Boeing 777 200er best seats. North wind

When you buy tickets, there are a few things worth paying attention to:

  1. Do not select locations that are close to business premises. Passengers will go there all the time, and you will not have the opportunity to rest.
  2. It is also not worth buying tickets for seats in the tail of the plane - here the already noted problems are complemented by the inability to expand the seat. Agree, it is inappropriate to choose a seat where there is no way to recline the backs. After all, being in one position for a long time is very inconvenient.

When choosing a seat in this aircraft, you should avoid proximity to technical blocks and seats of the last row

The fact that blocks 13 and 17 are missing on some airliners is connected only with the personal motives of the manufacturers, this does not apply to safety at all. In addition, the design features of the liner suggest similar changes.

Finally, we note an important nuance for beginners. Try to purchase tickets in advance and be sure to consult with an airport employee about the specific characteristics of the selected seat. The printout of the board scheme, which the tourist keeps with him, can also significantly facilitate the choice of a chair and protect him from spoiled travel.

The video below shows the standard cabin of the new modification of the described model, the Boeing 700 300.

The Boeing 777 200 made its first flight back in the mid-nineties, but many airlines still use this aircraft today. The layout of one of the airliners of the Rossiya Airlines - for three blocks of seats in each row Layout of the airliner used by Aeroflot Seats in the first-class compartment of the airliner When choosing a seat in this aircraft, avoid proximity to the technical blocks and the seats of the last row. The most comfortable flight is guaranteed by business-class seats. impressive distances and accommodate a lot of passengers, but it cannot be called an example of comfort

Worst places

But here are the places that you shouldn't choose under any circumstances:

  • 30-39 rows. According to passengers, air conditioning does not always work here, which means it is stuffy. Not the best option for older passengers.
  • 38 and 39 rows. The seats in the last row are not worth choosing. Behind them is the wall of the toilet room, which means that the backs will not recline completely. Plus, because of the close proximity to the restroom, people will crowd around you, and food and drinks will be served almost last.
  • 57 and 58 rows. Although the side seats in these rows are located in pairs, there are still drawbacks. They are similar to 38 and 39 next to each other, there is a wall behind, the backs recline weakly, people pass by often, noise will be created. In addition, these are the very last rows on the plane, if the exits are not opened at the back, then you will be the last to leave.

You can survive the flight in any seat, but if the choice of a seat is fundamental for you, then you should not choose these particular seats.

The best seats on the plane

For some it is important to sit by the window, while for others it is better to sit by the aisle. The layout of the cabin will help you choose the most suitable seats:

Best places:

  • The first row is the business class seats. Here the seats are arranged in pairs, the distance between the seats is increased. The backrests can recline more and additional legroom is provided. The seats themselves are more comfortable here than in the other class. They look something like the photo:

  • Fifth row. It is with him that the economy class begins. It is interesting that in this row there are only central seats from D to G. There are conveniences here: there will be a partition in front of you, not chairs, which means that the seats will not recline on you. But, on the other hand, because of the partition it will be impossible to spread your legs, and you will also have to look at the wall, because there are not even windows nearby.
  • Sixth row. This is the first row for the economy class, where all the seats from A to K appear. But the side seats - A, B, C, H, J and K are comfortable here. There is increased legroom in these places, the partition will not bother you. Plus, lunch will be served first, so you won't have to wait long.
  • 20 and 21 rows. They are a bit similar to rows 5 and 6, but they are located not behind the business class, but behind the toilet. There is a little more legroom here, but the proximity to the restrooms may seem like a big disadvantage to some, because people will often walk. And there is also a buffet nearby, from where the smells of food can be heard, but for some it may be a plus.
  • 45 and 46 rows. The same as the previous ones. There will be a wall in front of you, a toilet room is located nearby - all these are certainly disadvantages, but the advantages are legroom, the absence of neighbors in front.

As part of the aircraft fleet of Nord Wind ( Nordwind Airlines or " North wind») There are three Boeing 777-200 airliners. The side numbers of these aircraft: VP-BJB, VQ-BUD and VP-BJF. The planes are far from new and managed to fly for several airlines. Among them are companies from Asian countries - China and Vietnam:

  • The VP-BJB made its maiden flight in January 1998. Operated by China Southern Airlines between 1998 and 2013.
  • The VQ-BUD made its maiden flight in September 1998. It was operated at different times by Aeroflot - Russian Airlines and Vietnam Airlines. It was transferred to use "Nord Wind" in May 2014.
  • VP-BJF made its maiden flight in March 2004. Operated by China Southern Airlines between 2004 and 2013.

The layout of the liner is two-class (business and economy classes). The capacity is 393 people. This is 70 people more than the same Transaero company would interfere (323 people in total). There are two explanations for this. First, there is a very small business class on a Nord Wind plane - only 6 seats, the remaining 387 seats are in economy class. Secondly, the arrangement of seats in the rows of the economy class played a big role. For Nord-Wind, it goes according to the scheme: 3-4-3 (for Transaero, the scheme is 3-3-3). This is a fairly compacted option, which is why you have to use narrower seats and narrow the aisles between the rows.

Choosing the best seats in the Boeing 777-200

The layout of the aircraft cabin, presented on the official website of Nord Wind:

Let's move on to analyzing the best and worst seats in this cabin layout.

Row 1. Business class aircraft. There is nothing special here. The distance from the seat to the partition is 127 cm. The seats themselves are about 1.5 times wider than in the economy class. There are comfortable retractable footrests. There are six such places in total.

Row 5-6. The first row of the Boeing 777-200 economy class. Good places to fly, but with some drawbacks. Let's start with the pros. Since the first row - no one will recline the back of the chair on you. The second point is that there are no toilets and a kitchen nearby, which means it is more peaceful here.

The disadvantages are that the distance to the partition is not very large. The knees fit without problems, but the legs cannot be fully extended. Also, the presence of a septum in front of the eyes can spoil the impression of the flight. The seat pitch in the economic row is 74 cm.

Row 12. The diagram shows that the seats are located close to the kitchen, so there is a little more movement here. Also, the backrests of the chair may be limited in reclining due to the partition behind the row. Not the best seats for a flight.

Row 20. Quite a contradictory row of seats. On the one hand, there is no row in front, which means that no one will recline the back of the chair on you. On the other hand, there is not much space before the partition (minuses of the 5th row). In addition, there are toilets and a kitchen nearby, and this causes additional inconveniences (passenger traffic, vanity, slamming doors, smells, etc.).

Row 21. Only seats C and H are most convenient here, since there are no chairs in front of them and you can fully stretch your legs. The picture is spoiled only by nearby toilets and constantly wandering passengers.

Rows from 30 to 39. According to the reviews of passengers in these rows of the aircraft it is more stuffy, due to the lack of an individual air conditioning system. Cool air begins to flow from the 20th row, so it does not always reach the last rows. Not the best choice for people with poor health.

Row 39. Uncomfortable places. The backrests of the seats are limited in recline due to the partition from the toilets and emergency exit. But the chair will be reclined on you without problems, there will be even less space from this. There will also be increased passenger traffic throughout the flight.

Row 45. Good flight locations, but with inherent flaws. The emergency exit at the front gives you extra legroom without anyone throwing the back of the chair back on you. These are the pros. The disadvantages are the close location of the toilets. Also, seats A and K may not have armrests on the side of the aircraft wall.

Row 46. Chairs rest against the wall, therefore 6 rows have disadvantages. Also close to the toilets.

Row 53. Seats on the scheme C and H. This is where the narrowing of the aircraft fuselage begins, so the outermost aisle seats are subject to constant contact with passing passengers and flight attendant carts.

Row 54-56. The outermost seats have only two seats, so they are convenient for flying in pairs.

Row 57-58. Some of the most inconvenient places to fly. The row is characterized by all the disadvantages inherent in the 38th and 39th rows. Namely: there is no possibility of reclining the back of the chair, high noise and odors from toilets, constant fuss and queues.

Boeing 77 airliners were developed in the 1990s. These aircraft were intended for long-distance flights. The 777-200 model is notable for the fact that all its developments were made without paper. That is, no drawings were made. The preference was given to computer graphics.

The liner began to carry out passenger transportation in 1995. During the production of these aircraft, its variants were developed and built. These are the 777-200ER, which has an increased flight range, the 777-200 LR, capable of operating on ultra-long-range routes, and the 777-200 Frighter, the cargo version. The Boeing 777-30 should also be named. This modification differs from the basic one (777) in that it has an elongated fuselage.

The plane, depending on the layout of the cabin, can carry from 305 to 550 passengers. Its various variants are capable of operating on lines with a range from 9100 to 17500 kilometers. It was on the Boeing-777 that the record for the flight range for passenger airliners was set. It is 21601 kilometers.

Salon and best seats

Quite often, the cabin layout is presented in three classes. This is business class, comfort and economy class. In this case, the liner can take on board 402 passengers.

The layout of the seats is 3 + 4 + 3. In the tail section, where the fuselage narrows, the scheme is 2 + 4 + 2. Business class has 30 seats, while economy class has the largest number of seats.

The kitchen and toilets are located in the bow and tail of the liner. In addition, they are in the middle of the cabin, at the beginning and at the end.

Of course, the most comfortable seats are in business class and comfort class. However, the majority of passengers travel in Economy Class. There is less comfort here. The vast majority of seats are of standard comfort, but there are better and worse seats.

The first in this class is the 17th row. The seats here are the most convenient, as there is an emergency hatch in front, which means there is a lot of free space and you can stretch your legs.

In the next, 18-lm row, seats C and H are the most comfortable. The utility rooms are far from here, there are no chairs ahead. That is, there is a lot of legroom.

Rows 24, 38 and 39. The seats in the middle part literally border on the kitchen or toilets. Minus - traveling passengers. Plus - there are no neighbors and a lot of space ahead.

For seats in rows 12, 13, 14 (with the exception of the last 3 seats in the 12th row), the backs of the seats do not recline a small angle. The reason - they are in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen. The same lack of seats in the 39th and 39th rows. But this is not about the kitchen. There are bathrooms nearby. Another drawback is that passengers move around the aisles almost all the time.

The section of the cabin close to the tail section also has the best seats. They are located, including in the 45th row. It is located just behind the escape hatch. Here passengers have plenty of legroom.

Those sitting in row 46 seats are uncomfortable. The reason is that there are toilets nearby.

There are amenities in the 54th, 55th and 56th rows. Here, due to the narrowing of the cabin, the seats are only in pairs.

The next, 57th row, as well as the 58th row has disadvantages. There are utility rooms and toilets behind. Due to the presence of walls behind the chairs, their backs do not unfold.

Some clarifications about the seats in front of the escape hatches. Although they are considered the most convenient, there are restrictions for some categories of passengers. Pregnant women, children, passengers with children or animals are not allowed here. It is forbidden to provide seats here for elderly passengers and foreigners who do not speak Russian or English well. Preference is given to men who inspire confidence. In case of an emergency, such passengers will help the flight attendant to open the hatch and help to evacuate people.


The Boeing 777-200, which gained popularity rather quickly, is the largest aircraft with two engines. These engines are the most powerful and largest used in aviation.

The peculiarity of the aircraft, among other things, is the composite materials present in its structure. Their total weight is nine percent of the aircraft's weight.

The liner also has the largest and most powerful landing gear. His tires are also the largest and most durable. In particular, one tire is capable of withstanding a 27 ton load.

The cruising speed of this aircraft is 905 kilometers per hour, the maximum is 945. The liner is able to rise to an altitude of 13100 meters.

Calculating the cost of a taxi to the airport

Free baggage allowance

Checked baggage

The following free baggage allowances are established:

  • when booking a tour from 15 March 2019 and later for departures from 1 May 2019:
    Economic - 1 piece up to 15 kg
    Business - 1 piece up to 30 kg
  • when booking a tour before March 15, 2019 and departing both before and after May 1, 2019:
    Economic - 1 piece up to 20 kg
    Business - 1 piece up to 30 kg

Hand luggage

The following norms of hand luggage have been established for domestic and international routes:
the maximum dimensions by the sum of three dimensions and each dimension in particular do not exceed 115 cm (55x40x20 cm).

On certain routes and for certain fares, there may be exceptions to the standard conditions of the free baggage allowance. The passenger will be notified of them when booking transportation.

Combining two pieces of baggage into one is possible with a total weight of up to 30 kg.

Free baggage and hand luggage allowances apply to adult passengers, children from 2 to 12 years old and children under 2 years old with a seat. For children under 2 years of age following without providing a separate seat, only free baggage allowance is allowed, which is 1 piece weighing no more than 10 kg and the sum of three dimensions no more than 203 cm. Carry-on baggage is not provided.

Passenger's belongings, regardless of their name and purpose, weighing more than 30 kg per piece, but less than 50 kg, such baggage is considered heavy.

More information about baggage allowance can be found on the website of Nordwind Airlines:
- hand luggage:
- luggage:

Additional weighing of hand luggage - Cam Ranh (Vietnam)

Attention! In view of constantly emerging problems with the overweight of hand luggage, additional weighing of hand luggage was introduced before boarding the aircraft, which is carried out on certified electronic scales. Only goods purchased in DUTY FREE stores, of which there are only 2 in the departure hall of Cam Ranh airport, cannot be reweighed. These goods must be packed in sealed polyethylene with appropriate symbols... Please note that in the departure area, in addition to the official DUTY FREE shops, there are shops selling coffee, tea, souvenirs, etc. "

Information on the transportation of baggage on the official website of the company.

Flight of children

The passenger has the right to carry a child under 2 years old without a seat.

The ticket must indicate the date of birth of the child. A passenger accompanying a child is obliged to present a document confirming the child's age to the Airline (or to an authorized agent) when purchasing a ticket and at check-in. The airline (or an authorized agent) has the right to check the age of the child. The child's age is determined separately for each segment of the carriage.

Information on the flight of children on the official website of the company.

Aircraft fleet

Airbus A321-200

The largest aircraft of the A320 family. The interior design is designed to provide increased comfort and is very popular with passengers. A321 airliner is the most economical narrow-body airliner in its class.


Airbus A330-200

Airbus wide-body passenger aircraft for medium and long distances, equipped with two turbofan engines.


Boeing 737-800NG

The 737-800 airliner is known for its stability and economy. Equipped with high-tech engines.


Boeing 777-200ER

The 777-200 airliner was manufactured by Boeing to ensure complete passenger comfort. This twin-engine aircraft with two aisles and high ceilings will keep you comfortable throughout your journey.


Boeing 777-300ER

The 777-300 airliner was manufactured by Boeing to ensure complete passenger comfort. This twin-engine aircraft with two aisles and high ceilings will keep you comfortable throughout the journey.


Business class passenger service standard:

Many Russian companies have purchased small but comfortable aircraft from the American Boeing company for charter and regular flights. Let's take a look at the layout of the Boeing 777-200 (Wim Avia) cabin and see which seats can be called the best and which ones are the worst. The cabin of this aircraft is divided into several parts, but all of its seats have only one comfort class - economy class. The main differences between the places are in the proximity of the location of toilets, kitchens, partitions and an emergency exit. They also note the convenience in those places where you can freely stretch your legs and lower the seat to a recumbent position.

Location of special rooms

Before choosing a seat in the Boeing 777-200 (Wim), it is better to consider the layout of the cabin in advance. This will make it possible to better understand where the office premises are located in the cabin. Two toilets are located in the bow and one in the middle. But here, too, there are differences in comfort.

The toilets at the beginning of the cabin are located behind a partition and do not actually interfere with passengers. There is also a kitchen in the bow, from which people can hear the noise of dishes and the smell of coffee. Another room is located at the very end, in the tail section, as can be seen on the layout of the Boeing 777-200 (Wim Avia) cabin. Also, after the 9th and 19th rows, emergency exits are located, which also has its pros and cons, which we will discuss in more detail later.

The best places

The most comfortable seats are usually considered to be remote from office areas, where neither the sounds nor the smells of the toilet and kitchen are heard. It is especially worth considering when buying tickets for passengers with children, tall citizens with long legs, people with problems of the genitourinary system. Everyone on the Boeing 777-200 (Wim Avia) cabin layout can preview and think over the seats that are convenient for themselves, depending on the needs and tastes of an individual.

Some people love the very first row. Firstly, it is located right behind the cockpit, the toilet is not far, the kitchen is nearby, you can be the first to get food or coffee, talk to the flight attendants, but there is one "but". On one of the armrests there is a small table that cannot be removed. It turns out that one armrest cannot be used. But all the same, passengers like these seats due to the fact that you can stretch your legs well. However, people do not advise taking tickets near the aisle, as in the Boeing 777-200 from Wim Avia, the layout of the cabin shows that there are two toilets in the bow at once, but there may still be a queue to the bathroom in the aisle.

Even in terms of seats, the 10th row is considered good. Here, on each side of the aisle, there are not three, but only two seats. In front is a passage to emergency exits. Legs can be perfectly extended forward, without disturbing anyone, get up and go to the toilet, while also not disturbing anyone. However, there is one "but" in such beautiful places. According to safety regulations, passengers with children cannot sit down in such best places on the Wim Avia's Boeing 777-200 cabin layout and take them with them. carry-on luggageputting your bag in the aisle. The emergency exit must be free at all times. Keep the bag on the top shelf above your head.

Seats of average comfort

The main part of the aircraft cabin has the usual standard seats of the same level of comfort. These are seats from the second to the eighth row, from the 12th to the 18th and from the 22nd to the 39th rows. One difference is a small feature of these aircraft. In the middle of the cabin (but, unfortunately, it is not known exactly where) there is one row, which has no windows at two opposite ends. But many people do not call this a minus of the cabin, apparently because of the fear of heights, and there is less cold from the glass.

Worst places

The best seats on the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout from Wim Avia have been previously reviewed. It remains to be seen which seats are considered uncomfortable? Seats in the 9th row are considered bad due to the fact that their backs do not recline for rest, since there is an emergency exit at the back. For safety reasons, this is strictly prohibited so as not to obstruct the hatches. In the 19th row - the same principle, but there the seats can be lowered a little, but the backrest angle is minimal.

Also considered bad seats at the end of the cabin. This is the last 40th row. The backs rest against the wall. Naturally, they do not fall. Moreover, at the end of the plane there is a strong hum from the engines and is much cooler than the front.


The same Boeing 777-200 was purchased by another Russian airline called North Wind. This liner has two types of seats - business class and economy class. They are purchased for long flights and are designed for heavy traffic. It can carry up to 393 passengers.

Let's take a closer look at which seats are the best on the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout from the North Wind. Of course, the most comfortable seats in business class. There are only 6 seats, a huge legroom - 127 cm. The seats are installed in pairs. After this class, there is a dividing solid partition. The economic class is already behind it.

The seats are arranged in three columns (3 - 4 - 3), between them there are two passages 74 cm wide. For passengers of the 5th and 6th rows, the legs cannot be straightened, and you don't really want to look at the blank partition in front of your eyes all the way. But the seats in front of the emergency exits (12th and 14th rows, 38th and 39th rows) are always considered less comfortable, since their backs do not drop. The seats of the last rows also do not fall, they rest against the wall of the tail compartment, so it is better not to take the 57th and 58th rows, if possible. Especially if the flight is long.


Finally, let us consider the best seats on the Boeing 777-300 cabin from Aeroflot. For long-haul flights to America and China, the number of seats has been increased to 402. The cabin is divided into three classes: business, comfort and economy.

The comfort of the seats depends on the fundamental principles described earlier. We will not repeat ourselves. Consider comfort class. Here each person has his own lamp and monitor, a folding table. The seat slides forward without disturbing other passengers.

But the best seats on the Boeing 777-300 cabin from Aeroflot are business class seats. A personal menu is given, many additional features and entertainment. But the price, of course, is appropriate.