Mountains of Asia: the greatest heights of the planet Earth. Is the highest mountain in the world in Europe or Asia? Asia has high mountains

general characteristics mountain system of Asia

The mountain system of Asia includes the largest and most high mountains peace. The highest point on the planet is located in the Himalayas - Mount Everest (Chomolungma) with a height of 8882 m.

The highest mountains of Asia are located in the southern regions of Central Asia and in southern Asia:

  • Himalayas,
  • Hindu Kush
  • Pamir,
  • Tibetan plateau,
  • Tien Shan.

In the northern regions of Asia, there are medium-high mountains: the Stanovoye Upland, the Central Siberian Plateau, the Verkhoyansk Range, the Chersky Range, the Altai Mountains, and the Sredinny Range.

IN eastern regions Asia are located Sikhote-Alin, Greater and Lesser Khingan; in the western, on the border with Europe - the Urals and the Caucasus.


The Himalayas are the highest mountain range both in the world and in Asia. The Himalayas are located on the border of East and South Asia, they delimit the lowlands of the Indus and Ganges rivers from the Tibetan Plateau. The total length of the Himalayas is 2400 km, the width of the mountain range ranges from 200 to 300 km.

The northwestern regions of the Himalayan mountains border on the Hindu Kush - the high mountain system of Asia.

The steepest slopes of the Himalayan mountains are directed south towards the Indus and the Ganges. More gentle slopes are directed towards Tibet.

There are 130 mountain peaks in the Himalayas with a height of more than 7000 m. 11 peaks, located mainly in the Nepalese Himalayas, have a height of more than 8000 meters:

  • Everest (8882 m),
  • Kapchenjunga (8598 m),
  • Lhotse Main (8501 m),
  • Makalu (8470 m),
  • Cho Oyu (8180 m),
  • Dhaulagiri (8172 m),
  • Manaslu (8128 m),
  • Apnapurna (8078),
  • Gozaintan (8018),
  • Shisha-Pangma (8013) and others.

The Karakorum mountain range. Kun-Lun and the Hindu Kush

The Karakorum mountain range is the second highest mountain range in Asia. Karakorum is located between the Himalayas and Kun-Lun, southeast of the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs. The average height of the Karakoram is 6000 m.

In the Karakorum mountain range, more than 80 mountains have a height of more than 7000 m.

Eight-thousander mountains of Karakorum: Chogori (8611 m), Gasherbrum (8073 m), Hidden Peak (8068 m), Broad Peak (8047 m).

The Kun-Lun mountain range extends from the west from the Pamirs to the east into the Sino-Tibetan mountains. Kun-Lun skirts the Tibetan Plateau from the north.

The total length of the mountain range is 2500 km, the width in some parts of the range reaches 600 km. The highest point of Kun-Lun is Aksai-Chin peak (7167 m).

The Hindu Kush mountains stretch in the south of Central Asia for 1000 km. Their width varies from 50 to 500 km. The Hindu Kush Mountains delimit the Indus River and the endorheic basin of Central Asia. The highest point of the Hindu Kush is Tirichmir (7690 m).


Pamir is located on the territory of Afghanistan, China and Tajikistan in the south of Central Asia.

Pamir is located at the junction of the spurs of the mountain systems of Central Asia - the Karakoram, the Hindu Kush, the Tien Shan and the Kun-Lun.

The highest point of the Pamirs is Kongur Peak (7719 m).

Peaks over 7,000 m also include:

  • Ismail Samani Peak (Communism Peak) (7495 m);
  • Abu Ali ibn Siba Peak (Lenin Peak) (7134 m);
  • Peak Korzhenevskaya (7105 m).

Remark 1

On the territory of the Pamirs there is a huge number of different genesis and types of glaciers. The largest glacier is Fedchenko, located in Central Tajikistan. The Fedchenko Glacier belongs to the mountain-valley type of glaciers. Its area is about 700 sq. km.

Numerous glaciers of the Pamirs during their movement smooth the sides and bottom of the valleys, grind and bring down the clastic material of rocks, cool the surface layers of air, have a significant impact on the daily rhythm of the movement of mountain-valley air masses, give rise to rivers, melting below the snow line.

The northern border of the Pamirs is the Zaalai Range. Its length from west to east was 200 km. The average height of the ridge is 5500 m. The highest point of the ridge is Lenin Peak (7134 m).

The Zaalai Mountains have practically no foothills. They rise like a wall above the Altai Valley. Western Zaalai is located somewhat west of the Tersagar pass. There is an extensive network of spurs here. The peaks of the Western Trans-Alay have sharp forms. The ridge is deeply cut into the valleys. The highest peak of the Western Trans-Alay is the peak of Sat (5900 m).

From the Tersagar pass in the west to the Kyzylart pass in the east, the Central Zaalai, the highest region of the range, extends. The highest peaks are located in the Central Trans-Alay: Lenin Peak (7134 m), Zhukov Peak (6842 m), Oktyabrsky Peak (6780 m), Dzerzhinsky Peak (6717 m), Kyzylagyn (6683 m), Unity Peak (6640 m).

The central Zaalai is weakly dissected and looks like a continuous wall. Passes of ice-snow origin.

The southern parts of the Central Trans-Alay have strongly branched spurs extending to the south. The central Trans-Alay region is isolated from the rest of the Pamirs by the Muksu and Sauksay rivers.

From the Kyzylart pass to eastbound East Zaalai extends for 52 km to the Chinese border. A characteristic distinguishing feature of the Eastern Trans-Alay from other regions of the Trans-Alay is the presence of steep northern slopes and a relatively low altitude. The highest mountains: Kurumda (6613 m), Dawn of the East (6349 m), Nameless Peak (6384 m).

For the Central and Eastern Trans-Alay on the ridge watershed range characterized by strong winds. The main factor that determines the weather on the ridge are the Atlantic cyclones.

A powerful glaciation is observed on the Zaalai Range - 550 glaciers occupying an area of ​​1329 sq. km. The largest glaciers include the Dzerzhinsky, Korzhenevsky, Kuzgun, Oktyabrsky, East Kyzylsu, Bolshaya and Malaya Saukdara, Nura glaciers.

Remark 2

The most popular passes are: Zaalaisky, Mindzhar, Surkhangou, Constitution, Dzerzhinsky, Abris, 30th Anniversary of Victory, 60th Anniversary of October, Spartak, Razdelny, Mir, Beletsky, Golden and Western Calf.

Turkestan ridge - high mountain range, belonging to the Gissar-Alai mountain system, framing the Ferghana Valley from the southwest and located in the southwest of Kyrgyzstan. The border of Tajikistan with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan runs along the Turkestan Range.

The length of the Turkestan Range is 340 km. The ridge connects in the east with the Alai ridge through the Matcha mountain junction and extends further in the west to the Samarkand plain.

The northern slope of the Turkestan Range is gentle and long, the southern one is steep and short with rocks and screes. The Turkestan Range is separated from the Zeravshan Range from the south by the valley of the Zeravshan River.

The highest points of the Turkestan Range are Pyramidal Peak (5509 m) and Skalisty Peak (5621 m). The eastern ridges are covered with glaciers. The largest glaciers of the Turkestan Range: Shurovsky, Tolstoy, Zeravshansky.

Geography of Asia
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In the west, Asia borders on Europe, the east coast mediterranean sea, as well as with the Sea of ​​Marmara, the Bosphorus, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea.

Asia is bordered to the east by Pacific Ocean, and with a large number of bays and seas.

The Arctic Ocean and several seas form the northern border of Asia, one of them, the Bering Sea, separates Asia from North America. In the southwest, the Red Sea and the Isthmus of Suez separate the continent from Africa.

The Indian Ocean forms much of Asia's southern frontier, as well as a number of bays, gulfs, and seas, and, in addition, vast chains of inhabited and uninhabited islands.

Deserts of Asia

On the territory of Asia and the Near (Middle) East there are several vast deserts. The main ones will be listed next.

Arabian desert

Arabian wasteland (another name - deserts of the Arabian Peninsula) is a vast desert region stretching from Yemen to Persian Gulf, and from Oman to Jordan and Iraq. The desert is located in the Middle East.


Gobi Desert - largest desert in Asia, with an area of ​​1,300,000 sq. km. The Gobi Desert, which stretches from northern China to Mongolia, receives only about 18 cm of rain annually, due to the fact that the Himalayan mountains block the path of rain clouds.


The Karakum desert covers a distance of 350,000 square kilometers, almost 70 percent of the total area of ​​Turkmenistan. Due to the fact that the desert is located along the Caspian Sea, climatic conditions in Karakum it is softer than many other Asian deserts, which are characterized by severe winters and dry summers.


On the territory of this desert, stretching from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan, with an area of ​​​​300,000 square kilometers, a variety of flora and fauna is represented in abundance. And although only 10 to 20 cm of rainfall falls annually over the desert, rain occurs in cooler seasons, due to which the water does not evaporate very quickly, and allows the existence of animals migrating in large numbers in this area.

Altyntag Mountains (upper left corner), forming
part of the northern border of the Tibetan Plateau,
contrast sharply with the Takla Makan desert.
NASA image

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Takla Makan

China's largest desert stretches from with total area over 337,000 sq. km. Takla Makan, mainly composed of changing and moving sand dunes, is one of the largest sandy deserts in the world. Despite the hostile and unpredictable nature of the desert sands, the Chinese government built a road through the desert in the mid-1990s.

The Thar Desert, located on the territory of India and Pakistan, with an area of ​​​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, is the only subtropical desert in Asia. Over the desert, up to 50 cm of rain falls annually, mainly during the monsoon period from July to September, and most of the crop is grown during this rainy season.

Lakes of Asia

There are dozens of seas and lakes in Asia. Some of the largest and most significant will be listed below.

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea, located in the western part of Asia, as well as on the eastern border of Europe, is largest lake on the planet. This lake is called the "sea" thanks to the Romans, who considered it salty, especially on its southern borders, and since then the name has taken root. Oil and natural gas platforms abound along the seashores. In addition, a large number of sturgeons live in the waters of the lake, from the caviar of which especially valuable caviar is produced. Fresh water enters the sea via the Volga and Ural rivers in the north, but the sea is still brackish. The surface area of ​​the lake is 371,000 sq. km., the greatest depth is 1,025 m.


Lake Baikal is located in the southeastern part of Russia (in Siberia), north of Mongolia. Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world, as well as the deepest (with a depth of 1,620 m.). Baikal contains 20% of the total amount of all fresh water in the world. The greatest width of Lake Baikal is 96 km, length is 626 km. The lake is completely surrounded by mountains, over 300 rivers and streams flow into it.

Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is located in the west of Asia, a little east of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Aral Sea is rapidly shallowing (evaporating) and today it is almost completely polluted with fertilizer runoff, residues from Soviet weapons testing, and various industrial facilities. The mismanagement of the waters of this sea, according to many experts, is one of the worst environmental disasters. The diversion of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers for irrigation began in 1918, and this action, combined with other factors, has resulted in the Aral Sea now being 60% smaller than its original size. Behind last years the situation has improved somewhat in the northern part of the sea, but the lower part of the sea is essentially abandoned, and it is expected that the remaining waters in this part of the sea will disappear within ten years.

Mountains of Asia

There are several significant mountain ranges in Asia. Some of them will be considered below.

Altai mountains

The Altai Mountains are a mountain range located in East and Central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan meet, and where the Irtysh and Ob rivers originate. Mount Belukha - the highest point Altai mountains(with a height of 4,506 m.).


The Western Ghats are a mountain range located along the western part of India, with an average height of 1,200 m. The Eastern Ghats are a mountain range that runs along east coast India. The highest point is Biligiranga Hills (1552 m.).


The photo on the left is of the Himalayan mountains. In the foreground is the Tibetan Plateau. Everest is visible in the center, Makalu is on the left.
The photo on the right depicts Mount Chogori. Both photos were taken from the ISS. NASA images

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IN South-East Asia many exciting sights and interesting places, such as Magic world coral reefs or breathtaking views of the skyline of Hong Kong, Singapore or Shanghai, but the peaks of the most beautiful mountains stand apart.

1. Mount Doi Luang in Chiang Dao ( Thailand)

Mount Doi Luang Chiang Dao is the highest limestone peak in Thailand and one of the dream destinations for nature lovers and active rest. Mountain located in the reserve wildlife Chiang Dao, has a height of 2195 meters from sea level. The peak is a great place to watch breathtaking scenery over the morning sea of ​​mist. The surrounding highlands are home to rare species of birds and butterflies.

2. Bromo Volcano (Indonesia)

Bromo Volcano, at 3,392 meters high, is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia, with its peak located at East Java on the island of Java and refers to volcanic complex Tengger. Bromo is the most iconic and most popular mountain in Indonesia. It majestically beckons with its sulphurous fumes from the depths of the Earth. Bromo Volcano is still one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and there are areas that are off-limits to tourists. The most beautiful scenery on Bromo will open up to you during sunrise.

3. Mount Apo (Philippines)

The active volcano Apo is located west of the city of Davao on the island of Mindanao. At 2,954 meters above sea level, Mount Apo is the highest peak in the Philippines. It stands covered in a forest of alpine tropical hardwoods. The highlands are home to the rare Philippine eagle and have numerous peaks and valleys, as well as local attractions such as Malasita Falls, Sibulao Lake and Kissinte Hot Springs.

4. Mount Hkakabo Razi (Myanmar)

Hkakabo Razi is considered the most high mountain in Myanmar. With a height of 5,881 meters, it is located at the point of contact between the borders of three states: India, Myanmar and China. The peak is in national park Hkakabo Razi, Myanmar, which is entirely mountainous and is characterized by broadleaf evergreen forests. Even higher, at about 4,600 meters, cold, barren, windy terrain and permanent snow and glaciers predominate. At an altitude of about 5,300 meters there is a large ice cap with several glaciers.

5. Phubia (Laos)

Mount Phubia is the highest peak and the most inaccessible region in Laos. With an altitude of 2,820 meters above sea level, it is part of the Annam mountain range at the southern limit of the Xiangkhouang Plateau in the province of the same name. This area gives spectacular views of the jungle. The climate is cold and the area around the mountain is always cloudy.

6. Fansipan (Vietnam)

Fansipan Peak is located in Lao Cai province in the northwestern region of Vietnam. With a height of 3,143 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain in Indochina. The peak is located 9 kilometers from Sa Pa, a village located on the Hoang Lian Son mountain range.

The majestic Mount Kinabalu is located in the state of Sabain, East Malaysia, or Malaysian Borneo. The mountain is located in Kinabalu Park, this is an object world heritage UNESCO. The peak and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world. Mount Kinabalu boasts many natural attractions, including orangutans, and plant species such as the giant Rafflesia plants.

8. Mount Ihen (Indonesia)

Volcano Ichen located inside a largercalderasIchen, about 20 kilometers wide. Mount Merapi is the highest point of this complex, the name means "mountain of fire" in Indonesian. To the west of Gunung Merapi is the Ikhen volcano, which has a one-kilometer acidcrater lake withturquoise hue, the main attraction of this place.

9. Banaue Rice Terraces (Philippines)

How would you feel traveling over the low mud banks separating the flooded rice fields at over 1,500 meters and reaching the peaks of some peaks? It is priceless to walk through a terraced rice farm that rises to 1,500 meters above sea level. The Paradise Terraces of Banaue in Ifugao, Philippines are recognized for their spaciousness and boundless beauty.

The rice terrace is proof of the engineering ingenuity of ancient people. About 2,000 years ago, the Ifugao indigenous ancestors carved these rice terraces by hand using primitive tools. It is now a World Heritage Site where you can immerse yourself in the culture of the Ifugao Highlands.

10. Mount Rinjani (Indonesia)

Mount Rinjani - active volcano on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. With a height of 3,726 meters, it is the second highest peak in the country. Hiking trip Rinjani is considered one of Indonesia's most popular pastime attractions. Hikers must climb up and then down into the crater to reach the lake at 2,000 meters above sea level.

Mountains have attracted people since ancient times. The history of their research is extremely fascinating. Many people are interested in what is the highest mountain in the world.

The proposed material describes the most famous mountain peaks world, the history of their conquest and interesting moments associated with it.

The European continent is part of the Eurasian continent. Unlike the Asian half, it is not distinguished by such serious mountain peaks.

But there are mountain ranges with peaks that are included in the list of the most significant on Earth. Let's consider in more detail the characteristic notable mountains in Europe.

In Russia greatest height different mountain range of the Caucasus.

The most famous peaks include:

  • Dykhtau- located near the Georgian-Russian border. The summit was first climbed in 1888 by a mixed Swedish-English climbing team.

    It is easy to climb and is always popular with tourists. Height - 5205 m.

  • Elbrus- the highest mountain in the country, formed by an extinct volcanic vent and consists of two peaks united by a bridge.

    The western one exceeds sea level by 5642 m. The first ascent of it was made by an English team in 1874.

  • Tsakhvoa- the most significant and picturesque peak in Sochi. A biosphere reserve has been established here.
  • In Dagestan there are five peaks, some of which exceed sea level by more than four thousand meters.

In addition to the Caucasus, one cannot fail to note the Ural Mountains. This system is older than the previous one, and therefore does not have a serious height.

Ural Mountains, conditionally dissecting Eurasia into two parts of the world, are characterized by large deposits of minerals. From the point of view of climbers, there is nothing remarkable in the Urals.

Altai mountains are located near the Mongolian border and are characterized by stepped landforms with peaked peaks and lake valleys. The height of their peaks does not exceed two thousand meters.

The mountains in the Crimea do not differ in height either. The most famous peak (Roman-Kash) extends 1545 m above sea level.

Eastern Europe is marked by the presence of the following mountains marked on the map:

  • Hoverla, located in Ukraine in the Carpathians, is a popular tourist attraction, with a height of 2061 m. Opening of the first tourist route took place in 1880.

    Part of the Carpathian Range is called the Ugrian Mountains by some local peoples living in Hungary and western Ukraine. The massif is not high, but very picturesque.

  • In Kazakhstan - arrays characterized by high and low mountain areas.

    In the low-mountain, located in the center of the country, the highest point is located at one and a half thousand meters. Alpine are peaks exceeding one and a half thousand meters.

  • In Georgia, Mount Shkhara stands out with a height of 5201 m, representing the central part of the Caucasian massif, on the border with our country.
  • In Bashkortostan, Yamantau is known, representing Southern Urals; characterized by two peaks, Big (1640 m.) and Small (1510 m.).

The following mountains are located on the territory of Western Europe:

  • Mont Blanc- Western European peak (4810 m.) on the border of Italy and France in the western part of the Alpine massif.
  • Dufour (4634 m.)- peak in Swiss and Italian territory. The highest Swiss mountain peak.
  • House (4554 m.)- Swiss mountain, first conquered by the British Davis.
  • Liskamm (4538 m.)- a peak on the border territory of Switzerland and Italy, dangerous with avalanches and nicknamed the cannibal.
  • Weisshorn (4506 m.)- Another Swiss peak, conquered by the British climber John Tyndall.
  • Matterhorn (4478 m.)- also on the border of Switzerland and Italy. During its conquest, four climbers fell into the abyss.
  • Unlike the nearest neighbors, in Germany there are no such high arrays. There are several peaks up to three thousand meters high.
  • In Great Britain there are also several mountain systems, the highest being the Grampian Mountains, representing Scotland.

    The height of some peaks exceeds 1.3 thousand meters from the base.

  • In Greece There are several peaks, the most significant of which is Mount Olympus. It is associated with ancient Greek myths that have come down to us from the deep past of Greece.

    In addition to it, several more peaks are noted, with a height not exceeding three thousand meters.

History of the highest mountains of Asia

The Asian continent is distinguished by the presence of the highest peaks belonging to Himalayan mountains passing through the territory of different countries:

  • Chomolungma (8848 m.). Modern name mountains - Everest, located in China, next to Nepal.

    It is impossible to reach the top of the mountain without the use of special oxygen devices. First conquered in 1853.

  • Chogori (8611 m.)– almost falls short of Everest. Located in the northern territories of Pakistan.
  • Kangchenjunga (8586 m.)- also in the Himalayas, in India, not far from Nepal.
  • Lhotse (8516 m.)- representative of the Tibetan autonomous region, located next to Everest, from which the South Col Pass separates.

    The first time a Swiss expedition climbed the peak was in 1956.

  • Makalu (8485 m.)- Another Himalayan peak, conquered in 1955 by a French team.
  • Himalayan chain In addition to those listed above, it is represented by six more eight-thousanders belonging to India, Pakistan and China.
  • In Japan the famous peak is Mount Fujiyama of volcanic origin, which does not reach four thousand meters.

    Thanks to its close-to-ideal conical shape, this is a cult object on the island of Honshu, a place of worship for pilgrims of the Buddhist and Shinto religions.

  • In Australia no presence of high mountain ranges, but they are as peculiar as the continent itself.

    The height of the Western Australian Plateau does not exceed five hundred meters. The mainland is separated by a chain, four thousand kilometers long.

    One part of it is called the Australian Alps, it is the highest system on the continent, some peaks of which barely exceed two thousand meters.

In addition to those listed, there are mountain systems in other parts of the world.

In Africa, unlike Asia, there are no such high mountains. Known for Kilimanjaro, whose name translates as "sparkling mountain", is located in Tanzania, the height is nine hundred meters.

IN North America interesting massif of the Cordeliers. Most of it is located in the USA, but also passes through Canada and Mexico.

The ridge is located along the western part of the American continent, the length is over six hundred and fifty kilometers. The top of Robson, which is part of the part called rocky mountains, rises to 3954 m.

IN South America this massif continues with the Andes. This is the longest mountain range on Earth, the length is nine thousand kilometers, it is marked by an average height of four thousand meters.

The highest peak - Aconcagua (almost seven thousand meters) - is located in Argentina.

In Antarctica there are several mountain ranges. The height of the Vinson massif reaches 4892 m.

TOP 10 highest mountains in the world

Here is a list of the 10 highest peaks in the world in the table, listed in descending order:

Photos of these peaks can be easily found on the Internet.

Interesting fact! In the above list, the highest peaks represent the Himalayas - the most significant mountain system in the world.

The highest mountain in the world - what is the name, what height, climbing stories

As already noted, the most big mountain on the planet - Chomolungma. Any climber dreams of climbing it, but not everyone can boast of it.

Almost three hundred climbers and Sherpas died during the ascent to the top. Up to seven thousand successful expeditions were recorded, in which more than four thousand people participated.

The first attempt was made in 1921 and ended in failure. Success was achieved by Italian climbers only in 1953.

As you can see, there are many peaks on the planet that pose difficult tasks for a person.

But, conquering the mountain peaks, people, overcoming multiple difficulties, temper their character and improve themselves. Only a purposeful person will succeed in conquering the mountains.

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Continental Asia is the dream of climbers all over the world. Almost all of its territory consists of mountains and plateaus. Here are the highest mountain systems of the planet. The mountains of Asia excite the imagination and attract attention. I would like to talk about them a little more.


Himalayas - powerful mountain range, which is the highest on Earth. The history of the formation of this mountain system has tens of millions of years. There are seven-thousanders and eight-thousanders here. Suffice it to say that all over the world there are only 14 peaks higher than 8 thousand meters, and 10 of them are located in these places. And most high place planets - Chomolungma, also here. The second name of this grandiose peak is Everest. Its height is 8848 m.

Asia attracts a lot of extreme sports. It can be assumed that the conquest of Everest for them is the main goal of life. Its slopes have become the last refuge of many climbers who have not reached the summit of Asia and the entire planet. For the first time, Chomolungma submitted to man in 1953, and since that time the flow of those wishing to set foot on the top of the world has not dried up.

The southern slopes of the Himalayas are constantly under the influence of monsoons and abound in precipitation. Northern slopes in the zone of cold and dry continental climate.


This mountain system is located on the territory of several states. Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan and India are the countries through which the mountain range passes. The highest point of the Pamirs is Kongur Peak. To visit it, you have to go to China. The height of Kognur is 7649 meters above sea level.

The Pamirs can boast of three more seven-thousanders. today renamed as Ismail Samani peak. The height of the peak is 7495 m.

Lenin Peak is now the peak of Abu Ali ibn Sina. The height of the peak is 7134 m. The name of this peak immortalized the name of the greatest healer of antiquity - Avicenna.

Peak Korzhenevskaya. The greatest declaration of love! The summit with a height of 7105 m was discovered in 1910 by the Russian geographer Korzhenevsky and named after his wife and constant companion in the most difficult travels and expeditions - Evgenia Korzhenevskaya.

The climate of the Pamirs is sharply continental. The winters here are very cold and short summer. The mountains of Asia, in principle, abound in glaciers, and the Pamirs are no exception. The largest glacier in the Pamirs is named after the great geographer and explorer Fedchenko. It was opened in 1928.


It would be a mistake to describe the mountains of Asia without talking about the Karakorum. In this system, an eight-thousander was formed, quite a bit yielding to the highest peak in the world. The name of this peak is Dapsang, and its height is 8611 m. The average height of this mountain system exceeds 6000 meters. Most of the passes are located at altitudes from 4500 to 5800 m. The Karakorum range consists of crystalline rocks, slates and various types of marble. The largest glaciers in Asia are also located here.

Tien Shan and Kunlun

These outstanding mountain systems are also among the highest in the world. Tien Shan passes through five countries. Its name is translated from Chinese as "heavenly mountains". A large number of the peaks of this ridge are located above the mark of 6000 meters. highest peak The Tien Shan is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and is called Pobeda Peak. Its height is 7440 m.

Kunlun is the longest mountain range in Asia. Its length is more than 2700 km. BUT highest point systems - Mount Aksai-Chin, whose height is 7167 m. The name of the entire system is translated as "moon mountains".

This is only part of the answer to the question of which mountains are the highest in Asia. A complete list of Asian mountain systems consists of several dozen names. So for people curious in this direction there is still a lot of interesting information.