The plane fell in Cuba. Crashing a passenger liner in Cuba: what we know

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Passenger aircraft crashed in Cuba. On board were 104 passengers and six crew members.

The cause of the plane crash is still unknown, the Cuban authorities announced the beginning of the investigation.

There are no official data on victims and victims yet, however, the media argue that at least three people survived, they are in critical condition.

Cuban authorities announced a national mourning in connection with the plane crash.

Plane Boeing 737 Cuban De Aviacion State Cuban Airlines, who flew from Havana Airport, fell shortly after takeoff. He went to the city of Olgin in the east of the island.

Among the passengers were mainly Cubans, only five were foreign citizens, the state portal CubadeBate said.

What you saw from the ground

Eyewitnesses tell that they saw the flame that covered the plane before falling.

"We heard an explosion, and then saw a huge cloud of black smoke, rising above the place where the plane fell," said Local Restaurant Gilberto Menendez.

In the statement of Transport Governance, Mexico states that on board the aircraft during the take-off there was a technical malfunction.

The American Boeing Corporation said he was ready to send a group of his experts into Cuba, which is not prohibited by American legislation. Such a group will work under the guidance of security management in the US and Cuban authorities.

In relation to Cuba, the American embargo continues to operate, introduced by President John Kennedy.

"There was a plane crash. The news does not encourage, apparently, there is a large number of victims," \u200b\u200bthe head of Cuba Miguel Diaz Cant, who arrived in the scene, wrote in Twitter.

Right holder illustration AFP. Right holder illustration Reuters Right holder illustration AFP.

The plane belonged to the Mexican company Aerolineas Damoj, and the Cuban Cubana de Aviacion was leased, the Mexican government states.

The plane was built in 1979, there were six Mexican crew members on board, including the commander and the second pilot.

Boeing has already stated that it is ready to send a team of specialists to help Cuban authorities.

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"I saw he took off," José Luis supermarket was told by the Agency France Press. - Suddenly, he made a turn and began to fall. We were all amazed. "

The local Radio reported in Twitter that the plane fell on the road between Havana and Boyeros, 20 kilometers south of the capital.

Last year was named the safest in the history of commercial traffic, following the results of the study of Aviation Safety Network, not a single crash of the passenger aircraft was recorded.

However, this year there were already several serious accidents. Last month, in Algeria, a military aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff, 257 people became victims.

On his board was more than a hundred people

May 18.An ordinary day in the capital of hot and joyful Cuba was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy. In area of \u200b\u200bnoon, the passenger airliner collapsed close to José Marty Airport, which is located near Havana.

One of the first things about the terrible tragedy reported the "The Sun" edition. According to him, the plane collapsed immediately after takeoff at 12:30 local time (the difference with Moscow is nine hours).

As I found out the "Region Online", the monstrous tragedy happened to. Many Russians sniffed to television screens and began to view news feeds. All because tourists could be on board this aircraft, including Russian.

Chronology of fall

The Boeing-737-200 airliner, rented by the Mexican company Damojh by the Cubana de Aviacion air carrier, was supposed to fly out international Airport José Marty to half the first day and go to East Cuba, to the city of Olgin. It was an internal flight, but tourists could fly on it.

Russian citizens could be on board fallen aircraft- Stressed in the Russian Embassy in Cuba.

This message alarmed the inhabitants of our country. The tragedy that happened in Cuba could no longer pass by Russians.

According to various sources, on board the aircraft was from 103 to 109 passengers and crew members. Immediately after takeoff, the plane began to decline and fell to the ground. Smoke clubs were visible from the Havana itself. Not surprisingly, because the fall site was only 30 kilometers from the Cuban capital.

It is noteworthy that the tragedy could become even more terrible, because the airborpt almost fell on the jettle. So, in close proximity to the place of the crash, students of the Cuban school live.

Numerous photos and. On frames with the Havana plane - Olgin it can be seen that the spread of the fragments was not very large - the reason for this was the fact that the plane began to fall immediately after takeoff.

Emergency services left the place. Already at the initial data it was clear that people could survive in a plane crash.

What was after?

Dozens of professionals arrived at the incident site almost instantly, but by that time it was pulled up and local residents. In the photo from the place of the tragedy, it is clear that a whole crowd was gathered not far from the sappling plane. Police had to get into the cordon.

Together with emergency services, the leader of Cuba Miguel Díaz Cant Bermudes also went to the tragedy. He was the first to report that as a result of the catastrophe there are many victims. Then the Russian Embassy in Cuba began to check the information about whether.

Immediately the first versions about the causes of the fall appeared. Previously. The journalists found out that the airline who flew Havana - Olgin's flight was used by old aircraft. So, Boeing, who collapsed in Cuba, worked for about 10 years.

At the same time, it began to appear that among the wreckage of the Havana crashed in Cuba - Olgin found survivors.

Eyewitnesses reported that they saw people disappear on ambulance cars from a crash. Information about it quickly confirmed.

It turned out that as a result of the fall of the aircraft. All the forces were thrown on their salvation. They had all the necessary assistance and hospitalized, which eyewitnesses told.

Later, one of the three survivors in the plane crash died in the hospital. At the same time it turned out that among the dead there are at least five children. The remaining passengers are in serious condition.


As a result, more than a hundred people died in a plane crash in Cuba, including several children. The Russian Embassy still checks information about Russian citizens aboard the Havana-Olgin's collapsed aircraft. Previously, there were no Russians in Boeing.

However, information about tourists on board was confirmed - in the aircraft there were citizens of Italy and Germany.

Representatives of the Russian consulate expressed condolences to the families of those killed as a result of this monstrous tragedy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also appealed to Chairman of the State Council of Cuba Miguel Diaz Kannel Bermudes and the families of victims of a plane crash with condolences.

The head of the Russian state transferred the words of sympathy and support to the relatives and loved ones, as well as the wishes of the speedy recovery of those who managed to survive in this catastrophe - said the Kremlin press service.

In the near future, a new information will appear on how the Havana - Olgin plane crashed on Cuba. In the meantime, the experiencing tragedy people have to be content with the grains of available information.

Igor Stebline

Sergey Orlov, Vladimir Smirnov

Passenger aircraft Boeing 737-200 Cuban airline Cubana de Aviacion, who performed an internal flight from Havana to Olgin Province, failed when taken. On board the aircraft there were more than 100 people. It is reported that the airliner was rented at the Mexican airline Damojh and was managed by a foreign crew. The chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers of Cuba Miguel Diaz Channel, who declared the large number of victims of the tragedy, arrived at the catastrophe place. At the same time, official information on the number of dead and wounded is not yet.


On Friday, May 18, at the airport, Havana during the takeoff aircraft Boeing 737 Cuban Airline Cubana de Aviacion. The plane crashed a few minutes after departure from Hosé Marty International Airport. Cuba's authorities have already confirmed the fact of wreak.

"At 12:08 pm Boeing 737-200, rented by Cubana de Aviacion, with a foreign crew and 104 passengers on board, which flew from Havana to Olgin flight DMJ 0972, fell to Earth at the time of takeoff," - reported in the official printed authority of the Central Committee Communist Party Cuba - Granma newspaper.

It is noted that the plane collapsed between the José Marty airport and social item Santiago de las Vegas. At the scene are emergency services.

Cubanet portal clarifies that wrecked The plane belonged to the Mexican airline Damojh.

Official data in the number of victims of the catastrophe is not yet available. The media reported that more than a hundred people were on board the aircraft. So, according to Infobae, 104 people were on board the broken Cuban Boeing. Cibercuba's edition with reference to the journalist Cuban Radio Radio Rebelde Gabriel Silva writes that there were 107 people on board, not counting the crew members, RIA Novosti notes.

Before receiving official confirmation that the destination of the Boeing 737 was the airport in the Cuban province of Olgin in the east of the island, information appeared that the aircraft performed an international flight. At the same time, CNN reported that Boeing could be sent to Guyana.

The chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers of Cuba Miguel Diaz Cant arrived at the place of the crash. Even before arriving at the scene, the head of Cuba declared the "big number" of the victims of the catastrophe at the airport of Havana.

"There was a regrettable aircase. News do not encounter, probably the number of victims is great, "Citizates AFP Diaza Cant.

At the same time, the Witness Witnesses of the Boeing 737 declared the survivors, which were transported on ambulance carriers, reports The Associated Press.

It is not yet known whether there are foreigners among the dead. This information finds out the emergency services of the Republic of Cuba, as well as consular departments. Thus, the Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Cuba Nadezhda Sergiev said that the diplomission was in constant contact with the authorities of the country to find out whether the Russians were on board a crashed liner.

"No details are not. Diplomats are in constant contact with Cuban competent authorities, find out the circumstances of the happening - whether Russian citizens were aboard, "leads her words RIA Novosti.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent condolences to Cuban leader in connection with the aircraft crash at Havana Airport. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.

"The head of the Russian state transferred the words of sympathy and support to the relatives and loved ones, as well as the wishes of the speedy recovery of those who managed to survive in this catastrophe," the report says.

Cuban authorities clarified that the incident did not lead to a violation of the work of the Hawa Marty airport. According to the head of the corporation civil aviation Cuba Roberto Peña Sampera, the airport continues to work.

In turn, Boeing representatives reported that the situation was monitored due to the crash of the aircraft in Cuba.

Vilnius, May 19 - Sputnik. The flight engineer, whoars the flight, which took the previously broken Boeing 737 in Cuba, suggested that the cause of the disaster could be a technical failure, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the CubadeBate Cuban portal.

"13 minutes before his fall, our crew, who performed another internal flight of Cubana, flew to the province of Santiago de Cuba. We communicated with them on radio, pouring on a runway ... Today [Friday], about 11 am, we, we The members of the two crews met in the service room of the terminal (Havansky airport) to dine and cross several words before the flight. We will no longer meet anymore - apparently because of the technical failure that happened in the aircraft, "said the flight engineer named Joanner.

Wiggle Boeing 737 under Havana

On Friday, the Boeing 737 plane, flying from Havana to Olgin, failed shortly after takeoff. As the local media told eyewitnesses, the plane tried to return to the airport, however, crashed into the power line.

© AFP 2020 / Yamil Lage

According to the Global Air Mexican company, which Cubana de Aviacion rented a plane, there were 110 people on board. Among the passengers there were five foreigners, two of them citizens of Argentina, the rest - Cubans.

It is noted that a broken aircraft was 39 years old, but he had all the necessary permits.

Local media reported on four survivors in a plane crash. Three women were taken to hospital in serious condition, the man died on the road.

In connection with the tragedy, the power of Cuba declared mourning.

President of Lithuania Dahl Grybauskaite expressed condolences to the people of Cuba. Condolences also sent the authorities of Russia, Venezuela, Spain, Mexico, France.

Mexico City, May 19- RIA News. More than one hundred people died in brushing airplane Boeing 737-200 in Cuba, which happened on Friday shortly after the take-off of the airport of Havana.

According to the Global Air Mexican company, which Cubana de Aviacion rented a plane, there were 110 people on board, including 104 passengers and six crew members. Among the passengers of the crashing plane had five foreigners, the rest were Cubans, the crew was from Mexico. Russian citizens, according to the embassy, \u200b\u200bthere was no on board. Later it became known about the two dead Argentians.

The liner, who fulfilled the flight Havana - Olgin, was crashed shortly after takeoff, collapsed between José Marty airport and the suburbs of Havana Santiago de Las Vegas, on the territory of agricultural landing.

There are survivors

Soon after the disaster, local media reported on four survivors in a plane crash. Three surviving women were delivered in the intensive care of the Havana hospital named after Kaliksto Garcia in serious condition, the man died on the way to the hospital. Later, Cuba TV channel announced the death of one of the women, but then refuted this information.

At the victims of multiple fractures, hematomas and burns, they assist resuscitation, surgeons, neurologists, orthopedists and other specialists.

According to the Ministry of Transport Mexico, the aircraft was 39 years old, he was released in 1979, but had all the necessary work permits.

The Chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers of Cuba Miguel Diaz Channel stated that the investigation of the circumstances of the crash would be conducted, and expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims. Black boxes have not yet been found.

All Terminals of Hawa Airport named after José Marty continue to work.

© ruptly.

Evidence testimonies

Eyewitnesses told Cuban TV that the plane tried to return to the airport after take-off, but crashed into the power line. Witnesses also reported that the first rescuers arrived at the sort of incident 12 minutes after the fall.

The catastrophe was the first for Cubana de Aviacion since 1999, follows from the Aviation Safety Network (ASN) portal portal tracking aviation accidents.

International reaction

Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of condolences to Diaz Kannel. "The head of the Russian state transferred the words of sympathy and support to the relatives and loved ones, as well as the wishes of the speedy recovery of those who managed to survive in this catastrophe," the telegram says.

Condolences sent Venezuela, Spain, Mexico, France. Boeing also expressed condolences to close passengers and crew members of a crashed aircraft, as well as the readiness to provide the necessary technical assistance.

According to RIA Novosti in the press service of the State Department, the United States learn information about the collapse of the Boeing-737 aircraft in Cuba and find out whether American citizens were aboard. Canada stated that it was working on obtaining additional information and, if necessary, ready to provide consular assistance to Canadian citizens.

The authorities of Cuba declared mourning in connection with the plane crash.