Which car is better to take tickets. Which wagon coupe in the train is better to choose

The coming months are a great time to travel by train in Russia. Beautiful autumn landscapes are combined with minimal seasonal price coefficients. Here is a selection of tips to help make your trips more profitable, more comfortable and more fun.

1. How to buy a seat next to the outlet?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee that the outlets will work, but the probability is large. In the coupons, they are located between the third (seats 9.11,10,12) and the fourth (13,14,15,16) coupe, as well as between the seventh (25,26,27,28) and the eighth (29.30, 31.32).

There are outlets in the placentar of the outlet 5,7,8,9,29,30,31,32,41,42,59,60, and also at the end of the car near the toilet and the trash can.

On the one hand, go near the socket is cool, as it is convenient to charge your smartphone. But at the same time, it threatens around the clock running other passengers to your place.

If possible, you should take a tee with you on a trip so that several people can use one socket at the same time. Also Pilot will help protect the technique from voltage drops. But it is better to score on the sockets in the wagons and carry Power Bank with you.

2. Which car is better to choose?

Optimally take tickets to the central wagons. There are three main reasons for it:

1. They are smoking less than in the head car.

2. At stops for more than 10 minutes, it is convenient to run to the store.

3. Near the car-restaurant where you can come, buy a bottle mineral water And enjoy cool air, a small number of people, the presence of a socket and, if you are lucky, Wi-Fi.

3. How to buy a ticket directly to the car restaurant?

While this feature is only in Sapsan trains, which run on the Moscow-Saint Petersburg route. This is a fairly favorable sentence, if you do not take into account the "Take a protein bar with you".

For example, a ticket to the wagon of the economy class "Sapsana" Moscow-Saint Petersburg costs 1428 rubles, and a ticket to the car-bistro (№5, 2e) 3945 (the exact price depends on the date and time of departure). But passengers of the last car can order food for 2000 rubles. Price examples:

- Greek salad 220 rubles
- Pork with young potatoes 500 rubles
- Cold Borsch 250 rub
- Porridge with nuts 200 rubles.

Not all passengers like the quality of food in restaurant wagons. It is better to spend this money for a normal cafe in St. Petersburg.

4. How to buy two upper or two lower places in the coupe?

According to paragraph 15 of Section II "Rules passenger traffic"When selling travel documents (tickets) into cars with numbered places (tough places for lying, with a 4-seater coupe and with a 2-seater coupe (SV)) passengers purchasing two travel documents (ticket) and more, is provided, as a rule, equal to the number of upper and lower places

In practice, this means that if you buy two tickets through the "Russian Railways" site or terminal at the station, it is impossible to purchase two lower or two faces. It is very strange, but it is.

ONETWOTRIP service comes to help in such situations. When buying tickets with it, you can choose any combinations of places.

ONETWOTRIP has two more advantages over the Railways Site. First, for the purchase of railway tickets points are accruedThat can be spent on hotels and air tickets. Secondly, the interface of their applications and the site is many times more convenient for the selection and purchase of tickets than the Russian Railways website.

5. How to buy a ticket for a minute?

When buying a ticket online on the Russian Railways website, you must dial a lot of passenger information on the keyboard: names, surnames, date of birth, passport numbers, and when paying for data bank card. And so before each trip. This is one of the many reasons to hate the Railways website.

The ONETWOTRIP service users have enough to do this once. All information about yourself and members of your family can be saved in a notebook and it will automatically be copied from there when buying tickets.

6. What date it is more profitable to take a ticket?

When planning a trip, you should pay attention to seasonal Railways coefficients. The price of a ticket to different dates can be significantly different. Therefore, before buying it is worth checking with the table of annual price changes. The above is the data for jewel and sv-wagons.

For example, you can buy a ticket to a ticket to 12 August for 1200 rubles (9.06 - 31.08 Seasonal coefficient + 20%). And you can postpone the trip for the day and buy a ticket for September 1 for 1100 rubles (-10%). After September 18, the ticket will cost 900 rubles (-10%).

7. For how many days before the departure of the train, it is better to buy a ticket?

In Russian Railways there is a dynamic pricing system. The main principle of its work is simple: "The more the demand and less places in the car, the higher the price of tickets." If you plan a trip for 60 days, you can save up to 50%.

September 1 - 2585 rubles;
September 11 - 2385 rubles;
October 9 - 1986 rubles;
October 26 - 1298 rubles.

8. What can be asked from the conductor?

Here are the objects that the conductor is free Must provide a passenger:

  • board games (checkers, chess, domino);
  • socket for charging a mobile phone;
  • cold and hot boiled water;
  • seat belts for upper shelves;
  • cutlery.

If you want to leave a review about the work of the conductor, then call the number 8-800-775-00-00 .

In 2016, 778 thousand Russians worked in Russian Railways. This is the number of more than the population of Montenegro.

9. How to take a shower in the train?

Many passenger trains have a shower, which is located in the pile wagon. This applies to all branded and most ordinary compositions. To use it, you need to negotiate with the conductor or the head of the train.

The official value of such a service is 150 rubles. Additionally, you can buy a set of towels for 100 rubles, hygienic tools for 100 rubles and disposable slippers for 50 rubles.

It is very convenient to book tickets and the plane in one application. In addition, everyone who bought a train ticket to OneTwotrip can book a hotel at a special price.

11. How to follow the stocks of Russian Railways?

Discount messages appear on pages in ONETWOTRIP social networks and in the form of pushwotrip push-notifications. For example, now when buying tickets for Sapsan on the day of departure, 50% discount.

12. How to make money on late trains?

For each hour of delay, it can get 3% of the cost of the ticket. To do this, apply for control railwaySubmission to whom was your train, to attach a ticket to it and a certificate that confirms the delay or delay.

Just remember that Russian Railways can refuse compensation if the cause of the delay has become the "circumstances of force majeure". What exactly, not mentioned.

13. How to get a discount on utility services with the help of railway tickets?

If in your apartment no counters And the whole family was absent more than 5 days, within a month after returning from the trip, you can apply for the recalculation of utilities to the company that provides you. It is necessary to attach tickets there and back to it (they can be replaced by a travel certificate, help from the sanatorium, hotel checks).

Yes, it works, including with electronic tickets. Discount on utility payments while traveling realnaOur chief editor did so twice last year.

From January 1, 2017, such a statement should be attached "an act of examinations for establishing the availability (lack) of the technical ability to install individual, common (apartment), collective (generalic) accounting devices.

14. How to lose a minimum of money in the event of a ticket?

The amount returned during the delivery of tickets is tied to time:

but.) 8 hours before the departure of the train: the full cost of the ticket Plus the full price of the reserimar minus a fixed return fee (192 rubles 70 kopecks).

b.) Less than 8 hours and more than 2 hours before the departure of the train: the full cost of the ticket Plus 50% of the cost of the reserimar minus fixed return fee (192 rubles 70 kopecks)

at.) If less than 2 hours left before departure, you will be returned 100% of the cost of the ticket, but all the cost of the replanting will hold (plus fees).

What part of the ticket price accounts for a deposit - you can see the file with information about the order, which comes to the mail after buying a ticket.

If you are late, take a ticket better not more than three hours after the departure of the train. If you put on the interval from 3 to 12 hours, then to return the money it will be necessary to write a claim statement.

For the delivery of tickets from 12 hours to 5 days after sending a train to the application, it will be necessary to make a certificate from the doctor or other evidence that the lateness occurred not by your fault.

Modern transport systems Provide many opportunities quickly and comfortably overcome tens of kilometers of ground space. On the plane, you can fly from one end of the country in a matter of hours to another, and you can drive the same distance on a comfortable bus on comfortable modern roads.

One of the most pleasant ways to go on a journey is the railway. Everyone who at least once visited the wagon-compartment, the sign of the wheels, tea in a glass with a cupboard and unhurried conversations with fellow travelers. However, few people are familiar with his story and some interesting features. Moreover, even their own places in the wagon-coupe without the help of the conductor will not everyone can find.

All known model

Everyone from the children's years familiar all-metal wagons began to be made at the Ammenorf plant in the GDR plant specifically for the needs of the USSR. The manufacture and supply of it was started in the 60s and continued until the mid-80s. This production of wagons was the most massive in the history of the railway. All of them were produced more than 30 thousand.

At the moment this type vehicle Actively written off in all CIS countries. This situation occurs on Russian Railways. The wagon-compartment produced in Ammendorf, although hasited for our fellow citizens, but does not meet the modern requirements of the transportation of passengers.

Scheme of the wagon coupe

Ticket in Hands, but where to go with him - really, a familiar situation? So that such questions do not occur, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the scheme of the wagon coupe.

Let's start with the decryption of the "coupe" concept. This is the type of a second-class sleeping passenger carriage. By degree of convenience, it is significantly better than a reserved sector, but less comfortable than suite or St. Depending on the type of coupling cars are divided into 9 or 10 hotel coupes. Each of them is closed by departing door and is intended to accommodate four people. It has a folding table, hanger, luggage shelves and drawers. The mirror hangs on the door. The wagon-compartment of the modern model is usually equipped with air conditioning.

All verse wagons are necessarily equipped with titanium for heating hot water, a coupe for recreation of a conductor, a working area of \u200b\u200bconductors, two bathrooms and tambours.

A total of 36 or 40 venue cars. Moreover, they are numbered according to the following principle: all odd places are lower, and all even - the top. Numbering seats starts from the conductor's coupe.

Wagon-compartment wagon

The price of CV and Lux \u200b\u200bin the wagons is at least twice the cost of the usual jewel. Why is such a difference?

The scheme of the wagon of increased comfort is different from the second class already studied by us. That's just one or two passengers are placed in SV. All shelves in the car lower. At the same time, the amount of coupe remains the same, that is, the passengers are at least twice as fewer, respectively, less noise, compensation and unexpected situations caused by the human factor.

For the convenience of passengers in each coupe of the first-class wagon, a wardrobe and a TV are additionally installed. Shelves are softer, necessarily with backrests for seating.

Since the upper shelves in such a type of wagons are missing, there are additional luggage compartments in their place.

The interior of the car is also somewhat different from its second-class counterparts. It is there at least minor, but in general, referring to minimalist design details. And the finishing materials are most of its highest quality.

Best place in the car

It seems that all places of the wagon compartment are the same. However, among them you can find the best and worst. For example, a place at number 36 few people love, as it is an extreme upper shelf at the toilet. His main drawback is a constant noise in the corridor, behind the wall and unpleasant smell.

Also, experienced travelers are not recommended to acquire places in the coupe nearest to conductor. Luggage compartments in them can be occupied by blankets, convolutions with transmissions and other things. If you are not lucky and this situation will happen, it will be completely pointless to argue and swear - there is little place in the train, and all this is good anyway needs to be stored somewhere.

According to the majority, best places In the car coupe - 9, 11, 13 and 15. Titan, conductor, toilet and important smokers) near. And at the same time, they are located far enough so as not to feel the smell of the toilet and smoke cigarettes.

Safety or Fresh Air

Before proceeding with the selection of tickets, you need to know about another trunk of sleeping passenger cars. In the coupe below the numbers 3 and 6 windows do not open. And not only in the jewelry car. In the sv and placentar, the situation is similar.

There is no possibility to open windows due to the special design of the frames, since it is through this coupe that passenger evacuation is assumed in the event of an accident. It is believed that a semi-shot window can become a serious obstacle on the way.

So, if you like fresh air, these places are not for you.

The past article was popular, because on the eve of the summer decided to turn back to the topic of travel travels and highlight some more tricks and non-obvious moments associated with this type of movement. If anyone missed, then the first article on this topic. Knowledge of these things makes your trip more comfortable or predictable, and something even can save your life (seriously!)

Tricks for a passenger train

1. Rooms places in the car

People are sometimes confused and can not understand what place they buy. In fact, everything is simple. Odd numbers - bottom shelves. Even - upper. Rooms from 1 to 36 These are places in the coupe (9 compartment of 4 seats). From 37 to 54 - side in a placket. And yes, 37 and 38 These are the very sidewalls at the toilet!

Regarding which places it is better to choose, you can argue long enough. Traditionally it is believed that the last coupe in the placentar is worse than the rest, and the worst place in the car - 38 (the upper side of the toilet). By the way, in the new cars, the vacuum toilet can work quite noisily, then the last coupe of the jewelry car will differ from the rest, a little on the worse. But, for example, 35 and 36 shelves in a reserved seat (the last coupe, the places on the right) from some point of view are good, better than 33 and 34. In most cars (but not in new) at the places 35.36 there is a partition that Protects legs from the door. The same partition protects both careless passengers. Have you ever been walked by people passing by, accidentally assured the leg? Me - yes, especially if you go on the bottom shelf (I do not like the bottom shelves). Someone this partition limits, but for me there is so good from it more than harm.

Personally, I do not like the first coupe in the placentar due to the fact that there is quite light at night - in the service aisle, the light is usually not quenched and hinders a little. In general, based on probability theory, in the middle case the most calm and quiet places Will be in the middle of the car (17-20 and side 45-46), - if you take that calmer where you go past you. This is in a standard car where toilets from two sides. But how will it be specifically in your case - no one knows. Will fall in this middle of the car snoring passenger, and suffer so all night 🙂

2. Cheaper ticket categories

For some time, a different approach to the cost of different places in the car acts in Russian Railways. In my opinion, it is completely reasonable that the locomotive place in terms of comfort should differ in price. Today it is implemented, although not always and not everywhere.

It works like this. We go and start looking for tickets in the direction. We show some prices. Then we go to the data entry, we continue to design, and then we discover that the final price is significantly higher than the one indicated when searching. Just when searching we show minimum pricesand the place is automatically selected at the maximum. So for the minimum cost you need to choose a place yourself.

The problem is that at the moment the Railways website does not inform us in advance, what place how much it costs, we will learn about it only at the stage of the last data verification. And the situation is not always the same. Possible options identified by MSU empirically:

  • in a coupe The upper shelves may be cheaper than the lower;
  • in placentar All upper shelves may be cheaper;
  • side upper shelves can be cheaper;
  • it may be cheaper by the last compartment of the reserved seat, at the toilet, space 33-38;
  • may be cheaper than 38 shelf, the sidewall at the toilet.

It happens that 38 shelf is sold at one price, but all the others on the one else. And it happens that 38 shelf is the cheapest, the upper shelves are more expensive, and the bottom is even more expensive. But 38 shelf will not necessarily be cheaper than the other tops. It happens that it is so prosperous to calculate what Russian Railways came up with this time.

3. Emergency outputs in 3 and 6 coupe

For those who have stuffy, and who love to open windows. In the new cars irrelevant - air conditioning works - but for old things everything is still. I remind you that there are two coupes in the car with emergency outputs through the window. It is always a coupe under the numbers 3 and 6, rooms of places in the car 9-12 and 21-24. On the window there it is written - "Emergency Exit". It is impossible to open it without the need.

In fact, there are especially gifted people who open these windows. It is difficult, but can open up as usual. But if all the same, someone guessed to open such a window, then in no case can you try to close it.I remember the story when the conductor tried to close such a window during the train movement. The window immediately did not close, and she guessed to get up on the table. As a result, flew out of the car with the window - the same emergency exit!

If the window is open, then it is worth saying this conductor. Maybe it will try to close during parking at the station. But personally, I would have left the conductor to the end of the route. So if you do not want to go with the open window all the way and freeze at night, do not touch it. And do not touch at all!

4. How many errors in the bill may be

I heard several times that it is allowed to three errors in the name-surname or the passport number. In fact, when I worked as a conductor (although it was in 2008, I doubt that something has changed), according to the instructions, we had to let the passenger in the car, if the error in one (!) Letter or digit. It was allowed that two adjacent letters or numbers were changed in places. I think if you have 2-3 errors in the surname, and the passport number is written correctly (or vice versa), then you probably will still be placed on the train. But it is better not to risk and carefully check your data when buying.

Obviously, it is necessary to present this document to which a ticket was bought (passport, passport, military ID). The document number and the first name must match the document. I am given the cases when the conductors put passengers with errors in the "For Remuneration" bugs. But it is forbidden, rarely who will go to this, according to the rules, the conductor simply must refuse to land.

5. Do I need to print a paper ticket

With the introduction of electronic registration, we got the opportunity to travel without traditional tickets printed on an orange letterhead. Now you can buy a ticket alone on the Internet and go through it. We are provided with a paper ticket that is a document of strict reporting. By the way, do not forget to check that on the ticket there is a mark "Electronic Registration". Today in 99 cases out of 100 when buying on the Internet, electronic registration is automatically. But there is still a train, where it can not be in principle. If you bought such a ticket, then for it it will be necessary to print an orange ticket in the terminal or in the terminal, otherwise the train will not rise. So I still check that there are no surprises.

Regarding the need to print a paper ticket. The following is written on it;

"Print this coupon or save on a mobile device and present when landing together with the identity document specified when purchasing an e-ticket".

In fact, this printout itself in 90% of cases, the conductors are not asked. If they have lists, they will look for your surname in the list, checking only the passport. True, sometimes there are no lists. Then you need something confirming. Personally, I'm not typing anything now, and if necessary, I show a ticket in the application for the smartphone. I use the informal "application of Russian Railways", wrote about him, very convenient.

Yes, by the way, once faced a story when the man did not want to plant a train. He had an electronic registration, and this was written on the ticket, I saw himself. But for some reason it was not on landing lists. The situation decided, the head of the train called somewhere, registered it. Then he told him that He somehow did not complete the registration. I can not imagine that it could be. If only he registered, printed the form, and then canceled electronic registration. Or failure in Russian Railways. I do not think that it is worth a very worry about such opportunities.

6. When the landing begins into the car and when it ends

We are not talking about intermediate stations where landing begins in accordance with the schedule, but about the initial one. Here the landing begins exactly 30 minutes before departure. Often the composition itself is submitted to the platform before. And some passengers love to reach their car, especially it is interesting in winter, and stand on the platform to wait and remember the unkind Word of the conductor. You can still start knocking out the window. So all this is meaningless, landing should begin equally throughout the composition, exactly in 30 minutes. Then it will be announced at the station on the beginning of the landing in your train. So if you arrived at the station early, then sit in a calm in the building. Sapsans, by the way, are often served even later, usually minutes for 20 minutes.

5 minutes before the departure at the station declare that "until the end of the landing remained 5 minutes." After this announcement, the conductor will ask everyone who else on the platform, go to the car, and then pass through the car to check whether there are no winning.

For 2 minutes before the departure of the train announce "the train is so sent from such a path." That is how it was already announced that the train goes, but before the departure itself for another two minutes. By the way, it acts for suburban trains. Because if you are late for the train and heard such an announcement, then you should not despair. There is some more time to try to have time.

7. Is it possible to jump into the train on the go

In the cinema, we have repeatedly seen the passengers run along the platform for the train started by the train and jump into open doors. In fact, this will never be. The conductor is obliged to close the doors immediately after the train moved. Plant passengers when the train movement has already begun, is more expensive. In addition, you can get a fine, it may well find that the passenger confused the train (not a car, and the train!). And what the conductor will do with it when the train is already moving?

Because if you came running to the door closed already, then knocking and ask to let it meaninglessly. Just unfold and go to the cashier, try (some amount you can still count on).

To prevent such situations, we come to land in advance, and if we already feel that we do not have time to our car, we run into the first one. The conductor is obliged to plant you upon presenting a ticket for this train.

For situations where you are already driving on the train, and reached the intermediate station. There, theoretically, it will be possible to sit on the go, most likely, the conductor will wait, in this case he is already unprofitable if you stay, write later reports. But it is better to not bring this, except that the conductor risks the fine, it is also elementary dangerous. Therefore, follow the rules, listen to the requirements of the conductor, and go to the car in advance!

8. Can not buy bed linen

To date, it is impossible to abandon the purchase of bed linen in the wagons of the coupe and St. But in the deposit you can. In 2017, underwear costs 138 rubles, and over time, this figure is gradually growing, along with inflation.

But it must be remembered that the payment of bed linen gives the right to use the mattress, pillow and blanket. If the underwear is not paid, it is impossible to use them, so the option with its own bedding will not roll. Therefore, such savings makes sense only if you plan to see all the way. Nobody forbids launching their foams and sleeping bags

By the way, if you did not include bedclothes in a ticket in advance, it can always be purchased from the conductor for the same cost.

9. Bandage for sleep

It is absolutely unclear for me why this attribute is not very popular among travelers. After I appreciated the convenience of the dressing for sleep, I do not part with her at all, especially when traveling in any transport.

Thanks to this accessory, we become independent of lighting in the car. You can sleep during the day. But at night, there are some problems on the train, for example, that you have already gathered to sleep, and the light is not turned off. Once I rode in a second-class car, where an inexperienced conduit for all night left dull light. It was possible to go ascend to turn off, but it was easier to put a dressing and not think about it.

10. Do you need to pour tea yourself

When we buy tea from the conductor, it is absolutely necessary to pour boiling water yourself. In many cases, the conductor will suggest to attribute you tea to your place. But it happens that the conductors are lazy to do this and are limited to the fact that it gives you a glass of glass in a cup holder and a bag with tea. So that this does not happen, you do not need to ask tea and stand wait. They approached the conductor, said: "Bring tea to such a place, please," and everyone goes away. We pay money when you bring. The conductor is not a fool, of course, bring you tea, it is profitable for him. It is not even necessary to go behind it, you can hide the conductor when it passes by your place. C - service.

Although no one forcing the conductor once again, some love and pour themselves tea.

Of course, any journey always starts from the road. Unfortunately, we cannot choose our neighbors, but it is quite possible to choose the place. In this article we will tell about how to choose a comfortable place in the train.

Choosing a place in the car

When choosing a place in the train, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. It is not recommended to choose a 9 coupe (near the toilet), as well as 1 coupe, near the conductor and the second toilet. Almost always, the tickets for these places are sold with great difficulty, as they are considered not comfortable. "And what places it is recommended to buy?" - you ask. So, more convenient places are lower places. The lower shelves always have an odd numbering. Such shelves will be much more convenient and safer the upper shelves.
  2. If you choose a place in a jewelry car, we do not recommend buying places in the third and sixth coupe. The fact is that such a coupe are equipped with emergency exits, and the windows will not open in them. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable in the coupe with closed windows, especially if we are talking about a summer time trip. Please note that the same as in the coupling cars, the places that are near the toilet are not comfortable. The same, a comfortable trip will be if you buy a ticket to the bottom shelf or on the shelf in a jewelry car. Also a good option will be the side places. However, side seats often buy when there are no tickets to the bottom shelves.
  3. The last upper shelf in a second-class car has significant differences from other top shelves because it has a partition. If you have a high height, then you will be very uncomfortable on such a shelf. Also, this place has no step, with which you can climb the shelf. Places number 1, 2, 35 and 36 are a little shorter than others, which is hardly like people with high growth. The most common sizes of the lower shelf in the car - 177 cm, and the upper - 167 cm. Width - 60 cm.
  4. Many many wonder: "How to buy a place about the socket?". However, it is unlikely to work. In the coupe, they are between the 3rd and 4th coupe, as well as between the 7th and 8th.
  5. In the placentar, the sockets can be found near the places 5,7,8,9,29,30,31,32,41,42,59,60, and also in the tail of the car near the toilet. However, it is not recommended to buy places in the tail in the tail of the tail, because in addition to the toilet there is also a trash can. However, prepare for the fact that at your place everything will be worn and constantly asking to charge the phone.

How do you see, find a good place The car will be very easy. Adhere to the above recommendations, and your trip will take place as comfortable as possible.

Related Materials

A second-class car is an optimal solution for those who are going to travel by train and want to save money. However, often when buying tickets, we are faced with a question: what place is it better to choose?

For passengers, there are 54 places on the upper and lower shelves. Top places are numbered even numbers, the lower - odd. Places 1 to 36 are located on one side of the car and form a four-seater coupe without doors (9 of them). Opposite each such coupe, side places are located - from 37 to 54. For conductors there is a separate coupe at the beginning of the car. Also at the beginning and at the end of each car there is a toilet. Remember that in convenience, this type of car is inferior to a coupe and since and the lower cost of tickets is explained.

What places in the secondary carriage are considered the most comfortable

If it is conditionally on the car scheme to highlight the beginning, middle and end, then the most comfortable place will be closer to the middle:

  • They are located far from the toilets - possible unpleasant odors will not be felt.
  • They are far from the tambourists - will not interfere with the noise from the walking of passengers and train officers in the composition.

But their advantages have places at the beginning and at the end of the car:

  • Being closer to the coupe of conductors, you will get quick access to hot waterThanks to which you do not have to be caution to carry boiling water through the entire car.
  • These places are equipped with sockets - you can charge the phone or tablet.

If you select the advantages between the lower and upper places, the lower places will be convenient for:

  • old people;
  • passengers with a large complex;
  • mom with children of younger age;
  • those who need to fit large luggage, since under all the bottom shelves there is free space.

Top places are considered less comfortable, but they will be comfortable if you:

  • we are going alone;
  • want to calmly lie down, turn away to the wall, read or build;
  • driving a night train or short distances;
  • want to save money - the upper places are always cheaper than the lower.

Uncomfortable places: what you need to know

Select comfortable places is easy if you buy tickets in advance. But in practice it is rarely found. Therefore, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Each car has such places where the windows do not open. These are emergency sections 3 and 6 (places number 9-12, No. 21-24). In hot weather in a car without air conditioning, you will have a stuffy ride, but for trips in winter it will be even a plus.
  • Not all shelves are the same in length. Shelves No. 1-2 and No. 3 5-36 - shorten by about 15 cm, which can deliver discomfort to high growth passengers.
  • Not the most convenient is considered to be Place No. 36 for two reasons: there is no possibility to stretch the legs forward due to the partition, and there is also no special support that helps climb to the top place.

The most uncomfortable are considered in the deposit space for several reasons:

  1. Pull legs with the convenience way it will be at the power of the neighbors in the coupe, you will not work. This is noticeable to high people.
  2. Unlike jigging places, a separate table is not provided for sites. There this function performs the bottom shelf, which is transformed into the table. And it will have to somehow share with neighbors along the upper shelf, which may cause conflicts.
  3. Obviously, those who are going on the side places most often will hurt passing by the neighbors. It is not very nice, especially if it is important for you to sleep.
  4. Top side places are close to the top jigger. To be more accurate, the head of one will be near the feet of another, which can also cause inconvenience.

What places most secure

Among seats film Wagon You can select not only comfortable / uncomfortable, but also the safest. For example, places on the bottom shelves and closer to the head car. These places are considered safer if you are afraid to fall while braking trains. From point of view emergency situations (For example, in the congestion of the train with the rail), the safest place is closer to the middle of the car. Places with non-opening windows (No. 9-12, No. 21-24) are emergency exit.

What places it is worth choosing

So, buying tickets, choose a place in the coupe number 2 (places number 5-8), No. 4 and No. 5 (places No. 13-20), No. 7 (No. 25-28). You can be confident in their convenience.

Remember that the ticket purchase of tickets is perhaps the most important factor affecting the choice of comfortable places. Otherwise you will have to be content with what it got. And if something went wrong - do not be discouraged and treat everything with humor. In any case, it is not worth it to spoil yourself and the mood and travel!