The main city on the island of Java. Resorts of Indonesia

Java is one of the Indonesian islands. In the north, it is washed by the Java Sea, and the Indian Ocean in the south. the island is 1000 kilometers long. On the north side, the closest island is Borneo, on the east, Christmas Island, and on the west, Sumatra. More than half of Indonesians live in Java. Here is the capital of this island state -.

There are only two seasons on the island: in winter, from October to February, it rains, while the humidity sometimes reaches almost 100%, and the rest of the time, in summer, it is sunny and warm. The air temperature is almost the same, within 27-35 degrees. Thanks to this feature, thousands of tourists come here to relax and get to know the natural wonders and culture of Java.

The history of Indonesia is closely connected with the island: in the Middle Ages, it was on Java that the Majapahit empire flourished, the ancient states of Demak and Mataram were born here, and later Java became the center of the colonial East India Company. In addition, it was here that the struggle for freedom and independence unfolded in the middle of the last century.
Today Java is a major economic, cultural and political center of the state.

How to get to Java island

There are several airports on the island, so you can get here from anywhere in the world. The ports also accept ships and ferries.
The most accessible and common form of transport is buses, which are ideal for both short trips around the city and longer trips around the island. If you wish, you can rent a car, especially since the quality of local roads is not inferior to European ones. There is also a railway, which is recognized as the best in Indonesia.

Java island nature

The island is famous for its unique nature: a chain of volcanoes stretches along its entire length, many of them extinct, but about 30 active, are a unique sight. Gorgeous landscapes give way to equally impressive beaches, and the jungle gives way to gushing hot springs.
The third part of the island is covered with impenetrable jungle. Interestingly, only in Java are there such species of animals as the Javanese leopard, Javanese pig, green peacock.

Java landmarks

A huge number of historical relics from different eras have been preserved on the island. Thanks to the unique layering of religions, which can be found only here, many sanctuaries, mosques and palaces are scattered throughout the territory.
The most developed and popular with tourists are Jakarta, Surabaya, Jogyakarta.

Jakarta has a unique look. Here Islamic, European, Hindu and Buddhist cultures are intertwined, which is reflected in the architectural and historical appearance of the city. Town Square Taman Fatahila is surrounded by ancient palaces: the National Historical Museum, which contains exhibits related to the thousands of years of history of the island, the Chikken Market Bridge, the old city port of Sunda Kelapa. You should definitely visit Medan Merdek - the square on which there is a monument symbolizing the struggle for independence. Its top is covered with 35 kg of pure gold, and at the very top it is built observation deck, which offers a beautiful panorama of the city and the impressive surroundings. The Chinese region has the most ancient temple in the city of Jinge Yuan. Another favorite place for tourists is the “Mini-Indonesia” park.

In addition, there are endless beaches and azure warm sea. Many hotels have been erected on the coast and all conditions have been created for an unforgettable vacation.
The world's largest zoo, Ragunan, is located not far from Jakarta.
The place was chosen by both tourists and Javanese who like to have picnics here.
Surobaya is one of the largest cities in Indonesia. In addition to numerous museums and temples, it is worth visiting the reserves of Meru Metiri and Baluran.
Not far from the capital is Bogora - one of the most popular mountain resorts in the country. The most interesting for acquaintance are the presidential residence of Sokarno, which has its own zoological museum, and the palace of the Dutch governor of the East Indies, and a botanical garden-park Kebun Raya.
There's another one high on the island mountain resort amazing beauty - Bandung. Jalan Chiham-Pelas and Dago are especially popular; shops and offices are located on these streets. Outside the city are the beaches of Karang Bolong and Anyer.
The city of Jogya, or Jogyakarta, is famous for temples from different times and cultures. The huge Muslim architectural complex Sultansky Kraton, Taman-Sari Castle, Sono Badoyo Historical Museum are the main attractions.

South of Jogya, 45 km away, there is the architectural complex Borobudur Stupa - the largest Buddhist structure, which is a pyramid encircled in a spiral by a many kilometers road, symbolizing the spiritual beginning.
Between Jogyakarta and the town of Solo, there is another ancient Hindu masterpiece that deserves attention -. The most popular temples are Chandi Sari, Chandi Sevu and Chandi Kalasan.

Landscapes and volcanoes

There are picturesque tea plantations in the vicinity; hot underground springs operate in Chiater and Maribaya. It is worth visiting the Dago waterfall, the Tangkuban Perahu volcano.
There are many natural parks and reserves on the island. Alas Purvo is endless mangrove forests, exotic animal world and beaches lined with palm trees.
An hour's drive from the city of Bogor there is another nature reserve- Gunung Halimun. It is famous for the fact that Javanese gibons are found only here.
Bromo Tengger Semeru is a kind of visiting card of Indonesia, thanks to its unique landscapes.

Of course, volcanoes are of great interest from vacationers. The most famous and picturesque are Bromo, Semeru, Merapi. In the center of the island, Bleduk Kuvu attracts tourists - a volcano splashing mud and steam.
In all the picturesque corners of the island, both group and individual excursions... Moreover, very often locals gladly, for a small fee, they undertake to acquaint tourists with the sights.
And, of course, it is worth buying souvenirs: masks, carved utensils, paintings. Handmade pearl products are very popular, besides, they are relatively inexpensive here.

Kitchen on the island of Java

The kitchen is famous for its large amount of rice and legumes, a variety of vegetables and exotic fruits. In small cafes with low prices, you can enjoy local dishes, taste ginger tea and Tuak beer. Although, there are quite unusual dishes, for example, pies from the silted land, which are considered very useful here. As in all of Southeast Asia, you can taste many rice dishes here.

Vacation in Java in winter is especially popular; it is a great way to escape from frost, combining relaxation on the seashore with excursions to exotic corners of the island.

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Java considered one of the largest and most famous islands. This picturesque piece of land, about 1000 km long, has rich history, an impressive number of cultural attractions, incredible natural beauty, many temples and shrines, as well as more than a hundred majestic volcanoes stretching along the coast in a continuous series.


According to its administrative structure, the island is divided into 6 provinces, including Banten, West, Central and East Java, as well as Jakarta and Yogyakarta, which have the status of districts. Each of them is formed from cities and settlements, and the main administrative center of the island is the capital of the whole country - the city. The main sectoral areas here are industry, agriculture and tourism, which brings significant profits to the treasury of the entire state. One of the symbols of Java is coffee - Kopi Luwak, grown on the local plantations.

In total, about 30% of the entire surface of the island is covered with jungle, which in many ways serves as a reason for eco-tourism lovers to come here to enjoy the beauty of the rainforest, making a fascinating journey along hiking trails to its most mysterious corners. Java is also extremely popular with fans of diving, diving into the waters of the Java Sea on the one hand and the depths of the Indian Ocean, on the other, in order to admire the diversity of the underwater world of these places. The ethnic composition of the population here is quite diverse and is formed from a number of nationalities, including Banten, Sundanese, Javanese, Chinese and representatives of other countries and races. Islam acts as the dominant religion, although there are adherents of other religious confessions, including Christians, admirers of Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism and other faiths. The languages ​​spoken are Javanese, Madurian, Indonesian, Sundanese and English.

general information

The area of ​​Java is 132 thousand square meters. km, with a population of about 140 million people. In terms of population density, the island confidently ranks first in the world. His highest point has 3676 meters above sea level. Time is 4-5 hours ahead of Moscow time, depending on the specific location of a particular city. Time zone UTC + 7, UTC + 8. Indonesia does not switch to daylight saving time and earth time.

A brief excursion into history

During the Middle Ages, Java played an important role in the political, cultural and religious life of Indonesia. From 1293 to the beginning of the 16th century, the Majapahit empire existed here, during the reign of which the country reached its highest prosperity. After its collapse, the Sultanate of Demak became the most powerful state on the island, and in the 17th century, Dutch colonization began, during which the Batavia district arose, later renamed Jakarta. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the islanders began an active struggle for the independence of Indonesia, which ended with the proclamation of this status in 1945, after the surrender of Japan.


Java has a humid tropical climate with two distinct seasons. It rains from November to February, and the rest of the year is dominated by dry, sunny weather. The air temperature is not subject to serious changes and throughout the 12 months it fluctuates between +26 - +32 degrees. You can come here at any time period, and only an earthquake or a volcanic eruption can interfere with a pleasant rest, which, incidentally, is not such a rarity here.

How to get there

Major airports accepting flights from other parts and countries of the world are located in several cities of the island, including Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta. From here, the most convenient flight with a transfer to. Ferries to the ports of Jakarta, Banten, Surabaya and East Java follow the waterways.


Buses are the most common means of transportation within the island. In addition, there is a good rail link. Car rental is frankly cheap, but tourists are not recommended to drive on local roads on their own, due to the peculiarities of the rules road traffic and their interpretation by local drivers.

Major cities

The capital, home to over 9 million people, serves as the most important economic, industrial and cultural center of all Indonesia. This colorful city is located on the northwestern coast of Java and, with a host of interesting sights, combines luxury and poverty, wealth and poverty. The glamorous skyscrapers of the center contrast sharply with the dilapidated slums on the outskirts, and the well-groomed and tidy courtyards of the elite mansions do not fit in with the dirty streets, where the asphalt has not been changed for several decades. Due to its low location relative to sea level, the city is prone to floods, which, however, has not yet greatly affected its turbulent life, which does not subside either day or night. There are many museums, palaces, temples, mosques, as well as hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and entertainment venues. There are parks, the National Gallery of Art, a planetarium, a zoo, and a number of sports facilities.

One of best places for recreation in Java, the city of Bogor is considered, where the Sokarno presidential palace with the Zoological Museum and the world famous Botanical Garden Kebun-Raya, with many exotic plants. The second largest city in the country, after Jakarta, is the important industrial center of Surabaya, on the territory and in the vicinity of which there are the Baluran and Meru-Metiri reserves, as well as active volcano Bromo, 2400 meters above sea level. In the area of ​​the mountain resort of Bandung, the Tangkuban Praia volcano and the Situpatengang Lake attract attention. The city of Yogyakarta, which has unique architectural sights, is of great tourist interest. Among the others major cities Cirebon and Serang in Banten can be distinguished. There are many other interesting cities and towns on the island, each of which has its own history.


Java's coastline abounds sandy beaches, but not all of them are suitable for swimming. In the western part of the island, not far from the city of Bandung, there are Karang Bolong and Anyer beaches, characterized by a gentle entrance to the water and marvelous landscapes. On the same side of the island is the resort village of Pagandaran, with a rich flora and fauna. There are good beaches in the east and in the Yogyakarta district, but the metropolitan area is not very good for beach pleasures due to the increased pollution of the coastline.

Attractions and entertainment

One of the main architectural structures of Java is the Buddhist stupa Borobudur, which is the most important element of the entire temple complex surrounding the shrine. This place is included in the list of the brightest architectural and historical monuments of UNESCO and belongs to the world heritage sites. An impressive proportion of other interesting attractions are located in the capital Jakarta. National quarters, unique buildings of the bygone years, Taman-Fatahila square in the Kota region, the charming Chinese district of Glodak with the oldest temple in the city - Jine-Yuan, all this creates a unique flavor and makes you sincerely admire the capital of the island. The historical museum of Jakarta, the stunning Chicken Market Bridge, the famous old Si-Iago cannon, the Wayang Museum of Puppets and Ritual Accessories, as well as a great many other outstanding structures, museums and monuments are worthy of special attention here. For children, the Ragunan Zoo, the Taman Mini overall park, which characterizes Indonesia in miniature, the Water Palace and beautiful park rest - Jaya Ankol. Adults are advised to visit the Taman-Ismail-Marzuki cultural and entertainment complex.

In the vicinity of Bandung, there are volcanic hot springs in Chiatera, a grand safari park, picturesque tea plantations in Punchak and national park Pendant. Hikers are encouraged to take the route to the Maribaya hot springs, surrounded by majestic volcanic landscapes. Yogyakarta boasts an exquisite palace complex called the Sultan Kraton with the Taman Sari water palace, the Agastya art institute, as well as the Sono Badoyo and Benteng Vredeburg museums. Between it and the city of Solo, flaunts the largest Hindu temple complex in Java - Prambanan, which annually receives thousands of pilgrims. There are practically no uninteresting cities on the island. Each square kilometer of the island's space contains the history, culture and traditions of entire peoples, so a trip to Java simply cannot but be fascinating.


Vegetables, seafood, chicken, beef and rice are traditional ingredients in the island's restaurants, cafes and eateries. Popular drinks include freshly squeezed sugarcane juices, ginger tea, tuak beer brewed from palm flowers, and local palm vodka called arak.


In the shops and shopping malls of local cities, visitors are invited to purchase a variety of goods, from clothing and footwear, to jewelry and the latest electronic developments. Prices, in most cases, surprise with their affordability, so shopping on the island can be a real pleasure for even the most economical shoppers.

Java is an amazing combination of natural beauty and the benefits of modern civilization. The majestic volcanoes towering over the tropical jungle are side by side with skyscrapers of glass and concrete, and ancient temples look harmoniously against the backdrop of white beaches and evergreen palms. A stay on this exotic island allows true travelers to get into the spirit South-East Asia, and get a complete picture of the mysterious, spread out in the distant expanses of our planet, somewhere between the Pacific and Indian oceans.

central stupa


Another unique temple complex, Prambanan, is located 18 km east of Yogyakarta. It is believed that this Buddhist shrine was built in the 10th century. In the first half of the last century, the restoration was carried out by the efforts of Dutch scientists. Especially popular with tourists is the Prambanan Temple - a 47 m high structure, consisting of four tiers, made in the form of concentric square platforms.

There are smaller temples around. The walls of the temples are decorated with bas-reliefs based on scenes from the Ramayana. A visit to the Prambanan complex for foreigners is paid - $ 15. A beautiful green alley leads to the complex. Although the main restoration phase is over, there are piles of stones everywhere. Excavation and restoration work continues.


In the east of Java is Surabaya - one of the main ports in Indonesia, the second largest city.

For most tourists, it is a “staging post” on the way to Sulawesi and Bali. However, Sarabaya has its merits. Here you can experience a charming mixture of old and modern. Noteworthy is the Masjid al Akbar Surabaya - a majestic mosque in the Arab quarter, the height of which is 65 m. Taking an elevator to its upper part, you can admire Surabaya from a bird's eye view.

You should definitely see the Suramada suspension bridge, which connects Fr. Java from about. Madura. Its length is 5.5 km, width - 32 m, height - 35 m.


Human nature is such that danger is both frightening and fascinating at the same time. The volcanoes of Indonesia attract a huge number of tourists who want to see natural beauty and power active volcanoes... On about. Java has more than 35 active volcanoes, and the island itself is also of volcanic origin. Each of them is famous for something: Merapi - activity, Semeru - height, Krakatoa - destruction, Kava Ijen - sulfur lake, Tangkuban - accessibility.

In the east, about. Java is home to the beautiful Bromo volcano, one of the most active in the world and the most visited in Indonesia. A formidable volcano, whose height is 2329 m, among the surreal alien landscape from time to time, puffs of smoke are released. Tourists come here to meet the sunrise in order to watch the miracle of nature in the early morning.

volcano bromo

The next in the popularity rating is the Kawah Ijen volcano, with an altitude of 2400 m. It is famous for its unique emerald lake located inside the crater - the largest acid lake in the world, containing sulfuric acid instead of water. In the daytime, a white haze swirls over it, and at night, tongues of blue flame appear.

Sulfur collectors work in the crater of the volcano, mining pieces of sulfur on the shores of the lake in very harmful and dangerous conditions. The temperature on the surface of the lake is about 60 ° C, and at the bottom - 200 ° C. Despite the unusual and frightening beauty, the crater of the Kawa Ijen volcano and the lake are used not so much to attract tourists as for the extraction of sulfur. In this case, manual inhuman labor is used.

The active volcano Tangkuban is a popular tourist attraction. Perhaps its fame was facilitated by its easy accessibility - you can get to the top of Tangkuban by car along a specially built convenient road. The height of the volcano is 2000 m, its hollow outwardly resembles an inverted boat, as the name says - Tangkuban Prau.

The main crater constantly reminds of activity, emitting volcanic gases. The relatively small lower crater is filled with hot springs and steam. Tourists can walk around the main crater of the Tangkuban volcano, see it from all sides. The ubiquitous merchants here sell souvenirs and pieces of sulfur from stalls.

Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon is located in the southwest of about. Java. It includes the Ujung-Kulon peninsula, as well as the group of islands of volcanic origin Krakatau. The third part of the park is occupied by the sea. The places here are very picturesque, especially on the part of the land, where unique low-mountainous rainforests.

The flora and fauna of Ujung Kulon is well preserved due to the fact that the surviving residents left this area after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Since then, the volcano has become much lower. Several years ago, 6 km from this place, a young volcano became active, and smoke smokes over it from time to time. The Ujung Kulon Park is home to the rarest species of animals, in particular, the Javanese rhinoceroses.

Entrance tickets to Ujung Kulon are sold at the office, which is located near the village of Taman Jaya. Here you can rent a boat, hire a guide. You can sunbathe on luxurious beaches or exercise hiking trip into the jungle to look at the rich natural world Ujung Kulon. The best option is a three-day trek through the park to explore the area. Organized individual tours- rest with fishing, snorkeling and spearfishing in the coastal waters of Ujung-Kulon. Tourists are provided with a boat with a crew and Russian guides.

Karimunjava Archipelago

In the northern direction from the central part of Java in the Java Sea is the Karimundjava archipelago, which is a marine national park of Indonesia. Its main attraction is pristine nature with coral reefs and deserted white beaches. The unique archipelago includes 27 islands, of which only 5 are inhabited. The wealthy inhabitants of Indonesia love to visit the islands of the Karimunjava archipelago for the purpose of a resort vacation.

The archipelago is popular with surfing and diving enthusiasts. Coral reefs are right off the coast inhabited islands, therefore, novice drivers do not need to rent a boat. A mask and a snorkel are enough for them to explore the coastal bottom right from the beach. More experienced scuba divers go to the uninhabited islands of the Karimunjava archipelago as part of excursions, or by agreeing with fishermen to rent a boat. Underwater world in the waters of the Java Sea is very diverse. There are 250 species of fish, about 90 species of coral.

The largest island has the same name as the archipelago - Karimunjava, but the abbreviated name Karimun is more often used. It has main city Karimun, which is the capital of the entire Karimunjava archipelago. From this port city northbound the road goes ending with a bridge. Long bridge connects the main island with the neighboring one, which is called Kemujan. On these two islands there are campgrounds, hotels, dive centers, restaurants, boat rentals. By renting a boat for $ 40, you can go around several deserted neighboring islands in one day.

The landscape of about. Karimun is represented by green hills covered with tropical forests. There are over 30 species of mangrove trees alone. The islanders especially revere a rare breed - the Devadara. They believe that an amulet made from this tree prolongs life, protects the house, and heals from snake bites. Amulets and other items from Devadaru are the most popular souvenirs that tourists bring from Karimunjava.

Beaches about. Karimun is quiet and secluded. The free Nirvana Beach is located near the town of Karimun. It looks very beautiful - palm trees by the coast, white sand, turquoise water, but swimming here is problematic. The coast is very shallow and there are corals in the water. At Tanjung Gelam Beach, a 30-minute bike ride from the main city of the Karimunjawa archipelago, swimming is much more comfortable and the nature is just as amazing. The entrance is paid - 1 thousand rupees, there are varungs with Indonesian food. The most beautiful beach the island is considered Pantai Anora.

The Karimunjava archipelago has its own airport on the island. Karimun, where small planes arrive several times a week, making flights from Semarang, the port city ( north coast O. Java). From here you can get by speedboat to the islands of Karimun and Kemujan. It is better to come to the islands of the archipelago during the dry season, which lasts here from late April to October. Public transport no, so it is better to rent a scooter.

Java island on the map of Indonesia

Java island map detailed

Tourist map of Central Java

Tourist map of West Java

Tourist map of East Java

Java Map

Java on the world map is located in the Java Sea, which washes its northern coast. From the south, the island has access to Indian Ocean... As will show geographic map Java, the length of the island from west to east is almost a thousand kilometers. This largest island in Indonesia, where the country's capital Jakarta is located.

Any map of Java will demonstrate that about a third of its territory is occupied by rainforests and jungles. The island is administratively divided into six regions. Java detailed map contains provinces such as Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Jakarta and Yogyakarta districts.

Natural attractions are represented on the island by nature reserves and numerous volcanoes. A map of Java in Russian will help you find the most famous hills of Krakatoa and Mont Brom. It is noteworthy that the last time Krkatau, located not on the island itself, but between it and Sumatra, erupted in 2008.

Create the best route and find everything interesting places the island will help a map of Java with attractions from Arrivo.

Java is one of the most famous islands in the Indonesian archipelago. There, among hundreds of volcanoes and spectacular landscapes of the Dieng Plateau, a wide variety of examples of equatorial flora and fauna are presented, many temples, sanctuaries, mosques and palaces have been preserved, as well as original folk crafts flourish - batik, work on silver and gold, arms business.

Despite the fact that Java is the fifth largest island in Indonesia, more than 65% of the country's population lives on it, about 130 million people. Java is the most populous island in the world.

How to get to Java

You can fly to the island by plane, there are quite a few major airports hosting both local and international flights- in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Solo and Yogyakarta. The local aircraft Garuda, Merpati and Lion Air, as well as AirAsia, Cathay Pacific, JAL, etc. regularly land here. It is most convenient to arrive from Moscow on a regular basis via Dubai.

You can even get to Java by water. Ferries arrive in Jakarta from North Sumatra and West Kalimantan, Surabaya from South Sulawesi and Madura, Banten from South Sumatra, and East Java from Bali.

Search for flights to Jakarta (closest airport to Java)


Now the infrastructure in Java is considered the best in Indonesia, and there should be no problems with transport. However, do not forget about the density of the population and you need to be prepared for huge crowds during rush hours.

Buses are the most convenient and cheapest form of transport in Java, which is equally well suited for small trips around the city, and for moving from one end of the island to the other. The fare is from 2000 to 5000 IDR. Train tickets are slightly more expensive, but also railways here are the best in the country.

The toll roads on the island are almost as good as those in Europe, and travel on them costs very little, so if you have a license, it will be quite convenient to rent a car. However, there are few signs on the roads, and local motorists have an extremely self-destructive driving style. If you are not completely confident in your abilities, you can pay a little extra and, in addition to the car, get a personal driver.

Java maps

Weather in Java

Java has a tropical climate and there are almost no noticeable temperature changes throughout the year. Only two seasons are pronounced on the island - from November to February it rains here, and the rest of the time it is dry. Humidity throughout the island is quite high - usually 75-95%, and the temperature is kept at the level of +26 ... + 29 ° С all year round.

You can visit Java absolutely at any time - absolutely nothing happens to the climate here that could interfere with a pleasant stay. See also the current weather forecast in the capital of Java, Jakarta, for 10 days.

Popular hotels in Java


In general, Java's cuisine is quite adapted to European tastes and is considered the most non-exotic in all of Indonesia. The main ingredients of the local dishes are vegetables, legumes, chicken, beef and rice, which are found in most of the recipes. In addition, a wide variety of fresh fruits are consumed on the island in huge quantities. The tastiest and most traditional food can be found (as is usually the case) in small cafes, which are quite low prices and most of the visitors are locals.

However, there are also extremely unusual recipes here. For example, in the village of Tuban, located in East Java, pies are made from the ground. They use silty soil from rice fields and are considered extremely healthy. True, local residents usually refrain from commenting on their taste.

The most popular drinks are juice made from sugar cane, ginger tea, tuak beer made from palm flowers, and a local palm vodka called arak.

Guides in Java

Java entertainment and attractions

Jakarta, the capital and the most Big city Indonesia, located on the northwest coast of Java. This city is an original mixture of numerous buildings of the 17th and 18th centuries, canals and many national quarters, each of which has its own unique appearance. One of the centers of the old city is Taman-Fatahil Square in the Kota district, surrounded by old buildings overlooking the canal bank. Nearby are the Historical Museum of Jakarta, the ancient Si-Yago cannon, the Wayang Museum of Dolls and Ritual Accessories, the Chicken Market Bridge, the ancient port of Sunda Kelapa and the Glodak Chinese district with the oldest temple in the city of Jinge Yuan. The second recognized center of the capital is Medan-Merdeka Square (Freedom Square) with a 132-meter National Monument, the National Museum of Indonesia with unique historical and ethnological collections, the Museum national history and the Museum of the Institute of Indonesian Culture.

Children (and not only children) will be interested in the famous Ragunan zoo in the south of the city, the Taman-Mini (Mini-Indonesia) park of colossal richness of expositions, the Water Palace, the Taman-Ismail- cultural and entertainment complex. Marzuki ", as well as the largest and most popular recreation park in Jakarta" Jaya Ankol ".

In the city of Bogor, located near the capital, which has long been considered one of the best mountain climatic resorts in the country, the summer presidential palace of Sokarno with the Zoological Museum, the former residence of the Governor General of the Netherlands East Indies and the world famous Kebun Raya botanical garden are interesting.

In the south of the island, 42 km north-west of Yogyakarta, there is a unique monument of medieval Indonesian art - the Borobudur Stupa.

In the west of the island, the mountain resort of Bandung is interesting, with many museums, the Dago waterfall, the picturesque surroundings of the Tangkuban Praia volcano and Lake Situpatenngang. In the vicinity of the city, the prestigious beaches of Anyer and Karang Bolong, hot volcanic springs in Chiater, tea plantations in Punchak, a mountain safari park, as well as the Kulon National Park and Maribaya hot springs, surrounded by volcanic landscapes, attract attention. They are considered the best trekking destinations in the country.

Yogyakarta attracts attention with the huge palace complex "Sultansky Kraton" with the "water castle" Taman Sari, the Crafts Center of Jakarta and the Art Institute "Agastya", the museums "Sono-Badoyo" and "Benteng-Vredeburg".

In the south of the island, 42 km north-west of Yogyakarta, there is a unique monument of medieval Indonesian art - the Borobudur Stupa ("monastery on the mountain" or "temple of a thousand Buddhas"). The five-kilometer "Processional Road" spirals around the majestic structure, symbolizing perfection and the path of cognition of the spiritual principle in man. It is the largest Buddhist monument in the southern hemisphere.

There is another architectural masterpiece on the island - the ancient Prambanan temple, located between the cities of Yogyakarta and Solo, the largest Hindu temple complex in Java.

Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. In the immediate vicinity of its industrial areas, there are the best attractions of the local nature: the reserves "Baluran" and "Meru-Metiri", as well as the active volcano Bromo, located at an altitude of 2400 m above sea level.