Bannoe yakty kul. Lake Bannoe: the history of the name

Bath lake - Yakty-kul - in the Trans-Urals

Trans-Urals attracts tourists with its original culture, rich history, but its main wealth is its extremely diverse natural landscapes. One of the main attractions is Lake Bannoye, or Yakty-kul, in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Belarus, 45 km north-east of the village. Askarovo, 208 km (in a straight line to the north-west) from Ufa, 45 km from Beloretsk and 42 km from Magnitogorsk.

Lake Yakty-kul is located on the eastern foothills of the Krykty ridge. The relief of the territory is an alternation of 3-4 rows of low ridges and flat-bottomed depressions stretching from the southwest to the northeast. The latitudinal valleys of the Maly Kizil and Analik rivers, as well as vast hollows and depressions occupied by swamps and lakes, divide the ridges into small ridges. The general lowering of the relief occurs from north to south and from west to east. The absolute marks of the surface of the ridges in the north are 600-660 m, in the south 550-600 m. The largest peaks are the mountains Ologor (530.2 m), Bagyshtau (565.5 m), Kutukai (664.1 m). The slopes of the ridges are rather gentle and well exposed. Such a variety and uniqueness of the relief is of great importance for the organization of recreation. At the same time, the dissection of the relief, the features of formation, the significance and safety of unique geological and geomorphological objects deserve special attention. In this territory, there is a strong dissection of the relief, which is the basis of landscape diversity, increases the aesthetics and comfort of the area.

Three sisters. Trans-Urals. Photo artist Nail Galeev (Ufa)

The hydrological network of the territory of the vicinity of Lake Yakty-Kul belongs to the basin of the Yangelka River - the main watercourse of the territory. Yangelka flows out of Lake Yakty-Kul and, flowing in a wide trough-like valley, often with a swampy bottom, flows into Lake Chebarkul 24 km to the south. In addition to the sparse river network, there are three lakes in the study area. The largest is Lake Yakty-kul with an area of ​​7.7 sq. Km. It is located in an intermountain basin east of the Krykty ridge. The greatest depth of its basin reaches 28 m, with an average depth of 10.6 m.

In the intermontane tectonic basin, elongated in the meridional direction, 5 km south of Lake Yakty-kul, there is Lake Karagaz-Yura (Bezymyannoe I), and even further about 1 km to the south - Lake Kholyuktkul (Bezymyannoe II). They are separated by a slight rise in relief. By origin, both lakes are tectonic. Since the lakes are located far from settlements and livestock grazing areas, their pollution by people and animals is excluded. Sapropel (medicinal freshwater mud) of these lakes meet all the requirements, both in nature and in sanitary terms. The sanatoriums "Yakty-kul" and "Yubileiny" are intensively using the resources of the lakes for medical and recreational purposes.

The climate of the study area, like that of the entire Bashkir Trans-Urals, is distinguished by a pronounced continental character. The main climate-forming factors are the amount of solar radiation, the circulation of air masses, the amount of precipitation, and the nature of the underlying surface. Bioclimatic indicators of the thermal regime of this territory are favorable for climatotherapy.

Seagull with fish. Trans-Urals. Photo artist Nail Galeev (Ufa)

The surroundings of Lake Yakty-kul are botanically and geographically part of the Sibai forest-steppe region of the ridge-hummock foothills of the eastern slope. South Urals, birch forests are common here in combination with meadow and stony steppes.

Lake area - 7.7 km²; length - 4170 m, average width - 1880 m; maximum depth 28 m, average - 10.6 m, water volume - 81.7 million m³, catchment area - 36.3 km². The lake is located in the middle part of the Bashkir Trans-Urals between the peaks Kutukai (664 m), Karanyalyk (620 m) and the spurs of the Yamankaya ridge, 28 km north-east of the village of Askarovo, the regional center of the Abzelilovsky district of Bashkortostan, 45 km north of Magnitogorsk. The lake has a tectonic origin, is the deepest body of water not only within the Trans-Urals, but throughout Bashkiria. The water in the lake is fresh and transparent. The banks are steep, steep in places, slightly sloping in the west. The Yangelka River, the right tributary of the Ural River, flows out of the lake.

Forest-steppe landscapes also prevail on the territory of Lake Yakty-Kul and its environs. The distribution of forest and steppe is uneven due to vertical zonation and climatic factors. The most widespread are birch forests, which, as a result of felling and fires, have replaced light coniferous forests in most of the area. Birch forests are widespread on slopes of different exposures, preferring more or less developed soils. The herbage is dominated by typical boreal species: reed grass, hedgehog, drupe, etc. In more humid habitats, the role of tall grasses increases: common bracken, white hellebore, meadowsweet. Aspen forests are similar to birch forests, but they occupy areas with more developed, rich and moist soils. Indigenous larch and pine forests are rare and have survived mainly closer to the summit areas on rough skeletal soils, where they compete with stony steppes. Old-time larch trees over 200 years old are often found among them.

Gold of a cloudy day. Trans-Urals. Photo artist Nail Galeev (Ufa)

The flora of the territory is very rich, it includes about 33% of higher vascular plants of the RB flora. The richness of the flora is due to the presence of mountainous relief, the special biogeographic position of the region - the Asian and European flora, steppes and forests meet here. Forest and meadow species prevail. A large occurrence of forest species in meadows is characteristic, and vice versa, meadow species in forests. This is an indicator of the great dynamism of the interaction of the “forest-grasslands” system. The steppe flora is very rich, where 78 steppe and 73 meadow-steppe species grow. It is distinguished by a significant presence of Siberian, often relict species, which penetrated the Urals from the Pleistocene steppes. Many of them (cold wormwood, silk cinquefoil, prickly saxifrage) in RB are mostly distributed only on the eastern foothills of the Urals.

On the territory, the growth of 12 rare species included in the "Red Book of the Republic of Belarus" (2001) has been revealed. Among them there are 5 species from the "Red Book of the Russian Federation": thin-legged stiff-leaved feather grass, feather grass of Zalessky, lady's slipper, the rank of Litvinov. On the territory of the Lake Yakty-Kul region, a group of 6 relict species, mainly of Siberian origin, is represented: scythe, multi-stemmed peas, Siberian groats, Siberian phlox, thorny grate, large-flowered foxglove. Among the endemic species, the following are especially rare: needle-leaved carnation, Iremel radiola. The fauna of the lake is diverse, mainly Asian forms of animals dominate. Despite the influence of human economic activity, the species composition of animals is quite diverse. Relics - whitefish from Lake Bannoye, small southern stickleback, peled, and scoopers. Whitefish appeared here as a result of natural hybridization of the Chud and Ladoga whitefish, acclimatized in the 30s. XX century Whitefish maintain their numbers through natural spawning. Lesser southern stickleback - sole representative the detachment of sticklebacks was discovered in the 1930s-40s. academician L.S. Berg. Neither before him, nor after, no one saw them in other lakes of Bashkiria.

Thus, Lake Yakty-Kul is characterized by the originality and uniqueness of its nature, therefore, it is necessary to establish a special regime for the exploitation of its surroundings and strictly observe it. Anyone who chooses the vicinity of Lake Yakty-kul as a place of rest; ample opportunities are provided to make exciting travels and excursions, the list and selection of which is great and varied.

Author I.F. Adelmurzina Natural prerequisites for the development of tourism in the vicinity of Lake Yakty-Kul // Organization of the territory: statics, dynamics, management: Materials of the VII All-Russian scientific-practical conference. - Ufa.

2016-02-22T16: 35: 06 + 05: 00 lesovoz.77Domestic tourism RUSSIA Bashkiria, lake, South UralBannoe Lake - Yakty-Kul - in the Trans-Urals Trans-Urals attracts tourists with its original culture, rich history, but its main wealth is its extremely diverse natural landscapes. One of the main attractions is Lake Bannoye, or Yakty-kul, in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Belarus, 45 km north-east of the village. Askarovo, 208 km (in a straight line to the north-west) ...lesovoz. 77 lesovoz antipkina-77 [email protected] Author Tour

Lake Bannoye is rightfully considered one of the best freshwater reservoirs of the Bashkir Trans-Urals and is the deepest among similar lakes present in the territory of Bashkortostan. Geographically, the water body is located in the Abzelilovsky region of the republic - 220 km south-east of Ufa, 12 km from the western border with the neighboring Chelyabinsk region and 30 km north-west of Magnitogorsk.

Interestingly, after the founding of Magnitka, questions were raised more than once about the construction of a settlement on the shore of the lake for the resettlement of workers of the metallurgical plant, as well as about laying a railway track between two points. But the project turned out to be unprofitable, so today you can only get to Bannoe by road. Instead of a working town, recreation centers and sanatoriums appeared here, and ski resorts in the vicinity. Today, the coast of the reservoir is considered almost a suburb of Magnitogorsk, despite the fact that the territory belongs to another federal district of the Russian Federation.

Recreation centers

The resort area has a developed infrastructure that is conducive to a comfortable stay. The lake is filled with clear fresh water. The climate, thanks to the mountainous belt, is mild, and the air is ecologically clean and healthy.

The bath lake is widely used for recreational purposes. It is a favorite vacation spot not only for residents of Bashkortostan and the neighboring Chelyabinsk region. Guests from different corners country. Some prefer to stay in budget houses, while others choose more comfortable living conditions in modern buildings.

For the beauty of these places, the surroundings of Lake Bannoe are called "Ural Switzerland".

Most of the recreation centers, boarding houses and centers are located on the western coast of the reservoir, but several facilities are located in its northeastern part. Among the most popular:

  • "Birches";
  • "Ural Dawns";
  • "Lighthouse";
  • Altynai;
  • "Seven Lakes";
  • "Emelya", etc.

There are hotels and guest houses, bungalows and sanatoriums on the coast. At the service of vacationers - barbecue areas and baths, hot meals and organized leisure, beaches with quartz sand and swimming pools. On the territory of the complexes there are sports and playgrounds, free parking lots, piers for fishing enthusiasts. Guests are provided with services for renting catamarans, boats, skis, skates, sledges and other water and sports equipment.

Sanatorium "Yubileiny" on the Bannoye Lake

For several decades, the health resort of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine has been receiving holiday-makers in need of medical and health-improving procedures. The history of the sanatorium-preventorium began in 1933 with the construction of a hunting lodge on the shore of a reservoir, intended for recreation of the MMK's management staff.

During the Great Patriotic War, barracks were installed on the coast for workers who were involved in the extraction of manganese ore for production needs. Later, the houses were equipped for recreation of the plant's employees, in 1966, new buildings and a dining room were erected, and a year later the rest house was renamed "Jubilee". On its basis, in 1979, a multidisciplinary sanatorium was created.

The indications for staying in the institution are diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • skin;
  • nervous system, etc.

Over the years of its existence, "Yubileiny" has expanded its territory to 35 hectares. Modern multi-storey buildings and cozy cottages have appeared here. The medical base and infrastructure meets modern requirements. In addition to procedures, spa guests are offered a whole range of additional services, including the organization of leisure and excursion tours.

Sanatorium "Yakty-Kul"

Another famous health resort of Lake Bannoe offers sapropel mud treatment. They have a beneficial effect on joints and damaged muscles, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Resorts receive exclusively "fresh" mud, which is an undoubted advantage of Yakty-Kul.

The sanatorium is proud of its radon department, equipped with a unique laboratory. An energy shower helps to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and to accelerate the recovery of muscle and bone tissue.

Rest on Lake Bannoe

Tent camps appear on the coast in summer. It is especially crowded here on weekends. Among the "savages" are popular:

  • beach vacation;
  • bathing;
  • boat races;
  • fishing;
  • cooking lunches and dinners on fires;
  • improvised dance floors;
  • singing with a guitar;
  • walks on the surrounding slopes.

V winter time most vacationers prefer to settle in recreation centers that host guests all year round, or rent guest houses. At this time, you can go ice-skating and skiing in plenty on Bannoye Lake, as well as visit ski resort Metallurg-Magnitogorsk, which offers a choice of 9 tracks of varying difficulty. Lovers active rest can get their adrenaline rush from November to April. The rest of the time the complex offers to take advantage of downhill slopes on bikes, go-kart tracks, round-the-clock picnic meadows and much more.

Particularly popular among vacationers on Lake Bannoe is the ascent to cable car to the top of the 943-meter Yamankaya ridge, from where, in clear weather, stunning panoramic views and 11 lakes are visible.

Features of the reservoir

The bowl of Lake Bannoye, formed as a result of tectonic processes, lies in the foothills of Kutukai and Karanyalyk, at the spurs of the Yamankaya ridge. It has an irregular shape, elongated from north to south.

  • Water surface area - 7.7 sq. km.
  • The maximum length is 4.1 km.
  • The maximum width is 3 km.
  • Depth - 28 m (max.), 10.5 m (average).
  • Height above sea level - 438 m.

The lake flows through the Yangelka River, which carries its waters to the Ural River. West Coast slightly sloping, the rest are steep, and in some places even steep. Picturesque mountain slopes are covered with mixed forests, in the vicinity you can find rocky outcrops. Since the 30s of the last century, fish have been bred in the reservoir. Today chebak, whitefish, pike, peled, etc. are found here.

On the shore of Lake Bannoye there are two settlements - Yakty Kul in the west and Zelenaya Polyana in the north of the reservoir. Lake Sabakty stretches half a kilometer to the northeast, and Lake Karabalykty is 3.5 km away in the same direction.


So unusual name Bannoe lakes are associated with a case that occurred in 1774 with the army of Yemelyan Pugachev. Allegedly, the leader of the rebels gave the order to his associates to take a "bath" in the reservoir before the next battle. But this version raises serious doubts, since at the beginning of May, when the detachment could have been in the Bannoye area, there is still ice here.

The more ancient toponym "Yakty-kul" is translated from Bashkir as "bright lake". Another name - Mauzdy - means "a monster with a mouth" or "dragon".

How to get to Lake Bannoe

From the bus station of Magnitogorsk in the direction of the reservoir, regular buses and route taxis... Travel time is about 40 minutes.

By car from Magnitogorsk

When leaving the city, follow the P-316 highway in the direction of Beloretsk. Follow the road sign "Yakty-Kul" to turn left, pass Tashbulatovo, and after the Kusimovsky Mine choose the road leading to the western or eastern shore of Lake Bannoye. Distance 45 km. Travel time is 30-40 minutes.

By car from Ufa

The shortest way from the republican center to the reservoir is along the Ufa-Magnitogorsk highway. Leave the city along the P-240 highway. At the road fork near the Bulgakovo village - choose the direction to Beloretsk. Then continue until the turn to "Tashbulatovo, Yakty-Kul". Road signs will help you navigate the way. Distance - 280 km, travel time - 3.5 hours.

By car from Chelyabinsk

You can get to Bannoe Lake by two routes. The first one is through Yuzhnouralsk, with a turn onto the P-360 highway (towards Magnitogorsk). Further - according to the scheme below.

The second route from Chelyabinsk goes along the Ural highway (M-5) until the turn to the village of Kudravy. Further - Verkhneuralsk - Spassky and turn right towards Beloretsk. Follow the P-316 highway until you reach the Yakty-Kul signpost. The road will lead to the Bannoe Lake. Distance 320-350 km. Travel time is a little over 4 hours. Details - in the diagram above.

Lake Bannoe is a medium-sized natural reservoir located in a picturesque mountainous area - on the territory of the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is the deepest lake in the region. Since 1965 it has been included in the list of hydrological natural monuments of regional significance.


  • Other names: Yaktykul (original name), Mauyzzy (local).
  • Origin of name: translated from Bashkir, the historical name "Yaktykul" means "bright lake". The hydronym "Bannoe" is rather everyday and has been used for the last 250 years - since the time of the Peasant War under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. According to the legend, Pugachev ordered his troops to "take a bath" before the battle, that is, to wash in the waters of the lake, after which it received this name, which was then fixed, and is now used on some maps. Mauizzy - the third name of the lake - is associated with Turkic mythology and comes from the name of one of the mythical creatures, meaning “bottomless, insatiable”. According to another version, this name could also come from "Mauyuly kule" - "witch's lake".


  • Drainage area: 36.3 km².
  • Mirror area: 7.7 km².
  • Volume: 81,700,000 m³.
  • Average depth: 10.6 m.
  • Maximum depth: 28 m.


  • The presence of a constant flow: yes, waste.
  • Source: Yangelka river.
  • Bottom: predominantly pebble-stony, in places sandy or silty.

Chemical composition

  • Water: fresh.
  • Salt composition class of water: hydrocarbonate-magnesium.


  • Coordinates: 53 ° 35'10 ″ s. sh., 58 ° 37'40 ″ in. etc.
  • Height above sea level: 438 m.
  • Coastal landscape: the lake is located among low mountains, in places - open, in places overgrown with deciduous forests. From the southwest it borders on the northern end of the Karanyalyk ridge (620.1 m). Lake Sabakty adjoins the reservoir from the north, and Mount Kutukai (664.1 m) from the north-east. Three more peaks are located near the lake - Ologor (530.2 m), Igandel (628.8 m) to the east of it, and Bagyshtau (565.5 m) to the south. On south coast the village of Yakty-Kul is located, the north-western and northern shores are also built up - there are the villages of Zelenaya Polyana, the Kusimovsky mine and several resorts.
  • Settlements on the banks: Zelenaya Polyana, Kusimovsky mine, Yakty-Kul

Territorial location

Interactive map


  • Fish species:
  • Artificial settlement: not all fish species found in the reservoir are indigenous. In the past, the lake was stocked with carp, as well as peled and whitefish, which took root and formed broodstock. A local breed of whitefish (a hybrid of Chud and Ladoga) was bred here, which was named "Whitefish of Lake Bannoye". The small southern stickleback is also worth mentioning. This small fish is not found in the latitude where the lake is located. In the last century, it was launched into a reservoir, where it successfully acclimatized. It is not known what goals the fish breeders were guided by, because the size of the stickleback is extremely small - only 6 cm, and the taste is so-so. It is possible that she could have been hooked up by accident. The only thing this fish is good for is the production of feed flour. Also, according to some information, fat can be melted out of it, but it is a very valuable product with a lot of useful properties.
  • Features of the fish fauna: the most abundant species in the lake are roach and perch. Bream and pike are slightly less densely distributed, whitefish and sterlet are found at great depths, in places with a muddy bottom and developed aquatic vegetation - tench. Other fish are quite rare.

Fishing is not allowed here

According to clause 30.1.1 of the Fishing Rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, fishing on Lake Bannoye is completely prohibited at any time of the year, including from the shore. This ban has been in effect since 2017.

Recreation centers

In the vicinity of Lake Bannoye there are several recreation centers and sanatoriums, as well as a ski resort:

  1. Village-resort "Rodina"- located on the northeastern coast, on the territory settlement Kusimovsky Mine.
  2. Sanatorium "Yakty-Kul"- located on the southwestern coast, on the outskirts of the Yakty-Kul village.
  3. Children's health and educational center " Mountain gorge» - located in the mountains - 4 km west of the lake.
  4. Rest house "Berezki"- on the western shore of the lake.
  5. Children's health center "Uralskie Zori"- on the western shore of the lake.
  6. Ski center "Metallurg - Magnitogorsk"- located on a mountain slope - one kilometer from the western shore of the lake.
  7. Sanatorium "Yubileiny"- located on the northwestern coast, on the outskirts of the village of Zelenaya Polyana.

How to get there (get there)

Eastern coast (from Ufa)

  • Coordinates:
  • Distance from Ufa: 311 km.
  • Transfer option: any car.
  • How to get to: in Ufa, you need to go to Salavat Yulaev Avenue and then move in a southern direction - towards Orenburg, to the Bulgakovo village (past the airport, Urshak village). After the village at the junction, you need to turn to the right exit - towards Beloretsk, then continue driving until this city. Near restaurant complex"Stary Ochag" turn right - to Tashbulatovo, which should be passed, then - through the village of Geologorazvedka to the Kusimovsky mine, in which from the street. The embankment must turn to st. Victory and continue driving until the exit from the village. Soon the lake will appear to the right of the road.

East coast (from Chelyabinsk)

  • Coordinates: 53 ° 35'39 ″ s. sh., 58 ° 38'42 ″ in. etc.
  • Distance from Chelyabinsk: 319 km.
  • Transfer option: any car.
  • How to get to: from Chelyabinsk you should go in the direction of Ufa. Near Malkovo turn left to Uyskoye. Further - continue to move to this settlement and go around it along the bypass on the left, turning to Magnitogorsk, then you should move to this city (past Verkhneuralsk). Before Magnitogorsk, at the junction, turn to Beloretsk and then continue in this direction until the sign for Tashbulatovo / Yakty-Kul, where you should turn (to the left). Further - as in the previous version.

East Coast (from Yekaterinburg)

  • Coordinates: 53 ° 35'39 ″ s. sh., 58 ° 38'42 ″ in. etc.
  • Distance from Orenburg: 443 km.
  • Transfer option: any car.
  • How to get to: from Orenburg you should go in the direction of Orsk, after Kamennoozyorny turn to Chebenki / Saraktash. At Saraktash, turn left, then move to the border with Bashkiria. After a while there will be small village from the cafe "Mayak" - after it you should turn right and continue towards the city of Sibay. Before the village of Baimak, turn left - towards Temyasovo (third exit at the roundabout), on the outskirts of the village - turn left again and move towards this village. Before Temyasovo turn right to Sermenevo. Then, in the village of Tirmen, turn right to Askarovo, after which continue driving past Dautovo, Kuzhanovo and Abzelilovo to Tashtimerovo, where turn left and then follow the signs to Yakty-Kul, then you should pass this village, the lake will appear to the left of the road.


Photo 2. View of Lake Bannoye from one of the coastal peaks.

Photo 3. The shore of the Bannoye lake.

Photo 4. Water and the bottom of the lake in the coastal zone.

Photo 5. Sunset on the lake.

Bannoe Lake ... The Bashkir region is filled with legends no worse than the Ural ones. Among them, stories about how Emelyan Pugachev named different places are very popular. So, Bannoe Lake owes its toponym to him. Heading to the village of Magnitnaya in 1774, the leader of the peasant revolt arranged a bath day in the reservoir, ordering all his soldiers to "fight" properly before the battle. True or fiction, it is up to historians to decide, and what is cool here is up to us to analyze.

Bath lake:geography and numbers

Bannoe Lake is geographically located in the Abzelilovsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the north-east of the village of Askarovo. It lies at the foot of several hills at once. So, from the northeast, Mount Kutukai approaches Bannoye, from the southwest - Karaganlyk, and from the West - the Yamankaya ridge. In turn, the lake feeds the Yanegelka River - the right tributary of the Urals. Bannoe is currently the deepest lake in Bashkiria. The average distance from the surface to the bottom is 11 meters, but it can go as deep as 28 meters. The Bannoe Lake or "Svetloe" lake has been recognized as a natural monument since 1965. Tectonic in origin, it has a water surface area of ​​over 7.6 km 2. The reservoir is 4.18 kilometers long and almost 2 kilometers wide.

Bath lake: fish

Rich fishing on Lake Bannoye today is provided by ecology and fish farming. The Bashkir reservoir was once used exclusively for marketable stocking. So, in the 30s of the XX century, a peled received a local registration. She rather successfully assimilated, and over time, a broodstock was formed on Banny. A special form of whitefish is at a great price from local fishermen. Border between the Ladoga and Chud species, this whitefish appeared here in the 40s of the XX century. Fishing on Lake Bannoye will also be interesting from the exotic point of view. You can come here for the "Ural nonsense" - freshwater southern stickleback. The small fish lives only on Banny and is perfectly assimilated. And yet, fishermen come here, 45 kilometers from Magnitogorsk, mainly for pike, perch and chebak.

Fishing on Lake Bannoe

Basically in Bashkiria they fish for bream, roach, pike and perch. As a rule, it is these species that bring a large catch. Up to 100 thousand amateur fishermen come to Bannoye Lake every year. So your competition is significant. The average size of the local peled ranges from 30 to 50 cm, in weight they reach 2.5 kg. True, experienced fishermen talked about all 4 kg. net weight. The fish bite pretty well, and unassuming to bait. You can use pieces of fish, live bait and insect larvae (for example, bark beetle larvae). If you are going after a hybrid whitefish, it is better to take a fishing rod with you with a strong rod and a medium-weight float. On Lake Bannoe, the best biting is near steep shores from 04:00 to 10:00. It is best to use the same bark beetle larvae, mormysh, worms and bloodworms as a nozzle. We hope your fishing on Lake Bannoe will bring you a good catch!

The road to the Bannoe Lake

  1. Distance Magnitogorsk-Bannoe Lake - 40-45 km. From Magnitogorsk we follow the signs to Beloretsk. In 25 minutes we reach the Novo Abzakovo station and on the left side we leave the Rest House and the Ski Center.
  2. Distance Chelyabinsk-Bannoe Lake - 360 km. From the capital of the Southern Urals we leave by train or bus to Magnitogorsk. From there - by minibus or electric train, we move in the direction of Beloretsk. An hour later, we arrive at the Novo Abzakovo station. Already from here you should follow the signs in the direction of the GLC up to the signboard "Bannoe Lake". If you decide to drive by car, then you will have to turn the steering wheel along the Chelyabinsk-Yuzhnouralsk-Plast-Magnitogorsk-Beloretsk highway. And then - as when driving by bus.
  3. Distance Yekaterinburg-Bannoe Lake - 540 km. You can get from Yekaterinburg to Bannoye by bus. It is enough to take a ticket to Magnitogorsk, and from there to keep the path similar to the Chelyabinsk fisherman.


Location: Republic of Bashkortostan, Abzelilovsky district


Recreation centers on Lake Bannoe

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Bannoe or Yaktykul (Yakty-Kul, Bashk. Yaktykul - "bright lake"; Mauyzzy, Bashk. Mauyuly kule - "witch's lake") - fresh lake tectonic origin, located on the territory of the Tashbulatovsky village council in the northern part of the Abzelilovsky district of Bashkortostan, belongs to the Ural river basin. A hydrological natural monument of regional significance since 1965. The deepest lake in Bashkortostan.

Lake area - 7.7 km²; length - 4170 m, average width - 1880 m; maximum depth 28 m, average - 10.6 m, water volume - 81.7 million m³, catchment area - 36.3 km².

The lake is located in the middle part of the Bashkir Trans-Urals between the peaks Kutukai (664 m), Karanyalyk (620 m) and the spurs of the Yamankaya ridge, 28 km north-east of the village of Askarovo, the regional center of the Abzelilovsky district of Bashkortostan, 45 km north of Magnitogorsk.

The lake is of tectonic origin. Bannoe is the deepest body of water not only within the Trans-Urals, but throughout the republic as a whole. The water in the lake is fresh and transparent. The banks are steep, steep in places, slightly sloping in the west. The Yangelka River, the right tributary of the Ural River, flows out of the lake.

According to legend, the name of Lake Bannoye is due to the fact that Emelyan Pugachev ordered his army to "ban" before the battle, that is, wash in the alkaline water of Yaktykul.

The name of the Bannoye lake is rather common, since historically the lake had a name - Yaktykul.

The name Mauyzzy (Bashk. Mauygy) arose from the name of a mythical creature among the Turkic peoples - Mauyz, meaning “bottomless, insatiable”.

The lake and its surroundings are a favorite vacation spot. Sanatoriums and recreation centers are located near the lake, there is a ski center.

This is a picturesque mountain lake with clear and clean water. The most deep lake Of the Republic of Bashkortostan, of tectonic origin, is confined to the zone of distribution of volcanogenic, volcanogenic-sedimentary and sedimentary rocks of the Irendyk, Karamalyktau, Ulutau and Zilair formations of the Middle and Upper Devonian (basalts, andesite-basalts, and their tuffs, lavo-breccias, radios, tuffites -sandstones, siliceous shales, etc.), the basin is asymmetric. The lake is 4.05 km long, 1.89 km wide, and its area is 7.7 km2. Wastewater, the Yangelka River (the Ural River basin) flows out of the lake, not overflowing. Volume 81.7 million m3, average depth 10.6 m, maximum 28 m with so clear water that the bottom of the lake, depending on the weather, is easily visible to a depth of over 10 meters.

Lake Yakty-kul is the deepest and cleanest in Bashkortostan.
Fresh bicarbonate magnesium water, hardness from 3.16 to 3.37 mg eq / l. The undeveloped shores are dominated by stony steppes and small forest clefts. The catchment area is 36.3 km2. Long-term fluctuations in water level 1.4 m. Food is mixed. The lake is oligotrophic, in the north and south the shores are gentle, in the east and west they are steep, in places steep. The lake is surrounded by lands of agricultural enterprises and health-improving institutions.
The climate is temperate continental. Winter is moderately cold; the average January temperature is -12 ° С. Summer is warm; the average temperature in July is 18 ° C. Annual precipitation is about 350 mm. The weather is dry with an annual sunshine of 2100 hours. The landscapes are represented by birch forests, light forests of pine and larch. On undeveloped shores, stony steppes predominate, alpine aster, thorny gravel, northern Kostenets, thyme, etc. grow. In the east there are small forest clefts, sparse birch forests turn into the Trans-Ural steppe. A huge reservoir, woodland, clean mountain air determine the microclimate.
The lake is inhabited by golden crucian carp, rudd, burbot, perch, peled, roach, sleeper, pike, as well as rare fish species: whitefish from Lake Bannoye and small southern stickleback; mute swans, black-throated European loons, etc. are found on migration and nesting.
There is a rich species diversity of plants on the shores of the lake. Often there is a rare plant from the orchid family - the Lady's slipper, which blooms at the eighteenth year of life.

Archaeologists have discovered traces of a Stone Age site here. These picturesque places are covered with legends and fairy tales. The remains of ancient settlements were found here. And this lake has at least three historical names.
On the maps, this lake is listed as Bannoe. According to a widespread legend, Emelyan Pugachev arranged a halt and a bath day here for his army, that's why the lake is called that. But if you approach this issue logically, then the organization of a bath on a cold lake that does not warm up even in the summer heat raises doubts (there are many springs here). There are two more lakes nearby - Sabakty (Chebachye) and Karabalykty (Lineovoe), which are much smaller and warmer, while being just as transparent and clean.
The local Bashkirs have other versions of the origin of the name "Bannoe". One of them above local residents The tsarist authorities appointed an evil and cruel leader, who once tired of humiliation, the inhabitants watched over and burned in their own bathhouse. According to another version, the owner of a beautiful and rare ring, which he never took off, except when visiting the bath ... events, so the name Bannoe beyond the lake stuck.
Quite often, the lake is called Yakty-Kul, which means "Bright Lake". Beautiful name, but it appeared relatively recently. The sanatorium of the same name, built in the 1930s, is located on the shore of the lake. This sanatorium was named "Yakty-kul", which was later used in everyday life on the lake itself.
And the most ancient name of the lake is Mauzdy, which means "Glutton", "Insatiable", "Bottomless". The name is Bashkir, the old-timers still call the lake this way. In the village adjacent to the Yakty-Kul sanatorium, there is a street with this name, it stretches along the very coast. The origin of the name is not difficult to explain - the lake is large, deep, and very dangerous in inclement weather. Fishing has long been one of the main activities of local Bashkirs (along with hunting, cattle breeding and gathering). Therefore, about those who did not return from fishing in a strong wind (which is also not uncommon here), they said that the devil opened his mouth and swallowed him.
Except for the lake itself, interesting story here they have a variety of objects - rocks, mountains, gorges.
So, the mountain on which the tracks are now located ski center, called Karaul-tash. If translated into Russian, you get the Watchtower. It turns out that there was a guard post here - the visibility around is excellent, for tens of kilometers. When the enemies approached, a signal fire was lit here and people who lived further in the mountains, beyond the ridges, were warned.
The ridge stretching from Lake Yakty-Kul to the south is labeled on maps as Karanyalyk, and locals call it Karangylyk. The translation is clearly associated with darkness. Indeed, in the evening the sun hides behind the Krykty ridge in the west, and the Karangylyk ridge quickly goes into the shadows, darkens.
The name of the Krykty ridge, at the foot of which Lake Yakty-kul is located, can be translated as “Cut off”. It turns out that this very eastern ridge of the Southern Urals is indeed cut by the valleys of two rivers. In the southern part, the valley of the Bolshoy Kizil River separates Krykty from the Irendyk ridge, and in the northern valley of the Maly Kizil River separates it from the Kurkak ridge. Another interesting detail - both rivers originate at the western slope of the Krykty ridge, very close to each other, no more than half a kilometer, and then one flows to the north (Maly Kizil), the other to the south (Bolshoy Kizil). Turning sharply to the east and cutting the ridge, both of them flow into the Ural River.
We heard another interesting story in the village of Kusimovo. There is a very small river, which this summer has dried up, like most others - from May to the end of July there was not a single rain. It is called Besyayulgyan, which literally translates as “The cat has died”. It turns out that in the spring the river floods for several days so that it is impossible to cross it, even on horseback. So the unfortunate animal drowned in it, leaving such a non-standard memory of itself among the inhabitants of the village.
We heard these and other legends in the Tagir Kusimov Museum, in the Metallurg-Magnitogorsk ski center and from our teachers. The toponymy of these places is very interesting, and we are grateful to people for the memory of the past and the preservation of history.
Protected by the state
Lake Yakty-Kul and its environs are a hydrological natural monument, formed by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of August 17, 1965 No. 465 "On the protection of natural monuments of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic". The lake has environmental, scientific and recreational importance. The protection regime is established by the Regulations on Natural Monuments in the Republic of Bashkortostan, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 26, 1999 No. 48. Due to the peculiarities natural complex any economic activity that leads to pollution and changes in the hydrological regime of the lake, harming the fauna, incl. commercial fishing. Fish farming, recreational fishing, recreation are allowed.

A section of the eastern foothills of the Kryktytau ridge, including mud lakes Karagaz-Yura (Bezymyannoe-I) and Kholyuktkul (Bezymyannoe-II), are included in the district of the mountain-sanitary protection of the Yakty-kul resort.

Everyone who finds himself in the vicinity of the ski center will certainly climb the cable car to Krykty in order to admire the surrounding landscapes from there. There is a small waterfall in the gorge to the west of the ridge, which is much fuller in spring and early summer.

The lake can be reached by car or bus from Magnitogorsk, Sibay or Beloretsk.
From Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk you should go through Plast and Magnitogorsk. From Ufa - via Beloretsk. From Orsk and Orenburg - via Sibay.
The roads, although not wide (usually a lane in each direction), are in excellent condition. But it should be borne in mind that on some days (for example, at the beginning and end of weekends during “ high season»And good weather), traffic jams can occur.
The highway surrounds the lake in a full circle, so you can get from Magnitogorsk to Bannoye in two ways - through Smelovsky or past the airport.
By the way, the Magnitogorsk airport, located nearby, allows guests from the most distant regions to conveniently and quickly get to Lake Bannoe.