How to plant a plane in an emergency situation? We open the veil. How are airplanes sit? How does the aircraft decrease

Once in the cockpit of the plane (it is not difficult to do in the aviation museum), most people sigh delightedly, seeing a lot of buttons, togglers, sensors ... It seems that in order to control this mahina, you need to be a genius! But in fact, the pilot profession is science and experience, nothing more. Of course, in the 21st century, many processes are simplified thanks to the autopilot. But the man in the cockpit is still needed. For example, for correct landing of the aircraft.

Another 400 meters above the land level begins on landing: the aircraft is "aiming" on the runway (hereinafter - GDP), releases the chassis (that is, "wheels"), shrinkles, flaps, slows down. If for some reason it will not be able to sit after that (for example, from the airport, the signal lights were not raised from the airport, the signal lights were turned on, on earth shower with poor visibility), the iron bird will rise to the second round.

There is a special "decision height", after which you can not change and fly up, you just need to go down. For most aircraft it is 60 m.

A plane begins after a long decline, when 25 meters remain before GDP. However, if the ship is light, it will start to get down and below - 9 meters from the ground.

The entire landing procedure before the land touch takes only 6 seconds:

  • alignment: Vertical speed drops to zero;
  • holding: the angle of "attack" increases;
  • parachuting: The plane pulls the force of attraction, the lifting force of the wing decreases, but does not disappear completely so that the touch with the earth is smooth;
  • landing: Depending on the type of the design of the bird of the bird, it concerns GDP or only front chassis, or all "set" at once (the so-called landing by three points).

Sometimes one of these processes is skipped. Yes, the pilot can "slip" withstanding or alignment - everything except the landing itself!

More "specialized" types of landing

If we are not talking about a large passenger "liner" and a long strip, but about limited GDP - let's say about the deck of an aircraft carrier where fighters are sitting, special devices help when boarding the pilot.

On the deck of the same aircraft carriage the brake cables are stretched. The fighter is fitted with them with a special hook, and thanks to this quickly slows down and does not fly to the ocean with his pate GDP. It is worth noting that such a landing is carried out when the aircraft is turned on when the aircraft is turned on - suddenly the cable rolls or the hook misses, the expensive car simply squeezes into the sky.

As for terrestrial GDP, if they are too short, some planes throw a parachute there - it enhances braking.

Landing is also forced

Sometimes the winged bird lands on the spare airfield. But it is not forced, but planned landing.

To make a forced landing of the pilot can force circumstances that cannot be controlled - for example, a serious breakdown (such as engines refusing), at which he must first think about the safety of passengers.

In the cinema, such cases look spectacularly (remember at least the "the adventures of Italians in Russia"), and the lively terrible. Although it is only about passengers, and listening to such events in the news is very curious. Recall at least the landing A320 on the Hudson River. The plane was not drowned, but the passengers were forced to get out on the wings and there waiting for the boat of rescuers.

What to say, the pilot, which made landing in any unlikely conditions, unequivocally deserves the title of Super Professional!

Popular passenger issues

  1. Why does the ears laid during the landing? Many people think that it depends on the speed or height of the aircraft. In fact, the Lor Authorities are to blame. That is, if a person is absolutely healthy, he will not notice changes. If he even had a little cold, the ears can lay.
  2. Light bulb "Faste the belts" turns on automatically? No, the crew commander or the second pilot is responsible for it.
  3. During the rain, landing is accomplished not as always? Yes, you need a rigid landing. The passengers are a bit nervous, but this is done so that the plane stops, where it is necessary - on the strip, and not in the spinning of the water field behind it.
  4. The photo is sometimes visible as a plane, sitting down, concerns the strip with only one wheel. It looks scary, but it is safe. Professional pilots even specifically use a similar technique with a strong lateral wind.
  5. Well, if the plane sits "nose down", that is, the cabin is very sharply lowered, then this is no longer an appliance, but just a pilot caught not too experienced.
  6. Is it possible to fully automatic landing? Yes. But for its achievement, two factors are needed: modern hardware systems in a meeting of the airport and experienced pilots in the sky, which will program their "bird" on such a landing. Make this with a simple "button-universal" will not work, the setting of the aircraft each time is made on the basis of the specific situation.
  7. What is the most popular landing type? Manual. It practices 85% of Russian pilots, and it is not less popular abroad.

Are you still afraid to fly, and still think that when when landing the salon shakes, then everyone will certainly die? In this case, you simply show this video. The helicopter sits on a small deck of the ship during the storm. Because of the dance, the waves of the ship seems very utter, the deck dances and constantly wags aside ... The pilot coped (and such situations in his work - everydayness)! That's what professionalism means!

Did you ever think about the question of what to do if in view of the established circumstances (loss of consciousness, injury, shock, fatal outcome), the pilot can not plant the aircraft independently? Agree, the question is a very scrupulous nature, but most likely nothing remains to do, how to indulge the plane. However, this will certainly arise the question of the passengers to survive on board and are not injured. Of course, not everyone can be a pilot, especially since most of the close unfamiliar with the fact how to plant a plane In the emergency situation, but it is worth emphasizing that with the help of the manager of the dispatcher, it is possible to do this, albeit not as professionally how the pilots do with hundreds of clips of the raid, but, nevertheless, thanks to their actions, you can save not one hundred passengers.

How to plant a plane

  1. To begin with, since you are the only one who decided to take up this difficult task, you will need to go to the pilot cabin, where it will be necessary to take the chair of the airliner commander. As a rule, the location of the main pilot is most loaded with all sorts of buttons, handles of management and levers, so that you can hardly be mistaken here. However, it is important, do not touch the elements of the aircraft control, because if the aircraft is in automatic piloting mode, therefore you are at the moment you are in complete safety, and try to assimilate that there are no extra buttons in the complex machine - each is responsible for its Action, and sometimes for several, and pressing anyone can lead to the most unpredictable results. If the pilot of the aircraft is unconsciously state right in the cockpit, then occupying his place, make sure that in the future part of the pilot body will not block controls - control steering, buttons and levers, so how to plant a planein the future, with unexpected problems, it will be impossible.
  1. Sitting in the pilot's chair, first of all, once again make sure that the aircraft is in autopilot mode. To do this, you will need to look at the control panel located usually on the front panel and if the light indicator is lit on it, the autopiloting is in the action mode.

In case when landing in the pilot's chair, you still affected the airliner control levers, then most likely it led to the automatic disconnection of the autopilot, and this mode will need to be turned on by pressing the appropriate button, which in various models of aircraft can be called differently, but more In total, such names are found in Russian aircraft: "Autopilot", "Auto Flight", "Anf", "AR", etc. In airplanes of foreign air carriers, the functional name of the automatic piloting mode will have the name "AutoPilot".

It is worth noting that in a number of some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the position of the aircraft in space. For this, you will need to look at the airborne indicator, which is usually always easily recognized by even those people who have never been to the pilot cabin. Please note that the indicator has a static strip indicating the normal position of the aircraft - an artificial horizon.

If the plane dismisted noticeably from the flatness, then you will need to adjust its movement - raise or lower it, or adjust its roll. If the aircraft is tilted below the normal plane, then you will have to pull the steering wheel on yourself, if above - push away from yourself. In the event that the aircraft is incurred to the left, then you need to rotate the control steering wheel, if on the contrary, it is incurred to the right, then turn on the left side.

After the aircraft is leveled on the artificial horizon line, you will need to enable the autopilot function, and the button and the button can be used as an element. It is worth noting that the automatic piloting function is used to maintain the normal flatness of the aircraft relative to the space, and it itself is created with the goal so that in case of a critical situation, even a person who does not have any piloting skills could save the aircraft in the air, however how to plant a plane The autopilot can not independently, then in the future you will have to take the steering on your hands.

  1. It is worth noting that the aircraft will not be able to be in the air all the time, and sooner or later, you will have to plant it, and here, quite and will be appropriate, the question of how to plant a planealone. To begin with, you will definitely need to contact the nearest located aircraft to report an emergency situation on your aircraft. To do this, you will need to take the headset of the pilot, press and hold the corresponding "RTT" button on the steering wheel, and transfer the call sign "Mayday" three times, after which it is reported on board. In the event that the aircraft came out of the aircraft action zone, and you cannot contact the air traffic controller, then you will need to switch to a frequency of 121.50 MHz. After you pass your emergency message on the air, do not forget to release the button to get the answer.

If any problems arose with the operation of the radio station, then you can use the transponder in which you will need to enter the digital code "7700", which will allow the dispatchers to understand that on board your aircraft an emergency.

In order for the dispatcher to understand what aircraft is at the moment there is a connection, when sending each message, report to the call sign of your aircraft.

  1. Guided by the dispatcher using the dispatcher, do not forget that in the aircraft there is such a concept as a minimum speed, that is, when the aircraft is still in the air. You can determine the speed by viewing the same pointer of the aircrafticon - as a rule, there is a indicator with numbers in the left part, and you should make sure that its testimony is in the "green zone".

Spontaneous reduction or increase in speed indicates that the aircraft either loses height, or vice versa - gains it. In the first case, the speed will grow, and in order to bring it to a normal state, you will have to drive a little to yourself, in the second - the plane is gaining a height, and you will need to push the steering wheel from yourself.

  1. Before starting landing, the air traffic controller will inform you about all the necessary actions on your part, so how to plant a plane Not so simple.

To begin with, you will have to reduce the power of the aircraft engines - for this, lower the throttle for several centimeters, until you hear that the sound of the aircraft has become quieter. Please note that at that moment the helm should do any actions - the plane is independently leveled in the plane, however, if the aircraft speed becomes below the "green zone", the throttle will have to go ahead to be ahead that the airliner does not fall.

According to the indication of the dispatcher, you will need to take the necessary height, for which pay attention to the same aircraftizant sensor, on the right part of which the height of the flight is indicated, and with manual control, go to the specified height, after which it will be possible to turn on the autopilot again.

  1. Before, how to plant a planeThe aircraft manager will tell you how to work with flaps and straps, which are usually located next to the chokes, and, preparing to land on your own, you need to release the aircraft chassis. To do this, find the corresponding lever, the disposable, as a rule, on the right side of the central control panel, which also usually has an appropriate signature.

Before making landing, the plane will need to be aligned in the direction of the landing strip, but only the dispatcher will tell you about it. Then, preparing to land, it will be necessary to raise the nasal part of the aircraft at an angle of about 7-15 degrees (depending on the type of aircraft).

When entering the landing, it will be necessary to use the reverse burden, the control bars of which are located immediately behind the chokes. In the event that the reverse thrust in the plane is not provided, then pull the throttle as quickly as possible, thereby reducing its speed to a minimum.

Finally, in order for the plane to be braked, you will need to click on the top of the pedal - it is responsible for the brake, however, keep in mind that it should be slowed down in such a way that the aircraft does not bring on the strip.

Naturally, in reality, resolving the issue of how to plant a plane It may not be so simple, as indicated, but, nevertheless, the principle does not change from this.

As soon as the landing of the aircraft is studied on the simulator, the pilot starts training in a real machine. The landing of the aircraft begins at the moment when the aircraft turns out to be at the point of the beginning of the decline. At the same time, a certain distance, speed and height should be withstanding from the aircraft. The planting process requires a maximum concentration pilot. The pilot sends the car to the point of starting the strip, all the time the movement of the aircraft is lying down a bit low. Movement - strictly along the strip.

The first thing that makes the pilot at the very beginning of the movement on the lane - releases chassis and flaps. All this is necessary, including in order to significantly reduce the speed of the aircraft. The multi-torque machine begins to move along Glyssanda - the trajectory at which there is a decrease. According to numerous devices, the pilot constantly monitors the height, speed and pace of decline.

Especially important is the speed and pace of its decline. As it approaches the Earth, it must decrease. It is impossible to allow too much reduction in speed, as well as the excess of its level. At a three-hundredth height, the speed is approximately 300-340 km per hour, on a two-dimmer height of 200-240. The pilot can adjust the speed of the aircraft of the gas supply, changing the corner of the flap.

Near landing

How does a plane sits down with strong wind? All the main actions of the pilot remain the same. However, put a plane with lateral or impact wind is very difficult.

Directly at the very Earth, the position of the aircraft should be horizontal. So that the touch was soft, the plane must decline slowly, without a sharp discharge of speed. Otherwise, he can hit the strip sharply. It is at this moment that the lame in the form of wind, strong snow can deliver the maximum problems of the pilot.

After the surface of the earth's surface occurred, gas needs to be reset. The flaps are cleaned, with the help of pedals, the plane takes place to the parking lot.

Thus, it would seem, a simple landing process in fact requires great piloting skills.

Speed \u200b\u200bwhen landing and takeoff aircraft - parameters calculated individually for each liner. There is no standard value to which all pilots must adhere to, because aircraft have a different weight, dimensions, aerodynamic characteristics. However, the speed value when is important, and non-compliance with the speed regime may turn into a tragedy for crew and passengers.

How is the takeoff?

Aerodynamics of any liner is provided by the configuration of the wing or wings. This configuration is almost the same for all aircraft with the exception of small details. The lower part of the wing is always flat, top - convex. Moreover, it does not depend on it.

The air, which, when set, passes under the wing, does not change its properties. However, the air, which at the same time passes through the top of the wing, narrows. Therefore, a smaller amount of air passes through the upper part. This leads to the emergence of the pressure difference under and over the wings of the aircraft. As a result, the pressure above the wing is falling, under the wing - rises. And precisely because of the pressure difference, the lifting force is formed, which pushes the wing up, and together with the wing and the aircraft itself. At that moment, when the lifting force exceeds the weight of the liner, the plane is broken away from the ground. This happens with an increase in the speed of the liner (with raising speed, the lifting force is growing). Also, the pilot has the ability to control the flaps on the wing. If you lower the flap, the lifting force under the wing changes the vector, and the plane is dramatically gaining height.

Interestingly, the smooth horizontal flight of the liner will be ensured if the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft.

So, the lifting force determines, at what speed the aircraft will break away from the ground and starts the flight. Also plays the role of weight liner, its aerodynamic characteristics, engine thrust force.

when take over and landing

In order for the passenger plane to take off, the pilot must be developed, which will provide the required lift force. What will be greater acceleration speed, the way and the lift will be higher. Consequently, with a high speed of overclocking, the plane will faster to take off than if he was moving at low speed. However, the specific value of the speed is calculated for each liner individually, taking into account its actual weight, the degree of loading, weather conditions, the length of the takeoff strip, etc.

If we generalize strongly, then the famous passenger liner Boeing 737 breaks off from the Earth when its speed is growing to 220 km / h. Another well-known and huge "Boeing 747" with a lot of weight breaks away from the ground at a speed of 270 kilometers per hour. But the smaller yak-40 liner is able to take off at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour due to a small weight.

Types of take-off

There are different factors that determine the speed when take over the airliner:

  1. Weather conditions (speed and direction of wind, rain, snow).
  2. Length of the runway.
  3. Strip coverage.

Depending on the conditions, the rise can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Classic speed set.
  2. From brakes.
  3. Take off using special means.
  4. Vertical height set.

The first method (classic) applies most often. When GDP has sufficient length, the aircraft can confidently dial the required speed required to provide a large lifting force. However, in the case when the GDP length is limited, then the aircraft may not have enough distance to set the required speed. Therefore, it costs some time on the brakes, and the engines are gradually gaining traction. When the thrust becomes big, the brakes are removed, and the plane sharply breaks off, quickly gaining speed. Thus, it is possible to reduce the take-off liner path.

About the vertical takeoff is not necessary. It is possible in the case of special engines. And the takeoff with the help of special means is practiced on military aircraft carriers.

What is the speed of the aircraft when landing?

The liner sits on the landing strip not immediately. First of all, there is a decrease in the speed of the liner, the height is reduced. First, the plane concerns the runway with the chassis wheels, then moving at high speed already on Earth, and only then slows down. The moment of contact with GDP is almost always accompanied by shaking in the cabin, which can cause anxiety from passengers. But there is nothing terrible in this.

The speed when landing the aircraft is almost only slightly lower than when taken. The big "Boeing 747" when approaching the runway approaches an average of 260 kilometers per hour. Such speed should be in the air in the air. But, again, the specific value of the speed is calculated individually for all liners, taking into account their weight, workload, weather conditions. If the plane is very large and heavy, then the landing rate should be higher, because when landing also needs to "hold" the required lift force. Already after contact with GDP and when driving on the ground, the pilot can slow down the chassis and the flaps on the wings of the aircraft.

Flight speed

The speed when landing the aircraft and when taken is very different from the speed, with which the aircraft is moving at an altitude of 10 km. Most often, the aircraft fly at speed, which is 80% of the maximum. So the maximum speed of the popular Airbus A380 is 1020 km / h. In fact, the flight at cruising speed is 850-900 km / h. Popular "Boeing 747" can fly at a speed of 988 km / h, but in fact its speed is also 850-900 km / h. As you can see, the flight speed is radically different from the speed when landing the aircraft.

It should be noted that today Boeing is developing a liner that can dial the flight rate at large altitudes to 5,000 kilometers per hour.


Of course, the speed when landing the aircraft is an extremely important parameter that is calculated strictly for each liner. But it is impossible to call a specific value at which all aircraft take off. Even the same models (for example, Boeing-747) will take off and go to the landing at different speeds due to different circumstances: the loading, the amount of refueling fuel, the length of the takeoff strip, the coating of the strip, the presence or absence of wind and so on.

Now you know what the aircraft speed when landing and takes off it. Average values \u200b\u200bare known to everyone.

From classical definitions:

Landing - part of the flight in which the aircraft returns to the ground.
Landing can be: soft, rigid, forced and emergency.

The landing stage of the aircraft begins with a height of 15 m above the ERP end and ends mileage to the strip until the aircraft stops. For light aircraft, the landing stage can begin with a height of 9 m.
Landing is the most difficult stage of the flight, since when a height decreases, the possibility of correcting a pilot or automatic system errors is reduced.

On this video, I removed the approach and landing of the Pitts S-2C aircraft during the Sun N "Fun Airshow in 2010

Directly landing is preceded by a landing approach - part of the flight, which includes preset maneuvering in the area of \u200b\u200bthe airfield with the release of chassis and closures in the landing position.

The landing approach begins at a height of at least 400 m. The approach of landing should exceed the dumping rate with this configuration of the aircraft at least by 30%. In an emergency, the rate of landing can exceed the dumping rate by 25%.

An approach to landing ends or planting or leaving for the second round. The second round of the aircraft is leaving when the permissible deviations of the path parameters are exceeded with a decrease in glidezade from nominal. The decision to plant the pilot is obliged to accept not lower than the height of the decision.

The air unit lasts a few seconds and includes:
- Alignment is part of the landing, during which the vertical rate of reduction on the glide is almost reduced to zero. Alignment begins at an altitude of 5-8 m and is completed with the transition to withstand at an altitude of 0.5-1 m.
- Holding - part of the landing, during which a further smooth decrease in the device continues with a simultaneous decrease in speed and an increase in the angle of attack to values \u200b\u200bunder which landing and mileage is possible.
- Parachuting is a part of the planting, which begins with a decrease in the lifting force of the wing and a smooth aircraft with a convergence with the WDP surface.
- Landing is the contact of the aircraft with the earth's surface.
Airplanes with a nasal rack carry out landing on the main racks, with the tail - on all the chassis racks at the same time (landing by three points);

Landing on the racks located in front of the center of mass can lead to a re-separation of an aircraft from the runway - "goat".
According to Wikipedia

And now I bring to your attention three rollers of the landing collector - Thehardlandings:
The first is the most dangerous to plant airfield aircraft.
The second two is coarse landing.
In the second video, starting with the 4th minute, historical frames of our Tu-144 are shown

Beautiful takelets and soft landings in the new year !!!