Khatanga airport flight schedule. Khatanga airport

Airport name: Khatanga. The airport is located in the country: Russia. The city where the airport is located. Khatanga. IATA airport code Khatanga: HTG. The IATA airport code is a three-letter unique identifier assigned to the world's airports by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). ICAO (ICAO) Khatanga airport code: UOHH. The ICAO airport code is a four-letter unique identifier assigned to airports around the world by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Geographical coordinates of the airport Khatanga.

The latitude at which the airport is located: 71.980000000000, in turn, the longitude of the airport corresponds to: 102.490000000000. Geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude determine the position of the airport on the earth's surface. The airport is located in the time zone: -2.0 GMT. Airline tickets always indicate the local time of departure and arrival of the airport according to time zones.

    What to do if the flight is canceled

    If the flight was canceled more than 24 hours before departure, then passengers are transferred to similar flights of the airline. The costs are borne by the carrier, the service is free for the passenger. If none of the options offered by the airline suits you, most airlines can issue a “forced refund”. After confirmation by the airline, the money will be returned to your account. Sometimes this may take several weeks.

    How to check in at the airport

    Online check-in is available on the websites of most airlines. Most often, it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can go through it no later than 1 hour before the departure of the aircraft.

    To check in at the airport you will need:

    • the identity card specified in the order,
    • birth certificate when traveling with children,
    • printed itinerary receipt (optional).
  • What can you take on a plane

    Hand luggage is the items that you take with you on the plane. The weight limit for hand luggage can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). A handbag is not considered hand luggage and is carried freely.

    The bag that you take with you on the plane should not contain knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics. Alcohol from duty free shops can only be carried in sealed bags.

    How to pay for luggage at the airport

    If the baggage weight exceeds the norms established by the airline (most often - 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of excess. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as low-cost airlines, have tariffs that do not include free baggage allowance and must be paid separately as an additional service.

    Baggage must be checked in at the airport at a separate drop-off check-in counter. If you are unable to print your boarding pass, you can get it at the regular check-in counter of the airline, and check in and check in your luggage there.

    Where to find out the arrival time if you are a greeter

    You can find out the time of arrival of the aircraft on the online scoreboard of the airport. The website has an online scoreboard of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the exit (gate) number on the arrivals board at the airport. This number is located next to the arrival flight information.

The airport Khatanga- airport of the village of Khatanga, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets region, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Aerodrome of federal importance. The airport is located at a distance of 500 meters from the edge of the settlement and 2 kilometers from its center. Transportation to the airport is not provided.

Khatanga airport

The airport has civil status and is a fallback for all flights flying to Norilsk. In addition, the airport is used by polar aviation, many airlines operate charter flights to refuel ships. Khatanga Airport operates around the clock and at any time of the year.

Khatanga Airport is able to serve on its territory aircraft of such models as Il-76, Il-86, Tu-154, as well as all other aircraft, models of which are lower class.

The airport located in Khatanga is the largest in the Arctic.

Accepted aircraft types

Airport Services

Beginning airport
fuel and lubricants

Route network

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An excerpt characterizing Khatanga (airport)

– So what? only? - he asked.
- Well, so friendly, so friendly! Is this nonsense - a ruler; but we are forever friends. She will love someone, so forever; but I don't understand it, I'll forget it now.
- Well, so what?
Yes, she loves me and you so much. - Natasha suddenly blushed, - well, you remember, before leaving ... So she says that you forget it all ... She said: I will always love him, but let him be free. After all, the truth is that this is excellent, noble! - Yes Yes? very noble? Yes? Natasha asked so seriously and excitedly that it was clear that what she was saying now, she had previously said with tears.
Rostov thought.
“I don’t take back my word in anything,” he said. - And besides, Sonya is so charming that what kind of fool would refuse his happiness?
“No, no,” Natasha screamed. We already talked about it with her. We knew you would say that. But this is impossible, because, you understand, if you say so - you consider yourself bound by a word, then it turns out that she seemed to have said it on purpose. It turns out that you still forcibly marry her, and it turns out not at all.
Rostov saw that all this was well thought out by them. Sonya struck him yesterday with her beauty. To-day, seeing her for a glimpse, she seemed even better to him. She was a lovely 16-year-old girl, obviously passionately loving him (he did not doubt this for a minute). Why should he not love her now, and not even marry her, thought Rostov, but now there are so many other joys and occupations! "Yes, they thought it up perfectly," he thought, "one must remain free."
“Very well,” he said, “we’ll talk later.” Oh, how glad I am for you! he added.
- Well, why didn’t you cheat on Boris? the brother asked.
- That's nonsense! Natasha screamed laughing. “I don’t think about him or anyone, and I don’t want to know.
– That's how! So what are you?
- I? Natasha asked, and a happy smile lit up her face. - Have you seen Duport "a?
- Not.
- Did you see the famous Duport, the dancer? Well, you won't understand. I'm what it is. - Natasha, rounding her arms, took her skirt, as if dancing, ran a few steps, turned over, made an antrash, beat her leg against her leg and, standing on the very tips of her socks, walked a few steps.
- Am I standing? behold, she said; but she couldn't stand on tiptoe. "So that's what I am!" I will never marry anyone, but I will become a dancer. Do not tell anyone.
Rostov laughed so loudly and merrily that Denisov felt envious from his room, and Natasha could not help laughing with him. - No, it's good, isn't it? she kept saying.
- Well, do you want to marry Boris anymore?
Natasha flushed. - I don't want to marry anyone. I'll tell him the same when I see him.
– That's how! Rostov said.
“Well, yes, it’s all nonsense,” Natasha continued to chat. - And why is Denisov good? she asked.
- Good.
- Well, goodbye, get dressed. Is he scary, Denisov?
- Why is it scary? Nicholas asked. - Not. Vaska is nice.
- You call him Vaska - strange. And that he is very good?
- Very good.
“Well, come and drink some tea.” Together.
And Natasha stood up on tiptoe and walked out of the room the way dancers do, but smiling the way happy 15-year-old girls smile. Having met Sonya in the living room, Rostov blushed. He didn't know how to deal with her. Yesterday they kissed in the first moment of the joy of meeting, but today they felt that it was impossible to do this; he felt that everyone, both mother and sisters, looked at him inquiringly and expected from him how he would behave with her. He kissed her hand and called her you - Sonya. But their eyes, having met, said “you” to each other and kissed tenderly. With her eyes, she asked him for forgiveness for the fact that at Natasha's embassy she dared to remind him of his promise and thanked him for his love. He thanked her with his eyes for the offer of freedom and said that one way or another, he would never stop loving her, because it was impossible not to love her.