The death of groups of tourists in the mountains. Scientists revealed the mystery of the death of tourists on the passage of Dyatlov

The question of what really happened to the group of tourists on the Mount of the Dead, still does not give rest to many. About the books that happened on the pass, they write books, films take off, build guesses on the forums. The tragedies, with similar circumstances of the gear of six people in Transbaikalia 24 years ago, is devoted to a much smaller amount of materials, but it does not prevent parallels between mystical stories pursuing to the tremors.

In 1993, from the campaign to Transbaikalia, in which seven people went, only one girl returned

Let you not be confused that many network users are looking for Kazakh's search engines: the fact is that young people from Kazakhstan went on a campaign on the picturesque places of Buryatia. Perhaps this is the first and almost the last reliable fact in this terrible story. The second is only one girl from the tourist group managed to survive. Everything else is a fancy puzzle from scraps of rescuers' memories, stingy phrases, obscured the one that was alive and did not go crazy, and hypotheses put forward by researchers and non-indulgered Internet users.

We do not undertake to judge which of the versions - from the test of biological weapons to banal hypothermia and the appearance of Yeti - is correct, we suggest you do it yourself, carefully studying the details of the tragedy.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovina, who led the group, was a master of sports of an international class on pedestrian tourism

Stones, grass and wind

In August 1993, tourists from Petropavlovsk-Kazakh died in the peak district of the peak - only 18-year-old Valentine survived the seven members of the group. There is no controversy, in the mountains everyone happens, but the mysterious circumstances of their death do not allow us to call the accident that happened.

From September to June, the snow on the Khard Dabana ridge lies snow, no one surprise and the message that in the summer on the passes and the plateau fell snow, snowstorms occur in August.
With the weather group, Lyudmila Korovina was clearly not lucky - a strong cyclone turned the campaign at the present test, sharply got cold, it was snowing with rain for several days. Tourists stopped at the halt on the rocky top, they did not descend to the edge of the forest with a completely bare part of the mountains, where only stones and herb, because the hurricane wind began, but "the trees broke like a match."

"The strangest thing is that all night, even before the first death, the guys Mokley and Merzley, but did not even try to warm up," Leonid Izmailov told, the former deputy head of the Trans-Baikal Regional Search and Rescue Service. - Each of them had a sleeping bag and plastic film, but it remained untouched - everything was dry and lay in backpacks. Why the manager did not accept any measures - inexplicable. As inexplicable and universal panic, coming after the first death. "

By the way, many researchers are confident that the whereabouts of Dyatlov killed on the pass was due to the same mental state.

If you read the archival materials published after the tragedy in the local press, it may impress that in the death of participants in the campaign there are fault of the group leader. However, those who were personally familiar with Lyudmila Ivanovna also categorically agree with this statement and walked with her hiking (including the highest level of complexity), and the very remainder.

"Our instructor was a very high discharge, and everything that happened is not her fault," Valentine will say in a very short interview (if such a literally two phrases can be called), despite the completely explanatory reluctance to communicate with the press.

On the morning of August 5, one of the guys - the greenest, strong and strong - it became bad. Sasha had a foam from his mouth, he watched blood from the ears. According to Vali, he died suddenly. After that, something unimaginable was going on on the slope.

Chaos reigned around - young people flatly refused to fulfill the order of Lyudmila Ivanovna, who appointed the elder and told everyone to move towards the forest. "Denis began to hide behind the stones and run away, Tatiana beat his head about stones, Victoria and Timur, probably chuckled. Lyudmila Ivanovna died of a heart attack, "such data was recorded in the report on search and rescue and transportation work from the words of the surviving girl (and we still ask the question of how it was possible to determine the cause of the death of a non-professional, and even in the situation of mass psychosis?).

Everyone, except for the head of the group and Vali, were the same symptoms - tourists rode the ground, pumped up their clothes and grabbed the throat. In horror, she grabbed a sleeping bag and went down one ...

Agree, the details resemble the story of "Dyatlovtsev", who tried to escape from something terrible to the frost!

This tower and helped valentine to navigate

Closed to all dead eyes

"Valya after just one day wandered over the forest, then rose to the repeater, and from there, he went down to the snowy, where he spent in an abandoned winter or barrack (this is in the area of \u200b\u200bQuayry's mouth). Next, it was picked up by Vodniks, "Alexey Livsky, a lifeguard who personally took part in the search for missing were written on tourists forum.
The girl "was in a terrible state, and Kievans (approx. Website: those the most vodnikov, which noticed her on the river on August 8 and then helped to get home) poured her clutches of vodka. She never saw such doses before, but helped. Valya came to himself, spoke about the "Tritrans", told how the guys from the group biteed and thrown with shoes. He said that in the morning of the next day after the tragedy rose from the forest zone to the place of the death of the group, herself closed with all the dead eyes and took a cord card and products from a backpack, "Alexey continued his story.

"Explain the mass psychosis, which happened to the group after the death of the first person, can be overwriting, unpreparedness to such a turn of events, supercooling. But it is impossible to understand to the end. After all, at the same time there were people in the mountains who, like the Korovina group, did not expect snowfall, but they all survived, "the Izmailov admitted.

"Do you think I want to remember this nightmare?" I had to leave, change all my life. I don't want to remember it, "says Valentina.

Here birds do not sing

The fact that the place of emergency looked like, recalls Livinsky: "We saw a group from the helicopter. Clothes and backpacks were bright. The group lay on a clean slope of meters for 200-250 (in a straight line, and not vertically) Below is the main ridge, in the side of the Snow River basin. To the border of the forest also remained meters 200-300. "

"I do not remember that there - in the place of the death of the group - sang or flew birds, even crows. This place is well thought out. The bodies were partially mummified, and did not even have a body smell, "he continues his terrible story, noting that all the guys were a blue-purple. "Bodies have already been swollen, the sockets have completely left. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on the top on Alexandra ... "- quoted in the press of the word Izmailov. An autopsy that spent in Ulan-Ude showed that all six died from supercooling.

"She knew how to rally everyone, make a team. Believed people, believed in people. Could make a person to become the one who is in fact, "says Evgeny Olkhovsky about Lyudmil Korovina

Evidence testimonies

Journalists managed to find Alexander Kvitnitsky, a tourist from Kiev, who was as part of a group that was found Valentina on the Snezhni River. "It turned out that we were the first to whom Valya told about the death of friends," quotes his words. "She said that they had a wonderful manager and that they were in a hurry to pass the route as soon as possible, so they were very tired. When the bad weather came, they were all very frozen, but did not descend from the ridge to wait for bad weather, and all the time they went. From this even more tired. "

"Valya, a strong rustic girl who got used to physical stress, turned out to be the most resistant one. She was as unbearably cold, as well as the rest, she also boiled on the go, but her thoughts about relatives were saved. The girl thought it would be with her mother if she would not return home. Taking a sleeping bag and polyethylene, Valya went down to the forest. There she stumbled the bad weather, and when he returned, I saw that all dead. Later, you did before the river and decided to wash my head. She reasoned like this: if you dying, then you need to look good before death. By the time the weather was established - the sun. On the river we noticed it. Valya was sharpened - we pierced it with antibiotics, other medicines, "Alexander said.

Snowy river

We have no doubt that Valya was really a strong girl, another thing is that the other participants in the campaign, according to those who went with them not one route were experienced tourists, not the first time we sent to the mountains, and clearly did not infer She is in terms of training.

So what could happen? In addition to the hypotheses that the group saw something to see should not have been - Yeti, for example, assumptions about the tests of new weapons, which in the dashing nineties would surprise, and guessing about the sudden IT (vegetual-vascular dystonia) exist And other versions.

Infrase- This hypothesis is voiced by a member of the search group Nikolai Fedorov: "Our assumption was the anticyclone and there was a strong wind. Magnetic oscillations began, there were huge air flows that have created infrase, and he could act on the psyche. Separate cliffs under strong wind can become an infrasound generator of huge power, which causes a man's state of panic, scotable horror. According to the girl who survived, her friends behaved restlessly, the speech was confused "

Looking through tourist routesStumbled upon an article about how six tourists died as a strange death. The only girl who did not fall into madness survived.

In August 1993, a group of tourists from Kazakhstan: three girls, three young men and their 41-year-old leader Lyudmila Korovina, a master of sports on pedestrian tourism, went on the route of the fourth category of difficulties through Hamar Daban.

They moved from the village of Murino along the Languta River, through the Langutoy Gate Pass, along the Barun-Junkatsuk River, then rose to the highest mountain Hamar Daban Hanulu (2371 m), passed along the ridge and found themselves on the water-seed plateau of the Anigt and Bayga rivers. Overcoming this significant part of the path (about 70 kilometers) in about 5-6 days, the group stopped at the halt. The place where the tourists staged a parking lot, is between the tops of the Halto Yagel (2204 m) and Tritrans (2310 m).

Here is what the last looks:

This is completely naked part of the mountains - there are only stones, grass and wind. It is not clear why the head decided to stop there, and not go down to trees, where the wind is less than the wind and there is an opportunity to divide the fire.

On August 3, 1993, Cyclone came to the region, and there was such a rainfall that in Irkutsk, the whole street of Karl Marx was knee-deep in the water. Little rain did not stop around the day. From 3 to 5 August in the mountains there was snow with rain, and the band moved without rest. Apparently, when tourists no longer had the strength, it was decided to make a halt. Tourists frowned in a wet tent and clothing, without having to warm up by the fire.

In the morning, Lyudmila Korovina saw that snow fell, and immediately understood how it threatens the tired and frozen group. Immediately instructed - immediately roll down and go down, to the edge of the forest. They began to collect things, tent scalked. And then there was a tragedy. On the morning of August 5, they gathered on the road, as suddenly about 11 hours in front of everyone from the 24-year-old Alexander Krysina, a foam went out, poured blood from the ears, and he immediately died suddenly.

Korovina gave the only correct team - all tourists need to immediately descend to the forest. But herself remained next to the body of the deceased guy. The group began organizing the descent to the forest, but then for some reason they returned back. What they saw, injected them into horror - the team leader died.

The panic began. According to Valentina Speechenko, "Denis began to hide behind the stones and run away, Tatiana beat his head about stones, Victoria and Timur, probably chuckled. Lyudmila Ivanovna died from a heart attack. "

Valentina tried somehow to enable the remaining four, but everything was in vain - they broke out and ran away when she tried to lead them from this place in the forest. She even tried to drag someone by her hand with her, but he broke out and ran away.

When she realized that all attempts to save freezing distraught friends were not crowned with success, he took her sleeping bag, a piece of polyethylene and went down a few kilometers down the slope where he spent next night, and in the morning returned to the parking lot. By this time, all the remaining mountains were dead. The strangest thing is that all night, before the first death, the guys Mokley and Merzley, but did not even try to warm up. Each of them had a sleeping bag and plastic film, but it remained untouched - everything was dry and lay in backpacks.

Having risen in the morning on the mountain and seeing a terrible picture, the girl was not confused - I found the head of the head of the route in the things, I gathered a meal and went down to the Anigte River, where he spent on August 7, and in the morning he again continued to move.

After some time she came across an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where he spent another night in full solitude. And in the morning the tourist noticed the pillars going down from the tower. Valentine realized that they had to bring her to people, but at home to which the wires were once abandoned were abandoned. But the tourist reached the snowy river and moved downstream. Here the girl had to spend the night, and the next day to continue the search for people. Passing another 7-8 kilometers, the exhausted Valya stopped. She stretched out his sleeping bag on the waters on the bushes - so they denote their presence of lost tourists. It was here that it was noticed by a group of tourists from Kiev, who took the currency with them.

On August 26, rescuers from the helicopter found a dead group from Kazakhstan. "The picture was terrible: the bodies are already swollen, the sockets have completely left. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on top of Alexandra ... "

The most famous and mysterious occasion of the death of tourists is the tragedy that occurred with the Dyatlov group in early February 1959.

Circumstances are not found out so far, and versions have been put forward to several dozen. This story is known all over the world and formed basically, several artistic and documentaries. However, few people know that a similar and no less mysterious and tragic story after thirty years happened on one of the passes in Buryatia.

In August 1993, Irkutsk from Kazakhstan railway A group of tourists from seven people arrived, in order to go on the Hamar-Daban Ridge. Weather forecasters promised suitable for climbing the weather, and the group went to the mountains. It was three young men, three girls and a 41-year-old manager Lyudmila Korovina, who had the title of Sports Master on Pedestrian Tourism. The Hamar Daban Ridge does not amaze his height.

SAMI high Point - 2 396 meters. Located by ledge, with pointed peaks and crests, the ridge is one of the oldest mountains of our planet. These beautiful places Attend annually thousands of tourists. Valentina Skopenko Group advanced to Murino village to one of the most high mountains Range with the name Hanulu. Its height is 2371 meters.

Having passed about 70 kilometers for 5 to 6 days, tourists stopped at the tall between the tops of the Yagel Halto (2204m) and Tritrans (2310m). With weather forecasters, however, did not guess. For several days in a row it was snowing with rain and blew the wind. Approximately 11 hours of the day on August 5, when tourists were already going to leave a temporary parking, one of the guys was bad.

Next, from the words of the only surviving Valentina, Sasha fell Sasha, blood from the ears went, from the mouth of foam. Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovin remained with him, senior appointed Denis, said to descend as low as possible, but not to enter the forest, here they began to fall and ride on the ground guys Vika, Tanya, Timur - Symptoms like a chicken man, Denis said - quickly take the most needed From the backpacks and run down, bent over the backpack, pulled out a sleeping bag, raised her head Denis fell and tears his clothes on himself, tried to drag with her hand, but he broke out and ran away. Ran running down without releasing sleeping bags from hand. Passed under the boulder bodied with a sleeping bag, it was scary, trees fell on the edge of the forest from a hurricane, in the morning the wind was dated, less dawn climbed to the place of the tragedy, Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but almost could not move, showed in which direction the Vale And it turned off, Valya closed the guys eyes, gathered things, found a compass and went ...

At some time, the girl came across an abandoned repeater tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where he spent another night in full solitude. And in the morning the tourist noticed the pillars going down from the tower. Valentine realized that they had to bring her to people, but at home to which the wires were once abandoned were abandoned. But Valentine went to the Snezhny River and moved downstream, for the six days after the tragedy, she accidentally saw and picked up a water tourgroup. They already sailed past, but they decided to return, it seemed suspicious that the tourist did not answer their greetings.

From shock for several days, the girl did not speak. Interestingly, the daughter of Lyudmila Korovina with another tourgroup was walking along the neighboring route and it was agreed to meet with her mother on their intersection. But when a group of Lyudmila did not come to the collection point, the junior korovina thought that they were simply late because of bad weather and continued their journey, after the end, which went home, not suspecting that the mother was no longer alive.

According to the incomprehensible reason, the search was delayed, the bodies of tourists were found, only when the guys have passed since the death and their leader for about a month !!! The picture was terrible, recalled rescuers. The helicopter fell, and everyone who was on board was witnessing a terrible spectacle: "The bodies have already been swollen, the sockets have completely left.

Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. The manager lay on the top on Alexandra ... "What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? Why did a woman lay on the deceased guy? Why no one took advantage of the sleeping bags? All these questions remained without answers. In Ulan-Ude, an autopsy was made, which showed that all six were killed from supercooling, and the investigation agreed that the cause of the tragedy was the mistakes and incompetence of the team leader. That's just the facts say the opposite!

There were seeds: three girls, three young men and their 41-year-old team leadershar, a master of sports on pedestrian tourism. The group went on the appointed route of the fourth category of difficulties through Hamar Daban. Only one person returned ...

"Mystery of Dyatlov's pass." The film with this title went on a hire last week. We are talking about one of the most mysterious secrets of the Urals - in February 1959. However, no less scary tale It took place 20 years ago and in Buryatia, at the passage of Hamar Daban.

In 1993 in the area Peak Repeater (Mount Tritrans) Almost the entire tourist group died. Alive remained only one participant of that fateful campaign.

This is an attempt to restore the history of tragic events in Hamar Dabane, according to people who have attracted to the search for a tourgroup and conducted an investigation of PE. In the course of work on the material of the correspondents were surprised at how much the details of the tragedies converge.

A bit of history

Retell mysterious events that happened to tourists from the Dyatlov group, we will not particularly. About the incident on the slope of the Holychachl mountain (translated from the Migration - "Mount of Dead") in the media, the events tried to reconstruct on the "battle of psychics", according to PE motis, was removed documentary, and now the feature film.

However, all versions (a blow of secret weapons, tourists were crazy, killed by the military, fell under avalanche, poisoned poisons) we are only a hypothetical character. What happened on the grief of the Hollchachl, no one still knows. Who will be interested in this story, can find a lot of documentary evidence, photographs, art versions and scientific hypotheses on the Internet.

So attention this rock peak is not deprived. But about the incident on Hamar Dabane, where six people were killed from Petropavlovsk-Kazakh, it is impossible to say. During the investigation, we had to collect material literally on the grains.

Unfortunately, little knows about some details. And the only remaining participant in the fatal campaign, which we managed to find through social networks, I did not give a response to our questions. Apparently, she is just hard to remember what happened to the rainy August 1993 in the mountains of Buryatia.

A series of strange deaths

In the media about the tragedy at the peak of Tritrans reported little. From local publications about ChP wrote only one of the Irkutsk newspapers. But in Kazakhstan there were many events about this event. Therefore, in the part of the Chronology of the PE, we will rely on their messages.

In August 1993, a group of tourists from Petropavlovsk-Kazakh was arrived at the train.

This is completely naked part of the mountains, there are only stones, grass and wind, - the words of Leonid Izmailov, the former deputy head of the Trans-Baikal regional search and rescue service are given on the forum.

A few days over the mountains was snowing with rain. Having got out of his strength, the group rose to the halt. Below, at a distance of four kilometers, the edge of the forest passes. Why tourists did not go down to the forest, still remains a mystery.

On the morning of August 5, they gathered on the road, as suddenly about 11 hours at one of the guys from his mouth went foam, blood was poured from the ears. In front of everyone, Alexander K-Inu became bad, and he immediately died suddenly, "said Leonid Izmailov.

After that, according to Valentine's surviving Valentines, a full chaos began in the group. "Denis began to hide behind the stones and run away, Tatiana beat his head about stones, Victoria and Timur, probably chuckled. Lyudmila Ivanovna died from a heart attack "- Such data were recorded in the report on search and rescue and transportation work from the words of the surviving girl.

But as Kazakh athletes have been described on the forum:

. "After some time, two girls fall at once, they begin to ride, tear up clothes, grab the throat, the symptoms are the same, the parenchy falls behind them. The girl and the guy remain, make the decision to leave the most needed in the backpacks and run down. The girl leaned over a backpack, while laid out, raises his head, the last guy with the same symptoms rides on the ground. The girl ran down. The night spent under the stone, on the edge with the forest area, the trees of the pile nearby, like matches. In the morning rose back. "

. "Separating from the group and not knowing how to escape, tourists died by one by one from supercooling and exhaustion. Stretched down the slope and died one after the other. "

. "I read about it a few years ago on the site some ... a hypothesis of infrasound exposure was put forward: a strong wind, a prophetic relief."

. "I heard a version of poisoning with some gas ...".

Seeing the dead, Valentine went to search for people. Save her Ukrainian vodnik tourists. They first sailed by, but decided to return - they seemed suspicious that the girl did not answer their greetings. A few days the girl did not speak. The corpses were removed almost in a month, buried in the zinc - the weather, the beasts and the birds worked well ...

The picture was terrible, recalled rescuers. Almost all the dead were dressed in thin trico, with three barefoot. What happened to the plateau? Why, frozen, participants of the campaign shot shoes from themselves? These questions remained without answers. In Ulan-Ude, an autopsy was made, which showed that all six died from supercooling.

So, it is worth summing up some results. Events on the "Mount of the Dead" and at the peak of Tritrans have a number of similar details. But there are differences.

The similarity and difference of incidents.

Dyatlov group.

Time and place PE: February 1959, Ural Mountains, the slope of the mountain Holychachl.

Number: 10 people. 9 were killed. Alive remained 1 (due to illness, he was forced to interrupt climb and returned).

Judging by the reports from the PE place, the group left the parking lot in a panic, as if it was scary scared. The tent was cut from the inside, personal belongings were thrown.

Body detected in different places. It seemed that Dyatlovtsy simply fell dead. There were no outerwear on many.

Strange lifetime injuries of internal organs were discovered on the dead. Injums of external organs (lack of eyes, language) experts explained that the bodies were lying for a long time in the forest and could become extraction of animals.

The official version of the death: natural force, to overcome which people were unable. For all dead, the conclusion was made - death came from the effects of low temperature (freezing).

Korovina Group

Time and place of PE: August 1993.

Number: 7 people. 6 were killed. Alive remained 1 tourist.

Judging by the reports in the Kazakh forums, the group rented. The reason is the sudden death of the tourist. Body detected almost in one place. There were no outerwear on some. No injuries on bodies were found. Official version of death: Tourists frozen.


Tourists frozen

In the August 1993 days, the operation to find bodies of dead tourists is managed by the well-known rescuer Yuri Golius in Buryatia. That's what he told:

Specialists of our rescue service served climbers, pedestrian and ski tourists. All organized tourist groups who have had a route list and a route book stood on the Committee of the Civil Code and the Russian Committee. Including group Lyudmila Korovina, who led the group of guys from Kazakhstan.

In 1993, the so-called "Tourish" was held in the country - mass trips to the forests and mountains. The group of Lyudmila Korovina also participated in them. By the way, at that moment on Hamar Dabane, but the other group was her daughter. Mother and daughter were in advance to meet in a certain place, but the second group did not have time to come on time.

I was in Kyrena, when I was informed that in Slyudyanka, Vodney tourists took the girl from the group lost in the mountains. I met with the Valea U-Ko. The girl was in a state of shock. Nevertheless, I asked her to give explanatory. According to her, before the approach of the fatal night, the group collected the whole day and dried the golden root on the pass. All day walked cold rain with snow, a strong wind blew. Excessive tourists were very frozen and hungry.

About the version of what happened in the fatal Morning on August 5, it was said above. Now about what happened next.

The girl took a sleeping bag and went down the slope. She spent one night in the forest, and the next morning rose to the pass, closed his eyes to his dead comrades. After that, she went on the ridge, saw the pillars going down from the nearby relay tower, descended to the snowy river and moved downstream. There they noticed tourists, "the rescuer says.

Specialists from Chita and Gusinozersk joined the detachment of Yuri Golius, in one of the helicopters there was an investigator of the prosecutor's office. When a team arrived from Irkutsk, tourist bodies were found. Since the death of the guys and their leader passed for about a month.

According to Yuri Golius, the cause of the death of tourists was the supercooling and loss of forces.

An unfavorable set of circumstances

Exactly five years after the tragedy on the fatal route alone, a journalist and experienced traveler Vladimir Zharov was held alone in Buryatia.

There was a lot of unclear in this incident. Therefore, I decided to completely repeat the route of the Kazakh group and to figure out what happened in the place, "Vladimir Zharov told Inform Polisu.

He timed to the 5-year date of the death of the group.

I also passed along the Languta River, through the Langutoy Gate Pass and went to the top of Tritrans, on the slope of which a group died, "the heat says.

Inspection of the ChP location allowed to make certain conclusions.

You can talk about a whole chain of tragic circumstances. The most important thing is, of course, the weather. August 1993 was very rainy. Later, the Kazakh athletes who came to the place of the death of the group could not believe in any way - in the yard the summer, the heat is under 30 degrees, and people freeze people. However, so, most likely, it was, "says Vladimir Zharov.

Almost all days when the Korovina group went along the route, lilf rain.

Imagine the day and night pours cold rain. Clothes and tents are wet. Bonfire is difficult to regret. On Hamar Dabane and in normal weather it is difficult to do, everything is raw. And here for a few days such rains! Therefore, the guys by August 5 were tired and frozen, "says Vladimir Zharov.

It was not saved from the cold and food, which was enough only for the so-called "external heating" of the body. There was a number of other reasons. For example, many wondered: why the group stopped on the slope, and did not rise to the top, where there was a special platform. There were firewood, a place to relax. Before this point, it was necessary to go only 30 minutes. But the group stopped on a naked slope. According to Vladimir Zharov, the reason could become the inaccuracy of the card.

It was 1993. Maps were not as accurate as now. The scatter between data on the map and what was in reality was 100 meters. And in the mountains of 100 meters it is already a lot, - explains the journalist.

It is possible that the head of the group experienced Ludmila Korovin simply was simply oriented in the upcoming twilight. Or maybe, regretted the tired guys and stopped, not reaching the top of the winds.

In the morning, Lyudmila Korovina saw that snow fell. She was an experienced traveler and immediately understood what it threatens the tired and frozen group. Immediately instructed - immediately roll down and go down, to the edge of the forest. Guys did it. Assembled things, tent rolled. And then there was a tragedy. Everyone in his eyes suddenly fell and died the most eldest student Alexander student - tells the heat.

It was shock. The strongest and eldest of the guys died, the one who could breed a fire, to distort the bruises, help move heavy things, the support and hope of the leader Lyudmila Korovina. It is not difficult to imagine what feelings it could reach at that moment. After all, she was responsible for the life of each member of the junior group. Korovin gives the only correct team - all tourists must immediately descend to the forest. But herself remains next to the body of the deceased guy.

What happened next, now find out difficult. A group of teenagers began organized descent to the forest. But then they suddenly returned. Why? Did they call them the leader of the group? Or did they decide not to give Lyudmila Korovina on a snow-covered slope? But the fact that the children saw was injected into horror - the team leader died.

Further actions of the guys are shrouded in mystery. The forums suggest that teenagers fell into despair. The composure has not lost only Valentina U-Ko, who tried to take control of the group on himself. She tried to calm down tourists, demanded to fulfill the last team of Korovina - to go to the forest. He dragged them by arms, pushing themselves.

But, apparently, it did not obey it. The girl, realizing that all her actions were useless, went to the edge of the forest alone. In the morning she found that all other members of the group are dead.

Inspection of the PE Place, says Vladimir Zharov, showed that the cause of death was the hypothermia. In this, he fully agrees with Yuri Golius.

Mystics here I do not see, "said the traveler. - It was an unfavorable set of circumstances.