When is it better to go to rest in Belorussia? What to see in Belarus is an overview of the interesting sights of Belarus for self-trip High season in Belarus.

brief information

Belorussia is one of the most picturesque countries of Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that this ancient land is literally saturated with monuments of the history and culture of many peoples and different epochs coming to rest in Belarus, certainly feel the identity of this edge. Special attractiveness to rest in Belarus gives her nature - huge arrays of relict forests, a unique animal world. What is only one Belovezhskaya forest or, for example, the swampy areas of woodland!

The resort store offers you tours to Belorussia. The air of pine and mixed forests, among which - in environmentally friendly zones, on the banks of rivers and lakes - are located sanatoriums of Belarus, boarding houses and the recreation centers of Belarus, unusually useful for health. There are quite a few sources of various compositions of mineral waters, which also contributes to effective treatment and recreation in Belarus.

In addition, an active holiday in Belarus is very popular: summer holidays in campsites and tourist bases, popular activities of active entertainment - hiking routes, fishing, quad buggles, mini buggies, horseback riding, etc.

Rest in Belarus is also a varied excursion program. You will visit the historic cities of the Republic of Belarus, the glorious past of which includes many centuries, and it has already exceeded the millennium - Minsk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Nesvizh, Zaslavl, etc. You will get acquainted with old castles, cathedrals, museums, visit the sorrow of the sorrow - the Memorial complex "Khatyn", walk through the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and enjoy the unique species of the nature. Vitebsk, for example, is famous for the fact that the international festivals of the song "Slavic Bazaar who has been held here"


Belarus - a unique natural complex for beauty, wealth of flora and fauna with its forestry, with high-powerful pine bodies, robber-oak forests, unusually purest lakes, rivers with their hilly shores, beautiful beaches, with its unique reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky and Pripyatsky. Square Belarus 207.6 thousand square meters. km.

In Belarus, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, woodworking industry is developed. The leading place is occupied by auto and tractor construction (Minsk, Zhodino, Mogilev), machine-building (Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk) and other industries. Large power plants: Lukomlskaya, Berezovskaya GRES and others. Belarus includes 6 regions, 117 districts, 96 cities, 109 urban-type settlements. The capital is Minsk, one of the largest industrial and cultural centers of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus is located in the west of the Eastern European Plain. In the north, Belarus borders with Latvia and Russia, in the northeast with Russia, in the south - with Ukraine, in the north west - with Lithuania, in the West - with Poland.


Moscow time minus 1 hour.


The population as of 01.01.2003 is 9.468,000 people.


The surface of Belarus is flat, in the north, the system of sea groin (Svlenzyanskaya, Braslavskaya), replacing to the south of the Belarusian Grocery, in the south - Belarusian Polesie. Main rivers: Dnipro, Pripyat, Berezina, West Dvina, Neman. Many lakes. Mixed forests occupy almost 1/3 of the territory of the Republic. Among them are pine bors and grab-oak forests. On the territory of Belarus, unique reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky and Pripyatsky.

Basic healing factors

Underground mineral waters of various chemical composition and mineralization, in particular sulfate-chloride sodium (and calcium-sodium), are used for drinking treatment and for baths in Zhdanovichi resorts, Naroch, Bobruisk, Rogachev. The brine thermal bromine waters are found in the Gomel region. Radon waters are opened by drilling in the Moscow and Novogrudsky regions of the Grodno region. In the Yelsky district of the Gomel region, sulphide chloride sodium high-concentrated springs containing up to 373 mg / l hydrogen sulfide were found. The yodobromic source of mineral waters, derived to the surface of drilling, at the resort of Zhdanovichi in the Minsk region. Belarus has inventories of peat (more than 1 deposits), sapropel (2-seats) of therapeutic mud. Unique in the physico-chemical properties peat mud near the city of Borisov. Especially valuable in the therapeutic capabilities of the Sapropel dirt of the Lake of Glukhov, Lake Suplobl in the Minsk region.

Basic testimony for treatment

Nonuberculus Respiratory Resources Diseases, Circulatory Systems, Muscular Systems, Nervous Systems, Gynecological Diseases, Endocrine Diseases, Missing Disorders, Ear Diseases, Horn, Nose, Digestive Organs, Kidney Diseases and Urinary Tracts, Greeting Systems, Pediatrics, Skin Diseases .

Additional Information

Visa regime

Entry to Belarus and departure from the Republic to Russian citizens are resolved in all types of passports, in accordance with the established relevant agreements of the Republic of Belarus with the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation, entering the Republic of Belarus, should have means to pay expenses in their stay on its territory and departure from the country. These funds or documents confirming their availability, as well as other documents should be made at the request of officials of the border troops of the Republic of Belarus.

customs control

Without charging customs payments, Belarus can be imported into the Republic of Belarus: personal property, the total weight of which is no more than 50 kilograms inclusive and the customs value of which does not exceed 1 thousand US dollars. There may be no more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 1 liter beer, 200 pieces of cigarettes or 200 grams of tobacco to one person who has reached the age of 18, as well as 5 units of jewelry, 3 products from genuine leather and (or ) Fur, 1 units of wristwatches, 4 used tires to vehicles, food. From June 1 to October 31, personal property should not exceed 30 kilograms inclusive per person; From November 1 to May 31, a total weight of up to 5 kilograms inclusive per person. The used goods that are temporarily imported by non-residents to the territory of the Republic of Belarus: clothing, toiletries, photos - and filmmers, accessories to them up to 5 films, portable slide and film projectors, accessories, as well as up to 100 slides and up to 5 films , video cameras and portable video recorders, as well as up to 5 films to them, portable musical instruments, portable sound recorder and reproducing equipment (including voice recorders), as well as up to 5 films to it, portable radio receivers, portable TVs, portable typewriters, portable calculators, portable Personal computers, baby carriages, wheelchairs, inventory and accessories for sports, tourism and hunting (tents and other tourist goods, fishing facilities, climbing equipment, snorkeling equipment, sports and hunting weapons, its components and components, ammunition to it, special clothing for sports and hunting, led Osipes, kayaks, canoeing or kayaks up to 5.5 meters long, skiing, tennis rackets, surfing boards and windsurfing, golfing, gliders, deltalans, balloons).

In the autumn, acquiring a tour from Moscow to Belarus, the guys can be further introduced to the Belarusian culture. Interesting excursions with a visit to the Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Brest Fortress, Nesvizh and Peace Castles, the Memorial Khatyn complex and old cities will help you learn about Belarus a lot of new things. In September, it is not so hot, October decorates the trees of beautiful gold foliage, and in November it is quite cool, so that long excursions are not in a burden. In the fall, traditional festivals are held, in which it is recommended to participate:

  • "White Pepper";
  • "Dogs";
  • "Call of Polesia";
  • Day of Minsk.

In the fall, there are not so many tourists as in the summer, so you will be able to see the iconic sights of the country without queue. The weather is not too cold, but not tiringly hot, the heat will not tire tourists during hiking excursions.

Let's go with us!

The tour operator "Orbit" seeks a variety of excursions and to the comfort of our tourists. You can order a trip for holidays, weekends and weekdays at any convenient time.

To order tours to Belarus in the fall of 2019, you can call us or write to email. We are welcome to your appeals and are always ready to give advice.

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The former Union Republic, a small state in Eastern Europe - Belarus is located to the west of Russia and north of Ukraine. Read our article on a tour calendar, where we tell why the best time for her visit is from May to September.

Tourist season in Belarus

Belarus is still developing as an attractive tourist destination, but for many it still remains a little-known country that has preserved its special secret after the fall of the communist system. Today everything gives everything with echoes of the USSR, so those who are nostalgic in Soviet times come to the country first. At the same time, Belarus lives not only the past. It attracts lovers of pristine nature, naturalness, limitless opportunities for eco-tourism, powerful recreational potential, a serious excursion program and an interesting culture. About 4.5 million foreigners attended the country annually, 30% of the total entry flow are Russians. The tourist season lasts all year round: in the summer it is a march of a march on national parks and museums, and in winter - rest at ski resorts.

High season in Belarus

Not many tourists include Belarus in the plans of their summer holidays, nevertheless, the increased demand among travelers is observed at this time of the year, when the weather is favorably to a country rest on the lap of nature, or rehabilitation. Many tourists living near the border perceive the trip to the Belarusian resorts as a halt to the cottage, because here you can go fishing here, and go to the bathhouse, and go on mushrooms-berries. It should be noted that prices in the summer season are somewhat overestimated: some sanatoriums and hotels exhibit a price tag 1.5-2 times higher than the standard tariffs in the off-season. This is one of the main reasons for the suspension of the growth of the tourist flow into the country. Cheap, according to a rooted tourist legend about Belarus, rest can only be in institutions that have been inherited from the Soviet Union. Newly built boarding houses and recreation centers have almost the same value plan as Russian. But if you want to save a little, there is a way out - take advantage of the options of early booking of tours available from March. As a rule, it guarantees a 10% -30% discount. Also in mind that the August rates are 10% -25% exceed the June.

Low season in Belarus

In winter, prices for travel in Belarus, as well as tickets for trains and airplanes are decreasing, but, despite this, hotels remain loaded by only 50%. Those who are still chosen on vacation, prefer ski resorts and wellness complexes. The greatest concentration of Russians is observed at this time in Gomel, Mogilev and Minsk regions located near the border with Russia.

Best time for excursions

What is in Belarus - a rhetorical question. There is everything in large numbers: national parks (for example, all the famous Belovezhskaya forest) with crystal lakes and birch groves, historical and cultural reserves, memorial complexes, authentic palace-park estates, vintage churches, numerous museums and a lot more . The choice of excursion programs is actually great, so you can even even be confused. Some trips are designed for the whole day - with early departure and late returning to the hotel, and the weather reigning at this time may easily break all the plans. Especially since the difference between day and evening temperatures is quite essential. The most favorable period for exploring the country's natural and cultural and historical heritage is Late Spring, Summer and the first two weeks of September. At the same time, even in the agreed time after sunset the air quickly cools, and it becomes cold. From these considerations, we recommend taking a warm jacket or sweater on the road.

Ski season in Belarus

A few years ago, Belarus could not think about ski centers. Today, it has several ski resorts at once, equipped and the level of service on which is about to meet Western European standards. "Little Switzerland" - so now refer to this country for the healing climate, picturesque landscapes, clean air, and today - for tribute to the tradition of winter holidays in the snow. Unfortunately, mountain ranges in the country there are no, nevertheless, it did not prevent it from settling modern ski complexes on the existing hills and slopes. The riding season opens at the beginning - in mid-December and lasts until the end of March. The perfect coating on the tracks is supported using an artificial lighting system. At this time, the average daily air temperature is about -5 ..- 7 ° C. The greatest influx of tourists is observed on the eve of the New Year's and Christmas holidays, and, accordingly, prices in this period are somewhat increasing.

Health season

A unique microclimate, good ecology, rich natural and recreational resources (like meal, saprole dirt, several types of mineral waters, etc.) have become a good "soil" for development in the Belarusian and resort business. About 70% of foreign entry flows in the country rushes in the sanatorium, the other 20% are placed in the recreation databases and wellness complexes. All of them are located outside the city, on the shores of the lakes surrounded by dense forests. This comes here with diseases of the digestive organs, diseases of the respiratory system, with disorders of the peripheral nervous system, metabolic disorders and in many other indications. First of all, the tickets are bought in the "promoted" health resorts. The peak of the season falls on the summer months - the time of school holidays and vacations. At this time, in addition to Russian and Ukrainians, many Poles, Baltov and Germans are being treated here. Such an extension of the resort contingent testifies to the high quality of the services provided and adequate prices. It is more expedient to come to the rehabilitation from the second half of the spring before the start of autumn, but in July and August people are always a lot. On this occasion, a small tip: Book the courses are best for 3-4 months before the desired date of arrival.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Belarusian culture is very distinctive and interesting. Thanks to the special geopolitical position of the country, several peoples affected the formation of its culture. Today, a festive calendar of the country includes many memorable dates and events celebrated in Russia, but at the same time he is not deprived of his national celebrations. January 1 - New Year, January 5 - the day of social protection workers, January 7th - Christmas of Christ, on the night of January 13-14 - the old New Year, January 19 - the Baptism of the Lord and the Day of the Rescuer, January 21 - the Day of Engineering Forces, January 25 - Day of students, last Sunday January - Day of Belarusian Science, 2 (15) February - Pagan holiday Mubled (winter meeting with spring), February 14 - Valentine's Day, February 15 - Day of Memory of the Warriors - Internationalists, February 23 - February 23, day Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, March 15 - Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, March 25 - Day of Will (not considered the official holiday), April 26 - Day of the Chernobyl tragedy, April - Maiden - Easter, May 5 - Press Day in Belarus, 9 May - Victory Day, May 15 - International Family Day, Secret Sunday May - Day of State Coat, the first Sunday after Easter - Pagan holiday Radunitsa, June 22 - Day of the National Memory of Victims of Victims, June-beginning of July - Syo Muha (Pentecost), Last Sunday June - Day of Youth, July 3 - Day of the Republic, July - International Festival of Arts "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk, August 2 - Day of the paratrooper, August 7 - Holiday Harves "Dozhinka", third Sunday August - Day Belarusian Air Force, the first Sunday of September - the day of Belarusian writing, the first Sunday of October - the day of the teacher, October 14 - the day of the mother and the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the third Sunday after the Intercession (beginning of November) - "Autumn grandfathers", November 7 - the day of the October Revolution, 17 November - Day of the student, December 17 - the day of the Belarusian cinema.

Climate in Belorussia

Due to the fact that most of the territory of Belarus has a plain landscape, a moderately continental type of climate has been formed here, and to be more accurate - transitional from marine to continental. The strong influence of air masses from the Atlantic predetermined an increased level of humidity and almost uniform distribution of precipitation over a whole year. The variation of the average daily seasonal temperatures is small - from -5 ° in winter to +23 ° C in the summer.

Belorussia in spring

As a rule, Spring is never in a hurry to enter into their rights. Even in the south, the snow lies until mid-March, and in the north he is delayed until mid-April. Starting from that time, warmth is returned to the country, and at night there are already positive temperatures. Because of the abundant melting of the snow on the village roads, some settlements turn out to be flooded because of the flood on the rivers, so transport communication with them is often disturbed. True spring comes here at the end of April - in early May, when sunny weather is installed. In the fresh air, in addition to the wet suspension, delightful floral flavors begin to capture, the kidneys are blown in fruit trees, and local parks and squares are born with a juicy greens.

Temperature and weather in Belorussia Spring

Weather in MartaWeather in April.Weather in May.
Minsk +5 +12 +18
Brest +5 +13 +19
Vitebsk +2 +10 +18
Gomel +3 +12 +20
Grodno +4 +12 +19
Mogilyov +2 +11 +19

Belorussia in the summer

Summer in Belarus is ideal for those who do not tolerate the heat and the scorching sun. During the day there is moderately warm and moderately sunny. This is a rather rainy season, precipitates are approximately 13-15 days of each month, but fortunately, they are short and not strong. The warmer in August, at this time in the capital should be expected about +22 .. + 23 ° C, much higher these indicators in Gomel - here the thermometer can jump up to + 25..26 ° C, it is also very warm in Brest, but The weather is more moderate. Going to the country in the summer season, however, it is worth being prepared for both abnormal periods: In recent years, the news reports often between the headlines of the unheard of +32 .. + 33 ° C. But it is worth remembering that whatever weather is not, evening contrast daily temperatures is always impressive. In the dark, the day the thermometer column decreases at least 9 ° C, and as a maximum of 12 ° C.

Temperature and weather in Belorussia in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in Augustus
Minsk +21 +22 +22
Brest +22 +24 +23
Vitebsk +21 +22 +21
Gomel +23 +24 +23
Grodno +22 +23 +23
Mogilyov +22 +23 +22

Belarus in autumn

In the first two weeks of September, you can go to Belorussia, without fear of spending all holidays in the hotel. The precipitates are still frequent, but the day of the thermometer column rises to +17 .. + 18 ° C. But in the second half of the month, the weather is already unquestioned by the rhythms of nature, the cycle of which does not stop. On the street, cold, the sun is almost all the time hiding behind the clouds, and the trees drop the golden foliage. By October, the thermometer column descends to + 9..11 ° C, strong winds rise, so long walks do not bring real pleasure. At night, the first frosts are expected, but there are no big negative temperatures. It is believed that after the post (mid-October), climate winters enter their rights. In principle, it happens. In November, for the first time, the thermometer column falls below 0 ° C, the day is very cold, it is possible to rain with wet snow. The characteristic feature of the last month of autumn is the diurnal fogs, as a result of which the humidity and, accordingly, cold is enhanced.

The map shows the average temperature of water and air in the cities and resorts of Belarus in three months. To select a specific month, click on the top tab. When you click on the area you are interested in, you will go to the page with a detailed weather description in this region.

Map List All autumn September october November

Is it cold in Belarus in autumn?

In the fall, daytime temperatures in Belarus, usually, holds at 4 degrees, but it may vary from 2 (in November) to 16 ° C (in September), and at night it is lowered to -1 ° C. All perceive the temperature in different ways, however, bring winter clothes with you will be the right solution.

Can I swim in Belarus in the fall?

In the fall, the water temperature in the sea, usually, is kept at the level of 0 degrees.
In September, the water is still quite warm, but in the following months cools and becomes not so comfortable for swimming. If you are looking at beach holidays, it is better to go to Belarus in September.

And you can tan?

Autumn is not the best choice for a beach holiday in Belarus. If you definitely want to sunbathe, we advise you to pay attention to Greece or Mali.

Where is the warmer in Belarus in the fall?

The most warm resort of Belarus in autumn is Brest. The average daily temperature in Brest ranges from 2 to 13 degrees, daytime - from 6 to 20, and the night - from -1 to 7.

Rains in Belarus in autumn

On average, 48 mm precipitation falls for autumn in Belarus. The number of sunny days is 78, and rainy - 13. Based on this, it can be concluded that the probability of rain in Belarus in autumn is 14%.

Vacation with children

In the fall in Belarus with a child, it is best to go only if you are focused on the excursion program, since the weather is not too suitable for a beach holiday.

Where to go and what to see?

Autumn in Belarus is not the best time for walking in nature. We recommend that you pay attention to

To get from Moscow to Belarus, you need to take on the plane and spend a little less than less than a half hours of your time. Many prefer to travel on their car - it will have to go more, but you will see a lot of interesting things on the road. This article is intended for all categories of tourists.

Belarus is a country of lakes, dense forests and beautiful medieval castles. Most of the attractions are located outside Minsk - about these places and will be speech. We will make a list of the most popular corners of the "Sinema of Belarus", we visit its natural and cultural monuments, we ride this country by car in autumn and winter time.

Where to go and what to see in Belarus

Belarus is compact, so much time you will not spend a lot of time for inspection of interesting places. In the situation of Zeitnota, you can limit the Minsk region. Go to the Logoisk, go on the onshore slopes. Visit the vintage estate near Minsk. Take a trip to the fool - there is a lot of interesting things.

But the situation on other regions of the country:

  • Vitebsk region.. The lake region, in which you can relax well, removing camping or agreed in the sanatorium. The region is littered with small towns, there is a very favorable ecology.
  • Brest region. There you are expecting two mandatory points of the cultural program - the Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Gomel region. The most interesting places are concentrated in Gomel and Mozyr. It also does not prevent a branch - the original local lore museum is localized there.
  • The Grodno region. This is the western region of Belarus, and therefore here the most significant historical monuments - churches, medieval castles, ancient estates and pre-revolutionary houses are concentrated. Be sure to look in Lida during the knightly tournament there.
  • Mogilyov region.. There is almost nothing to look here. In Mogilev, there are several ancient buildings, temples and monasteries. Be sure to visit Bobruisk - the legendary city "Padoncuff", in which "referred" to all individuals who did not own the "Albanian language".

In the situation of Zeietnote, limit the Minsk region.

Top 5 most interesting places in Belarus

From the surface review of the regions, we turn to private examples. We went through the most popular Belarusian attractions, removed the part of the "mainstream" and left corners really worthy of your attention. Do not be surprised if there will be little-known sights of Belarus:

In Belarus by car - where it is worth going

Collecting in Belarus in the summer, you can easily go on your own car. Roads in RB are good, and there are no problems with roadside hotels.

Nothing prevents from visiting Belarusian lakes and relax in the campsite, and then go to the legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Three-day travel on Belarus - minimum program

If you have imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bsummer journey, but do not have more time, it is worth planning an express trip along the country's key places. A detailed acquaintance with the sights of the Republic of Belarus will force you to limit the Minsk and Vitebsk regions. However, in three days you can have a lot. So, what to see in Belarus for three days or for weekends by car in summer:

From Grodno to travel to Lida (there should be a look at the brewery and in the Lida castle), then in Smorgon and, finally, in Polotsk. Perhaps, you will not have time to inspect anything else, because it is better to highlight all day on Polotsk.

The arrival of cold weather and Belarusian attractions

With the onset of autumn, much changes. Lakes fall out of the list, biosphere reserves and ethnocultural villages. In the fall in Belarus, you can see what:

  • House Museum Chagal. To see this memorable place, you need to go to Vitebsk, to the Pokrovskaya Street, 11. It was here that the famous artist who was proud of all Belarusians. Having visited the art center, you can admire the graphic works of the Master. The cost of the ticket fluctuates within 20-90 thousand "protein".
  • Borisov Stone. This unique artifact is located in Polotsk. In the autumn, the stone looks particularly harsh, reminding tourists about the fraud of being. The mysterious text and the image of the cross are carved on the boulder. You can find this "Belorussian Stonehenge" on the castle street, house 1.
  • Golzhansky Castle. The magnificent ruins of the castle are in the Grodno region (not far from the town of Golzhani). Leaving this location, move in the direction of the yratric. To the right of the road you will see the ruins.

Polotsk is better to highlight all day.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, it is worth thinking about visiting some specific corners of Belarus. For the new year we recommend seeing what: