The smallest country in the world title. The smallest countries in the world

Some countries in the world are quite small in size and occupy less area than metropolitan areas. But this does not prevent them from playing a significant role in the world. For example, the Vatican is considered a religious center, Monaco is recognized as a place of luxury, and Liechtenstein has won the glory of a prosperous country. The following are smallest countries in the world by area — top 10 rating.

10. Grenada (334 km²)

The list of the smallest countries in the world opens with Grenada, with an area of ​​334 sq. km and a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. This island of volcanic origin in the Caribbean was discovered by Columbus. First, the territory was settled by the French colonists, then it was transferred to Great Britain according to the Versailles Peace Treaty. The spirit of France is felt in the country today - in architecture, art and even sports. The locals love to play cricket. Tropical evergreen forests, hills, mountains, beaches - this place could be called paradise, if not for the hurricanes. Cocoa, bananas, citrus fruits, cloves and vanilla are grown on fertile volcanic soils. Grenada is also called the "Island of Spice" for the production of nutmeg.

9. Malta (316 km²)

One of the smallest countries in Europe is Malta (316 sq. km). It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its leisurely life. The state unites six islands. Of the 360,000 people, 80% live in Malta, and in Gozo, local residents buy summer cottages. Despite its modest size, Malta is visited by more than a million tourists a year. Attract ancient temples, nature, rocky and sandy beaches, crystal clear water and rich underwater world. The Maltese are a cheerful people. Holidays, festivals, theatrical performances and fireworks - there is a lot of entertainment. Crime on the island is almost zero.

8. Maldives (300 km²)

The Maldives also occupy a modest size territory - 300 square meters. kilometers. This is the smallest country in Asia - both in terms of territory and population (about 393 thousand). The state is one of the most dispersed in the world, because it consists of a thousand coral islands. Of these, only 200 are inhabited, and a hundred were given to tourists. They move between the islands on boats and local dhoni boats. City One - the capital of Male, with an area of ​​​​less than three square meters. kilometers. Even for the airport there is no place - planes fly to the neighboring island. Until recently, the inhabitants of the Maldives were mainly engaged in fishing, and today the source of income is serving tourists. The island economy is aimed at it. Guests like it here, because 80% of the territory is golden beaches. From entertainment - scuba diving and rides. There is almost no nightlife, because the Republic of Maldives belongs to the Muslim countries.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (269 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis - a small cityThe state in the east of the Caribbean Sea, with an area of ​​269 sq. kilometers. It consists of two islands, Nevis and Saint Kitts. They were discovered by Columbus, and two centuries later the British settled in the territory. The colonies developed rapidly thanks to the export of sugar. Since the 90s, the federation has gained independence. Today Saint Kitts and Nevis is home to 50,000 people, about 86% of African descent. Tropical thickets, mountains and meadows, butterflies and exotic birds, coral reefs and a strip of lagoons - the local nature enchants. This gives a large influx of tourists, on the service of which the country's economy is built. Another area of ​​income is agriculture. Residents breed goats and sheep, grow pineapples and coffee trees. The islands are adapted for life: there is a narrow-gauge road along the coast, highways, ports and two airports.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km²)

Liechtenstein is a European dwarf state, with an area of ​​​​only 160 square meters. km. At the same time, mountains occupy most of the country's area. There are very few minerals - only limestone, white clay and alabaster. The country earns on the manufacturing industry, produces canned food and wines. Liechtenstein is prosperous and has a high standard of living. The inhabitants were also lucky with nature: alpine meadows, mountain peaks, forests. The climate is mild and pleasant, because the mountain ranges protect from evil winds. Liechtenstein is known for its renunciation of the armed forces - the state has not had an army since the 19th century. And the police is small - 120 employees.

5. San Marino (61 km²)

San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The dwarf country is called the "Land of Freedom". San Marino is surrounded by Italy. Maybe that's why the country is overcrowded with tourists during the summer months. Moreover, thanks to reduced taxes, goods here are much cheaper than in Italy. Some residents live in Italian towns, and get to work in San Marino by car. The number of inhabitants in the country is about 30 thousand people, and it is difficult to obtain a residence permit. You need to live in the territory for 30 years or be married to a local resident for 15 years. San Marino is ruled not by one person, but by two at once - captains-regents. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is occupied by mountains.

4. Tuvalu (26 km²)

The tiny state of Tuvalu in Polynesia could not keep up with its “colleagues”. The country is considered one of the poorest. Even the nature here is scarce, consisting mainly of imported plants and animals. Of the plants there are palm trees, bananas, breadfruit. The weather here is an amateur: long droughts give way to the rainy season. Sometimes destructive cyclones pass through Tuvalu. Because of one of them, the houses were completely destroyed and 90% of the trees were felled. Many of the benefits of civilization are still inaccessible to local residents - their way of life has hardly changed over the centuries.

3. Nauru (21 km²)

The island dwarf state of Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its shape resembles a rectangle. The unique difference of Nauru is that it does not have an official capital. There are no rivers on the island, and therefore one of the main problems of local residents is the lack of water. This is reflected in the flora and fauna - it is scarce, as in Tuvalu. The treasury of Nauru replenished quickly when phosphorites were mined. The country was considered one of the richest in the world, but in the 90s, the reserves began to decline. The welfare of the population has fallen. Phosphate mining has damaged the island. Due to the heavy pollution of Nauru, tourism is not developed.

2. Monaco (2.02 km²)

Monaco is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with an area of ​​only 2.02 sq. km. The entire principality can be walked in an hour. Some tourists even have a photo where the country fits in one picture. Despite its miniature size, the state managed to make itself known to the world. Many countries have heard about the city of Monte Carlo and its legendary casino. Monaco hosts Formula 1 competitions. The Principality is adjacent to France. The country makes money on tourists, and therefore carefully monitors its image. Monaco is called the "European reserve for the rich." Blooming azaleas and rhododendrons, the princely court and temples, narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture, modern luxury real estate - walking around the country is a pleasure. The most luxurious yachts in the world are parked in the main bay of Monaco.

1. Vatican (0.44 km²)

The Vatican is rightfully recognized as the smallest state in the world. The country, with an area of ​​​​only 0.44 square kilometers, is located inside Rome and is associated with Italy. In ancient times, the area was not inhabited - it was considered holy. In 326, a basilica was created, and the territory began to be developed. The Holy See rules the Vatican. The main one is the Pope, who is elected for life. There is a state on donations from Catholics around the world and tourism income (souvenirs, entrance fees to museums, sale of stamps and coins). Almost all citizens of the Vatican are ministers of the Catholic Church.

This is a list of the 15 smallest countries in the world. Countries that can be compared in size to a small city. You can walk almost every one of these countries from end to end in less than a day.

The smallest state on earth. The Vatican is located on the territory of the Eternal City of Rome, on the hill of Monte Vaticano and has a length of the state border, only 3.2 km. In a few hours you can easily walk around the whole country. According to official figures, the population of the Vatican is just over 800 people. Another 3,000 people are not citizens of the country, but come here every day to work.

The Vatican is one of the largest open-air museums. Here is a real treasury of works of art and architectural monuments, relics of Christianity and unique creations of great masters. A huge number of believers and tourists visit the territory of the Vatican every day.

The second place in the list of microstates is occupied by the Principality of Monaco. Its territory is 1.95 sq. km. The length of the state border with France is 4.4 km. The population density in Monaco, unlike the Vatican, is very high - the country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Local residents are mainly engaged in serving tourists, who are attracted here by magnificent beaches and a huge number of gambling establishments.

The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the Western Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​​​21.3 km² and a population of 12 thousand people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island nation, the smallest nation outside of Europe, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Tuvalu is a dwarf Pacific state in Polynesia. The length of the coastal strip is 21 km. The state is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands of the Tuvalu archipelago. The total land area is 26 km². The population of the country is 14 thousand people. The islands gained independence in 1978 (before that, the archipelago was a British colony).

The name of the country, translated from the Tuvalu language, it means “eight standing together” (meaning the eight traditionally inhabited islands of Tuvalu. The main problem of the islands is the rise in the level of the world ocean, which threatens to flood many of the islands, most of which are located no higher than 5 meters above sea level The country lives on the help of other countries, because it does not have its own natural resources.

5. San Marino

European state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy. The name comes from the name of the Christian saint who founded the state. The country claims to be the oldest state in Europe. The area of ​​the state is 60.57 km². Almost 80% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains and rock massifs. The population is 33 thousand people. San Marino is one of the few modern countries with positive economic indicators. Government revenues exceed expenditures and the country has no external debt.

Another dwarf European state. The area of ​​the country is 160 km². The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The Principality is located in the spurs of the Alps, the highest point is Mount Grauspitz (2599 m). One of the largest rivers in Western Europe, the Rhine, flows through the western part of the country. The population of the country is 38 thousand people.

Despite its size, Liechtenstein is a prosperous industrial country with a developed banking system. In addition, the Principality of Liechtenstein is included in the black list of "tax havens" - states where residents of other countries evade taxation.

The Marshall Islands is a Pacific state in Micronesia. The state is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands of the Marshall Islands archipelago. The length of the coastal strip is 370.4 km. The total land area is 181.3 km² and 11,673 km² are occupied by lagoons. The population of the Marshall Islands is 65 thousand people.

The maximum height above sea level is 10 meters. In the event of a significant rise in the level of the World Ocean or global climate change, serious environmental consequences are inevitable on individual islands.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands does not have a permanent military force. According to the concluded agreement, the United States is responsible for the security and defense of the country. They have an obligation to protect the Republic of the Marshall Islands and its citizens from outside attacks and threats.

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is a state in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. Both islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². The population is 53 thousand people. The total length of the coastline is 135 km.

The islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, but the Spaniards did not colonize them. Great Britain and France fought for the possession of the islands for a long time. In 1983, the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence.

The islands have rich tropical vegetation. The mountainous regions are covered with dense tropical forests and orchards. Creepers, mangoes, breadfruit and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocados, bananas, papaya grow here. On the tops of the mountains, forests give way to meadows, with no less abundant vegetation. Numerous tropical birds and butterflies live in the forests, as well as monkeys. Many seabirds nest on the coast, including pelicans. The waters abound with fish.

The Republic of Maldives or simply the Maldives is a state in South Asia, located on a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean, south of India. The state is a chain of 20 atolls, consisting of 1192 coral islands. The population is about 330 thousand people. The total area is 90 thousand km², the land area is 298 km². The capital of Male - the only city and port of the archipelago - is located on the atoll of the same name and is the smallest capital in the world. Nevertheless, one third of the total population of the country lives in Male.

The basis of the economy is the service of tourists. Hot, but comfortable weather all year round (air temperature from 24 to 30 °) has made the Maldives a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Fishing is in second place.

The Republic of Malta is an island state in the Mediterranean Sea. The country consists of three inhabited islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino and many small and uninhabited ones. The territory of the state is 316 km². The population of Malta is 420 thousand people. The country bears the title of the least populated state of the European Union.

The main branch of Malta's economy is tourism. Most of the cultural and historical sites are associated with the Knights of the Order of St. John (Order of Malta). Due to the wide variety of urban and natural landscapes, Malta is a popular filming location for feature films. Malta is the only country in Europe that does not have rivers, lakes or its own sources of fresh water.

Grenada is an island state in the southeast Caribbean Sea, occupies the island of Grenada and the southern part of the Grenadines. The total area is 344 sq. km. The population is 110 thousand people.

The island of Grenada is of volcanic origin. In the center of the island there is a forested mountain range, above which Mount St. Catherine (840 m), the highest point in the country, rises. There are few rivers on the island, but there are many streams and springs. Grenada's economy is based on tourism as well as offshore financial business.

The song "Grenada", written by M. Svetlov in 1926, as it turned out, has nothing to do with the state of Grenada.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an independent state in the Caribbean. The territory consists of the island of St. Vincent and 32 small islands of the Grenadines. Area - 389 km². The population is 105 thousand people.

Soufrière is an active volcano on the island of Saint Vincent. In our era alone, it has erupted at least 160 times already. The last eruption was in 1979. The beaches of the island are covered with black volcanic sand; the exception is the white sandy beaches at the southern tip of the island.

Barbados is a small state in the West Indies, located on the island of the same name, resembling a pear in shape. The island has an area of ​​431 km² and is mostly flat with some hills in the middle. The population is 290 thousand people. Barbados is one of the leading developing countries in terms of living standards and literacy.

The basis of the economy is tourism. Many historical monuments are associated with the rise of piracy in the Caribbean. Barbados is also famous for the production of the famous pirate rum. Approximately every 3 years, the island is in the zone of passage of hurricanes and suffers greatly from the elements.

Antigua and Barbuda is a state in the West Indies, located on three islands - Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda. The total area is 442 km². The population is 90 thousand people.

The main source of income is tourism. Antigua and Barbuda is ready to receive tourists 365 days a year. The coastline of Antigua forms many bays (in fact, these are relic volcanic craters) and a long strip of first-class beaches (it is believed that there are exactly 365 of them on the islands). There are both beaches with developed infrastructure and completely wild, secluded corners.

The Republic of Seychelles is an island nation in East Africa. It is located in the western part of the Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator. The republic consists of 115 islands, only 33 of them are inhabited. The islands cover an area of ​​455 square kilometers. The population of the country is about 90 thousand people.

The main source of income for the Seychelles for a long time was the export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since 1976, when Great Britain granted independence to the Seychelles, tourism has become the main source of income (up to 75% of foreign exchange earnings).

The fruit of the Seychelles palm, which grows only in the Seychelles, weighs 20 kg and is considered the largest fruit in the plant world.

8th place: - Pacific state associated with the United States. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, the total area of ​​​​which is 181 km², the population is 68,000 people.

7th place: Liechtenstein- a state in Central Europe associated with Switzerland. Area - 160.4 km², population - 35,870 people.

6th place: - a state surrounded on all sides by Italy. Area - 61 km², population - 32,075 people.

5th place: - Pacific state, located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Population - 10 544 people. Tuvalu is one of them, and this country would be even poorer if the country's leadership had not guessed to put up for auction the national domain and the buyer was quickly found, because. is a tidbit for TV companies and video sites. Tuvalu now receives $1 million quarterly in exchange for the right to use the .tv domain zone

4th place: - a state on the coral island of the same name in the western part of the Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21 km². Population - 9 322 people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic in the world, the smallest island state, the smallest state in Oceania, the smallest state outside of Europe, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

3rd place: - Principality associated with France. Monaco is located in southern Europe on the Mediterranean coast. Area - 2.02 km², population - 35,986 people.

2nd place: located inside the territory of Rome. The Vatican is a state associated with Italy. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

The smallest country in Europe and the whole world - Order of Malta(not to be confused with the state of Malta), the full name is "The Sovereign Military Hospice Order of Saint John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta". Like the Vatican, the Order of Malta is located inside the territory of Rome. Since 1998, the Order has also owned Fort St. Angelo on the island of Malta. The area of ​​territories controlled by the Order of Malta is 0.012 km². The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who can be considered citizens of this state. Not everyone recognizes the Order of Malta as a state, but the order has diplomatic relations with 104 states and is a permanent observer at the UN. The Order of Malta issues its own passports and license plates, prints its own currency and stamps, i.e. has almost all the signs of a full-fledged state.

The Palace of Malta in Rome - the actual capital of the Order of Malta

The smallest states by area by continents and parts of the world

The smallest country in Asia is the Maldives (area - 298 km²).

The smallest country in Oceania is Nauru (area - 21 km²).

The smallest country in Europe is the Order of Malta (area - 0.012 km²).

The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (area - 455 km²).

The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (area - 261 km²).

The smallest country in South America is Suriname (163,270 km²).

The smallest countries in the world by population

Only independent (including associated) states recognized by other states are included.

10th place: Saint Kitts and Nevis(for this country, see above). Population - 49 898 people.

9th place: Liechtenstein(for this country, see above). Population - 35 870 people.

8th place: (for this country, see above). Population - 32 075 people.

7th place: Palau is an island state in the Pacific Ocean. It is in association with the USA. It consists of 328 islands with a total area of ​​458 km². Population - 20 842 people.

6th place: Cook Islands(for this country, see above). Population - 19 569 people.

5th place: Order of Malta(See above for more details). The order consists of 12.5 thousand people.

4th place: (for this country, see above). Population - 10 544 people.

3rd place: (for this country, see above). Population - 9 322 people.

2nd place: Niue- an island and a self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 261.46 km², population - 1,398 people.

The smallest state in the world in terms of population - (see above about this country). Population - 836 people.

The smallest states in terms of population by continent and parts of the world

The smallest country in Asia - South Ossetia (population - 72,000 people) - is a partially recognized state: it was recognized by Russia and four other UN member states (Nicaragua, Nauru, Venezuela and Tuvalu).

The smallest country in Oceania is Niue (pop. 1,398)

The smallest country in Europe - the Vatican (population - 836 people)

The smallest country in Africa - Seychelles (population - 87,476 people)

The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (pop. 49,898)

The smallest country in South America is Suriname (pop. 472,000)

All of the above countries and dependent territories are recognized by the international community or at least several states, however, there is a state not recognized by any country, which is smaller in area than the Order of Malta and in population less than the Vatican.
The Principality of Sealand, located on an offshore platform in the North Sea, 10 kilometers from the coast of Great Britain, has an area of ​​​​only 0.00055 km² (550 m²). As for the population, in 2002 the authorities of Sealand stated that the population of the state was 27 people. However, at the same time, only a guard constantly lives on the territory of Sealand.

Physically, the territory of Sealand arose during the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built several platforms on the approaches to the coast. One of them was Roughs Tower. During the war, the platforms housed anti-aircraft guns and had a garrison of 200 men. After the end of hostilities, most of the towers were destroyed, but Roughs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, remained intact. In 1967, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand on the Roughs Tower platform and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. In 1972, Sealand began minting a coin. In 1975, Sealand's first constitution went into effect. There was a flag and coat of arms.
In 1997, it turned out that without the knowledge of the leadership of Sealand, the passports of this state were illegally distributed. In total, more than 150 thousand passports were sold, after which Sealand was forced to cancel the passports. In January 2007, the owners of the country announced their intention to sell it. Immediately after that, the torrent site The Pirate Bay began raising funds for the acquisition of Sealand in order to achieve independence from the authorities of other states, but the deal did not take place.
Sealand official website -

There are a huge number of countries on our beautiful planet, with different cultures, religions, climates, and of course different sizes of territory.

There are countries on Earth that are so small that they could fit, for example, on the square of one of the districts of the city of Moscow.

Despite their size, they are still states, with their own history, flags, government, and people. Such countries are usually very exotic and differ greatly from large states in their way of life. Let's look at 10 smallest countries in the world.

So, 10 smallest countries on the planet

1. Maldives

Maldives is the smallest country in Asia

The island country of the Republic of Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and is smallest Asian country. The area of ​​the country is 298 sq. km. with a population of 396 thousand. Two-thirds of the population lives in the country's capital, Male.

Previously, the country developed thanks to the export of dried tuna, kauri clams and coconut cables, now the main income comes from tourism.

2. Seychelles

Seychelles - Heaven on Earth

The islands were able to develop thanks to the export of coconut, vanilla and cinnamon. In 1976, when the country gained independence, tourism became the main source of income.

3. Liechtenstein

This state has no access to the sea. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 sq. kilometers. Liechtenstein borders Switzerland and is one of the wealthiest states. There are more companies registered here than residents.

4. Nauru

Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​the state is 21.3 sq. kilometers.

They gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to the natives for 3,000 years. To date, the population of the country is about 9 thousand people. The state of Nauru has no armed forces.

5. Vatican

The Vatican is a city-state located in the center of Rome.

The Vatican is a closed city-state located in one of the districts of Rome and covers an area of ​​44 hectares. It was founded in 1929 and is run by the Pope.

The Vatican boasts the most beautiful buildings in the world - The Sistine Chapel, Saint Paul's Cathedral, residence of the Pope - Apostolic Palace and others. In addition, half of the country's territory is occupied by the Vatican Gardens. official Approximately 800 people are citizens of the Vatican, and several thousand Italians travel here every day to work.

6. Monaco

The second smallest country in the world is Monaco. Over the past 20 years, due to the drying of the sea, the area of ​​​​the country has increased and now it occupies an area 2.02 sq. kilometers. Monaco is the second smallest monarchical state.

The country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with 30,000 inhabitants. The main source of income for the residents is tourism.

7. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located in the West Indies - between North and South America on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

The state is located on two islands with an area of ​​261 sq. km.

These were the first islands inhabited by Europeans. The main source of income is, of course, tourism, but agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

8. Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands are white sand, blue skies and small paradise islands

This state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean consists mainly of coral islands. The area of ​​the country is 181 sq. kilometer, population 62 thousand.

In 1986, the Islands gained independence from the United States, but so far only America's help helps them "keep afloat". The country has no natural resources and imports of goods far exceed exports.

9. San Marino

San Marino is the oldest independent country in the world.

San Marino covers an area of ​​61 sq. kilometer and has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. It is the oldest independent country in the world, it was founded on September 3, 301. In addition, San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, its income exceeds its expenses.

10. Tuvalu

Previously, these islands belonged to the British crown and were called the Ellis Islands. Tuvalu gained independence from the British in 1978. The population of the country is 10.5 thousand people. Due to the lack of natural resources, Tuvalu has to live off the help of other countries.

8-03-2014, 23:35
Quite recently, just a month ago, the Vatican celebrated the date of its formation. This small state was formed in June 1929 in accordance with the Lateran Accords. We decided to tell you about the Vatican and about the nine smallest countries on our planet in this small selection.


The Republic of Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, is considered an island nation. In terms of its total area, the country is considered the smallest in Asia. The area of ​​the Maldives is no more than 298 square kilometers. About 396 thousand people live in the country, two-thirds of the inhabitants inhabit the capital of the Maldives - the city of Male. The main income of the country today is tourism, and earlier the export of dried tuna, kauri clams, coconut cables brought money to the treasury.


The area of ​​the island is slightly larger than that of the previous mini-state - 455 square kilometers. Not a lot of people live in the Seychelles - only 84 thousand people.

The Seychelles are located just north of Madagascar. The archipelago consists of 115 islands scattered in the Indian Ocean. Until 1976, this country developed thanks to the export of coconut, cinnamon and vanilla. But having gained independence, the state began to actively develop tourism, which is today the main source of income.


This European state has no access to the sea. It borders Switzerland and Austria. The area of ​​the country is only 160.4 square kilometers. It is said that there are more companies registered in Liechtenstein than residents. We do not undertake to dispute this statement, since this mini-state is considered one of the richest in the world.


The state of Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis country can be said to be simply microscopic - 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru, which gained independence in 1968, is considered the smallest island nation. Today the population of the country is only 9 thousand inhabitants. It is noteworthy that the state of Nauru does not have its own army.


The area of ​​the Vatican is only 44 hectares. This closed city-state is located in one of the districts of Rome. The state is ruled by the Pope. Officially, only 800 people are considered citizens of the Vatican. Most people come to the Vatican from Rome to work.

The closed city-state is proud of its unique buildings - St. Peter's Cathedral, the Apostolic Palace, the Sistine Chapel.


Another very small country in the world is Monaco. Thanks to the draining of the sea, which has been going on for the past 20 years, the country's area has slightly increased and is now 2.02 square kilometers. However, despite such a tiny size, the state manages to accommodate about 30 thousand inhabitants. Tourism is the main source of income for the state.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located almost on the border of two continents - North and South America. The state occupies two islands in the Atlantic. The total area of ​​the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is 261 square kilometers. The country lives not only tourism. Agriculture and offshore banking bring income to the treasury.

Marshall Islands

And again the South Pacific. Here is another tiny state in the world - Tuvalu, with an area of ​​​​only 26 square kilometers. Until 1979, the islands belonged to the British Crown, but then they gained independence - the Ellis Islands turned into the state of Tuvalu. More than 10 thousand people live in the country. Aboriginal people live very poorly, because the country has no natural resources at all. The state exists solely due to outside help.