A year ago, a plane exploded over Sinai with Russian tourists. Notifications fell Airplane October

Exactly a year ago, the Russian aircraft crashed over Sinai as a result of the terrorist attack. The plane crash killed 224 people. At the site of the liner's fall, our country conducted an unprecedented search operation, all the surviving parts of the aircraft were found. The Investigation Committee stated that it would continue to continue the criminal case until all involved in this terrorist act. October 31 in Russia remember the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Mourning prayer began at 07:15 - this is the time when the plane hit the ground. Nadezhda Volkova in that monstrous air crash lost his son Nicholas. Together with his wife Leroy he flew into honeymoon. They were 32, transmits.

"I do not remember how I went home. When I came, my husband crashed everything, Bil, shouted:" There are no more. No, you understand? "And I did not believe. And he:" Look, the lists went, "recalls the hope of Volkova.

Board A321 of Kogalymavia performed chartered flight Room 9268 on the route Sharm El Sheikh - St. Petersburg. After 23 minutes after takeoff, the liner disappeared with radars. After another two hours, the Egypt Air Force aircraft discovered fragments in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula.

In the St. Petersburg airport "Pulkovo" on the electronic scoreboard all this time was burning line: arrival at 12 o'clock in 9 minutes. Then all the relatives that meet this flight were invited to go to the bus and drove away from the TV game. So started the morning on October 31, 2015. In the evening to the Terminal "Arrival" People suffered flowers.

In the plane crash over Sinai killed 224 people, among them seven crew members and 25 children. Almost all passengers were residents of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The collapse of the A321 aircraft was the most massive death of Russian citizens in a plane crash in the history of world aviation and the largest catastrophe In the history of Egypt.

An international investigation of the causes of the tragedy continues until now. Preliminary results will be announced before the end of the year. This last Thursday reported Russian news agencies with reference to the Egyptian media. Representatives of Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, USA, as well as AIRBUS Industry consultants are involved in the investigation.

"There is a general version that has already become the main thing that the terrorists of the Egyptian cell of the Egyptian cell are behind the Sinai Peninsula. the organization of the organization is prohibited in Russia - approx.) "," said the editor-in-chief of the "National Defense" magazine, director of the World Trade Analysis Center Igor Korutchenko.

The explosive device was attached to the luggage right at Sharm El Sheikh airport. It worked in the air. The airliner fell from the height of almost 10 thousand meters, and flew down the arc down, losing height, at a speed of 30 meters per second. In Russia, a version of the explosion on board A321 improvised explosive device with power up to a kilogram in Trotil equivalent was officially announced on November 16, 2015 at the meeting at the President.

The Egyptian authorities became the last, who officially recognized the death of the airliner to the terrorist act. Egyptian President for the first time publicly declared it only in February, four months after the plane crash.

"For Egypt, recognition of the organization of the terrorist attack of this kind related to the movement of tourists is a catastrophe for the tourist area. Actually, what happens today in Egypt. For a whole year, they are trying to restore the tourist stream, which is the main component of the Egyptian economy," explained the director of the international Institute of the latest states, political scientist Alexey Martynov.

Airbus A321 Airplane Flight 9268 Kogalymavia (Brand Metrojet) crashed, disappearing with radars in the morning of Saturday, October 31. On board the aircraft there were 224 people - passengers, children, 7 crew members, they were all Russians. The liner served the "tourist" flight between Sharm El Sheikh and St. Petersburg.

Latest data on the catastrophe can also be read on the twitter for hashthega # Kogalymavia and # 7k9268. .

Egypt's authorities officially confirmed to the aircraft crash and began searching for a fragment forces by the army, the Turkish aviation authorities reported the entrance of the liner in their air space. At the same time, the media previously stated that the liner continued to fly, but the official press of Cairo states - a plane crash still occurred, liner fragments are located on Sinai.

The illustration of the Flightradar system is eloquently, allowing to track any civilian sides of the world on which special transponders are located. According to FlightRadar it is seen The plane "decreased at a speed of about 6,000 feet per minute (110 km / h) before the signal was lost" after 23 minutes after takeoff.

The press also reports that the carrier crew reported faults, some journalists suggest that the FAC and the second pilot was requested by an emergency landing - however, this information is not yet confirmed.

Note that many pilots and aviation experts, speaking of a plane crash, reminded - the engine failure (without the destruction of the engine or aircraft) does not lead to a drop of liners - they can plan even with all the engines turned off to the nearest airfield (also happened in the history of aviation - media Remember the emergency landing of Tu-204, and "Gimli Planer").

"The plane fell in a closed military zone. There are a counter-terrorist operations," reports VGTRK.

The emergency mode is introduced in North Sinai in Egypt due to a crash russian aircraftEgyptian Prime Minister, rescuers and military have left for the crash.

Reuters reports that, perhaps, on the site of the catastrophe "heard the cries of surviving passengers".

"The crew of a breakdown Russian airliner several times complained about the problems with the engine," the news agency passes.

"Egyptian emergency services began the removal of the bodies of those killed in the crash of the Russian A-321 on the Sinai Peninsula", - reports AFP. The disaster place is stupid and protected from marauders.

"Found the bodies of five children, the Russian plane falling in Sinai falls into two parts," AFP said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the deepest condolences to the relatives of the Kogalymavia coaster in the catastrophe of the aircraft of the company "Kogalymavia", ordered the rescuers to the place of the tragedy.

"The overall flight of the 48-year-old commander of the aircraft fallen in Egypt amounted to 3682 hours. Of these, 1,100 hours flew as a commander of the aircraft," LifeNews.ru said.

"As it became known, before flying on the aircraft type A-321, Valery Nemov managed Tu-154. The pilot was retracted at the Amurair training center, located in Turkey," adds the press by calling the FCC by a professional pilot.

It became known that at least one of the passengers of the flight posted a photographe of the aircraft and her husband with her daughter before taking off, writing " we fly home ".

"According to the Egyptian side, the aircraft tried to go landing at the El Aris airfield," the Russian Embassy reported.

"As it became known, from under the wreckage of the Russian liner, wrecked 100 kilometers from El Arisha in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, took out about a hundred passengers, "- reports Egypt Independet.

"Eyewitnesses say that the crash in Egypt was burning in the air in Egypt," the FM merchant reported.

The media reported that the rescuers found one of the on-board recorders - black boxes on the place of the tragedy.

President Vladimir Putin announced on November 1 mourning in connection with the crash of the Russian liner in Egypt,

The bodies of all 17 children are found on the crash site A-321 in Egypt. Reports RIA Novosti with reference to the representative civil aviation.

As I found out "Gazeta.Ru", tourist company Brica, whose clients flew on a broken aircraft, and the Kogalymavia Airlines own the same faces.

"Either a fire in the central / tail part, or the engine fire with its distribution throughout the gondola, with the subsequent temperature destruction of the wing," write on the professional forum of pilots.

The local tribe of Bedouins Al Tayach saw how the Russian liner Kogalymavia was crashed on the Sinai Peninsula. According to nomads, Airbus A321 broke out in the air, in particular, they saw how one of the aircraft engines burns.

"Many died in chairs fastened by seat belts," the representative of the Egyptian special services / Reuters

In the office of the owner of Kogalymavia Airlines in the countertop, Moscow lane is searched. Law enforcement officers withdraw documents and electronic media from the office, "the media reports.

Egyptian aviation authorities do not exclude that a catastrophe with a liner russian airline Cogalymavia in Egypt occurred due to the terrorist attack, reports CBS Extra. "This version is unlikely, since the terrorists in the region there are no appropriate weapons - anti-aircraft missile systems, because the plane was at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters," the specialists say.

"From a blue a couple of months ago, reactive shells were fired by the territory of Israel. In Syria and Libya, Islamists captured dozens of C125 and C200 complexes. In Yemen, the shootouts go with the use of Patriot dots along the entire border," write in social networks.

"According to the representative of the Egyptian Committee to investigate aviation incidents Ayman al-Mugadem, the pilot warned ground dispatchers that the" technical problem "originated on the plane and he needs to land as soon as possible," reporting "Izvestia".

The Egyptian authorities reported that, as a result of the collapse of the Russian aircraft, no one survived - Reuters reported.

Before departing from Sharm-Eshech, the crashed plane passed the necessary technical testing and no malfunctions were not identified, the head of Egyptian companies at Adele Makhgub airports said. "The technical inspection of the aircraft was performed and its flight fitness was confirmed," he stressed.

October 31, 2015, Ray Sharm El-Sheikh - St. Petersburg. Someone is reviewing photographs in the phone, representing how to tell the relatives and relatives about the rest. Family couples calm the kids who in the morning behave too vigorously, - yes to fly probably fear. Departure on a schedule, drove it right into the sky. Already the next day, the media is converted to the photo of the "main passenger" - ten-month Darina Thunder. This snapshot will become a kind of symbol of the fateful flight of Airbus 321, from which none of the 224 people have not returned alive.

"Flight in normal mode"

The plane flew safely and began to gain a height at 6:50 Moscow time. Everything passes in normal mode, as suddenly after 23 minutes, the dispatchers lose touch with the crew.

Meanwhile, the Pulkovo airport is reported that the flight is delayed "for technical reasons." Time is transferred once, tolerate two ... In Russia, they try not to think about the most terrible and nervously waiting for messages from relatives: an emergency landing, but about anything, just wrote. When the flowers have already begun to be faded, and the record of the next flight transfer, the nerves of relatives did not stand: calls to Kogalymavia and the BRISCO tour operator were sprinkled. "We find out everything", "do not worry," people in different instances heard.

And then the news came, which flashed in the head in everyone, but they refused. The fact that everything died, it became known not immediately. One of the rescuers who immediately advanced to the place immediately after the crash, said that he had heard the voices of passengers who came from under the liner debris. Already in minutes it turned out: I did not hear it seemed.

Chief passenger

Collage © L! Fe. Photo: © RIA Novosti / Maxim Grigoriev / Tass / Pool © Wikipedia.org

A photo of a ten-month-old Darina Thunder from Gatchina, made at Pulkovo Airport, it seemed to be all Russian well-known media and was converted in social networks. The snapshot became one of the characters of that terrible tragedy.

Son, Alexey, wanted to be a pilot. Only I did not allow, "Grandma Darina Elena told Life later.

Alexei's father 30 years old was a military pilot. The young man himself studied on a technical specialty and went to work in an IT company. Here he met Tatyana. Young people got married a little more than a year before the tragedy. On the still affordable page of a young man in the social network housed a lot of photos of a loved pair made on the wedding day.

The "main passenger" daughter called Tatiana. Before departing from Pulkovo, she photographed a girl who was pressed with handles to the glass, and laid out a picture in the social network.

Grandmother Darina offered his parents not to take the child's flight: it is afraid, it will take it badly. But those and listening did not drive: the child should get sink in the sun.

"I will not live without her"

October 31 became a tragedy for thousands of people. The husband Svetlana Dudochkina, Anatoly, could not fly along with his wife on vacation once. In Egypt, the spouses were already more than once, so the woman knew not bad how to behave in the resort. Especially strange it seemed his warning.

She first went on vacation without me. I told her that if something had happened, I could not survive without it. I no longer want to live, I'm not interested, "said Anatoly's crash.

The woman went to relax in the company of his daughter and two young grandchildren. But the daughter decided to stay on a day or different, as it was possible to relax a little longer. As a result, only Svetlana rose from the whole family on the fatal flight.

Birthday gift

On October 27, the birthday of the civilian wife was celebrated then the deputy head of Pskov Alexander Kopylova. He bought himself and beloved, Elena Melnikova, a ticket. From our work they did not want, but the deputy head of the city persuaded it. It was argued by the fact that the occasion is very weighty.

A man met the future civil wife at work. The fact is that Elena is the head of the personnel department in the Pskov City Duma. Alexander, a few years before, his wife died, Elena - divorced. They were together for about a year by the time.

All the time, Elena spoke on vacation in social networks that they rest very well - bathe, sunbathe and in general "come off." The last time I went online three hours before the fateful departure.

"A little more - and leave from aviation"

Senior flight attendant, 38-year-old Valentina Martsevich, who was dedicated to the sky for 12 years, planned to leave aviation in the near future. She wanted calm, made plans for a quiet family life. Valentina's husband, Maxim, is the aircraft commander. At that moment he was on the flight of Chinese airlines.

Valentine herself from Anapa, worked in the Krasnodar airport when he met the future spouse. Soon together moved to Moscow. He is all the time on the flight, she is on the next departure. Tired of video with her husband and native urabs.

October 5, on his birthday, she flew home to hug mom. The acquaintances later remembered that she behaved rather strangely: it was strangely spoken, smiling strangely, made a lot of pictures.

During return to Moscow, shortly before the fateful flight, the woman was afraid for the first time during the landing. She told his friends, as the liner was shaking and she was afraid that pilots would not succeed in a good board.

"Fluffy, waiting"

The flight attendant Marina Oshotnova was supposed to meet with her husband -Suard Andrei Geometric in Domodedovo on November 1. The plan looked as follows: Andrew landed in Pulkovo, resting, and after going to Moscow as a passenger. After 20 minutes after the arrival of his side, she lands in the capital. Young people planned an unforgettable weekend.

The couple had a tradition: all four years old that they were together, Andrei sent a SMS beloved during such "intersections" with the same text: "Fucking, I'm waiting for you." This time there were no messages. In November, Andrei was supposed to be 30 years old ...


Experts reviewed four main versions of a plane crash: technical malfunction, pilots error that the aircraft was shot down and an explosion.

Technical malfunction

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Maxim Grigoriev / Tass / Pool

The first version that investigators began to be viewed are a technical malfunction. Allegedly liner had defects. For example, another 14 years before the tragedy, in November 2001, at Cairo Airport, Liner failed and hurt the land tail. Then he still belonged to Middle East Airlines. After the aircraft occurred, the aircraft was repaired and sold. After that, it was chartered by various airlines, until finally, it was not "skew" in Kogalymavia in 2012.

You can talk about this airline anything, but any aircraft of any carrier is tested before the new flight. In addition, the sides are arranged technical checks. So, the liner engines were examined five days before the tragedy. And it would be unlikely that the experts would have missed such a significant malfunction, due to which the aircraft could have crashed. This point of view was confirmed in the airline. In addition, pilots with great experience have repeatedly said that none of the crew members will risk their own life, and simply refuse to fly in case of doubt.

Against the version of the fault, another fact says: on the eve of the crash "Airbus" flew from Sharm el-Sheikh to Samara and back. After that, in the Egyptian airport, he passed maintenance, there was no critical troubleshooting.

A week after the tragedy, Mac representatives told that until the recording of recorder recorders, the flight was held in normal mode, information on refusals of systems and aircraft units on a parametric recorder was not recorded.

Error crew

This version has become the second. Allegedly pilots could panic, incorrectly behave in a critical situation. Such a version was denied in Rosaviation on the same day. FCC Valery Nemov was initially a military pilot, and after retirement (a man was 48 years old) reincounded on a pilot of civil aviation at the Amurair training center in Turkey. Its common experience of the plaque is 3682 hours, of which 1100 hours - the commander of the aircraft.

The second pilot, the 45-year-old Sergey Trukhachyov, had 5641 years old, more than that of the FCC. He passed special training in the Czech Republic for the management of A321.

The error version was excluded by the Kogalymavia's pilots themselves: they placed a letter on the network after a few hours after the tragedy, where they claimed that no error could be. This version is a priority. The fact that the bomb was on board, the media began to write a few hours after the tragedy. During the month, Russian experts confirmed the fact of the explosion. So, on November 16, 2015, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov at the meeting in the Kremlin, for the first time officially announced that the terrorist attack.

Initially it was assumed that the bomb was laid between passenger seats in the 30th row. However, later experts came to the conclusion that the homemade explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in TNT equivalent was in the tail part, next to the children's wheelchairs. The timer installed in the bomb counted how many minutes would live 224 people. After the explosion, the liner turned the tail part, and he moved to uncontrollable dive.

Egyptian officials have not officially recognized the terrorist attack for a long time (according to one of the versions, fearing multimillion lawsuits on the part of the relatives of the victims). Cairo called on to wait for the official results of the investigation, which, by the way, is not still. However, in February 2017, the representative of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid admitted that the terrorist attack occurred on board.

The victims of terrorist operations were dozens, and even hundreds of people, including as a result of the fall of the Russian liner in Sinai, "he said.

* The organization is prohibited in Russia by decision of the Supreme Court.

As you know at the moment, the aircraft collapsed near the city of El Arish. Shortly before the accident, the aircraft commander requested a permit for emergency landing in Cairo due to technical fails.

According to the Internet portal FLIGHTRADAR, the liner sharply reduced the height before the disappearance with Radarov: the aircraft collapsed after it fell 1.5 km.

On board the collapsed Airbus 321 there were 224 people, seven-party crew members. The Egyptian rescuers who arrived in place were reported that they heard the moans of people under the wreckage, and stated that they were hoping to find someone who was able to survive, but soon it became known that no one had survived. Most of the passengers of the aircraft were tourists who returned to Russia after rest in Egypt.

Among the dead were the deputy head of Pskov, who returned from vacation with his civil wife, as well as the participant of the TV show "Top-Model in Russian" Elena home from St. Petersburg. Also killed 24 children.

The overwhelming majority of those who were on board the liner - Russians, however there are three citizens of Ukraine and one Belarusian citizen.

The bodies of the victims of the catastrophe at the time of the evening of Saturday were delivered to Morgi Cairo. In St. Petersburg, DNA samples for identification were seized in the loved ones.

According to the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram, the investigators have already found one of the onboard recorders Airbus 321. Black box contains all communications between the aircraft and control tower of dispatchers, as well as negotiations of the aircraft commander and its assistants, "the newspaper is noted. Will decipher it will be Russian investigators and aircraftspers, who flew to Egypt shortly after the tragedy.

Airbus 321 wreck has become the largest in Russia's history - 224 people died in it.

Prior to this, the largest victims were the Tu-154 catastrophe, flying from Tashkent to Leningrad on July 10, 1985. Due to the crew mistakes, the plane entered the corkscrew and crashed near the Uzbek city of Uchkuduk. Then 200 people died.

Why the plane fell

On the first day of the catastrophe information about possible reasons The collapse came contradictory. So, the Egyptian authorities stated that the crew Airbus 321 complained about the engine malfunction. They also put forward a version of the technical fault as one of the main. Wherein

"Kogalymavia" stated that they would not see the reason to doubt the technical condition of the aircraft.

The Investigation Committee apparently will check all versions. In particular, the investigators of the Volga Investigation Department in Transport in Samara on the site of the last refueling of the crashing of the aircraft on Saturday was made of fuel samples.

A few hours after the accident (prohibited in Russia, the organization) through its friendly news agency AAMAQ announced that it takes responsibility for the collapse of Airbus 321. Information also placed information. It is known that local militants have no weapons capable of hitting a flying goal at such a height. Later, the statements of terrorists categorically denied Russian officials, including the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Despite all this,

In addition, the Minister of Labor instructed to pay the families of the dead members of the crew of the crashed Airbus 321 of 1 million rubles.

It is noteworthy that the tragedy did not affect the plans for Halloween celebration in Moscow. Gazeta.Ru called the organizers of the largest parties in honor of Halloween scheduled for this night in Moscow. As it turned out, clubs do not intend to make adjustments to their plans due to the crash of the aircraft.

parties will be held at Soho Rooms, Arma17, Ray Just Arena and the Moscow Club.

Schedule left in strength and those few city parks who joined the celebration - for example, Sokolniki Park. Earlier, the announcement of the event was posted even on the website of the Prefecture of the Eastern Administrative District.

"Today we all will be held according to the program, and tomorrow, of course, the day of mourning," Gazeta.Ru said director of the park. - We have nothing particularly planned for tomorrow, but dancing, for example, cancel. "

Could saving lead to tragedy

The broken Airbus A-321 was 18 years old. However, contrary to popular belief, the age of the aircraft does not affect its flight characteristics. The fact is that each aircraft is obliged to undergo regular scheduled inspections and technical inspection according to the rules of the International Association air transport (ICAO). Without an appropriate certificate, air power and airport do not allow flight to flight. It is worth noting that, unlike the method known in Russia, "quickly do" then on the car such an option with a plane is impossible, since

each technician and technical team inspecting an aircraft carry personal responsibility for its check area and put their signature under its results.

At the same time, each member of engineering and technical composition responds only for its plot (for example, the engine of the aircraft, the state of the closed, tail, etc.). Most aircraft flying in Russia are maintained abroad in specialized centers, and some types of maintenance of foreign civil aircraft can only be carried out abroad.

For your life, the plane passes many technical checks, which actually replace each other: Transit Check, Daily Check, Weekly Check, A-Check, B-Check, C-Check and D-Check.

A-Check and B-Check is a simple (easy) check, while C- and D-Check are a heavy form of maintenance. D-Check takes about once every 12 years (that is, the broken board has already passed one D-Check) and lasts 30-40 days. During it, the entire aircraft is checked, all its nodes and details. Nodes that have developed a resource or not completed checks are subject to replacement. In fact, this means that the ITS team almost completely disassembles the plane, checking each part, electronics, wiring and node for corrosion or rust. In case of detection of at least small signs of corrosion, the part or part of the island is replaced with a new one. According to experts, de facto does that mean that

by 25 years of service from all component aircraft, which was assembled at the factory, the units of original nodes and parts remain.

World experience shows that most airlines are trying to get rid of old sides, constantly updating the aircraft park. However, it is not safe for flight safety, but in elementary economic benefit. The higher and more complex the level of technical checking of aircraft, the longer it lasts and more expensive is airlines. In this way,

passing the aircraft to the 30-40-day D-Check, the company will carry serious losses, since the board for the time of testing can not be operated, and therefore generate income.

However, despite the high safety of flights, any aircraft crash attracts increased attention to international aviation authorities, as well as manufacturers of a broken aircraft. As a result of the investigation of the causes of the aircraft crash or incidents, international aviation authorities can make new airline safety requirements.

So, for example, after several incidents with the failure of navigation in the aircraft, passengers were forbidden to include mobile phones, and airflowers were prescribed to think about improving the isolation of electronic on-board airborne systems. As a result, in the new models of aircraft, this malfunction was eliminated by some aviation authorities, for example, the European Agency aviation security (EASA), officially abolished outdated prescription. Similarly, prescriptions were introduced to keep the porthole curtains open during takeoff and landing: first,

through the windows, passengers may notice PE overboard the aircraft and report this crew, and secondly, in the case of a rigid landing, the porthole curtain can be broken and the risk is the risk that the sharp fragments of plastic are embraced by passengers.

The reason for today's tragedy has yet to find out, but we can safely say that the correlation between the age of the aircraft and its safety is not.

Today's catastrophe in Egypt became the largest in the number of victims in history modern Russia. We will remind other serious losses in PE with Russian aircraft:

170 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (160 passengers and 10 crew members) died on August 22, 2006 in a plane crash under the village dry beam (Donetsk region, Ukraine). Tu-154 aircraft Pulkovo airline served Anapa - St. Petersburg. The cause of the catastrophe was the wrong act of the crew in complex meteors, with the result that the aircraft fell into a flat corkscrew.

145 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (136 passengers, 9 crew members) died on July 3, 2001 at the occasion of Tu-154 landing at Irkutsk airport. The aircraft "Vladivostok-Avia" aircraft flew Vladivostok - Irkutsk - Ekaterinburg. The cause of the catastrophe was recognized by erroneous acts of the crew.

141 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e, including 11 crew members, died on August 29, 1996 with the crash of the Tu-154m Airlines "Vnukovo Airlines", which completed the flight on the route Moscow - Longiir (Svalbard). If you enter the landing, the aircraft crashed into a mountain of opera 14.2 km from the airport. The cause of the catastrophe has become a crew error.

125 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (116 passengers, 9 crew members and 1 person on Earth) died on January 3, 1994 under the Irkutsk as a result of the aircraft crash of the Tu-154m airline "Baikal", which committed flight to Moscow. Through 3.5 minutes after the takeoff, he caught fire from one of the engines. Pilots launched a liner back to Irkutsk, but he lost control and collapsed on a dairy farm. The cause of the catastrophe was called technical malfunctions.

125 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (120 passengers, 5 crew members) died on the night of July 9, 2006 when landing in Irkutsk Airbus A310 Siberia airline, which followed Moscow. The plane rolled out beyond the runway, crashed into the garages located nearby and exploded. The cause has become erroneous acts of the crew.

52 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (46 passengers, 6 crew members) died on November 17, 2013 in international Airport Kazan. Boeing-737-500 fulfilled the flight on the route Moscow - Kazan. The liner crashed while entering the landing. In list dead son President of Tatarstan, head of the UFSB Tatarstan and the family of the famous sports commentator Roman Skvortsov.

44 peopleclass \u003d "_"\u003e (36 passengers, 8 crew members) died on September 7, 2011. The Yak-42 airliner transported the hockey team "Lokomotiv" from Yaroslavl to Minsk. During the runway, the plane rolled out of the runway, he took off from the soil 400 meters behind her. The flight lasted a few seconds: the liner scored a height of no more than 5-6 meters, then ran into a radio beacon, crashed into the ground on the banks of the river Tunochonki and exploded. Part of the debris and tail fell into the river.