Hot springs of Kyrgyzstan. Thermal springs in Kyrgyzstan

The Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km away. south-west of the village of Belovodskoye. Local mineral water belongs to low-mineralized carbonate, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzans, and its chemical composition is similar to mineral water famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

The Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km away. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought to the surface of the earth thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C. Currently, the Teply Klyuchi sanatorium is functioning here, which is also a center for active recreation - numerous trekking routes in the surrounding mountains begin from here.

The Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km away. to the southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. There is a resort "Arashan" with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye, low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of medicinal mud, occupy an important place. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited space, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such a marvelous nature.

Almost within the boundaries of Bishkek there is a modern "Cosmonauts Sanatorium" with its own thermal spring.

Issyk-Kul Lake is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has been considered enchanted by the local population since ancient times. Before the appearance of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The high transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and bays here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal pure water, mineral springs in combination with a mountainous and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here it is worth visiting excursions on a motor ship on the lake, going to the mountains, making a daily trek through the most beautiful mountainous places to Almaty, there are helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. Altyn-Arashan hot springs, located at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, a huge and quiet summer pasture of Karkara in the upper part of the valley, fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey-Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Karakol, located at the eastern end of the lake, is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lake, Terskey-Alatau and central Tien Shan.

Water is the main wealth of Kyrgyzstan. The river one is known for its strength, the lake one for its beauty, the drinking one for its taste, and the mineral one for its medicinal qualities. If a beach holiday and walks along the picturesque mountains and valleys of the country are not enough to accumulate health and vigor for a year, then thermal springs will help. You don't need to wait for the middle of summer to visit them. On mineral waters, the season of rest is all year round.

At the beginning of summer, it is still cool in Issyk-Kul - plus 20 in the afternoon, the water temperature in the lake is still about 16 degrees. Besides, the day was cloudy. So Nina goes to the hottest outdoor pool. Nature itself has heated this water to almost 44 degrees. A few minutes in hot water, then, for contrast, in a pool with cold water. So - up to 5 times. At the end of the wellness procedure, Nina soaks in 35-degree water for 15 minutes.

The Kyrgyz woman is not afraid of the cool air. For the first time, a resident of the capital region Nina Egorova came to this source 3.5 years ago on January 3.

“Polyarthritis tortured me. Joints ached. Especially the knees. Three years ago I could hardly walk, I lived on pills. They advised me to go here - to the mineral waters. It was in winter. We met the New Year and immediately went - there was no strength to wait until summer. That's when I realized that my native Issyk-Kul is good all year round. It's just different, ”says Nina Egorova.

The 63-year-old woman no longer drinks arthritis medication. After one day of taking mineral baths, she does not remember her knees for up to two weeks. Then - again to the source. But this is more likely just a healthy habit and a favorite way to take a break from household chores. He comes with a spouse, and sometimes with grandchildren.

The water tastes very salty. But the skin does not sting. But it allows you to feel lightness in the body - it keeps afloat and relaxes.

“Transparent, fresh, does not smell anything, but just warms up through and through. On the advice of the local doctors, we come to the pools in any weather with a terry towel and a blanket. We took a bath - got dressed, covered ourselves with a blanket and keep warm. No showering or swimming in the lake for several hours after the water treatment. Mineral contact with the skin must continue. If you do everything right, you will feel the warmth and power of this water inside for another three days, ”says Nina.

So the water of a local source affects the body due to the temperature and strong salt saturation. The level of its mineralization is high even for Issyk-Kul. The lake never freezes: it is - like veins - surrounded by many underground hot springs. The sanatorium is proud of its own. This hot river hidden from view is the highlight of relaxation here. But she might not have been. The development of a local deposit of thermal waters was abandoned even in Soviet times - it was expensive.

The rest house in the Kara-Oi village of the Issyk-Kul region has been operating since 1965. During the Soviet era it was called "Pearl". Modern complex has almost the same name - from the Kyrgyz language into Russian “Ak bermet” is translated “white pearl”. The deposit of thermal waters on the territory of the sanatorium was explored by 1975. At this time, the hydromineral resources of Issyk-Kul were discovered and developed most actively. Then - in the 70s - a well was drilled. The water lies at a depth of 1515 meters. We got to her, but did not mine. The well was sealed. The rest house continued to operate without a source. Even then, hot waters gushed out of the ground in nearby health resorts.

Akzholtoy Nasridinov has been running the sanatorium since the mid-80s. He remembers that after the collapse of the Soviet Union there were no funds for the extraction of water from the ground. The rest house survived. But they knew and remembered about the explored deposit. When free money appeared - already in the 2000s - Akzholtoy Nasridinov decided to invest it in health tourism. I went to Bishkek - to the State Geological Agency and the Institute of Balneology - to clarify what kind of source is under the sanatorium. When I found out, there was no doubt about the need to raise water to the surface of the earth.

“Water is sodium chloride, of the same type as the well-known Mirgorod water. Mineralization - strong: 15 grams per cubic decimeter. We also say the saturation with salts is 19%. For comparison: this indicator near the water of most sources in Issyk-Kul is 12-13%, near the water in the lake - 2-3%. And she is also useful, ”explains Akzholtoy Nasridinov.

Re-drilling the well was only half the battle. The mineral water lying at a depth of one and a half kilometers is heavy, with an admixture of silt, it is difficult to raise it to the surface. Purification using a special system that does not destroy the structure of the water allowed it to be brought to a depth of about 50 meters. To lift from there, pumps were installed. The hot spring cost the sanatorium several tens of thousands of dollars. On the surface, water appeared in 2012.

Each day, spring water is directed from seven pools. They are different in volume - the smaller the bowl, the hotter the water in it. So everyone will find water at their own temperature.

“They come from other regions of Kyrgyzstan. But more from abroad. The Russians fell in love with the source, the people of Kazakhstan. They come from China, Korea, Europe. Both in winter and summer. They usually come from afar for several weeks. At the same time, about 150 people rest and improve their health on the mineral water, ”says Akzholtoy Nasridinov.

Doctors have no doubts that the mineral springs of Issyk-Kul help to treat many diseases. Due to the chemical composition of water, it accelerates cellular metabolism and metabolism, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Sodium chloride baths normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and increase immunity. Diseases of the heart, bones, joints, spine, reproductive system recede, digestion improves, nervous disorders, inflammation and skin rashes disappear. Baths help in the fight against excess weight.

There are few contraindications for taking mineral baths in Issyk-Kul. The family of Irina, a resident of Almaty, chose a spring in the village of Kara-Oy several years ago. Since then he has not cheated on him. Irina knows that by its properties the source is close to the waters of famous resorts in Russia and the Baltic states.

« The air in Issyk-Kul is simply wonderful, the climate is wonderful! I go here with my grandson. Teachers at school are surprised - not a single pass for a year due to a cold. This is his health now! ”Irina rejoices.

The Kazakh woman speaks on the go. She and her grandson - hot after the mineral baths - hurry to dinner. The appetite after water procedures by the mountain lake is excellent. Leave in the morning. And Irina also wants to collect water from the spring to take with her to the city. She loves to wash her face - it tones and softens the skin, and if you rinse your mouth with Issyk-Kul mineral water, the dentist will praise you for the condition of the gums.

Provide every traveler with the opportunity to go on great walks, improve their health, enjoy the stunning scenery and swim in warm waters.

Features of thermal springs in Kyrgyzstan

The main health resort of Kyrgyzstan is considered to be where you can find healing mud (its deposit is located in the water area and the coastal part of the lake), mineral and thermal (water temperature varies from +30 to +50 degrees) springs, clinics and boarding houses. They treat the heart, digestive organs, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, skin and ailments of the female genital area. Depending on the diagnosis, patients are prescribed thalassotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, Charcot douches, mineral baths ... Most of the health resorts are located in Bosteri, Chok-Tal (has a thermal well), Cholpon-Ata, Tamchy (there are mineral springs with warm water near the village, and There are clinics and sanatoriums in Tamchy itself).

Those who have decided to undergo recovery in Issyk-Kul can also swim in the warm water of the lake, go diving and mountaineering, take themselves on foot and horseback riding.

As for the sanatoriums, “Jergalan” deserves attention in the Issyk-Kul region: thermal + 40-43-degree water (it has neither taste nor smell) and black silt mud, which has a bactericidal effect, are the main therapeutic factors.


Altyn-Arashan hot springs are high-mountainous and are located at 2600 meters above sea level. Their waters have a temperature of +50 degrees and contain radon. Everyone who takes a methradone bath will normalize blood pressure and improve heart function. In addition, bathing in the springs will have a sedative and analgesic effect, will help accelerate the processes of resorption and healing in muscles, skin, bone tissue and nerve fibers.

Romantic couples will be interested in the fact that there is a thermal spring here, which has been ennobled and laid out with a stone in the shape of a heart. It is worth noting that those who wish can also plunge into a cold mountain river, thereby taking a contrasting natural shower.

Despite the fact that the springs are only 35 km away from it, it is not so easy to get here - the journey can take about 3 hours in an all-wheel drive car (travelers will have steep ascents along mountain serpentines along a narrow canyon along the bank of the Arashan River).

And in the vicinity of the resort, in a nature reserve, you will be able to meet wild boars, ermines, foxes, badgers, lynxes, turtledoves, vultures, snow leopards, pheasants and other birds and animals.


The thermal water in Juuku is enriched with radon and has a temperature of +34 degrees. Radon baths are located in the open air, so while swimming in them, you can not only spend time with health benefits, but also enjoy the view of the surrounding landscapes.


The water of the Chon-Oruktu hot springs is “warmed up” to 45 degrees (it has no “specific” components; it has a sodium-calcium-chloride composition and is suitable for drinking and bathing) and is used in the treatment of gastritis and cholecystitis, and is also prescribed for those who have problems with skin and organs of the female genital area, and suffering from disorders in the nervous system, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.

At the service of vacationers there are swimming pools, houses where you can stay for a couple of days, rooms in which massage procedures are performed for everyone, cafes (where visitors are treated to dishes of Kyrgyz cuisine).


For the convenience of vacationers, this spring has swimming pools (one of them is filled with ordinary cool water - it is intended for contrast swimming), filled with 43-48-degree water; dining room, gazebos, changing rooms; massage room.

Healing water Tash-Suu is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases, in particular, it is suitable for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, myositis). With regard to contraindications, in local waters should not swim "heart", hypertensive and hypotensive.

It is worth noting that for a 1-hour swim in the bath, guests will pay $ 4-5 (advice: after a 20-minute swim, you should take a 10-minute rest break, after which you can plunge into the healing waters for 20 minutes).


Jalal-Abad is famous for alkaline hot springs, weak and highly mineralized waters (temperature + 38-39 degrees; they are hydrocarbonate-sulphate and calcium-sodium waters) which are able to treat nerves, liver, kidneys, rheumatism, skin, ailments in the field of urology and gynecology ... You can get treatment in a local sanatorium, which is ready to receive about 150 people in winter and 450 people in summer. In addition to balneotherapy and mud therapy, here they heal with acupuncture, climate and electric light therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises and nutrition.

The nomadic past of the Kyrgyz is well traced in their folk customs and rituals. The yurt is still a deeply revered form of dwelling. Even today, all festive ceremonies are simply unthinkable without this ancient dwelling, even the flag of the republic is decorated with the image of "tunduk" - the central circle of the yurt, on which the poles holding it are crossed. Yurts have always been considered both a symbol of the social status of the owner and the main example of folk traditions. The construction and settlement of any yurt here was accompanied by a huge number of rituals and ceremonies.

The yurt is optimized as much as possible for the nomadic lifestyle - the wooden frame and felt covering can be easily disassembled into separate packs, which can be easily transported on camels or horses (and in mountainous areas - on yaks). And it is just as easy to assemble at a new camp ("aile") - the lattice walls "kerege" are lined up in a circle, resting on the "uuk" poles. The tops of the poles are inserted into the holes in the center circle and secured with straps or ropes. The same collapsible door frame "barefoot" with a double door "kaalga" is installed. Then the whole structure is covered with a mat and felt mats, and the floor is covered with leather, woven mats, "altygat" (several layers of felt, covered with fabric on one side, spread under the bed) and carpets made of fur or felt. On the walls are hung carpets, embroidered hanging shelves "sekichek", handbags "kuzgu-kap", wicker woolen bags "ayak-kap", and chests are placed on the floor, in which utensils and clothes are stored. To the left of the entrance to the yurt is the male half "er-jak", at the entrance to which they hang horse harness, weapons and hunting tools. On the right is the female half of the epchi-jacq, where the kitchen was located, as well as chests with clothes and food. In the center of the yurt there was an obligatory "kolomto" hearth, and the yurt was illuminated with the help of an ordinary "chyrak" lamp filled with fat. The design of the yurt was individual for each tribal group or family, and considerable attention was paid to the artistic component - the richness of the design of the yurt served as a sign of the owner's social status, as well as the vastness of his herds. The most honorable place in the yurt - "tor", was located directly opposite the entrance, near the hearth, where there is a "dzhuk" (a low bench on which chests are placed and covered with carpets). Usually the owner or the elder of the clan was located here, and guests were received here.

Wealthy Kyrgyz usually had a whole set of large and small yurts - a small yurt "ashkana-uy" (kitchen and pantry), temporary yurts - "meiman-uyu" (living rooms), "erge" (wedding yurt), yurts for the second and third wife , yurts for married sons and so on. They differed from the yurts of ordinary Kirghiz in quality, beauty and decoration.

With the gradual transition to a sedentary lifestyle, adobe houses appeared, which have survived in provincial areas almost everywhere, and the traditions of their construction are still alive. The house was built on the same principle as the yurt, although in some areas there is a clear influence of Uzbek and Russian traditions. A door was usually placed on a shallow foundation, and walls made of "kysh" bricks, "pakhsa" or "guvalyak" clay were erected, and covered with a flat or gable roof made of logs and straw smeared with clay. The internal layout usually repeated the structure of the yurt, but in view of the noticeably larger area a kitchen ("ashkona", usually right at the entrance), a living room, a dining room and a bedroom in one person ("meimankana") and an indispensable open terrace ("ayvan") stood out. A characteristic feature of the Kyrgyz house is the abundance of chests and wall niches that replace both furniture and children's bedrooms. Niches are often covered with decorative "tush-kiyiz" panels, suzane or carpets.

Kyrgyz carpets are a topic for a separate conversation. This is the main element of the interior, and one of the main aesthetic moments of the country, and evidence of its ancient history. Kyrgyz bedding felt carpets "syrmak" and "tekemet", as well as "koshma", "tushkis", "bashtiyks", "shyrdak", "tush-kiyiz" and "ala-kiyiz" differ markedly from the carpets of other Central Asian republics. They are made of sheep's wool and for the most part are not woven, but felted - the main thing is felt. They are then embroidered with colorful sewing using traditional folklore and decorative elements, which usually takes several weeks. But such a carpet usually serves much more than 40 years. The same principle is used to make fabrics for traditional bags, sacks, saddle bags, as well as for decorative items. Keel pile carpets and other pile products are of no less ancient origin, but are much less widespread due to their higher cost. Also, you can still find such ancient examples of traditional crafts as mats ("chiy", "chygdyn", "ashkan-chiy") and hinged doors ("eshik-chiy") made of lake reeds.

The Kyrgyz national dress has been practically unchanged for 700 years. Both men's and women's underwear usually consists of a shirt and trousers. A men's shirt usually resembles a tunic, has a length just below the waist and long sleeves that cover the brushes. Men's harem pants "dzhargakshym" are sewn from wool, cotton, suede and even leather. Women's underwear shirt is long and is sewn like an ordinary dress and a long and wide shirt "beshmant" ("kamzur") is put on over it, which simultaneously serves as a dress, and long trousers. Belts have served and serve as an indicator of the social status of the owner - smart or embroidered, with silver patterned plaques and buckles, handbags and purses show the wearer's wealth. Casual belts, like the belts of the poor, are usually a simple long leather belt, or a scarf wrapped around the belt, which often has a rather bright appearance. Outerwear for men consists of a felt robe without lining or quilted robes "kementai", which are named depending on the fabric from which they are sewn - "pashayy-ton", "kymkap-ton", "zarbarak-ton", etc. In winter, a fur coat or "tone" sheepskin coat is put on over the robe. Women wear a short or long sleeveless jacket, a kind of camisole with short sleeves, a dressing gown, and an ichik fur coat in winter. The distinctive elements of the clothes of married women are the "beldemchi" swing skirt and the "elechek" turban, and the common elements are skullcaps and fur hats (the headdresses of unmarried girls are usually decorated in a more fanciful and rich manner). Moreover, skullcaps created in different regions differ in shape, ornament and color scheme. Before marriage, Kyrgyz girls do not wear a headscarf, and after marriage they tie their heads with multi-colored scarves. Older women often cover their faces with a white silk veil. The national symbol of the country is the ak-kalpak hat made of thin white felt with black cuffs turned up. Skull-caps and fur national caps, trimmed with fur and decorated with feathers - "tebetey" are also worn.

Men's footwear consists of leather boots, leather galoshes with heels and soft boots, women's - colored boots with heels, often ornamented, as well as sandals and peculiar slippers without heels.

By the middle of the 20th century, traditional clothing began to give way to European costume, everywhere you can find people dressed according to the latest fashion. However, the famous Kyrgyz robes, embroidery, metal and leather work, traditional hats and carpets are still much more popular than European innovations, especially in the provinces.

In a large Kyrgyz family, usually consisting of several generations of relatives living together, there is a strict hierarchy. Relationships in the home are built on the basis of unconditional obedience to the head of the family and respect for elders. One of the traditional forms of the country's social structure is the custom of neighborly mutual assistance "ashara" ("hashar"). If a family is in dire need, then all relatives and neighbors come to her aid.

The marriageable age for a girl was previously considered 13-14 years old, nowadays quite European norms dominate here, although cases of early marriage are not uncommon. The relations of the relatives of the bride and groom, and later the husband and wife, among the Kyrgyz are distinguished by emphasized attention, and even with bad relations, one can always count on mutual assistance. Children also enjoy universal love, and the naming of the name is given special meaning, since it is believed that the name will determine the future of the child and can influence his fate.

Islam plays an important role in the public and family life of the Kyrgyz. Religion has determined and determines the everyday, family and worldview aspects of life, has a strong influence on political processes and art, on the entire way of life. After the adoption of Islam by the Kyrgyz, many pre-Islamic customs and rituals either underwent significant changes or were supplanted by the traditional rituals of Islam, but many merged with the new canons and organically intertwined with the modern life of the country. The obligatory deeds of the Kirghiz during their life include reading the memorial prayer ("zhanaza"), absolution ("doron"), fulfilling all five commandments of Islam ("parz"), fasting during the month of Ramadan, prayer five times a day at a certain time ("namaz"), the performance of "orozo-ait" and "kurman-ait", as well as the voluntary deduction of part of the money in favor of the poor or for godly deeds ("zakat"). A special role is played by ceremonies associated with the birth and upbringing of children, marriage, wedding, cooking and others. They often represent an interweaving of Islamic rituals with older forms associated with magical practice. Religious ministers enjoy special respect here and participate in almost all events in the country. At the same time, the Kyrgyz cannot be called fanatical Muslims - for all the versatility of local life, there is always a lot of secularism in it, and the tolerance of local residents is widely known outside the country. Narrators and singers ("akin" or "akyns") of folk ballads and legends are highly respected. By the name of the traditional folk epic, the most respected of them are called "Manaschi".

One of the unshakable traditions of local life is hospitality. Kirghiz say "Konoktuu leave kut bar" - "Guest is the grace of the house." Since ancient times, everyone whose path passed through the Kyrgyz ail did not leave it without sharing the table and shelter with the owners. The shepherds of high-mountain pastures are especially sensitive to this custom, however, in the cities, no one heard about the lack of respect for the guest. It is not accepted here to refuse an invitation to lunch or dinner. The owners meet the distinguished guests at the gate, greet them, take an interest in business and life, and invite them to come into the house. It is not customary for the Kirghiz to ask questions on the fly or ask about the purpose of their arrival - first the conversation and the table, and then everything else. The easiest thing for a person not familiar with local customs is to follow the owner's instructions. Humor and a polite attitude towards all participants of the feast are highly appreciated. Women usually do not sit at the same table with men, but in urban settings this rule often does not apply. At the table it is not customary to admire the beauty of women and pay close attention to them. But inquiring about the affairs of the family and the well-being of its members is quite appropriate. When heading for a visit, it is advisable to bring along small souvenirs or sweets for children. Any meal here begins and ends with a tea party. First, sweets, pastries, dried fruits and nuts, fruits and vegetables, salads are served on the table, then there are snacks, and only at the end - pilaf or other "heavy food". There must be hot cakes on the table, which in no case should turn over. Dropping a piece of cake on the ground or even just putting it there, even wrapped in cloth or paper, is also considered a bad omen.

Tea and the tea ceremony occupy a significant place in Kyrgyz life and everyday life. Brewing this truly main drink of the country, like pouring it to guests, is the prerogative of men, first of all, the owner of the house. Tea is brewed differently in different regions of the country. The recipes for its preparation are also noticeably different. Chaikhana is the same unshakable element of local traditions, like tea itself. Public life here is concentrated in mosques, in the bazaar and, naturally, in the teahouse. Here they just talk and negotiate, relax and share news, have breakfast and dinner, discuss the problems of life and world order. The setting of the teahouse is quite traditional - low tables are surrounded by the same low, and always covered with carpets and sofas. The rituals accompanying tea drinking are rather complicated and incomprehensible to the uninitiated, so it is easier to observe the locals and do as they do - you can be sure that they will also appreciate such a respectful attitude to their customs.

Despite strong Islamic traditions, most Kyrgyz drink alcohol freely, at least with guests. If you do not drink strong alcoholic drinks, mainly vodka, warn about this in advance, nobody will impose anything here. It is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages during Ramadan, at least openly.

In communication, the Kyrgyz are usually quite simple and democratic. Many consider them naive, but this is greatly exaggerated - the locals are simply used to trusting people, this is a centuries-old tradition that a guest should not break either. It is customary to greet everyone by the hand, even strangers and policemen (except women). During the handshake, they are traditionally interested in health, the state of affairs at work and at home. It is customary to greet women and persons sitting in the distance by putting the right hand on the heart and bowing politely. Greetings several times a day, even with people you know well, are a common rule.

When entering a house or teahouse, you should take off your shoes. The style of clothing is quite democratic, however, when visiting cult places, you should not wear excessively revealing or short clothes. Despite everything, it is not recommended to wear shorts, especially in rural areas.

Monday is considered the happiest day for the Kyrgyz - all activities started on this day are considered to be the most successful.

No one National holiday or a celebration is not complete without sports, of which the most popular are tug of war "arkan-tartmay" and "arkan-tartyshuu", belt wrestling "kuresh", "at-chabysh" - long races (usually 20-30 km) distances, "djorgo-salish" - horse races for 2-10 km, galloping shooting "dzhamby-atmay", equestrian wrestling "oodarysh", goat-picking "ulak-tartysh" or "kok-boru" (equestrian fight for the carcass of a goat), races "kyz-kuumai" ("catch up with the girl") and the "tyin-enmey" competition, during which the participants must at full gallop lift a small coin from a shallow hole in the ground. Many festivities begin and end with "aytysh" or "sarmerden" song competitions.

The earliest known inhabitants of this territory are the warlike tribes of the Sakas (Scythian group), who inhabited the foothills of the Tien Shan from the 6th century BC. BC to the 5th century AD e. The troops of Alexander the Great met here the fiercest resistance during his campaign in Sogdiana. The first state formations on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan emerged in the II century BC. e., when the southern regions of the country became part of the state of Parkan. Since the 6th century A.D. e. the territory comes under the control of the Turkic tribes, and in the VIII-X centuries A.D. e. the ancestors of the modern Kirghiz move to the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul from somewhere in the upper reaches of the Yenisei (the question of the origin of the local ethnos is still one of the most controversial and complex in the ethnic history of Central Asia). In the XIII century, the empire of Genghis Khan stretched here, and after his death, the lands along the Tien Shan ridges passed into the possession of his son Chagatai. In 1685, the Oirats of the Dzungar Khanate invaded the region of the Central Tien Shan, occupying the modern territory of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. After the fall of Dzungaria, the territory fell under the protectorate of China, and in the 18th century the feudal lords of Kokand began to claim their rights to these lands. By the end of the 18th century, in the southern territory, and at the beginning of the 20th century, Northern part Kirghizia are part of the Kokand Khanate. In 1855-1863. the northern part of the country voluntarily joins the Russian Empire, and in 1876, after the defeat of the Kokand Khanate, southern Kyrgyzstan was also conquered. In 1924, the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Region was founded as part of the RSFSR, and in 1936 - the Kirghiz SSR. In 1991, in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the independence of Kyrgyzstan was proclaimed.

Geographical position and natural resources of Kyrgyzstan determined its central position in the zone of developed Central Asian civilization. Since ancient times, the country has been a pass on the busy trade routes between the West and the East. Today, the development of tourism on the ancient Great Silk Road is not only a tribute to the rich history of the country, but also the discovery of half-forgotten pages of the past of the entire human civilization. Many travelers find Kyrgyzstan the most attractive, affordable and friendly region of all the Central Asian republics, especially given the presence of beautiful natural monuments- Central Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai, the most beautiful mountains of Central Asia.


Bishkek (Pishpek, from 1926 to 1991 - Frunze) lies in the northern part of the country, in the Chuy valley at the foot of the Kyrgyz ridge. The city was founded in 1868-1878. on the site of the ancient Dzhul fort, built by the Kokand people and destroyed in 1862 by Russian troops, on the banks of the Ala-Archa and Alamedin rivers. Now it is the capital and largest industrial center of Kyrgyzstan, its political, cultural and educational "heart", as well as the only city in the world named after a wooden household tool ("Bishkek" can be translated as "churn" or "stick for kumis"). This is a modern city with wide streets and beautiful buildings, which compares favorably with many other cities in the region, since it was immediately built according to the European plan. It is also one of the greenest cities in the CIS, the largest city in Kyrgyzstan and one of the most multinational capitals of the continent (representatives of more than 80 ethnic groups and peoples live here).

There are no historical buildings in the city at all, because of its relatively young age. But people in this place settled back in the days bronze age, therefore, the Bishkek land is fraught with many historical mysteries. Practically on the territory of residential quarters, in the northeastern part of the city, there is a settlement "Forge Fortress" (VII-XIV centuries, now the area of ​​the fortress is rather unsightly), Pishpek settlement (VII-XII centuries) and the ruins of the Pishpek fortress.

On the wide Sovetskaya street lined with shady trees, there are the Kyrgyz State Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Moldybaev, the Chernyshevsky Library and the State Art Museum. Also noteworthy are the "Old Square" and the Historical Museum located on it, the Abdulkasim Madrasah, the common grave in the Oak Park, the Manas complex, Panfilov Park and its fountains, the Krupskaya Russian Drama Theater and the Kyrgyz State Drama Theater, the Historical Museum, the Museum fine arts, Frunze State Memorial Museum, Kyrgyz State Historical Museum, Aitiev National Museum of Fine Arts, A. Tokombaev Museum, Toktogul Literature and Art Museum, Zoological Museum, and Mineralogy Museum. The city's cultural attractions also include the City Drama Theater, the Satylganov State Philharmonic Society, the Academy of Arts and the Bishkek Drama Theater. Also noteworthy are Oak and Central parks- a vast green area, on the territory of which several museums are located, including an open-air sculpture exhibition, scattered among park alleys and lawns.

The outskirts of the capital, located in the redistribution of the beautiful Chuy valley, are famous for their mountain rivers and extremely diverse natural-territorial complexes, whose high-altitude zoning can be seen here even with the naked eye. In the vicinity of the capital there are such natural objects as the most beautiful Chunkurchak gorge in the upper reaches of the Alamedin River, the nearby Alamedin thermal water deposit, the Chon-Aryk State Botanical Reserve in the Besh-Kyungey tract, the picturesque natural gorges of Kara-Balta, Aspara, Jilamish and Kegeti with its famous waterfall. The historical monuments of the Chuy valley itself are also diverse - Krasnorechenskoye settlement (38 km north of the city, X-XII centuries) with the ruins of Zoroastrian structures, the ruins of the ancient city of Balasagun (Kuz-Ordu) - the historical and cultural zone "Burana" (50 km from the capital) with the famous "Burana Tower" (height 21 m, XI century), the Ak-Beshim settlement (the ruins of the city of Suyab - the capital of the Western Turkic Kaganate and the Karluk state, XIII-XV centuries) with its medieval complex of Christian churches, burial mounds, ruins of ancient Chumysh Fortress (IX-X centuries) and numerous rock paintings on the rocks of the same name around it. Also attractive are the ancient settlement Turt-Kul, Issyk-Ata petroglyphs with the image of Buddha (VII-VIII centuries), natural and historical and cultural monuments of Issyk-Ata, Shamshy (Shamsy), Chon-Kemin and Ak-Suu, which are among the monuments of the universal values.

Nowhere else in the territory of Central Asia there is such a number of outlets of medicinal waters as in the Chuy valley. The Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km south-west of the village of Belovodskoye. The chemical composition of the local mineral water is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort of Dara-Suna. Also an important place is occupied by the Shabyr hydrothermal well, Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud, as well as 130 thermal springs in the resort town of Issyk-Ata (the first hydropathic establishments appeared here in the 2nd century AD). Among the juniper forests and alpine meadows of the Chui Valley, there are also attractive recreation areas, such as the Chon-Tash ski and sports base (about 25 km from the capital) and the river of the same name with steep and picturesque banks, the Kairak plateau, the upper and lower Tatyr hollows, the Koguchken-Sugat waterfall , thermal springs of Alamedin (8 km above the "Volch'i Vorota") and the Teply Kliuchi sanatorium located on them, glaciers of the Ken-Tor valley, the most beautiful tracts of Kara-Bulak, Tash-Bashat, Norus, Ooru-Sai, Bir-Bulak (Raspberry gorge) and Toguz-Bulak, the Kairak plateau, the Kara-Unkur caves and the Kel-Ter glacier, the rocks of the "Alamedin walls", the "Wolf gate" gorge, through which the Alamedin river breaks into the vastness of the Baytik valley and the Uluu-Too mountain (Botvey , 4009 m).


The Ala-Archa river valley is one of the main attractions of Bishkek's environs. Here, in a narrow valley of a generally mountainous river, there are so many amazingly beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and unusual rock forms, so rich flora and fauna that many consider this area to be a real symbol of the Kyrgyz ridge (Ala-Too). Almost the entire valley is included in the National park"Ala-Archa" guarding relic juniper forests mountain asia, practically nowhere else found, as well as the richest animal world mountain regions of the Tien Shan - ibex, elik (roe deer), ulars (mountain turkey), partridge (stone partridge), squirrels, hares, wild boars, foxes, badgers, ermines, porcupines and martens, as well as a handsome snow leopard, listed in the Red Book. Nearby is the village of Baytik, named in memory of the country's national hero who lived in the VXI century - Kanai uulu Baytik (Baytik-baatyr). At the slope of the snow-white mountain is his grave - Baytik-Kumbez, which is a historical monument and a place of pilgrimage for Kyrgyz and guests of the country. Here, nearby, there are many alpine camps, which serve as a starting point for numerous hiking and horse trails in the surrounding mountains, as well as several ski resorts, which serve as the main resting place for residents of the capital all year round. The mountain slopes of the Tien Shan create excellent conditions for skiing. Sports bases are quite numerous, but the level of service is low, and the recreation infrastructure is relatively poorly developed. Along the channel of the Kashka-Suu River, a tributary of the Ala-Archa River, in the tract of the same name, there are 4 ski resorts for winter skiing amateurs. Around Bishkek, as well as in the gorges of Aspara, Jilamish, Kara-Balta and Kegeti, ski resorts more modern and affordable.


In the north-east of the country, in the Talas region, of great interest among tourists are colossal canyons cut through the walls of the Talas ridge by numerous local rivers, dozens of beautiful lakes and cascades of waterfalls. In the upper reaches of the Talas River, there are the famous Ken-Kol burial grounds (I millennium AD), as well as the Kumbez-Manas mausoleum (XIV century), the Manas Museum-Reserve and the mosque that form the Manas-Ordosu National Historical and Cultural Complex ". In the upper reaches of the Aflatun gorge, there is a state sanctuary of the same name, which protects the endemic Semyonov fir.


On the territory of Kyrgyzstan, there are about two thousand high-mountain lakes, but the pearl of the country and the entire Tien Shan is Lake Issyk-Kul or Issyk-Kel (translated from Kyrgyz - "hot lake", from Old Turkic - "sacred lake") with an area of ​​6236 sq. ... km with a maximum depth of 702 m. The first mention of Issyk-Kul is found in the Chinese chronicles of the late 2nd century BC, where it is called Zhe-Hai ("warm sea"). The lake lies in the north-east of Kyrgyzstan, at an altitude of 1606.7 m above sea level, in a vast tectonic basin formed more than 50 million years ago. Directly adjacent to the lake is a narrow lakeside plain, dissected by the channels of many rivers (about 80). The hollow is surrounded by the Terskey-Ala-Too ("facing from the sun") and Kyungoy-Ala-Too ("facing the sun") ridges, rising to heights of 4500-5000 m. from the north and hot air from the deserts of Central Asia, because the climate here is quite mild, which makes Issyk-Kul one of the largest resorts in Central Asia. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C (here it is, the source of the origin of his name). The swimming season lasts 6 months, and outdoor recreation is possible all year round.

The purest rivers flowing from the mountains constantly replenish the lake basin, however, the water in Issyk-Kul itself is salty (5.8 ppm at the surface, up to 18 ppm in depth), which, together with the unique mineral composition of local rivers, gives the never-freezing lake water a thick blue color ... At the same time, depending on the place and time of day, the color of the water can vary from pale blue to dark blue tones. And the transparency of the water in the open part of the reservoir reaches 12-16 m. The beauty of the lake is simply amazing, P.P.Semenov-Tien-Shansky compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and he preferred Issyk-Kul. The coastline of the lake is quite indented - there are about 20 picturesque bays and bays. Crystal clear water, mineral springs, combined with a mountainous and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatments.

Around the lake stretched a whole string of resort towns and villages, many of which during the Soviet era were of all-Union significance and popularity. The best resorts of Cholpon-Ata are on the northern coast (once it was a resort of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, now it is interesting here Museum of local lore), Karakol with its wooden Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the wooden Dungan mosque and the Przhevalsky Museum is the best starting point for exploring the lakeside and adjacent mountainous regions, the towns of Tyup, Ottuk, Balykchi (Rybachye) and others. Also good are the famous Altyn-Arashan gorge (located 30 km east of Karakol at an altitude of 3000 m) with its beautiful landscapes and hot springs, the nearby Issyk-Ata mineral water deposit (77 km southeast of Bishkek), the gold mines of Kumtor ( South coast Issyk-Kul), the majestic Jolbors gorge, the cliffs of the Djety-Oguz canyon, the Boom gorge with its fantastic red rocks and a waterfall in the Barskoon gorge (the height of the waterfall is about 100 m).

On the territory of the Issykul region, there are about 1,500 historical monuments, of which 320 are under the protection of the state. The most significant of them are the Saka "Tsar's Kurgan" (VII century BC - II century AD) near the village of Kurmenty, the burial grounds of Kok-Bulak and Karashar (a total of about a thousand burials of the Usun tribes), covered with Tibetan in writing of a religious nature, the Tamga-Tash stone (VI-I centuries BC), a cluster of petroglyphs (II millennium BC - VIII century AD) at Cholpon-Ata and further along the coast to Tamchy, as well as Cape Holy Nose at the northeastern end of the lake - the location of the legendary monastery of the Armenian Christian Church (IV-V centuries), which, according to legend, is the grave of the holy Apostle Matthew. And at the bottom of the lake are the ruins of about two dozen flooded ancient cities - Sary-Bulun, Koisary, Ulan (XII century) and so on, which died with the rise in the water level in Issyk-Kul. They contain many historical and cultural values ​​of the Saka-Usun period (I millennium BC) and the early Middle Ages.

The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Central Tien Shan

Central Tien Shan is the highest and most majestic part of the Tien Shan mountain system. It is a huge "knot" of mountain ranges with a total length of about 500 km from west to east and 300 km from north to south. This is the most picturesque region of the Tien Shan, which is a complex system of intertwining mountain ranges (Terskey-Ala-Too, Sary-Jaz, Kui-Liu, Tengri-Tag, Enilchek, Kakshaal-Too, Meridional ridge, etc.), crowned with majestic peaks the northernmost of the highest mountains on the planet are Lenin Peak (7134 m.), Pobeda Peak (7439 m.) and the fantastic Khan Tengri pyramid (7010 m, probably the most beautiful and difficult to climb peak of the Tien Shan). In the north, the Boro-Horo ridge connects the Tien Shan with the Dzhungar Alatau system. Almost the entire territory of this region is located above 1500 m above sea level, and the tops of the mountains are covered with centuries-old snow caps, giving rise to dozens of glaciers, rivers and rivulets. There are over 8000 ice fields and glaciers here, the most representative of which are the South (about 60 km long) and North (35 km) Inylchek (Enilchek, "Little Prince"), Dzhetyoguz-Karakol (22 km), Kaindy (26 km) , Semenova (21 km) and others, whose total area exceeds 8100 sq. km.

The relief of most of the Tien Shan ridges is alpine, strongly dissected by numerous valleys (the northern slopes are much more indented than the southern ones), with highly developed glacial forms. There are a lot of talus on the slopes, glaciers are found, on the glaciers there are moraines, and at the foot there are numerous fanning cones. The mountain river valleys have a large elevation difference and a clearly visible stepped profile with flat swampy terraces - "saz". Many large valleys are surrounded by high-mountainous plateaus - "syrts", whose height sometimes reaches 4700 m. alpine pastures"jailoo", covered with herbs and alpine meadows. At altitudes from 1000 to 2000 meters, the foothills of the ranges are bordered by foothill adyrs. There are about 500 lakes here, the largest of which are Song-Kul (Son-Kul - "disappearing lake", 270 sq. Km) and Chatyr-Kel (Chatyr-Kul, 153 sq. Km).

The Central Tien Shan is a real Mecca of international mountaineering, therefore it is the surroundings of the seven-thousanders that are the most studied part of the Tien Shan. The most popular points of attraction for climbers and trekkers are the areas of the Tengri-Tag ridge and Khan-Tengri peak ("Lord of the sky", 7010 m), Tomur pass, Pobeda peak (7439 m) and the Inylchek glacier, the basin of the unique Lake Merzbakher in the eastern part of the mountain systems, Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky peak (4875 m), Svobodnaya Korea peak (4740 m) and the famous Korona (4855 m) as part of the Kyrgyz ridge, Communism peak (7505 m) and Korzhenevskaya peak (7105 m, this is already the Pamir, but few climbers will agree to pass by these great mountains), the ice walls of the Kakshaal-Too (Kokshaal-Tau) ridge, which includes three peaks with an altitude of more than 6000 m and about fifteen peaks with an altitude of more than 5000 m, the Ak-Shyirak massif and many other equally attractive regions.

Despite the harsh climate and mountainous landscape, the territory of the Tien Shan has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by the numerous stone statues, rock paintings and burial grounds scattered in abundance throughout this mountainous country. Historical and cultural monuments of the medieval period are widely represented - fortified settlements like Koshoi-Korgon, which arose on the basis of nomadic camps, khan's headquarters and on caravan routes from the Fergana Valley through the Tien Shan. One of the most famous and popular tourist sites in this region is the Tash-Rabat caravanserai (X-XII centuries), built in the remote but picturesque Kara-Koyun gorge. Also widely known are Saimaluu-Tash or Saimaly-Tash ("Patterned stones") - a whole gallery of rock paintings in the gorge of the same name (more than 107 thousand petroglyphs of the II-III millennia BC) near Kazarman, stone sculptures of Kyr-Jol (VI -VIII centuries) on the shores of Lake Song-Kol, petroglyphs of the Chumysh rocks (III-I millennia BC, Fergana ridge), numerous rock carvings of the Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Talas regions. The ancient caravan route through the Torugart pass (height 3752 m) is also noteworthy. This long (total length of about 700 km) route from Central Asia to the Chinese Kashgar (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous District) passes through the cold gorges and narrow passes of Terksey-Ala-Too, Moldo-Too, At-Bashy and Maidantag, through immensely beautiful landscapes and the most ancient caravan trails of the Great Silk Road.

Western Tien Shan

The mountain system of the Western Tien Shan lies on the very edge of the Tien Shan mountainous country, leaving its spurs to the hot sands of the deserts of Central Asia. The relief of these places is somewhat lower than in the central part of the mountain system, the leveling surfaces are more extensive, and the elevated plateaus are less numerous (Palatkhon, Angrenskoe, Ugamskoe and Karzhantau - all in the west of the region). Highest points In the western Tien Shan are Chatkal peak (4503 m) in the ridge of the same name, Manas peak (4482 m) in Talas Alatau and Baubash-Ata mountain (4427 m) in the western part of the Fergana ridge. Glaciation is insignificant, the snow line runs at heights of 3600-3800 m on the northern slopes and 3800-4000 m on the southern slopes. The rivers of the Western Tien Shan (Angren, Akbulak, Itokar, Karaunkur, Koksu, Maidantal, Maili-Suu, Naryn, Oygaing, Padysha-Ata, Pskem, Sandalash, Ugam, Chatkal and others) are rapids, have ice and snow nutrition, and flow along narrow gorges (in the upper reaches), in the middle reaches, they usually have wide valleys, but in the lower, canyon forms again form. Best places for rafting and rafting than local rivers, it is simply difficult to find.

The vegetation of the Western Tien Shan, despite the small amount of precipitation, is quite diverse - steppes and deciduous forests in the lower zone, shrub thickets and meadows on the average, as well as alpine meadows and high-mountain wastelands closer to the peaks. It is home to about 370 animal species and about 1200 species of higher plants, and the complex relief leads to the formation of numerous

Leisure & Resorts in Kyrgyzstan

The Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km away. south-west of the village of Belovodskoye. Local mineral water belongs to low-mineralized carbonate, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzans, and its chemical composition is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

The Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km away. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought to the surface of the earth thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C. Currently, the Teply Klyuchi sanatorium is functioning here, which is also a center for active recreation - numerous trekking routes in the surrounding mountains begin from here.

The Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km away. to the southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. There is a resort "Arashan" with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye, low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of medicinal mud, occupy an important place. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited space, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such a marvelous nature.

Almost within the boundaries of Bishkek there is a modern "Cosmonauts Sanatorium" with its own thermal spring.

Issyk-Kul Lake is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has been considered enchanted by the local population since ancient times. Before the appearance of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The high transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and bays here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs in combination with a mountainous and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a resort holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. It is worth visiting excursions on a motor ship on the lake, going to the mountains, making a daily trek through the most beautiful mountainous places to Almaty, there are also helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. Altyn-Arashan hot springs, located at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, a huge and quiet summer pasture of Karkara in the upper part of the valley, fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey-Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Karakol, located at the eastern end of the lake, is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lakeside, Terskey-Alatau and the central Tien Shan. It is a relatively small town known for its apple orchards and Sunday market, one of the best in Central Asia. In Karakol, it is better to rent accommodation from local residents (at the bus station you will be offered a wide variety of options at a low price) than in an official hotel. This will allow you to "directly" get acquainted with the life of the city and the way of life of local residents, as well as remove many everyday issues, since the Issyk-Kul Lake area has been closed for foreigners for a long time, and many issues related to staying here are still regulated enough not clear.

Ski resorts in Kyrgyzstan

Due to the fact that about 93% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountains, there are excellent conditions for skiing. Snow lies from November to March, and in the highlands - all year round. Most weather mountain resorts it is usually mild, with a large number of sunny days, so the ski season lasts from late October - December to early April, and skiing on ice fields is possible all year round.

A fairly large number of ski resorts are located around the capital of the country - a completely reconstructed base "Norus" (altitude 1950 m, 30 km from Bishkek), Orlovka (100 km from Bishkek), Kashka-Suu (altitude 2000 m, 35 km from the capital) , tourist centers Oruu-Sai (2100 m, 35 km from Bishkek), Aspara, Jilamish, Kara-Balta, Kegeti and the Chon-Tash tourist center. Quite good mountain centers can be found around the Issyk-Kul Lake. The most famous among them is the Karakol ski base (2300 m, 7 km from the city of the same name). Sports bases are quite numerous, but the level of service is low. So far, the recreation infrastructure is rather poorly developed, but there is a gradual modernization.


Recently, a complete reconstruction was carried out on the Norus base, modern equipment was purchased, and a high-class hotel was built. On the territory: a restaurant with European and national cuisine, a disco and a cafe-bar, a billiard room.

The tracks are processed by snow groomers, there are tracks of any complexity category: from children to professional. There are snow slides for sledding especially for children. There are two cable cars for climbing difficult trails and one lift to trails for beginners. At an altitude of 3050 m there is an excellent helipad, from which you can go down to the cable car and slopes.


The Orlovka ski base is located 100 km from Bishkek. 9 tracks of varying difficulty with elevation differences from 30 to 560 m. There are two aerial cable cars and two towing ones. There is a bathhouse, billiards, equipment rental, instructors. The area is illuminated by lanterns at night.


Ski base "Karakol" (2300 m) is located in the gorge, 7 km from the city of Karakol. The season is from late October to late April. At the base there are 7 lifts, ski and snowboard rental, instructors and guides in the winter forest. You can ride snowmobiles. The base is regularly used by the sports school for training.


The Kashka-Suu ski center is located in a wide tract on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge. Bishkek is 35 km away. Height above sea level - 2000 m. 6 tracks with a height difference from 260 to 380 m, chairlift and towing cable cars. On the territory: skating rink, billiard room, sauna, bar and cafe. There is equipment rental, instructor services are provided. The trails are processed by snow groomers, but there are quite a lot of small stones on the slopes, which can create difficulties when skiing not on fresh snow.


The tourist center "Oruu-Sai" (2100 m) is located in the tract of the same name, 35 km from Bishkek. Trails of different difficulty levels are served by three cable cars. There is equipment rental, instructors work, ski competitions are held for different age groups. The tourist center has built a comfortable hotel with a sauna, bar, restaurant, table tennis.

Beaches in Kyrgyzstan

There are about 20 picturesque bays and bays on Issyk-Kul Lake. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C.

National holidays

January 1 - Zhay-zhyl (New Year).
January 7 - Orthodox Christmas.
December-January - Kurman-Ait.
March 8 - International Women's Day.
March 21 - Navrus or Nooruz (Kyrgyz New Year).
May 1 - International Labor Day.
May 5 - Constitution Day.
May 9 - Victory Day.
August 31 - Independence Day or Erkin-Kunu.
October-November - Orozo Ait (Eid Al-Fitr, end of Ramadan).

Festivals and holidays in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is not very rich in festive events. Spring Festival Navrus (Nooruz Bayram, Islamic New Year) is one of the most beloved holidays in the country. Navrus is an adaptation of the pre-Islamic festival of the vernal equinox or celebrations of the renewal of nature, celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox (March 21), and is usually accompanied by traditional music and dance competitions, traditional games, street performances and colorful fairs (the festival lasts 2 days).

The holiday of Orozo Ait (Eid Al-Fitr, the holiday of the end of Ramadan) is celebrated for 3 days at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. On these days, it is customary to visit, give gifts and donate to the poor. About 70 days after the end of Ramadan, Kurman Ait (Eid al-Adha or Eid Ul-Aza) is celebrated, during which they visit the graves of ancestors, make sacrifices and hold festive feasts for all relatives and the poor.