Pulsing source Teletsk Lake. Stone Bay, Disappearing Source and Healing Clay

All roads to the mountain altai go through the city of Biysk, so the description will be from this city. The route looks like this:

Distance from Biysk about 284 km. Of which 4 km will have to go on foot.

GPS coordinates: 51.695587, 87.297459

In Biysk, after the bridge through Biya, we pass directly, without turning anywhere. The historical part of the Chui tract will begin for Biysk. The road is an excellent asphalt, and immediately behind Biysk there is a 4-way road. True, not long, after 20 km it will be the usual two-band, but still excellent quality. In the village of Maima, the signage goes to the left in Gorno-Altaisk. Gorno-Altaisk is a rather major settlement, the only city of the Altai Republic. But it is difficult to get lost in it. We pass the whole city along the road signs to Lake Teletskoye and the village of Artybash. After 100 km after Gorno-Altaisk, immediately behind the bridge across the river, there will be a fork. According to the sign to Arthibash, we leave to the right. 40 km - the village of Artbash.

Move through the bridge to the village of Iogach. We pass the village and we go along the right (geographically) of the bank of the river Iogach towards the coastal mountain. 5 km the road branches. Left - on, and we need straight.

9 km from the village of Iogach, we move along the bridge to the other side of the river and also go along the coast. After another 3 km there will be left branch, we are there. The source remained about 4 km through the ridge.

In principle, you can go on foot, leaving the car by the road. Hiking about an hour. The forest track will lead you to the Samdamysh river (the left influx of Teletsky Lake), on the banks of which will be the disappearing source.

Your review of interesting places, routes and excursions offers us our guest Svetlana to give the opportunity to navigate and choose exactly where to go with your children on Teletsk.

What to visit on Teletsk Lake with children: excursions and attractions

Arriving on Teletskoye lake, especially for the first time, I immediately want to go swimming. If the weather is favorable, of course, it must be done first.

Excursions on the motor ship

For traveling on the lake there are two versions of transport: a motorboat or a small boat or a ship Pioneer Altai.

Pioneer Altai

Pioneer Altai visits only. Parking there lasts 40 minutes, just a tour takes about 3 hours. On the ship there is a cinema, a buffet, comfortable common cabins. There is a large open deck. Mass of impressions from leisurely comfortable swimming, a marine style photo session and a lot of landscape photos on the way. On the waterfall there are shopping points with delicious food and souvenirs, so you can use cash. Grab with yourself warm clothes, because on the deck among the lake can be much more cooler than on the shore.

If your child is unable to stop in place for a long time, or you want to see everything right away, then the boat travel option will come up more. The usual list of excursions in this case: waterfall Cube, Waterfall Chohor, Stone Bay. You will spend less time in swimming and more - on land. But keep in mind: on the lake there happens a sharp change of weather and there are a storm. Therefore, swimming with children on the boat safer. And in general: the motor ship itself is a kind of excursion.


The grand impression from the water journey you will get, crossing everything the lake from the end to the end from the north to south. The end point of your way - karagai Bay. This magic place protected from winds, as if created to relax with children of any age and is not inferior to the Black Sea coast. Here you are waiting for truly warm water and a sandy beach overlooking the sacred mountain Altyn-Tu. Often here are visiting only for a day - in the morning there, in the evening back. But if you and children - such a "game is not worth a candle", the kids just get tired. Plan to spend on Karagai at least a couple of full days! You can live in your tent, in a campsite or in a house on the hub. Severe go in a cafe or prepare meals on the bore.

karagai Bay. Auto photo Tanya Sharagova

Excursion to the Valley of Chulyshman - The route related to the trip to the south of the lake. For him, you land ashore to the right of the mouth of the Chulshman River at Cape Kyrsai. Tour goals are thrown by car. Usually it is a cascade of waterfalls wishes. You will need hiking and comfortable closed shoes. For a day journey it is possible to visit one of these beautiful places. The lifting to the wipe is quite complicated, therefore recommended for children from 12 years.

Pipher on Chulshman

Going to stone mushrooms is much easier, but also there is a protracted lifting.

Stone mushrooms on Chulyshman

If you go to a day trip, small children will be difficult to withstand such an intensive. If your group goes for several days, then you will get to visit the beautiful waterfall of Kurcura, which is located near the Katuyryk famous for his serpentine. The valley of Chulasman is different from the northern part of the lake dry and hot summer climate. And the landscape is completely different here. You are waiting for fabulous views of the majestic mountains and a stormy river with water of emerald color.

in the valley Chulshman

So, you returned from swimming, and there was still a time left to visit Interesting places Seall Artbash and Iogach and in the priest taiga. First, we will look at the places specifically created for visits to tourists, and we will finish natural sightseeing objects.

Excursions in the vicinity of Sel Artbash and Iogach

I will explain one nuance that is misleading holidaymakers. When it comes to two different villages - Artybash and Iogach - in fact it is one rural settlement. In Artybash you will drive immediately when you arrive at Teletskoye. And in Iogach, it is precisely moving through the bridge, which, by the way, is a geographical boundary between Tetaline Lake and the Biya River. In Ioga, there are supermarket Maria Ra, Hospital and Pharmacy. All that is associated with tourism is located in Artbash, with the exception of the turbases, of course. They dispersed on both villages.

Probably there is a child indifferent to horses. Walking around arthbash you can hire a horse to ride a little or agree on the horse excursion. Horse rental places are on the shore of the lake opposite the cafe of Evseich, near the Victory Monument and opposite the Pension Eden. You can agree on the excursion in a priest taiga on quad bikes. For teenagers will be interesting rafting alloy on raft.

At the old helicopter platform, you will find the parking of kayaks and you can just ride a kayake, and go to the kayak-excursion to the stone bay. Of course, this trip for older children.

Edelweiss Zoo - Although he is in the village, it is better to get there by car. The zoo contains wild, and agricultural animals and birds. Animals are allowed to feed. Food can be bought in the zoo, and you can take carrots with membranes with membranes.

Ethnopark Located in the village of Artybash, it is easy to get there on foot. Here, in traditional Altai dwellings - Aila and Alanchika - you are waiting for immersion in the Altai culture, fairy tales and legends of the Altai people, the national cuisine. It will be interesting to children of school age and, no doubt, with all adults. You can make photos in Altai flavor. A pre-registration is desirable.


Gallery "Legend Altyn Koyl" This real art gallery is located 300 meters from the left of the bridge in the center of the souvenir market. In front of her - spectacularly tied with ribbons of all colors of rainbow tree of desires. Inside - the paintings of the artists of Teletsk Lake and copyrights of local masters. All this can be purchased. Interesting master classes are held here, they must be negotiated by phone in advance. The gallery is visited with children of any age, but it can be that your kids will not allow you to admire the beauty fully. They are for communication with beautiful enough three minutes. Visiting gallery free , Master classes paid.

Local Lore Museum "Erm-Tash" It is located near the famous excursion trail on the third river. By the way, these two excursions can be combined, going to the museum before the approach along the path. Since this is a museum, he has, unlike an ethnopark, a great historical orientation. There are exhibits and photographs related to the last Talletsky Lake. In a conversation with visitors, the altayev is focused on the spiritual culture of Altaians, including shamanism. On the tour it is advisable to sign up by phone.

Shilkina exhibition hall Located not far from the old helicopter site on the shore of Teletsky. Leonid Alekseevich Shilkin - the eldest and most respected of the numerous artists of Teletsk Lake. The exhibition of his works is arranged on the first floor of the house where the artist with his wife live. Amazes a variety of creativity: not only oil painting on canvas, magic watercolors, magnificent pastels, but also painting porcelain with flowers of Altai Taiga, painting and wood carving, extraordinary paintings from stone ... If you live in the village, on foot it turns out only with older children , through the territory of the head of the Golden Lake and the old helicopter platform. For preschoolers, it is better to take a taxi. The abundance of fragile exhibits in free access may not allow you to relax if you come with kids. Record on the phone is desirable to make the owners of the house.

Shilkina exhibition hall

Swimming pool on the turbase Golden Lake. Since the water in Teletsk Lake is heated only by August, and then it may seem uncomfortable for swimming - I propose to go with children to the outdoor pool, heated water. The pool is surrounded by a boardwalk, a number of cafes. The subscription is given for the whole day. The depth of the pool is designed for adults, so it's better to go there with children from 10 years. The campus is the oldest on Teletsk coast, it is based in the 60s, in Soviet times, when tourism on Teletsk Lake only began to develop. There is a similar pool on the new turbase " Mountain Lake"But she is pretty far from the village, go there by car.

In our selection from Detkitur you can see other, no less interesting bases on the Tetal Lake.

With young children on a hot day go well on green Jogach River Beach. This clean shallow mountain river, the water here warms quickly. Passing ashore in the village of Iogach, right from the bridge over Teletskoy-Biya about 400 meters, opposite Lud-Vic Guest House. Here you calmly sunbathe on the grass, while children play next to fine water. The place is very picturesque, you can make beautiful photos. A ducks and geese swim in the river - children adore them to feed them!

green Beach Village Iogach

On the other side of the river Iogach "Volkova farm" - The peasant economy of the large family of wolves. It is from there a duck on a green beach. In addition to ducks and geese, chickens and several goats live here. As well as charming goats, ducklings, geussy and chickens! On the excursions you stroke and feed all whom we want, and hold down the smallest on your arms. A rustic photo session is included in the visiting program. The hosts will tell interesting stories about their animals and will seek tea with baking at home products, as milk, eggs, cottage cheese. The memory can be acquired by special "enzyme" souvenirs. About the excursion is desirable to agree on the phone 89059843858 .

Volkov Fermat

Taiga apish cone. An interesting long-term excursion to a priest taiga for an apiary. You are waiting for a complete immersion in the mysterious world of bees and the subtleties of beekeeping for as many as two hours! And also tea on herbs with honey tasting under the spiritual conversation. Excursion is recommended for school-age children. To travel for an hour, it will be necessary to contact the organizer of excursions. The road to and back takes about 40 minutes.

Natural attractions of Teletsk Lake

Now let's turn to the review of natural sightseeing objects.

Tilan Tuu Overview - One of the most popular routes in the village of Arttybash. It can be advised for school-age children. The look at the top: on the lake, both villages and the surrounding mountains are definitely impressive. And if you think about some kind of surprise at the top, on the sightseeing site, the walk will be especially bright. If desired, it turns out to combine a hike on Tilan-Tuu with a visit to the zoo or with an excursion to an ethno-park. It is better not to climb a mountain in crude weather - a cool trail becomes very slippery.

Silver sourceit is located in the village of Arttybash, on the slope of the mountain of the sword forest. This is a healing source with the studied water composition, which contains a large percentage of silver ions and radon impurities. It is especially beneficial for vision and has tonic properties. The ancient cedar is growing nearby, which is about 400 years old. The source is consecrated, so the Poklonnaya Cross is standing near it. Do not forget to take a bottle for magic water with you! You can go there with children of any age.

silver source

silver source

Third river It runs down on the slope to Teletsky Lake beyond the feature of the village of Artybash. This is the most popular and most beautiful hiking route. Usually, it is impossible to walk along the forest river bed because of the dawns and thickets. Thanks to the laid trail, all secret beauties will reveal before you. Cascades of small waterfalls, fastened, picturesquely lying trunks of trees and boulders, whipped moss and fern. Little children will come in hand. The kids of three years will be happy to climb themselves.

It is on this route that the ticks should be feared. During the trip several times, look at the children and look at yourself.

font 3 river

Mount Kibhek Named because the outlines of her slope resemble the keel of the turned the boat. The beginning of the trail to Kibetek in the village of Iogach. Mountain is interesting in that in her foundation under one of the huge boulders there is an entrance to the underground cave, and under the neighboring even hot summer is preserved. Then the route goes up the stone scree - Kurumnik. Climb up makes sense to stone called a tank. Next, the Kurumnik ends and the forest begins. From here there is a beautiful view of the source of Bii, Lake, Art Kash and Iog.

kurumnik on Kibhetek

At Mount Kibetek very much like children of any age. Mama with "manual" kids can go to this journey if there is a sling or ergorkzak. Do not forget that it is always more difficult to descend. Be careful when descent. Refrain from the campaign to crude weather.

mount Kibhek

Disappearing source - The best taiga route for children, real natural miracle. This is a car trip, at the end of which you need to walk a little. Only UAZ or Quad bike will be asset in dry weather. You will fall on real forest borrow. Next to the little hut two large, about a meter, deepening in the ground laid out by stones. Water appears in them and rises until it starts to overflow across the edges. After some time, it leaves the same mysterious manner, leaving the deepening empty. As in the fairy tale of Volkova about seven underground kings! The frequency with which this happens cannot be predicted - maybe a miracle will occur in a few minutes, and maybe in a couple of hours. Therefore, capture food with you, because it is unknown, how long will you wait for you while the source manifest itself. The trip itself is back and forth, not counting the time of waiting, takes an hour and a half.

Rise to the hill of kokuya On the chair lifting is an amazing opportunity to easily climb in the highlands. Do not forget to take warm clothes - during the lifting and upstairs can be significantly colder than at the foot. Rising, you can sit in a cafe, admire the beautiful panorama of the mountain ranges from the observation deck and take a walk in the mountains. It is suitable for children of any age. The lift is located behind the village of Iogach, you can get there by car. In winter, there are two ski slopes with a bougie and chair lifts.

On this I finish my review. I want to note that you have read about the most popular excursions and routes. But if you contact the services of local guides and travel organizers, you will be prompted to get a lot of opportunities to learn the Teletsk Lake and its surroundings. For example, to visit the reserved village of Yaileu or in the Gardens of Cordon Belly ... It is worth come to the Teletsk Lake with children many times!

The stone bay is located on the shore of Teletsky Lake, you can get only on water. The excursion is short and unworthy, there often come with children to swim, the water is warm there much better than the depths of Telkotsky. A cute grandfather carries a tours of a ten-seater motorial there, but we were two and he still agreed to take us. In general, I have already said - we got into very small groups everywhere, and it's great.
The bay is small, filled with transparent greenish water, framed by huge boulders of stones forming a funnel who have not yet had time to track and very much strolling under their feet. The place is quite picturesque. There are still disputes in the scientific environment, the most popular versions - the collapse of a large cliff and meteorite. I think the most likely, since some stones seemed to be melted, but I am not a scientist and I do not pretend to truth.

Sit down to the shore and through a small fishing racks to the bay:

Around the omnipresent Badan:

We go along the path:

And here is the bay.

Stones under the legs are dangerous, it is necessary to check their foot before stepped in full weight:

Hold the VOP course to that boulder:

Stones are covered with a pretty lichen:

Puffy and idiot, we got to the intended purpose:

Artistic Kavarda Cobblestones:

My climber, my climb!

Look at what challenge separates us from the trail in the forest:

In the forest, Tikhonechko begins to peel the lingonberry:

Some berries are already poured in red:

Near another little water separated from the Bolshoi Bay, but the shore is completely impassive:

Looking at him, for some reason Japanese gardens with ponds come to mind, I don't know why, like no parallel ...

Having chopped out and downsturing the striped chipmunk, we returned through the forest to the grandfather who was waiting for us and floated back.

I was thinking how to take ourselves after the bay, we are not long. Right in the wagon on the pier, removing vests, decided to go to the disappearing source. To do this, we needed to reach the driver with loaf.

So, drove until the sun hid!
Ahead of many forests and brodes:

But UAZ-loaf at height, brodes for him flower. We are terribly shaking on our truth, but you quickly get used to it in Altai. Here you constantly shakes on the waves and guy bridges, shakes in the UAZ, shishigas and horses, pours with water, rain and blends the sun. The body gets used to not react.
Moved several times through the river Iogach, now through Samda:

There used to be bridges, but they are constantly washed away, the local tormented themselves to erect them every year after flooding and simply became transported:

We climb into the mountains on the proud loaf:

The source is located on a height of about a thousand meters, we need to get there:

Long cedar raised from somewhere from the thickets below:

Firms are also similar to long shaggy rods:

Unexpectedly the terrain becomes very wet, the fir replaces a thick lack of watch:

We leave from the car, prey through the IVI and the high grass and ... and suddenly the clouds ran out for the time open to us the picturesque gland:

There is a small group of people, with the hope of looking at two holes in the ground, filled with water.
Here is one:

And the second:

It turns out that people are waiting when water from these sources will disappear. Waiting for forty minutes. But we are lucky - in minutes five minutes after we arrived, it begins to leave right in front of our eyes. It's meonedly, its level begins to fall, and then it goes faster and faster:

And even faster:

And disappears at all!

And in the crushed stone at the bottom, the lively moisture absorbs with such a squabble sound, as if it was a plum in the bathroom:

Everything! After thirty minutes later, it will begin to fill again. I understand that if the pressure was higher, it would be a geyser.
It remains to look further, the disappearance of water is more interesting than her appearance, and we have already seen, so you load in loaf and drove back.

To the right of the road the abyss, on the left - these pebbles for which the forest clings:
Itself, the streams of itself, nothing special, such streams there are thousands here:

But upon closer examination, you can see the spots of light soil. This is the very blue clay, natural cosmetic and therapeutic agent. It can be squeezed directly on the surface, and you can make a small spatula.
We limited to the surface fee of the material :)

This time everything, in the next post - about climbing, taiga and life in the village.

We traveled with family, two adults, two teenagers and a child of 5 years. The hotel was looking for the Internet (criteria cheap, more or less normal comfort). I risked, I chose a private hotel in Artbash (on Teletsk Lake such a category of small places of recreation is a manor, the risk is that not a single recall in the internet about it). Although, in my opinion, the only manor, who has its own website. By phone, I phoned with the owner, booked two numbers for 2 nights by prepayment 50%. We went on a personal car (from us to Arthibas 3 hours of slow ride).

The rooms are clean, quite spacious, there is an opportunity to put an extra bed. On the first floor of our house there was a shared kitchen, where you can cook myself for free. In the kitchen dining tables, chairs, refrigerator, gas 4-killer furnace with oven, microwave, toaster, kettle, dishes, cutlery, etc.

In the yard 3 places for "cultural recreation", one under the roof, two outdoors, 4 mangals, grids and skewers, all for free, birch firewood 100 rubles (but no one forbids bring and use your what we did). Places for cars for each house (all of them in the estate 3) for free.

The hostess meets at the entrance to the village on his car and pleases before manor or you go after it, if on my transport. Walk for about 30 minutes. All excursions owners are organized for you, either will hold themselves, either call, agree with the organizer of the excursion, will be taken to the place of departure (and then take away). If you want to organize yourself, tell where to go, what would agree or where the place you need and how to drive it. Organizational services for free.

Excursions and entertainment on which we visited.

A trip to the disappearing source - held the owners of the estate, 40 minutes in one direction on the UAZ on the mountain road in Taiga, 1 hour at the source. The price of 1000 rubles per person (minimum 4 people group), a child was hampered for free, the price includes a thermos with tea on herbs and disposable dishes.

A trip to the tapestry lake (five wonders). 2.5 - 3 hours, inspection of 5 waterfalls, with a traditional stop on a waterfall. Cut (40 minutes). As the organization of the tour and delivery to the pier of Teletsky Lake and back are free of charge. A place in a boat 1300 rubles per person, a child of 50% (650), and Captain Boat took only 600 rubles per child, said 50 rubles better buy a baby to the ice cream.

Exhibition - Zoo. Available wolf, boar, foxes, badgers, lynx, maral, spotted deer, elk, cabg, horse, pony, geese, ducks, turkey, some unidentified beast, something mean between badger and amusted. Uncoat animals can be fed with bread or fruit. The price of 150 rubles from an adult, 65 rubles from the child, the feed time at the exhibition is not limited.

Excursion to the holy source - went on foot for 20 minutes on the forest road from the shore of Teletsky Lake. All age categories were satisfied with the trip. Moreover, we were already on Teletsk Lake in 2013 in another manor, there are conditions, the convenience of living and service was worse.