Terskol. Sights of the Elbrus region: description, history and interesting facts Mount seven on Elbrus

Elbrus attracts, first of all, with amazing natural monuments and beautiful views. You can admire the landscapes from observation deck at the cable car station "Stary Krugozor".


Elbrus Defense Museum is located near the village of Terskol at the station of the Mir cable car. The exposition tells about the Battle for the Caucasus, the heroes who defended the Elbrus region during the Great Patriotic War and how it was possible to conduct military operations at such a height.

Opening hours: 10: 00-18: 00 from Tuesday to Saturday. Address: Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, settlement Terskol, station of the cable car "Mir".

Museum named after Vladimir Vysotsky located in the village of Tegenekli. The exposition tells about the conquerors of Elbrus, the Great Patriotic War and Vladimir Vysotsky, the exhibition of hunting trophies. The shooting of the famous film "Vertical", in which Vysotsky played, took place in the Elbrus region. The founder of the museum, Khusein Zalikhanov, was personally acquainted with the bard.

Address: Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Tegenekli village.

Monuments and monuments

Monument to the Heroes of the Defense of the Elbrus Region is located next to the museums of the same name, at an altitude of 3500 meters. These are concrete slabs with the names of the heroes.

Address: Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, settlement Terskol, station of the cable car "Mir".

Natural Monuments

In the Elbrus region, there are several picturesque natural monuments (a natural national park"Elbrus"), excursions to which you can buy at the resort.

This is a Narzanov glade near the village of Baidaevo, where they beat from the ground healing springs... The water is very tasty, but it quickly loses its properties - it is useless to take it with you.

Thermal springs are located in the village of Aushiger, 30 kilometers from Nalchik. There is a hotel nearby. You can swim in the hot pool at any time of the year; healing mineral water is also useful for treating a number of diseases.

It is worth going on an excursion to the Blue Lakes, the Chegem waterfalls, the Maiden's Spit waterfall, behind which the grotto is hidden, the Baksan gorge and other interesting places.

Some attractions can be reached on foot, while others will have to be reached by car or bus.

We first arrived in the Elbrus region three years ago and loved this region with all our hearts. Incredibly beautiful mountain landscapes, unusual lakes, waterfalls and many others interesting places make Kabardino - Balkaria very popular among tourists. People travel to the Elbrus region at any time of the year. In the warm season - excursions, walks, climbing Elbrus, trekking routes. Depending on the desires and level of sports training, everyone will find what they need there for themselves. In winter, it is, of course, a ski resort. Moreover, the skiing season sometimes lasts until June.

Walk along the Elbrus. View of the Caucasian ridge from the Garabashi glacier.

Elbrus region. Where to spend your vacation.

To get a little idea of ​​the Elbrus region, one day is naturally not enough. Especially if you are active and are going to hike in the mountains. There are tons of routes where you can go either alone or with a guide. Climbing Elbrus itself, of course.

Cherek Gorge in Upper Balkaria. View from the old road near the tunnel.

If you just decided to take a break from the bustle of the city and see the sights, then there are excursion routes by transport, forests, rivers, mountains, lakes for you. The cable cars will take you to great heights. Mushrooms, blueberries in August. We will try to tell you in detail about each of the places we have visited ourselves, and you will already have to choose a vacation to your liking.

Glade Azau. Parking, the beginning of the cable car, hotels.

Popular places for living - the Azau glade, the Terskol village and the Cheget glade. These are the closest points to the foot of Elbrus, to the cable cars. Here is the most developed tourist infrastructure.

The proximity to the cable cars is especially important for ski lovers.

Glade Azau is the closest village to Elbrus, located at its foot. The location directly next to the cable cars (there are two of them here) makes it the most popular resort Elbrus. It is here that ski lovers from all over the world come in season. And the season, I repeat, sometimes lasts until June.

Glade Azau. New hand-held lift.

Trails on Elbrus for skiers of different skill levels. Above, on Garabashi, there are green trails for beginners, below there are steeper slopes. There are a lot of hotels of different levels in the village, both in price and in comfort. There is everything you need for living - shops, a pharmacy, an ATM, a first-aid post.

Azau is in demand at any time of the year among fans of mountaineering, trekking, and just vacationers. The cable car will take you 3750 meters above sea level to the Garabashi glacier. From there, a panorama of the Caucasian ridge and snowy Elbrus opens.


Polyana Cheget is a ski resort for more experienced athletes. The slopes here are only blue and red, there is nothing for beginners to do. There is a chairlift to Mount Cheget. In the village there are hotels, cafes, rentals.

Polyana Cheget. View from the cable car. Cafes, hotels, market.

In summer, hikers come here, active rest... There are a lot of routes for them, including to the top of Cheget. Adaptation takes place here before climbing Elbrus.

View of Elbrus from Mount Cheget. The upper station of the cable car.

Cheget offers a magnificent view of Elbrus, the Baksan gorge. The place is ideal for photo tours, the main thing is to be lucky with the weather. If you do not like walking in the mountains, you can take a cable car or take a walk at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

Polyana Narzanov.

Glade Narzanov can be imagined as a small recreation park. It is located in a picturesque place under a mountain in a place where several mineralized springs gush out from the ground. Water contains iron and has a characteristic flavor and color.

The glade is located not far from the village of Terskol, a convenient entrance, beautiful mountain landscapes, many cafes with national cuisine attract tourists here not only for treatment with narzan, but also in order to calmly walk, relax, eat in a cafe. For example, we love to stop by here for lunch.

Narzan spring in the Elbrus region. Water contains iron and therefore has a characteristic color and flavor.

In fact, the special value of this place is, of course, in the composition of the water. Bottles, disposable glasses can be purchased locally.

Various souvenirs and trinkets for tourists are sold on the territory of the meadow.

Thermal springs.

The popular thermal waters of Kabardino - Balkaria are Geduko and Aushigersk sources. They are located near Nalchik and are popular at any time of the year. The water in the springs is hot and mineralized. People come here both for medicinal purposes and just to relax.

Thermal springs in Aushiger. Kabardino - Balkaria.

Aushiger has one pool with warm water, about 35 degrees. You can pay for a booth for a company and relax separately, with a pool, sofas, a table and a barbecue. On the territory there are hotels, cafes, shops. For bathers, changing rooms and gazebos for relaxation.

Geduko has several pools with water of different temperatures. There are various slides, boats for children. Also sun loungers, gazebos, changing rooms, showers. As in Aushiger, there are booths for groups of several people.

There is also in the Elbrus region mysterious place Jili-Su. There, too, there are pools with thermal water and there is absolutely no civilization. All summer we were going to swim in them, but the weather let down all the time, in this rainy summer, we did not dare. The road leaves much to be desired, but you need to spend the night in tents, or stop in Kislovodsk. We left this journey for the next season.

Trekking routes.

There are a lot of trekking routes in the Elbrus region. For all tastes, ages and fitness levels. Designed as one day or several.

Ecological trail to the waterfall. Not far from the Azau glade.

You can walk on your own, or with professional guides. We have just discovered this type of outdoor activity, and in our piggy bank hike to the waterfall Maiden's Braids, Azau waterfall, routes along the Baksan river, Adyr-Suu and Adyl-Suu gorge. Read about all our travels in the blog.

A more difficult route is climbing Mount Cheget. Those who are going to conquer Elbrus also pass it. And there are many roads that we have not yet explored.

Sights and excursions in the Elbrus region. Where to go and what to see.

We have already written about Azau, Terskol and Cheget, but the Elbrus region is large. Just below Terskol there is a turn into the Adyr-Suu gorge.

Lift in the Adyr-Suu gorge. There are 310 steps in total. Below is a platform for lifting machines.

Cars are lifted on a special lift, people can climb on foot. The road through a dense mountain forest will lead to the foot of the Ulu-Tau mountain. It is about 15 kilometers from the lift to the target, it is difficult to walk on foot, you need to go by off-road vehicles.

The sights of Kabardino-Balkaria are not only the Baksan Gorge, which we mainly wrote about. Not far from the capital of the republic - Nalchik there is Amazing places, which tourists love very much.

Big Chegem waterfalls in Kabardino-Balkaria. View from the observation deck.

Chegem waterfalls... They are located in the gorge of the same name. Popular excursion route to the waterfalls includes a visit to the Small Waterfall, also called the Maiden Spit, and the Big or Main Chegem Waterfalls. A very picturesque place - a narrow gorge, high cliffs and cascades of water falling from a great height. People come here at any time of the year.

If you drive another 15 kilometers along the gorge, there will be a Chegem parodrome. You can fly with an instructor on a paraglider and see the gorge from above.

Blue Lake Tserik-Kel in Kabardino-Balkaria. Translated as “Rotten Lake”.

Blue Lakes. This place is just for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle. Three lakes are available for walks, located close to each other. The most popular is the Lower Blue Lake. The beautiful turquoise color of the water has the same temperature both in winter and in summer. This lake, unlike the two upper ones, does not freeze in winter.

If you go further along the road, you will find yourself in the Cherekskoe gorge. The main attractions of this area are old road, tunnel and ancient city... In general, the places here are so picturesque that the road to Upper Balkaria is itself an attraction.

Thermal springs, we have already talked about them.

Excursions in the Elbrus region.

If you have never been to the Elbrus region, for the first acquaintance, you need several days. The summer season is of course trekking. There are a lot of unique routes in the Baksan Gorge. It's like health trails along the Baksan River through the forest. And so easy routes to lakes and heights that can be walked in one or several days. Well, if you can call it an excursion - climbing Elbrus.

Garabashi glacier. Elbrus. The summit is slightly hidden behind the clouds.

This route is for more prepared travelers, although we know many examples when people climb without any training and acclimatization. Such an excursion lasts up to 10 days, although the ascent to the mountain itself takes 8 hours. We will tell you more in the blog articles.

V winter time the resort is turning into a big friendly family of skiers, many tourists come here to ski on the ski slopes of Elbrus. For lovers of freeride there is Cheget. The trails from this mountain are more difficult and lovers of "powder" here have a place to show their skills.

Summer and Winter in the Elbrus mountains.

Let's start with the fact that the weather in the mountains is very difficult to predict. More than once we found ourselves in situations where the weather changed dramatically within half an hour. We were suddenly covered with rain with a thunderstorm or dense fog. Just be prepared for such a change.

Adyr-Suu gorge. Paradise for mushroom lovers. Hunting and fishing are prohibited here, the gorge is a nature reserve.

Summer is perhaps the most favorite time of the year for us. It is at this time that many can be bypassed. beautiful places, just to be in nature. For lovers of berry and mushroom hunting, there is simply expanse here. If you are a fisherman, you can go for trout fishing. It starts to get colder in the gorge in September. And at the end of the month the first snow may fall. Up in the mountains, he goes much earlier. And the ski runs are ready at the beginning of December.

We are going to the Elbrus region. All you need to know.

Coming to the Caucasus, remember that many nationalities live here and the main religion is Islam. Respect for local laws and regulations. You do not need to learn the language, here they speak Russian perfectly. A large number of foreigners from all over the world are also not limited in communication - English, Spanish, German, whatever speech you just hear.

It is customary here to greet people even with strangers! Be sociable and they will tell you everything.

Clothing should be chosen so that it is comfortable and warm. Remember the changeable weather and the fact that the higher the mountains, the colder. If you are going to ride the cable car, even in summer, take a jacket in your backpack. You can easily get caught in rain or snow, your rest will be ruined.

How much is a vacation in the Elbrus region. How much money to take.

In any resort, recreation requires a waste of money. Let's try to tell you what you will have to spend money on.

View from the cable car to the Cheget glade. Downstairs of the hotel and parking for cars.

If you come to ski, then you have to rent a hotel... In the high winter season, the demand is huge, the prices are not low, so book your accommodation in advance, there are plenty of services. It is also possible to find accommodation upon arrival, but you have to search and it will cost you much more (recall this in the winter season). When there are no skiers and the ski slopes are closed, prices drop and you can book a room for 1000 rubles.

Hotels and cable car in Azau.

Another point of consumption will be the cable car. The prices for lifts are different, there are one-time tourist lifts and there are unlimited lifts - a ski pass.

For example, this summer, the ascent to Cheget on a chairlift cost 700 rubles. per person. Ascent to Mir station on Elbrus - 950 rubles. on the new lift, and 500 rubles on the old one. The funicular goes up a little slower and you may have to queue.

From the Mir station to the Garabashi station, there is a one-seater chairlift, the lift costs 200 rubles. There is a new gondola, but it was not possible to climb on it, at that time there was a renovation.

Prices in the Elbrus region - what to buy and where to eat.

As everywhere else, prices rise in high season... If in summer you can rent a hotel room for 1000 rubles, then in winter it can cost 5000-7000 rubles. per day.

Home you can bring a bunch of souvenirs ranging from ammonites to various knitted items and toys made from sheep's wool. We were happy to buy here warm knitted socks, and warm slippers and fur toys as gifts for relatives. Magnets with our photos on Cheget.

Shashlik on the Narzanov glade. A mutton fat tail is smoked over the barbecue. Local delicacy.

You can dine in various hotel cafes. We like to go to the Cheget glade or Narzanov glade for lunch. The nearest supermarket and market are located in Tyrnyauz. Closer only private shops with a meager assortment and slightly overpriced.

Food prices in 2017. How much food costs and where is it more profitable to eat.

The cuisine is the same everywhere - Caucasian. All cafes cook shorpu (mutton soup), fried khychins, shashlik and zhaubaur (liver in a grid on the grill).

Shorp. Lamb soup. Some potatoes and herbs. Insanely delicious!

All dishes are made from lamb. You will not find pork, you rarely find beef. We come to eat at the Cheget glade or the Narzanov glade. A hearty lunch will cost about 400 rubles per person. The portions are large, the dishes are hearty, so don't order too much, you will have to take it with you. We used to take groceries with us, as we already wrote, it’s about forty minutes to go to the nearest supermarket. Recently, we prefer to eat in a cafe, it is not much more expensive and everything is always fresh.

Souvenirs, shopping, what to bring home from the trip.

There are many souvenirs in the markets.

As elsewhere in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region there are many markets where you can buy various necessary and unnecessary things. A lot of knitted products, works of local craftsmen. A lot of knitted and felted things from natural sheep six. Warm sweaters and hand-knitted sweaters. Toys, souvenirs. Mugs, plates with themed inscriptions, personalized spoons. A huge number of magnets. Ammonites, ancient fossilized molluscs, are sold on the Blue Lakes.

What to take with you in the Elbrus region.

The most important thing is warm clothes and comfortable shoes. Necessarily a changeable set of clothes, we have already written about the changeable nature of the local nature. And your sneakers and pants may not dry out overnight. If we go in shorts and T-shirts in the summer, then a warm vest and a windbreaker must be in the trunk.

We take a minimum of products. There is nowhere to store them, but you can always eat in a cafe, where everything is hot and fresh. We do not buy bottled water. Water pipelines are mainly drawn from mountain springs, the water is clean, glacial, without impurities.

You can rent any equipment. So there is no special need to buy and carry with you.

To the Elbrus mountains independently.

With the current development of the Internet, there are no problems getting anywhere on Earth. If you are driving, the navigator will guide you where you need to go. If you arrived by train or arrived by plane, there is public transport or taxis. The nearest airport is in Nalchik, a little further from Min-Vody. Railway in Pyatigorsk. Book accommodation, tickets and there will be no problems.

Glade Azau. Market, parking. The nearest airport in the capital of the republic is in Nalchik.

Local residents and more seasoned tourists they will be happy to tell you about the places they have visited themselves and will recommend where to go. You can use the advice of travelers on the Internet. You can buy a tour or use the services of professional guides, while there will be much more opportunities and impressions.

Where and how to find housing in the Elbrus region.

The most popular hotels are located in the immediate vicinity of the ski lifts. On the Azau glade and Cheget glade. There are many hotels along the road to Azau. Camping sites are open during the summer.

Hotels in the Azau glade. The old funicular is visible.

A large number of private hotels can be booked on booking.com, find discounts for hotels on Roomguru.com. If you have not booked the hotel in advance, you will have to go directly to the hotels and inquire about the availability. We advise you not to run from hotel to hotel - prices are about the same.

How to travel by public transport

You have planned independent travel to the Elbrus mountains! What do you need to travel? On our site there is useful services page for traveling. It will help you save a lot of time and money. There are several ways to get to the Elbrus region.

Let's say your point of departure is Moscow or St. Petersburg. The fastest way is to buy a ticket to Nalchik or Mineralnye Vody. Searching for air tickets on the service aviasales.ru will help you to buy cheap ticket... I will say right away that to get to Cheget, Terskol or Azau by public transport possible, but very inconvenient, you will waste a lot of time. I will not explain, google it yourself. Better or Azau. It turns out to be very beneficial if you are eating in a group and you have huge backpacks.

You can take the train if you have time. There are no direct trains to the Elbrus region either.

It is also possible to get through Stavropol airport, but we do not recommend it, because air tickets to Mineralnye Vody or Nalchik will cost almost half the price, you still have to go to these cities.

You can buy bus tickets to Nalchik or Mineralnye Vody. Take tickets at a proven serviceThere are not so many options, but they are all available and it is possible to buy tickets through online services.

You set out to travel and see the vastness of the Motherland, since it is not deprived of beauty. And Elbrus region is included in the list of must-see places. That you will see the Main Caucasian ridge and the most high summit Russia and Europe, so it's understandable. What else awaits you on this trip?

When to go to the Elbrus region

To begin with, you need to decide what time of year the trip will bring you more joy.

You can recharge the energy of the best ski resort in Russia from November to April.

November will very quickly take you into a snowy fairytale, while at the same time it will delight you with the prices of the “low season”. From December to March, the resort is flooded with skiboarders, and you should be prepared for queues for the cable car, even in freezing temperatures. It is also possible to stop the operation of the cable car (cable car) for several days due to weather conditions... The end of March and the beginning of April is the most comfortable period, the snow is still lying, and the sun is already warming like spring.

May, June, October are rainy months. Be sure to bring a change of shoes and a raincoat. But in June you can admire the endless fields of blooming rhododendrons, listed in the Red Book.

Rhododendrons on Cheget

Summer in the mountains is July-August, juicy green grass, the smell of strawberries, mushrooms, a photo under a waterfall and summer snow (!!!). All walking tours in the area are available during this time.

Advice! Elbrus is a border zone, you should have a passport and a pass to the border zone with you in order to freely pass (drive) along any route. Documents can be submitted in advance via the Internet at fsb.ru or gosuslugi.ru. It can take up to 30 days to issue a pass.


Pastime at Elbrus

Very often the question arises, what kind of entertainment is available besides contemplating natural beauty?

In winter, there are designated places for tubing, where you can also ride ice and snow scooters.

Thrill-seekers can rent a snowmobile and climb above the last station of the cable car. The height of Elbrus is especially acutely felt when descending. And if you want to take your breath away with delight, we recommend taking a paragliding flight. It's never too late to check whether you are more predisposed to snowboarding or skiing. An experienced instructor will help you do it faster and with less injury. After heavy snowfalls in the morning, you can wake up from cannon shots - this is the avalanche squad working. By shelling mountain slopes, avalanches release huge masses of snow. The sight is not for the faint of heart. Horseback riding, ATV trips, fishing, overnight in a hotel or camp on Elbrus itself are available all year round. We recommend visiting the Museum of Defense of the Elbrus Region - one of the highest museums in the world, which is located at the Mir station at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. Let's face it, the museum is in disrepair and every one sold entrance ticket prolongs his life.

On a note! On the territory of the resort there are ski and mountaineering equipment rentals, where you can rent everything you need for your vacation.

Waterfall Maiden's Braids

Those who want to test their strength can storm Elbrus. The question should be approached seriously and in advance. For experienced riders, it is possible to descend from the summit on summer snow. But we'll talk about this in more detail in another article.
By the way, the Elbrus Ring competition (International Army Games) is being held in the Elbrus region, in which servicemen of high-mountain units take part. If you witness the training of the participants, you will certainly feel pride in our fighters.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the resort is being updated and developed. A person who has come with a negative attitude will find something to complain about. And if you are full of optimism and open to new impressions, then the Elbrus region will not leave you indifferent and will invite you more than once.

Terskol gorge

If you are going to visit the Elbrus region and you need a transfer or help in choosing housing, then feel free to write to the guys from

The majestic Elbrus has long become a place where a person challenges himself and an unpredictable mountain. Unfortunately, there are still cases when the top wins. She does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards herself. And, being has the right to do so. For those who are not yet ready to challenge and take risks, there are numerous attractions of the Elbrus region. For their sake, it is worth going here, looking up from work, TV and the daily hustle and bustle.

Elbrus location

This is the name of the area that occupies the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria in the Central Caucasus region, the neighborhoods closest to the mountain itself and everything from its ski resorts and numerous attractions. The history of these places is closely connected with the events of the Second World War. A defensive border ran along the bank of the Baksan River and the nearest ridge. Soviet troops... In memory of the hostilities that took place here, at an altitude of 3000 meters (station "Stary Krugozor") was opened

The climate in this area is moderately continental, with many sunny days in winter, rainy and cool summer, foggy and gloomy autumn and spring, which are characterized by swings in "mood". So those who love the sights of the Elbrus region come to these parts at any time of the year. And the one who wants to climb the most high mountain Europe, - from July to October. Numerous resorts, both ski and mineral waters, made the Elbrus region famous all over the world. And its snowy slopes are among the most difficult on the planet.

Shanthurei lakes

As the legend says local population, once 3 brothers stopped for the night with their herds in the valley. But the earth swallowed them up, forming three lakes at the site of the camp. Back in the 20th century, there were just so many reservoirs, but at present only two have survived, since the earth again opened up and absorbed the waters of one of them. A foundation pit remained in its place. Locals still do not like to visit this territory, fearing the insidiousness of the elements. The lakes are located at an altitude of 1082 m above sea level. Their depth is simply amazing - more than 200 meters. Previously, they were divided into the Big (0.54 km 2) and Small (35 km 2) lakes.

These sights of the Elbrus region are especially visited in summer. The lakes and foundation pit are located in a picturesque valley surrounded by alpine meadows and small woods. The place is located near the village of Kamennomostskoe. It is visited all year round, as the water at any time maintains a temperature of +15 degrees, which is conducive to swimming in it.

Sultan waterfall

Waterfalls are natural attractions of the Elbrus region. The most visited of them are Sultan and Maiden's braids. The first waterfall is one of the most picturesque natural monuments of these places. It is located in the hard-to-reach tract of Dzhily-Su, which makes it even more desirable for tourists. There are no villages, hotels, or mobile towers nearby. Therefore, we can assume that it is in the wilderness, where you can meet only shepherds and climbers who headed for Elbrus.

The Sultan waterfall is located at the very top of the Malka River, which begins on the Ullu-Chiran glacier. Further, rapidly gaining speed, it breaks through a narrow canyon and falls from a height of over 40 meters. But not only this water, falling with a big roar, attracts tourists here. Just 100 m below it there are the famous warm and healing springs of Dzhily-Su.

This is the Elbrus region. The sights here alternate with each other. Visiting one natural monument, you should "grab" a couple more along the way. You can get to the Sultan waterfall either according to the developed walking route, or by renting an SUV with a driver.

Lake Donguz Orun-Kol

This reservoir attracts travelers with its unusual color. Although the name, translated from the Kabardino-Balkarian language, sounded like "near the pig pen", should have scared away the curious. It is located on the border between Russia and Georgia at an altitude of 3100 m between two peaks - Donguz-Orun-Bashi (4450 m) and Nakra-Tau (4228 m). Its characteristic tricolor color directly depends on the glaciers feeding it, each of which carries a certain composition of minerals in its melt waters. It is they who paint the reservoir in 3 shades, between which there is a clear border.

To get to glacial lake, you will have to overcome an easy route for hikers: from the Cheget glade, a 50-minute path along a horizontal terrain will lead to a reservoir. It is better not to approach the lake, admiring it from afar. Its shores are very swampy and pose a danger to tourists. But those surrounding it with their forbs, among which there are many medicinal and rare plants, are the attractions of the Elbrus region. The description of the flora of this area does not coincide with what really appears before our eyes. Glades covered with endemic of Cheget Mountain are especially impressive.

Mount Donguz-Orunbashi

This mountain is no less popular with climbers than Elbrus itself. Its hills and slopes are another sights of the Elbrus region. The height of the mountain is 4454 meters. It allows beginners to gain experience in climbing and get their own "set" of impressions. For those who do not go in for mountaineering professionally, there is Chegetskaya. At its final stop there are several cafes where you can have a good time and warm up.

For those who wish to test their strength, a walking path from Chegetskaya Polyana along a well-groomed path is open. This path is quite difficult, especially for beginners. Therefore, it is not recommended to walk without a guide - you can get lost in the mountains. Almost all the time, Mount Donguz-Orunbashi is covered with snow and ice. This makes the summit dangerous: it is better not to conquer it without special equipment. But having climbed the peak, you can see other attractions of the Elbrus region (Russia) - a lake, a river and a glacier, which resembles the number 7 in its shape.

Glade Azau

This is the name of the most high place Elbrus, where people live. Located at an altitude of 2300 meters, not far from the village of Terskol, it is the foot of Elbrus, as it is adjacent to it. In the hotels and camp sites located here, not only climbers who are preparing to conquer the mountain settle, but also simply lovers of wild mountain nature. By the way, you can admire it both from your room window and from numerous cafes and restaurants.

Glade Azau is a very picturesque place with clean air and wonderful view to the surrounding mountains. Therefore, regardless of the time of year and the presence of snow, there are always tourists who have set a goal to explore all the sights of the Elbrus region (Russia / Caucasus).

Baksan river

This river starts from the Elbrus glaciers. On its banks are located an observatory, mountaineering camps and the Elbrus National Park, the attractions of which attract thousands of tourists every year. The river was chosen by fishermen and rafting enthusiasts. If it were not for the industrial plant, which affects the purity of its waters, she would not only be long river Caucasus, but also the cleanest.