Yalta Crimea. About the city of Yalta Crimea Big Yalta

Yalta on the map is located in the southern part of Crimea, from Foros in the west and up to Krasnokamenka in the east. This city is the recognized resort capital of the peninsula, an important passenger and commercial port.

Name history

The city of Yalta, according to the most common version, got its name from the Greek word "yalos", which translates as "coast". This settlement was first mentioned in 1154. The lines about the Polovtsian city on the Black Sea coast came from the pen of the Arab historian Al-Idrisiya.

Yalta on the map. Physical and geographical characteristics

The city is located in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula. It occupies the coast of the Yalta Gulf in the Black Sea. On the territory of the city are the hills of Darsan and Glory. On the land side, Yalta is surrounded by a semicircle of the Crimean mountains.

The general resort attraction is the Vorontsovsky and Livadiysky parks, laid out on the territory of Big Yalta (the latter includes the city itself, Alupka and many villages). First of all, they impress with their impressive size. Unique decorative foreign plants were widely used in their creation.

Climate features

Where is the city of Yalta? At about the same latitude as the popular Italian resorts of Genoa and Ravenna. The warm sun caresses the city for about 2,250 hours a year. A similar indicator can be found in such chic Mediterranean resorts as San Remo, Nice and Cannes. The city of Yalta (Crimea) has a temperate climate, similar to the Mediterranean subtropical. The winters are rainy and mild, the spring is cool, the summer is long and hot, and the autumn is warm and long (the so-called velvet season).

Yalta on the map of Crimea is located in the arms of the warm sea and mountains, which play the role of reliable defenders from cold winds. This geographical feature provides favorable conditions for vacationers.

Yalta (Crimea) is famous, first of all, for its recreational resources. Reserves such as Cape Martyan, Crimean Natural and Yalta Mountain-Forest, provide the therapeutic and climatic value of the resort.


Yalta (photos of the city are presented in the article) is famous for its magnificent beaches. However, not so long ago they were subject to gradual destruction under the influence of landslides. People began to deliberately beautify beaches only a few decades ago. So, the construction of retaining walls, digging of trenches in the seabed and filling them with stones was organized. With the help of floating cranes, hundred-ton groins were installed, and millions of cubic meters of rubble were placed between them. As a result, people have learned to create artificial beaches even in those areas that were previously considered completely unsuitable for recreation.

Fauna, flora

The Yalta Nature Reserve is a unique place where about two thousand species of various plants grow. Juniper-oak forests and shrubs cover the slopes of the city. The most common pine and Crimean pine, as well as juniper and fluffy, maple, hornbeam, beech, cedar, dogwood, pear and mountain ash.

Forests on the southern coast are of extremely important water and soil protection importance, therefore they are recognized as nature reserves and are carefully protected.

The fauna of the southern Crimean coast has an island character and is similar in type to the Mediterranean. On this territory you can see red deer, roe deer, stone marten, badger, teleut squirrel, wild boar, weasel, fox, hare, hedgehog, shrew, bat.

Ecological situation

First of all, let's highlight a number of existing problems:

  • At least nine hundred units per hour (sometimes this figure reaches 1600 units) is the traffic load on the main highways of Yalta in the summer during the daytime. As for the winter period, boiler houses are considered the main source of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, the state of the treatment systems of which has left much to be desired for many years.
  • The maximum concentration on the highways of Simferopol reaches six MPC (maximum permissible concentration), and on the roads of Yalta - three may be due to the use of low quality fuel.
  • As established by experts, in Yalta, the optimal concentration of benzopyrene is almost twice as high. This fact allows us to assert that the ecological situation in the city is unsatisfactory.
  • In March 2012, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allocated ten million hryvnia to modernize the Yalta sewerage system in order to stop the discharge of runoff into the Black Sea waters. However, as of 2013, the city's treatment facilities are still in very poor condition. For this reason, the waters adjacent to the port beaches are periodically polluted with sewage.
  • April 2012 was marked by extensive discussion of the problem of poor cleaning of city streets. Local residents independently organized subbotniks to cleanse Yalta from garbage. In September of the same year, similar events were resumed, as local authorities were unable to maintain cleanliness in the city.

A bit of history

The remains of the settlements of the ancient inhabitants of the Crimean territories - the Taurus - were found by archaeologists not far from Simeiz, on Cape Ai-Todor and in some other places. The artifacts have been dated to around the 4th to 5th centuries BC. The Taurus were pirates, fishermen, farmers, hunters and pastoralists. Their lifestyle can be described as semi-sedentary.

According to legend, Yalta is a city founded by Greek sailors. It is believed that they wandered for a long time across the endless Black Sea expanses, and after seeing the long-awaited coast, they exclaimed: "Yalos!" (this is how the word “shore” sounds in Greek). Since then, these lands have been called so. On maps and documents of the XIV century. the city is referred to as Yalita, Gialita, Kallita and Etalita.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? At present, it belongs to the Russian Federation, but in the summer of 1475, the city, like the entire Crimea, was captured by the Ottoman Turks. The southern coast was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. In the second half of the fifteenth century, there was a powerful earthquake that destroyed Yalta. Only after seventy years did the Armenians and Greeks begin to settle in the devastated area. Historians believe that it was during that period that the name used to this day was fixed for the city.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? Back in 1783, Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. This happened as a consequence of the process of mass resettlement of Crimean Christians to the Azov region in 1778 and the emigration of Crimean Tatars to Turkey. At that time, Yalta was a small deserted fishing village.

Nineteenth century

The Governor-General of the Novorossiysk lands - Count Vorontsov - in 1823 provided two hundred dessiatines of the Yalta land, subject to the cultivation of vineyards, orchards and construction. The newly-made wealthy owners, thanks to the hard work of their serfs, erected luxurious villas, palaces, mansions on this territory, laid huge industrial gardens and vineyards. In addition, at this time magnificent parks appeared, which to this day delight the eyes of locals and tourists: Gurzufsky, Massandrovsky, Alupkinsky, Livadiysky and others.

The city of Yalta was gradually expanding. The map of the area allowed Vorontsov to understand that this inconspicuous settlement, thanks to its unique relief and convenient bay, could become an important city for Russia.

Important transformations

The year 1838 was marked by the formation of the Yalta district. The once deserted village acquired the status of a city. A year earlier, Count Vorontsov ordered the construction of a gravel road that connected Yalta with Simferopol and Alushta. In 1848, the city acquired a direct road connection with Sevastopol.

Destruction and restoration

During the war of 1853-1856. the whole Crimea was seriously affected. Yalta (a map of the city at that time helps to understand the nature and scale of destruction) was no exception. Over time, the city was restored, moreover, they began to talk about it as an excellent resort. Dr. Dmitriev and Professor Botkin noted that the Yalta climate is curative. It is for this reason that Emperor Alexander III issued a decree on the construction of two palaces in the city - Livadia and Massandrovsky.

Private construction also did not stand still. So, one of the richest people in Russia - Prince Yusupov - erected a palace in Koreiz, Count Milyutin - in Simeiz, Naryshkin - in Miskhor.

In 1886, according to the instructions of Alexander III, the construction of a powerful pier made of stone, as well as a sewer system, began. Another important completed project of that period was the Yalta embankment. In 1898, the construction of the city water supply was completed.

As a result, by the end of the nineteenth century, many knew where Yalta was located on the map, since the city was already known as a wonderful resort. The interest of those in power was also fueled by the fact that in the 1860s Livadia, near Yalta, became the southern residence of the Tsar's family.

Twentieth Century

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? Russia. And at the beginning of the last century, many representatives of the imperial nobility considered it their duty to have a palace or at least a dacha on the southern coast of Crimea.

By 1914, two gymnasiums and a commercial school, two clubs, four paid ones, libraries and the same number of cinemas had already been opened in the city.

The situation in Yalta changed significantly after two revolutions - the February and October revolutions - went out of their way. According to Lenin's decree, luxurious mansions and palaces were given to the people. In addition, new health resorts were being actively built. The Dolossy sanatorium was the first to open its doors. It happened in 1928.

And again the war ...

During the Great Patriotic War, German troops occupied Crimea. Anti-Nazi activities were launched in Yalta. The occupants organized a Jewish ghetto in the city. 4500 Yalta residents were herded there. All of them were later shot near Massandra. In the period from 1941 to 1944, Yalta was mercilessly bombarded by enemy aircraft. The city was liberated from the invaders in April 1944.

Is Yalta Russia or Ukraine? From 1954 to 2014, the city was part of the Ukrainian lands, but now it is part of the Russian Federation.

Recent history

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the reconstruction of most of the Yalta coastline began. As a result, the state of the beaches has significantly improved, which today receive more than one thousand people a year, and Massandrovsky was even awarded the "Blue Flag". In 2003, the reconstruction work on the city embankment was completed. Since then, it has become not only a shopping street, but also a place of mass festivities. In 2009, a memorial chapel was erected on the same embankment, which was later consecrated in the name of the Councils of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. It was built in honor of the memory of all those innocently killed during the hard times, during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. It is noteworthy that the memorial is located not far from the wooden chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky, demolished in 1932, erected in memory of Alexander the Second who died at the hands of terrorists.

On March 18, 2014, Crimea (including Yalta) became part of the Russian Federation. This happened on the basis of a popular referendum held two days earlier, as well as an agreement between the authorities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea.

It is not for nothing that Yalta residents proudly call their hometown an open-air museum. Designed for the recreation of Russian nobles, this once tiny settlement is now a popular resort. Tourists from many countries are happy to soak up the local beaches under the gentle Yalta sun.

Yalta is the pride of the Crimean peninsula and one of the most popular resorts. The city itself is the administrative center of Big Yalta, which consists of small villages on the South Coast: Alupka, Simeiz, Gurzuf, Foros, Miskhor, Massandra, Koreiz, Gaspra and other villages. Yalta area - 17.37 sq. km.

The population is about 78 thousand people.

Geographic coordinates of Yalta on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.50171524 E 34.15557300

Historians suggest that the name Yalta comes from the Greek word "yalos", which translates as "coast". The first to populate the territory of modern Yalta were the Taurus. They intensively developed these lands during the Ⅸ-Ⅵ century BC. e. This is confirmed by archaeological research, during which the ruins of settlements of ancient Yalta were found. In the century, these settlements were called Jalita. The Arab geographer Adu Abdallah Muhammad Al-Idrisi wrote about this in his works.
In the ⅫⅠ century, Venetian merchants became the owners of these places, and a little later the Genoese settled here. In 1475, Yalta became a province of the Ottoman Empire, and after a little more than one century, following the results of the Russian-Turkish war, it joined the lands of the Russian Empire. For many centuries Yalta was a small fishing village, and only in September 1838 it was given the status of a city. And this city became a resort at the end of the beginning of the century, when the royal families began to prefer to spend their holidays here. Also, the popularity of recreation in Yalta was influenced by the construction of a road connecting it with Simferopol and Sevastopol.

Climate in Yalta subtropical Mediterranean. The winters are warm here, the average temperature does not drop below zero. It is very warm here in summer, even hot. The peculiarity of the climate in Yalta is the absence of strong winds, since the mountains reliably protect the city. There are many clear days here, and the sea water temperature fluctuates around the 20 ° C mark.

The environment in Yalta can be called quite favorable. Automotive exhaust is the main source of pollution.
Yalta is divided into three main parts: old, new and Chekhovo. Its lands also include the villages of Nikita and Livadia.
Industry in the city is poorly developed. The largest are: the Massandra winery, the Yalta Fish Processing Plant OJSC, a non-alcoholic beer plant, a bread and meat processing plant.

Attractions in Yalta a great many. You can visit palaces, see the beauty of the Uchan-Su waterfall and the Ai-Petri mountain with a cable car leading to it, see animals in

Average temperature in the city by months:

Yalta through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, property prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Yalta. Feedback from residents and those who have moved to the city.

General information and a brief history of Yalta

Yalta, or as it is also called "Russian Riviera", is a resort capital in the southern part of Crimea. But the administrative center, called Big Yalta, includes: Alupka, Foros, etc. The length of Big Yalta is 72 km, and the territory is 900 hectares, half of which is built up, and the rest is planted with trees and exotic bushes.

The vast territory of the modern city has been inhabited since ancient times, but intensive development began in the 9-6th century BC. The writings first mentioned Yalta, then it was called Jalita, in the 12th century. The famous Arab traveler Adu Abdallah Muhammad al-Idrisi mentioned her in his writings.

This city has seen many conquerors, was in the possession of the Golden Horde, Genoa, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, Ukraine. Today it is part of the Russian Federation. Only in 1838, together with the formation of the county, Yalta received the status of a city. And after 5 years, the building plan was agreed and the coat of arms was approved.

The rapid development of the city began with the construction of the port and highways with Simferopol and Sevastopol. Since the early 60s of the 19th century, Yalta and its environs began to develop as resorts. At the same time, the imperial family acquired the Livadia estate here, later the favorite resting place of all the Romanovs. So, Yalta has become a fashionable aristocratic resort.

The decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the use of Crimea for the treatment of workers" served as a turning point and impetus for the rapid development of the resort area. At the same time, sanatoriums, a children's camp "Artek", etc. were opened. Pioneers, proletariat and cultural workers come to Yalta from all over the USSR.

Climate and ecology of Yalta

The climate in Yalta is reminiscent of the subtropical Mediterranean, acclimatization is very quick and easy.

Winters here are very warm for Russia, mild (average temperature + 4-5 ° C). It is cool in spring and very hot in summer. But autumn in Yalta is warm and long. The sun shines for about 2,300 hours a year. By the way, Nice, Cannes and San Remo have the same indicators.

The combination of the ice-free sea with the Crimean mountains, which reliably protect the city and its surroundings from cold winds in winter, dry heat and winds of the Tauride steppes in summer, plays an important role here. From the south, the city is completely washed by the sea.

The swimming season in Yalta is very long, it opens at the end of May and lasts 149 days, until mid-October. The average water temperature is kept at around 20 ° C.

But from the point of view of ecology, the situation in Yalta is quite tense. The city has a strong traffic load, and therefore the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeds the norm by 5-7 times. This is a clear sign of the poor quality of the fuel used. And the average concentration of benzopyrene is almost 2 times higher than the norm.

Wastewater treatment plants and water supply systems are in extremely dilapidated condition, contributing to the pollution of water adjacent to popular beaches. There are also problems with garbage collection, caring townspeople often organize volunteer clean-ups and clean their own city. This situation allows Yalta to be included in the list of cities with an unfavorable environmental situation.


In terms of population, Yalta occupies an honorable third place among all cities of the peninsula. Yalta itself is home to about 90 thousand people. At the same time, each resort season this figure increases by 300,000 - 500,000 people at the expense of city guests and tourists.

As for the age and gender group of the population, here 45% are men, and 55% are women. It is noteworthy that in recent years, the percentage of the population that is younger and older than the working age has sharply increased. But the percentage of the working-age population is constantly decreasing.

If we talk about the demographic situation in general, then it has practically the lowest indicators in Crimea. The average fertility rate is 9.3 per 1000 people. The mortality rate is 2 times higher than these indicators.

Recently, the percentage of marriages has increased, and divorce cases have decreased. Interestingly, Yalta residents are the least bred in the cities of Crimea.

If we talk about the education of the townspeople, then there is no definite answer. There are not so many higher educational institutions in the city, in particular, only three: the Crimean Humanitarian University, the Institute of Economics and Management, and the European University. Mostly a variety of colleges and schools prevail. In general, education and its accessibility are average.

People here are friendly, friendly, accustomed to numerous tourists. And they will tell you how to get there, and how to get there. True, the traders in the markets are a bit boorish.

Areas and real estate of Yalta

Conventionally, Yalta is divided into 3 main regions: the old city, from where Yalta began, the new city and Chekhovo. Also, the city includes the village. Nikita and Livadia.

Old city

Or, Old Yalta, as this area is also called, originates from st. Boulevard and stretches up to the east. This area is notable for a large concentration of various buildings from the past centuries. Precisely the past, because since the end of the 20th century, practically nothing has been built in old Yalta, since there is no place for this. The area is characterized by narrow, winding streets and a large number of houses built close to each other.

Old Yalta is an administrative region, where the city hall, police, hospitals, city administrations, etc. are located. Among the buildings are dominated by 2 and 3-storey buildings from the times of imperial Russia in the style of classicism and baroque, with their inherent stucco and chic decoration. Of course, many of these houses have been restored, but shabby, graffiti-covered shacks prevail on the outskirts of the district, you cannot name them otherwise.

Most of the premises in the houses of this area are rented for shops, offices, banks, restaurants and other organizations providing all kinds of services, and the area itself is perfect for young motivated people, but not for families with small children.

If in the daytime diligence and efficiency reign in old Yalta, then at night the district turns into an entertainment center with countless restaurants, concert venues, clubs and summer cafes. This area also includes, perhaps, the most favorite vacation spot for both local residents and visiting guests - Yalta Embankment. In any weather, at any time of the day, it is always crowded here.

It is impossible not to note the greenery of this area. A variety of tropical plants, trees and shrubs are abundant here. Without a doubt, the central part of the old city is very well greened. On the outskirts, you need to get used to the pictures strange for a tourist center. For example, to shabby half-shabby buildings or to linen hung right on the street.

If we talk about the equipment of kindergartens and schools, then there are small problems with this. But the number and variety of sites, on the contrary, has good indicators.

The average cost of an apartment near the Embankment is $ 120,000 - $ 150,000.

The new city is a fashionable residential area in the north-west of the city; it consists of several micro-districts with serial numbers.

New Yalta is distinguished by its intricate buildings and modern, fully equipped residential complexes.

Multi-storey buildings, numerous hotels, a large number of landscaped courtyards and playgrounds. The area is picturesque and well planted.

There are many shops, supermarkets, pharmacies and organizations providing various services to the public. Everything is within walking distance. Quiet, calm and measured environment. The average cost for a one-room apartment in this area is $ 60,000 - $ 70,000.

Abolished village included in the city limits. It is located in the west of the city in the area of \u200b\u200bthe A.P. Chekhov house-museum, hence the name. Luxurious cottages, painted villas and houses prevail.

The area is fully landscaped, there are shops, pharmacies. Cons: the nearest hospital is far enough away, there are no large shopping centers.

Nikita is an urban-type settlement 7 km from Yalta. Here is the famous Nikitinsky Botanical Garden and many other parks and squares.

Mostly a cottage community, recently gaining the status of a tourist center of Yalta for family recreation.

Differs in the cleanest sea. True, the bulk of residential buildings are located at a considerable distance from it. There are many hotels and guest houses here.

Quiet and peaceful place, ideal for families and children. Cons: the sea is far away, there are not enough clothing stores and pharmacies. The average cost of a private home hovers around $ 1,000,000.

On the other side of Yalta is the village of Livadia with the imperial estate. "Livadia Palace" - the residence of the Romanov family - is the main attraction of this place. It has its own school, kindergarten, boarding school. Lots of hotels, shops, restaurants and bars. Recently, the development of this village with multi-storey residential complexes has been actively carried out.

The village is fully equipped with playgrounds, including new ones.

Cons: no large supermarkets and shopping centers, insufficiently equipped hospital.

Buses and fixed-route taxis run constantly between the village and Yalta. The average cost of a one-room apartment in a new building is $ 80,000-100,000, while prices for private houses range from $ 500,000 to $ 5,000,000.

Infrastructure condition

The housing and communal complex of Yalta is well developed. There are many private organizations serving houses in the city. Despite the competition, an increase in prices for housing and communal services does not take long. The amounts in receipts are growing, and practically nothing is being done for the benefit of houses and courtyards.

Street hooligans constantly paint graffiti at home, and no one is in a hurry to erase this modern painting. Entrances are cleaned well, as is the area around the house. But this is not done as often as the situation requires.

Fortunately, with the arrangement and maintenance of highways and roads in Yalta, everything is more or less tolerable. At least you can't say that the roads in the yards are bad or look like a sieve of bumps and potholes. All potholes are filled on time and quickly, and the roadbed is leveled.

If we talk about traffic jams and congestion on the roads, then if they happen here, then in the summer - at the peak of tourist activity.

As for the transport infrastructure of Yalta, it fully serves the needs of the resort. The main land arteries are highways: Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta and Sevastopol - Yalta - Feodosia. The city has a seaport, which has several directions: passenger, commercial and cargo.

The main types of urban transport are buses and minibuses. The variety and remoteness of routes, as well as a large number of buses on the line, satisfy all the needs of citizens and guests of the city. Not so long ago, the city's car fleet was replenished with brand new buses from post-Olympic Sochi with the symbols of the 2014 Olympics.

Despite the developed transport infrastructure, there are a lot of private taxi companies operating in the city, which are also in demand among the population. The average price per kilometer is just under half a dollar.

If we talk about the problems of the city, the most important of them is drinking water, or rather its lack. Drinking water was supplied to the city from the Ukrainian Dnieper through the North Crimean Canal. In light of recent events, this water simply disappeared. Until 2017, the city will live off reserve storage facilities and artesian sources. By 2017, it is planned to complete a large-scale construction of a water supply system, which will provide water to the entire Crimea, including Yalta.

Businesses and work in the city

Yalta's industry revolves around 17 major enterprises. Basically, this is the light and food industries, the construction sector and the electric power industry.

The number of people employed in industry is 3.5 thousand people, which corresponds to 22.8% of those employed in the manufacturing sector and 5.8% of the total employment in the economic complex.
Of course, the main industry is the food industry, where more than 50% of all workers in the industry are employed.

The main enterprises of the industry: Head factory of vintage wines "Massandra", Yalta bakery, meat factory, beer and non-alcoholic plant, OJSC "Yalta Rybokombinat".

In the future, the food industry will remain the leading industry in Yalta.

The electric power industry is represented by such enterprises as "Krymteplokommunenergo", "Yaltakurortteploenergo" and "Heat networks". The industry employs 33.5% of those employed in industry.

The building materials industry in Yalta is represented by the management of production and technological equipment of the Krymspetsgidroremstroy trust, the Yalta plant Stroydetal, etc. The number of people employed at the enterprises of the industry is 11.2%.

More than 2000 objects of all forms of ownership provide services to the population and guests on the territory of Yalta, including:

  • More than 600 stores with an area of \u200b\u200bover 36 thousand m2
  • More than 500 catering establishments for 23.6 thousand seats
  • 150 kiosks, pavilions
  • 130 consumer services enterprises
  • 12 markets with 3000 trading places
  • 114 seasonal catering establishments with 4,500 seats
  • 530 points of remote trade

Nevertheless, the bulk of the able-bodied population of the city works at the resort's enterprises year-round in all spheres of economic activity. The number of people employed in sectors of the economy in 2013 fell by 5% and amounted to 55 thousand people. This indicates an outflow of labor resources to other areas of economic activity. For example, the number of entrepreneurs and individuals has increased.

In the current year, as in previous ones, a typical reason for dismissal is low wages, delayed wages up to 3 months, inadequacy of the employee's qualifications to the employer's requirements. In the first half of 2013, compared to the same period in 2012, the number of registered unemployed decreased - 1.5 thousand people, which is 60% of the registered unemployed population.

Do not forget that Yalta has its own specifics as a resort and recreational complex that carries out seasonal activities, which affects the structure of the economy and the work of enterprises, organizations and institutions and other spheres of life of the population. The average number of full-time employees in all resort and tourist organizations is about 20 thousand people. In the period from May to September, the number of employees increases to 25 thousand people. As a rule, this contingent is made up of pupils, students, pensioners, who previously worked at these enterprises, attracted to temporary work.

It should be noted that the average salary in Yalta does not exceed $ 250.


The criminal situation in Yalta is generally stabilized. Since then, as in 2010, the entire leadership and most of the internal staff of law enforcement agencies changed, the percentage of crimes solved began to increase. If we talk about specific statistical figures, then in 2013 grave and especially grave offenses decreased by 5.5%.

In recent years, fraudsters have become more active in Yalta. Basically, they trade through SMS messages or go to the apartments of old people, posing as workers of social services and banks.
Also, the percentage of crimes committed by adolescents and young people has recently increased.

It should be noted that Yalta is the leader in the number of "land" crimes. This is understandable, because this is a resort. In the last 6 months alone, more than 200 illegal decisions of the authorities on the disposal of land plots have been canceled. And this is just what was verified during the prosecutor's check. Real numbers are unlikely to ever surface.

Among the most "high-profile" and resonant crimes committed in Yalta, several can be distinguished. This murder of a newborn on the Ai Petri plateau shocked all Yalta residents ... And after 5 months the city residents were dumbfounded by law enforcement agencies, who proved that the child was killed by his own mother. And also dozens of murders committed by a criminal group of "black realtors" who operated on the territory of Yalta, forced to rewrite their apartments, and then brutally killed their victims. Last year, all members of the gang were detained, the coordinator was sentenced to death in the form of life imprisonment

Sights of Yalta

Of course, the very first place that every person who comes to Yalta should visit is the Central Embankment. Lenin.

It is framed by palm trees and an endless row of all kinds of cafes, bars, restaurants, attractions for children and adults. Here, every gourmet will find a place to taste: from burgers at McDonald's to juicy steak with a glass of good red wine at Geneva. Here is also a favorite meeting place for young people, hidden in the shade of palm trees - a monument to V.I. Lenin. And in the very center of the embankment there is a pier, from where you can go on a sea voyage on a motor ship or a pleasure boat. The cable car to the Darsan hill starts from here.

In the cinema and concert hall "Jubilee", which is located nearby, concerts of pop stars are constantly held. And fans of a stormy nightlife will be delighted with the clubs in the "Leto" and "Matrix" RCs, which are located in the "Oreanda" hotel.

In Yalta there are restaurants and cafes for every taste and budget, which is the most pompous restaurant "White Lion" or "Karagol" - Brezhnev's favorite place!

Fans of French cuisine will be delighted with the "White Shark". For those who are alien to trips to pretentious establishments, numerous pizzerias and inexpensive cafes always work.

Of course, having visited Chekhov's beloved city, one cannot but visit the house-museum of the famous Russian classic. While living on his estate in Yalta, A.P. Chekhov wrote his most famous works.

You cannot pass by the majestic Church of St. John Chrysostom.

One of the first stone buildings with unusual architecture is rightfully considered the main decoration of Yalta. This also includes the Armenian Church, the Nevsky Cathedral on the street. Sadovaya and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In addition to architectural delights, there are a lot of museums with interesting exhibitions in Yalta. And in the secluded corners of numerous parks and squares, various monuments to cultural and political figures are hidden.

In 3 km from Yalta is the famous residence of the last imperial family of the Romanovs - the Livadia Palace.

The Yalta conference of the heads of state who won the Second World War was also held here. Today, the palace has become a museum that is constantly open to visitors.

And on the territory of the sanatorium "Yalta" there is another palace, or rather the whole palace ensemble of the Emir of Bukhara.

The chic palace in the Moorish style is now occupied by the library of the sanatorium.

There are a huge number of attractions for children in Yalta, the Aqua Park, the Fairy Tale zoo, and the Aquatoria marine animal theater.

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Yalta is the gates of the peninsula's summer vacation, the main resort of Crimea. It is here that most of the tourists who come to Crimea prefer to rest. The main influx of tourists is observed from May to October, even when the hot summer vacation gives way to a pleasant velvet season. located on the southern coast between the Ai-Todor and Montador capes. Big Yalta is also distinguished, stretching from Gurzuf to Foros.

The name of the city comes from the word "Yalos" - from the Greek "coast". There are also other versions of the interpretation of the name that have Turkic roots.

Previously, the city was called Yalita, Kallita, Jalita. The first mention of it dates back to the middle of the XII century.

Yalta city: resort climate

The amazing Mediterranean Yalta climate is created thanks to the high mountains that encircle the city from the north and do not let the cold winter winds and snow through. In summer they trap hot air from the steppe, creating a subtropical climate.

Average temperature in July: + 23.7, January: + 4 degrees. Yalta climate comparable to the Italian cities of Genoa and Ravenna.

Pine forests are an additional advantage of the city. For over 100 years they have been used as a natural medicine for lung diseases.

Yalta city from the end of the 19th century it became the main health resort of the Russian Empire, turning from a small settlement into a large resort. It received the status of a city in 1838, when only 130 people lived here.

People with tuberculosis were treated here. Soon, it was in these places that operations on the lungs began, removing the affected areas. The healing air of the surrounding mountains and forests contributed to the speedy recovery of the sick.

Today, Yalta also treats diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Yalta beaches: photo and description

The beaches of Big Yalta are exclusively pebbly. Small pebbles are great for sunbathing. Some of the beaches are open to public access, some others are accessible only with sanatorium books.

The sanatoriums and hotels have separate beaches, allowing tourists to feel in relative peace of mind what a vacation in Yalta is. In general, the beaches of Yalta stretch for 59 km. The most popular of them are:

  • Primorsky ("City");
  • dolphin beach;
  • Livadiyskiy ("Therapeutic");
  • Massandrovsky (pictured);
  • Yalta-Intourist beaches;
  • Beach them. Maurice Torez at the Pribrezhny sanatorium.

Rest in Yalta in 2020 - prices

In addition to medical walks in the forest, Yalta attracts thousands of tourists with its warm and gentle sea. There are many sanatoriums in the city ("Gorny", "Ai-Petri"), which help in the treatment of ailments with the healing Yalta air. Thanks to this, the healing effect and rest in Yalta are combined.

In addition to sanatoriums in the city, you can stay in hotels and hotels (Yalta-Intourist, Oreanda, Levant). Due to their variety and different price levels, rest in Yalta 2020 attractive to people who are wealthy and have a very average income.

Those who like the home environment can rent an apartment in the private sector of Yalta.

Yalta Attractions

Entertainment in Yalta is numerous and varied. There are cafes and restaurants right on the waterfront, attractions and bike and roller skates are available year-round. In the port, boat owners offer boat trips with sightseeing in the south of Crimea. You can also take excursions in comfortable minibuses. For example, climb Ai-Petri or visit the palaces of the southern coast.

For children and adults, there is a water park, a zoo, "Glade of Skazok", a crocodilarium and a dolphinarium "Aquatoria". There is a concert hall "Yubileiny", in which famous artists perform almost every evening in summer.

To get to know the resort better, you can, of course, look at the photos of Yalta in advance, but I recommend using them, which will show the resort from all sides. With their help, you can see the embankment, parks, panorama of the city.

How to get to Yalta

This is a section for those who decide how to get to Yalta. Possibly cheaper, more comfortable. You can go to the resort by bus leaving directly from the airport building (flight schedule). Or from the bus station "Kurortnaya" near the railway station. From here to Yalta go not only buses, but also.

All flights arrive at the central bus station of Yalta. You can find out the bus schedule from the city of Yalta.

If you need comfort and expenses are not important, then order a taxi directly from the airport. You can make a preliminary application.

Tourists arriving on the peninsula through the Crimean bridge by their own car need to drive to Simferopol along the P-23 highway, and from there, along the Yalta highway (E-105), drive through the Angarsk pass to the “pearl of the Crimea”.

To get acquainted with the beauties of Crimea, you can take a detour through Simferopol. However, this track is replete with numerous turns, difficult for untrained people. This route is similar to the Gelendzhik - Sochi road.

You can get from Sevastopol to Yalta along the M-18 highway. The hero city is connected with the resort capital by bus service from the central bus station and (2 flights per day).