Fascinated on the Sinai Peninsula. The terrorist attack on board "Kogalymavia": the main thing

In October 2015, Kogalymavia flew from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg. The bomb embodied on board exploded over the Sinai Peninsula, killed 224 people: seven crew members and 217 passengers, 25 of whom are children.

"Paper" Talked with the families of the dead and learned how they live two years after the tragedy, why the relatives of the victims are being paid for compensation and as in St. Petersburg the memory of the most large catastrophe In Russian aviation.

In 2015, Larisa and Anatoly Pujuanov gathered on vacation in Abkhazia. Initially, their son Roman offered to go to Egypt. Larisa categorically refused: she did not want to fly on the plane and spend a lot on the journey - at the cottage, then re-soldered the room to the wedding of Roman and his bride Tatiana Mokievskaya.

Roman with Tatiana, despite mom's protests, flew on vacation to Egypt. On October 31, together with another 222 were on board the A321 flight died as a result of an airplane explosion.

All these two years we are thinking about the death of the Son: you wake up with it and fall asleep, you think about it during the day. We do not go crazy - pay, it happens. But I understand that this feeling to the end and it will never let go, "says Anatoly Pullenov.

Previously, we started every day from the call of the novel and his question: "Parents, how are you there?", And ended: "Parents, how did the day passed?", - remembers Larisa. "I died the best friend. Such relationships rarely have a father with her son, but we had it, "Anatoly is divided.

Roman and Tatiana

Once, Anatoly wandered into a unfinished Kochegarka, where it was dark, the reinforcement and sharp pieces of metal braided. However, a man did not suffer. "We think it's a romance Rump. We try so try not to die. After all, there are already relatives of the dead who died in two years, "explains Larisa. - We constantly happen to us, which confirm that there is a small connection, and they have accumulated a lot in two years. I know that death is not the end. I feel it. "

Despite the fact that the couple misses his son very much, they are not alone. Good friends of the novel are constantly communicating with them - one friend, Maria, calls almost every day. Even the pulanovs go to meetings of the participants of the "Flight 9268" charitable foundation, which consists of families of the dead passengers. When spouses communicate with them, they feel that they understand them.

How does the Foundation work, created after the tragedy

The prototype of the Foundation was a closed group for relatives, which, in the first days after the tragedy, was created by Petersburger Alexander Voitenko. In the plane crash, his 37-year-old sister Irina and the 14-year-old niece of Alice died. Alexander and sister lived in different citiesBut constantly communicated.

For the first two months we did not give up the body. It was necessary to collect everyone together so that we have a single information space, it's easier. And ultimately, we decided to create our own foundation: when a legal entity is issued, it is easier to communicate with the administration of the city or the SC and provide material and legal assistance.

Photo: Group of Charitable Foundation "Flight 9268" in VKontakte

The Chairman of the Council of the Foundation was the director of the St. Petersburg school Irina Zakharov; In the exploded plane, her 28-year-old daughter flew, employee ELVIRA Voskresenskaya. The first meeting of relatives, where it was decided to create the Fund, passed in the assembly hall of the school, which is headed by Zakharov.

All the remains of relatives were given only in May. Seven people, according to Voitenko, and remained unidentified.

Now in the Foundation group, almost 40 thousand subscribers from Ufa, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad and other cities. Vothethenko calls them a big family, where people always help each other. Among them are ordinary Russians who believe that this tragedy touched upon them personally. Alexander himself believes that the catastrophe over Sinai may somehow affect everyone.

A few days ago, the relatives of the dead presented the collections of poems "stepped in eternity", some of them wrote a member of the group Arina King. Vothethenko recalls that she began to offer assistance to relatives from the first days and still almost every day writes poems dedicated to the dead. And another participant - Irina Solia - helps the Fund to organize events: concerts and holidays for children. So, recently, the participants of the Foundation put trees together, and then there was a tea party. In a disaster over Sinai, Arina and Irina did not lose their loved ones, but still perceive the tragedy as personal.

The main goal of the Foundation is to preserve memory of all the dead. On October 28, a monument "folded wings" was opened at the Seraphim cemetery over the grave with unidentified remains of the victims of the victims, he was created for the money of the authorities of St. Petersburg. On the anniversary, October 31, the Memorial "Garden of Memory" was opened in Rumbian Mount.

How the city supports the families of the victims and what does to save memory

When everything happened, the psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were very helpful to us, high-level professionals: they showed people from the state of shock. Then the relay was picked up psychologists of district services of social protection: social psychologists were enshrined for all the need. After one and a half years, we realized that relations with specialists weakened, and time does not treat, they still need social support, "says the co-founder of the Foundation, Professor HSE, Valery Gordin.

According to him, after the program was announced in which the Fund was ready to pay for anonymous consultations of psychologists, several dozen people appealed for them. Psychologists, according to Gonde, they say that the relatives of the dead arise phantom pain.

The son of a 28-year-old Leonid killed his son in a plane crash with his bride Alexandra Illarionova. Lenya loved animals very much and was, as a father recalls, a spontaneous zoofer. Once, when Gordin gathered a cat, persuaded not to buy a pet, but from the shelter. And when Leonid himself was lost to the cat's cat, he was looking for a pet along with volunteers.

Then the father belonged to the beliefs of Leonid and Ironia and did not follow the Council. After the death of a young man, he decided to organize the Lenkin Cat Foundation, which helps animals.

Foundation "Lenkin Cat" on "Night Museums"

Gordin is still led by a "Lenician Cat", his attitude towards the zoofit changed. The man says that it comes to the case pragmatic, and tells in detail how the foundation has changed. He plans to open the second veterinary equipment center for veterans and wishing to help it is more convenient to get, and the school of zoovolontters that will help homeless cats.

Valery believes that after the tragedy, the city's authorities behaved adequately, always responded to the requests of relatives. Now deputies together with the Vice-Governor Albin help to build a temple in the "Baltic Pearl" area. When the temple is planning to equip the educational center, where social assistance will also provide.

"Not only relatives of the dead, but also residents of the district. In my opinion, it is very important and symbolic, "Gordin notes.

Against the construction of the temple a year ago performed local residentswho argued that he had nothing to do with the Baltic Pearl, and the issue of the construction decided, without consulting with them.

Gordin says that opponents "to some extent" remained:

Someone likes the idea of \u200b\u200bsaving the memory, it seems to someone that it should be deposited away in the box. We met, explained their position. I really hope that in the near future the temple will be built, "Gordin explained.

Petersburgers feared that the construction of the temple would derete the creation of schools and a clinic. According to KP, discontented in the letter appealed to Vladimir Putin.

What support is the crew relatives in Moscow and what is known about payments to them

What makes in St. Petersburg for immortalization is an increasing merit of the Foundation. For us, it is of great importance. If a spiritual and educational center is built to us - this will be another place where we can come and worship the memory of relatives and loved ones, "says 25-year-old flight attendant Alexei Filimonova, Moskvich Andrei Filimonov.

Andrei tells that these two years are regularly convened and written off with the crew relatives. Almost all of them live in Moscow and the Moscow region, try more often to meet and support each other. Sometimes come to meetings of the Foundation in St. Petersburg.

25-year-old Alexey, according to his father, fell on board at the last moment: he should not have been working on this flight: on the road to the airport, his car broke on the Moscow Ring Road, as a result, the young man missed his flight and hit the reserve. It was summoned 12 hours before departure to replace another flight attendant.

The relatives of the crew have their own separate group "VKontakte", and all these two years their subscribers are supported. With some of them, the families of the dead are now familiar personally and regularly meet. Andrei gives the icons and poems about the Son, souvenirs are sent from St. Petersburg.

Andrei and Alexey Filimonov

Previously, our catastrophes mostly occurred due to the fault of the crew. But in this case, our loved ones were in the same situation as passengers. It was terrorism. There were no chances of salvation. The main thing is that we are not forgotten.

According to Filimonov, nobody from the relatives of the dead members of the Kogalymavia crew did not pay compensation. About the same in the group of charitable foundation

On the morning of October 31 at 05:50 local time (06:50 Moscow time) aircraft following the flight 7K-9268 russian airline Cogalymavia, flew from Sharm-Eshech to St. Petersburg. 23 minutes after the takeoff, when the liner scored a height of 9.4 thousand meters, an explosive device worked in the tail part. The plane split in half, there was a depressurization of the cabin and the complete shutdown of the systems - the liner rushed down. Two minutes after the explosion, the plane at a huge speed collapsed to Earth in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula. All those who were on board 224 people, including 25 children died. Three hours after the crash, the local division of the "Islamic state" took responsibility for the terrorist attack *.

  • Chip plane
  • Reuters.

« The magic country took their own "

Irina Barinova lost three loved ones in a catastrophe: her cousin Lyubov Mozgina with a one-year-old daughter Alice and Mom Galina Svalotov returned from vacation to St. Petersburg.

"Lyuba dreamed of how Alice will show the country, in which she herself was insanely in love," says Irina. - They and Mom were so happy that Alice would see the magic country, where there is the Red Sea, the sun, the pyramids. But the magic country took their own. "

According to Irina, love is not accustomed to count in life on anyone, except for himself: she worked a lot, bought a car and an apartment in St. Petersburg.

"Lyuba herself from the Novgorod region, there he graduated from school and in 1993 came to enter the institute in St. Petersburg. A simple girl from the village, studied and worked without days off. She was preparing for days and nights, all draws something. In the morning - the institute, and in the evening and on weekends - work. She just tried to achieve herself and very much wanted to help parents. "

  • Relatives of dead passengers
  • Reuters.

After graduating from the Institute, Love settled in the construction company by the estimator, but most of all wanted to work in Lenenergo. "She sent a summary there and did not hoped to receive an invitation to the interview, but her dream came true! Last years Lyuba's life worked in Lenenergo and was in a good account with the leadership, "Irina recalls.

The interlocutor of RT told how in 2013 they managed to relax in Lazarevsky with love: "We walked together, bathed in the sea, and then Lyuba said that he would soon become mom. It was such joy - not to convey words! Lyuba knew from the first day that there would be a girl, and from the first day called her name - Alice. All pain in the soul is impossible to convey words. Until now, I can not believe it. We can only love them and miss them. "

"Who would have thought that I see them for the last time"

The tragedy over Sinai took the only daughter with 23-year-old Vlad - and her husband Ilya Sakerin. "They met in 2010, when Vlad graduated from school, and from that time never parted. They themselves organized their wedding and were truly happy. We lived threesome, and even with three cats - Vlad and Ilya loved animals very much. They were fascinated by fishing, they often went to Karelia and even the fish brought me. On bicycles from St. Petersburg to Lomonosov traveled - and this is a rather big distance. They so happy about life, dreamed of buying an apartment, planned children. "

  • Reuters.

This trip to Egypt was the third for the young family of Sakerin. They went to rest just a week - hurried to go back to the birthday of the father of Vlad. Galina then accompanied children to the airport. "Who could think that I see them for the last time," she crushes.

Galina could not stay at home after what happened - everything reminded her of the dead children. The decision forever move to the United States was not easy.

"I was completely alone. I still can not accept it. Unbearable pain. Every day I wake up and fall asleep with the thought of them. "

  • Airbus A321 aircraft debris
  • RIA News

Survive pain together

Irina Zakharov and her husband lost the only daughter in the catastrophe. Elvira Voskresenskaya was 28 years old.

"I can't say about my daughter that she was. For me, she is my daughter. She was a long-awaited beloved child. Father, being a personnel military, dreamed of a whole life about the Son as a continuer of his path. When my daughter was born, he first had some disappointment, but then, already in adulthood, he was penetrating and realized that his daughter became the successor of his life and all his undertakings. She chose a university associated with the military service, put on the epaulets. This year she had to get the title of Major. For us with his father, she was the center of the Universe. We lived in their interests, and she ours, " With difficulty holding back tears, Irina says.

A year ago, relatives and friends of those killed in a plane crash over Sinai were united in a group in the social network, in which they exchanged information about the progress and supported each other. Alexander Voitenko became the organizer of the group. On board Airbus 321 there was his older sister Irina with her daughter Alice.

"I realized that I could not keep quiet about what had happened, I could not keep it in myself and suffer in myself. I decided to talk to everyone that I feel what is happening around this catastrophe. It was possible to combine not only relatives, but also sympathizing. We have created a group in the social network, in which today more than 36 thousand people. This is already a big family, a whole move. "

  • Reuters.

The group of united relatives over time rose into the File 9268 Charitable Foundation.

"After the end of all the funerals we met for the first time in January. I remember we were a man 30, Alexander Voitenko recalls, who became the executive director of the Fund "Flight 9268". We immediately decided that we needed our charity foundation for the decision of the legal issues related to donations. It was required to strudust the needs. "

Irina Zakharova became Chairman of the Foundation Council. To the question why she decided to do charitable activities, Irina, director of school in St. Petersburg, answers:

"It is very difficult to understand why I do it, because it seemed to me that I would not survive. And it turned out, I not only survived, but also took up the activities of the Fund. So, something I have not fulfilled in life, since I got it. "

Irina says how hard it is to come with a loss of loved ones: "I don't know what will happen tomorrow, will I be alive. Over the past year, six people died - relatives of the dead - mostly because of the heart attack. "

  • RIA News

"Flight 9268" cooperates with other organizations - for example, with the Interrupted Flight Foundation, which was organized 10 years ago in memory of the liner killed during the crash, following the Anapa - St. Petersburg on August 22, 2006.

"We are planning to carry out the fraternal burial of the remains that are not awareness. Now they are in the city crematorium, "says Irina. - Examination confirmed that among these remains there is a particle of each passenger of the aircraft, but they are so mixed that it is almost impossible to divide. We collect signatures of loved ones about the harmony of burial. It will be very difficult to survive the second funeral. "

  • Figures of the cranes on the shares of the memory of victims of a plane crash over Sinai in the Petropavlovsk Fortress
  • RIA News

Irina and Alexander said that the Foundation plans to build a temple in St. Petersburg, within which atrium will be located with photographs of victims of a plane crash.

Kristina Oleneva, Yulia Gueleva, Maria Bukharova

  • The anniversary of the tragedy over Sinai: relatives of the dead passengers remember their loved ones

* "Islamic state" - a terrorist organization prohibited in Russia.

Airbus A321 Airplane Flight 9268 Kogalymavia (Brand Metrojet) crashed, disappearing with radars in the morning of Saturday, October 31. On board the aircraft there were 224 people - passengers, children, 7 crew members, they were all Russians. The liner served the "tourist" flight between Sharm El Sheikh and St. Petersburg.

Latest data on the catastrophe can also be read on the twitter for hashthega # Kogalymavia and # 7k9268. .

Egypt's authorities officially confirmed to the aircraft crash and began searching for a fragment forces by the army, the Turkish aviation authorities reported the entrance of the liner in their air space. At the same time, the media previously stated that the liner continued to fly, but the official press of Cairo states - a plane crash still occurred, liner fragments are located on Sinai.

The illustration of the Flightradar system is eloquently, allowing to track any civilian sides of the world on which special transponders are located. According to FlightRadar it is seen The plane "decreased at a speed of about 6,000 feet per minute (110 km / h) before the signal was lost" after 23 minutes after takeoff.

The press also reports that the carrier crew reported faults, some journalists suggest that the FAC and the second pilot was requested by an emergency landing - however, this information is not yet confirmed.

Note that many pilots and aviation experts, speaking of a plane crash, reminded - the engine failure (without the destruction of the engine or aircraft) does not lead to a drop in liners - they can plan even with all the turned off engines to the nearest airfield (also happened in the history of aviation - the media remembers the emergency landing of Tu-204, and "Gimli Planer").

"The plane fell in a closed military zone. There are a counter-terrorist operations," reports VGTRK.

The emergency regime was introduced in Northern Sinai in Egypt due to the crash of the Russian aircraft, the Egyptian Prime Minister, rescuers and military left for the crash place.

Reuters reports that, perhaps, on the site of the catastrophe "heard the cries of surviving passengers."

"The crew of a breakdown Russian airliner several times complained about the problems with the engine," the news agency passes.

"Egyptian emergency services began the removal of the bodies of those killed in the crash of the Russian A-321 on the Sinai Peninsula", - reports AFP. The disaster place is stupid and protected from marauders.

"Found the bodies of five children, the Russian plane falling in Sinai falls into two parts," AFP said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the deepest condolences to the relatives of the Kogalymavia coaster in the catastrophe of the aircraft of the company "Kogalymavia", ordered the rescuers to the place of the tragedy.

"The overall flight of the 48-year-old commander of the aircraft fallen in Egypt amounted to 3682 hours. Of these, 1,100 hours flew as a commander of the aircraft," LifeNews.ru said.

"As it became known, before flying on the aircraft type A-321, Valery Nemov managed Tu-154. The pilot was retracted at the Amurair training center, located in Turkey," adds the press by calling the FCC by a professional pilot.

It became known that at least one of the passengers of the flight posted a photographe of the aircraft and her husband with her daughter before taking off, writing " we fly home ".

"According to the Egyptian side, the aircraft tried to go landing at the El Aris airfield," the Russian Embassy reported.

"As it became known, from under the wreckage of the Russian liner, the victim 100 kilometers from El Arisha in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, took out about a hundred passengers," - reports Egypt Independet.

"Eyewitnesses say that the crash in Egypt was burning in the air in Egypt," the FM merchant reported.

The media reported that the rescuers found one of the on-board recorders - black boxes on the place of the tragedy.

President Vladimir Putin announced on November 1 mourning in connection with the crash of the Russian liner in Egypt,

The bodies of all 17 children are found on the crash site A-321 in Egypt. Reports RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of civil aviation.

As I found out "Gazeta.Ru", tourist company Brica, whose clients flew on a broken aircraft, and the Kogalymavia Airlines own the same faces.

"Either a fire in the central / tail part, or the engine fire with its distribution throughout the gondola, with the subsequent temperature destruction of the wing," write on the professional forum of pilots.

The local tribe of Bedouins Al Tayach saw how the Russian liner Kogalymavia was crashed on the Sinai Peninsula. According to nomads, Airbus A321 broke out in the air, in particular, they saw how one of the aircraft engines burns.

"Many died in chairs fastened by seat belts," the representative of the Egyptian special services / Reuters

In the office of the owner of Kogalymavia Airlines in the countertop, Moscow lane is searched. Law enforcement officers withdraw documents and electronic media from the office, "the media reports.

Egypt's aviation authorities do not exclude that the catastrophe with the liner of the Russian Airlines "Kogalymavia" in Egypt occurred due to the terrorist attack, reports CBS Extra. "This version is unlikely, since the terrorists in the region there are no appropriate weapons - anti-aircraft missile systems, because the plane was at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters," the specialists say.

"From a blue a couple of months ago, reactive shells were fired by the territory of Israel. In Syria and Libya, Islamists captured dozens of C125 and C200 complexes. In Yemen, the shootouts go with the use of Patriot dots along the entire border," write in social networks.

"According to the representative of the Egyptian Committee to investigate aviation incidents Ayman al-Mugadem, the pilot warned ground dispatchers that the" technical problem "originated on the plane and he needs to land as soon as possible," reporting "Izvestia".

The Egyptian authorities reported that, as a result of the collapse of the Russian aircraft, no one survived - Reuters reported.

Before departing from Sharm-Eshech, the crashed plane passed the necessary technical testing and no malfunctions were not identified, the head of Egyptian companies at Adele Makhgub airports said. "The technical inspection of the aircraft was performed and its flight fitness was confirmed," he stressed.

October 31, 2015, the Russian Airbus A321 aircraft Kogalymavia (Metrojet), which opened the flight 9268 Sharm-Eshech - St. Petersburg ,.

On behalf of the president, the Russian government in connection with the catastrophe led by the Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov. The Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC) was under the guidance of the Executive Director of the Victor Sorochchenko Committee.

Cairo immediately after the catastrophe about the possibility of participating in the investigation of the tragedy. A special investigation commission was created, in it: Russia, Egypt, France (the state-developer of the aircraft), Germany (the state of the manufacturer of the liner) and Ireland (registration). Ayman Al-Mukaddam was appointed head of the Catastrophe Investigation Commission.

On November 1, 2015, the Prosecutor General of Egypt Nabil Ahmed Sadek participation of the Russian Federation in the investigation of the causes of the catastrophe with the Russian aircraft on the Sinai Peninsula.

A group of investigators and criminals of the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia in coordination with the competent authorities and together with representatives of the Republic of Egypt in accordance with the norms of national and international law participated in the inspection of the location of the aircraft crash in Egypt.

On November 17, 2015, the head of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov during a meeting in the Kremlin on the results of the investigation of the reasons for the collapse of the Russian aircraft, which, as a result of the study of personal belongings, baggage and parts of the aircraft, victim in Egypt, traces of the explosive of foreign production were revealed. It .

In turn, the Egyptian authorities called upon not to hurry with the conclusions. The Egyptian Foreign Minister Samech Shukri reported that as part of the investigation of the criminal case.

In March 2016, the International Commission for the Investigation of the Catastrophe of the Russian Aircraft A321 that received the official report from the Investigative Committee of Russia and transferred it to the Egyptian Prosecutor General's Office to complete legal procedures. The Commission itself, despite the transfer of the case into the investigative bodies of the country's security, continued technical examination of liner debris.

In mid-April, the Prosecutor General of Egypt Nabil Sadek about the transfer of the case about the catastrophe of the Russian aircraft into the highest prosecutor's office of the country's state security. The decision of the head of the supervisory agency was noted in the text of the statement, it was adopted on the basis of the report of the report of the Investigative Committee of Russia, "in which it is indicated for suspicion of the presence of a criminal trace."

In June, director of the CIA, John Brennan, speaking in the US Congress Senate that American intelligence has data on involvement in an explosion on the Russian passenger aircraft A321 of the Egyptian group "Ansar Beit Al-McDis", which switched to the faithfulness of the Islamic State forbidden in many countries. (The organization prohibited in the Russian Federation), and on August 4, the Ministry of Defense of Egypt announced the liquidation of the leader of this terrorist group.

At the insistence of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the International Commission for the Investigation of the Aviation Incident. As a result of the work carried out, the fact of the impact of high-energy elements on the aircraft waste in the direction of "inside-out" and the "explosive decompression" in flight was established.

In October 2016, the Investigation Commission formed by the General Prosecutor's Office of Egypt, twelve liner wreckage in a scientific laboratory on alloys for a detailed study.

Work to determine the causes of the crash. To date, the parties have no understanding of what happened to the plane, how the explosive device hit the aircraft, who carried it. There are also no mounted suspects and their accomplices from the airport staff.

Exactly a year ago, October 31, 2015, there was the most massive in Russia in the number of victims of the aircraft crash. Then in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, the A321 airline of the Kogalymavia Airlines. On board were 217 passengers, including 24 children, and seven crew members. All of them died. Russian authorities recognized the terrorist attack that occurred, but the international investigation has not yet been completed.

October 31, the aircraft A321 of the Russian airline "Kogalymavia" performed chartered flight From Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg. The liner flew at 5:50 in the morning and after 23 minutes disappeared with radar. On the same day, the search groups of the Egyptian government found wreckage of the destroyed aircraft near the city of Nekhel in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. All those who were on board 224 people died, among them 219 Russians, four citizens of Ukraine and one native of Belarus.

Causes of crash A321

An international investigation, which leads the Egyptian aviation authorities, is not yet completed. Representatives of Russia, France, Germany, Ireland and the United States take part in it.

The first is that the terrorist attack could occur on board the A321, shortly after the plane crash began to report Western media with reference to their sources in special services and officials. From these publications, it was necessary that the US and the UK authorities considered the version of the terrorist attack of the most likely. However, in Moscow for a long time publicly distanced himself from it, calling the version of the terrorist attack of premature and urge to wait for the official results of the investigation. And only on November 6, it was decided to suspend flights with Egypt to clarify the causes of the A321 crash and evacuate the Russians there.

Officially the FSB terrorist attack that happened over Sinai only after two and a half weeks after the catastrophe, November 17. According to the department, a homemade explosive device worked in flight. Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Security Council to find the organizers of the crash "at any point of the planet" and destroy them.

However, the authorities of Egypt even after these statements continued to insist that the most likely cause of the catastrophe was a technical problem. And only in February 2016, the President of the country Abdel Fatay al-Sisi acknowledged that the terrorist attack occurred on board A321.

In September, the Kommersant newspaper with reference to the sources reported that the International Technical Commission set the exact explosion place in the aircraft. According to the publication, the experts determined that the terrorists mined the outbuilding luggage compartment in the tail part of the aircraft, hiding the explosive device between baby strollers and wicker furniture, which tourists were carried.

Russia and the CIA believe that the explosion on board organized "Villa Sinai" (until 2014 - Ansar Beit Al-McDis), the cell forbidden in Russia the Terrorist Organization "Islamic State" (ISIL). This grouping took responsibility for the collapse A321: November 18, 2015, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic state "Dabik" published a photo of a self-made explosive device made from Schweppes sickling bank. As stated in the article, this device was powered on board A321. In August 2016, the Egyptian military about the murder of the leader "Vilayat Sinai" Abu Duaa Al-Anseari, suspected of organizing a terrorist attack.


Relatives of those killed in the catastrophe repeatedly complained about the course of the investigation and the process of payment of compensation. In December, lawyer Igor Trunov on behalf of 35 relatives to the Basmanny Court of the complaint about the inaction of the Head of the Investigative Committee of Alexander Bastrykina. According to a lawyer, she expressed that SC ignored two conversion of relatives. In one of them, they asked to report the number of the criminal case, recognize them by victims and acquaint the investigation materials. Another complaint concerned Ingosstrakh. In appeal, it was stated that the company was fraudulently received from the relatives of the dead statements, limiting their right to appeal to the court in order to obtain compensation. In the "Ingosstrakh", these accusations categorically rejected. And the suit to Bastrykin was rejected.


After the collapse of the Kogalymavia aircraft, Russia suspended the flight with Egypt, and the tour operators were banned in this direction. All year, they were waiting for the renewal of communications with the country, which for many years was one of the main resort directions for Russians. According to the latest data, it can happen not before December-January.

To resume flights to the Egyptian side, it is necessary to carry out a number of security requirements for airport safety (their full list officially unveiled). During the year, Russia has repeatedly sent its specialists to Egypt for inspections at Cairo airports, Sharm-Eshech and Hurghada, but every time violations. According to the sources of the Al-Vatan newspaper, which the TASS quotes, "a number of Russian structures refuse to discuss the issue of the resumption of flights with Egypt before the emergence of the results of the official investigation."

With the closure of flights, Egypt suffered significant losses. From the collapse of tourism - one of the key industries for the country (more than 11% of GDP until November 2015) - the budget of Egypt, as evaluating Reuters lasted more than three billion dollars.

The collapse of the Russian airbus and the subsequent cessation of flights to the Arab Republic led to the problems and for the Kogalymavia itself and the BRISCO tour operator associated with it, which was the customer of the flight 9268. Since the spring of 2015, the case of recognizing the carrier by bankrupt, the next meeting will take place on November 10th. In March, Rosaviatsius limited the certificate of the Kogalymavia operator and deprived its tolerances into 13 international destinations.

The BRISCO tour operator of the BRISCO tour operator has suspended the work until the debt is repaid to customers and agencies. As reported on the Brisco website, after closing flights to Egypt and Turkey, the company suffered "colossal financial and economic losses."