Construction of ski complexes. Prospects for the construction of ski centers in the Urals

Political processes of recent times are forced to look for opportunities to create new types of business related to the use of internal reserves. Significantly this also applies to the development of internal tourism. For example, a growing interest in skiing traditionally was looking for applications in foreign resorts. However, in our country there are so many sites suitable for the development of this sport, which is worth carefully considering the business idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a ski resort.

Of course, the creation of such a large enterprise is an expensive case, but the general needs of society in the development of internal tourism make it possible to rely on the interest of local authorities, obtaining loans for the implementation of such business projects.

The main condition for the creation of the ski resort is the presence of a suitable area and highways.

In fact, many beautiful territories are responsible for these conditions, which are readily visited by tourists, but have no, even elementary, infrastructure. To implement the business idea of \u200b\u200bthe ski resort, it is necessary to consistently pass a number of necessary steps, to create conditions for the development of several activities. Primarily, it is necessary to rent and legally arrange the right to use the territory. Since the attachments in the infrastructure of the ski resort are large enough, it is necessary to take measures to protect these investments.

When choosing a territory, it is necessary to proceed from pragmatic considerations, considering the development of roads and electric power industry in this area.

The existence of ready-made driveways largely facilitates the creation of infrastructure, reduces the total cost of the project. The same applies to the presence of power lines of sufficient power, since the objects of the resort will require significant resources in terms of energy supply.

The second step in implementing this business project should be the creation of an appropriate infrastructure.

To do this, it is necessary to design and build ski slopes, lifts, build real estate facilities. It is meaningless when planning a ski resort to navigate only for a seasonal visit to his tourists. Large investments in this project should assume year-round returns and, therefore, it is necessary to initially plan to use the territory during the year. Therefore, the basis of the future business should be the creation of comfortable properties of guests, campgrounds, hotels, as well as related service facilities.

If there are already similar objects on the territory of the future resort, it is necessary to plan their reconstruction and upgrades to improve the quality of service.

Another part of the creation of the infrastructure of the ski resort should be the development of a technical base.

Since the climate in most regions does not allow to engage in skiing all year round, then it is necessary to plan the development of other sports and tourism, or create artificial tracks to continue classes by mountain sports. It is clear that both implies object planning and the creation of appropriate technical support.

It is quite realistic in the summer season to offer and complex types of services, for example, to organize a track with artificial snow covered, and to give the rest of the territory to use for other sports: bicycle, tennis, golf, bowling, roller skating, running.

It may be effective to combine the elements of the ski resort and water park, which allows to use the territory during all seasons of the year.

Mountain terrain also allows you to develop and extreme sports, which are fascinated by many tourists, including among the secured people. In any case, you need to build 2-3 lifts, not less than 3-4 tracks for riding, including for beginners, control systems, as well as purchase specialized snowstalls.

Third steps The implementation of this business project should be the creation of relevant tourist companies that will be engaged in attracting and recreation customer recreation.

The provision of transportation and placement of arriving tourists should be engaged in the tourist operator, which, in turn, contracts for the sale of tours with travel firms. Such a variety of activities in creating a ski resort requires a high level of planning and studying all the details of the future project. Here, as in any other form of business, do not do without a good business plan.

The total investment in the creation of a ski resort can estimate from 250 thousand to several million dollars. Such investments can be made in the event of a real possibility of attracting about 1000 to 5,000 tourists per day, which allows you to emphasize the investment within three to four years. Ski resorts usually demonstrate quite high profitability, from 40 to 70 percent, and only the need for high initial investment becomes a brake on the way of developing such business projects.

The popularity of skiing in Russia ensures constant interest from entrepreneurs and investors to the implementation of projects related with the construction of ski complexes. In our country with unique climatic conditions and provided with a variety of landscapes, you can implement the most bold projects in the field of ski business. Already on the territory of Russia there are more than 300 ski resorts and equipped ski databases, while quite a lot of objects were designed and built with the support of Ski Build Expo and partners.

Despite the very significant number of ski complexes in Russia, not all of them satisfy the requirements of even a very discerning lover of the skiing. As a rule, there are no complaints with the lack of due infrastructure and the inconsistency of the service level of the proposed tariffs. In many ways, serious problems and shortcomings are a consequence of errors in the design and construction of ski complexes.

It is at the stage of designing a ski complex, at the stages of training a master plan, the compilation of a feasibility study of the project and the development of a business plan, you can avoid problems arising already after the construction of a ski complex associated with the incorrect selection of the place of construction of the ski resort, an ill-conceived territory of the territory, poor-quality design of ski slopes and the rest of the infrastructure of the resort.

From the successful development of a feasibility study of the project, it depends on how subsequently the skiing complex will be provided with equipment, special equipment, personnel, whether equipment used in the ski resort, not only the initial needs, but also the prospects for expanding activities, seasonality of the business. Successfully selected cable car, snowstate, artificial protection system, security and lighting system, CPS * significantly facilitates the operation and control of the ski resort.

To take a weighted decision on the start of the project for the construction of the skiing complex, investors require plans to develop a ski resort, expected costs and unforeseen costs, as well as information on income and financial flows is also one of the stages of the design of the mountain resort.

Reduce expenses and improve the efficiency of ski business entrepreneurs will help support Ski Build Expo and partners. All interested in the design and construction of ski complexes, we recommend to explore the following suggestions and information:

→ Building the ski resort of the Foxes Mountain in Balashiki near Moscow.

In one of the days of the Moscow exhibition "18 Ski Salon", the Director-General of the Lisa Mountain ski complex as part of the Ski Bild Expo program suggested Linguaxtrem to visit its resort.

As part of the delegation attended:

  • director pisteandpowder.- Non-standard skiing programs Alfred Hartmann from Germany;
  • Director linguaxtrem - Bureau of Multilingual Support in the field of the ski industry and extreme sports Maria Danilova
  • Winner of awards "Big blogger portal about skiing and snowboarding, ski resorts and travel" Maxim Danilov.

Insofar as " Fox mountain"" This is an open-air resort - there are no snow on the slopes, and you can first see the volume of work that comes in full swing on the slopes.

So. General information about the resort:

The official website of the resort

Full slopes for skiing four.

Their lengths, without twists:

  • The first slope is 285 meters
  • Second slope 315 meters
  • Third Sitting 320 meters
  • The fourth 315 meters.
The specified data of the slopes are more accurate and they differ from the resort published on the official website.

Maximum drop of riding heights by October 2011. It is 65m. (The mountain was sleeping in a height relative to last season).

Due to the huge processing of the structure of the resort's tracks (about it below), finally the slope with the cheesecakes separated from the slopes of riding and the school slope. This is logical, as well as in Tuutari Park in St. Petersburg.

The capacity of the dysfit is increased twice as opposed to 2010, which allows snowing with snow faster, denser and even more. Now at the resort of 7 powerful snow cannons Lenko and Technoalpin.

The height of the snow cover, starting from December 15, is held at 70cm, most of the layer of snow is always artificial.
Signments - 5 buffers and one children's cable lift.

Strong headache of rolling and sources of many complaints - the Tatrapoma Slavic Lifts of the Slavic manufacturer passed a complete overhaul of rolling stock and replaced the electrical part of the lifts management systems.

All the slopes equipped tracking chambers, allowing to track violators of riding, inadequate visitors and freebies without skips, who have decided that they can be walking on the slopes.

Trails each season are processed daily. The resort has 2 rag in the resort in the resort, however, they practically do not stop for the processing of such a riding area from the moment the slopes are closed for visitors in 12 nights and until the opening of the slopes the next day. As a result, in the morning everyone can drive around fresh "Velvetu"!

On the slope updated the masts of lighting, they became higher and increased the force and the number of lighting spotlights.

An important addition - a recreation and rolled pavilion finally got the ceiling and now mostly covered room will be warmer than before.
The only "but" - the restaurant part of the resort is weak, an apre-ski awning as the main restaurant definitely does not correspond to the status and scope of the resort.

The rental is significantly replenished with respect to last season skis and snowboards sets, snowboarding kits for very little snowboarders appeared. The total bandwidth of the rental point increased by one and a half times.

The opening time of the resort and cafe from 12 to 24h and from 10 to 23h. on Saturday and Sunday.

Meeting of the delegation

The whole delegation took the gene itself. Director Alexey and friendly open guys from the management of the complex.

Representative pisteandpowder.from Bavaria, it was affected by the recreated volumes of riding on a small platform with an initial difference of heights of less than 42 meters and a length of the slopes of 130 meters.

Already now you can see the drawing of the slopes, on the formed land, the drawing of the tracks for skating.

Now in the resort there is a global construction of new tracks - this will notice all who will arrive at the resort this winter. Mountain got a chic steep wide northern slope, it is a pity to put into operation only in a year. This year, the foot of this slope will be the platform under the "Vatrushka".

Increased length and slopes of all existing routes.
The mountain shifts for another third and in 2012 will become a height of 90m. This is the maximum possible height for the mountain created by the "bulk" method without increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe base!

The volume of work performed - daily up to 100 dump trucks from the beginning of June without weekends bring backing and fasteners for the soil.

All delegation participants are difficult to believe in such a "terraforming" of a planetary scale.

Everyone who has already been there is before the upper supports of the lifts stood on top .... and now they are literally in the pit, relative to the new top of the mountain.

At the throughput capacity of all lifts, Tatrapoma are the fastest bougal elevators, the resort may pass up to 3 thousand people in an hour. This is a lot for such a small spa area and the absence of other resort facilities limits the number of possible visitors.
Limiting parameters are:

  • small parking,
  • small rental
  • the presence of only 10 instructors from the league of instructors. This is not enough for the resort next to Moscow.

The most significant problem of the resort is the complexity with transport from Moscow at the end of the working day. And Nosovykhinskoye and Gorky highway in the area of \u200b\u200b6 pm represent a permanent stopper, and because it is difficult to ride in the evening after working on skis.

You can get on the train to Balashikha, but they rarely go. A taxi is not expensive, 300-400r to m. Novogireevo, but also inherent standing in traffic jams.

The resort itself is even without snow - very impressive. Especially when compared with other resorts near Moscow, where it was possible to get out during the 18 ski salon.

On Fox Mount, there really is where to ride, healthy look at Moscow outside, from the height. For tired of the spirit of the travelers near the estate of Pekhra-Yakovlevsky with the ancient acting church. And for archaeologists "Parking Krivich" - the federal monument of the 11th century!

The leadership shared the plans of the resort for the near future:

  • The opening of the next season will be approximately December 8-12.
  • The prices for ski passes of the next season are not yet defined, but skating will cost either as in 2010-2011, or just more expensive. And it is clear, the construction of incredible scales must be somehow recoup.
  • Plans to purchase additional randers for trail preparation.
  • After the soil shrinkage in 2012-2013. At the new height, a chair lift with the inflection in the direction of the river will be installed, and the slope with 4 and 5 track will increase by another 100 meters in length and then "Fox Mountain" will be able to seriously compete with remote resorts of Dmitrovskoye highway.
  • In addition, a ribbon lift is scheduled to install a ribbon lift that allows you to improve the situation for beginners.
  • The final global chord will sound the huge parking and the buildings of the hotel-Retras.

As a recommendation for the latest idea, developers can be invited to familiarize themselves with the decisions of restaurant complexes in Austria, when there is a large area of \u200b\u200bthe fast food complex and on the other floor there is a separate restaurant. This will allow to separate the crowds of the sufferer fast food from gourmets.

The Delegation wishes this wonderful independent successful success.

It was interesting to know that the history of the resort has been around for 10 years and is connected with Austria with its first name "Tyrolean village", it is a pity that the resort was renamed and developed only in the last 3 years. Of course, the volume of construction at this resort is not commensurate with events carried out in resorts with natural height differences, but for artificially created hills - it is really global changes.

Representatives of the delegation unanimously support the initiative of the Directorate of the Resort to remove anyone who wanted to take a walk on the "fox mountain" without buying ascents. And this is understandable: huge forces are invested in the resort. In each artificial snowflake, a desire to make the resort is better.

All participants in the delegation thank the organizers of the ski salon, Anastasia Parafilo, for the opportunity to see a few more ski complexes of the Moscow region - Kant and Snowball.

Aimed at the development of the republics of the North Caucasus. In the history of its creation, the basic principles of organizing the construction and functioning of the latest tourist facilities were reflected: planning at all stages and the use of only the latest technologies, including in the field of engineering protection.


Natural conditions

In terms of their climatic characteristics, Arkhyz exceeds most of the foreign and domestic mountain resorts: there is no exhausting heat and frost burns - the average annual temperature is + 5 ° C, the average temperature of July - +15 ° C, January - + 5.5 ° C. For comparison : in the resort of Krasnaya Polyana The average annual air temperature is twice the higher due to the hotter, up to + 35 ° C, summer, although winter is frosting to - 10 ° C. Winter in the valleys of Arkhyza lasts about four months, starting like on most famous Alpine resorts , in the second half of November and ending in March. Autumn and spring are short, colorful, mostly dry, with small rain periods in early May and November. Summer is long and very sunny.

Arkhyz - The Mountain District of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 40 thousand hectares, refers to the northern slopes of the Chief Caucasus Range. The Arkhyz Valley is located at an altitude between 1440 m and 3790 m above sea level. Higher points - Mountains of Pshish and Sofia. On the territory of the valley there are 60 glaciers, more than 70 mountain lakes and 12 waterfalls. The main water artery is the River Big Zelechuk with a length of about 170 km.

Thanks to these climatic features, as well as the considerable length of the daylight (from 6 am to 19 pm) and the unique nature of Arkhyz was recognized as an investment attractive platform for creating an international class resort for a comfortable family holiday. The positioning of the future resort as a family, that is, intended for the skiers of any level of professionalism and for learning newcomers, has become decisive when choosing a future construction site: it is wide, with soft slopes and smooth drops of the heights of the Valley of the Mountain Rivers Arkhyz and Pheiya (Zelenchuk district). Note that the resorts for novice skiers in Russia are three - this is Elbrus, "Sunny Valley" in the Southern Urals and "Rosa Khutor" in Red Polyana.

Ski cluster

In 2010, after the establishment of the resorts "Resorts of the North Caucasus" (KSK), the territory of the Arkhyz gorge was included in the North Caucasus tourist cluster, and after evaluating the work carried out on the basis of the principles of the public partnership (in 2009, the construction of the village of Romantic), became his pilot platform. According to the project, by 2025, seven special economic zones will be created in the region and seven new world-class ski resorts are built: Lagonaki (Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea), Arkhyz (Karachay-Cherkessia), Elbrus-Bezengi (Kabardino-Balkaria), Mamison ( North Ossetia, Alanya), Matlas (Dagestan), Tori and Arch (Ingushetia), as well as beach resorts on the Caspian Sea coast (Dagestan).

Caucasus and is now a popular tourist destination - the slopes of Elbrus and Dombaya use deserved love for decades. However, the new project will radically change the scale and quality of rest at the ski resorts of Russia: mountain ski lovers, the number of which is estimated at 5-10 million people per year, will be able to choose a resting place from thousands of kilometers well-equipped tracks with 250 lifts and use the hotel cluster services by 167 thousands of seats. For comparison: every year more than 400 ski resorts located in the French Alps (6 thousand km of equipped slopes and over 4 thousand funicular and lifts) are taken by about 15 million people, about 50 thousand of them - Russians.

The first stage of the creation of the resort of Arkhyz demanded a significant number of problems related to the unusual territory. In 2008, the group "Sinar", the investor and the project operator signed an agreement on the distribution of investments in 2008, according to which the Government has committed itself to the construction of the summing trunk infrastructure - the laying of roads, the supply of electrical, gas and water supply, Construction of sewage treatment facilities. The Sinara Group under the project was to build a recreational infrastructure proper. The tender for the development of the General Plan on the integrated development of the skiing complex with the serving system won the French consortium Gorimpex Sarl, Dianeige, BDO MG HOTELS & Tourisme (it also owns the realized project of the Red Polyana resort under Sochi).

To enlarge, click on the image

Project Resort

In accordance with the General Plan, the modern all-season tourist and recreational center (PRTC), which allows you to combine winter and summer views of tourism with a comfortable holiday, will include four tourist villages for 30 thousand accommodations. Three villages will be located in the Valley of the Arkhyz River - this is already functioning "Romantic," Moon Valley "and Dukka; Another village - Pheii - will appear in the Valley of the River of the same name.

Tourist villages are planned to be associated with a single system of ski slopes and cableways, which will allow resting freely move between settlements and sports thematic spaces - tracks, rollers, tramples, ski stadium, snowboarding areas, freestyle and freeride, rafting trails. At the heart of the design of the village laid the SKI In - Ski Out principle ("Skating from the door"), which ensures the most comfortable active recreation: on skis, you can drive up to most tourist infrastructure.

The resort is supposed to create 264 ski slopes of various complexity with 69 lifts and a total bandwidth of 140 thousand people per hour

The total length of the designed trails of the resort of Arkhyz will be about 1,100 km, which is more than twice as two times the length of the French "three valleys" (the famous ski resorts Kursavel, Valonarans and Meribel). It is assumed that after the exit of the resort on the project capacity, the tourist flow on the Arcity will exceed 500 thousand people per year - this is about twice as much as the number of guests visiting the resorts of Red Polyana in the current Olympic year.

The first stage in Arkhyz, the village "Romantic", takes holidaymakers since 2013. The resort is located on a plot of 20 hectares in the valley between Abishira Akhuba mountain ranges and Gabulu, on the left bank of the Arkhyz River. The project of the resort village was developed with environmental positions, and this allowed the largest natural landscapes and the unique nature of the gorge in creating the infrastructure and construction of a set in the uniform style of the complex of buildings - the administrative center, restaurant and hotels (Romantic-1 hotels 4 * and "Romantic 2 "3 *, Shared residential fund - 105 rooms).

The resort has four ski slopes with a total length of 7.3 km with a necessary technical and service base: the two simplest difficulty levels ("green"), one simple ("blue") and one high level of complexity ("red"), which received in 2013 Certificate of the International Federation of Ski Sports (FIS), which allows you to conduct international skiing competitions on it.

In winter, 2013/14 "Arkhyz-1650" was visited by 35 thousand tourists, 98 thousand subscriptions were implemented on the lift - ski pass. For comparison: the largest domestic ski resort "Rosa Khutor" with nine lifts and 72 km of Olympic 201/14 trails received more than 100 thousand guests, and a year earlier - 73 thousand.

After the 2013/14 winter season is completed on the territory of the Arkhyz resort, the summer holiday program began to operate - Arkhyz Park. In addition to hotels, a tent town of 200 places was opened for a comfortable stay, horses and jeeps were organized, hiking accompanied by experienced guides, bus tours to local natural and cultural attractions - the ancient Alan temples. For tourists, a mountain rope park was created, several outdoor pools, a summer cinema, as well as paintball and volleyball clubs. At the excursion mode, both cableways were operating, which delivered tourists to a panoramic viewing platform at an altitude of 2,200 meters. In just summer season, the resort took more than 40 thousand guests.

The infrastructure of the first stage of the All-season Recreation Center "Arkhyz" annually expands: the current winter will appear in the Tubing highway, a new chair cable car will earn; In the summer, construction of trails and lifts began on the northern, more snowy slope of the valley, which will increase the riding zone of up to 14.5 km. And in the near future, six hotels, a spa, restaurant complex will be added to the objects listed above.

Natural risks and engineering solutions

The territory of Karachay-Cherkessia is exposed to a wide range of hazardous natural phenomena with cyclic nature: it is flooded and storm, sat down and landslide.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Arkhyz Resort is no exception - in the upper reaches of the Arkhyz River annually predicted the shaders, in the spring, there are often powerful floods, and for the southern slope of Abishira-Ahuba, and the slopes of the valleys of all the tributaries of the Ptiush River, where the construction of new tourist villages of the Arkhyz resort is planned to build characterized by high avalanche activity

The other problem is complex, saturated with water clay soil valleys of the Arkhyz River. Such soils are movable, besides, they strongly and unevenly change their volumes when freezing / thawing, which can lead to uneven sediments of the foundations of buildings and structures and their destruction.

The risks described, as well as the need to minimize the anthropogenic effect on natural landscapes, demanded the use of a wide range of engineering protection solutions. At the construction of the summing trunk infrastructure, both traditional technologies were used - strengthening the sandy-gravel mixture of weak soils when laying the Archez-Dukka road leading to the resort and the use of special stamps of asphalt, as well as the construction of a 2-kilometer protective dam when laying the Zelencheuk gas pipeline Arkhyz-Dukka - so more modern engineering solutions.

In particular, an interesting engineering solution was applied when laying a high-voltage power line Zelenchukskaya-Moonloe Polyana in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom Ermolok region: the wires were mounted on stretch marks fixed on different sides of the gorge.

As a result, the protected forest was preserved, and the cable cut into the depth of one and a half meters reliably strengthened the slopes.

The specificity of the ski resort also determined special attention to some types of risks.

First, these are risks arising during the use of lifts. To ensure safety, pile foundations for all supports and structures were used to compensate for the mobility of water-saturated soils. And to install the lower station of the cable car of the gondola type by specialists of the Gormpek group, a new technology was developed, which allowed to prepare a pile concrete foundation of the structure during the daytime and hoisting a fully assembled 70-ton design on it. The fill with concrete foundation of the upper station due to difficulties with the gasket of roads along the above soils was carried out from the helicopter.

Secondly, these are the risks arising during riding. Safety depends, in particular, from the height of the snow cover, which should be at least 1.5 meters. However, due to the warming of the climate, the height of the snow cover in the Archyza valley is much less - 5-26 cm. Therefore, last season, four mobile systems of artificial snow formation were used as part of the test operation, which provided the necessary number of snow "blue" track and the footlock of the lift . And the current summer began the installation of 93 stationary snow-generating designs by Demaclenko. Their work will make it possible to start exploiting slopes even at relatively high day temperatures and will extend the 2014/15 winter season at least a month.

At the present stage of development of the resort is greatly attached. According to Yu. B. Starkova, Director General of Arkhyz-1650 LLC, a steady snow cover in the village of Arkhyz (1500 m) is formed by the middle of December and comes down to the middle of March. On the mountain slopes of the resort, this period is stretched from October to May, depending on the exposure and high-altitude marks. The average height of the snow cover during the winter season increases with the rise: from 70-80 cm for 1500-2000 m and up to 200 cm for heights of 2500-3000 meters. Although these data varies greatly depending on the type of winters in the snow, the territory of the complex, located above the marks of 2,200 m, is exposed to the highest avalanche danger.

Since so far the construction of the resort's cableways has reached this height, the creation of natural risks of the area of \u200b\u200bthe complex is paid to the creation of special attention. This work is performed by experienced European experts, participants of the projects of the anti-pollen protection of ski resorts in the Olympic Sochi. Based on their conclusions and the main directions of protection of the developed territories will be determined. At the moment, to protect the systems of artificial malfunction and lighting the tracks on the southern slope of Abishira Akhuba, the installation of synthesting structures at high-altitude marks is 2250-2490 m above sea level.


The construction of the All-season mountain resort Arkhyz is still far from completion, but now it is already possible to say with confidence that its implementation is successful. The experience gained by all stages of creating a modern ski resort in Sochi received during preparation for the Olympiad - from the competent placement of investments and designs to the application of the latest technologies for laying communications, the construction of buildings and structures of the recreational infrastructure in the face of natural risks - allows participants in the project "Arkhyz" to act Dynamic and effectively. Due to this, the current "Arkhyz-1650" is an attractive place of rest and at the same time a unique construction site of a new type.

Both of these circumstances have a beneficial effect on the investment climate and the labor market of Karachay-Cherkessia - construction and service activities are carried out by contracting organizations registered in the republic, and at the resort itself there are exclusively local residents. Currently, in order to increase the tourist flow to the ski resort, projects for creating an airport in the village of Zelenchuk and gaskets of the modern automotive highway Cherkessk-Adler are considered. Each of these projects can have a significant stimulating effect on the economy of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic as a whole. From this point of view, it can be said that the initial purpose of the implementation of the project "All-season tourist-recreational center" Arkhyz ", namely the transformation of the Dotational Region of Russia into self-sufficient and steadily developing, is quite achievable, and the output of the resort at full capacity will be an important milestone on the way of improvement The economic situation both in Karachay-Cherkessia and in the North Caucasus.

In almost all regions that have gained the fame of the glory of "ski", construction is under construction. The authors of the Ural and Sochi projects compete in scale ... However, investors still have the mass of issues. For example, when will return from three to seven million dollars, which (and at a minimum!) Need to burrow into the ground to create your own ski resort?

At the same time there is an audience. Who uringed the skis in April "U Taigacheva" in Shukolov and idle in the queues "Stepanov" for the sake of a short-term, but unforgettable descent (as in any way, the longest slope in the Moscow region), he knows. Thirst to ride indestructible. From a hill, hills, let only one minute, but so that these are real cruising, secretly dreaming of alpine expanses and remembering the Dombiy "Pukhlyak".

City inhabitants, locked in offices, dachas, apartments and cars, want to move. After all, the movement is not even life, but survival. Therefore, the clientele of the owners of the suburban slopes will always. Unless, of course, global warming does not intervene and stops all the rollers.


The main formats are two: a full-fledged resort in a tourist area from 100 hectares and a ski room near a large city. Construction of complexes in tourist areas requires significant investments (for example, you need to build a hotel), as well as more active marketing. On the contrary, the risks of resorts at megapolises are minimal, because the city is able to provide a stable stream of customers. Yes, and investments differ at times.

If the descent near the Siberian or Volga "Millionnik" can be built for three to seven million dollars (Samara project of the Juice Group - Eight, Novosydovo under Novosibirsk - seven million), and the resort in the suburbs and the Leningrad region - for 40-50 million, That in the mountains we are talking about the amounts more than 100 million.

These formats differ and meaningfully. In essence, these are two different principles of work. What is relevant in the city may not be needed in the mountains. Inventory stores are clearly successful only in megalopolis, and suburban tracks that satisfy the momentary gusts "ride" do not have to work and light up to deep night.

Prices of subscriptions of the weekend of the ski resorts of the Moscow region and the Leningrad region have long been equal to Swiss (30-40 dollars). It is believed that not ordinary people ride on skiing, but wealthy. Not only winter entertainment centers are claiming for these customers, but also covered karts, cinemas, water parks, climbers and fitness clubs. However, the analyst of the Finam investment company Sergei Filchenkov is confident that "Competition is close to a minimum: the ski complexes have successfully played fashion on extreme in combination with the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle."

The maintenance of the suburban resort of such a level as "Volya", "Socillary" or "Leonid Tyagachev club", in a high season costs the owner on average from 250 to 300 thousand dollars a month. The flow at the weekend reaches 6,000 people a day, while the average visitor check is 50-100 dollars. The conclusion suggests: such resorts are profitable! Yes, and there is still enough places in the country. And Sergey Filchenkov is heated by investment dust: there are prospects not only with "millionniks", but also in cities with a population more than 500 thousand people.

From three million

The success of the resort define three groups of factors and characteristics: physical, market and financial. To begin, it is necessary to carry out reconnaissance on the ground, building a master plan in which the conclusions of the ecologists and other specialists will be summed up using aerial photography, topographic maps, three-dimensional analytical models and analytical planning technologies. And it is expensive.

Key market factors - transport infrastructure, size and location of basic and secondary markets, demography (population, age, level of income, education). The expected attendance is measured in man-days. The higher the indicator, the natural, above the payback.
And finally, finance. The main thing in the formation of a business plan is the potential capacity of the resort, the duration of the season, the cost and availability of infrastructure, structures, as well as the efficiency of operation, main sources of income and pricing policy. All this needs to be considered, and consider qualitatively. Several gross mistakes or just a bet on "maybe" - and millions will really be "buried".

Earth under the ski resort can be redeeming or taken in an indefinite rent. But this is the theory. And the practice is such: the question of Earth is as acute here as in pre-revolutionary Russia. Even in Moscow (not to mention other cities) there are improvised slopes created on the public basis, which are on the balance sheet of the district council or enterprise and are equipped with archaic bugel lifts. It would seem that buying these assets, draw a slowly. But it was not there.

The land plot can be purchased at auction, and rental 200 hectares of land will cost an average of 7-10 million rubles per year, depending on the region. Thus, the ski descent of the dusting slide in Zmeinogorsk was sold for 158 thousand rubles - bought a local entrepreneur Alexander COVINOV, the owner of the network of petrol stations and household appliances stores. Additionally, he plans to invest in the development of the slope of about a million rubles. But most often just redeeming empty land or an abandoned slope is not enough. It is necessary to summarize communications, electricity. And with this, even a strong middle business alone will not cope.

The implementation of most projects in this "administratively sensitive" sphere directly depends on the relationship between local authorities and entrepreneurs. The minimum "entry threshold" experts are usually determined by this: the price of the lift is from 300 thousand dollars, the randa is from half a million. Creating infrastructure - a house for dressing, cafes, shops, rental points - as much as much. That is, without three million in this business, you just have nothing to do. "However, the purchase of equipment is nothing compared to the overall scale of costs," said Vladimir Gordechik, the Development Manager of the Grace (Belokurich, Altai Territory). - First you need to find a mountain, get permission for it, carry out electricity, all communications, road. The resort must have convenient access roads for cars and public transport. Especially critical this position for the city park. "

Formulas of the perfect resort, of course, does not exist. But all specialists in one voice say that business indicators must be balanced, otherwise the failure is guaranteed. Balance in the description of Nikolay Spassky, the resort manager "Tuutari Park", is a developed infrastructure, well-trained slopes, an abundance of additional services and the high bandwidth of the resort.

We will have to spend money on the system of artificial lightness. It would seem that snow in the country is still enough. But in fact, the thickness of the snow cover should be from one and a half to two meters, and not all regions can boast such indicators. Artificial snow gives another significant advantage. "Now the conversation can only be part of the tracks with artificial snow, so you can more or less extend the season," said Vladimir Gordechik. And the case is costly - taking into account installation work it will cost 15 million rubles.

The scale of work and investment directly depends on what state is the slope. Usually all the trees are spilled in the first year, the slope is leveling. Then hotels and technical objects are built. Minimum infrastructure set: Located slopes, hotel, rental, certified and equipped with instructors School, Children's ski school, meals, availability of additional services.

Tandem "Hotel and the Rouss" costs 60-100 million rubles (15-20 thousand rubles per square meter). 10 million will go to the landscaping of the territory, from 3 to 10 (depending on the scope of work) - on the arrangement of the mountain, plus communication - 1.5-2 million. The lift costs from 15 million, plus additional costs of safety and the arrangement of the mountain. And finally, the randics are a million per unit.

Technically, the track can be built no faster than two seasons, since many works simply can not be carried out in winter. The hotel is the same two years, provided that you have all the necessary documents in your hands. And it may also require several ... no, no months - years. Again, because we live in Russia.

"You can only talk about payback only when the season lasts six to seven months a year," Gordechik warns. "Mountain skiing pays off where there are mountains with a height of more than two thousand meters and glaciers that allow you to work eight-nine months a year. At the same time, if someone affects that the term "return" of this case is less than seven years, do not believe. These people lie and probably do not want goodness to you. Investors under construction today complexes are already laying a ten-year payback period. And to wait for the fruit for so long, you need to have very long money. Or develop in steps, inserting gradually. "

You can increase income using an additional infrastructure. For example, lay a track for snowmobiles and quads, shelter the base of the deltaplanov or a helicopter club, to have dog or deer silent for the passion of the public. Creating an additional infrastructure increases cash flow, but at the same time investments are growing - by 30-50%. As a result, the payback period remains the same, even if individual objects can be attributed to the category of rapidly payback (for example, the restaurant easily returns investments in two or three years).

Finally, not all "fashionable" trends are profitable in the framework of this business model. So, about the construction of snowparks (zone for snowboarders with special figures from snow) Last year, several ski centers were announced at once. The number of snowboarders is growing rapidly, and they need conditions for the exercise of a favorite sport. The cost of even decent equipment is small - about 500 thousand rubles. But maintaining a snowpark - the pleasure is expensive. In addition, in the process of snowstorming, it is necessary to build figures, and this is handmade. The same as a result of 20-30 people, nothing compared to thousands of skiers on the usual slope near Moscow.

Dangerous route

So, the specifics of this market segment emerges - the need for considerable investments, a long period of payback, as well as difficulties with land and obtaining construction permits. But there are other risks about which entrepreneurs do not like to spread, although each of them faces them in practice.

First of all, today it is impossible to exclude the possibilities of aggressive actions (including those provoked and paid by competitors) by environmental and other bodies, because the ski resort must obtain permits of state-poidnadzor, state marginal supervision, Gosgortecadzor and other departments. So, during a planned check, you may well "detect" several illegal structures, write a huge fine, and even attract to court.

In addition, there is no qualified management in the country, capable of giving such projects. There is no and any formed flow of tourists from other countries and regions.

Another negative factor on which managers complains: in recent years, there is simply no snow! In Sheregesh, where there were never problems with snow, and skiers rode up to the May holidays, this year could not open the season even on November 7. In the summer, the tracks close, the resort is frozen. And this losses. As a result, winter resort operators are stiguously looking for keys to all-season - build a sanatorium, golf courses, swimming pools, create a summer infrastructure. "Corporate holidays and events will partly solve the problem, but the cottages or hotels should be on the territory of the complex," says Nikolai Spassky ("Tuutari Park").

In some resorts of France and Austria, the profits in the summer is about 30% of the winter. Enough only to pay the staff. Still, year-round mode is the most efficient work strategy that leads to income growth. Initial investments in this case can grow by 50%, but the payback period will be reduced by one and a half or two years.

Anyway, investors show more and more interest in this business. However, can one investor "pull" such a project without supporting the authorities (administrative resource), "oligarchic" infidelines, large-scale investments and "long money", the return of which is not critical? Well, if you have several tens of millions of unaded dollars and you are ready to invest them for a long time, the project may turn out. But it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the volume of supporting investments will be sufficiently impressive: the costs of depreciation and maintaining the slopes of the Great. Only on the care of the tracks in the summer will have to spend at least 100 thousand rubles.

Without exception, experts surveyed by the "business magazine" agreed: the specifics of the management of the ski resorts is such that without state participation here is not to do. Alone, investors will not cope. However, so far the emerging revival around the tourist special zones is not impressive of investors. They are ready to cooperate with the authorities and turn the country into a large ski resort. But with understandable and transparent rules of the game.

On the lift

Before you immerse yourself in the ski business, Dmitry Svishev, Vice-President of the Federation of Skiing and Snowboarding Russia and the President of the New League Sports Club, successfully earned the metal traders (his MetalPromKomplekt was supplied by Norilsk Nickel Metal Products, Ural Mining Company , "Russian aluminum") and several years headed the most famous Modus Vivendis Model Agency. But meeting with the Patriarch of the Russian "skiing" by Leonid Tyharachev turned his favorite hobby into a new direction of Svischev's activities.

At first, the idea was born to create a professional ski club. The undertaking was supported, recruited coaches, purchased the inventory, came up with the sonorous name "New League", began to work with national team teams. The next regular step was the design of "their" ski complexes - a small "new Novosedov", 130 km from Novosibirsk, and a large-scale "Sheregesh" in the Kemerovo region on the mountain green. To return the investment, it will take no less than seven-ten years, but Dmitry Svistev and shareholders (coal mining and metallurgical company and Kuzbassonzugol) are ready to wait. They believe: they will go to them. The main thing is to create conditions.

- Dmitry, where does the confidence come from that Russians do not exchange green on the Alps?

Russia is a unique country that should be proud of its capabilities. Even despite global warming, the snow period on average in the country we have a very long. In the landscape, we are behind the Alpine countries, but on the variety of mountains we can easily give them odds. Snow in Sheregesh lies more than six months, the season lasts from November 7 to May 9. What other mountains can boast of this? In general, the market is huge, you just imagine: out of 150 million Russians 50 million ride skiing. Another indicator of the industry's prospects - the results of the competition for the special economic zones. 80% of applications were somehow related to the construction of ski resorts. Such poorest regions as Altai and the Altai Territory are interested in the influx of investment. But they are removed from the center; Despite the presence of minerals, the population is poor. Build sciencewares? It is unlikely that it is real. But to attract tourists with virgin beauty - quite. I am building the resort and perfectly understand what it is.

- There is an opinion that ski resorts are not a business, but a favorite toy of metallurgical plants.

There is logic in it. Money is really big and long. Without ties with the leadership of the region, the edge, the city is impossible to build. The "skip", in my opinion, is the symbiosis of commerce, sports and the social sphere, which should attract state bodies (mayor, administration), and merchants, and athletes. The team of these basic players can make a high-quality and successful product. If we had no support to the Governor of Tuleyev, we still would still be drawn up paper.

- What is the payback of ski projects outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg today?

On average ten-eleven years. But, of course, much depends on the format. I am built at the same time two resorts. One with a drop in a height of 200 meters, and the other in 800. In the first case, the minimum investments are seven million dollars. Ski center in Sheregesh - from 150 million.

- Sheregesh is multi-million dollar investments that are unknown when returning ...

Yes, I often ask me: Investing money, investors are confident that there will be a return? Of course it will be. And who will go? Muscovites. But so that they go to us, they need to first create conditions, build a European level resort. Because to fly to Novokuznetsk the same four hours as to Munich. But there in a couple of hours they find themselves in the ski paradise: get a sea of \u200b\u200bservice, pleasure and buzz. Prices, if we compare the current Russian resorts with alpine, are very similar, but the quality of our European standard does not correspond to. The randics do not work, not everywhere there is an artificial abnormal system, the elevators - "Second-hand" of the 60s. If you create conditions are not worse than Western (and today it is possible), then tourists will remain in Russia. Today, to be competitive, you can not buy scrap metal.

- What is the structure of these costs?

300 thousand dollars we paid the Canadians for the "master plan" "Sheregesh", 25 thousand dollars - companies from St. Petersburg for Novosedovo. Snowproat machine (random) costs from 300 thousand dollars, lift - from half a million, restaurant complex - even half a million. In general, the input threshold is at least three million.

- How are they distributed?

First of all, these are communications: roads (ordinary, tracks, rope), electricity, water supply. After you have created a basic structure, it makes sense to attract third-party investors - build hotels and so on. Just call it: "Come to us in Taiga," even using communication is impossible. And what do you guys have? Taiga, but after 10 years there will be a ski complex. Here is the same principle: the infrastructure attracts people. It is known that cottage villages are more expensive when there is a golf course next.

- What does the winter resort income structure looks like?

There are not so many income articles. The lifts bring 20-30%, about 25 - catering and hotels, the same - rental and shop, about 20 more than 20 schools and attractions.

- NovosEDovovo - resort at a megalopolis. How promising this format is?

From a commercial point of view, it is very profitable from a commercial point of view. Resorts of Moscow and St. Petersburg earn no less than alpine fellow. Wealthy people live here. Prospects for the development of resorts around megalopolises are colossal. But if such a resort (drop of 100 meters) is built somewhere in Altai, then "three cripples" will arrive there. If the complex has no pronounced advantages - it cannot take the height of the drop, the length of the slope, good lifts, a complex of services provided to customers, its "death" is inevitable. Because next to him will be built a quality resort, where people will go.

You plan to turn Sheregesh to the main training base of national teams on skiing. Is there an economic meaning?

We will regularly carry out the highest level competitions. In general, sports facilities do not bring profits. However, to popularize the resort, a sports complex is an indispensable image component.

Hills and Churches Yachroma

The Sports Park "VOLAV" started in 1997 from one slide, one lift and three cottages as a "corporate" holiday home of Volya employees, which was then deemed very far from sports and entertainment, namely the export of the skin and the production of shoes. However, soon the circle of rides expanded so much that it became clear: one lift, restaurant and three houses are not enough, the infrastructure is needed.

So the idea was born to build a winter park in the suburbs. In the winter of 1998-1999, "Vyat" was able to offer seven tracks, five lifts, 25 houses for those who wish to stay in the park for the night, a restaurant and a cafe, parking for cars, equipment rental, a small sports shop and instructor services. All summer of 1999, the company was engaged in construction.

By winter of the 2000th, a hotel at 59 rooms and a new cafe with a terrace rose on the territory of the park. Gradually, the project evolved from a ski park to sports: the spectrum of sports entertainment went beyond only the ski skiing and related services. "Vyat" is a successful example of step-by-step development of a commercial project in the ski industry, without large-scale injections from metallurgical companies and natural monopolies. Elena Skopinova, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs and Shareholder of the Volten Sports Park, tells about the specifics and advantages of the sports complex near the metropolis.

- Is it possible to make money today on the ski business?

If we consider it only as a ski, then earn it extremely difficult. Today it is necessary to create a medium for outdoor activities, entertainment and accommodation: houses, hotels. We must not forget about corporate clientele - you need to lay conference rooms, equipped halls for celebrations and holidays. Only with an integrated approach and attention to trifles can be expecting that the business will be profitable.

- In the courtyard plus 4. How does the park experiences global warming?

This is an anomaly that touched everyone. As far as I know, European resorts also carry losses. We scored staff, sold vouchers for December.

- Is this the first in your practice an unexpected "failure" of the weather?

The weather in Moscow region is never stable. A sharp cooling, warming - all this happens. The system of artificial lightness is designed to reduce the risks, however, so that the guns began to work, we need a minus. At least minus two. So the weather is not "Bila" never. We all sincerely hope that snow will soon fall or at least the temperature drops below zero.

- It is believed that Moscow region resorts earn like alpine fellow ...

I can not compare because I do not know exact numbers. The slides at the European resorts above, and ride there interesting. At the height of the mountains, we cannot compare anyone with the Red Polyana, nor with the Alps. We build resorts not to kill the stream of those who go to ride "big mountains", we just give the opportunity to ride those who for some reason can not go abroad often. To attract the inhabitants of the metropolis, it is necessary to do the focus not only and not so much on riding as on entertainment and infrastructure. Pretty specific "niche" - parents with young children. I put all my children on skis in "Vyat", and when we leave to St. Maurice or Courchevel, there are no problems: my children can already ride.

When the park was planned, was the infrastructure that was laid today, or did you develop spontaneously?

Historically, the park arose as a corporate recreation center and gradually turned into a mass ski resort, so we developed step by step. As soon as the financial opportunity appears to expand, we use it. For example, this year we have a conference room. In "Stepanova" built a new chairlift and new lifts that allow to increase the resort's permeability. We opened two restaurants: fast food (dinner costs about 200-250 rubles) and a restaurant for gourmets, for those who like to eat exquisitely (there is still a veranda).

You have been in this market for almost 10 years. What has changed during this time in the industry in terms of interaction with power? The process of registration of permits - still the most difficult stage of construction of ski complexes?

Paper Volokol, of course, was, but fortunately, all behind. Now all documents are decorated. Therefore there are no problems. As for the laws, I would like benefits in tax legislation. While we are satisfied with the days of health for pensioners, but we would like to attract more youth.

When you started, the earth cost about the order cheaper. How do you rate the current entry threshold? Was it higher, and how does this affect the business?

It is very difficult for me to evaluate the entry threshold. The land really cost less. But as pioneers we made a bunch of mistakes that had to be corrected in the process. Investors who enter the market now, spend much more funds for the design of land in the property or rights of the land rental. But, given our experience and mistakes, they can save. And saved money - earned money. They can do everything right. And achieve quick returns. From the point of view of construction and business organization, the ski resorts are now much easier. We had no experience, and there was not anyone to learn. Now, I believe, people have the opportunity to learn from other errors.

- For example?

Build a year-round resort that will be equally profitable in winter and summer. We had to do this in the process of functioning the park. Despite the restructuring of cottages, we did not consider summer holidays as a separate project. Seeing the balance between current cost and profitability, since 2000 we made a bet on creating conditions for outdoor activities without snow. Translation for year-round mode - occupation time consuming. We coped with joint efforts. In many ways, this "pillow" helps to survive the weather whims.

- In the future, do you imagine "Wares" in another city?

In Samara. There are snowy winter. In Novosibirsk. But in principle, the format of the All-season sports park can be accustomed to near any major city. Another thing is that if you build large parks, then you need to understand that the influx of people is a prerequisite. If you adhere to a reasonable business plan, it is worth counting on nearby cities. It makes no sense to hope for long-distance and international tourism: years of promotion is needed to create a stream. If the city develops well, the inhabitants have adequate salaries - why not? But if it is a small village whose residents cannot buy such services ...

In one of the interviews, you stated that this year "Vyat" will pay off. But the feeling arises that business constantly requires reinvestment. Is this so and what is the reason?

Absolutely right. As soon as you reach zero, give debts, breathe with relief ... and you understand what you need to do a lot. And again - infusion, infusion, infusion. One snowstate costs about a million.
