How to get around in India: transport in India. Modes of movement in India or Indian transport India transport system

In India, both standard and not very standard modes of transport are available for movement around the country - from public and private buses and an extensive railway network to low-cost aircraft and exotic for russian tourist rickshaw. From our article you will learn about all the intricacies of getting around India.


IN last years air traffic between cities in India is rapidly developing, prices for plane tickets are often comparable to railway tickets for expensive trains, but with tangible savings in travel time. So, domestic flights are served by the following local carriers and low-cost airlines:

A train

Railway transport is well developed in India. Railways appeared in the country in 1853, today they are operated by the state-owned Indian Railways company.

At large train stations, there are separate ticket offices for tourists, where you can buy tickets without queuing at a special tourist quota (if you pay for a ticket in rupees, you need to provide a receipt from an exchange office or a check from an ATM).

Types of Indian trains

Fast "Shatabdi" (Shatabdi Express), runs between major cities. It has two types of carriages - the "seated air-conditioned" (AC chair) and the "seated air-conditioned superior" (AC executive chair).

Rapid "Rajdhani" (Rajdhani Express) connecting Delhi and state capitals. It has carriages of the following classes: "I air-conditioned" (AC 1st class, 1AC), "two-tier air-conditioned" (two-tier AC, 2AC), "three-tier air-conditioned" (three-tier AC, 3AC), "second class" ).

Untitled Express, have carriages of the following classes: 2AC, "seated" (chair car), "unconditioned sleeping" (non-AC sleeper, you need to take your own bedding), "unconditioned class II" (non-AC 2nd class).

Suburban trains differ in a very conditional service (tickets without seats, wooden seats, no toilet, a fan instead of an air conditioner, etc.)

Air-conditioned AC cars have a conductor, bed linen, a blanket, air conditioning, and tickets are sold to certain seats. Tickets for unconditioned cars are sold without seats (often there are several people per seat). On trains "Shatabdi" and "Rajdhani" meals are included in the ticket price.

For tourists intending to travel a lot by Indian trains, the Indiarail Pass may be helpful. It is sold for dollars or rupees (you need to provide an exchange receipt) at railway stations in large cities and in tourist offices in India. It differs in the period of validity and the class of the car. The cost is indicated in US dollars.

Indiarail Pass duration

AC Class, adult / child

Class / AC-2 Tier, AC-3 Tier / AC Chair Car,adult/ children

Class / Second Class,adult/ children

If the distance to your destination city is more than 500 km, having bought a train ticket, you have the right to make one stop on your way for no more than two days. To do this, getting off at the intermediate station, you must check your ticket with the station master or ticket collector.

If you buy a train ticket and wish to travel in a carriage best class (if there is free space), you can pay the conductor the difference in price.

Train schedule between the main stations can be seen.

Full information on ticket prices can be obtained at.


Buses are a very popular form of public transport in India, and much more convenient than trains (especially over long distances): buses run more often, and tickets for travel on them are cheaper.

There are public and private buses.

State buses depart on schedule from official bus stations and train stations, tickets for them can be bought at the ticket office and from the controller in the cabin. Bus routes connect large and nearby cities (within 3-4 hours of travel), their travel interval is 15-30 minutes. Public bus timetables can be found at train stations and stations. Long-distance buses on the way rarely stop at the request of passengers.

Ticket price depends on the distance of the trip, and must be specified at the box office in each individual case (on average, about 1 rupee per 1 km). Tickets can be handwritten or a mini-cash register check.

Private buses depart from both state stations and their own stations. They run on their own schedule and make a sanitary stop every 3 hours on the way. There are various types of private buses, including tourist buses (with soft seats and water included in the ticket price) and night buses - "slipper - basses" (with 2 tiers of seats - lower seated and upper recumbent), which compete with trains.

Tickets for private buses are sold at tourist offices (in the same place - the timetable) or in the bus. Ticket price - depending on the distance, from several tens to several hundred rupees.

There is another type of buses in India - route taxis (for 10-12 people) "shered", large off-road vehicles Tata and Mahindra, plying in hard-to-reach (more often - mountain) areas. The fare is slightly more expensive than the bus, they leave as they fill up.


There are private and public taxis in India.

Government taxis are typically black-yellow and black-green old Ambassadors, black, yellow and white Tata cars and Mahindra jeeps (with a blue stripe and tourist lettering) owned by the Indian Ministry of Tourism. Private taxis are white Ambassador or small Tata. The price of a trip with a driver must be negotiated before boarding, bargaining is welcome. In tourist taxis there is an approximate price list of the cost of the trip, depending on the distance, bargaining is inappropriate.

Taxis can be taken from parking lots (private and public), ordered from the hotel. From airports and train stations, you can leave by state taxis, the ticket offices of which are necessarily located near the exit. These are the so-called Prepaid Taxi - taxis with advance payment. You pay for the fare, take the receipt for the driver (but do not give it to him until the end of the trip!), Who has no right to ask for an additional amount of money for the trip. Also, immediately warn the driver that a trip to the shops of his friends and relatives is not included in your plans.


Authentic indian public transport - rickshaws. Rickshaws can be motorized, bicycled, and running (preserved only in Calcutta).

A cycle rickshaw is a small two-wheeled two-seat carriage attached to a bicycle. Such transport can be convenient only for a sightseeing walk in the pedestrian zone of an old city.

The auto rickshaw is a three-wheeled modification of the Bajaj Auto motor scooter, with a cabin for passengers, reminiscent of the popular Asian tuk-tuk. The price of a rickshaw ride is usually half or even 2/3 of the cost of a taxi ride. The price must be negotiated in advance. Some rickshaws are equipped with meters, more often the price of a trip along a certain route is indicated in the price list in the cab

Motor rickshaws are also presented in cargo and public modifications (analogous to the Thai songkhteo), in India they are called “tempo”. Tempo is more auto rickshaw, has 2 wooden benches in the back and can accommodate from 6 people. The fare is fixed.

Rickshaws of all kinds can be taken from tourist attractions or "caught" on the street.

India has a very large domestic airline network. Airports are located in every major city and district center. The main airports in the country are airports in Delhi, Bombay, Goa, Kolkata, Chennai and Bengalore. Most of them have a well-developed infrastructure.

Urban transport of the country is represented mainly by buses. large cities and the resort areas, the buses are modern and air conditioned. Commuter and private buses are generally in poor condition.

India has bad roads, buses are very crowded, and pickpocketing is rampant. For these reasons, tourists are not advised to use the buses. However, buses are considered the cheapest way to travel around the country.

Water transport in India is not very well developed. There is a sea service between Port Blair ( Andaman islands), Kolkata and Madras, as well as between Kolkata and Madras, but only during the tourist season.

A more modern line operates between Cochin and the Lakshadweep Islands.

Passenger ships regularly sail along the coast of Kerala. There are flights connecting Allapuja and Kovalam.
A modern catamaran equipped with air-conditioned cabins runs between Mumbai and Goa. Foreigners have the option to pay in rupees if they have a currency exchange receipt.

New Delhi has a subway. Travel is inexpensive. Trains and metro stations have powerful air conditioning. There is also a reliable fire safety system.

A very large volume of passenger and freight traffic is accounted for by rail. There are modern high-speed trains in the major cities of the country. Express trains are less comfortable, but travel is cheaper.

There are three types of taxis in India: regular taxis, rickshaws and pedicabs. Travel is very inexpensive. At night, tariffs are one and a half times higher.

Very often taxi drivers cheat and cheat tourists. Booths can be found in cities

prepayment for taxi services, which is quite convenient. The overpayment is less here.
Tourists can also rent a car. All major international car rental companies operate in the country. Their offices can be found at airports and hotels. There are also offices of local small companies.

Almost all roads in India are in very poor condition. The tracks are too narrow here, there are often no markings and road signs... The flow of cars is quite dense. Driving in India is left-hand.

Local drivers do not follow traffic rules. The machines are in a very poor technical condition. Cows and elephants often appear on the roads. People walk along the roadside.

To rent a car, an international driving license is required, as well as a civil liability insurance policy. The rates are very high.

India is a great country where people are always in a hurry somewhere. On the road, it is very difficult to understand what rules are followed by drivers of cars, rickshaws, motorcycles, bicycles and mopeds - no one observes the rules road traffic... Everyone just goes where they want to go.

India Air Transport

- a country with a well-developed network of international transport indian airlines... The largest of these is Air India. Domestic flights, as well as flights to neighboring countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal) are provided by the Indian company. Recently, small private airlines called "Aviataxi" have become very popular in India. There are 9 such companies in India, and they, together with state airlines, offer passengers rather favorable flight conditions. Passengers can familiarize themselves with the flight schedule on the pages of the Excel and Divan magazines, in teletext, as well as by contacting travel agencies or referral services major airports in the country.

India has 4 major airports - 2 of which are international, located in and Bombay. Delhi International is an airport located about 20 km from Delhi. "Mumbai" airport of Bombay, located 30 km from the city. You can get from airports to major hotels or airline offices by charter buses or taxi with a fixed flat rate (if you order a car in the airport lounge).

In addition, India has approximately 70 airports providing domestic flights. This makes it possible to fly to the most remote Indian states in comfort. Buses and trains run from nearby towns to the airports.

All internal airports in india equipped with rest rooms, toilets and other amenities for passengers, here you can use ATMs, visit numerous shops or cafes. There are usually taxi ranks near airports.

Please note that during the tourist season, flights are congested and there may be problems with purchasing tickets. It is best to book your tickets in advance. Check-in of passengers for the flight begins 2 hours before departure.

IN international airports Passengers flying to Sri Lanka, Burma, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh or the Maldives are required to pay a customs fee of Rs 50. Passengers flying to other countries must pay a fee of Rs 100.

Passengers between 12 and 30 years old can take advantage of a special program called India Youth Tariffs and allows for domestic flights, as well as India-Nepal flights.

Flights of Indian airlines are very often canceled or delayed. This happens against the background of frequent non-observance of the rights of air passengers.

Railway transport in India

Rail transport is the most popular in India... India ranks first in Asia and second in the world in terms of the size of its international rail network. Almost all major cities in the country are connected by rail, and train tickets are relatively cheap. In some places, the railway may be interrupted, in which case you can get from one station to another by bus.

Indian Pass - this is the name of a special program operating in the country, which means "Pass to India". This program is intended exclusively for foreigners and Indian citizens living abroad, and allows you to travel by rail for a certain period of time with one ticket. Such tickets can be issued from representatives of travel agencies in India or other countries, employees of international airports, Bombay and Delhi. The purchase of this ticket entitles its holder not to pay reservation fees and surcharges for sleeping carriages. You need to use the ticket within one year from the date of purchase. It should also be borne in mind that this document is personal, and another person cannot use it. For children, there is a program called Children's Pass to India, which gives a 50% discount on rail travel for children aged 5 to 12 years. Children under the age of 5 can travel on the trains for free.

IN indian trains there are several classes of comfort:

1. 2-seater compartment with air conditioning (class 1A);

2. 4-seater compartment with air conditioning (class 2A);

2. 6-seater coupe with air conditioning (class 3A);

3. Sleeping car (Sleeper Class);

4. Common carriage (II Second Class Seat).

Depending on the class ticket price fluctuates significantly.

Local trains have two washstands and four toilets in each carriage (Indian and Western). The water here is of very poor quality, so you can only wash your hands with it.

The conductors in the carriages offer passengers hot meals (on some trains, they are included in the ticket price).

There are separate ticket offices for foreign tourists at the country's railway stations. However, it is best to reserve tickets in advance using special machines installed at stations.

In addition, there are usually tour bureaus at train stations near railway ticket offices, with the help of which you can most clearly plan your trip and book the necessary tickets.

Speed train movements in India significantly lower than in European countries. Therefore, it is best to take express trains.

When traveling on Indian Railways, keep a close eye on your luggage - it is best to fasten it under the seat with a chain and lock.

In several large cities in India (Mumbai, New Delhi) there is a subway with powerful air conditioning and fire safety systems installed at stations and on trains.

India road transport

Length of Indian highways is more than 3.3 million kilometers. According to this indicator, India ranks third in the world. Based on statistics, roads provide approximately 80% of India's passenger and 65% of freight traffic.

Coating condition indian highways very bad, while they are very narrow and they often lack any markings and road signs.

An extensive network bus routes connects all parts of India, which is especially relevant for areas without railways, as well as for highlands. Most of the modern express trains with all the conveniences go along the country's major highways, but old buses are found on country roads. Buses are almost always crowded with people, so luggage is carried on rooftops, with the result that it is often stolen or lost.

There are many cars in India taxis that are colored yellow. They often have missing or broken meters, so you need to negotiate the cost of the trip with the driver in advance. If, nevertheless, there is a working meter in the car, it is imperative to require that it be switched when landing. The taxi driver is obliged to show the passenger a copy of the currently valid tariff upon request, as prices here change frequently. The cost of a trip around the city can vary from 325 to 450 rupees for 80 km. A night taxi ride will cost Rs 100. If it becomes necessary to travel outside the city, the passenger will have to pay from 2 to 3 rupees per kilometer in the flat and 6 rupees per kilometer in the mountainous areas.

It is useful to know that in some states of India (for example) "taxi driver days" are officially approved. On these days, only buses are allowed on the territory of hotels, which bring tourists from the airport and take them there. The right to carry out other transportation, including excursions, belongs only to taxi drivers.

In large cities of the country, tourists are offered cars with drivers, but their cost will be slightly higher than taxi services.

Car rental in India, which requires an international driver's license and a civil liability insurance policy. Car rental offices are located at most hotels.

Rickshaws Is the most popular Indian transport. They are divided into pedicabs and rickshaws. The drivers of these vehicles will help you get to any point in the city as quickly as possible, and the cost of the trip will be half the amount of a taxi.

The auto-wicker or tuk-tuk moves at a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour. This mode of transport with a wheel in front can make sharp turns. The three main things auto rickshaw drivers think are loud, powerful horns, good brakes, and luck.

It is convenient to move around the city on a cycle rickshaw. Trishaw Is a human-powered taxi. This mode of transport causes horrendous traffic jams, but at the same time, it compensates for pollution from cars.

It should be borne in mind that there is left-hand traffic on Indian roads, and there are also a lot of traffic violations. Vehicles are in an inadequate technical condition, in the traffic flow you can find carts drawn by oxen, elephants and sometimes cows, which are considered sacred animals here, come out on the road (in this case, the entire traffic flow will wait until the cow voluntarily leaves the road).

In addition, tourists-motorists can be misled by conventional signs and signals, with the help of which, mainly, local drivers communicate.

Oncoming cars start overtaking, warning about it only with a sound signal and, thus, forcing the oncoming traffic to pull over to the side of the road. For auto rickshaws, turn signals almost always do not work or are absent, as a result of which they indicate a change in direction with a short wave of the hand.

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8. Development of the transport complex.

India is one of the largest railway powers in the world. The length of its railways is about 62 thousand km.

Railways account for 55% of India's land transportation, which is 800 thousand tons of cargo and 9 million passengers daily. In terms of freight traffic - 173 billion tons / km per year - India ranks 5th in the world. By 2000, the volume of traffic on Indian railways is expected to almost double compared to 1985. The main increase in traffic is expected on the railways linking the four largest cities - Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. At present, it is planned to electrify more than 10 thousand km. India's railways are cost effective. In 1984/85, they brought in 14.57 billion rupees in revenue to the central government of India.

The main cities of India are connected with each other by national highways, which are constantly expanding and reconstructed. These highways are very busy, and intercity bus communication is developed. The total length of roads in India with a hard, so-called "all-weather" surface for the period from 1950/51 to 19984/85 increased from 157 thousand km. Up to 833 thousand. However, only 1/3 of settlements have access to such roads.

Most Indian roads, especially in the outback, are unpaved. In the rainy season, they become difficult to pass, and thousands of Indian villages are then cut off from the outside world.

With a relatively small number of vehicles (5.2 million including 218 thousand buses, 734 thousand trucks and 1.5 million cars), India has a high rate of road accidents.

India is a maritime power. It has 736 ships of the merchant marine with a total capacity of 6.5 million tons. However, 62.9% of the seaborne trade is processed by the eight main ports. The largest among them is Bombay.

Significant development reached in India air Transport - both on international and domestic lines. Bombay, Delhi and Kolkata are the largest international airports in India, they also serve a large number of transit flights of foreign airlines from Europe to Southeast Asia and Australia. International airports also exist in Madras and Trivandrum.

9. Socio-economic development of certain regions. The reasons for the unevenness in their socio-economic development. Equalization of levels of economic development.

Individual regions of India differ significantly in terms of the level of socio-economic development and economic specialization. Each such area covers several states associated single common geographic and economic, less restricted to a single state.

The economic and geographic regionalization of India is carried out by different researchers - Indian and foreign - in different ways. India has seven large economic and geographical regions: North (Uttar Pradish), North-West (Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradish), East (West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa), North-East ( Assam, Meghala, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh), Central (Madhya Pradesh), Western (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa) and Southern (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerama, Puttucheri), Laksha. In this case, the union territory of Delhi is given a special place.

Delhi combines the functions of the political and administrative center of India with transport, industrial, and cultural. In the old industries - textile and food, precision engineering, metalworking, and the chemical industry were added. Delhi has three universities and dozens of research institutes. The northern region is an agricultural state. It has 18.8 million hectares. Irrigated areas and is the largest producer of grain crops, including wheat, rice, barley, corn, potatoes, fruits. The region provides half of Indian sugarcane. North India is one of the last places in India in terms of industrial production and economic development.

The absence of a large industry is indicative for the Northwest of India.

The unique combination of minerals of East India determines the active industrialization of the region, the main coal and metallurgical base of India.

The northeast is rich in hydropower resources, but due to the remoteness of the region, they are used extremely poorly.

Central India is the largest state in terms of land area and a leading center for the cotton industry.

Western India is the main oil-bearing region of the country.

The southern region is important for rice cultivation, a large producer of cotton and oilseeds, coconuts.

10. External economic relations. Export. Import. Participation in integration economic unions

India's share in world trade is relatively low; moreover, this indicator has a downward trend: India's share in world exports fell from 1.05% to 0.43%. At the same time, the absolute volume of both India's exports and imports is steadily increasing. India's main imports are oil and petroleum products, machinery and equipment, pearls and precious stones, mineral fertilizers, vegetable oils, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and chemical products.

The main trade partners of India are: for export - the USA, Russia, Japan and Great Britain, for import - Russia, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Canada.

The main export commodities are tea, iron ore, cotton fabrics, ready-made clothing, jute, leather and goods from it, pearls and precious stones, machinery and equipment.

Name: Economic characteristics of India
Section: Geography, Economic Geography
Date of publication: 2007-04-28 20:30:43
Read: 3256 times

Transport of India

International traffic

India has a well-developed international air service network operated by Air India and other airlines. Indian Airlines provides domestic flights to and from neighboring countries. In addition to air, there are sea and land routes with the following countries: Sri Lanka (ferries from Rameshwaram (the line is not served during the monsoons); Pakistan (today the only route land transportconnecting Amritsar and Lahore); Nepal (the most practical and popular route is railway, to Raxaul (Bihar), and then by bus to Kathmandu; there is a train to Nantanwa (Uttar Pradesh), and then by bus to Kathmandu / Pokhara or from Bhairava to Lumbini in transit to Pokhara; you can get by bus through the southern valleys from Darjeeling to Kathmandu); Bhutan (by train to Siliguri, then by bus to Puntholing; there are also flights from Kolkata to Paro (Thimphu) operated by Druk Air); Bangladesh (by train from Kolkata to Bangaon (West Bengal), rickshaws across the Bengali border with a change in Kulna or Jessore for further travel to Dhaka or from Darjiding via Siliguri, then by train or bus to Haldibari); Burma (no ground communication); China (ground transportation not).

Air transport

India has 4 most major airports, of which two are international - Delhi and Bombay.

Delhi ("Delhi International"), 21 km south-west of the city. From the airport there are charter buses on Konat Place and taxis (at a fixed rate, order within the airport).

Mumbai (Bombay), 29 km north of the city (travel time 40 minutes). Charter buses to Air India offices and major hotels. Taxi to the city at a fixed rate.

Kolkata, 17 km northeast of the city (travel time 20 minutes). There are charter buses to the Indian Airlines office and major hotels. You can also get to the city by taxi.

Chennai (Madras), 16 km southwest of the city. The charter bus meets all flights between 09:00 and 23:00. Train every 20-30 minutes from 05:00 to 23:00. Route bus every 35 minutes from 05:00 to 22:00. Taxi.

Indian Airlines serves one of the world's largest domestic flight networks - about 70 cities. Indian airlines also operate regular flights to neighboring countries - Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and the Maldives.

If you are traveling during the peak tourist season (September-March), then book your tickets in advance because the flights are very busy at this time. You must arrive at the airport 2 hours in advance for registration and special control at the airport. In some cities there are air terminals, from where buses will take you to the airport.

Passengers flying to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, including children, will be charged a fee of Rs 50 or more; from passengers flying to other countries - from 100 rupees.

In-flight service is world class, but alcoholic beverages are only served on international flights. An adult passenger can carry 20 kg of baggage, and in business class - 30 kg.

The refund fee for tickets purchased locally is very high, but this does not apply to tickets for local flights included in a single international ticket.

In India, there is the "Discover India" program, which provides an unlimited number of economy class flights on all domestic airlines. The same point can be visited only once, with the exception of transfers. Price: $ 750. The program is valid for 21 days starting from the date of the first flight.

India Youth Tariffs Program. The youth fare can be used by passengers from 12 to 30 years old in Economy or Business Class on Indian domestic routes and India-Nepal flights. 25% discount on the ticket price in US dollars. Valid for 120 days.

Program "Excursion to South India". Flying in economy class between any destinations in South India - Chennai (Madras), Trichy, Madurai, Thiruvananthapuram, Cochin, Coyamputur and Bangalore. For single tourists, this program is valid if they buy tickets for a flight with Maldives or from Sri Lanka to India via Chennai (Madras), Tiruchirappalli or Thiruvananthapuram.

New domestic airlines

Recently, the Indian government has given permission to operate private airlines operating under the name "Air Taxi". Along with the state-owned Indian Airlines, nine private companies can offer convenient and profitable travel programs across the country.

Private airlines "Jagsons", "Modiluft", "Jet Airways", "East-West Airlines", "Sahara" serve only certain domestic airlines.

Flight schedules are published in Divan and Excel magazines and shown on teletext. You can also find them out at travel agencies and at major airports.


India's international rail network is the largest in Asia and the second largest in the world. It consists of 62,300 km of rails, over 7,030 railway stations and over 11,200 locomotives. The fare is relatively inexpensive. A large number of express trains connect major cities. Where rail service is interrupted, it is possible to get from the station to the station by bus.

The categories of travel are different, starting with the most expensive class I with air conditioning (the ticket price is comparable to the cost of travel of a similar class in other countries), and ending with the cheapest option - a shared carriage with a ticket without a seat. There are also air-conditioned sleeping cars with double compartments and air-conditioned seating cars (both class II); there are class II wagons with fans.

Upon arrival in the country, it is advisable to pre-order tickets for trains on your route. On many railway stations there are computer systems that make it possible to reserve tickets for travel from any other city. In large cities there are special tourist sections, the staff of which speaks English, where they provide foreigners with tickets, but you have to pay for them in US dollars (travelers checks or cash are accepted). If there is no way to book a ticket, but there is a huge need to travel, try talking to the chiefs of the station, he may be able to allocate a ticket for you from the tourist booking or ticket refund office.

The tour desks at the train ticket offices can assist with travel planning and ticket reservations.

Travel lovers railroad can purchase detailed timetables - "All India Railway Time-Table" or short but detailed timetables "Trains At A Glance".

Do not forget to clarify which station your train departs from, and arrive at the station at least an hour - half an hour before the train departure to find your carriage and seat. Passenger lists with compartment numbers and seats are posted one hour before train departure. You can be assisted by a train station employee and a conductor in charge of sending the train.

Trains in India are slower than in Europe, so use express trains if you are in a hurry. The train fares are relatively low.

Be careful with your luggage on the train. Stock up on locks and chains in advance in order to fasten it down under the seats.

Food can be ordered through the carriage conductor, and on some trains the cost of food is included in the ticket price. Sleeping mattresses are issued for a fee on certain routes in class I and II carriages, but the cost can also be paid when booking a ticket. Linens are issued only in the cars class I with air conditioning.

Lounges (for short stays only) are available at over 1,100 stations; you can get into them on a first come, first served basis, but usually they are all busy. All first class lounges have couches for passengers, but you will have to use your own bedding. Transit lounges have been built at train stations in New Delhi and Kolkata, and lounges can be booked in advance.

Lockers where passengers can leave their luggage are available at most train stations, but be sure to lock your suitcases and bags and don't lose your receipts. Check the opening times of the lockers to get your luggage on time.

In India, there is a special program "Pass in India", when a tourist with one ticket can travel without restrictions on any trains during the validity period of the ticket. Use this program can only foreigners and Indian citizens living abroad with a valid passport. "Pass" can be purchased while in India or through travel agencies abroad. Payment is accepted only in freely convertible currency. Children 5-12 years old can travel with the Kid's India Pass for just half the adult fare. Children under 5 years old travel for free. The ticket must be purchased prior to arrival in the country. Not for sale in India. "Pass" is personalized and cannot be transferred for use to another person. Travelers are required to have their passport ready in case of control. Holders of the "Pass" are exempted from payment of seat reservation fees and allowances for seats in a sleeping car. By purchasing the "Pass", you are relieved of the need to go through all other formalities or worry about purchasing additional travel documents wherever you go. The "Pass" must be used within one year from the date of purchase. The validity period starts from the start of the first trip and ends at midnight after the date indicated on it. The cost of the "Pass" is not refundable, and it cannot be restored in case of loss or damage. The "pass" can be returned only at the office where it was purchased, and the cost is compensated if the use of the document has not been started and if seats on the train have not yet been booked. "Pass to India" can be purchased (it is recommended to do this at least a month in advance) in some agencies different countries or in India, at the tourist railroad bureaus, as well as at a number of the official distributors of the Pass in New Delhi, Bombay, Kolkata and Madras. You can also purchase the "Pass" at the international airports of Delhi, Bombay and Madras.

Road transport

Inside India, there is an extensive bus network connecting all parts of the country. This is especially true for those areas in which there is no railroad connection, in particular for highland areas. Old buses run on most rural roads, but air-conditioned express buses are increasingly appearing on main roads. On many routes, even local ones, tickets can be booked in advance. Most of the luggage is carried on the roof of the bus, so suitcases must be locked and checked for availability during stops.

There are bus services in many cities.

IN big cities taxis and auto rickshaws work, paid according to the tax. They don't always have counters, but if a counter is installed, require it to be switched on when you land. Taxi prices change from time to time and therefore do not always correspond to the meter readings, but the driver must have a copy of the current tariff. Taxis are available with and without air conditioning. Prices range from Rs 325 to Rs 450 if the car is air conditioned. For trips outside the city, there is a per-kilometer rate, usually in the amount of 2.30-3 rupees per kilometer in flat areas (in mountainous areas it is usually 6 rupees per 1 km), and the rate for a night trip is 100 rupees.