and small hills occupy about a third of the entire territory. In the state there are three main mining systems:

  • in the west - Cordillera de Guaniguaniko;
  • in the center - Escambray;
  • in the east - Sierra Maestro.

In Cuba so many small and large caves. The largest cave is Santo-Thomas, it contains many so-called underground galleries, 25 km long. And there are also hills with sheer slopes and flat vertices. Associated and populated areas that are some hilly. The shores are often marshy, low, even in some places crouched mangroves. Sandy beaches are not uncommon for Cuba and, as a rule, they stretch a few kilometers. For example, at the most famous resort of Varadero (Ikakos), the sandy beach spread out.


The Cuba is gorgeous: warm and soft, due to the geographical position of the country. American Florida from Cuba separates small Florida Strait.. Its width is only 150 km. Through this strait is a warm water flows that belong to the Golf Stream.

Thanks to such warm currents, the water temperature on the beaches in winter does not fall below 22 degrees, in the summer - 28-30 degrees. In general, the climate in the country is trade-tropical and indicates that there is a clear separation on dry and rainy seasons. The rainy period in Cuba lasts from May to October, and dry and sunny weather, respectively, November-April.

By sea, Cuba separates Yucatan (Mexico) a small distance from the Peninsula. But also around the Republic of Cuba are such great corners like Jamaica, the Bahamas and. From these states, Cuba separate minor spills with a width of 80 to 170 km.


The population of the country is 11.5 million people. Most of the population - descendants of immigrants from Spain, the rest are metis, Mulati, Negros, but also a large number of Chinese on the island. The indigenous people were completely exterminated during the development and colonization of the island of the Spaniards.

Spaniards required more labor, so on the island began to import slaves from Africa. More than 1 million slaves were delivered over 350 years. For the same reason, the Chinese (120,000 people) were also brought from Asia from 1854 to 1875. For work on the plantations, the slaves of the Indians were brought, but their number is small. The constant flow of migrants was represented by European states (France, England, Germany, Spain).

Very big wave migration Began during and after World War II. The main migrants of the time - Jews. Thus, the Cuban Nation has absorbed the characteristics of many nations of the world.

Most believers are:

  • 47% - Catholics;
  • 4% - Protestants.

The rest are the so-called San Merity. This belief based on the cult of African paganswhich is stirred with a Christian cult. The church is not subject to the state, the Constitution states that every citizen has the right to freedom of religion.

What language speak in Cuba? Of course, the official language is Spanish. However, the service personnel in many hotels freely speaks German, English, Italian.

State device

According to the 1992 Constitution Cuba he is the Socialist RepublicIn which the main place is occupied by the Communist Party. First Secretary of the Party - President of the country.

Parliament consists of 609 deputies, elected for a period of 5 years. Executive Power - Council of Ministers and the State Council.

The country is divided into 15 provinces, which, in turn, are divided into municipalities (168) and a separate municipality of HepenTud.

Brief excursion in history

Island opened Columbus in 1492, then he inhabited the Indians. The island was captured in the 16th century, the Spaniards, who destroyed most of the indigenous population and brought slaves from different mainlands to the island. Slavery on the island remained up to 1887.

As a result of a heavy and long confrontation (1868-1878), the Cuban people against the colonial yoke was proclaimed the independence of the island of Cuba. But in fact the country was under the courtyard of the United States. The output of the American troops took place in 1901, but even after that, the American government has repeatedly resorted to the armed seizure of power in Cuba. In 1934. batista dictator Approved the Pro-American regime in the country.

Under the command of Fidel Castro in 1959, the dictator was overthrown. Special economic assistance in the formation of statehood was provided by the USSR. During this period, US introduced the embargo. During the Cold War (Caribbean crisis), the Soviet Union posted nuclear warheads in Cuba. In 1975, Cuba was proclaimed an independent socialist state, Castro began to lead the country. And still leads the blockade of Cuba's blockade, thereby inflicting economic damage to the island.

The long period of Spanish colonization, attempts to seize the island of the British and the Americans could not turn Cuba into the overseas country. Therefore, Cubans proudly celebrate the island on the map and call it the island of freedom.